ALATABLE, RIENT WATER, Dose. ie of Apenta Water in he safest and most e \D THE LABEL. eS -------- Bibby's SALE discount nter Vicunas and some vith but one end in 11 Winter Overcoats. BBY CO. , 80, 82 Princess St. wl wn VV WE ~ Pair men's and Girls' rs, with felt and 28c Women's House colors, which are y 80c¢ gs - f Women's Ankle cloth, only 28¢ dium and three- 3 78c. to $1.28 : [HY'S 22 2%2%%%% ry Sale 1 Balance Scale WITH SIDE BEAM £peocial Regular $3.50. - $2.80 5.00. 4.00 Scales wi igh accurately from 34 oz. up. LL- BE CUTLERY ¢ of 'the best of our BIRCH, WOMEN WHO CHARM REALTH IS THE FIRST ESSENTIAL It Helps Women to Win and Hold Men's Admiration, Respect and Love ¢ Woman's greatest gift is the power to inspire admiration, respect. and love. There is a beauty in health which is more attractive to men than mere regu- gi of feature, To be a successful wife, to retain the Jove and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of ill-health, ainful or irregular menstruation, Phe or backache, secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Windsor, N. 8S, «describes her illness and cures, in the following letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: -- "When I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was suf- ering with weakness womb trouble, hes, backacheés, and that worn-out, tired fi . Ihave only taken the Vege- table Compound a few short weeks, and it has made me well; On robust. - I believe that t Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable omy is without equal for female trou- Women who are troubled with pain- ful or irregular menstruation, back- ache, bloating (or flatulence), Jeucor- rheea, falling, inflammation or ulcera- tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles that "bearing-down" feeling, dizzi- ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous rostration may be restored to perfect fealth and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Surely you cannot wish to remain sick, weak and discouraged, when youn might so easily be cured. The medi- cine which has made so many other women well will cure you also. PERSONAL N[ENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Capt. de Bury i with Jow fever J. 1 treal C. M. Grandi in the city. W.0. Boyce, Denver, Colo. is the Rabdolph hotel. Herbert 1). Moss, Renfre ness visitor to the city. Henry Folger returned yesterday af- ter his trip to Toronto. Charles N. Ruttan, was in the city yvester down Haveock is on a trip to Mon \, Buffalo, is slaying at w, is a busi- Adolphustown, and to-day. v . E. Harvey, Orvis, Pa, arrived in the city yesterday and will remain in town a couple of days. a Frank T. Merr representative of the Merritt and Pritchard Biograph company, is in town. Rev William Hay, Wolfe Island, preaches for a call at Scotland and Mickshurg, on January 2lst i wall, Queen's University, ifth lecture of his Kespeare, in Jelleville, Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for 'Women They are the prescription of a specialist. This is an age of specialists,-- men who give all their time, stu- dy, and practice to some particu lar branch of medicine. There are specialists of the eye, special- ists in diseases of the lungs, spe- cialists in diseases of women. It costs something to get a prescrip- tion from a specialist, but it is worth all it costs, when you get it. Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for Women are the prescription of Dr. Hugo, of Paris, z specialist of forty years' experience indiscases of women. It embraces the latest medical discoveries of the other skilled physicians in the world. It might be called a compound prescrip tion of the world's best specialists, No ordinary physician can pres cribe sucha remedy. The better the physician, the nearer will be his prescription to that of Dr. Hugo. Thousands of women in Europe have paid $50 for a consultation with Dr. Hugo and got the same . Considering the benefit they received from it, it was worth $350, but it costs women now only 50c. for six dozen tab- lets--enough for an extended treatment. Itis a compound remedy con- taining all the tonics and altera- tives that any woman can need, nO matter what her condition. For women suffering from a rune down condition, or any weakness peculiar to her sex, it is now ac- knowledged to be beyond doubt or question the best remedy avail able to-day, It makes healthy women. . fate mers | G00D WRESTLING RING TIME. The Little Fellows Gave a Better Exhibition. For the Benefit of the Spectators--A Swede's First Appearance. Montreal, tan. 20.