a FE mince GARDINER"S 151 Wellington Street. The vicar of Turley, England, olared the other day that unless mo- f sing of rite . me a: by OL oI 1 was a year of unequalled Ris ho a year of tremen- 5 t making by railways. Forty. Hine Ralirasd com hey Hated Yond Xd from twelve Joading syHt- of ons. Of new securities the w Railrosd = Com insmod besides $15.000, by She rivania Sunpany 30.000 Long Island fiatirond, all in 'the Ivanin system : New York Cegtral \ 000 and its Lake Shore $10. 000,000 ; Sq Fe, fhe i dro ;. Union Pacific, $1 A Y - Terminal, $47,000,000 ; haat it or viand Wai ), 74.484 000 : Rock Island systein, $10.000,000 ; Atlantic Coast Line, $35,000,000. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. A well attended meeting of the econ- tion of St. Luke's church, was Kod Wednesday evening to further dis- 0 and R. olds have been ap- Salbmck o Rei the drawing of the cost of a proposed The addition will Hiely be a straight hall about filty feet long, to wie of the church, with a seating capacity, for three hundred. The hall the Sunday school and the holding of meetings and en- tertainments and' is not to cost more than 82,000, as the congregation do not wish to take a further financial plunge, VOTERS' APPEAL COURT Some Names Struck of and The court of registration sat this morning and this afternoon, to hear against certain voters. The re- sult was as follows : . J kenge, Frederick Clark, Henry Jones, Appeals against James Plunkett, J. M. Grey, Nartin Doyle and Joseph Fournier were withdrawn and they re main on the list. William Murphy and Sherinan Caver- ly remain on list, A Late Order. A most important order respecting the ipstruction of officers at the Royal Military College has just been isstied. It is that in future, unless special wuthority to the contrary is obtained from headquarters, all offi- | cera authorized to be atta for | instruction (to any of the schools) fos | a long course, must pass the required examination at the school of instruc. tion to which they are attached be- fore thev will be permitted to proceed to the Royal Military College to com- plete the long course. This is a new order, but those who are qualified to judge say it is a most salutary one, Thursday Market. Today's market was somewhat of an improvement over that of Tuesday, A though somewhat slim in attendance. Few housckeepers turned out and the prices took a slight drop from Sa- turday. Eggs sold at 30c. and 35¢. a dozen; principally at the shaper price. Butter was 22. to 25c. a bh. Fowl 'keep at good prices, selling at 80e, 10-81 a pair; chickens, 50c. to 80c. a pair; turkeys, 124c. to le. a lb. Meat prices remain the same. Vege: tables are plentiful and in but little demand to-day. de- cars were barred Irom the public -- > ighways and confined to tracks of For prompt delivery, phone 230, own there would be a serious | Gibson's Red Cross Drig Store, for the people. drug wants, applications of Peck's Corn Pure Castile soap, large bars, 25c., fll cure hard or soft corns. In | at Best's Drug Store, at Wade's Drug Store, Queen's Glee Club concert, Jan. 23rd. 4 SUIT SALE $16 AND $18 Now Going On ke Advantage Of It ment, Wil show | ~Lowdon, Jan. 18. Retina Fecuived, Under-- Liberal Sweep Goes on. to-day, show the liberals have made gains at Kendal, Eastbourne, Abing- don, the west division of Stafford shire, St. Ives, Sleaford, Guilford, the south division of Dorest, Woodbridge, Suntlerland, Warwick, Ramsey and Banbury, The conservatives have gained one seat, that of St. Albans, The standing of the parties up to date is as follows : Liberals, 186; conservatives, 74; conservative free traders, 3; laborites, 29: nationalists, The first reports from the agricul- tural districts are inclutled in the re- turns, They show striking liberal triumphs in all parte of England, and prove that the agriculturalists are strongly in favor of free trade. Even Henry Champlin, the oldest agri- eultural ch ion of protection, was defeated at Sleaford, although it was -~ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, ------ - .i Newsy Paragraphs Pizked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. How do you like our new winter? The man behind the shovel had his innings shit morming ! Buy Bovril at Gidson's Red Drug Store, It's fresh there. For smarting or burning eves, usc Dr. Thomas' eye water; 25c., at Hoge » Queen's Glee Club concert, Gran Hall, Jan, 28rd. Prices 25¢c., 35¢., 50c. Charles Storms left a pass book in the Whig, which he can have by call- ing. 2 A vigorous letter from Ald. D. A. Givens on the late civic insurance will be published to-morrow. 