Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1906, p. 3

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Armours Extract USE IT RIGHT t teaspoonful of Armou's tract of Beef will season as much p, etc. as a whole teaspoonful any other Extract, A 2 oz. jar of Armour' re than a 2 oz. bottle of Flatt f but PRIOURS = SS | L E Dr. Chase's Oint: ands: bleeding See testimonials in the ress andl ack 's Cotton Root Compound, The only safe effectual m, medicine on which Wolnen ou) d: 3, As for Cook's Cot ton t Compo ; take no snbatitute. 'Windsor, Ontario, Be sure you u get ARMOUR'S ment is a certain and ofS aranto eighbors about it. You & ar money back if not on etn wag if 2 Hi d 1. Sold in two degrees of stenathoplo. A Yor ordinary ook Medicine Co. ---- and Union 'Hotel oms From $1,00 Per Day Up ollow the or each and 3 or EDMANSON, Bates & Co., Toronto, 2 "zat cases, §lperbox;: No. 2, 10 de. posite Grand foqtrat Station New York you will see the economy of i. every form of CHASE'S OINTMENT, Cases, fiver Bar Sara byt GGAGEF:=FREE thing so nice around ouse as a good stock inens. In Tuesday e make a special show- n the Linen Depart- ,and note A few of the that are very interest- Read :-- ality Bleached Damask, 68 es wide, elegant patterns, th easily 69¢c. a yard. Our sday price, 49c. Other 'eS up to $1.40 a yard. hed Table Linen 70 inches » 800d pattern, was 50c¢ 7ard. Tuesday sale price, a yard. ality Table Napkins, in a t assortment of pattems, a dozen and up. Red Tabling, perfectly fast ', 56 inches wide, 50c. 9. on Sale Tuesday, 39c. - White Quilt ever shown ingston at 98c., is what fier on' Tuesday. Renem- t is worth $1.25, MAN & SHAW Rr OY UT THIS our * DUPON 4 he 18 Letters ust Accom- ny Answer. TADS FOR FAME IVE WIN EVERY 3.05 a.m. 947 a.m 12.46 p.m 3.51 pom. 7.38 p.m. 3 Arr. City g Mail .. .. 1.48 2.2% a.m. Sh Esp. 22am. 3.05 am. 16 Local ...... 8.16 am, 8.47 a.m. 6 Mail .. "12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m Local ... .. 7.03 pm, 7.38 p.m d 4 rum daily. Nos. § ally except Monday. All other xcept Sunday. nits : to Torento, Peterbo: ef other imformation, t NLEY Agent, Oor. 3 Cann streets. Kingston. Ont INCONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE VE KINGSTON :-- for Ottawa, Mon- eri PH Huiiax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago. Ren: few, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Pau', Mianipeg, Vauouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco § ~Local for Sharbot Lake, touecting with C.P.R. east and west. -Mided, for Renfrew and in- 810 termediate poin Pasenners leaving Kingston at 12:80 arrive ia Ottawa at 5:00 p.m; ro, 512 p.m.; Torente, 7:80 .m.; Bosten, 7:30 am; St. John .B., 11:55 a.m. Tull particulars at Kv & Py amd C. P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. , A. FOLGER, JR. Ti: CONWAY, F. Gen; Pass, Agent en. Supt, New short line for 'Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points, Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8.25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. ALLAN LINE "25:8 nonany ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Fem St. John From Halfxx. , Jan, 27. 'Mon., Jan. 29 Feb. 3. Mon., Feb: 5 Si at., Feh. 10. Mon., Feh. Pretorts an, Sat. Feb 17. -Mon., Feb, 19 BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Mongolian .'Sat., Jan. 27. HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE, Pens, But., Fen. 10. I BANLEY, Ar OTR. Oly . oe Clarence Bay of Quinte Railway| = RS < arth SAS ~ Np 8 -- { A $5,000 be paid to any who proves tha t Soap contains any chemicals 'or any f adulteration. Sunlight Soap is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses; Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. « i Common soaps destroy. the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Scap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find ahy cause for complaint. 