STOCK MARKETS, SPEQALS FOR SATURDAY ) SATURDAY NIGHT Men's & Boys' Negligee Shirts es and perfectly fast colorings. | 1a} to 16%. he moet- [the education department, and after talking for a few imwies sith g nam ' oh u 1906. 7,854 acres, for § st S27 'aerta for $2,680 at | i o al ? will be some years before they © Masters And Mates. geted, Capt. James Dix was ap pointed to represent Kingston coun- cil at the grand lodge meeting in I Tetonto on February 13th. There are now ten branches in Ontario. King: ston is No. 7 and in a flourishing con- Petition, with & membership of ; its territory extending from Port Hope to Montreal Steps were taken towards having an "At Home," and committees formed, About twenty-five or thirty members meet in the rooms every afternoon and Hay carl; checkers 'and a game called "Devil Among the Sailors, which causes great excitement. The rooms are well furnished With Testing _ matter, latest papers, ete, Capt. Donnelly placed the hfe ates: with drawings of «hips from A.D. 1066 up to the present time, which he used 'in his leeturen, All the members appre cinte Capt. Donnelly's leetufes and all attend. ! Concert And Tea. ,One of the most successful enter tainments that has even taken in the country, was held at Glen: burnie Methodist church, Wednesday . Long before the appointed hour buslding was packed to its utmost capacity, The amyne, which coffeisted of Kingston's best talent, dnd some from the surround: ing district, was prying that be desired, and order given t showed fully the apprecia- tion of the awdience, cach number be- ing so well peceived that one could tell which gave most . During the even refresh. ments were served by the ladies of the 'J congregation, which were much enjoy. od. Truly it can be said that all went home feeling that the ovening's enter. toinmedt was a decided success. Excursion To Toronto. , The Queen's hockey excursion to Tor- onto, today, was taken advantage of by over a hundred people. Doubtless more would have gone had the weath- er remained as mild as it was during the middle of the week. The excursion was by special train which left the G. Tr station at half past eleven o'clock. It is the first 'hockey excur- tion run by Queen's out of Kingston to Toronto, and doubtless, will le made an annual event, Assembly At Barriefield. A most successful assembly was held ii town hall, Barriefield, last evening. Over seventy-five couplés were present, including many from the city. Music for dancing was supplied by Croshy and O'Connor's orchestra. At mid night dainty refreshments were served, after which dancing was continued till an carly hour this morning. St. Luke's Church And All Saints, asoertai St. Lake's church lot. The Very Best. grocery, corne Johnston and sion streets, fio. PB. last 'Statist esthnates the rities in Ger- i 00 and 'the French L000, Practical! al " . ) if eet, get 2 masters and mates had a bumper meeting, last eveiing, in their rodms over Wade's drug store, at which important business was trans At a well attended meeting of the parishioners of St. Luke's church, on fednesday evening last, a committee was appointed to pegotiate with the lord bishop of the diocese for the pur- chase i All Saints' church, and to the cost of its removal ta Pure bees' wax candles for church purposes at ec. per Ib, at Mullins Divi- to Save oe A ane, gp 2.--J ames Hover, ty-orie years of age, wrote a letter M. Ellis, and to his son, who is in the same place, stating t he was going to thé woods for last long Hee This was yester- & t morning, about eleven 'o'clock, Hoover went into an office in a Fauld, deliberately ed a bottle of laudanum, He was taken to St. Michael's hospital, and the doctors are now working on him, ¢ to save his life. Toronto is to-day, experiencing the coldest snap of the winter so far. The lowest temperature registered was 11.6 degrees below zero, about 6 a.m. At eight o'clock the thermometer [stood at eleven below zero, A fre marshal to investigate all fives indopendently of any action tak. en by insurance companies, was the proposal brought before the provificial secretary from the Mutual Underwrit- ers' Adsociation, this morning. The statement was made that one-third to one-half of the fires were