AND PEMBROKE | MEETING or T™HE EE r Lonny or the Te and Envelopes 3 Cane and Letter Heads atten, 3 JT THE WHIG, Kingston "THERE IS A TIME FURALL Tal GE" Now, while prices' are low, is the time to Fil your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL om P. Walsh's Yard © BARRACK STREET. GED. B. CUMMINGS TENOR OPEN FOR CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS "Mr, Cummings has made a thorough atudy of the Voire with some of the best teachers of England and America and is prepared to teach Voice Culture Ly the most modern method. Studio--164 Johuston Stieet, Kingston Try Myars' "Home: Made" Hed Choose. or the local which the land Is AD DUTIES 1 A sett been non ) for payment of of or Sont._on. the alos, claims are square; satry fee renowable 100 . . yo miner may obtain twa leases to tredge Jor kold of five miles for a x "of 'the Mtareter 54 the tok losses shall have a of the ; blieat! this be paid fore: [F WOME ONLY KNEW Thousands of women suffer untold miser- ies every day with aching backs that really have no business to ache. A woman's back wasn't made to ache. Under onlinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. It is hard to do housework with an ach. ing back. Hours of misery at leisure or at work, If women only knew the cause. Back: comes .from sick kidneys, and what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in worl But they can't help it. ' If more work is put on them than they can stand it's not to be wondered that they get out of order. Backache is simply their cry for help, DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS will help you. They're helping sick, aver. worked kidneyp--all over the world « making them strong, healthy and vigorous, Mrs. P. Ryan, Douglas, Ont. , writes: * For over five months I was troubled with lame k and was unable to move without help. 'I tried all kinds of plasters and liniments but they were no use. At last 1 heard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and after I had used three-quarters of the box my back was as strong and well as ever." Price 50 cents per box or*thres boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Ce,, Torontb, Oat. Dr. Chase's Oints mont is a evrtain and Suarantend 0 rm itching, bleeding and protruding piles, See testimonials in the press and asl your neighbors about it. You oan use it and «ot your money baok if not satistied, foe, at all deators or KnMaNsox, Bates & Co., Toronto, DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT, |GEO. NOBES Plumber and Steam-fitter Orders Promptly Attended To 17 Division Street. Phone 635. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer . 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday T= REMO VED OR. 8, 800ART i} Bedore Premier Mowat Spoils System Again, private gcretary of Sir Oliver Mowat, when he actéd as premier of Ontario. B went out of power in Ontario, Bastedo was ap pointed to a vacant and erative of fice, the head of the fishery depart ment, it a good salary, and so the envious eves of conservatives were cas npon it. «© : Mr. Wehater, a clerk in the depart ment, has preferred serious charges against Mr. Bastedo, and they will be investigated, hy whom ? A Mr. Judd, solicitor, of London, and a friend of the Whitney government, Insubordination, use of authority for political purposes, and the destruction of doenments of more or less value from a departmental point of 'view, are some of the things which---rumor- in- (eluded in the list of offences changed against the deputy: Mr. Bastedo may as well make up hig mind that he must go. His place is wanted for some in harmony "WTth the government, and 'harmony' is more to be desired than "capacity" in some public officials. . - ¢ 2 Not A Game Of Bluff. par. | The latest development in the civie fire insurance case is quite sensational. The local agent of the Union Assur- ance company has been aroused by the taunts of Ald. Givens and offers a let- ter today which will attract wide' attention. * The point of greatest importance-- the ernx of the whole matter--is that which invites a challenge from Mr. 00.000. f Wright, Interior. It is alleged that he did not pro- perly represent the situation to the company's' manager, in Montreal, and that as a result the latter was de ceived ' into a compact of the most compromising kind. Mr. Wright. wants the evidence of this and offers to.donate $500 to any local and useful charity if it can be produced to his disadvantage. Now, 'iy the sporteman's parlance, it is a case of "put up or let up." The challenge, so sweeping and so signifi- cant, should have one effeet--of vindi- cating the position of either Al. Giy- ens or Mr. Wright. Its accoptance would lead to revela- tions of which the county attorney would be warranted, a Ia Curry or Jerome, in taking due notice. Wrong-doing In The West. No one who is fair-minded believes that Hon. Walter Scott, the premier of Saskatchewan, has been personally involved, as alleged, in criminal pro- ceedings of any election officials, Nor is there anyone so biased as to verily believe that