5¢. Prd i 5c. Sr Brothers Limited. oeonts 67 REWARD. will { | | SYNOPSIS " CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULAT IONS sven mumbered section of Dowilna a in Manitoba or the North- West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not served, may be homesteaded upon by any Person who is the sole head oe family or any male over 18 years of age, to the xten one-quarter ©! i 160 BCres, more or less. section, personally at the Eniry may be made deal land office for the Fiistriet Ta which land to be taken in anuaated, or if the leader desires, he may. on applica- Hon to ul Minister of "the Interior, Save, th Commissioner of Immigra- ADntpeg. or the local agent for the district In which th d 1 te, ------ Authority for he Jad 3 uate. or him "a MESTEAD DUTIES { A settler who granted an entry for ms home Red 8 required to perform the con- tions connected therewith wader one following plans ; o° At least mx months residence upos Cultivation of the land in each year we ® the term of tures years au the father (or "mother if the who is a is decea uiibla A Je is of any person ® pro Rpon % hm sions me hs 6 requirements of this J Act as to iden a Prior to obtaining patent ma Ma ted by ach persom residing with " thor or tiother, ) If the settler has hig Permanent Hy Show upon farming land owned hy oe © vicinity of his honiestead, the ments of this Act as to residence the ore setiler must give six Bui to the Commissioner af Der td ds at Ottawa, of his intention Shor OF CANADIAN NURTH, glut a MING REG UGA LIONS 00 ver ~Coal lands Rathraciye" ired making "plication for patent motice acco dig Af RX 19' capital. RB piac, Bier having disco mineral fee vered locate 'w claim "1 800% di $100 Borne a > aim 18 5. the $500 has tor acre, i * pty of TY pee for on * 100 fog R Mining claime early. Square ; entry fee hres Seg ner may obtain two leases to tio eats Si five miles each ro a The locege oe hy of the "thin one Jetas 4 i 0 £3 ey PURE FOOD INSURES Good HEALTH NAGIC sone BAKING "INSURES PURE FOOD. E.W.GILLETT Soran FORONYO, ONT. SiMITED, ete THE SPORTING ARENA _ THE DAILY. NOTES GATHERED FROM ALL QUARTERS. Tales and Topics of the Sporting i | famous | pitch with the New York Giants. Association of World --'A Little of Every- thing for Our T saders. Jake Schaefer, the biliardist, is iM | at his home in Chicago. "Tip" O'Neill, once the leading bats- | man of the country, is running a ho- | tel, Jack Dougherty of Milwaukee knock- | ed out Martie Duffy, Chicago, in four '| rounds at Indianapolis. Harry Mathewson, a brother of the Christy, "has been signed to Jack O'Brien says he wants to fight in Nevada and 'doesn't care whether he takes on Jim Jeffries or Marvin | Hart. I'he snap-hack got a set-back at Ot- tawa, and all the theorizing about im- proved scrimmages will not change the fact even a little bit, This year's regatta of the National wateur Oarsmen will" probably be held on the Connecticut' river; ar § inghdd, ass. Irustee P. Ross, of the Stanley | hockey { be {'the | Leagues. ary the {ated on for appendicitis | one day cup; a: that its affairs administered by the presidents of9 Eastern, O.H.A., and Manitoba Abe Attell, one of the cleverest little fellows that ever put on the mitts, has been matched to fight Kid Pantz twen- ty rounds at Portland, Mei, on- Janu 29th. Charlie one of was ophr- at Buffalo operation was Atherton, formerly Buffalo baseball team, last week, The pronounced a success. | season after all. LE | higures ' rT) ENTER NOW For a 'susiness, Civil Service: Coursa. Kingston Busingss. College | Spacious apartments, y) equipment, excellent results, graduates in demand. Thorough individual instruction hy com- petent and experiéhted teachers in p ev ery department. Open through- the whole year. Catalogue : i B. McKAY, Sur H.F. METCALFE President. Principal. all Lovers of Fait Play i eof | sembly. "THERE 18 A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the: time «to "fill your coal bin with best quality "SCRANTON COAL om ° : 'Walsh's Yord$ BARRACK STREET. » Shorthand or | Limited Head of Queen Street i Kingston - « =~ Canada complete | | EDW, J.B. PENSE Requests' the Support of | | | | to the Frank MeGee will play hockey this By strenuous persua- sion on the part of the Ottawa Hoc- key Club the great centre has consent- {ed to again put on skates It is said at Los Angeles that Young Corbett has agunin returned to the races to forget his recent defeat. He | is said to have lost all the money he made in his fight with Herrera at Ascot. Battling Nelson cand his fain ger; Bi ly Nolan, are having trouble. Bat is Kick ing against the theatrical game. He waiits fight, he says. Rilly that there is more money. in the stage game. The New Zealand football team in Paris, "it is estimated, played before 180,000 people during their tour, and the total receipts were £25,034. The to | largest crowds gathered at Cardiff for the two fixtures in "that city. Johnny Martin will, go to New Or- leans next week and do some riding before the opening of the season at Benmings. At the present time he weighs 125 pounds, but he says that he will be able to ride at 107 or 108 pounds when