due to pre ventable cotdes, and that « largo pro: portion of the fires were of incendiary nature. Hon, Mr, Hanna promised con- sideration in the matter. George Lair, Buffalo, has beeri ap: intéd Grand Trunk dgent at Fort frie to succeed J. J, Beck, who has been appointed superintendent of the Union station, Toronto, made at On An application was goods Hall, to-day, for the winding up of the Merchants Premium company. The capital stock of the company was 84,000 and the subscribed canital $25, 000. The liabilitits are $3,600 andl as- | sets 83.000. The application was en. larged till Tuesday. FAVORS A CANAL. to Cost $60,000,000. sub-committee favorably a hill granting a federal contemplates a canal one a pitalization of $60,000,000, The watoway is transportation for iron ore from lake burg, with a new type of boat, which can be" operated both on the lake and in the canal. Fifteen years is to be al lowed for the canals necessary is seven vears. WILL BUILD SHAMROCK IV. Provided Cup Racing Rules Are Modified. London, Feb. 2.---A news agency de- spatch from Glasgow says that if the New York yacht club will agree to modify the America's cup racing rules relating to measurements Sir Thomas Lipton will immediately commission Alfred Mylne, the Glasgow naval arch- itect, to design and the Denny Bros. of Dumbarton, to build a Shamrod iV. » THE EMPRESS DOWAGER of Russia is in Very Poor Health. health of the dowager Empress of Russia, danghter of King Christian, is giving her relatives au great deal of anxiety. The dowager empress has been completely overwhelmed with grief on account of the death of ber father, CALL FOR TENDERS For Fitst Two Sections of the N.T.R. Ottawa, Feb, 2-The Canadian Gazette to-morrow, will contain a no- tice calling for tenders for the first two sections of the N.T.R., one link going to Winnipeg and Fort William; the other the commencement of the eastern terminals, Some Samples Adulterated. inland revenue issued a pulletin to- day of analyses of 108 samples of al: cholic preparations of ginger. Of the samples of. tinctures, essences or ex tracts collected in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Fdward Island, Quebee City and British Columbia, all are reported genuine. Some of the sam- ples collected in London, Toronto, Kiggston, Montreal and St. Hyacinthe were found to be adulterated, A Rare Supper Dish. Fresh tripe at Davies', Friday and Saturday of every week, i -- Another Russian Political Murder. Poltava, Russia, Jan. 31.-- Daring political crime was committed here to- ay, when' Provincial Councillor Filo- noff was fired at five times and in stantly killed, by an unknown assas- sin. Kilonof was held responsible by the Terrorists for the ruthless severi- ty with which agrarian disorders had been suppressed. Left Por Copenhagan. Loudon, Feb. | Purposes, at | grocery. 2. Queen Alexandra and suite loft London, to-day, for Copen en, where her majesty will attend the funeral of her father. i ---- The Very Best. Pure bees' wax candles for church 8%. per Ib, at Mullin's enjoy a hot bovil f t Gibson' Red Cross drug -- : : - Best's "sh ort stop" al G Try it for your cough tse, | t construction, | having disay h though the estimate of time actually | spell that began abot January 15th. t 8 t t e i I ( During these cold days step in and enting the gine iz in the city ham, bankers and street, went to Toronto to-day on a business trip. his been attacked monia and inflammation ofthe lungs. of assistance, but mirably provided for. week she remained i and then resumed 8 February 2nd is many vears that ferry steamers have run. Wholesalers Win From Mann, point; McCammon, rover; Potter, Houghton, pointment. not belonging to the permanent medi- Movements Of Ths Péople--Wh They Are g And Doing. in Montreal, ahah Tapping, Ardoch, spent [the De. Ee Mundin went wp to To- ronto . Brerist rand, Chartrand, Ont. is in the ; 6 W. Caldwell, Saskatoon, is at the Nr. 8. MeCgnn, Godfrey, spent Capt. - Snider; Quibec, arrived in towh ght, J. E i, Toronto, is a guest at the hotel. . Thomas Slater returned to-day from a business trip' to Pictond James' Conlin, Belleville, .i¥"a busi- ness visitor to the pity. Dr. Harold Willimacn, left this morning Port Arthur, Ont. William