ea has placed it led lead packets io Black Tea, the . At An IT. LOUIS, 1 Grocery. e @ @® ® ® DDY"'S i : Star 8 containing about CHES r For Them Sc. to try them. EOO® ®900eeas a OILERS .S ON THIS STAPLE d on. It will begin at ind end Saturday night ve no idea of the variety, nary every day WASH show you three or four | 13. We do with Wash rything else, put before ie greatest variety to he ibility then lies with you your purpose. 5 for this sale : 1.35 and $1.70 ; Copper, 25, $1.45, $1.70, $2.25; both flat and pit bot- worth considering right & Birch, 3t., Kingston. AND MONDAY to take advantage of the Thursday, we have decided ur $10 and $12 Jackets on the same ridiculously low $4.89 s 40% Off of all our Winter Cloth r them on Saturday Even- egular marked prices. d Blouses nston Store - STREET. INEST ) NARROWBONE ound . re is serious mercantile string: due to the war; the success of 1 makes the Chinese chafe at Xtra territoriality of foreigners: apidly growing native press IS gly anti-foreign. The Govern- is unable to control these great S. tain E. Parrington, of Gloszon. ind, has offered (£30000 of Ze 2d convalescent homes 107 poor of the town. | OOOO OX YOO] _ of-anthors, the" litfle " fodils, oe THE DAILY --_---- > x. F. Madarlane's large and k : furnished "new house, on n street, welcomed many visi- inesday afternoon and ev- when Mrs. Macfarlane held her ing tion since her marriage. She rst oe wedding dress of cream ht ne, trimmed with Jace. . The whit TOON, furnished in soft, dark Sig much decorated with white : and smilax, the latter chandelier, and about ». A beautiful ornament the handsome pon _ the lock, given the mounted onyx ¢ I bra ular mayor, by the city offi als. In the dining-room a polished table, covered with Jace doylies, held a mirror in its centre, and upon' this "ood a large vase, and two smaller sof in which were carnations of deli ta" pink, and asparagus fern. Mrs. Robert Shaw poured tea, and the at «ses were Miss Grace Bal- the bride's two nieces, Miss Mamie and Miss Mabel Nesbitt. Little Miss ~ Lila Nesbitt opened the jor the visitors. door 101 * +, . tentive waitre Jantyne, and . Jix, Bagot street, gave a little girl's rty, for her daughter, Vera. There we hout twenty-five pre- went. The chief amusements of the even- jng were the peanut hunt, won x Miss Rath Martin, In the guessing contest . Missct Georgia Conway; Florence Prewart, and Nora Macnee Wer then five othei guesses Wore given and Miss Florenee Stewart was the lucky winner of the prize; a watch pin Mis Jennie Me Kelvey won the consolation, a box eof pon-bons, Great delight was caused at the tablé over the magic cake. Ass Phyllis Walsh, Mabel, Henderson and Olive Chown were the fortimate the money, ring and Mrs. James | ues, one, in finding patton. Dancing and other games end od the evening's amusements. Those as- dating were Misses Irene Dix, Mae Hill and Beatrice Ockley. The table was decorated very prettily 'with ferns, flowers and smilax Po Nre. Hubbell, Bagot street, asked comb "of her friends to come for a cup of tea, yesterday afternoon, and meet Miss Leavitt, who is visiting her. The cosy drawing-room looked so pretty with its firelight, and its candle light and the flowers which adorned it. Pots of dafiodils upon the mantelpiece, tul ie pink and white upon one table, upon another yellow daf where Mrs. Bernard Browne dispensed tea, Among the num- ber who were there were Mrs. JJ. M. Machar, Mrs. G. A. Grover, Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. Carman, of | Montreal, Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs, J. A. | Fages, and Mrs. James Higgins. | . - LJ . 1 Mrs. W. GG. Anglin. will give a youne ! peaple's party, on Wednesday, for Miss : Manes frivnds, and others. a litte older. on Sle. wm wl. 3 he members of the committee in charge of the dance, in the City Hall, on Wednesday night next, have been working like Trojans, to make it a success, and it promises to be that in a marked 'degree. Dances have been very infréquent things, in Kingston, oft late wears, - hostesses with large houses, having apparcnily got out of the good old-fashioned wav -of taking up carpets, and clearing out long drawing-rooms for the dances which used to he the great amusement of all the young people. The charge some- times brought against the younger set, to-day, that they prefer sitting down "like old fogies," to cards, is really - rather unfair. "1 often look round a hig