we dane Oth, to Mivakor, a ane i0th, to n i urniture ~ We have one of the best Upholsterers in the city, and now is the to have it done a We keep in stock an mense variety of low priced and high quality Dat hs and Plushes, with trim- 'mings to match. . McFA UL For Sale AT A rgain | stood even, 4 to as and ma | Rugby Position Of Queen's. frame 23 storey 7- dwelling, 92 Victoria with excellent cel- 66x132, rich garden ts' 1. Yo. the Cadet bal had been only a in progress hefore the score rte us 14, pr 4, Dobson, the Saver of Queen's, scoring two goals, lands shot into the Cadets' net put Queen's one ahead, The contest df in nip and tuck and created the keenest excitement among the ri- val supporters, who ocoupied opposite sides of the rink and ° cheered lustily when their team scored. Hale, on a shot from the side tied the score 5 to 5, Then Curtin put Queen's in the lead, 6 to 5. Powell evened the score, which stood 6 to 6 for ten minutes, short time before the close, Curtin A a a Tron Dobson and rece scored the winning goal, ---------- The teams were decidedly evenly bal- anced. For the Cadets, Hale and Powell did the most effective work, For Supers the star was Dobson, the former Upper Canada College player, who was most efective at eovee-puint. He is ble of holding a place on a senior Fg McParland played a good gawe at centre, and Jooks like a "com- ing" player. Ellis and Armstrong al so Rog well' final of the series will be played next Friday evening, and the result is uncertain. Queen's have a lead of one goal, but the cadets will try hard to win out, The latter have not had practice as the Queen's men, y improve within the week, RM.C 1.--Goal, Carruthers; point, Rhodes; coverpoint, Brown; centre, Spain; rover, Powell; wings, Hale, . Queen's--Goal, Maclnnes; point, Pen: nock; coverpoint, Dobson: centre, El lis; rover, McParland; wings, Curtin, Armstrong. Referee--George Vanhorne. ------ There are several reasons which ac tuate 's in its desire that the intercollegiate rugby union withdraw from membership in the Canadian union, which the colleges joined a year ago. In the first place Queen's was al- ways to affiliation with the Canadian union, but at 'Varsity's de- sire the colleges Joined it. Queen's does not want to be a member of a union and-not accept the responsibilities at- tached. For instance, in 1904, when Queen's won the intercollegiate cham: pionship, Ottawa wanted it to play lor Canadian honors. There were some the Ottawa team thst not desire to play againet, and, therefore, declined the proposed match, Had the inter collegiate union then been affiliated with the Canadian union, Queen's would have heen called upon to play against her will, Tf she refused, then it would have been said that she *'funk- od," when there would have been no real ground for that charge. What Queen's desires is the intercollegiate clubs to be perfectly free to play or not to play for the Canadian cham- pionship, just ax they may see fit, She does not want to be tied down, and hence thinks it hest to keep aloof. | Further, she holds that. the colleges have anflicient rughy when their schedule ix played, and that there is ! nothing to be gained from playing the players on en's did { mateh controlled by the Canadian | union, Perhaps another reason which ac tuates Queen's in her decision at this time is the re? in the Canadian union scrimmage rule. This rule does not satisfy either Queen's or MoGill City League Hockey. The two games in the city league hockey, scheduled for last night, Aberdeens at Ushers; Wanderers at St. James' were no go. Ushers were to have had Rockwood rink in which to play but the ice at the rink was not in a fit condition, and though both teams turned up for the match, it was not played. The Aberdeens talk of claiming the game as they think it was the Ushers' fault that the rink was not ready. ! With the Wanderers and St. James At is understood the gume was declar ed off by mutual consent, owing to A DEFINITE PLAN In taking care of your woekly or monthly miscellaneous ex: penses, don't fail to sbt aside some part of your salary which shall go 1 gs ®o count, and make it your first duty to see that it is deposited to your credit with this Bank. ~~ One veason why so many people fail to save is that no definite plan of action is adopted. Try this one. We foel sure the only regret you will have is that ¥Ou did not start sooner. Deposits 'of $1 and upwards and interest allowed at YOu say Britt-Nelson Fight Pictures Excel- ol -them dressed EE -------- "THE DAI the latter seven being unable to obtain a