y Morrisburg, is & btisiness visifor to the city. Prof. Shoftt *went up with the Queen's boys, to Toronto to-day. "Mr. and Mrs. Warner, Brockville, are spending a couple of days in the city, > George A. Johnson, Picton, repres- ce Motor boat en- Thomas Mills, "of Mills & Cuhning- brokers, Clarence Hert Kenney of the Ontario Bank, taken to. the hospital this week isnot as seriously il as was at first ye- ported, his sickness being but a bad attack of grippe. Prof: W. J. Pyke is improving. He by plenrisy, pneu- re. Pyke is grateful for kindly offers says she is ad- ------ LIKELY THE LAST TRIP. Of New Island Wanderer For the Wigter. 'The trip of the steamer New Island Wanderer from Cape Vincent to King- ston this afternoon looks like the last for some time to come. makihg very . and the river, Between Pittsburg and Lake Erie | was open; this afternoon thers is a thickness of two inches of ice. By to- Washington, D.C., Feb, 2--The house | Morrow morning, there of the committes on | inches if this temperature railways and canals decided to report | 26ro mark continues. The ice is rapidly in the harbor Yesterday the harbor will be six below the The Wanderer loft the Capt at 10.30 charter for the construction of a cah- | 9'¢lock this morning via the foot of al between Pittsburg, Pa., and Lake Wolle Island, and reached r Erie; the lake entrance to the canal | Wharf at 1.45 o'clock this afternoon. to be at Ashtabula, Ohio. The bill | [éc was met all the way. The Wander- hundred | ¢* did not go back: this afternoon, so miles long and twelve feet deep; with | that there was no connection approximately | here to the Cape Folger's from to-day. The likeli- hood is that the steamer has made to furnish cheap | hor last trip for the winter. On January 9th, fhe Wanderer cens- regions to the stéel works of Pitts. Jed making the Cape trips, owing to he. harbor being ipe-bound. For a winter quarters, Pp trips, the ice ppedred, during the mild ince then navigation has been open. the latest date in the Cape or Island HOCKEY AT ROCKWOOD. Retailers 15 to 5. At Rockwood rink, last night, a large crowd of spectators witnessed he hockey match in which 'the Whole- ale dry goods clerks beat the Re- ailers by a score of 15 to 5. The half ime score was 9 to 3 in favor of the victors. The icé was in splendid con- dition and the play "Wholesalers" had the game much their way from the start. Suth- erland put up losers, while Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 2.--The hing, Jor the winning septette. The was fast, the pretty a good game for the Potter was the whole Retailers--Johnson, goal: Saunders, joint; Mere coverpaint; adlow, Sutherland, Burns Wholesalers-- Atkinson, Henderson, 16; rover: , wings, goal; . Me- coverpoint; iaudrean, wings, Walter Sullivan, referee. -------- Appointments Of Officers. The department of militia announces that leutenant-colonels ¢ commanding brigades, and brigade majors, will be appointed for periods of three years. Such appointments shall be made as a rule from reserve of officers, That of lieutenant-colonel be conferred upon held the command of their corps for the prescribed period. Any officer ac- cepting appointment will, in the event Ottawa, Feb. 3.--The department of | of his being unable commanding will officers who have to perform any one of the annual trainings, be liable to be called upon to vacate the 'ap- Principal medical officers cal corps will receive an allowance of $305 per annum, In return for this allowance, in addition to their other duties, they will carry on the examin. ation of recruits. If more than twen- ty-five recruits are examined and ac- cepted during the same month these officers will be entitled to fifty cents for each extra recruit accepted. ---- January Cauliffower, From California. See them on Sat- urday at Carnovsky's, also the tender voung radishes, green onions, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, kale, green mint, rhubarb, parsley, ete, ------------------ Preparing For It. of soft coal are being stored in ves possible strike of the miners, Opera- vessels, ---------- Sale Of Hams. special mild cure, to boil or fry, guarantead to give utmost satisfac tion; whole ham, 13¢.; baliced, . 