'This afternoon the civic finance com- mittee was called to meet to consider the "cancellation of the city's insur- Cross ance. "Family bulb syringes." It pays to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Try Snowflake Baking Powder for successful cooking. - Sold only at Best's, 25¢. . The steamer New Island Wanderer wint to Cape Vincent this afternoon, by way of the river. The ice has cy- erywhere disappeared, The flags on vessels all along the harbor front are flying at hali-mast, out of respect to the memory of the late C. F. Gildersleeve. thought it would be img to defeat him. William 8t. John Bro- derick, who had the posts of minister of war and secretary 'of state for ! India, in the recent cabinet, was de- | feated in the Guilford division of Surrey, by 800 votes. In the last election his majority was more than 2,200. -- IT 1S INSOLVENT. -------- Statement Made By a Company's Vice-Psesident. Toronto, Jan. 18.~The motion to set avide the winding-up order in the case of the Henderson Roller Bearing company; came up again, in Osgoode | Hall, to-day, and was enlarged till Monday. G. FP. Marter, M.P.P., vice president of the company, made a ' statement to the court, in which he said the company was -absolutely in- solvent. He said that nearly $25,111 that had been paid in, had gone out owing to loss in manufacturing, The manager, A. E. Henderson, received a! salary of $300 a month, but devoted his entire time to selling shares, on which he received a commission of ten per cent, The Toronto Roller Bear- ing company had taken $400,000 in cash, and $100,000 in stock in the rRon company for its rights in Canada. Replying to Mr. Marter, Mr. Henderson said he was | amazed at the abject ignorance shown by that gentleman of the affairs' of the company. He denied that the com- pany was insolvent, and said that when the unpaid calls were received, the company would be able to meet all liabilities. The case was then en: larged. patent | a SENT At the Death of a 'Valued * Friend. | Toronto, Jan. 18.~The Niagara Frontier Rate Committee, which was in session at King Edward Hotel, to- day, having received telegraphic ad- vice of the death of C. F. Gildersleeve, Kingston, sent the following telegram to his son, H. H. Gildersloeve, a form- r chairman of the committee: "The 'committee deplore the death of your ather, so long and favorably known n transportation circles and associat- with us in all matters pertaining thereto, We feel his loss is deplorable and his place will be difficult to fill, He endeared himself to all by his uni- form courtesy and many sterling qualities, On behalf of the committee we extend 'to yourself and family our sincere and heartfelt - sympathy. (Signed) G. T. Bell, C. H. Nicholson, Thomas Henry, George C. Wells, : -------- 2 -- Brockwille Fair Association. Brockville, Ont., Jan. 18.--The an- nual meeting of the Brockville Fair Association was held yesterday, when ° the following officers for 1906 were el ected : President, W, J. Bissell, Algon- quin; first vice-president, R. J Kelly, Brockville; second vice-precident, J. M. Percival, Elizabethtown. Directors, D. J. Forth, W, H. McNish, W. H, Com stock, F, J. Ritchie, F. Easton, An son Manhard, George Taplin, George Corra, Joseph Gilroy. The treasurer's statement showed a total revenue of $6,920.52. Against this was an ex penditure of 37,49.72, leaving a deficit of 8419.90, This is mainly accounted for by ex- tensive improvements to the buildings and grounds, which more than mono- polize the surplus. The association, however, is in good shape for anoth- er year. Seized At St. John. St, John, Jan. 18~The C.P.R. 88. Lake Michigan, from London, via Antwerp, was arrested by the customs authorities here and released on $100 bond, ons account of a member of her crew endeavoring to smuggle ashore 2,000 cigars. The man had brought them ashore in a basket, covered with a sack, which he placed on a waggon, from which a load of beef had just heen delivered to the steamer, Cigars, horse and waggon and steamer were all seized. The man who brought the cigars ashore says he acted under op ders of the barroom steward of the shin. The latter says some one was back of him. bit what it was intend- ed to do with the cigars has not been told. : i -------- Miss Roosevelt's Gowns. New York, Jan. 18.