Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1906, p. 7

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Hellion yy "y * ,-- 00sec ee 0s 3s =DDY'S | --- A Wet, Star Match xes containing about TCHES ser For Them ly 6c. to try them. 080®9®00300 eee P00 0eP®® oe@@® . They work easily, cost Is, Wash- , tO suit. | & SONS SALE ied by Thomas Mills. by Fenwick Hendry & Co. n, occupied by G. S. Briden. e, occupied by W. Bowen. ', occupied by Mrs. W. Benn. rincess, occupied by C. E. de Car 'rincess, occupied by Mrs. F. Cotter, incess, occupied by J. P. H. Ferris. Union, now occupied bv Dr. Hors- 1905, and may be inspected between lL full lot deep, 86il and first. nD property," north of Princesa drainage. treet, néar Union. rchases. , and' balance may 3 or less, y 1 subject to present tenancy. loc. remain on a for rental for a term of years. Pos ected between 2 and 4 p.m. INNINGHAM ERS E STREET "OAL! riving this best Hard- al quantity delivered direct & BIRCH, treet, Kingston. FINEST \D MARROWBONE pound ¢® Princess St. CHG elicious Drink|} Set 1S LLNANED LAD lon Natural Green Tea will outdraw the finest Japan grown. 0c., 500. and 60c. per Ib. At All Grocers Led packets Os Et AWARD, --_-- TRAVELLING, R25 XN iL IS " IME TABLE LooAL nen 2nd, 1 will lesve and afrive at Civ Trains 50701 Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. Vity Arr. City 1245 am. 115am "29am. 3.05am «1 sees 9.15 a.m. Iam 'l Ltd12.16 noon 132. t . eh ... 3.19 pm. 3.51 p.m. "ls ©. 7.03pm. 7.38pm. ING EAST ; ii Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... 1.48 a.m. 2.23a.m. w Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m. # 16 Local ...... 8.16 a.m, 8.47 a.m « Mail ... ...12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. « §Fast Exp. 1.00 pm, 1.20 p.m « 12 Local ... .. 7.03p.m. 7.38 p.m . and 4 rus dally. -Nos. § ot dy xcept Monday, All other trains daily except Sunday. to Toronto, Peterboro, > Touts aflalo, London, _Detrol J Saginaw, Montreal, John, ji City, Fiore on. Portiand, "St. n and New rk. Halliax, Don Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. Johnston and Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. ---------------------------- AG LALO iy RAILWA is IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- .m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mo, 1 po. A Se. John, N.B.; Halllaz, Vancouver, Seattle, rev, Pat, Portland, and San Francisco. ' & pm--Local for Sharbot Lake, wanecting with C.P.R. east and west. #10 a.m. --Mixed, for Renfrew and in wrmediate points. ° Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:80 am. arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m. ro, 513 p.m.; Toronte, 7:30 am; Bosten, 7:80 a.m.; St. Jehan, ks. 11:55 a.m. Pl particulars at Ky & Py amd O. P, R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street, ¥y CONWAY, F: A. FOLGER, JR. Geng Pass, Agent Gen; Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseroato, and all local points. Trains lm City Hall Depot at 8.25 p.m. ¥. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. Q. 5.5. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship "Bermudian," 5,500 tons. Sailing every .. ten day WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 8.8, "PRETORIA, 8,300 tons, sails 17th February, 1908, for Bermuda, the clards, T° Windward cinidnc rinidad, Cuba and ir Jawaica, AS 8 {or this ) days, twenty days in the Tropics, $150, and upwards. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of Vamage and all information, apply to s » OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents Steamship Company, 89 ew York ; ARTHUR , Quebec, Canada, or to 8, J. P. BANLEY, and RSLEEVE, Kingston. for Quebec ALLAN LINE "V=="o0k.e88 comm ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Sicilian, From St. John From Halifax > Sat., Feh. 10, "" . Pretoriun, Sat. Feb. 17, ; eb. 10. Sum dian. Sat. Feb. 24. Mon., Fe orinthian, Sat., Mar, 8. Mon, } «.. BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Siberian Sat.. Feb. 10 HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. om cra . "Sat,, Feb. 22. a Fy HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. Oly SLEEVE. Cinsoss Siro JI-DER- ARCHITECTS. WI NEWLANDS, second store, cc eur > ARCHITECT, OF- over Mahood's Drug 0 Princes s_and Bagot ~ Strects. E, v Tolenonc: "eon oa Baxst stot. -- AR J 3 3 THUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- a site of New D rill - Ber of Queen and Hall, near cor Montreal streets. POWER & SON chant's lank p ARCHITECT, MER. ullding, corner Brock linet streets. 