rink, » -- AT THE GRAND. ---- Grand to-night. r-- "The County Chairman." | Theatre-goers will, no doubt, wel | come Maclyn © Arbuckle in that well | known masterpiece, 'The County Chairman." It will he given an ela horate production under the direction of Maclyn Arbuckle, the famous char acter actor. The four acts take place in the village - of -- Antioch: The first | act shows the exterior of the typical | country general store, the second the grove where the big political rally takes place. In this scene the stage ix literally crowded with the princi- pals, 'the adherents of cach candidate, and four-gcore of pretty girls, most in white and bear- ing the banner of a state The-third act takes place in Jim Hackler's law office. Hackler is the county chair- man and the intensely dramatic scene of the play takes place at the close of this act. The last act shows the in terior of the town hall on election night when the returns are being read and is replete with funny situations. At the Grand on Monday, January 22nd, ------ "The Gingerbread Man." There have been musical comedies end musical comedies, but none that have electrified the theatre-going pib- ic as has "The Gingerbread Mun," the brand new fanciful fairyesque that Froderic Ranken and A. Baldwin Sloane are offering through the pro- ducers, Harry E. Converse and Mason Peters. Creating an entirely new field in the realms of fancy, this guartette of genuises have struck the keynote of success at a time when the surfeit of musical comedy was begin- ning to pall upon the ht a ing silhetints of the theatre, "The Gingerbread Man" appeals to the fancies of our youth and intro- duces scenes in Santa Claus' Land, Pastry Land and Bunn Land, peopled with characters of our story hook days. Real flesh and blood people of our infancy dance, sing and make merry to the singing melody of verse and brilliant humor. An all-star cast in the interprota- tion of the principal characters and a beauty chorus of seventy, backed hy a superb scenic investure and wonder: ful electrical and mechanical cffects form 'mn continuous stage picture whose beauty and brilliancy has never been equalled in a production of this kind. "The Gingerbread Man" will be the attraction at the Grand | on Wednesday, January 24th. | | ---- "His Highness The Bey." "His Highness the Bey," an original Turkish musical satire in two acts, by Joseph E. Howard, Hough and Adams, with a record run of five months to its credit in Chicago, and where it goes back for an added run, will he we extraordinary musical of fering at the Grand on next Thurs day, January 25th. "His Highness the Bey," all press and public agree upon and pronounce the greatest musical delight in years. The com pany and production to be seen here is the original one, numbering sixty persons, | { { over Baby's Health. "When a child is well, give it no | medicine," is a wholesome adage... But at the first sign of trouble the careful mother will give Baby's Own Tablets, | which promptly indigestion, | colic, "constipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers and teething troubles, They cure poisonous "soothing" stuff, yet give refreshing sleep because they move the cause of sleeplessness and t child awakens bright and well. Mrs. F. McIntosh, Wabigoon, Ont., says: "Bab: 's Own Tablets wrought a won derful change in my little. one. When he was two months old began fail and cried almost night and But after giving him the tablets he grew well and is now a bright, laugh- ing baby, who scarcely over gives any trouble, The Tablets are surely a blessing to both mother and child." All [druggists sell these Tablets or you can get them by mail at 25¢. a box by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, they re he to Pleased The People. Almonte Gazette. The singing was good, and members of the mandolin and guitar oinh had to several well deserved encores. Miss Singleton, as mstructress of the glee club, was uni. que in that she directed the club in their singing without musical accom respond thoroughly versed in music, as she is. Altogether the entertainment was of 3) high order, and was greatly enjoy The Civic Salary Question. 4 special committee of the city conn cil ill shastiv, he appointed to con A MARINE LECTURE PREFACED BY EULOGY ON {roses aad calla lilies, with their deep est contain not one particle of epiate or | day. | by Queen's glee club | both they and the! paniment, a feat possible only to one i C.F. GILDERSLEEVE. service. . : : lent Attraction. i Sydenba Street Methodist Church. ------ incipally men, : --Rev. C. E. Manning, pastor. Mg xc. was Bot On Time |, pe ois, pmol | yp mer Hore Comma cl CF. Mire, wis 1 0 R.M.C. Was 2 als-The Position i the Britt-Nelson fight by mov: About Safety and Sea-Wo Anglin. 