--Alexander Sam- son, Swedish Mrestler, madel his first | appearance in America, last night, at Sohmer Park, where he met. Ponder- | ons Apollo and tugged at him for an hour without fall. Samson, who weighs about 215 pounds, made a good unpression." He was not able to do | mufh' with the massive Apolto, but he' { kept the big fellow on, the mat a good part of six, ten-minute rounds. Daniel Mcleod defeated Emil, Maupas in mixed style coutest, which was more interesting from a spectator's standpoint, than the tussle between the big fellows. Maupas won the first fall at, Graceo-Roman, in thirty-seven | minutes, but McLeod turned ov the Frenchman twice at catch-as-catch- can. The choice of style for the third fall was decided on the flip of a coin, | McLeod being lucky man. Maupas showed * surprising form at catch-as- | catch-can and gave Mcleod the thard- est kind of a tussle. It tpok the wily Dan thirty-seven and onchalf minutes to get the first fall, but in the deci sive turn he pinned his opponent to thir mat in seventeen minutes, SATURDAY MARKET. Good Attendance, Mild Weather, Normal Prices. Notwithstanding the "disagreeable } weather conditions the market, this | morning, was a good ene--Both-on the square and in the butter market at- tendance was large. The continued | mild weather is" responsible for a drop in the priee of eggs to 30c. and 35¢. for new laid egy and 25¢. to 30e. for fall egss, "and high price of onl, chickens, . 'tar8]l a me fowl, pair; turkeys, lde. a geese 4 cach, Fogs were "very ple ntifull, "the hens laving well under the spring-like weather conditions. Butter was offered in large quantities at 22¢. to 25c. a Ih.. principally the latter price I'he housekeeper had a' wide selection in| * nearly all lines from which her market produce, to choose Outside the nrices were about the same as the vast few | weeks. With meat, pork has slightly friends in G Ananoque. . advanced from Sc. and Sc. to 9c. and | yoo WR Hart and Miss Helena 10e: porinds- heel, to fp, lamb. 9c. Lt eooke: Winnipeg, are tisiting friends to lle; mutton, ic. to O¢. The vege- lin the city. 9 table market® remains good and steady | Thursilay evening, Mrs. M. R..Bar- in price ! nett, 'gave a very jolly social evening So -------------- to about twenty of her daughter's, Sold A Farm. { Miss Inez Sands, young friends, at Inverary, Jan. 20.--James Shepherd'| hor home on Queen street. Games has disposed of his farm. to Ryder | and music were enjoyed. Bros., Hurtington, for $6,500. He has | . vented W. JJ. Arthur's house for the | ISLAND "PRINCESS WEDS. summer, and will move his family } a there while he goes out west. Ferguson has purchased the residence | i for "which hy are particularly It was intended as a farewell Arthur, Sr., who is about ve for his home in Lowell, | Mrs, A. Ritchie has returned | visiting her danghter, Mrs. P| Ira Darl treated the | of his Bible class to" an supper on the 15th, Lorne i« a frequent visitors in this neighborhood. Visitors: Misses Jen- nie Dillon, and Freeman and James Dillon Westhrooke, Thomas Thompson's; Mrs. Sarah Pixon at hor son's, James Dixon: Dr. Byron | Gamble, Morton, with Ferdinand | Holmes: Mrs. Knapp antl Florence at George Akroyd's; Ivy Haggadore and a, at W. R. Tolls'; Mi at W, Duff's tie noted. to ¢ 10 Muss from Downey. members yrge rg oyster Storms at 158 Benefits This Winter. Such a winter as we have been hav- ing means money in the city coffers, | The city has been at necessary to dig the old limestone out of the snow and make traffic possible, The street railway company has also been glad of the mild weather, one does not sea the coal men wear ing that beaming smile, which is us ual with them at this time of the year, Junior Basket-Ball At Y.M.C.A. The junior basketballers had a game | at the Y.M.C.A., this, morning, in which the Rovals won from the Beav- ors bv aiscore 'of 17 to 11. The game half, the score being equa second to all, particularly so holders, to property | English white liniment, 25¢,, BIG FELLOWS H, HAD A STIR: ag ghasion last night, in honor { of Mrs. Dignam. Miss Gertrude Fories- ! woman | Among Mrs. Powers' guests were Miss | G. Grover, Mrs. Henry Boak, Miss Hel | en Fraser, | King, Miss Dupuy, { Alice C hown. ! jolly. { next, { noon. | day | vitations | Thursday, Amos | Father of the late Hpgh Spring, in the vil Has No Money. luge. A large number attended the London, Jan, 20.