the work of these offenders is part of any scheme sag- gested by the federal government or developed by its friends. The federal government was interest of the not ed in the outoomy appeal, It the provincial could ba otherwise when v conservative party forced federal issues into the provincial eloe- tions and made it appear that a de- feat of Mr. Scott and his government would be a defeat of Sir Wilfrid Law ier and his government. The further of a son temporary is not admissable, that the contention Saskatchewan election was until the Alberta ~ campaigners were free to go into the other province. The Haultain party had helpers as well as the Scott party, So eminent a field marshal as J. Lockie Wilson gave out that the tong or the contest the chances of the conservatives, and that another week would have simply work ed. wonders, deferred lasted the better Resides the election officials were not chosen from but from the stitueney, thd casual campaigners residents of the con. Any wrongdoing is mot to be at- tributed to frenzied visitor or bumpti- ous intruder. The men who were fined $200 vach for not opening a poll in one sub-division were guilty of a heinous offence, If, in addition, they made a return of votes that were not cast by electors, they are deserving of n penalty that will serve as an object 1 w=on. The Scott government will not stand for any crime against the people, and it is for dhe attorney-general of the province to begin an enquiry that will reveal the facts, and as speedily as possible, L -------- Thirteen. life insurance companies have admitted in Tennessee that they contributed election funds, It is be 'Coming more and more evident that sone pe a been paying for c 3 ind, Nr Pastis wag rHilany years the if they hesitated, or demurred, It is a nice office, and carries with S------ er of the wealthier THE DAILY HIG. u in the idence. hat 0 own . al niten to Opiter per Obem Dicer." os ; pei a ¢ were invited 10 take interost in the paper, and, they were discussed fn subsequent editions, it vaguely, and yet not so vaguely that they meaning, would mistake the Thousands of dollars wete subscrib- ed by men who did not desire any participation in the work of Town Topics, and yet, for personal reasons, they purchased its silence. This cost some of them very dearly. The "vile and slanderous articles," went on, however, mtil Collier the senior, a personal allusion to Miss Roosevelt, gave Hopgood the tip which he followed up with a with- ering expose, % The publisher of Town Topics took a civil suit against Collier for $100, 000, but 'Juklge Den! had Hopgood ar rested for eriminal libel, and the jury, aftér'a fair hearing, pronounced him innocent, The result is that Judge Deul, proven an editor of this offensive paper, is shown to he unfitted for his position, and steps may be taken to unseat him, sTown Topics menace to society. 'The marvel is that it has so long continued its in- famies, "that strong and courageous men, in the financial world, have 'sub- + will cease to he a mitted to its exactions. It has re mained for an editor to uncover the scandalons machine and incite the. course that will make for its destrue- tion. Editorial Notes. | Is the military council running things at Ottawa or is the responsible minister 2 The question is becoming an acute one, . -- The C.P.R. will not defer the experi- ment in electric engines. The New York Central appears to he satisfied with its experience. -- Hamilton has a civic overdrait of nearly $60,000, There is something de cidedly wrong with the ambitious city so far as the city council is concern: sinner 3 Mr, - Whitney does not believe in bonusing railways, yet wants a sub sidy from the dominion government for the Temiscaming railway. Will he got it ? talk some Dr. Pyne and Mr. Whitney about the necessity of doing thing for primary and public schools, but they are beautifully vague and mysterious. -- John H. O'Brien, a newspaper man, has become fire commissioner of York and may succeed Murphy leader of Tammany Hall. Brains will tell every time, New as -- Hon. Mr. Brodeur becomes minister of marine, and Hon, Mt. 'Templeman, hitherto without a portiolio, succeeds to the These ments will give great satisfaction. inland revenue, app C. E. Hughes, of New York) the great insurance attorney, advises collegiang. to cultivate the spirit of honesty instead of graft. The zeal for money getting, if not money making, ness, young is a national curse and weak- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. ------------ The Real Thing. Kincardine Review, ter all, the literal hell that Rev, Dr. Torrey preaches is the only kind to give Torontonians, Any other kind would he wasted of' them. -- Hogtown Jealous. Toronto News London wants a bdeteriological in- stitute and a school v of hygiene. One would imagine an agrienitural college more in their line, Deserved It. Humilton Times. An insurance manager has been fined S50 jor advertising in a Boston paper for an expert insurance canvasser, Why was he not hanged * Getting Very Selfish. London Advertiser, * The city of Ottawa is clamoring for more factories to deface the landscape which the country is trying to bean tify at an annual cost of $60,000, Ottawa wants to have its cake, and eat it, too. Osler's Consolation. Toronto Star Dr. Osler will be interested to hear that the Ohio legislature is fumbling with a hill to lull pain-racked sufferers who have no desire to live into their last long sleep, . * & Wonderful Man: Hamilton Herald. (nt man Se Lake must be » oreeful sort person. It dis cha t that he has the minister of mila completely "under his influence--the mister of militia, who rose in his NUARY 29. : . OF SCARLET FEVER. -- Old Women of Brockville-- Gananoque 'Public Library Directors Elected. Gananoque, Jan. 29.