2 wo oY : , the | ing pictures, at the Grand operd | - pees of His Vessels--MMariners | Ty | Sircot Methodist dmreh The py Queemn's on \ Friday night, and left the Feel His Death a Personal | gor, Rev. Dr. Eby, will preed at 3 Question. of the in- | building at the conclusion of the Tr Loss 11 am. and 7 Jou. Sunday sha @ or first Hod esting i ip = contest thor: . re, . Bible class, 2:45 p.m. N 1 tee ke Buon he Royal Mili- ly z Shainpiondhip Last evening, before ecueneiug. the ret Methodist shure Rev, olle in the intercollegiate oF t the pictures are | marine lecture, Capt. Donnelly SpoRe | Sparling, pastor. am. foe 1 evening. The final 2 uy the deta of the famous | of the great loss met with by th Rev B. Ricks; 7 pam, Rev, Mr. hi on , i ; | remarkable; not a " *. BP. Gildersleeve, He paid | © subjec YA Withering score was 7 to 6. Half time score lightweight fistic encounter held at | death ols Be Ee wah of 08 ubject, : ] Cadets. , y in September 9th, 1905 [a very high tribute to (he W Curse. : 1 os in favor of Cote to 0 against Colma, Sa h, Sn Vividly clear and | Mr, Gildersloeve, " ay Tis an Cool Presbyterian ( buch, Bros pi before half- it 2 408 I lutely free | manager, and said that in a . street.--The pastor," Rev. W. S. Mac- Quuns,shortly Teel, game for the bright, the Sr kes, so that | perience a8 inspector he never me Ry Eh Ph.D., will occupy. the pulpit Tooked » Up wil. then from the ma entire eighteen rounds, [owner so eonderned about the "5tl at both services. Sunday school and miliary rts had been playing an Shoughort the i movement with | and seaworthiness of his, vessew., Bible class at 3 p.m. Strangers made 8 ae inst a com- oe follows oh sand men wit. | for this reason alone, Yon Win welcome at all services, jrlivisiul "the art of their pon- | interest, talked about fight, | will fof: bis death," sakj Capt First Baptist Church.--Rev. Douglas ent, The wi cvlored "indians" Thal wien Battling Nebion laid outoin, the Dytmel > | mates, then pre | Laing, pastor 11 a.m., Rev. E. Bos- their tactics, and Ww ne le bh round Jimmie: Britt, All is; The masters cand aol nd worth, Montreal, will preach. 7 p.m. changed on the *ience," eighteent dl xeited, Wave sented the following res % : wo | the pastor. subject, "The Baptin of and Pumll ore I From that on depicted, Men wildly Wi ofiered. the | Moved by Capt. . James Martin, sc he Pe Ta Sundav school and had 'the a ol the jpame- lute wn reporters are present, and sje by Wi, George Pa "al touts is Sears sordially invited. 4 i : gr rs : ' " wre, Presbyterian, corner © Sila seoted the Biot red hs the famous fight goes on. } a dows, somewhat suddenly, C. 1 t halmers, Pr Er M. Mac- tahot, Seott and Pow he third and Apart from the fight. jteell bh : ren | Gildersloeve, "an esteemed friend ape i D.b., "pastor. Services, 11 "in the second; Hale shot t 3 uniquely interesting and the pictures | and one who has so long Aides Powel the fourth, Then Queen's be: s0 y onderfully clear and life-like it is tentifiea! with the marine 'inter- | a.m. Rev. G. A, NcKenic: " pm. iv effective work, and McPar- ction well worth seeing. The | : cv. His vears were |W, J. Kidd, B.A. Sunday school anc gon their an attract exty of this eount } 4 | N Jand scored. twice on short juby cluse fight - will be again shown at the | ill of usefulness, wml of no one could | Bibie class, - 3 p.m. Strangers cor it be more traly said that having ful- filled his mission in life folly, con sientionsly, und «completely, he has been called to bis eternal rest. As long as most of us can remember the late Mr. Gildersleove was a representa tive man. Having been called from the practice of law hy the death of his brother to the direction of a large steamboat business, he cast himself into the work with remark- able zeal and energy. Many of us came into contact = with him as a steamboat man, and we re member well the warmth of his greeting, the kindliness of his manner, and the soundness of his judgment. He was a friend of the mariner at all times, and in his death we feel that vurs--isa-persopal-loss. -- Nor was Mr. Gildersleeve one whose attention was given altogether to his own affairs. He was a large-hearted, broad-minded, and public-spirited man. He was concerned in whatever benefited the craft the commun- ity, and those of us who are interest- in navigation, whether as em- ployee or employers, can testify to the