Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1906, p. 1

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» are one of the stores offered choice --one-we take it--take ; 1, a few hours alter received. On for us is the cash discounts: these specials we offer from idents of a well- -appointed Dry to your trade 1 13 not in these ughly modern, up-to-date store, orted. you of the hundred and one ar. nd so we give publicity, gena- 1al sales by which actual cash caline h, Black Taf inches wide, special lov great redue- one of the It was im- gs and also a 'good qual- Regular price yard, but to- n,,:R per is, Cto-- ri i ---- - $1.99 SR IA Ras these skirts, ! around the waist, with French combination of self material in , forming a very efféctive and ng -- c., $1.23,251.39, 9 ale Continued ieces of fine Embroidery, All makes, styles and nging repudar prices from Ic wow offered with precisely t. Discount, ind Torchon Laces. aw _& Son w More | k-Taking time we throw out Bargains. d Shozs, plain tee, $1.00 1.25 1.00 «bi Io SHOE STORE Lace Boots, regu- ord in Tip, regu. ings, high, regular "JANUARY SALE ! OF === FURNITURE man owns but oné suit of clothes he is in a position to defy the festive moth, This day in histo --Lord Flin PER GENT. REDUCTION ON China It oy vol Ht binets, Sideboards, Buf- pubic the' forgives hin {5r 'wery" sean {abin nd Combination Buf- bv he has ever said to her When fetts an ey were alone, fetts, Pictures and Mantle | = Mirrors, Tea Curates, Muf- fen Stand, etc. Card Table and Chair to Rent. Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess Street 2 doors above Opera House Telephone 877 a Tepnenaer | We Make a Specialty of Fitting Feet: If you have difficulty being fitted with Shoes come to us. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. WANTED. SERVANT, FOR Apply Johnston A GENERAL small family. street 282 TY GIRLS AT "ONCE, Kent Bros. Mica Works, foot Princess street. eee ---- AT of BOY WANTED. AP PL y TO MR. Halliday at The "Hub," Market A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVEN- ing to Mrs, Howard S. Folger, 55 West street, ee ee------------------------------ -- A GOOD SMART BOY, FOR BAKE- shoy poly. to James J. Lackie, Princess street. ee eee et tte GOOD SMART ABOUT ; 15 years old fur business. Apply W. FB, Brock St. SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS, TOILET Soaps given in. exchange for these coupons, by Messrs. J. den & Co., 178 Princess St., Kingston. I -------------------------- i. GENTLEMAN TO HAVE THEIR suits pressed and cleaned carefully by haa, Es bring your cloth and have o-date suit made. Gallow- wes, Th Brock street. MEN AND BOYS TO BARN $5TO $8 day after completing course of pructical instruction at home or in our schools. Graduates admitted to Union. Positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Practical Schools Plumbing and Bricklaying, New York, Chicago, 0) iti and St. Louis. Free Cat- OFFICES, state Agency, Real street. McCann's Brock BRICK "SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO. and sets at the Contert at Princess street Methodist church, to-night, 23¢ There is room at the top for the man who reached Montreal, hended, we ure An old man. is as Cabinets, M u si ¢|man is of his just can't be beat. City Council, 8 p.m: Sailors' Assembly, City'Hall, to-night. The sun rises Wednesday at 7.19 a.m. 5.08 p.m. Remember can push the other fellow up. When a 18, Chnrles 1 pe- 1649. For Great Bargains in Furs; sce what J offering. W. F. Gourdier, 78 anil 80 Broek street. proud of his abil- work as a young ity to avoid it. ity to do a day's Dinner Sets We have a special line-- arrived--q7 pieces For an every day set it $5.00 While they last. .ROBERTSON BROS.. $300 John okay Fur House "We Make All Goods We Sell & Guarantee All Goods We Make MEN'S FUR-LINED COATS 2 ONLY COATS, Cana- dian Mink, lining Labrador Otter, collar finest quality imported § Beaver Shell .... 300 3 ONLY COATS, Russian .. Black ' Rat lining, - Labra- dor Otter collar, est quality japontes Beaver Shell ...... 