-- Princess Mabel, sale at. Wesley © Ferguson's on Tues- | of the delectable ( ocos- Keeling As. day. Cows brought a high figure | lands, otherwise Miss Mabel Clunies- -- lizing from '$30 to $ Rev. 8S. | Ross, has been married at Nelson, is absent attene ing church | New Zealand, to Harold Kempthorne. pening at Yarker. Will not return Her father is the ruler, under the until Monday. On the 11th Miss | British flag, of the group of twenty Litiien Tolls entertained a select few | beautiful islets in the Fast Indian of the vonng people in honor of Miss | Archipelago occupied by his ances Myrtle Haggadore, Odessa. All re { Capr. Ross, the Scottish maste: port it as being informally pleasant. | owner of a merchant vessel, in IR On the same evening an oyster supper | He makes his own | laws, governs was held at George Akroyd's, the | without a single policeman and up o of honor heing Isane Holder, of plies all goods to the islanders, who oon. On the 16th, Dr. and | are without shops and without money. Mrs. A. I. Freeman entertained at | The drawback to the complete happi- another of those pleasant little par- [ ness of the men is that, as they have | ing | instead of a chapel, | fessors, {a chapel," | secretary of the hoard of trustees, and registrar of the university, vesterday. "It is likely that a popular sub, scription: will bepstarted,, and 1 have ! no doubt that the necessary funds will | comparatively | regards corporation { no expense a= . work from heavy snow falls and the | T he H. J. Wilkinson block, corner other accessories of King Winter's | of Princess and Montreal streets, was bombardment. Not more than six | sold bv John H. Mills at auction, to- men have, as vot been regiired to | de . The bidders were : John Gaskin, fight the season, as compared with | J. 3 Henderson, R. Waldron, H. 1. last vear, when about this time for a | Ribby, W. J. McKee and was finally stretch of three weeks one hundred | sold to A. J. Macdonell, 'manager of men and twenty team of horses were the Ontario bank, for $7,900, but | was fast and close at one time, in the | years in use--painless and sure. The Los up - i. Co i McCankey's caramels, 20c., sold only Rova Gratton, Fleming, forwards; at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Muckler, eentre; Marshall, defence. | Best cocoanut, pes Ib., 25c.: 3 hot Beavers--Goodearl, Parkhill, . for- | (1.s flavoring extract, 25¢., at Mullins wards; Loe, centre; Macdonnell; de: | pyeesessss-------- fence. ral : Dying With Cramps. Referce--H. Beal, The distress at times is so severe you almost think it means death. In one A Creditable Number. { minute vou can cure cramps with Ner- The January number of the Real | viline. Ever trv it # "I think Nervil Estate Bulletin:is an exeeedingly cred- | ine is the finest remedy in the world itable production. This popular local | for colic and eramms.'" writes W,'B. monthly is evidently working its way | Wilton, of Toledo. "When I take Nervi- into thd good graces of the citizens | line, I know ite going to relieve quick- generally. Its list of properties for Iv and for that 'reason I am never sels is canstantly increasing, and its without it. 1 have found Nerviline career is boynd to be most beneficial | good for cick headache and stomach "for big | on stomach and bowel disorders. Bet Cross Drug | ter keen a 25e. bo 1 A THE. DA DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. A TOLD In THE TWILIGHT. - (See also Page 7.) h Power gave a very de- cue and Miss Muriel King played very | beautifully, and Miss Ada Bates, and | Miss Mildred Macmorine