enthusiasm and devotion of his service. He stood for all that was ad- vanced and helpful in our calling, and this school of instruction had his most cordial approval, We can only hope that the lessons of his life will not be missed so far as we are concerned. He stood before us as an exemplar, and we feel that wk have caught some of his spirit, and that it will be manifested in all our walks and ways. Resolved : That a copy of this reso- lution be sent to «the family of the late Mr. Gildersleeve, with the assur ance" of our abidihg interest sympathy. or and -------------- 'LATE ROBERT WHITEHEAD Was a Member of the Longshore- men's Union, After a long and painful illness, there passed to rest at his home, 13 Markland street, Robert C., Whitehead. The young man died from the result of a fall received three years ago, which injured the spine. All 'that medi- cal aid and careful nursing could do was of no avail. The deceased wis one of' the kindest amd most devoted of brothers, and he is sincerely mourned by his brothers and sisters. Through out his illness he was attended hy Canon Starr, who was at his bedside a short time before he passed to rest. All members of his family were at his his bedside. He was the thitd son of the late John Whitehead, who resided in King- ston for over forty years. He is sur vived by three sigters and three broth- ers: Mrs John King, Eliza, Victoria, William, Joseph and Thonias, The fun. eral took place at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon, to St, George's cathedral, and was largely attended. The local branch of Longshoremen"s Union at: tended in a body, the deceased being a member. The beautiful service of the Church of England was said over the remains. The casket was covered with floral offerings, from many kind friends. The union sent an anchor of sympathy; a cross came from his brothers and sisters, and many sprays from sorrowing friends. The remains were placed in Cataraqui vault. and will be laid to rest beside his father and mother. In life beloved, in death lamented A Pioneer Shoe Brush. Recently a traveller, while in Peter: { boro, met an old resident who has { one of Boeckh's shoe brushes which has {been in use daily for twenty-seven years. He did "not intend buving one which would last lone but the clerk from whom he bought it suaded him to purchase a good brush | rather than a cheaper one, and he cor { tainly has had® no reason to repret { his decision. This goes to show that | the best is the cheapest in the end. sO Special Order Service. {| Orders placed with our outside sales | men on delivery, service will receive prompt attention at the store; also delivery at vour requést. The Wm. Davies company, limited, Joseph Haveock, inspector of binder | twine, says the binder twine business | is very prosperous all over the coun |Do Please Your Hair Don't have a out with hair. gate or Then what Eh | What per: Will Be Doing In The Church To-Morrow. St. George's Cathedral--The Bishop Jf Ongario will preach at the 7 p.m. dially invited to all the services. -- Y.M.C.A. Sunday Notes. 3 Rev. T NBs Windross, "pastor of Cal: vary churdg, give. the address at the men's o'clock meeting to- morrow afternoon. An earnest straightforward talk may be expected by every man attending. The sweets voiced boy singer, Charles Carson, will sing a solo. 4 The morning watch will be kept at seven o'clock in the morning. The Bible dass will meet for study at three o'clock in the afternoon. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Defence of Pay Sergt. Norwebb-- "Injustice Done Him. Kingston, Jan. 19.--(To the Edi- tor) : Permit me to make use of a space in your valuable paper, and also beg to request that it mav 'be pub- lished for the information of the pub- lic of Kingston, that is considered. by a great many friends, a great injustice to Pay-Sergt. Norwebb, of the mamer in which he Was boen exXpased to the public in general. Perhaps if he were here to speak for himself, to so many charges of indebtedness, Kingstonians would have 'a little different opinion. It's the old saving, "Once a man is down kick him." I read an article the other evening. and it stated that the total indebtedness was $800, which is rather exaggerated, and from mv own personal experience and acquaintance- ship with Sergt. Norwebb, I can safe- ly say that about one-fourth of that amount would have cleared him, and as regards the lawyers, I ascertained and found that the amounts intended to pay the lawyers on behalf of the Wilson case, have, up to the present never been deducted from the men's pay. With reference to other financial dif- ficultues such is not the case. Trusting this will meet with vour favorable ap proval for publication.