90 153 Brock Street Kingston QUEEN'S HOCKEY TO TORONTO Special train by G. T. Ry. at 11.50 am, ©OPODIOPONHEOBEEs © 7 PIO De i --------------------------------r---------- EXCURSION & After one of the most remarkable political campaigns ever waged in the province of = Ontario, Mr. PenSe was yesterday, reelected as member for Kingston in the legislature. To win a bye-election against a strong govern ment, in a close constituency like Kingston, was considered by outside politicians nigh impossible, but that is--what- Me. Pense has done, and the goes on the most remarkable in the annals of On- tavio politics. Mr. McIntyre, servative candidate, for the past weeks, on the hustings repeated o'er and o'er the statement that ago, at the time of the general elec tions, the of Kingston did not ring true. The voice of the clectors® has heard, and it has been pitched in a higher key than in 1905. The electors have repeated that they as record as election the con- four a year the voice of electors once aghin been January, after several minutes Hermingham mounted a table the gathering um, Mr. and announced would adjourn' te that the Ontario of pande Mr. Pense Elected by an Increased Majority-- Speeches in Ontario Hall--A Big Procession--- Greatest Victory in Ontario. moni- Hall, where speeches would be delivered, Returns By Subdivisions The. following are the official returns as announced by; Returning Officer Dawson : Subdivisions. Sydenham No. 1os 0 12 Sydenham No. &1, +. S1 (Ontario. No. 8. ods + . 40 Ontario No. 4 3% « «+ 99 St. Lawrence No. 6 .. 46 ' St. Lawrence No.'6 36 Cataraqui No. 7.5 + + Cataraqui: No. a :. «10 Cataraqui- No. 9.4% a™ Cataraqui No. 10%. . 9 Frontense, No. Ms 65 Frontenac No. 1% , . SO I'tontenae No, 18.0... 76 Frontenat No. 14, . . 1156 Frontenac No, 15. .. 92 Rideau No. 16 4 140 J THE POPULAR CHOICE. McIntyre Dense H2 100 40 nt. Honor the Memory of King Charles I. London, Jan. 30.~Two hundred and fifty years ago, to-day, King Charles 1 was executed, and, as customary, the various Legitimist and Jacobite leagues and orders celebrated the an- niversary by 'holding memorial meet. ings and depositing flowers at the foot of the statue of Charles I, on Trafal- gar Square. A largely attonded ser- vice was held in the morning in St. Margaret Pattens, Rood Lene, = The officiating clergy was attired in 'red vestments, this being symbolical of She blood of the martyr, The service almost identical with that ee Hh an Catholic church, except that the prayers and responses were in lish instead of Latin. As has heen the custom for several years, ever since some too ardent ad: mirer of the martyr king had placed a wreath with an inscription, contain- ing seditious sentiments, at the foot of the_statue, the wreaths and other flor- al gifts were first submitted for ap- proval to the commissioner of Woods and forests. As in former years there was a wreath from Edinburgh, bearing the inscription: "Sacred to the mem- ory of King Charles the First, behead: ed hy his rebellious subjects at White- hall, January 30th, 1649." Among the] wreaths and other floral gifts semt in commemoration of the day were such from the Royal Oak Club, Edinburgh; the Forget-memot Club; the legitim- ist Order of St. Germain; the Order of the White Rose; the Thames Valley Lepitimist-- Club; the White Cockade Legitimist Club, Holywell, Hunting donshire; and other societies, THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Will Not Assemble February 19th --Court Mpurning. London, Jan. 30.--In consequence of the death of the king of Denmark father of Queen Alexandra, the officia and other engagements in which the British court is concerned, will, be postponed or cancelled, although no- thing affecting their arrangements has yot been given out, It is said that the opening of par- liament cannot take place Febroary 19th, according to the original pro- gramme, but it may be opened by a royal commission, as in the latter years of Queen Victoria's reign. DIED IN ITS MOTHER'S ARMS. | A Sad Sight Meets a Welcoming Father. Toronto, Jan. 30.