" [GREAT STEEL AGE MIGHTIEST POWER KNOWN TO THIS GENERATION. Fight on Democrats vs. Demo- erats, Republicans vs. Re- publicans, and ~ Reformers nate's Health. Special Correspondence, Letter No. 1,408 New York, Jam 19.<Not since New ork became a prime factor in the F constitutional convention of 1787 and of the confederated union of thirteen the back tight fiting, the fronts sami- | | i i Those who are living in sin will | church in € . . pi 4 . n s res . ¢ < ny chure in Canad 8 R All The Rage. Sitting and cut with that French scam | docs. he lives, or till the crack of } \} "the memory of it into the-next | known asada and was wwell ng ay i " Id oy : 8. Partios 'll the nlf way 'hetween the neck and the | Tre politic rolition 3 deme J ne The home of Dr. and Mrs E Bol Ah v v ill with Jarnweye running from shoulder to bot- ay Yolitical revolution in tie dems There are men and women who | ton, Vancouver, was the a F J 5 6 shetmintism. F. Mo Jlom of inckot, thus giving a prottior | od 11 Rrty a Drono would find heaven a 'perfect hell. pleasing eve: Thurs ula > ism, F. Me it 'over the bust line. and doing away | 5 than among the republicans. Dem-{ 0 can bear the hardest sorrow I i =n! on Thursday evening has Dono . : ' hy g ¥ ave been i g ve : < 8 whe lev, « B. Prescott. TH Battersea Misan.s --_ ei with the dart. The fronts are out Be a a a when in the distance glimmers one ian Mis BR Draseon Joized in wok in the |SWay from the bustline, where they | years, who Yo once the BA vay of hope. : Athens, Ont., and Fr + Hlanchard, i ; ard fastened with one by » T8418, . s » Hell is too awful to risk one hour. WARNE, An red. A. Temple the city and report ne button, reveal- | ' Cl + osom friends, ate now the bitterest Be! be 1 A h Cliff, New Westminster, farmors have] 82 & vest of handsome brocade, The | unemies, Mayor McClellan in his] 4 tier be laughed at than lost . | James Prentice, a kindly old n horse; ve is in the vegulation coat pat: | nomination to all the leading offices, Tho hardest sin to sonvince a man of any Fol Neo : R 5 or ME ap {ere 50 a YET PASSED! i: £ i g 2 * Rea! Jaunty Outway Jacket. 1 ti C In the very few early sphing tailored models. which have been viewed, one | © and these same lines is far the better! ; choice. The illustration shows a lus || trious black broadcloth, develoygd, in: vot, velvet likewise making the nar- row roll-over collar. Young Mrs. Doughdust--Oh, Jack, baby spoke his first word to-day. He said "rake-ofi" as distinctly as you or fa could, : : DAYS ARE WOMEN GO UP AN WI NORE INTENSE, inde, | the lic, has there been such a terrific po- litical earthquake as now convulses the empire state and makes it trem- ble from "front to foundation stone." and reformers against everybody ex- cept themselves. nent fight at the present time is be- tween ex-Gov, Odell and his immedi- ate following and Gov. Higgins, and .~ Jincidentally President Roosevelt and those who el republican of tion, whether he is, or whether he is not, but it is hardly worth while in fon quantities, when we have to {nce established fact do know, that at the start President Roosevelt did everything that mortal man could do to avoid the nomina- tion to second place on the national republican ticket alongside of that mode] republican, ey. another American citizen from North- port to the Rio Grande, or from the Atlantic to the Golden Gate, would have rejected the spontancous offer of a united solute certainty of accepted there was only a single life between him and the had seen ; down in the hour of their grandest success and in the full flesh of their manhood, and the chances of a third assassination or the i dents of life ending in death, were that political trial and elevation that direction was closed. was not; his party insisted on seceptance, and with sofrowful mis- insisted on his accéptance nomination for the shook their heads and bitterly pented their folly in elevating McKinley and at its close he before the foundation of the republic. to one of those jawity cutaway cous, | torn, finished with a cuff of black vel. | & candidates named by Mr. ndent colonies, which formed