Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1906, p. 3

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A Ag for Paper Y Dee GRAVING 2: ides Tl classes bf Lt toe ing from % card tq a volume, [E WHIG, Kingston -- lt gsion 's Cotton Root The only saf misicine ite alletual Monthly 1BOSSING 5c: Lar Heady Women ean epend. Sold in t EPA oie 30 Z8t crsen, 31 per bax fis. 1 stronger Ro. 8 y ay ml Res rng int Com 2 no su! te. 00k Medicine Co., YORK ise Restaurant CHINESE 83 Princess Street yan from 10.80 a.m. to 3.00 am, Windsor, Ontariq, 2 best place to get in the city. Meals of ll py ud t notice. English and (yy Rea A sbecinltv. INE FURS MADE-TO-ORDER WEST PRICES Fit and workmanship of the best F. GOURDIER 78.85 Brock Street gston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. Jack --rost ;6 struck the City in real old The ice man as ioned style. as the Coal man wears an edingly. broad smile at pres- You will be just as happy hey are, it) you buy "KING ARD""" or "QUEEN ALEX. JRA" brands of Whiter Wool kets. They are the best in land, made from finest select- rools, and this week, we ar ing them at special prices. big shipment of White Satin ts, imported by ourselves. e really handsome patterns ning in price at $1.35 and on Y o $5 each. w Goods arriving every day. . our store often and see the ideas for spring. You'll be sed with the display. WMAN & SHAW PO00000 0000 _CUT THIS OUT _ JOUPON 10 The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. TANDS FOR ADS. IRICH TALK SWIFT'S COAL THE BEST AMES SWIFT & C0. P : : : } 5 . THE DAILY. W STOMACH ON THE BRAIN. of the house GANANOQUE. TIDINGS 2 Fit fos ~~ David | Vit vet, J | What ifa Man Gain the Whole 0QUE ] Mee, Mi dma . ey] 0 TRUN TAL World, and Lose His Appetite ? ol the dea ul lier Raters rs. (Rev.) BRANCH TIME TABLE The man ite a woll-hehaved sto- | AN EFFORT "BEING MADE TO |! by oi vean, waterworks 'anginer, LOCAL B 2nd, 1 mach never thinks about it. He eats VERT TH a » In Bec Jun. ad; 1908. at City | what he likes and Jikes what he cata. CON r E TOWN. left on Thurso ine pon. 1 ohpston. street, Be plows hell enjoy it, because he he has OE Shepp a En. WEST : nows he has a stomach that will | : 3 J.0 Rh rd, Lve. City Arr. City) casily digest it. All things look good Revival Services i Opera House-- |, phew of Bena Satte Sheppard, 'Tor 1245 a.m. 118 8m | to him; he will sit close to the table, Rev. Willig Timberlake Un- | at the Natiohal Chorus concert in To- 2.26 a.m. 34 a.m. | and 'with a merry twinkle in his eve dergoing a Surgical Opetation |ronto, last week. 9.15 a.m. 47 a.m. and a world:peace expression, he will in Kingston General Hospital. STORED UP. '] Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 pam} 'start' on the delicious meal before oy g 5 Rp i PICKED UP. 3.19 p.m. 3.51 p.m. | him Gananoque, Feb. 5.--Capt. Adsit of . 7.38pm] "Rut the man with the bad, brashy, | 1h 10cal Salvation Army. corps, 100k fp, greet Social Events Touched gurgly stomach. is the man who is |® his subject of discourse as! £¥ Up. Arr. Cit Inavs thinkine : . ing at the barracks, "The Mysterious 1 rr. City | always thinking about it. He ean » . : i i ble | Toronto Telegram. 2.22 a.m, | seldom eat what he most likes, °and Ladd, handling his subject. ip an ale ons Caustizque sm iled pleasantly 8.06 8.m. | seldom likes what he eats. His «to and interesting gi 1 upan Algie Flippe on Thursday after 8.47 a.m. imach worries him before meals, after Rev. R. C Homer _ ie noon, Toujours la politesse, Mail 12.4Q p.m. | meals and between meals. It is on fall day in McKenzic's opera ho \ . iF t Exp 1.00 p.m. 1.29 pm | hig brain. It robs him of his cheer connection with the Holiness revive Askimall ad a large at home " : 2 v 7.03 p.m. 7.38 pa and interferes with his daily work. | going on at present. There were large Tue ay evening, which was voted bv 38 and 4 run daily. Nos. Around him is a dark spirit which | crowds present, among them many Il a huge suceess. There will be a rer Aa daily Sexcopt Monday. All other presses itseli forward in his thoughts, | from the si rounding country. a a g ads daily except Sunday Peterboro, | crying : 'I am 'agony, I am disgust, George Wallace is spending a ew aunt, ss 8 pirect route to © ondon, Detroit. |1 am nausea. | am sickness. languor, | days with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mo Mrs. Wright Innit is frequently em. omlton,, City Saxinaw, Montreal, worry. I am conceived in quick | Kandy, Centre street, Sites ansid by acquaintances wistaking Ottaws, Quebec, = POLI ork. o lunches and pappy food, and nourish- Edward Flunder, Brock street, had a { barras > . ---------------------- an, Poston 'Accommodation, Tickets, [ed by gulpy meals. T rob brains of Ee -- i other imformation. Apply to their force and hodies of their life. 1} ™ -- HANLEY, Agent, Cor, an steal away nerve and vim. 1 bring sad Ovtario Stree heart disease and apoplexy. 