'Phone, 212. EXR P. SMI" T, NY a SMITH, ARCHITECT, "Phone, 315. Uuilding, Market Square. MONEY AND BUSINESS. UVERPOOL, ire 1 LONDON AND GLOBE nsurance r Company, i Taney $61,187,215. Da y ule i the policy holders have for Security the unlimited liability of al the stockho! A phy sehckdes." Farm sna' cy pre: New business get ra : 3 t & Strange. A wf es from Strange eesti ---------------- R BOLICIES COVER MORE ON bulk he and contents tham any other Gabuny offers. Examine them at Square "PUrance Emporium, Marks SE -------- MEDICALS. DR. MeCARTHY Occupied hy Dy real and Brock OFFICE LATELY Ryan, corner Mon- treets, DR. w SoLLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon wx. Jate Resident House of Moptreal, ing strect ST, LOUIS, 1904. The TERRIBLE PANGS - wind, faintness, and fullness and disten- 'Lhe Celzbrated .Brglish Cocoa. An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. This excellent Cocoa main- tains the System in robust health, ani enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. OF DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED To be dyspeptic Is to be miser- able, hopeless, confused and depressed in mind, forgetful, trresolute, drowsy, languid and © useless, Constipation; headache, heartburn, sour stomach, distress after eating; belching of tion of the stomach are a few of the many distressing symptoms of the poor, woar)y dyspeptic. Dyspepsia is a disease that in one wa) or another resembles nearly every othe: disease, and the only way to get nd of it is to tone up the stomach, liver, howels and blood. Frnis will be quickly done by the use of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS It regulates the stomach, stimulates the secretion of the saliva and gastric juice to facilitate digestion, removes acidity, puri- fies the blood, and tones up the entire system. Mrs. M. A. McNeil, Brook Village, N.8., writes : ¢' Last winter 1 was very thin and the good effects of the medicine and strong and well again. t BV] IN CELERY TTR] NATURES NTS (HOI NlS WEAK AND SUFFERING. IT MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL. RECOMMENDED BY THOUSANDS OF PHYSICIANS. mulicine on w BD depend. ENTER NO For a '"susiness, Shorthand or Civil Service Course. Kingston Business College Head of Queen Street Kingston - = - Canada Spacious apartments, eumplete equipment, excellent results, graduates In demand. Thorough individual instruction hy com- petent and experienced teachers in every department. Open through- was fast loosing flesh owing to the run | August, 1865, the steamer Brother down state of my system. I suffered from | jonathan went down, and all her pas- dyspepsia, loss of Spyatite suf ad blood. | sangers and crew, but 'seventeen, wére 1 tried everything I could get but to no | |..v' On June 16th, 1866, the steamer rpose. I finally started to use Burdock lood Bitters, and from the first day I felt am Ican eat anything now without any ill after effects. It gives mo great pleasure to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters, for I feel it saved my life," Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly A Sold in two degrees of wivength---No. 1, for ordinary No. 3, 10 de. Brevarerrsssesssesssesll PACIFIC COAST IS A VERY TREACHEROUS ONE] Many a Good Ship Gone Down Within Last Fifty Years-- Hope That Government Will Move in Goast Line Protection. Vancouver, Jan, 30.--(To the Edi- A THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 6. RACE ACROSS PACIFIC OFEAN. ------ Open to Yachts From Forty to . Ninety Feet. The ocean race from San ep a matter of 2,100 nautical miles, is fixed to start on May Sth. The contest is open to yachts from forty feet to ninety feet over all. Contestants arc required belong to some recognized yacht club, and there will be no restrictions as to to ------ tor): Several days have now el the road wi since the awful disaster which befell | Jowances will the ill-fated steamer Valencia, and it | One hour per' s safe to say that the list is at last complete, which is as follows: Total number