15e. 1b. for Saturday. W. J.. Crothers. Fuek's Bone Oil Liniment Gibson's Red Cross drug store . E. H. Welch and James Martin, are x leeks, arti- chokes, salsify, sweet potatoes, squash Cleveland Feb. 2.--Vast quantities sels at lake ports in anticipation of a tors are paying in some cases fifteen fents a ton storage charge on board At Davies'. Bomeless shouliler hams, part, lic; ---- Fruit rolls, marble rolls, nut rolls fresh at Would Not Likely Occur, in the temperature from shove free 7ing point, yesterday, to below zerdy, this morning, entailed = many discom- forts to Muntrealers. This has been the coldest day of the winter. Hopes of ice men are revived, to-day, with the cold snap. A continuation of the present conditions would go a long way towards relieving the threatened ice famine, Napoleon Hall was sentenced to two weeks and $500 fine, or six more months for attempted personation in yesterday's civie election. ANNUAL MEETING ---- 'To Consider Prevention of" Con- ion. The sixth annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Preven- tion of Consumption, will be held 'in the railway committee room of the House of Commons, on March 28th. Senator Edwards will preside in the afternoon. In the evening a public lecture will be delivered in the Nor- 'mal school by Df. Arthur J. Richer, of Montreal, illustrated with stereop- ticon plates, showing the stages of consumption and some of the ap- pliances in use to check dnd cure the disease. The chair will be taken in the evening by the governor-general. These hints are from the Medical Re- cord. There are mpre cases of advanced tuberculosis than of any other dis- ease, In no disease can so much be done to remtler the patient comfort- able and hopeful in the advanced stage. There is no disease where one case in a family can so readily infect other members, particularly in the stage where the consumptive begins to be confiied to the close association of the family, It is important to remember that advanced consumptive patients able to go about, perhaps able to work at their ordinary calling in the office or factory, constitute ' the greatest dan- ger to the health of the commumity. They are the most frequent cause of infection. The careless, ignorant or helplegs consumptive when confined to bed can do little more than infect his room, but the advanced patient able to follow some calling can, if careless; scatter 7,000,000,000 bacilli every day with case. Of all tubereu- ious patients, he should be the most carefully instructed . and most deeply impressed. THE YUKON'S INTERESTS. Commissioner McInnes Ottawa. Dawson, Y.T., Feb. 1.--Commnission- ér Melnnes leaves on Friday for Ot tawa to secure the aid of parlinment to install a water system, costing six million dollars, to make it possible to work gravel estimated to contain over two hundred million dollars. He will also investigate the standing of concessions, ask for the organization of the civil service, ask for the pass- age of a new miners' lien law, and for an investigation into the exorbi- tant rates of the White Pass com- pany. He will alse endeavor to se- eure new regulations for the disposal of crown lands and timber, a new system of policing the territory, and the éxtension of the constitution of the Yukon council. Mr. McInnes will 'show that, with generous estimates for the Yukon, prosperity will return here, and the vield of gold will again return to the old figures of twenty million "dollars per annum. to Visit Goldwin Smith Explains It All, Bystunder in Weekly Sun In England the pendulum swung fur iously at the last election; it swings back even 'more furiously at this. To specify the exact causes, local or gen- eral, of the revolution, in their order of importande'is hopeless. In the man- wiacturing districts generally the vote has been against corn laws, of which the bittef memory lingers there, Bir mingham was perhaps in some degrees by the connection of some of its manufacturers with war. In Wales and wherever efse non-conformity prevails there has been a strong revolt against the education act. Hodge has no doubt voted as usual for his three acres and his cow. He has evidently come out in force. The weakness, shortcomings and waverings of the late government have no