--Yours respecifully. ~ONE WHO KNOWS, very The Late Mrs. Lepper. Mrs. Stoven Lepper, the mother of Maxwell Lepper, who died recently in Picton, was born in Scotland in 1814, at Tounsdale, near Paisley, Renfrew- shire, in the neighborhood of the gréat oak tree which had sheltered Sir Wil- liam Wallace 'when pursued by the southern soldiers, also the River Cart in the middle of which the Earl of Ar- gvle surrendered to the government troops . in - the war of the Covenant She was a niece of the late Hon. James Wylie of Ramsav, one of the four heroes who 'saved the royal por- trait from the burning parliament buildings at the time of the rebellion, She had lived: in England, Ireland and Scotland, and in Germany, and had been ca personal friend of the Glad stone family. Curling At Brockville. Two rinks of the local curlers went to Brockville, Friday morning. com posed as follows : Maclean, Henderson, Baillie, Dalton, skip. Slater, Palmer, Lyons, Lesslie, skip. Friday afternoon they played the Eastern Ontario Hos pital curlers with a victory for Kine ston. W. B, Dalton, 18; Dr. Moher, 15. W. Lesslie, 21: W, Stewart. 11 Fridav night, Kingston, lost tc Jrockville. W. B. alton, 21; J. E Crysler, 16. R Craig, (Brockville), 23: W. Lesslie, 6 Skating At The Royal. Fully four hundred skated at Royal rink last night. The 11th Regimental band were in attendance somewhat handicapped for lack ol pro per accomodation, but the manage- ment will erect a stand for the musi cians this coming week. It is expected to have the band thee times a week. The ice last night was in perfect con- dition. "The voung fellows who are running the rink deserve much credit for their excellent managing of affairs, ---------- Should Be Printed. In vids of the popularity which the marine school lectures Capt with I by \ Thomas Donnelly have been re cvived by marine men here and olse wl ins heen suggested that at the 'close of the term in March, they should he printed in pamphlet form by the marine department. and dis- tributed free of charge to very ma rinfr who desires a or May Enter Into Negotiations. It is reported that Mr. Sweeney, proprictor of the Victoria Hotel, New York, is desirons of entering into negotiations with the bondholders of the British-American Hotel, Special Beef Sale. Western beef, Choice boiling and stewing pieces, cut from. grime western steer and heifer beef. 500 lbs. soll Saturday at 3c. per Ib. Davies. company, limited. tos The Wm. Buy Abbey Salt at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh there, THE DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN| Occurrences In The City And on Page seven to-day. harmless and effective, 10c. and 25c. -and wen GENERAL. Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. : : Buy Grippe Tablets at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ; Every thing for the sic room at Dr. Chowns. The Whig's social news w k and sick ill be found The Aberdecns have a striking new uniform of green and red. Best's perfect headache powders, January 29th. Vote. for Pense on 2 f to Kings- He has always been true ton. A genuine treat is in store for those hearing Miss Winslow's 'eello playing at Queen's Glee Club concert. ; It will save you a lot of trouble, if. vou see what our advertisers have kay to you before you start out shop- or. of Stotland concert, City hall, January 25th. Affgood programme has been prepared, consisting of Scot- tish numbers. ' ., She, (after coming from the rink vesterday afternoon) "The ice was like a mirror." He, *Is that why the girls flock there *" Whiskey detectiv this week and six hotel-keepers were convicted and fined. The detectives were sent out by the provincial sec retary. : A splendidly equipped and stocked health factory, Dr. Chown's where every requisite for the sick and sick room will be found. : The thin scum of ice which formed in the harbor yesterday together with last night's flarry of snow were con- ducive, to, the forming of ice across the channel, this morning. The weather took a very sudden change during last night, the thermo i several degrees above 3 point. The rain this made . the sidewalks very 0 visited Prescott morning slippery. On Monday afternoon the board of health will hold its inaugural meeting for 1906. The medical health officer will likely make some recommenda- tions as to procedure, hereafter. iy matters affecting the public health. The Trusts and Guarantee