the scason opens, Joseph A. Laurin, of Montreal; has bought the Airedale terriers Champion Master Royal and Champion Mistress Royal, which stand at the head of their breed in England. The price was about $2,000, and Our Dogs (Manches- ter) says it was the largest ever given for two Airedales. The appointment of Joseph B. Hay secretaryship of the O.R.F.U., will received with favor in foot ball circles. The new secretary has identified with football for a number of years, first as a player and afterwards as a member of the O.R.F, . executive, He is well known and well liked. be Arthur Sixstith, captain and man ager of the Pittsburg team, will be unable to play in the games with the Canadian Soo "at the Smoky City. Sixsmith states that he has played his last game of hockey He goes home from the copper country with a hrok crrib, a badly and al most scalped., The announcemént smashed toe of racing dates for tht Canadian season of 1906 now covers the - following arrangement : Toranta, May 19th to June 2nd; Ham Safeguard the Childrea Against Croup and Colds by Always Keeping at Hand. Dr. Chase's "Syrup: of Linseed and Turpentine | } | tine is } i | | i n| his campaign for fte-elec-| at ue tion to the Legislative As-| | obtainable | used | are There are some reasons why Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- the most suitable treatment for children, It is pleasant to the taste, and chil- dren like to take it. It is. composed of simple of proven value in and lung troubles. A It is positively free from anything an injurious nature, and ean be with perfect safety with the smallest child, so long as directions followed. " It is wonderfully suecessful in the prevention and cure of croup. It promptly relieves even the most severe chest colds and brings about a thorough cure. You are not experimenting when you use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, for it is the standby in { thousands of homes, where time and lients throat in the cure of again it. has Proven its exceptional worth. When you make up your mind to safegrrard yowr children by keeping Pr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- | time in the house, do not allow your | Qealér to persuade something on which he has a larger | profit. Mrs, Wm. Ball, Bracebridge, Ont. : "My three youngest boys had the whooping cough 'this winter and we conld get nothing to help them until | sent for Dr. Chase's Syrup of binned and Tarpentive. It arrested the cou at once and they kept right om- Ns | proving until they were cured a! the | cost of one dollar? That was not-a lf { large bill for so dangerptis and dis- Leroup or colds seize your tressing an ailinent.'" In the hour of emergency. when | <hild, the cheap sobstitutes &ill fail vou, hat pontine ney | Dr, Chase's Syrup of: Finsoed Tur- diseppoints, Ao you inte taking } a sy wie, MON] 'ilton Jockey Club, Tend h to June 16th; Windsor, June 16th to July Tth; Fort Frie, July 10th to Suguet 2%h: Montreal, Sep Spied ember 22nd; Toromto, Ful to September 29th. Pittsburg Gazette : of have played decla, lared ua: my last gap a 8 C harles tion 'was wal : 3. "You can't blame one for qu after being in such a , can vou ? 'I am going pa (with, the an, and will begin ithe league, taking he Jace o oo Bin." he added, Rev, mew president of the A, ¥. Da * Football ln- ion, was asked by Toronto News, what reason the athletic authorities at MeGill and Queen's. could have for de siting that the Intorcollogiate Union should | withdraw from. the body of which he is the head. Mr. Barre ox pressed himself as wnable to fathom the mystery. 'In apy event." he re marked, "McGill and Queen's are the only institutions of learning that hat vet' expressed a desire. to withdraw. Varsity and Ottawa College have still to be reckoned with; but I have ne 'iden a< to what may be the underly: ing motive. Certainly Ahe subject was not discussed at the anual meeting of 'ihe Canadian Union." GANANOQUE NEWS. Wanderers Defeated Star-Bachelors at Hockey. Gananoque, Jan. 22.