sang, The Woman's Art is desirous of promoting the handicrafts as well as the arts, among Canadian women, and Mrs. Dignam showed some very beautiful | lace, made in Canada. Amongst it was a bit made by the fingers of an old of eighty five, who lives in Moncton, N.B., and who was one of | those entrusted with the making of the lace for the queen' s wedding robe. Drummond, M Mrs. and MN James Hendrie, W. B. Carey, . and Ettad Mrs. Mrs. Machar, "Miss Miss Mowat, { Richmond, Mr: Hiram Calvin, Mrs. Miss Alice and Miss Muriel Miss Nan Skinner, Miss Charlotte Moore, iss Nellie | Fortescue, Miss Kathleen Daly Miss ee Miss) Bossi Sythe asked a few girls to tea, on Thursday, to meet Miss { Charpentier, It was very bright and s 5's.» Mrs. H. W. voung people's dance, for the debutante Richardson will give a on Tuesday of the after- - . - - Minnes, Sr., "At Home,' has sent on Fri- Mrs. James out cards for an of next week, . . * . Mrs. W. .J.. Crothers has issued in- for an "At Home on January 25th, at hall-past four. Ee tar ont Among thr --tist of guests the To- ronto papers mention as being at the Triaity conversazione, one of the city's most enjoyable functions, the names of Mrs. Herbert Horsey and Miss Mil dred Cooke were noticed. - Miss Lyman has returned to Bos ton. Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham returned, to-day, from Ottawa. Mrs. Hugh Spencer and her children, are visiting Annie Daly, and will be here about a month, The Reading Club will meet at Mrs John. Macnanghton's on Monday. Miss Lulu Cays was expected | from Ottawa to-day. Miss Kathle wn Wilson Miss home is visiting Rules Kingdom, Which { been forbidden to flog their wives, the women have obtained undue moral in flaence 'over them. Harper Memorial Library. Chjeago, Jan. 20.--Sentiment favor the erection of a great library, as a memorial to President W. R. Harper, has grown among the University of Chicago pro students and alumni in the 1 few days, and it is believed now that a library building to cost at least 81,500,000 will be constructed, Y*A great library would be more fit ting to the memory of president than said Dr. T. W. Goodspeed, be donated quickly.' Wilkinson Estate Sold. Excursion To Toronto. Queen's Hockey Club will run an ex cursion to Toronto on February sec ond. A special train will leave Kine- ston at 11.30 am. fare $3.70 return. | Farther details will be announced lat er. > "Limit Of Human Agony. Foolish, Extractor Don't put to-day--fity Is often reached with coins. ; because Putnam's Corn cures in twentv-four hours, | it offi--get "Pufnam's" troubles and recommend it for strength | and sureness."' Doctors sav that Pol: | son's Nerviline is a regular soecialist = STANDS FOR TRIAL GOODMAN PUT IN IN JAIL WITH- OUT BAIL. Some '$3,000 Worth of Goeds Re- covered Since His Arrest-- Asking For a Supefannuation Scheme For Teachers. * » Toronto, Jan. 20.--Charles Good: man, the wealthy second hand dealer, who has heen nearly three weeks in jail, on. charges 'of TeGeiving" Stolo goods, was arraigned, to-day, the charge of receiving goods the heh A ty of Denham, Caldecott &: Co. He sleaded not guilty, elected to be tried by jiey, and was remanded, bail be- ing refused." Since Goodman's arrest, property of nearly three thousand dol lars in value, the proceeds. of several robberies, has been frecoveres A deputation from the Ontario Edu- cational Association, headed by Chan- eellor Burwash, waited upon Hon. Mr. Matheson, provincial treasurer, this morning, and submitted a scheme for the superannuation of teachers in the provinte, in which both teachers and government will bear a share of the casts. Col. Matheson said he would submit the scheme to an actuary to seo if it was feasible. Dr. Sheard has discovered a case of small-pox, on Saunders avenue, in the' west end of the city. The patient a man and the medical health? officer thinks the disease was contracted through a Christmas visit. The pa- tient, vaccinated, has been removed to the Swiss cottage hospital and the' house placed under quarantine, Mrs. MeDougall and Miss McDougall, widow and daughter of the late Al fred McDougall, solicitor to the pro- vineial treaspry, are Seing the