sis of the future grand repub- The tremble is confined to no pars ticular mad. It is not the old time fight of republicans against democrats against republicans. fight is democrats against democrats, rty; all of them are fighting democrats, or This and republicans against republicans The. most promi- n him as the mod- is day and genera- look ui litics to speculate on algebraic un- William McKin- I don't believe that there was who party, with the ab- an election. If he residency; he two presidents stricken ordinary acci- wit remote possibilities; yet with this alluring prospect before him, he nev- er paused, he put the ambitions emptation behind him and supposed mn it his But ving he was compelled « p to yield hen the dreaded crisis came that called him to occupy the chair where once sat the father of his country, of vice-presidency to disgrace. lie entire second term of President came eople of the United States wiwss job if he hopes to, succeed he pad better let the job out at once. President Roosevelt may remain a power inthe republican party as 8 paid ttle or no attention to the Murphy. Tammany Hall, whose voice was once potential, is now scarcely heard mn the councils of the mayor, The fight in New York is to break ' the power of Tammany and put it where it belongs, in the hands of the mayor, Old Tammany scar-worn veterans, who have enjoyed high salaries and rich places for years, are now pushed to one side to mike way for new men, In the borough of Brooklyn Senator McCarren has been the cen tral figure, and has enjoyed the priv. lege of giving away, some of the fat test affices in the gift of the party, but now his primacy is challenged. It's a fight to a finish, and in the next election will be seen the strang- est sight ever witnessed in American politics. Democrats by scores will ¢ found supporting the republican ticket, and republicans who voted for Freemont and every republican pres- ident from that day to this will be found at the polls like red hot demo- erats, trying to down their old time friends. No matter which side wins, I shall try to keep out of the rain, A singular feature of the late in- yestigation of life insurance compan ies is the sudden collapse of the rul- ior powers which have hitherto con: Plered themselves above the law. President McCall of the New York sanitarium, Aeife, is said to be at a resident McCurdy of the Mutual Life, is confined to his bed with ser- jous symptoms of danger; it looks as if his one hundred and fifty thousand dollar a year salary wiil scarcely be acea for the offenses which he is said to have committed. His son, who has absorbed several hundred thousand dollats has found an ocean s-- This much we | of re- | supply the | portieres and brica-bras, Don't have owboy of the west and king of the J useless trifles round you. Rough Riders of San Juan Hill, a position which could only end in and make the most 'of it. phenomenal party What § horseback if you can, cycle if you can- was the result? He filled out almost {not gft a horse: do anything to get out in. the open air. or five millions of th Life's 'mo The families with them, others were com population has been taxed to the ut termost to provide for their comfort and to supply their immediate want. The threatened strike of the stee try. It bas been intimated that sympathetic strike might be ordered, realize what an important steamships; all the great es we use at our tables are steel; gold is a representative of value, but steel is the mightiest power known to the present generation. BROADBRIM. . A WQueen's Health Rules. Her majesty = the Queen, of Portugal ins her faith, it is said, to the fol- lowing mottoes : Keep out of doors all you can. he immortal Washington, men who | Breathe outdoor air--live in it--revel the | in it. Don't shut yourself up. uir away your Build your. houses so that the is good. Throw Have a favorite form of excreis., Risle on Don't overeat. Drink little, and let that little be or an endorsement of his adminis- | pure. feature is very marked. and th tration, and they gave it with a ma- Pon't trv to dress too much, vet y of ths elon hat is