com- pany, limited, Toronto, has heen ap- pointed trustee of the estate of the late James Hayes, of 'Essex, Ont. who died in March last. The estate amounts to about £15,000. ~The electors are trusted to again re turn Pense to the legislature, They know the treatment he has received from his opponents and can be relied upon to act. Save time and trouble, when want ing any drug store need, hy sending at once to Best's, If it is in the city, it is there. Tf it is something nunsual, it will be procured for you in shortest possible time. Alderman D. A. Givens, conserva- tive, says that ©. W. Wright ap- pointed by the conservative government, should not hold two offices, one of which might nullify the other. No such state of affairs existed under liberal rule, It is acknowledged on all sides that Dr. Chown has the best equipped truss department in Central Canada, carry ing constantly on hand 'trusses and supporters of every description. The Society's Officers. The following were elected officers of the Prince Edward Agricultural Soci- ety : J. Healy, president; D. H. Fraser, Northport, vice-president; Ed ward Grimmon, Black River Bridge, second vice-president; directors, H. W Bedell, W. J. Carter' H. B. Bristol, R. A. Williamson, C. P. Scott, Sid Stan- ton, B. R. Hepburn, Dr. E. M. Her rington, W. Moffatt. Auditors, J. F. Gillespie and D. L. Bongard; T. Bog, sveretary treasurer. The Way It Is Done. The Whitneyites dismissed a division court clerk in Hastings, because he had been a candidate for parliament and the legislature years before his appointment. Now they are appointing men to office who are the most ardent partizans that can be raked up What do they expect when a change occurs-- as happen it will before many years go around Belleville Ontario. Sick room supplies of all kinds at r. Chown's Drug Store. At the funeral of C. F. Gildersleeve, yesterday, "James Stewart represented the Canada Atlantic Transit pany, of Montreal. TT Ts ------ -- COLD IN THE HEAD D com Can be Cured in a Few Minutes by Inhaling Tatarrhozone. By gently breathing Catarrhozone through the mouth and slowly exhaling through the nostrils, cold in the head can be cured al most immediately, Catarrhozone is very simple and pleasant to use, and is guaranteed to cure colds, Catarrh and all winter ills or Your money back, Miss Helm Brown, Annan, N.8, writes © "l have used Catarrhozone and always found it satisfactory. gives immediate relie \ cold in the han! It i to coughs and and is the cleanest ! vad n convement eure. for Catarrh I have met." , Robert t Kennedy, Kingston, N.B. writes © ; "1 would' not be without Ca. tarrhozone for the world. for a cold in the head, coughs and influenza it is indispensable. It is so pleasant and convenient that it can't be praised too bighly.v 2 Carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in your vest pocket--use it now ; and you won't have colds: as well as cures them. Physicians pronounce Catarrhozone the marvellous cough and cold eure age ond state that it has no equal for bronchitis, lung trouble and catarrh. Two months' treatment costs and again, 1t prevents most of the Trusses that give ease, Dro Chown's, Few People Know How Usefy disinfectant and purifier in nat, the humen system for the same gases and impurities al WHE VALUE OF CHARCOAL, 1i is in Preserving Healt th Beauty. Nearly everybody knows (hat char coal is the safest and mos, wHicieyq Te, ug ken nly cleang. few realize its value when tal g purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that the you take of it the Detter; it is drug at all, but simply absort ory not D8 2 WAYS presen - n the stomach and intestines gang ries them out of the system, Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating ions, and other odorous vegetables Charcoal effectually clears and jy, proves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further acts as a naturg] and eminently safe cathartic, ji It absorbs the injurious gases which ollect in the stomach and bowels; j disinfects the mouth and throat froy the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal form or another, but probably the best charcoal and 'the most for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal ]oz es; they are composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form op rather in the form of large, pleasay tasting lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges ij soot tell in a much improved cong; tion of the general health. better oom plexion, sweeter breath and Pure: blood, and. the beauty of it is, at no possible harm can result from