--~Frederick Tem- pléenman met the C.P.R. train from Montredl, last night, to weloome his wife: and oh chijdren hn their arrival, Hala Ne body of os tén-month's old daughter. The child had died, in her mother's arms, a few minutes be- fore the train reached the city. Tem- pleman has been in Toronto only a fow months, and is employed at the station as baggageman. ---- Woman Killed By Ex-Coachman. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan, 29.--Mrs, C, | A. Canfield, wife of a millionaire oil | operator and prominent in society cir- cles of Los Angeles was shot and al | most instantly killed last night, while | sitting upon the front porch of her | home, by Morris Buck, a former fam- i ily coachman, who is in custody. Ae { cording to his story, Buck remanded | the payment of a large sum of money | which he him for servie- | es. She ordered him off the porch and | a servant started toward him. Buck Mrs. Canfield seiz- said was due 851 Princess street ; moderate rent. ossession immediately; Apply to Steacy & Steacy. 8 ' E. J. B. PENSE, M.P.P, THE RESIDENCE ON COR. KING Ce -------- ee eee and West Sts., dfagonally opposite | | Fare, $3.70 Return Sir John . McDonald's Monument. Rae shia Bg sir represents Possession May 1st. 1006. ye Tickets good to return up to Monday | desire Mr. Pense as their representa 168 Union street. night, Feb. 5th by all trains except | jiva at Toronto. -- - No. 4, leaving Toronto at 9 a.m. J re The total vote polled was just 300 1 ¥ 81 To CONTRACTORS. less than at the general election a 10USE ; . SORT 3 i$ 2 ed sy ALL. CON PORTABLES Ti ARE INVITE D UP TO 5 | year ago. As the manhood suffrage Whig office : 4 D.3ik KDAY, lenruory Hed, f : i ; 0 s - ---- tho differer tre adeg, for the work of | registration wa kabiv 1 C r o He] H @ the 88 > te % marke Y large, TWENTY SHARES OF THE CAPITAL |Liovink the pros' Club Tous to, the | jess, the vote was remarkobly ln of the Frontenac Cereal Com- other building for the Kingston Yacht | and showed that most of the voters fo Jill sell right. Apply "R. | (jh Association, Limited. h ls, although there was care Whig office. Plans and specifications may be seen went to the polls, althoug : r at my office. No tender necessarily ac- organized syStem for conveying A MATCHED TEAM OF CARRIAGE | cepted. Ro org Cit cols awed L*o and three years re- 1. P. SMITH, them in vehicles. ct ( be seen any after- Architect. : r . i noon ut 299 Wellimeton street. Crown Bank Building, Brock Street. An analysis of the vote of yesterday TI _ d ith that of a year ago THT KESWICK RESTAURANT {as compared wi a ; wile proposition for man and NOTICE shows that Mr. Pense lost five votes Wile asy Terms. Perfect Running "HE NNUAL MEETING OF 7 i Ss eventeen in « For information and reasons SAE ARE Al The Desbarats A in Sydenham ward; lo 1 5 : ba ng. apply at The Keswick. | ising Agency Limitedt, will held in | Ontario; gained ten in St. Lawrence; FORT the Company's Office, Sovareign lank : Ava falar rained seven TWO HUNDRED ACRE FARM, failing, on WE DNE SDAY Jeb. 7th, | gained five in Cataraqui, gar d se 1 in Frnesttown, six. miles from Nap- tv-two in Frontenac; gained five In anee fruit dairy and grain farm, | The chair will be taken on the ad-| ¥ s in Vietori i NR x Iraiped forty acres of woods. | journment of a previous meeung called Rideau; lost eleven in Victoria, an xX Brisco and =F. BH. Brisco, | jor twelve oe ig he fume, date Jost twenty-two in' Portsmouth. Mr. : A. S. BIRCH\LL, | McIntyre's gains and losses can be TUG EDMOND AND BARGE COLUM- Secretary-Treasursr. and dry in tug cylinder 12x14, barge capacity lumber. Apply J.P. Bedford Mills, On and Bro LOST. TTI ------ 3 COLLAR AND PAIR OF Ces, hetweem Hrock St. and Port- 8 + on Friday evening. Finder ¥ 5¢ return to Whig office. 