1 make P Pe; the world a pit of weariness and dark- EMB 4 ness. I am woe, I am death. 1 am ECLLL 2 dyspepsia. But yet, I bring also RAILWAY } hope, light aml future health, because by 'my gloomy presence 1 give you W CONNECTION CANADIAN PACIIC RAILWAY WITH TRAINS LEAVE VE KINGSTON :-- B30 Dor. John. Winnipeg, press, for Ottaws, Mon- | Halitaa, hor Toronto, Chicago, Denver. Ren- happiness of a well-ordered digestion. "Sault Ste. Marne, Duluth, Bt viene, i ath tAll the world looks bright to a man NB; ortiand, and San Francisco. p.m.~Local for Sharbot Lake a with C.P.R. east and west. 8:10 a.m.--Mired, for Renfrew and in- permediate points. Passengers leaving Kingstol arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 boro, 513 p.m. Bue Bosten, 7:30 a. KB. 11:55 am. tculars at Kv & air Ofoe, Ontario WAY, Tr CO Fase: Agent Bay of Quinte Railway line for Tweed, Napanee, points. Trains Jave City HE Depot at 8.25 p.m, F DONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry. New short Deseronto, and all local m.; St. Toronte, Py; and C. P. Street. F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Bupt Kingwton. LONDONDERNY ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL ana ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, nat 12:30 7: "80 John, | warning and a chance to escape me." This is a bad dream, but it is the daily dream of the dyspeptic. If it | were not for the white we coulin't tell the black. If it were not for dys- pepsia, we couldn't know the joy, the lof good health, and good health is impossible without a good, hardy sto- mach. And any sick or weak 'sto mach tay he made a good, strong by just taking something which will digest your food for you, instead of letting your tired stomach do it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets sre the most effective little tablets in the world for this very thing. Hf vou feel bloated after eating. or vou have nausea, aversion of food, brash, ici one tation, sour stomach, dyspepsia, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will stop it, hecause one grain of an ingredient of these tablets will dizest 2,000 grains of food. Your stomach is overworked. let it take a rest. 'You're not yourseli when you have a bad stomach. These tablets will do the work that the sto mach has to do and make you feel bright, think clearly and live vou ambition and power to con centrate vour attention on vour work, You'll feel good. You should alwavs have a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on your dining table. They From St. Jobn From Halifax, will make vou get all the good pas Sat., Feb. 10. Mon., Feb. 12. sible out of everything you eat, and Sat., Mon., Feb. 19. | vou'll enjoy it. Bat Bus, en "2+ | act would require to be passed by the t 0 ar. f HOSTON TO GLASGOW. legislature to, give effect to any Siberi HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Poieraniar Jo Bo HANLEY, pot. SLERVE. Clarence 8 Sat., Sat, Feb. 22 ARCHITECTS. ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug Princes s_and WN. NEWLANDS, store, corner streets. Iintrance on Telephone. 608. ARTHUR ELLIS, fee site of New Driil ARCHITECT, OF- near cor- Hall, ner of Queen and Montreal streets. POWER & SON, chant"s Bank Building, end Wellington streets. HENRY P. SMITH, 'Phone, 345. MONEY AND BU LIVERPOOL, 215. policy the stockholders. perty insured at lowest possible rates e¢ renewing old or giving new hus s wet rates from Strange & Str Agents. R POLICIES COVER MORE ny, offers et Square. ARCHITECT, MER- corner Brock 'Phone, 21 SINESS. LONDON AND GLOBE t Company, them MEDICALS. Rya DR. WILLIAM S QurReon ete. Late Resident House oN Kingston General Hospital co---2 ine st opposite Bank Montreal, "Phone, 483. --- GIBSON, OFFICE LATELY n, corner Mon- streets, Feb. 10 Bagot Bagot street. Available In addition 'to holders have for Security .the unlimited liability of all Farm and city pro- ON be} ding and contents than any other Examine a. Wdwin's Insurance. Emporium, PHYSICIAN, changes. wane Don't Neglect a Cough Cold IT CAN HAVE BUT ONE RESULT. IT LEAVES THE THROAT or LUNGS, OR BOTH, AFFECTED. 'DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE 21 SYRUP IS THE MEDICINE ARCHITECT etc. Anchor Building, Market Square. YOU NEED. . .. Tt is without an equal as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Cough, Quinsy and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. A single dose of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will step the cough, soothe the throat, and:if the cough or cold has be- come settled on the lungs, the healing properties of the Norway Pine Tree will proclainrits great virtue by promptly at | eradicating the bad effects, and a persiit- Mark- ent use of the remedy cannot fail to bring about a complete cure. Do not be humbugged into buying so- called Norway Pine Syrups, but be sure snd insist on having Dr. Wood's. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the tfade mark, and price 25 cta. Mrs. Henry Seabrook, Hepworth, Ont., writes : "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in our family for the past three years and I consider it the best remedy heartburn or Pain in the Chest, Asthma, Whooping | at the Paris," In "Peggy From Grand, on Saturday Feb. 10th. Sunday afternoon. considered extremely paralytic stroke | His condition is | critical. The St. has been instructed Jackson to resume ganist and choirmaster. The Canadian Northern railway placed an order for one hundred tons of track bolts with the que Bolt company. There was splendid skating at the Maple Leaf rink on Saturday evening, and the rink was well attended by the Andrew's church sessions, to invite W. H. his position of or- has new Ganano young people of the town. Rev. Basil Fhompson, Kingston, who is taking his arts course in (ueen's University, preached in Grace Methodist church, morning and even ing, supplying for the pastor, Rev, William Timberlake, who is in King ston General Hospital undergoing a surgical operation. The last of the series of dancers un kaown for the cure of colds. It has cured der the auspices of the Citizens' hand {E NT E R N oO w ofl my children and myself. was held in their hall on Saturday ev ening, and was well attended. "susiness, Shorthand or The Optimus Minimus Clab held oi Service Course. their second bi-weekly dance in Turn Kin sto Bu in Tht me Remedy. | or's assembly hall, on Friday evening g n 3S BSS College a EE La Lee's orchestra was in attendance. The Limited stron 1h reas Bra all on er cold Weather on Friday evening een Head of Queen Street mai potency "Blicta ek hrs dete the sirly_dio ing of the Holi in, - « = Cana ityand eatly grave. Re Te uhh : Baten da am iy QR One mil Hetae, six wi At the parlors of Grace church, Sun # Svaclous apartments lete 1 per 3 \ ans 1 @ *avipment tear i OTD 44 wre. by all a od in plain day morning, William Dustin conduct graduates' a ults, on receipt of price. Write for smphlet "the reo hly praye 1 0 1 Ates In demand. Thorobgh cao COs Windsor, ed the reg monthly prayer anc ' i dual instruction by com- praise service of the Gananogue Men [Rs and, experienced tagchors in hood League. There was a goodly fo the whole year. Catalogue THE FRONTENAC number in attendance. J] : were. IP, X, Cousineau and J. Ab- $ J.B MeKAY, H.F. METCALFE LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. use a ¢ Fesident, : Principal. (ESTABLISAED: 1863", during the past week, Justice Britton es President--Sir Richard Cartwright | .. in Gananoque last Wednesday, W. Sem Money loaned on City and Farm Pros | Atkinson, of New York, was the guest Ziti. and County Dees | of his brother, Dr. E. L. Atkinson, ed and Pe oorod. corner of Stone and Pine streets dur Clean, 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director, | ing the past week Mrs. William Me- Connell and son, of Lansdowne, are Ki t 114: i. Honest oe, A mire | visiting Mr. and Mre. William W. Staf ictating. ford, King street ; : 1s Net Di Aung resiclel Mr. and Mrs. A.W, Taylor haye That fs the kind we ®alk-The Washington, Feb. 5.