On- tario government to recover 210,000, the amount of the insurance policy on the life of Mr. MeDongall. This morn: ing they filed affidavits, at Osgoode Hall, setting forth that they made as signments of the policies to the late government, on the understanding that Mr. Mchouwrall would not he pro secuted for the alleged defaleations. is THE KING WELL. Gone Up to London From Sandringham. London, Jan. 20. King Edward jour neved from Sandringham (6 Eondon yesterday, and went to a theatre last evening. He will go to Windsor, to- day. His majesty appeared to bein good health and spirits. Has -------------- Field's Humble Start. Marshall Field's first employer, Da vis, a merchant in Pittsfield, Mass., pronounced the man who became the greatest of merchants, and one of the world's. richest men, a flat failure, and discharged him from his service when a boy of seventeen. Marshall Field, nevertheless, was al ways proud of hig experience in Pitts field as salesman, and the mistaken judgment of John Avia made Field a careful man in judging other men. Field's first job was small in the common eves of the world as com pared with his later work, but he was wise enough always to know that it was the most important thing he had to do at that time. And as he did that well he his character, opened his life portunity, and made himself of fate. Marshall moulded to op- master WEALTH UNEARTHED. Had Money Aggregating Over $3,000. London, Jan 20.--~Curious facts were brought to light quests yesterday been thought but were found able sums of money. At Balecomtw, a bachelor named Steadman, who had always pleaded poverty and lived on charity, was found to h $45 hidden away in his room and 8630 in the bank. A Grimsby pavement artist, had crawled about the streets on erutches and presented a pitiable ap" at three in on persons who had to be poverty-stricken, to possess congider- Sussex, who pearance, died in the Louth work house, and eighty sovereigns were discovered in various parts of the old suit he wore Ann Laws, a who had table help from found to have posit away Sunderland old maid, frequently accepted chari her neighbors, was bank and building de receipts worth $2,000 stowed in her room. Daniel Gallery's Vindication. Mbntreal, Jan. 20.--The other day Hon. Judges Davidson and Robidoux elared that Alderman Daniel Gal lery, M.P,, for St. Ann's, was guilty of corrupt practices, of federal political On Friday M8 revenge, as ann deprived him rights for seven the alderman had he publishes a splen did requisition, hiaded hy Sir George A. Drummond and Sir Hugh Montagu Vears. } Allan, who declare they will support Alderman Gallery ior another term at the City hail Presentation To J. F. Singleton. Friday evening the staff of the East ern Ontario Dairy School, presented J. F. Singleton, instructor of milk testing, who has been lately married, with a handsome marble clock, James Stonchouse read an appropriate ad dress and J. H. Echlin made the pre sentation. x i Hass Fallen. Guayaquil, Jan. 20.--~The revolution- ati's have entered Quito (the capital of Eenador). Vice-President Baquerizo, Morenzo has assnmed executive pow- er, and will appoint a new cabinet, Davies' Ceylon Tea. Sold at a wholesale price, a quality, for 25c. per Ib. 10. Every paper in Ontario honors and esteoms Mr. Pense for integrity and capacity. Kingston electors do the same. His friends confidently look for his re-election. The Stratford Beacon says Mr. Pense deserves re-election on his record as an able and high-minded representative. Hioh class candy, McCankey's and Huyler's, sold only at Gibson's Red 1 real mor VERY UNFORTUNATE ! But the Whig Kept Nery Quiet About It. Carleton Place Canadian. A Kingston editor, as vou have seen in tem thousand papers, was roh- bed, last week, of 816. It was the most sensational item appearing in many a day. There is not an editor in the land who has mot sat up cach night ever since with one eye and two cars- on guard. It was unfortunate that such a revelation should have been made inta the resources of the editorial kingdom, but we beg to as- sure all burglars that this is an ex- ceptional case, the Kingston man hav- ing good fortune away