~At the Maple Leaf Rink on Friday evening last, the Wanderers and Star-Bachelors * cross ed sticks in the first game of the new series, arranged by "the - Ganhanoqgue Hoekey League. The Star Bachelors were, considerably 'weakened by the al sence of several of their Best players The score stood, Wanderers, 10x Star Bachelors, J. \ The woman's Missionary Society have completed their "arrangements, wherchy the auxiliary Here will cel brate the twenty-fifth mmmiversary of the organization of 'the 'W.M.S, of the Methodist church, jn Canada os Feb ruary Sth. At the meeting of the Gan anogie Manhood" League at nine o'clock this morning in the lecture room of St. Andrew's church, R. G. Graham, principal of the hivh school, took up the topic, of the day "Ow National Heritage," in & scholurly and entertaining address "on Canada, as an integral element of the British Ean pire, and the interest of trué man hood on national life and devilop: ment, The Pauline Hammond Co., for all next week at the Theatre here, M. P. Corrigan, whic has been in the Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingston, for an operation for appefidicitis was sue cessfully operated on at the beginning of the week, However, 'premmnonia set ting in, he has been ina very eriti cal. condition for the few days. Charles and Miss r Olmstead, after a week's visit with friends and relatives here and' in' Lansdowne, have returned to their home Ottawa. A business meeting ol The Manhood League next Friday evening, to con sider the gurstion 'of arranging a - ferent time for meeting on Sunday, aan., being a little early for some. Miss Kellert, Montreal, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Fraid, King street east. Mrs. (Dri) J.P. Rogers, who has for some weeks past been visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs, E.«- L. Atkinson, Stohe street, have returned home to Hamilton, ac companied by her mother, who * will make a short visit with her: Miss Orma Taylor, daoghted of Mr, and Mrs. Robért Taylor, Knee street, left this week, for a visit with friend ® is billed Colonial JANUARY 2g, FASHION'S FORM. A Decidedly Efeofive Princesse Skirt: : i A dark red sicilienne fashions this daintily pretty skirt, which is eminent- ly adapted for school girl wear. The suspender straps' that pass-over the shoulders serve to make a conmeeting link between the skirt and the shirt waist. In the design the skirt gores are clwerly carried up and shaped fit the waist, the superflucas fullnggs made into inverted pleats, and Re underlying material will eut away. the resulting seams well boned. The invert- ed pleats are stitched down well over the cutve of the hip, and loft to flare | there ta the feet. The fastening is of: fected invisibly in the back, and both back and front display a becoming up ward pint from which the suspenders straps start and are caught, to H. Asquith has stated that the tish liberal ministry will give sible government to the Pri respon Transvaal " WHAT IT MEANS TO You. | Few People Reallsd~ ene Imiport- ance of Good Digestion Until It Is Lost. in Toronto, whence she will proesed to Paris, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs Harry Crooks. L. Fraid, werchant, King streot, has heen in Montreal, during the past week, attending the wedding of his brother. which took place of Wednes day last Will Try It On The Dog. effects of such impure foods dogs and other animals will be fed® with these impure fopds, showing from day 10 | day the deleterious effects of such diet. The exhiiv shown at the St, Louis ex- position has been secured with the dogs shown under the difection of Professor Eugene Girardi Kepecial at tention will be "paid to the various acids, drugs 'and poisonous dyes used for purposes of adulteration! The exhi- bition is part of "a campaign of the Stewards' Association for the Purpose ol mducing - congress 10 pass sotne suitable national pure food laws. Am- ong the exhibits is a monster petition in favor of pure food ion, which is to: be sent to congress, It weighs about ope ton and has been signed by hundreds of théusdnds of citizens in AN patta of "the 'ecomitry, "Bloody Sunday." St. Petersburg, Jan. 22.-The vari ous Nihilistic and sociglistic groups all over the country celebrated the anniversary of "Bloody Sunday' in a rather quiet manner...Sevesal. . at- jtempls were made in the provinees to commemorate the day in an open way by demonstrations, but in &very cas the police authorities interfered and fhostile demonstrations were suppress ed. Many arrests were made. Brussels, Jan. 22.-The socialists of this city celebrated the annjvéreary of Celebrating "Bloody Sunday," by meetings in which inflammatory speeches were made. Funds for the Russian revoly. tionary propaganada were fHilested at all the meetings. . Great Value In Clo Prevost, Brock street, wi tell for balance of this season, st follow- ole in as at rh oa pow ho ohn - a 3 'It Many suffer and do wut know it | out of Swell, | I prople from dyspepsia, 1 hey sorts, peevish, do not have tite, do not have envegy for | they once feel mean, ao Bot sie a good Keen app the mchnation and physical or mental work had, but at the same me { do not feel any particular pam or dis tress in the Yet all' thif is the result of poor digestion, an insidi stomach, ; aE > 4 fous form of ayspepsia, which can only Philadelphia, Pa,, Jans 22.