-- President 3 kad you should burn if you wast BOOTH oacsasousooncansvoel ¢ 3 Dame $m 3" Satisiaction fire. Q TT Try Myers' Mead Choess. We ure filling wrders mew for Winter supplies. Have you ordered TOUrS yet? "Phone Noy 188s & CO. "Home- Made" the congress what it shall do or not do regarding railroad rate le gislatian, or any other problem of legislation. He has not delivered to the senate or to the house any sort of an ultimatum, on the 'subjects of legislation and has the heads of congress ses not held over ¢ the "threat oi an extraordinary ° sion,' if he does not obtain the legis- lation for which he is hoping. Roosevelt is not trying to dictate to Rith the waning of the honeymoon many a brave' man beg ging to regret the failure of his faint-hearted rival. The avirige man will stand without itchivg a s Py t deal betior than if be RE -------------------- -- her for her handsome daughter, Fros: te, » . . . Mrs. N. Thews has issued cards for for a breakfast next Thursday. It will be followed by a bridge. - . . Mr. Ernest Knotte called on Miss Coole Coy Sunday evening and stayed quite late. Mrs. Quisquam is one of the swellest ! dressers in Select Society. A small fire at her sumptuous residence the other evening revealed her in a delightful robe (de nuit, with pink ruching, and dinmond studded flounces. Her dainty bas, her bottines and. her gants were in keeping. . . x . as Miss Toofit Highe is affectionately nicknamed, was quite the sweetest little thing at the Mar joribanks Cholmondely reeeption. At least, that is what thosw who saw her say "Teeny Weeny, Many of the vounger matrons re joice to hear that the election card nuisance is to cease, Only the nicest people in town should be allowed to leave cards at the mansions of the bon ton. * &ne Among thos the nets Boozer and tamor declares the terested in a King . . wher went out between Friday might were Adam "Cannie" Guezle. Dame = gay lads are in- Charles kennel. ? . - Miss Ophelia Necke too cunning for words in pale mauve mosquito netting vollow plush. She was the clond of the younger sot . over Mra, Alirock was the hostess of a theatre party 'on Tuesday. Her con versation and her gorgeous rhinestones many of which cost several thousands of dollars, divided attention with the play. Senator Warner's Troubles. of Missouri, has at stenographer, He is the senator from Missouri 70's, and the result is that he hae been overwhelmed with letters from the hungry and thirsty rank and file. Having no stenograph or. Major Warner has been 'unable to answer the letters or even read the vast majority. On the average he has received 350 etter a day since his ar rival. He has been there about thirty days. Hence he has received 7.500 let ters, We and his stenoprapher will he Senator Warner, last secured a first republican since the carly DEATH THEIR FATE i Flee From Constantinople--Elder Whitened Her Hair and Traveled as the Mother of Her Sister. i Belgrade, Feb. 5.--~A sensation has been caused in Belgrade by an atteinpt that is being made to force two bean: tiful Turkish women who have arvived there to return to Constantinople. Their father is Nouri Bey, the well known Turkish foreign secretary, and they fled from his house so that the elder of the two, who is suffering from phthisis, might enter a sanitarium, The elder daughter whitened her hair, and, accompanied by a French governess, travelled as the mother 'of her sister. They intended to reach Vienna, but when their flight was no ticed their father telegraphed to Bel grade, and they were obliged by the Ottoman representative in the Servian eapital to leave the train on arriving there, At present they are lodged in Grand Hotel, and they declare that their surrender to the Turkish au thorities would mean certain death, as they have broken the Moslem laws. A number of prominent Servian ladies have started a lively agitation in their behalf. The fugiffen are ace complished girls, speak English, French, and German, and are excellent musicians. the What To Teach Your ietroit News, leach her that dollar, Teach her how muslin dress and queen. Teach her how to sew on buttons, darn stockings and mend gloves, Daughter. ' 100 cents make one to wear a simple to wear i, like a Teach her to dress for health and comfort, as well ax for appearance, Teach her to arrange the parlor and library. . Teach. her to love and cultivate flowers, Teach her to have a place for every thing and to put everything in its place Teach her to say no and mean it, amd to say yes and to stick to it Teach her to have nothing to do with intemperate and dissolute young men. Teach her to pay regard to the character of those she would associ ate with and not to how much money thy have James Conlin, Bellville, has been appointed chief engineer on the steam er Toronto, which will the coming summer ply between Prescott, Roches ter and Toronto. He was