--Quite a' large number of the gowns for Miss Alice Roosevelt's "wedding outfit are being made in Baltimore, The wedding gown is to consist of a heavy. white satin hroeade. being made in an American silk factory of a de sign Goriginated for daupdter, The dd lac belonging to the Les family of New Fneland. Miss Roosevelt's mother's family, will be used in the trimming of the wedding gown. A 31.000 verdict for damages against 'the by W. F. Taylor, a Westboro {and REGRETS } the. prasident's | Ottawa Flootrie railway, has hen | SENATOR DAN EPIFANIE PORTEIN, Is a ew 'aflditiol to the diploma colony in Washington, D.C., He is the new uinister from the Argentine Re nublic to the United States and is ac- counted to be one of the ablest and wealthiest mén of Argentinian. "Mamma's Boy" the very popular song that has received such great suc- cess this season, on sale at 10c. a copy at McDermott Bros.' The Hamilton Times notes Glamey's attack on E. F. B. Johaston, and re- marks : "'Gamey is, not without reas on to fiercely hate Johnston." Is this January or March ? The wea- ther to-day, was awfully spring-ike. The sleighing of the morning didn't last long before the warm sun, The sergeant-major, staff sergeants sergeants of the 14th Regiment have issued invitations to an assem- bly in the City hall' on Tuesday even- ng. Rettevitie's uncollectetl taxes | are £26,3P, not $46,000 us the Whig had it. The Whig took the figures from a Toronto paper. We are pleased to make the correction, The steamer Pierrepont backed with force into Folger's whatf, and partial- Iv demolished the ugly looking pavi lion, which is to be replaced in the spring by a waiting-room. The Wanderers" hockey team had a fine practice at the Rockwood rink last night, about fourteen players being out. The soit weather, today, pre- vends them from playing their first schedule game, to-night, with the Fron tenacs, "Keep a bottle in the house," Gib- son's Red Cross Congh Syrup. It cures coughs; 20c, : The way in which the plan is filling up at Uglow's for the Gles Club con- cert, January 23rd; would indicate re- salts in the way of a crowd this vear which will tax the capacity of Grant hall to the utmost, wxcceding even last year's bumper' house. Two young men were seen sailing in a small skiff, down the channel this afternoon, rather an unisual thing in the way of sport for January 18th. The lake and harbor are quite free of ice and the day wag bright and mild, with a flippant south-west wind. Kingston has again gone on a good "streak;" there' was an empty docket at the police court to-day. For some time, now, nothing of a very exciting nature has had an airing before Magistrate Farrell, except 'drunks.' This speaks well for the old Lime stone City. THEY TALKED HOTLY. / And Their Words May Cause Litigation. Chatham, Ont., Jan. 18,~At the con- clusion of a special meeting, held last night, for the purpose of appointing assessors for the coming years, and which resulted in the re-appointment of the old assessors, Alds. Stone and Thompson accused Ald. Austin of rent ing and monopolizing city property at a nominal price. The property, it was alleged, was used by the alderman as a furniture store room. Ald. Austin denied that his action in renting the city property in question was illegal, and a warfare of words followed in the course of which Ald, Stoné called Ald. Austin a hypoerite, and the latter in sinuated that Ald. Stone's election methods, when he was olected to the council, were not of the cleanest or der. Last night's dispute. it is said, may eventually end in the courts. ------ Alleged "Green Goods' Man. Toronto, Jan. 18. ~Alexander Cifin- mings, sixty-six years of age, was ar rested by Detectives Newton and Mae: | Nie last night. He is said to have been neootiating as a "go-betwien" for the | sale of $8,000 in counterfeit money to a city man for £1,000. | The relations of the G. T. R. man- pawement and the locomotive engineers i and firemen are said to be at break- ing point, NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, New York state senate refuses to ask for Chauncey Depew's resignation. Winnipeg hotel keepers object so any exemption being granted to the new C.P.R. Hotel. ] John Mcleod, stone-cutter, Hamil- ton, committed suicide by swallowing prussic aed. Mohammed el Torres, Moroccan for- eign minister, does not believe the conference will agree. The C.P.R, steamship Lake Manito- 'ba, from St. John, N.B., arrived at Liverpool, at noon, to-day. The Hamilton board of trade is ad- vocating a scheme for a fine auntomo- biles road between that city and Tor onto. Gaorge Steel, Jr., fractured his skull by falling through the floor of the (transformer station at Niagara Falls. He may die. Garnet Clancy fell down a fifty-foot well on his father's farm near Neepa- wai Man., and received injuries that may prove fatal. The Tedgral government is asked for a grant towards entertaining the Brit ish Medical Association, which meets this year 'm"*l'oronto. The death occurred recently in Eng land of List.