their eontinued use, but on reat benefit. A Buffalo physician -in speaking the benefits of charcoal says: "I a4 vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all patients suffering from gas in stomag and bowels, and to clear the complex. ion and purify the breath, mouth an throat; I also believe the liver i greatly benefited by the daily use of them; they cost but twenty-five centy a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more ad bett charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Bozeng- es than in any of the ordinary char coal tablets." TO-NIGHT | Faney Collars Special Sale of Ladies' Fancy Collars, in preity shades of Pale Blue White, Green, Mauve, Red, made in latest style and cheap at 25¢.and 30c exch To-night on sale at 15¢. each on in ong the contrary Drawers Children's Flannelette Drawers, to fit. ages 3105 years. Special To-night 10e¢. a pair Larger sizes in above to fit ages 5 to 8 years,0n sale To-night 156. Underwear Of all kinds for Men, Women, Girls and Boys on sale at Special Prices To-night. If you wantany for Bargains. oy Monday Special showing of L description. Come in and see the swellest range 18 Kingston. NEWMAN & SHAW 00000000004! CUT THIS OUT COUPON The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. i J) @1S a, STAKDS FOR INTEREST 0X CASH TRADING HERE PEE COOP C PPPOE POOO00000 hs one dollar, and is" guaranteed to cure or your money back. Trial size 23c. At all druggists, « The genuine Rovril, pint bottles tract of beef), 'only 75c., at Wade "Pay water rate and save disc Underwear comes to us dies' Whitewear of every | : 0000000 (er: 4 -------------------- AMER RA Twenty-Bight Army © Send Letters of Endors To Dr. Hartman, the I of Pe-ru-na. No other catarrh remedy in | has received such unstintc from so many renowned state military men as Peruna, Gen. 0'Beirne of Washingto Writest "As many of my fr acquaintances have successf your Perunas as a catarrh ¢ that it is an effective femedy, ommend it as such to those from that disease as a mos source of relief.'--James R. 200 Broadway, Washington, T General S. S. Yoder of | Writes: "I have found Perun wonderful remedy. Ionlyu short time and am thorough! as to its merits."--8. 8, Yad ington, D. C. ~ Brigadier-General Kk Writes: "I can recommend all those who are afflicted witl --D.'P. Kirby, Washington, I Brigadier-General King of Co Sy Army, Writes: "I uifhesitatingly st am convinced Peruna is a me: will effect all the cures that a for its nse,"=J, Floyd King, ton, D. Os General Smalls, Beaufor Writes: "I have used Peru tarrhal trouble and find it and to be all thatit promises, give it my unqualified re tion."--Robert Smalls. General Abbett of Washing Writes: *I 'am Illy conv your remedy Peruna is an tonic. Many of my friends it with the most beneficial congh#, eolds and catarrhal Ira 0. Abbott, 906 M 8t., N. ingtom, D. C. Captain Yarnell of Washin Writes : 4 Your medicine, Pe lieve to be the best medicine on the market. 1 have tal small amount, and can see v cial resalts,"--W. G. Yarnel coln étreet, N. E., Washingt: General McBride of U. Writess "I have no hesita ommending Peruna to all p are afflicted with catarrhal J.D. McBride, 450 Pennsyl N. W., Washington, D. CO. General Noske of 0. Writes: "I commend Peru who are troubled with cold; catarrh, as a most efficacious Bu ----_--_ Wilson's : 9 lavadids Port Is positively" fre from all deleter ous ingredients- its absolute purit being vouched fc by subch eminer medical celebriti as L. MINIEl French Chemist « the Laboratory Practical Science and MILTON | HERSEY, "Go érnment Analyst It is strongly r commended f © An®mia, Loss Sleep, Dyspepsi La Grippe, Gen ral Debility a Nervous Prostr What Is. Tontine In This :--Profits, under ti come into 'possession of the vided he lives until his pol whether it Le an enduowme: vohey. Sain Do all policy, holders, tb survive the term-:selectid by in profits ? We answer, Yi lake the tash valie of BUT it a man's health has he have his profits added ? in th NO, and wh MOST EMPHASIZE it, THE ORTANT ORB) 'Tontine Insuranes, n iY er of eqmpinies insert a cl policy, IN VERY FINE P that if the insured wishes J to policy, he must furnish t with a certificate of good he 80, & Now, let us §iy, and we We are "blowing our own viving it & good square blas ly. THE LONDON AND LA LIFE offers to the. intendi Sontact in black nnd whit not demand a certificate of end of the term, and wroviso in fine type, that are in ill-health, deprive verv hest option as to prof such ® contract as ours, one. dont you t MILLS & CUNN District Ager does