808 PRINCESS STREET Bi ACK ON UNIVERSITY eT Will be rege by. ne it at F. Osler's Sto Cor. inst and University Sts. ADED NECKLACE. ON EARL 3 hitween Sydenham and Barrie kindly return to 148 and receive reward. REWARD 18 OFFERED MORE SNAPS $1,000 Buys Neat Frame Dwelling, King Street. swell location. $2,500 Bnye 2-Storey Stone Dk aiting. Ex- tension Kitchen, same localit $3,000 Bove, dance Stone Dwelling, Store, SWIFT' § 'RBAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY sth sides seemed confident of MUST BE SOLD | _ al i it. became difficult to | figured from the above statement. vie tf first-class Hall A Binet Stoves, Pug, Box | form an unbiased opinion. The vote aud ond Stoves, | Cook Stoves hay came in slower than usual, and it ' a lot of Carpets, everything cheaper than usual. was thought it would be small, but TURK'S SECOND- HAND STORE between four and five o'clock, there was a constant stream of voters into the polling booths of several wards. The size of the vote was quite a 'sur- satisfactory. prise, but most There was, perhaps, never so lar~e a crowd gathered in and around the Whig office between five and six o'clock, to hear the returns. The first poll to respond was No. 6, which gave ER 3 the recovery of a Portrait of a Pense a majority of twenty-one, When oll an ead amd shoul he . " e SE phere rl Y.W. C.A. Gl ut Ne. 10 Corns and No. 3 Ryde had been heard from, Pense GENTLEMAN'S y 5 Sydenham Waltham XS nen OLR WATCH, Friday From 2.30 to 4 p.m. was fifteen ahead. 'It was thousht, mdleraved on back of . on No. 10 would surely give Me: M nday aft ack of case. on | Cc Cc i that No. yg Tide. Reward for iw EA pad ooking lass intyre a big majority, as it did the | : Lesson on Soups | time, but, instead, he got only BUSINESS OPPOI ron. Th same No. 2, with AJO RTUNITIES. CL ------ seven en came 0. =, Wi a major Conary Je = heal OWS WONDERFUL RE- 2 ' 4 ity of twenty-eight for Pense, and the sixtyefive or don RE Jocrenses to Sai ors ran ssem | lection was won, The office rdng with and Hudson Bay sh wo hunt i } i ares. Two hund- the cheers of the joyful crow® Both Yas paid for | Hal 4 . o ah ; hait niin. De thirty | In City I To-night Hinside and outside there were scenes of ' pe IE LicURE praverty, | Will be worth attending. Good music, | {remendous enthusiaem over the vie € million. |... ' , . " 5 be bid other similar results | The admission is 50c. per couple. | tory snatched from the Whitney gov . Own. The camp is new ! tidate, with fl the . S In the time to met your BOARD { ernment candidate, with a t mn- » Wil show TohoR jnterest. "Our f +. | fluences Working in his faver. Inside, Hl show vou location s. Our FEW PERSONS COULD BE AC- g on Cobalt 'win give von facts, Fah he for asking. odern conventences. "Apply Simcoe street, commodated with hoard and Jodging® a | When the cheering began. to subside, Rideau No. 17... + + + 125 Rideau No. 18. . ssa Rideau No. 19. . . .. 63 Rideau No. 20 LIB Rideau No. 21 aie AS Victoria, No. ve NO Vidtoria, No awed \ oria N «5 103 Vietoria No. Ja Bh Portsmouth . a] Totals 2.061 Pense's majority Result By Wards. Ward Melntyre, Sydenham 153 Ontario 139 St. Lawrence |. rn BS ('ataraqui 3 Frontenac 125 Ridean . 544 Victoria . 205 Portsmouth . ,.. « . . 89 2,004 Ward. Mcintyre, Sydenham .. ... . 106 Ontario ... . 136 St,' Lawrence . i 39 Cataraqui Tie BIS Frontenac ... . . 197 tidean in . B81 Victoria ... - . 39 Portsmouth 65 2,221 ---- Mr. Pense Speals. Pence entered, ers of enthusiasts, forward to speak. He stated the News of night, (Loud cheers). was small, of the people, a and the government the way of bribery and The Vote A Year Ago. of his prominent supporters, he received 'with great acclamations, and | carried to the platform on the should: There was a renew: od outburst of cheering as he stepped 06 101 1m ol of nl 8 HR 0 67 ooo 2,000 Pense 22 149 97 399 420 M3 308 87 2,211 It was not long before Ontario hall | promoted to the was filled from wall to wall, When Mr |v ictoria county, accompanied hy some | Guelph, has was that Saturday last he had | Hix majority but it was the expression against the government | candidate, against the influences used by them in| intimidation. He thanked the people heartily the confidence they had expressed in him by re-electing him to be their re (Continued on Page 2,) "@ for | { then drew a pistol. | ed the weapon and attempted to wrest i it from Buck. During the scuffle the { tri or was pulled and the bullet | struck Mr Canfield in the breast, | and she fell back on the porch. | Anniversary Of Rudolf's Death. Vienna, Jan. 30--~The seventomth anmversary of the mysterions and | tragic death of Crown Prince Rudolf | was observed, to-tlay, by masses in | the palace chapel and in the Capuchin | church, in the vault of which the | botly oi the prince is deposited, The { emperor aml the members of the im- | perial royal family visited the tomb and deposited flowers on the sarcop- hagus. Floral gifts were also sent | from several of the Furopean courts, among them a beautiful wreath from Emperor William. Banwell To Be Extradited. Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 27.--Fd win St. George Banwell, the default- ing Toronto bank teller, who was here January 1lthafter a was brought up bifore the court h today. The presiding magistrate granted the application | for the prisoner's extradition to Can- arrested long chase ada. Under the law he is granted fif- | teen days' grace, daring which the | governor will sign the warrant for | his removal. | If yon are tired taking the large old-fashioned griping pills, try Cart | er's Little Liver Pills and take some comfort, A man can't stand every- | thing. One pill a dose. Try them. J. E. Harding, Lindsay, has been senior judgeship of and Hugh McMillan, ing in Toronte, decided to raise$20, 000 during the present year. Rev. Father Frigon, Winnipeg, «ld in a sermon that it was the duty of every Catholic in Winnipeg to vote in | been represonted by a cartoonist as riding oo a broncho, but he had | "Piles," itching, bleeding or pro- ridden into the hall on a different { truding. are cured by Dr. Crinns' pile kind of horse from that which Mr, | ointment, We. Mabood's Drone Store Mcintyre woald ride home upon to- | British liberals may bring forward a fis A DEAD ISSUE heen appointed junior { judge. The advicory council of the Preshy- { torian church extension union, meet stat- MANCHESTER ER MANUFACT UR' "ER ON CHAMBERLAINISM. Edward Chiswell, Although a Pre- ference Protectionist, Thinks _ the Election Has Settled the Question--Cause of Balfours Defeat. ere Montreal, Jan. 30.--FEdward Chis well of Manchester, a director of Mid dleton, Jones & Co., the greatest man- ufacturers of cotton velvets in the world, in an interview here said that the cause of Balfour's defeat was kis imarily the fiscal issue unquestion- 13 'Jt is impossible," he said, "ta induce the workingman in Great Britain: to see that protection is not going to do him harm. I beliove the 'ham jn movement to have been killed by "the elections, and that itis} now as dead as the silver issue in the United States after Mr, Bryan's last defoat." Mr. Chiswell is himself a preference protection man. - CHARGES AGAINST BASTEDO Look Rather Bad at the Present Time. Toronto, Jan. 30.-The investiga: tion inte the charges brought against ST, 0, deputy minister of fisheries, "wae continued, to-day, when more instances were brought to light of removed from the office late ter book. In some cases tho pages. were ontirely wissing, others were found in Mr. Bastedo's private lstter book. Another charge was that Mr, Bastedo had made an improper use of his power to issne licenscs, in the ia: terests of the liberal party, and a number of letters were quoted | support of thie. Tt was charged, a that the deputy minister had od: deo ed illegal payments, one of reall ing the payment of two days a tional pay, 83 to Guardian C. Curtis. It came out in course of en: wiry, this morning, that Duncan. ple was a defaulter to the depart: ment, since 1808. when he collected $40 for angling permits, and failed to remit. DOMINION MILLS COMPANY Ordered Wound Up By Tustice Anglin. Toronto, Jan, 30.~The Dominion Mills company, Bracebridge, of which Dr, Beattie Nesbitt, M.P.P., wea . sident, was ordered to be "Sr on by Justicn A lin, on an order Ayn wt ane o'clock, this af noon. The, Jind a cKentie, ' The er ---- der g presented on the app! M antion of the Guelph Carpet Mills company. The assots are placed at 875, to £80,000 on plant and material, and $25,000 in unpaid stock, The Habili- ties are $110,000, principally owing to the Crown Bank on secured paper and $30,000 to unsecured creditors. The object of the windingup order is to endeavor to sell the property as a going concern. FARMER'S HEAVY LOSS. By Fire Two Miles From Boun- tain Station. Mountain, Ont., Jan. 30.