doubt had their effect, especially on the critical mind of the metropolis. The most striking, and, in the eves whom socialism is an object of alarm, the most ominous part of the result have been elected. With this the re- volution in Russia, inflaming socialist spirit and Kindling may have had something to do. But Sixty-Two Years Married. Brockville, Ont., Feb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armold, a vene. rable comnle residing at Athens, cele brated the of their marriage the event held. They are health both in excellent -------- Fresh Dairy Butter. At Davies', in small and rolls, 23c. Ih. California celery. Camovsky's. signed with about $1,500. assets and ural when they are kicking, to-night. in the Old Collerinte Buildine Sureeon. x strect, i _ of Montreal, (Phone, 43, THE COLDEST DAY MUCH INCONVENIENCE EX: PERIENCED IN MONTREAL. Will Help the 'Ice Conditions if, Weather Continues--A Famine Montreal, Feb. 2. The sudden drop quality of pure India Silk. The Silk Waist Beauty| Close touch with the ofigi- nators of new anid beautiful effects places us in a position to satisfy all vour desires. The newest con- ceits find their place here as soon as they appear, some of the most chaming designs in Silk Waists having just arrived. The mate- rial used in them is also most practical, being a fine washable dainty yet useful appearance of Se Wiss will surely command and rétain your admiration. From a financial stand-point they should appeal as one of the early oppor- tunities of the -season to secure stylish and washable Waists at the most reasonable prices. $2.95, 3.99 and 4.99 At 82.95. India Silk Waist, both white and black, guaranteed to wash well, trimmed nicely down the front with broad Kemstitch- ed tucks, full leg o' mutton sleeves, with long "tucked cuffs, A special price, only £2.95 At $4.99. India Silk Wait white only, same quali buttoned at back, tion ahd large puffs. Also at $4.99. At 83.99. India Silk Waist, in white only, same quality, silk, trimmed with wide hemstitched tion border-- with tucks, tucks, front also trimmed with with tucks up dainty. eyelet work, long cufis over each shoulder finish with large puffs. A special different lengths to form yoke. priee, 'only... nln 0.9 A special price, only 21.99 silk, trimined both front and back with par row tucks and cluny insertion, long cuffs with tucks and inser \ special price; only -................ £4.99 Tafieta = Nilk Waist, in white only, trimmed down the front with wide incer. also the back a 25c. Saved on Every Dollar's Worth of Skirts Our Skirt business gets closer and closer to the appreciation It wins the willing support of the masses--and the classes as well. We have thirty odd Skirts, each differing slighly from the rest in trimming, although the quality of mate- rial and finish is one--strictly high-class. They must be sold of wise women, at once, so for Saturday we offer them with exactly ; 25 Per Cent. Discount 7 only, Black Cheviot Skirts; 16 'only, Black Cheviot neatly flared, with raised seams and five rows of stitching around bottom, trimmed with straps and buttons, regular 83.95, but Saturday, our spec- jal Pree, enol «ies ans $2.97 5 only, Black Serge Skirts, pret- tily flared and trimmed with straps and buttons, regular $4.75, but Saturday, our. spec- ial price, each flared and day, our special price, each $3.73 tons, box pleated, prices from #5 Saturday, « our special TERR OBI cocrinistsinniis niin Sd $3.75 to 34 88 Children's Coats 25 Per Cent. $3.57 Skirts, extra high quality of material, with raised seams, trimmed with straps and but- tons, regular $4.99, hut Satur- only, Black Cheviot Skirts, an assortment of styles and trim mings of fancy straps and but regular to 86.50, hut prices, BY Some late arrivals in the most pleasing effects shown this season. February and March ure really Canada's winter months, and the girls from six to fourteen years of age will take genuine comfortin wearing these warm, stylish Coats. Some have natty small capes, others good"wide collars, nearly all have straps at back. In Tweed, Beaver and Golf Cloths, trimmed with fine braid and gun-metal and pearl buttons. All offered for to morrow *(Saturday) with a disc nt of all to is the large number of labor men who socialist hopes, the movement is evidently advancing, 1.