drawing-room, when I'm playing ecards in it, and think what an awful waste of a good thine it is," said a young girl, not long ago, and she voices the feelings of plenty of others. These things being considered the few dances, like the R, M. C. min, or affairs, find such fumetions as the qné coming off next week. are oases in the desert for the voung dancine set. e . . * * Mrs. Joseph Power asked a young people to make up a table cards, on Thursday evening. - » » - few of Mrs. John Domnelly had 'a houseful of wo less that fifty little boys and girls, at her party for her little daugh- ters, Harriet and Doris, on Friday. and high revel reigned for a few hours. Little Miss Olivi for pining on tn mast diffienlt fe Woods got the prize dinkey's tail, a rund *another small maid, Mise nth Martin, cane ont victorious in the musical ehair con- test, Those who assisted. Mrs. Don nelly were Miss Trendell and Miss Walsh, Miss Sadie Reid, Miss Edna Booth, and Miss Jessie Begg. . . & The Seivnce dance' at Queen's last night, was a very smart and success ful event in the college's social year, The decorations were very pretty, and unique, from the "School of Mining, 1906,"" "which blazed in colored electric lights; over the entrance to Grant Hall, to the flowers which decked the small supper tables set in the reading room, and where delicious refresh- ments were found. The principal very kindly appeared, and received with Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Schmidt, and Mrs. Gill, Mr. McKeown introducing the guests to Dr. Gordon, and the patron esses, The orchestra, Merry's, from the opera house, played capital music, and the dancers had a merry evening trip ping out their programme,. There were several out-of-town people present- Miss Laura Smith, of Ottawa, who is Mrs. Daniel Gordon's guest; Miss Dor- othy Cross, who is staying with Mrs. Buxton Smith; and Miss Stewart, of Harrowsmith, who is with Mrs. James Craig, Princess street, and Miss Cath erine Amdrews, Ancaster, who is stay- ing at St. James' rectory. The mem hers of the committee are being heart- ily congratulated on the success of the yb a Ma Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Best. intend go RY. AMBASSADOR 70 /TALY Henry White, the present the They have cerned. Miss Constance Ockley has left for a month's visit in Toronto, with her uncle, Rev. Dr. Ockley. went up to Toronto, yesterday for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Bickford: Miss Irene Swift is in Toronto the guest of Mrs. Hemming, Stanley Bar- racks. Mis. W. B. yesterday. Carey went to Toronto Mrs. Reginald Brock has gone to To- ronto for a short visit. Mrs. James Massie, , Bagot street, went to Teronto yesterday to see her daughter, Mes. John Cooper and grandchildren. Mr. Hector McCarthy has left for Kingston.--Ottawa paper. Miss Floreiice Thompson has gone to Toronto. Mrs. James Hendry was one of the people who left, yesterday, for To- ronto, . . ee Mrs. Clark Wright will spend a few days in the Queen City. Miss May Bell will leave early next week for Ottawa to spend a fort night or six weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Fred. McKelvey Bell. Mrs. J. A. Fages returnad, on Thurs- day, from 'l'oronto. ! Mrs. Montague Strange went up to § Toronto - yesterday. > : Miss Ada and Miss Beatrice Dirch were with the Toronto-bound contin- gent yesterday. » . . . Mr. Hubert Osborne, who has been ing to Sarnia' a week from to-day. | with their baby, for a little visit. ee ------------------------------------------------------ American a mbassador Cun.mere, the U.S. minister to M orocco, are the two wen who re- United States at the Moroccan Cenference in Algecires. the difficult task of at tenaing the conference and at the same time -avoid giving offence to either one here, on Sunday, on his way to To ! ronto. on to Italy 'and S.R. of the powers con- ca ------------_---- He will leave town again on Monday to rejoin his company. Mrs. Rvan's party, at Camden Fast, Tuesday evening. . . Alfred. Wilson has arrived in Mrs. Mrs. R. J. RB. Crombie, who has many friends here, isitors who 0 dropped 'into Mes Rernard Browne's, on Thursday, had the pleasure of seeing Miss Leavitt, who was spending the day. with' her, They found the aftermoon so pleasant few days in Toronto. Miss Leavitt, of Brockville, will spend about another week with Mrs. Hubbell, Bagot street. Miss Charlotte Moore has gone to Toronto for a few days' visit