~Une of by cured by a remedy specially intend the most interesting and peculiar ex | ed to cure it and make the digestive ibitions ever held in thiv city -is that | { organs act naturally, und properly of the Pennsylvania ranch of. the a. : . A digest the food eaten Batters, arter International Stewards' "Association, | , = pills and nerve 1 { which was opened to-day at Horticul {er help the tre ubl th de ap -- ' mible; they don't reac tral Hall. 'Lhe principal objeet, of the | { Be the new medical discovery doe T exposition is to show tg the pubhie | [0 Stpart 5 Dyepepsi 1 ble She 3 : " spepsia | ablets, what dangers thers are in Mpuge | ond is & spécific for dyspepsia and foods. To' demonstrate the imjurions th digestion. It cures because it thorough ly digests all the wholesome food tak (*n into the stomach whether the ste | mach is in good working order or not Stuart s Wyspepsia Tablets, by dig {esung the food, instead of making the worn out stomach do all the work gives it a much needed rest and go j eure of dy spepsia_ is the natural re { sult. When vou are nervous, run down and sleepless, don't make take of suppe tem Rede t the conunon mis sin Soir perry 5 ¥ at ment and bli your sto- wach Xith Spowestal nerve tonics which make you feel good for a bitte while only to fall back farther than ever, Your nerves are all right, but they arc istarvid. They want food. : Nourish them with whole Some, ay ervday day food and plenty" of it, well digested, and you can laugh at nerve tonics and medicine. But the nerves will not be nourished fromm a weak abused stomach, but when the digestion Ras heen made per fect by the use of this én ely all nervous symptoms: disappear Who ever heard of a man or woe man blessed with a vigorous d gestion and good appetite being troubled with their nerves'y Good digestion means a strong ner Yous system, abundance of encrov capacity to enjoy the good things life. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cer- tainly wt vour stomach and digestive organs right; they can't hel dp but doit] because they nourish the body by dje- and of esting the food eaten, and rest the stomach. You get nourishment and rest at oné and the same time. and that is all the worn out dyspeptic needs te build bim wp and. give new life > ry. pleasure. Stuart's: Dyspepsia Tablets are a godsend to the army of men and wo men with weak stomachs. and nerves is five years ago to-day since and justly merits the claint of being one of the most worthy medica] dis- A Thorough Favorite--always reliable «LORD TENNYSON" Peer of 10c. Cigars Save the bands and secure @ 2ony of ths celebrated S. DAVIS & SONS - every organ and an added zest to ev. ploture by Asti, Montreal, The Only Cough Cure and toniccambined, It has a marvellous curative power over all throat and chest troubles, TU heats and soothes the diseased part and upbuilds the vital strength of the body, Get a bottle, From all dealers, 35 ots 20-5208 NATHIEUS SYRUP of Tans Cop LIVER OIL 00000 ©oL0ECE 000000 @0® ° Overshoes Lined Rubbers * Overgaiters : Moccasins Are all footwarmers and our stock is complete McDermott's Shoe Store 90809 0980M8E0 eres Our January Sale Even Balance' Scale WITH SIDE BEAM Special 4 1b. Regular $3.50. $2.80 1006. 5.00. 4.00 These Scales weigh accurately from 4 oz op. OUR NEXT SPECIAL WILL BE CUTLERY Watch for it; it will be one of the best of our JANUARY REDUCTIONS. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. ee ~ ABRAMSON'S 3 January Discount Sale Is row in full swing. store at 2130 Per Cent. Off The regular marked prices. Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Furs, Boots and Shoes. { NOTHING RESERVED, LOUIS ABRAMSO, the Up-Town Clothier 336 Princess Street. wh PDS PEPLIITE POPPIEDE SII: Typewriter Bargains 3 We have tao many second-hand Typewriters en hand, You can get a Bargain for cash this month, No. 2 Smith Premier. Good as new. Good value at $75. Sale price, $85. A snap. No. 2 Underwoods and No, 4 Williams at $50. No.2 Remington and No, 2 Williams at $26, . Jewetts at $30. A Dougherty or Hammond for $10. J. B.C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellinglon st, § Everything in our big "

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