--Yesterday sixty-second 'anniverdary . and in "honor of a family gathering was large Mary A. Musgrove, Picton.. has as- liabilities Some people are simply acting nat- LECTURE POSTPUNRD THE MARINE LECTURE SET FOR hos heen ost v 4 Mus postponed to MONDAY THOMAS DONNELLY, Lécturer. MEDICAL. DR. WILLIAM GIBSON PHYSICIAN Surgeon #te. Late Resident House General Hospital. THE LOCKETT from regular prices of precisely 25 Per Cent. Discount The Hosiery Section MEN'S BLACK CASHMERE SOCKS, seamless foet and a good dur able make, sizes 10, 104 and 11, per pair only 25¢. Other grades from the well-known English makers, : London, per pair > 35c¢., 39¢. and 49c¢. BOYS' YARN KNIT STOCKING good quality Yarn, good long legs and properly shaped feet. spliced heels strong toes, complete range of sizes for boy of age, prices according to sizes from .... 235c¢. to 49¢. John Laidlaw & Son , TENA RR ------ -------- Fine single sole patent kid and Vici kid lace boots. Leather Fench heel, * one that will wear! : 1 t : ; DRESS SHOES ------ ° SHOE ST en Ww a 233s = 5 R. Morley, of Scotch' Fingering { from 1 to 16 years 36 Pairs of These Dorothy. Dodd $3.75 for $2.90 THE DRESSIEST OF ORE JANUARY SAI FURNITU 107020 "PER CENT. REDUCTION ON ina Cabinets, M nd Sideboards, fetts and Combination fetts, Pictures and Mirrors, Tea Curates, fen Stand, etc. card Table and Chalr to Robt. J. K 222 Princess Stree 2 doors above Opera H Telephone 877 lie -------- UST BE ais jarge, ol, Stoves, [ Bebtard, o broves, O © Bt Ranges. Also a lot Carpeta, everything cheaper tha TURK'S SECOND-HAND 308 PRINCESS STRE} PR Canadian Chinese Res Qpens Monnay at 331 Ki Extensive Bill of Fare, Lunch hours. Open day and nigh service. WINGLEE - - 1 ---- WANTED. a ibaa GENERAL SERVANT. A of four. Apply Mrsy T. P son, 162 King street. 2 GENERAL SERVANT A light housework. Apbly Mn sieve, 199 King street. TWO RELIABLE BOYS TO the wholesale-- drug warel Henry. Skinner & Co. Appl ee ee IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD a servant, references required at - St Andrew's Mans evening. ee eee en SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS Soaps given in exchange coupons, by Messrs. J. Ca., 178 Princess St., King GENTLEMAN TO HAVE suits Pressed 4 snd Sleanad oa d ; also ou! Ba Fh made ways, A0L rock ere CHICAGO WHOLESALE special re tive for vince in Canada. Salary $2 pests." puid weekly. Ixper advanced. Business success) tion permanent. Address 182 Lake St. Chicago. CORRESPONI erson as Assistant airing: Compar essary ; work rensation : incl Society, 1 vhia, Pa., MEN AND BOYS TO EARN d after completing © ctical' instruction at b schools. Graduates ad Positions secured Bros. Co. Practical Schools and Bricklaying, New York Cincinnati and" St. Louis. alogue FOR SALE. ST TWENTY SHARES OF THE Stock of the Frontenac © will sell right. pauy., 1 care Whig office, ROVED WHEAT ¥ Saskatchewan, t from t town. Apply Wils Union street, en et peepee PTH ROWANS,"" 163 UN the residence of the late J Esq, with or without la ar ard. For terms, premises. ENGLISH i one Ni Hat Stand, tl or stands Apoly Adams, 336 Alfred street TUG EDMOND AND BARG bia: now laid up high Newboro' Canal; tug cyli M boiler ; barge dry lumber. App and Bro., Redford M OWING TO WISH ( ve West, that des ising parts of lots oncession, Western n of Kingston, ki -Walker farm, co more or less, ant miles Fast of Wilton, on 1S now offered for sale. es. Possession March Owner valyes farm at will sell at $2800; $ balance on mortgage at to Frank Mart or to arve TO-LET. "RONT ROOMS, mt board. Apply a DWELLINGS, STORES. ete. McCann's Real Es o Ol Brock street. ee eesti BRICK SHOP AND. RESH 351 Princess street : mc Possession _ immediately, Steacy & Steady. COMFORTARLE HOME two respectable bu Terms moderates, Centra Apply Box "©. Whig Er ------------ PERSONAL. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD tradis to the grave; ag ness love and marriage What I tell comes true. Se and 10e. Prof. Lavas, ) Cunegonde P.O., Montre: Bear in mind that Dr. C #lore id the * only store: who handles the "Albert' Quality of robber goods. We gusrantes onr rubbe and see our stock at the drug stire,