-A case of scarlet fever was reported in Miss M, Bennet's room, in. the Stone street school, last week, Dr. Sinclair, medi- cal health officer, and chairman of the school board, at once ordered the dis- missal of the class. The room will he thoroughly disinfected, and work will not be resumed till the week after next, Mr. Marchand and his helpers have just completed. the ornamental railing around the balcony of the stand-pipe on Block House Hill. It will be pro- tective as well as ornamental to those having business of such an elevated character, The Star-Bachelor hockey team, of Gananoque, went to Brockville, on Friday, to play the return match with the King Edward team of that town. Alter a keenly contested game, the King Edwards won by a score of 7 to 4. Miss Bertha MW. Harrison left, on Saturday evening, for Brockville, where she spent Sunday with her sis. ter, Mrs. J. W. McCalpin, and on Mon day proceéded to Carleton Place to at- tend the wedding of her: friend, Miss Anna M. Doherty, to Robert Mitchell George W. Close spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Napanee and vicinity. Charles Baiden spent Sun- day with his wife and family in Kings ton. At the meeting of the members of the public library, the annual election of directors took. place, resulting in the re-election of the following : Rev H. Gracev, C. V. Ketchum, A. Davis, G, L. Johnston, R. G. Graham, J. C Linklater, F. Britton and W. B. Car- roll. President, C, V. Ketehum; secre tary, T. M. Galbraith; treafurer, A. Davis, At the meeting of the Gananoque Manhood League, Sunday, the presi dent, A. H. Mabee, D.D.S., opened up the towmic, "Trials of Youth," .with a very excellent paper. Angus McDonald, an employee of the Canada Cabinet «company, had his left hand canght in a buzz planer, during the week, losing the little finger. J. C. Shortell was and Montéeal during the past week Mr. and Mrs. George Peck were in Brockville, last week, visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. P. Dailey. Miss Lizzie McLennan, daughter of Mr. and Nrs. James McLennan, Brock street, i# visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N Mance, Cape Vincent. C. A. Watt at- tended the meeting of the Grand Chap- ter Royal Arch Masons, in Toronto, last week. Mrs. J. H. Butler, New- horo, jand Dr. Berry, Westport, visited their mother, Mrs. Henry Berry, who is dangerously ill at the vesidence of her son, T. G. Berry, North street. The recent high school commence- ment exercises netted the sum of $51.10, to be used for the betterment of the school. in Sherbrooke THE WEATHER. Fourteen Mild Winters Seventy-Three Years. R. F. Stupart, director of the Do minion meteorological service, furn- ishes some interesting facts regarding mild "winters, In the past seventy-three years there have been fourteen winters of a de cidedly mild type. Of these that of 1841-2 was the hildest with an aver age temperature of 30.5 for the four months December--March and those of 1851-2 and 1889.90 were not ' much colder with a 'mean temperature in each instance of 29.9 degrees. It is of interest to note that in eight of the fourteen years the mild weather of De comber and January continued during February, while in three of the other years the temperature was very slight Iv below average, and in three i in It was consider below. In only two of the ars was March much below while mm ten it was above average, and in six of these de cidedly above, While these facts are suggestive the probable character of the next two months, the meteorologist ~would be quite unjustified in making a sea somal forecast, as he is as vet ignor ant of the causes which lead to such vast difierences as occur in the charac ter of the corresponding difierent years. He believes, that a wide départure from average weather donditions over any particular portion of the lobe is cansed, not by local conditions, fourteen average, Cases of seasons however, but by variations in the atmospheric circulation over the whole earth, and these Variations are probably due to a varying ontput of solar energy. ------ Will Not Dine With Woman. Topeka, Kas, Jan. 20.