formerly engineer on the steamer Broekvil Safeguard the Childre:i Against Croup and Colds by Always Keeping at Hand Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and T urpentine | - There are some reasons why Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine is the most suitable treatment obtainable for children, It is pleasant to the taste, dren like to take it. It is composed of simple ingredients of proven value in the cure of throat and lung troubles, and chil- It is positively free from anything of an injuriotis nature, aud can be used safety with the with perfect smallest child, so long as directions are followed. It is wonderfully successful in prevention and cure of croup. It promptly relieves even the most severe chest colds and brings about a thorough cure. You are not experimenting when yon use Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, for it is the standby in thousands of homes, where time and again it has proven its exceptionsl worth. When you make up your mind to safeguard your children by keeping Dr, Chase's Svrup of Linseed and Turpen- time in the house, do not allow your dealer to persuade you into taking something on which he has a larger profit. Mrs, Wm. Ball, Bracebridge, Ont. : "My three youngest hoys had the whooping cough this winter and we could get nothing to help them until I sent for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpéntine. It arrested the coughs at once and they kept right on in- provine until they were cured af the cost of one dollar. That was not a large bill for so dangerous' and dis- tressing an ailment," In the hour of emergency, eronp or colds seize your child, the cheap substitutes will fail vou, but Pr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- the busy from now until the sad of the boliday ers trying to catch wp with pentive never disappoints, 2c, a bot- at all dealetn, s A ioc when | & / Be, bad follow i : : i The Only Cough Cure and tonic combined. It has a marvellous curative all threat and chest troubles, part and upbuilds the vital strength of the body, Get a bottle. From MATHIEUS SYRUP of TAR % Cop LIVER OIL 90c. Silk for 49¢. This is a Silk regularly worth 90c. Pure Silk Palette, bright finish. Two different lines, nice heavy Tweed Effects, worth 40c. and 50c 25 pieces of Wrapperettes, good ol Notwithstanding the fact that wool has advanced, we are still seling A few Girls' Ulsters and 10 only White Bear Skin Co CRUTILEY BROS. ©9089 ®998aeee ct 0048 Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight A o way you should follow directions. leit yo After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Sunlight Soap | will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. | - Sc. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto fy directions. over It heals and soothes the diseased all dealers, 35 ots. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO, Props, 20-328 SHERBROOKE, P.Q. soft and very durable. We have 300 yards of it, in colors Navy, Brown, Myrtle, Sky Blue) White, Cream and While it lasts ... SARSASR AREER TER aay Crass ar RRR aRARt Reese Dress Goods for This Week Sale price at cies harareans EEE ER ERS Adega eee Wrapperettes at 8c me d did patterns for 4 "ri le price, sti 8 Wool Blankets > House Dresses, worth 10¢,, 124¢ White Wool Blankets at old prices, $8, $3.50, $4, $6 ; Ulsters and Coats children. These are a traveller's set of samples and we are to sell them at HALF-PRICE. oo® ®9® 098 ®® C@o0e Lee oe @OW® Overshoes Lined Rubbers Overgaiters Moccasins Are all footwarmers and our stock is complete [McDermott's Shoe Store | fA "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE I --Have you ever heard "of the "Happy Thought ?' II Has your neighbor a "Happy Thought," if so III --Did you ever hear of a "Happy Thought' user McKELVEY & BIRCH, PEP PEPPPPPP POPP POOP POPP Three Pertinent Questions what does she think of it ? who was anything but delighted with her choice ? 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Typewritér Bargains ¢ We have too many second-hand Typewriters on hand. You can get a Bargain for cash this month. No. 2 Smith Premier. Good as new. Good value at $75. Sale price, $86. 'A snap. No. 2 Underwoods and No, 4 Williams at $60. No. 2 Remington and No, 2 Williams at $28. ! P Jewetts at $80. A Dougherty or Hammond for $10. J. B.C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St,

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