jority accorded to uo other candi- | dress as well as you are able. Wear jacket. The natty, ay date for presidential honors since the | avervthing you can fo make yourself The de- | lovely. each box, 25c. enching Jureiy to: the hip line, nunciation of Gov. Odell and his of Palace cheese factory. Propeistar to be he pony coat, Is Ro- | friends will hardly result in the po- he R ce chats Iactory, disposed of Ing i - splendid during the § yvioa1 annibilation of President To Cure A Cold In One Day. Hall actory and business to Henry but i wetiwon for. ¥ io southiui figured Roosevelt, and the reading him out] Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- | = ingsworth, Elie. Mx. Hollings. ~ ded figure of the republican party, The chair- | lets. Deuggiste refund money if it fails Ah 3 1s the owner of Elbe. factory i into rounded fines and | ian of the republican state commit- | to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on |" 1r- ' : graced curves the jacket which de ioe fas taken on his hands a very Rev. J. P. Dunham, of Sentence Sermisns. By Dr. Torrey. is the sin of unbelief. Our affections are naturally cor- rupt. " In spite of all we are all' spiritual corpses. FOOD OR STIMULANT. Ask your doctor if when he orders a patient to drink lots of pure milk he advises the addition of a large quantity of whiskey. Hell tell you "no" very emphati- cally. Yet there are people who, when ordered to get Scott's Emulsion, will accept some wine, cordial or extract Scott's Emulsion. tame results, 3 ney. mon hat they looted belonged, every fd pelied to leave their loved ones be- ind. The new comers are Jews. and the hospitality of precedent Jewish workers is an impending calamity which bodes evil to the entire coun- a which, if carried out, would involve the coutry in rain. Very few people factor steel is in our modern daily life; ev- ery ounce by which our millions are fed is brought here on railroads and modern buildings are raised on: frames of steel; our street cars, our automo- i and motor engines, and the the moral vencering of cod liver oil and think it is the same thing or better. If you want and need cod liver oil in its best, purest and Tnost easily digested form, get If you ant whiskey, that's another - 1natter, but don't look for the SCOTT & BOWNE, .Torente, Out, ec VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE we ) IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Wews of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Mrs, John Baird died on Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Miller, Lanark, aged seventy- nine. One son and three daughters sur vive. Yesterday Richard Kelly . Heuvelton, N.Y, is dead. The refapins will be in: terred Bt, Phillipsvile: Mrs. Dunham is also seriously ill. Rev. Mr. Dunham was formerly a minister of the M. E. man, is dead in Lanark, . aged eighty- five, : He began. life as a gardener on a large old country estate. Later he married a sister of Col. Frazer, C.B at one time Queen's commissioner in ora, Twenty-two vears ago she died. six children, three survivé, ------ 0% Winter On The Farm. Down on the farm in winter wa all the ground is hid ith ice and snow a foot or so Aud plowing can't he did Life wust be worth the living pie time when nature snores a hours away deep | » With nothing to o6 Lat pi Pav. Nothing to do but the choras Nothing to do hut the Sheet t's watering 'stock and 4 -- feeding the And hauling the crop to the stores Buildine a roost for the chickens, Fixing the cornerib floors ' Throwing bh down y three 1 : dav 4 times un Nothing to do Lat the chores ! In summer there is plowing And pitching | VY hav But in the prime old winter tine Wo rest up. so they sav ; Just loaf and be real lazy And sit around indoors Rest as the Soil irom summer's toil With nothing to do but the chores Nothing to do but the chores. hovs Nothing tq do but the chores-- : It's slopping the swine amd wilking { the kine And banking the cellar doors. Putting up ice for the summer Chopuning down trees in. scores. Butchefne shunts and fanning the oats-- Nothing to do bat tha chores ! ------------ Harsh, purgative remedies are fast] giving way to the' zentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. 