--There is considerable indignation among the members of the Women's Republican Club, of Kansas, over. the action of the Kansas Day Club, a republican orgamzation of men in this city. or ganized to perpetimte the memory of the day on which Kansas became one of the states of the union. . Ax usual the Kansas Day Club will celebrate the anniversary of Kansas admission by a bdnguet tonight. The Women's Republican Club, of Kansas. had stg gested to the Kansas Day Club, that it would be glad to celebrate the day by joining the latter club at its an nal Banquet, but the ungallant offi cials of the Kansas Day Club informed the ladies that the voung men of the republican party of Kansas would not stand for that Kind of fusion. The women are highly indignant and it is rumored that they will arrange kind of entertainment. men will be excluded some from which the A SCHOOL CLOSED IN GANANOQUE ON ACCOUNT Star Bachelors: Defeated by the MATHIEUS SYRyp sil, J LER ey: ACOH - Tt wot caly entes Jour eald but being a splendid tonic, restores you 1, puis. health. Large bottle, 35c. At all dealers, 3. L. MATINEY CO, Prop. SHERDAOORE, pg Bites » = EE -------- : rT nl I tt, gen, ny Bibby's Bibby"s BLACK BEAUTIES This is the time of year when we sell lot of BLACK SUITS. A Black Suit is a Spring Suit, Summer Suit, Fall Suit and Winter Suit. You can wear it when a Business Suit isn't appro. priate, and it's the stateliest suit for business, too, Always in good taste, appropriate on all occasions, becoming to everybody--a good, staunch, refined old friend, that one can always fall back on. Sins) Men's Single and Double-Breasted Sack Suits, ip Black Vicurfa, Cheviots, Clay Worsted, etc, $10, 12.50, 13.50 and 15 New Collars, 2 for 25c. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Men's Wear Store, 78, 80, 82 Princess St. Cash and One Price 0 Il gl ltt © ABRAMSONS January Discount Sale Is now in full swing. Everything in our big store at 30 Per Cent. Off The regular marked prices. Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Furs, Boots and Shoes. NOTHING RESERVED. LOUIS ABRAMSON, the Up-Town Clothier 530 rincess Street: LABATT'S Ale and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. 339 and 341 King St. OT! "Phone 274, Do not get your feet. wet-- WEAR RUBBERS. Do not get your feet cold- WEAR OVERSHOES. ask for CANADIAN | We have many kinds to choose from, MOCCASINS, WARM FELT BOOTS NICE WARM FELT SLIPPERS for house weaf from asc. to $1.25, The Sawyer Shoe Store If you want the best in Overshoes or Rubbers man behind the capital, | Te man behind the gus mas behind the &3 The man behind the son. y all-important they may be, it them and return for mo= per who cheers my home : » The wife behind the urn. he frenzied financiers tear each other down ; Tr my struggles, cares and Sve Behind me in the town. apie oc splendors and the gavds I'll never, never yearn, other git can rank beside The wife behind the ura. What though t No The wind may shake the windowge And boofle in the flue ; Our roof can shed the driving rain, Our love sheds trouble, too. With CHASE & SANBORN'S woffa True comfort do we learn ; 1 pledge you in its fragrant cheer -- The wife behind the umn. -------------------------------------- The Human Barometer is the urine. Where ther constant desire to urinate-- the urine is hot and scald it means Bladder Irritatiol the urine is cloudy, I colored, or offensive --it ind ! Kidney Trouble. Heed the danger signals. Bu-dJu | THE GENTLE KIDNEY P "Bu-Ju" stimulates strengthens the weake clogged, overworked Kids ' healthy action--and heal soothes the irritated bl "Bu-Ju" cures. We gus it and you can get your back if "Buju" disap All druggists have ' Buju" © them or you. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIM WINDSOR, ONT. CURE ick Headache and relieve all the troub dent to a bilious state of the system, s ness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distres eating, Pain in the Side, &o. While the Famszkable success has been shown i SICK Badache, yet Carter's Little Liver ¥ equally valuable in Constipation, curing 'Wenting thisapnoying complaint, while t correct all disorders of the stomach, stimv River and regulate the bowels. Even if ti _ HEAD Ache they would boalmost priceless in th Suffer from this distressing complaisit; by Bately their goodness does notend here a: Wwhoonce try them wiil find these littie p le in 80 many ways that they will not do without them. But after alls: ACHE lathe bane of so many lives that here Wemake our great boast, Qur pills cure thers do not Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very ar easy 10 take. One or two pills mak They are strictly vegetable and do not purge, but by their gentle action please Use them. In vialaat 25 cents ; five for by druggists everywhere, or sent by ma CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yo Sl Fl foal Doss Smal GILLETY ABSOLUTELY PU CREAM TARTA Nearly all goods in this line & resem Pp Ime are adulterated aj Ji nfit to use. OiLL S is used by the best ba ers everywhare, REFUSE SuBSTIvUTE GILLETT"S costs no more than th adulterated goods. REFUSE suBsTITUYE E.W.GILLETT & TORONTO, ONT. TO THE ELECTORS LAWRENCE WARD i ADI} S AND GENTLEMEN « request your 15¢ for my electio to Sen Be on to ard as your repn Yours tespecWully, W.H. ME