beyond even the most gilt-edged aspirations of his contemporaries, ----r-- a The Sympathies Of Editors. This is how the wditors sought to assuage the grief of a fellow-sufferor ; Brockville Recordert Kingston has the meanest Kind of thieves. © They broke into the house of Managing Editor El liott, of the Whig, and stole $16, A thiof who could find that amount of money in any Brockville editor's Rous could certainly qualify without difli culty in the ocenlt science, Picton Gazette : A report is current that a grit editor of Kingston wy robbed of 816. Serves him right, Newspaper men, grit or tory, have no business to have & large an amount of money concealed on their person. St. Catharines Standavd : The man. aging editor of the Kingston Whig was robbed: of £16 a fow nights ago. The question has been aptly asked, "Where 'did he get it all 7 Hamilton Spectator : A newspaper man in Kingston was robbed of X16 v. The 'editor of the Kings: ton Whir has been robbed of 816, "Where dil the money come from 9 Ottana- Citieon-i--Ad--shamelmor--ack-of- consideration by Kingston burglars Hamilton Spectator : After all that talk of a pure election in Kingston, somebody staked a grit 'editor for 316 to bribe the constituency. Luckily it was stolen from bin before he got his work in. Brockville Recorder : That receptly formed anti-corruption tribunal of Kingston's should at once investigate the story of the editor who says he was robbed of 816. If the vase were not sub-judice the Recorder would Iw inclined to say the ous, yarn is preposter fire fire The and light committee: visited the station, Friday afternoon, and found everything in q satisfactory con dition. "Menthol and Eucalyptus" jujubes for gore throat, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, New Telephone Directory THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Is . about to publish Official Telephone Directory 0 new issue of For the district of EASTERN ON- TARIO, including the City of King ston Orders for new. connections, changes of firm name changes of street ag- dress, or for duplicate entries, should be handed to the local manager at once H. W. SNELIING, Local Manager SPECIAL NOTICE "0 sma Farmers, Dairymen and Others fuvite you to call at The Frontenac Mills Foot of Gore Street Ve are offering Ground Corn at the | very low price of £21 por ton | Good Mixed Chop at 820 per ton { Flour second to none Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour Crushed Outs. All at very special prices The Hedley Shaw Mil ing Co ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Furniture, etc. THURSDAY, JAN. 25 PART OF EFFECTS OF THE LATE Col Montizambert Viz ==Piano, 'Ma ho any Cheffonier Bureau, Cabinet, ete Rlack: Walnut Sideboard, Range, Fine Refvdeerator, Carpets, Chamber Sets Decaneters, . Silverware, quantity of Short Book Shelves, Tranks Ook Caliinet E Chairs, Books, Pictures. Crockery and various articles, Sale at the rooms of the . Auctioneer Térms cash. Sale Piano, at 11 JOMN H. MILLS 1 Austioneer. Auction Sale of Real Fstate MRE Ww. .H WILSON HAS IN-| structed me to sell hy auction on ' Thursday, Jan. 25 At my Broek street, at11 | o'clock a.m. foli aw ine Parcel 1. consist of 502 Princess St. | solid. Brick House, all modern conveni- ance, With coach-house and large Jot at rear Parcel 2, Brick House, Livinuston Ave. with extra lot Parcel 8, two Roughcast houses, sit- unted on Colborne St, facing Chapman Nt, 4, Parcel Victoria at 10.80 a.m rooms, 27 the sitnated on consists of 8 lots, situated on St., known as Law's Rope Property, to bo sold in lot or in Bloc Terms and condition at time of sale. Further information, aoply to W. H. Wilson. MURRAY, Y.W. C.A. Sunday. 4 p.m.! WM. Auctioneer, ¥ botile on hand for em: 'MONDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDIES IN MARK is OOK insile your watch cover and seal . > That's bad busi- ness, Bill! What you been Eating? What were you drinking? What kind of Lazy Chair did you take exercise in? Now don't think it doesn't matter t Because, it's your Bowels . that talk now, every time you J open your Mouth. That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. of EER Besides, a man with bad Bowels is ina ~~ Late Suppers . 