1 you try them they will cer- {tainly please you. ae times a year, 96 pages beautifully Hlustrated, 50 cts per year. sending 15 cents. Corti ® COPOIOCOOIOOIOIOIO OO) ®oveose PC © O00 00080C 00900 EC00e® ® OSOOO POPLOHO HEOSEEE® ovst} Two quart rahber hot water Ie og (seamless), at Wade' 2 War hotles T, Real Estate Agent, Kine : oe a ston. w coman I shall feel that I have work- 4 unto God." --George McDonald. Amongst the British candidates al- cady selected there are more 'han Lwo hundred evangelical free church- aen, a large proportion of whom are Methodists. Rev. E. W. R. Beal, BA, has re igned the curacy of St. Luke's church fiocese of Toronto, and will sever his mmection with that parish on th first of April. e Three ions in India have part specially qualified men as ira relling Christian Endeavor sectetayies wo of them being also inspestin hoolmasters. Rev. R. G. Watt, pastor of th tongregational ~~ chureb, Melbourne we., who received a call to Barri Wnt., has decided to remain on. wit his congregation. : Rev. Frederick Preston, has resigne he pastorate of Unity church (Un arian), Toronto," and the resignatic akos efiect at once. It is probable | dll go to Michigan. | that every lady should take. Iss I ERD: to, wil to Fg hortly, rh the vacant pulpit Dublin Street Baptist charch. Rev. Hugh Watson, Iate of Irelay ¢ho recently arrived in Toronto, h received and accepted the unanimo call to the pastorate of the Bapt hurches in Watford and Calvary. The Emmanuel Congregation hurch, Watertown, N.Y., has exte ed a call to Rev. Charles Dutt New Haven, Conn., to fill the pul recently left vacant by Rev. Pyle, who went to accept a call in | Markville Congregational chur Rrooklyn. A Christian woman --of, Pooch when in England, visited a cathed noticing a date upon the oldest p of the building, she exclaimed. "Wh do von mean to"say you were Ch tans all those years and you nt oll us?' It is stated that Rev. E. B. Mac \d will resign the pastorate of urch in Scarboro. He is a broth sv. J. A. Macdonald, of the Tor obe, and has been in charge o wrish since 1888. He has not bee ood health lately, AZ STTAp fT 1) 1 (3 Hi Silk Co, Ltd, St. John's, PQ. COAL OIL BARGAIN Best Pennoling American Oil 20c. a Gallon, The total number of Protes %hristians in the world is 180, i 000, which is divided into 56,000 ~ Lutherans, 29,000,000 Anglicans, 100,000,000 others distributed ar + large number of denominat Among the $3,000,000 people of Inited States there are 66,000,000 Lrotestants Miss Helen M. Gould gives tach year, in various charities nlf a million dollars. She is ass m selecting "the objects of her and in distributing them by Elizabeth Altman, a yommg V grafunte. The wisdom of their tribution is generally conceded. Every Gallon Guaranteed : ! Oscar Carlen announces the King Street: ism of twenty-one men and { y g omen from mine different vi améng the mountains in the d f Huen-ven in Shan-si. The thers is growing rapidly, and Christians at the out-stations built themselves a chapel nough to seat two hundred pes At the last' anniversary o heshire school, Bishop Brewste Wf a mifistor whe apologized 1, Hioriness of the sermon by expl that his dog had chewed 1 and last pages of his manu Whereupon a little boy in the « gation was heard to exclaim, " wish somebody'd give our mini purp A parallel for eac000abakecccsansaamonnmmenrmcs Sf] FINANCE AND INSURANCE G.A. BATEMAN | If You Want a Home Insurance 'Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- Or Insurance, bave a has heen found fo 'oung curate who said: "Her th he first innings." An | leroyman on Saturday was be eo AT LOWESTBATES talk with A golf tournament by a put © strict Agent Assur. x REAL ESTATE ast green. This seems to 'hav mbit Sagi wy George Zeigler, 8 INSURANCE | d on his mind, for on the fo fay he gave gut his text as f 'In the eighth chapter and the ixth verse of the gospel accor St. Mark. you will find these 0 be written : "For what sb wofit 'a man if he shall gain th ®orld and lose the last hole ?' 7 Brock Stroet. 