--Fire which broke out on the premises of Thomas Robinson, about two miles from Mountain Station, destroyed all out buildings, togéther with thirteen cows, eleven hogs, one horse, his entire sup- ply of hay and grain, sleighs and farm machinery, not a thing being saved. Mr. Robinson was visiting a neighbor when the lire fire broke out. It is understood that there was no insurance, TORREY AND ALEXANDER Toy will to Convert the Capital. Toronto, Jan. 30.--A few weeks ago it was announced that the work of Torrey and Mr. Alexander, in Canada. would be limited to Toronto. A press ing invitation has been received from Ottawa, for the month of June, and it is now likely that the evangelists wi'l spend a couple of weeks in that city. Lives os Lost In Wreek. Spokane, Wn,, Jan. 30.--Great' Nor- thern Oriental Limited, No. 11 west bound and passenger train No. 2, east hound, collided one mile west of Col umbia Falls, Mont., last wight." erintendent O'Neill has gone to scene of the wreck, from Great Falls, with a wrecking outfit and physicians. It is known that at least four lives were fost including a fireman on eac train. i ------ During the month of February there will be a big sale of hot water bottles und fountain syringes, face bags and bulb, syringes at wholesale prices at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, A London, Ont, despatch says ne- gotiations will whortly be set in mo- tion looking to the taking over of the lease of the London & Port Stanley railway by the Canadian Pacific, Pure hees' wax candles, plain and or- namental at lowest prices at Mullins', LIME LICHT VIEWS CITY HALL waggons, | KINGSTON OF YE OLDEN TYME Taron! Sostheny' to or ental fair and Jnuch Evening and Reception Gowns Great Showing of Materials $ | That new 'Brent Gown. Have you determined on. the style? Have you settled upon the Fabrie? Much Room For Choice Hers, new goods in 'approved. "patterns. A splendid showing of rare, risk materials, and a large variety of handsome taming and nents sories, Wisit our Dress Goods Siok and see for yourself these Jans. soma Jateriie pe-de-Fy others. He ; EAR The right ideas are re. ? You cannot make & mistake. Discount Stamps With Cash Sales fin | ef. Steacy's. MARRIED. HILTON-ESFORD.---In Kingston, January 29th, 1906, by Archdeacon Ounre, ins _ Hertha . Rose, third dnughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Reford, Barriefield, to Alexander Phillip Hilton, this city. DIED, JOHNSTON =f Rittuurg., on an Jenitary 18th, Won, Geraml séventy- even years, Mel Ade N.--In Kington. on * Jani 20th "1608, Ros, aldest da of* Als®ander Me ary Ler adden, need seventy vears, ang also Catherine Me Fadden second youn it daughter of lex ander McFa aged our years, Furieral from their lato residence, 26 Wellington St, to-thorrow morn LAW. --In Kingston, Junuaty 2 80th, 1' 08, Isabella Jane of Bde ward Law, aged Afty- elt years and eleven wonths Funeral fram the residence of her Brothers in-law, "8, olds, « 5 Vietoria street, on ursday Afternoon at 3 o'clock. F Friends respectfully invited to attend. ROBT. J. REID, Tbe Leading Undertabe 'Phone 877, 223 pus (akin Noise) MARKS BROS. ANNIE MARKS, BROS IR BIG'COMPAN i0- alte "Our ¢ Irith-Ganadian Gousin Wed'y. Night, "Life in New Serr New Plays, Strong Cast, Continuops Performance, Moving 2 Thuntret: vd Songs. bri Seats now on sale, Bar-le-Duc Red Currant Ja. White Currant Jam (MADE IN FRANCE)" This is the first appearance in | candi date to oppose ex-Premier Bal {four in the eity of London. Chinese doctors sometimes use tract of peach leaves or kernels | medicinal purposes, A German scientist ~X- nd vaccination. Bue stemin rilioved. he nerfact fittin glass, got at Dr. Chavis s Dru | Store for claims to have diseovered a specific cure for cancer by 8 pm. | FOR SALE, OR TO RENT. | HEDGEWOOD HOME, 169 UNION 4 | & all modern conveniences ; Sd i o logation ; large grounds. g .| Thursday, Feb. 1st] Also wo dine ota Hoy oka for Kingston of these celebrated (A. vas git : w' 25C. per pot. Jas. Redden @ co. | | Tiokets, 256¢. Children Half-Price

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