with tier sister, Mrs. Boomer. Miss Mayell, of Hamilton, making a short visit with Mrs. T. Wickett, at Port Hope, is now in Kingston to visit her sister, Mrs, E. P. Jenkins, -. . » - At the Badminton bridge tourna ment. on Wednesday, for Mrs. Cap pon's trophy, Mrs. R. T. Walkem car ried off first honors, a silver vase, and Mrs. John Bell Carruthers came see ond winning a silver frame. Tea fol lowed, and the affair was very pleas playing with Mr. Ben Greet's com- pany, in Montreal, will stop over went to Toronto, excursion. Judge Britton yesterday. Mrs. George Eade and Eade left, yesterday, for Chicago, for a fortnight s © visit Bade; dr Mrs. George town on Tuesday. . pier Rifles, Dickie, and Miss of Madame Belcourt, wife of A. Belcourt. - say to Mr, J. unable not like to be have changed our weak, SATURDAY FEBRUARY S. = Mahood have gone up to Toronto fer a short wvsit, Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky, Williamsville, vesterday, on the went Miss Elleda Perley hone to her friends the second Friday ofghe month, at 193 Brock street, -. . . * - Miss Ada Cotter is home from Fie. ton. Miss Mollic Rothwell will leave for New York, on Monday, staving a day in Montreal, on her way there. Miss wright came up from Ottawa, vester- day, und are staying with Mrs, Hora. .- 8 Tee Miss Fanny 'and The engagement Mr. Frank of India Lieut. of Miss Mabel Maund has gone to Tor Miss Ada Jenkin 3 hin return « ee riage of Miss Kllen: Elimbeth Gladys | onto toypend a few days with friends. | 10Wn after a pleasant i mn 2° 1 Burton, daughter of Mrs. Warren The Montreal Colonel and Mrs. Sydenham McGill | pance. She was one of the guests at fy 0" (6 "Mr. Alan Featherston Avlesworth, on February 20th, in To- ronto, The marriage of ties suffered by mothers whose babies have had a bad start in Tie For ba- birs who are ailing, peevish, cross and digest their food Own Tablets are invaluable. They act almost like fo magie, ywevish children into a fat, healthy warmly recommend the tablets to oth- or guarantee that the Tablets contain no poisonous "soothing" ful drug. They are absolutely safe and always good. Sold by midicine deal ers or by mail at 25¢. a box by writ Dr. Williams Medicine Co, mothers," And ing. the Brockville, Ont. Tot winter break ant. i Mrs. W, J. Mahood and Miss Bertha with Mr. George Mahood will be at is announced . RE ¥is Fel n Alda Macnaughton, cld- TER TO 3 est daughter of 16a 18/1000 C00 nanghtor, Huntingdon: Que, to: Mr. James Albert Carruthers, of "Ottawa. Maynard, , is engaged Miss Haycock, daughter of Mr. R./H. Haycock, nard is a nephew of the late Senator Hayeock is a sister Ottaw Invitations are issued for the mar Elmsley will take place without them, A woman begins to worry about the horo in the second chapter, but a man knows the insufferable dub is safe up inv page 200, at least For what is that to you? Why worry o'er the weather When there's plenty else to do 7 up to Toronto Miss Daisy returned to CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, PALATABLE. "APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER. ro A Wineglassful a Dose. Mollie Cart of Feb, in Gananoque, Alexander Mac- | revival started noon. Rev. R. CU, 125th Na: wo a. Young May Hon. N. jtime, week. The ice was rat cold snap of the past . . Miss Cluny Ram- {some days wuth Miss Picton, where Mr. Wilson has been ap- { uietly at the home of the bride's [return home, where she is now suffer: pointed agent of the Bank of Mon: futher, Mr. W. M. Ramsay, Peel street, ing with 'a severe attack of pneu: treal, and has been much feted by | Montreal, on February 27th. monia. old friends. Mrs, Benson, wife of the Miss Mabel Harrison, daughter of Me. newly-appointed accountant there, will Delicate From Birth. and Mrs, \. Harrison, Church also be an addition t6 the society of In three words "delicate from | street, entertained a number of her that town. Mr. Benson is a cousin of {, ch. 0 expressed a world of anxie- friends to a- thimble tea on Wednes day afternoon. Probate of Martha Chadwick of Baby's heen granted to and change cross, iY Sheu into smiling, happy that visiting hours were prolonged. peev ; us ) i 2 . . . babies. Mrs. JJ. W. Munroe, Sintaluta, will, Toa | Ni: G Graver. is. spendin NWT, says: "I have used Baby's i ly : rae wr fr. George IPOVEr 1s spen ZR Own Tablets for two years and "wonld "" ance of his stool They | F ' sickly baby Messrs. F, . J. little girl. 1 can mothers have a of their works, stuff, or harm- . Néw Cure For of Marion, 0. pr habitual topers by jy would be the most house this evening, for series of meetings, morning and after. Horner is present to assist the local pastor. The fifth of the Citizens' band series of dances was held. this evening in the band hall. There was a good ance of young people to enjoy. a good GANANOQUE NEWS. ------ Ice Cutting in Progress--A Holi- ness Revival, 3.