3 bad way. Cheerful Boosing And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, d ing". 5 are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor Digestion. Easy Chair Athletich 2 - - % ~dAnd Lazy Liver, J fe Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, for . $ Exercise! One tablet how yhotawer yous 'Finest thing in the world tor Constipa~ tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile you need it will insure you against cent of all other lis likely to attack you, Walks, Because 90 per cent of these ilis begin Haven't time? Too Lazy? in the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition. Well,~there is another Way. Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels, That's--CASCARETS. . - They rouse the Bowel Muscles, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. 'Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestines in a healthy active manner, ay a Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't irritate, nor upset your stomach, Cascarets are Warranted to Gite Cons stipation, Indigestion, 'or, your! mony back, » - ". 5 Ph Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Bg ve careful to get the genuine, made only That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of lntes- the Sterling Remedy Company, and, tines, to its Finish. sold Jn bulk, Every tablet That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice cece." bier A sample and the Py 'booklet "Curse of Constipation," Fres for the! asking. Addfess Sterling Jimi Got pany, Chicago or New York. ee into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform ft Children's Ready- to-Wear Hats...... / Former prices $1.00 to $1.75. 4 Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats 1... Former "price $1.25 to $3.00, h Ladies' Ready-to-Wear ' Hats .. Former prices $3.50 to $4.50. Ladies' aud Children's Untrimmed Colored Felts ) Former prices 75¢. to $2.75. COAT SALE STILL COING ON. See the Women's Coats in Black and Oxford, regular $150 10 99, at. ovine sisi ai nnn re knnnss A few Girls' Coats left at .........ciii us cen viii, ; Do not miss these wonderful offerings. A few days will clear them. : SPENCE'S, ™ "tin ts stor. < ' MAKING.UP" An up-to-date bedroom should consist of Brass Bedstead, any Oak Princess Dregeers, or Gentleman's match. This week we are closing out the above Bedroom Furniture at HALF-PRICE, " We Also a Few Specials In White Bnamel Iron Belay. Surface Oak ; Oval Glass Dressers and Stands, AT A BARGAIN, Coe Wien Requiring Four sid Foul | JAMES REID, THE LEADING ERTARER CITY OR PRIVATE AMBULANCE. Whitewear, Blouses, Shirt Waist Suits, ~ and Children's Coats. MATCHLESS BARGAINS On Monday 'Morning we will offer the balance of all the traveller's samples of the above articles ~about two hundred--Ileft "from last Monday's sale. * Every on the sale tables will be at least one-half what you pay regularly six weeks later for the same things :-- © pi Cheftonier to: FEAGRE. And r 4 8 | 4 . : i : £8 angi HAs Ladies' Lawn, Colored Muslin and Print Wash Suits, $1.19 a 0 This dors not mean material to make up-but the = suit all ready to for less' than it costs ta make one. Advance styles for Heng 'niade the master concern of Canada, $1.19, $1.50, $1.80 and $2.95. ' Children's Summer Coats, $1.69 +5 Made of English Pigue, Washable Serge, Cashmere and Silk, New styles--rather bw --hut if you see them you will hoy, £1.99, Luster Waists in White and Black, 48¢. Up . A number of pretty spring styles in these, beginning at 49¢c. each, running to 69., 70c., 98c., $1.25. Any one hall what they, will worth as soon as the season opens, - Ladies' White Night Robes, 49¢c. Made of very fair quality Cambric and trimmed in lace, in full sizes, 56, 58 and 60 inches, worth at least 75c., for 49¢, each. - White Lawn and Print Blouses, 38¢. : Would retail regularly at Be; only 39c, lens Cadi a ee : 3 & Black Sateen Skirts, 68c. : + Gaod quality Black Sateen Skirts of Merecrized Sateen, long full skirts, at 69c., T9¢., 89¢., 98¢, Worth twice the price, The James Johnston 180 WEL A good quality Lawn, trimmed with insertion, and lalest spring Meeven, 2 na od aq