89 Clarence Street, Kingston XN Brak FOR SALE , First-class mill property ©o0® village mile frem s thriv ino For eal Estat Kingston" Disinict, consisting of ! e 40" acres, two dwellings. lare? EAT, "Sn "Dun Bi worth or Insurance machinery : good = % power, pl view of the frequency of ev ver, England, the local clen Agreed not to use the praver b der of burial at the tunerals who have taken their own liv A man would hardly ever mi married if he didn't have to a Wany good habits, Owner gol Property cot ner wes Fro N about $6,000." wii gil or ia 300, to quick 'bu J. LOCK- § HAR " Consult with GEO, CLIFF before Laying at 65 Clarence Street, + hE Jar, holders. I -under- RELIGIOUS WORLD. Attorney rome osecute every officer o Se - t that dreadfully mismanaged con- Number of Protestant Chiat cern; if he does this successfully, he {aus--The Bible Society is | will carry with him to his work, the : Debt--Calls and Invitations "God speed" of every honest man in o rus this ye kp wholesale ating : i : to Clergy he must be. stopped right here. in. the every risi 1 o olden time we knew i by Jother Quoth Bruin, "Tis bad-ski! I'll be bound, k Jomslt with Buc today : name; then it was stealing. was : » . 4 teach it to v known as thieft, and the creature that For steppe by steppe I'm losing ground. b it And wish. Since Ate | began, practiced it was defined in, ny lexis | Internal troubles also gall, Yay has been the fr as. a robber and thief. Let us : : ---- tom go back to the good old names, we But this Red Feather smooths them all, Ak Wosgillivray, Taudon, have no furthe Le lor graft. . And burd hard to Bear," says he, Xi a It seems as i ina was awaking |. i . : v. \ ; from the 'of thousands of years "are carried through with ami-tea. To McLachlan, Ma, Vouk dating beyond the time of Confucius, ! x si Hil, bas been calle who has been recognized as China's A Treat from Ceylon. : } pist ¢ wel "he. Tnland of Nukuor, patron sint. In the day of her hu rE Fhe king ] : hur, miliation, she awakens to the fact : aig roline Islands, is also the prea that the outside world that she re- Black, Green or Mixed HC he teacher for his people. garded as barbarian, has left her a "One Price --40 Cents. Jtewarton Presbyterians have -decid- thousand years behind in the march to Ra . {o erect & NEW church to accomuno- modern civilization, With four hun- : wad 1000 pefsons, at a cost of $25, dred millions" of population who : i cling to her with a love hardly known ov. ML €. McLean, pastor 'of * the to more civilized nations, if properly ist church, Galt, has asswmed the governed and drilled she would be pha 8 of | the Ingersoll Baptist irresistible inst any power that peters i { could Soasibly be brought before her. A tablet was recently unveiled at The mother of the emperor is now A a Can. in memory of David and has been for many Jars. the oe herd, the missionary to the North ruling power in China. She comes Ig % aj! Te Taciipns. from the old Mongol 'Tartar stock, % ---- fork an Tndlon®: ible' Society finds foes for centres Le roe and L H ldth 5 for the first time in a quarter ndia in terror.' e empress. now 4 0 elr 0 el 3 i "Its reserve sur- realizes China's position and her or {ace mtury in Sept - Y armics are now being drilled by for- ue i . iin Muthodist church TE a, tn better t an . other %: ; oe 9.122 ministers and proba- and German. She has a splendid \ pre ¥ I aro In etive fleet and foreign officers are teaching ~ . im ®, of, Whom nary work. the natives Bou; to gic those Jphuns oide f 'The discovery of the anvil on which machines which are wonders of mod- X J is er norked is. reported near v i onn N oO viliaation we would ignore the J < hirthplace at Siclanston, Eng horrible situation in Russia. Every / 0 nd. It boars ihe dnte ARI Y steamship that arrives from Europe y Rev. Rn. F Road Of la alin brings hundreds of refugees who have aptist church, ary § Bing, a fled from dreadful scenes of robbery signed] sind has og ia and . massacre, so sickening and ter- the Baptist-ehureh-in 0 i = v rible, as almost to tacen] Delict; some "If } xn get one ton on the + i ave brought their mnset into » hie