--~The Holiness McKenzie's opera a ten days' attend: leo cutting began in doubtless help it to a great)extent. ] "Mr. Ladd," canght here by 'a young man named Hicks of the Provincial Hotel, Miss Bessie Henry, who was spendin, ston, was taken ill there, and had to » will' of the late wick and Richard Hinton of Ganano- que, and Thomas Chadwick of Roches the executors named in the X. Cousinean, Kingston. Henderson & Co., of L the gasoline engine factory here, have secured the services sof an expert, J. E. Lindsay of Boston, ta take charge Mayor Sherefl, new diet of bread and. water for forty: vight hours or more whenever they are arrested. He believes that this the bay last her thin, but the few days will was Rg Mclellan, King: this town, has Robert J. Chad: disposed of the of dry goods to Old Topers. reform executive oposes to pumish mtting them on n effective punish- at the peace conference in The Analysis shows that the richness of Apenta Water in natural saline aperients renders it the safest and most remedial laxative and purgative. READ THE LABEL. THE WORLD MOVERS. Officials = Found De Witee, % it Sergius Yulieviteh Witte, the Rus- 4 sian prime minister; is a remarkatle product of that comitry: Horn "in 'lit- ux only hity'six years ago, he is com: paratively young to have achieved such eminence, He com lifo as a station master at a small place near Odessa.' Promotion rapidly followed. After being appointed director of rail- roads he became minister of ways of convmunication. In 1893, he was elected minister of finance. As all the workl knows, he was the chief Russian ten Liary ushington this year, Sergius Witte is more of » thinker and organizer than a man of action, He possesses sitreordinaty determine. tion and powers of applica t amount to genine, Fis will gine table, and his power of initiative al. most unequaled, x He is indisputably one of the forces who are moving the world, He was strongly opposed to the war. With the recent trike and terrible scenes of he has shown his power and Where the him to adopt reforms, A good story is told of his Just un an organizer and his masterful 'way of asquiF ng details of his business. Some high government officials sought him at his office when he was director of the railways. He was not in kis office, and a search high and low was made for him. He was ultimately discovered miles down the line sitting on the foot- plate of an engine eating black bread and éhoewe in company with an engine driver, "Wo expected to find you at your proper. place, the office," said one of the officials. ; x "Oh, did you?" calmly returned Witte. "1 prefer to master details of my business as director of railroads by getting at things first hand, not by oping letters of complaint in a room." When the first grandchild comes it is time for a woman to cease having ment that could be devised, and will put it into practice at once. In the its tether-- past all typical "soaks" were kept then released. golden hair, . It is a. good deal easier to "quit in durance vile until sober and were | smoking cigars if you taper ob. on Gk ; bargain kind. ~ SALLE OF LINENS ano HOUSE FURNISHIN Every season the manufacturers of Ireland clean up their stocks, and i quantities of Odd Table Cloths, Napkins, Remnants of Towellings and Glass Linen them at genuine sale prices. They are perfect in quality in every way (perhaps a trifle soiled from handling, bu some of the designs in our regular stocks. n order to dn so make heavy price concessions on all lines. s. Ends of Table Damask, etc., to be shipped on January 1st. GS Last July our buyer, whilst in Belfast, bought large These goods have just arrived and we now offer t in every other particular are up to our well-known high standard), in fact we have \ Table Cloths Of superior quality of Irish Linen, Grass Bleached, Heavy Damask, Border all round. These Cloths are what the manufacturers have cleared out and are rot making any more of the same atterns. The designs are not new, but the cloths are perfeét and extremely low in price. In a few instances we give you Napkins to match the Cloths at a proportionate reduction in price. Cloths 23 Yards Long. Worth R375, . Worth 24.30. Worth 25.00, Worth 26.00, special prige .. : 3 special price .. special price ........ special price ....... $2.75 Cloths 3 Yards Long. Worth £3.75, special price ..... Worth $ special price . Worth 50, speci] price Worth 86.00, special price Worth § special price Richardson's own make, pure Irish Linen :-- : HALF BLEACHED--2 ial price $1.19, ote 91 § 4 4 yards long, regular $1.50, for $1.10; regular $1 yards long, rigular $1, special price 0c; regular $1.40, Also Many odd Cloths, in sizes 14 yards square, 2 1 yard and 1} yards square, at special prices. yards square, Remnants of Table Linens special B15 regular $1.75, spee- 75, for 31.23; regular $2.50, for 81.90, ete. 3 yards tung, regular $1.75, for $1.18; regular £2.25, for 81.48; regular 82.70, for $1.75, ete. GRASS BLEACHED HEAVY DAMA floral designs 3 a = yards long, worth $2, for $1. \lso many odd lengths sach as 23, 2}, 2%, ------ R. WALDRON, vards long, worth 81.30, for 98c.; worth $2, for $1.5%; worth $2.75, for $2; 5, for $2.45; Yards long, worth $2.75, for £2.20; worth $3.35, for $2.95; worth 1,50, 45; worth $2.75, fore%2: worth %3.2 27 os * SK TABLE LINENR-Beautiful soft qualities, fully guaranteed, spot "and 31, 31, 3} vards long, all b ing offered at equally reduced prices. Odd Lots of Nap-=| kins 1, 5, 6 to a design, in both hth and three-quarter sizes, at | These sionally low: prices, are | perfect go anil have our guarantee | attached. Remnants Of Towellings inlly 25 per cent, less than usual. Glass Linens--1} to 7 yards, Roller Towellings--2 to 5} yards. Kitchen Towellings--1 to 4 yards. Over 1,000 Remnants in this &pecial lot. Bath Towels Made of Genuine Irish Flax, two : a viry special values Size 45x221, regular 2e. quality for 25c. cach. Sire 48x23, 'very heavy make, pure serviceable, regular wn, strong and 65, for She. ! | | | | Qualities which Irish huck,; strong Size Siz special at 25¢ at, great 30x18, regular 15ec., for 12}e. 10x20, regular 20. xtra Large Size each. Joh Lots Towels, reductions, Towels will stand the test of and serviceable : cach. Ine. each, Huck pecial at Hemstitehed Linen hemstitched and damask borders, 3 t time and tub, Towels, 42x26 inches, made of heavy very o 6 of a design, 26 inches wide, 10 inches wide, 12 inches wide, 15 inches wide, 51 inches wide, Guarantecd Ri White Linens Will be very much in demand for full range of all the most Shirt Waists and Su desirable styles, in all widths : at 40c., BHbe., 60c, at 45c., 50c., 60c, at Sbe., 60c., 65¢, at 6c, 65c., T0c., at 60c., 70c,, 80c,, 50. She, yard. 00¢c., 81 yard. hardson's pure Irich-L'nen, its. We have a Bed Spreads See the special values we are offering in Honeycomb Hed Sproads, at 80c., $1, $1.25, English Satin Bed Spreads Usually sold at $1.90, onr price £1.50, Regular $2.50, special at $2, Extra large $3 size for $2.10, Nainsook Muslin o Best English make, to-day's price is 19¢,, our price 18c. yard, White Lawns And India Linens, at special prices, later on. Extra Heavy 15¢., our special usual, REMNANTS Horrockses. Celehrated White Cotton, 36 inches wi - now being offered at White Cotton, at Se, yard. price 124c.; worth 17c., for Me, yard. 4 HEAVY special reductions. SHEETING --Bleached and Fine English Long Cloth, soft even thread, regular 1%¢., for 15. vard; SHEETINGS In purchasing Sheetings beware of any sizing or dressing. t vour hands. 1t should stand the test if it is a good sheeting; and you pay less here for good sheeting than ) nds. | Cottons and Sheetings Since our purchases of Cottons were made the raw material has advanced from 8c. to 12c per pound. This has increased the cost of the manufactured article to a considerable extent, and, altho ugh we cannot again purchase thee Cottons, Sheet- ings and Quilts at the prices we are now quoting, we are still offering them at old prices. This means a considerable saving--your dollar will go farther now than Fine English White Cotton, very special value, worth 124e., for 10c. yd. de, thoroughly shrunk and free from dressing, worth to-day worth 23c. for 18¢. yard. Turn up the back. rub, it between unbleached, twilled and plain, lengths 2 to 12 yards long, All widths will be found in these (nds, Have You Purchased Your White Underwear ie 20% Discount on Many Lines You can save money here !