on board, 160; total number drowned, 123; number of passengers saved, 12; total number of crew sav- ed, 25. The captain stuck to his post with all the courage of a brave and noble hero, and while he was power- less to do anything toward rescuing those precious lives which were en- rusted to" his care, and which were now in the direst peril, yet he actept- wd the situation bravely, and did all «n his power to cheer up and encour- age them to the last, and in that aw- ful moment, when the small party who had travelled many miles by. overland trail to the top of the high cliff, be tow which lay the wrecked steamer, with the hope that they might be able to throw vg, or in some other way vender some assistance, stood Captain Johnson at his post, his precious hu- man freight round about him, and singing in a clear tone that beautiful song, "Nearer My God to Thee," when a huge wave struck the ship, and in an instant, and while those beautiful words were yet on their lips, they were launched into eternity. Their would-be rescucrs had let themselves down the side of "the cliff as far as it was possi- ble to by the use of lines, which they | had brought with them for the -pur- pose, in the hope that they might be able to throw a line out, but as the fierce gale was against them, this was impossible, and from this position they witnessed the awful scene. At this time three steamers which had gone to the rescue, lay out about three-quarters of a mile distant, but for some réason, which is given as be- being a perilous undertaking which no seaman could think of, but which looks to the writer more like one of the most cowardly acts of which I have knowledge, made no attempt to do 80. Pacific, as the name implies, is ex- empt from violent tempests, but had Magellan encountered some. of the storms which have caused so many disasters since his day on this coast, I do not believe that he would have named this great ocean, whose coast for miles hereabout is a veritable graveyard, the "Pacific." rom statistics at hand I give the following account, which I have boil «d down as much as possible, but which shows some of the more signi- icant losses on this treacherous coast within the last fifty yeard: The first yassenger steamer wrecked was the General Warren, in 1854, off Columbia Riverbay: all on board were lost. In Labouchere went down, but in this case no loss of life is reported, In 1878 the steamer George 8. Wright went down, with all on hoard. In 1874 the steamer Prince Alfred was lost, but her passengers and crew were saved. On November 4th, 1875, the steamship Pacific, with 400 passengers besides her crew went down and all lost their lives but two. In 1883 the steamer San Pedro was wrecked, but no loss of life is reported, and in the follow ing vear the steamer Umatilla suffered likewise, In 1885 the steamship Great Republic was wrecked; all hands were landed, but sixteen men were drowned in an attempt to salve the wreck. From that time on disasters seem to have heen the mle, rather than the exception, and the last fow years have brought sorrow to many hearts. But passing on to the year 1902, have not forgotten that two steam- ships started out from Victoria, on the same date, one H.M.8S. Condor, and the other the Matteawan; neither of them was ever heard from. In 1908 the Walla Walla went down, and about forty were drowned, and in the same year the Islander suffered the same fate with even greater loss of life. In January, two years ago the Clallam went down, and sixty people were drowned, and now we have in the pre- sent month the greatest record of all, the Pass of Melfort, the King David, and the Valencia. Many of these wrecks have occurred in about the same place and several of them, as well as some which are not herein recorded occur- red in the same spot. we Representations are now being made hoth at Ottawa and at Washington, and it is earnestly hoped that some- thing may be done by both govern- ments in the way of protection along this dangerous coast line, and that the most stringent rules: may be en- forced in equipping ships with the most approved life-saving facilities, -- E. H. NEWTON! Come In, My Friend ! Chicago News If you would take mc out to dine, The proposition I'll not spurn ; lunch I'll by no means decline, Come in, my friends, I've