-Col. G. Maunsell, at one {ime connected wit emitters headquarters staff in Ottawa. Karl Sumner thinks he is the sole survivor of a crew of thirteen of the schooner R. H. Stevensen, which grounded on'Diamond Shoals, Georgia. There are 960,000 persons in North Japan who are famine stricken. Un- doubtedly the suffering is far greater than the government is willing to ad- vertise, J The suicide of William Travers, New York, last year, supposed to Have been caused by a defamatory article in Town Topics, has been recalled: by the libel case against Hapgood, editor of Collier's Weekly. Toronto capitalists, most of whom are connected with the Robert Simp- son company, are |interested in a pro- ject to build at Montreal next summer a gigantic department store, to he devated almost entirely to women's goods. An attempt was made to pump out the battleship Mikasa, which caught fire at Sascho, September 12th, and sank, after an explosion. The at- tempt was a failure and §t discloses unexpected rents in her hull, FREE FROM DEBT. Cooke's Church, in a Unique Position, Financially. Standing absolutely free from debt, with a balance on hand of $245, is the proud position of Cooke's church, as brought out at the annual congrega- tional meeting, held on Wednesday night. The meeting was largely = at- tended, and a spirit of perfect har- mony prevailed. Rev. Dr. MacTavish, presided, and opened proceedings with devotional exercises. Reports were read from the various church organi- zations. The Sunday school has had a successful year, and a material in- crease in the membership, and starts the year with a balance. The Ladies' Aid have accomplished a good year's work, and have $45 to their credit, with which to commence 1906. It is their intention for the coming year to provide the funds for a new organ. The W.F.M.8., Olive branch mission band, Victoria Guild, and the recently organized Presbyterian Young People's guild, are all flourishing, Satisfactory reports were read from the session and the choir, The choir will put on a concert for a new organ. Two new members were elected to the board of managers; Joseph New- man and W. J. Paul. The others on the board are, C, (, Simmons, J. Me Culla, A. W. Dunlop, D. A, Shaw and E. J. Anderson, William Hazlett was elected trustee, and four elders are to he appointed. It was decided to grant the. pastor an annual vacation for five weeks. Rev. Dr. MacTavish sh- cerely thanked the congregation for their hearty welcome to him, and their many kindnesses, since his com- ing among them. Cooke's church com. menced the year with many bright hopes for the future, : St. Andrew's Church. The annual meeting of St. Andrew's church congregation was held last evening, Rev. Dr. Mackie presided. The reports of the various bodies showed that the congregation had a most successful year. The findnces are in better condition than for years past, a special canvass having been made of the congregation for the purpose of wiping out the standing indebtedness, which will shortly all be declared off, | leaving only the mortgage on the church property which can easily be handled. There were larger contribu- tions to missions and other schemes of the church, BURNED TO DEATH. Impossible to Children. Winnipeg, Jan, I8.--A despatch from Nelsen, B.C. says that, as the result of a fire which destroyed the residence of Henri Bourgeois, last evening, Bourgeois' two sons, aged fifteen and four months, were burned to death. The fire broke out while the parents vere visiting at a neighbor's and the explosion of a kerosene lamp is sup- posed to have caused the fire. Mrs. Bourgeois made a courageous but un- successful attempt to save her child ren he Bourgeois family came from St. Tolene, Que. > ---- Last Night's Hockey. Montreal Wanderers, 3: Shamrocks 9. Barrie, 6; Midland, 3, Brockville, 9 Smith's Falls, 2. Port Hope Juniors @' Cobourg, {.. Peterboro, 3. 3 Was' Save the Co Cod Lier Oil Emulsion. and | bourg, 1, Ae. bottles at Gibson's Cross |# . eet Drag Store, "It's a good 'reason"--so Ann Sara Badee. Baden, died in Pe of 111 years: wife of William terhoro, at the age 5 a man Bland s pills are sold at Gibson's Rec Ctoss Drug Store. The genvine ar sold there; 100 for 23¢. Md phe Fo drial " : GOAL OIL Tee OOeVe eee E® i ' ©0000 eeE@®S, 1 Lr London making beverage. made from the best malt and hops. 'Phone 274. Ee ---- LCOLOJOL OULICCDICICCICICOIOOPH0 Best Pennolins American 0il Every Gallon Guaranteed Lemmon & Sons King Street: Ssese OOOO OPO CIO OOODIONA0) Nature's Best Tonic Labatt's A natural product-- better than drugs. A A health-giving, nourishing, brain and sinew- § Not a medicine, but a Sterling Old Ale, --_-- Cech § -- BARGAINS 20. 8 Gallon. CPCEPPOPOIPPE®® OA) =) Ale JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. t Table Ladies' $2.50 and pers, Patent Colt and $1.50, now ............ pers, now..... BARGAIN TABLES FU Some Odds and Ends Cheap $3 Evening Slip- Kid t Table Ladies' Kid 3-Strap Slipper, regular t Table Ladies' Dongola Kid Lace Boots, $2.50, $3 and $3.50, choice 1 Table Good Quality Women's Felt Slip- Sts emesis asta ntnnnes LL Erin i 51 01 2.00 3) THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE AN OVERWORKED SNAKE. In Maine's Early Prohibition Days. In the early days of prohibition in the state of Maine, "Tom" Hunt and "Jack" Parsons, a couple. of Lowell men went to hunt in the, woods near Bangor. They took with them a libgr- al supply of liquids, but the vacation was not half: over before the whiskey was all gone, They determined on a visit to Ban- gor to sce if it was possible to refill their flasks. After makine a few in- quiries they located a drug store, where they had been told it was Possible to get what they wanted. The druggist informed. them if they had no doctor's prescription, and had not been bitten by a snake, they could get no whiskey, even if they paid 810 for it. Mich dejected they "turned to leave, when the apothecary called them back, and told them he thought they need not despair, as just around the corner there wag a man who kept a snake for bitting purposes, Their faces were gleaming with hope as they turned in the direction of the the placed bul the hope btn; gave place 'to despair, , How did you make out ¥" asked the dr as they passed his store, said "Jack," Parsons, ) ~ghead of us, and the snake most tired out." \ -------------- Ii you had taken Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue, or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial 'with yon for occasional use. : tvo of Carter's " "PLAGUE OF BIRDS. -- The Balance of Nature Becoming Upset. Birds have never been condemned in so wholesale a manner by the farming interest as in the latest decision of he Associated Chambers of Agricul Farmers in England are as bad thologists as American farmer good, but it is nevertheless true the balance of nature is becoming ously upset. Protection of nest helped the unsecretive blackbird multiply that growing fruit ha in places become sheer altrmism. The arrow prospers in spite of sparrow clubs. Starlings are hecomg an over whelming plague by reason of their unaided vigor in the strugele for ox istence. Few who have studied conor mic ornithology can doubt that 1 readily indorsed. The Hugoarian®, the best economic farmers in the worlds are all in favor of the rook, and | does not multiply in England. The dictary of the lark in quality quantity, has for sentimental res been less minutely studied, but in spit of the enormous flocks of larks i many of the ghires, we know no Stance of serious damage, and u and ns ih « gam her i m z the hilt they should be left unhurt even by the most jealous farmer. The British naval officers who helps Portsmcuth expected 'to receive cre from the French government, but the: received only souvenir paper knives. Rubber hot water bottles, from 59: be to #0 at Wade's Drug Store. oF . reeee@®@® pression of these feathered "friends as ° es TTT---- YEAR 73, N ------------------------------ B, P. JenkinsClothi 25 TO 5 DISCOUNT SF ON OVERCOAT COMMENCI! TUESDAY, JAN Every Coat on s: every Coat a bargair All Coats mark plain figures. Get your back while the profits are pocket. ; E. P. Jenkins Cloth We Make a Speci Fitting Feet If you have difficult fitted with Shoes come t Wear "Alle Military Bootmaker 84 Brock St. Sign of Go NEW ORK cngse Resta 83 Princess Slre Open from 10.30 a.m. to & fhe best place to get a Lunch in the city. Meals of hortest notice. English ax dishes a specialty. MUST BE & A large variety of first Heaters, Sheet-Irom Stoves, and Wood Stoves, Cook | Ranges. Also a lot of Fu Carpets, everything cheaper t TURK'S SECOND-HAN Saturday Mo At 10 o'clock in Coc the course, $2.5 to non-members Class Fee for ers ; 83, MOVING DAY CC Now is the time to ""Buligtin' for prop: sal let. It's "free to all. € nothing. Call and see. SWIFT" REAL ESTATE A? INSURANC! TWENTY GIRLS Kent Bros. Mica Princess street. AT O Work FOUR it EXPERIENC) b d give fere * Whig office. 10 BUY SQUARE PIANO or g for good condition. S condition and price. W il trade. Address "a GENTLEMAN TO HAV suits pressed and cleaned hand ; also bring your cl an up-to-date suit nis , 181 Brock street, MEN AND BOYS TO BAK dav: after completing instruction at schools. Graduates Positions »OCU) Co. Practical Sch¥ Brieklaying, New Vi nnati and St. Loui practical our Union Bros FROST ROOM ed ; with hoard, at "Av William strect OFFICE, WITH Clarence street. 51 Brock street. VAUI Avnly BRICK SHOP, AND RES] 851 Princess street: m Possession immediately Steacy & Steacy. LOST. NLACK. OVE weeks ago thee swturn to this Office TH . onit w Finder . and rece MUFF, GOLD BRACELET. WI1 + Attached, on Tuesday King street, near City e rewarded on through the Whig office FOR SALE. SNTY SHARES OF T Stock of the Front ranv will pall ------------------------ Butter Sale Fresh made dairy butte and choice; 500 Ibs. to at 23¢. per 1h. The Wim. pany, limited, . Fipi Northern Spy apf juicy. W, J. Crothers.