time to burn, But if a touch is what you'd make, To buy a meal at some cafe, a =, §1 per box ; Mv time I cannot let you take, - ee $iton er for ial You'se struck me on my busv day. per box. Sold by a @ Ses, § "Ask for Cook's Cob -------- ton 08 Cumpouad ; Heke 5G Mr. Balfour has more than one wy Windsor, Ontaria | hobby, golf, popular belief to the centrary notwithstanding. He enjoys Fimseli at the piano as much as on the links. I TRI T-- CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- case, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts divect- ly on the blood and mucous Hall's Catarrh Cure medicine. It was the best physicians in this veurs and is a regular is composed combined with the Lest blood acting directly on the purifier. grodients is what produces such wonde ful resuMs out the whole year. Catalogue J.B. MeKAY, H.F. METCALFE $+ » Puesident. Principal. eon. - Kinst. Offices on General bal. Noaaz. K y onposite he Phone, 43. testimonials free. F. CHENEY & CO., Props. To- 3 |ledo, O. i | Sold by Drugerists. price Thc. 4 | Take Hull's Family Pills for consti- frerrrsrrssresesiesnssl pation, tire distance. visions are on ready for sea. The finish will be off Diamontt Head Light, Hono- lulu. The lighthouse must be and ¥ and also when the ligh receive in cach case, at the finish, reply from the station. All expenses of » harbor dues and for fresh water will be borne by the Ha- waii Yacht Club. The prize offered for » massive solid silver bowl, resting on a wooden ped- estal, the latter to be made of some of the choice island wood. The trophy is fashioned after the Roval Hawaiian calabash, the receptacle for the "poi," which is the Hawaiian's The silver calabash will be fifteen inch- es in diameter and gold lined. On one side will be an engraving of Diamond the grim old crater, which is one of the most famous land- pilotage, towi the race is a hi Head, showing marks in the Pacific. winning yacht and from the light, t is abeam, and On the reverse site of the cup will be a picture of the The Honolulu schooner yacht, La Paloma. has entered the face. She is a vessel of about twenty-four tons and went to Hawaii six years ago. HOCH HEARD FROM. nscription. Declares " Himself Innocent Chicago, ing himself to In his statement Hoch People of Illinois. Hl, Feb.--Johann Hoch, confessed bigmist and convicted mur- derer, who 1s sentenced February 23rd, has made a long state- ment to the people of Illinois, declar- be an innocent man. asserts that sails, number of ¢Pew, professional sail- ors or navigators. The usual rules of io . the race. Time al- computed as follows: foots of length for the en- gngth will be the load: water-line, plus one-half the overhang: Measurements will be made when pro- and the yachts of the race abeam must signal by displaying | private flags. In case of night yachts must burn Coston sig- nals when five miles arrival at staff of life. to to hang on a oS \ We hl -- Illustrated, 50 cts per year. J sending lo cents. Corticelli Silk Co. Ltd, St. Johns P Fuil Strength Full Leng h. : ll Home Needlework 1s a maga ~-- that every lady should take. | times:ayear, 96 pages beautifully Write jor samp " sued American Shipbuilding Co. Gets BUILD 605-FOOT BOATS. | N | | Contract. For solid. comdorl in cold and the trial were false, prevent his execution. Appreciated The Steamer. Stella, Feb. 5~The oldest ants of the island do been this year. his wife, Emile PFischer-Hoch, now ad- mits that several important portions of the testimony given by her during and because of this Hoch appeals to the people to inhabit. not remembe navigation being open so late as it has On January 31st the steamer Wolfe Islander made a trip to Contracts have been let to the Am. | crican Shipbuilding company for the construction of three vessels for the Weston 'I'ransit coinpany,. which was incorporated at Albany two days ago with Charles Weston of New York, and H. M. Mills, of Tonawanda Iron & Steel company, as principal stockhold- ers. The contract price is 81,500,000, and the boats are to be delivered by April 1st, 1907, Each will be 605 feet long, and GO feet wide, with a capacity of r Ary and warm slermy wealher keep your feel Stella; there was about seventy pass- engers, besides a lot of freight. All who took in the trip to Kingston were pleased, and many thanks to the offi- cers of the steamer, and also the | 'P steamer Gere. We expected that Lake Ontario "mnd="Bay of Quinte Steamboat company" would send a boat, but they failed to do so. Our the ing a gasoline yacht, for W. G. Beau- beu to carry the mail. The C.0.C.F. gave a dance, in Vigtoria hall, Friday, February 2nd. F. and Miss Jennie Buleh ere quietly mar- | fir iid, in Kingston, January 16th. Mrs. | is A. Howard is suffering from rheuma- | in on ig hus returned Kingston, after spending a few days with his friends The Lacest In Airships. Boston, Mass., Feb. 6.--Scientists and inventors in this city are highly | m interested in the made by Charles M. Davis, of Bright: on, has invented a flying machine, which is constructed om entirely new and original lines, and is said to pro mise remarkable results. The inventor says that his machine is neither a freak nor a fake, and will surely do what he expects it to do. It has neith vc a gas tank nor a balloon attach ment, and not ever wings, it is said that the model just completed, as cended to any height without difficul ty, and without danger of a sudden drop. The inventor has designed the machine primarily for use on a battle ship. The machine will move equally well in the air and in the water, ana can bo easily carried liko a life boat Three aluminum propellors furnish the motive power in either water or fir Mr. Davis is trying to get some east ern capitalists interested in his inven tion, and will soon start to build a model on a larger scale, w th Getting Rid Of Moths. Upholstered furniture can be kept free. of moths by taking the furniture out doors once a month and beating | C it. thoroughly with strips of ticking about an inch wide attached to a piece of broom handle. Should che hit the hard wood with this it will not mar it, while the regular rattan and |v wire beaters mar more furniture more inside fillings than a dozen chil dren could do. The main reason we have moths is we are always going to beat eut our upholstery furniture, including furs, to be stored in the wardrobe during summer, can be kept entirely exempt from attack if put into new flour sacks, linen sacks or anything of that nature and tightly tied so that a moth can not enter at the m6uth. Chests serve the same purpose when tight enough to prevent moths from entering. wi! nearly 13,000 tons on 'a draught ol nineteen feet. feet longer than the largest vessels on Wolfe Island council, for sending their four (00-footers now being built, two of 602 IO the boats will raine yards of pany. Coal and Navigation company, which was sothe deer hunters in Henderson | and has been burning ever sinee, related as fliters and kidneys are made vigorous oases as kidney disease, indigestion and stipation soon eritirely disappear. but rarely get "around to it. Clothing ford In every neighborhood thers are people who of this medicine. Ask them. with kidney disease for and was unable to obtain relief. A friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver They will be thirty-six e great lakes, although there are and . The constraction of take place 'at the Lo- the shipbuilding com- mail came over on 'the ice on Satur: i day. R. Instant has rented W. (| Fire Burned Forty-Nine Years. McGinnis' store at Emerald, and has | Lansford, Pa, Feb. 6.~The fire in taken possession.» P, Gratten is build | the Greenwood mine of the Lehigh carelessness of the year 1857, has nally been subdued and the company now making preparations far work- g¢ the valuable mine, which had to started by the tism. Miss Jessie Forward, Kingston, | be abandoned on account of the fire at H. F. Marshall's; Mrs. Alexander | forty-nine years ago. Riid, at John Wemp's, Jr.; Thomas ------------------ Tugwell, visiti riends. mry Flo saad 5 ' Tugwell, visiting frivudy Henry Flom [hree applications of Peck's Corn | Salve will cure hard or soft corns. In boxes 15c., at Wade's Drug Store. loller soaps, a vast the BesteDrug Store No man, no matter how colorless ho ay be, is improved by a streak of announcement just | yellow Purity of The Blood The Best Protection Against Dis- ease--Obtained By Using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills If 'you enquire into the cause of sickness, pain and suffering, you will find that fully nine-tenths of it re sults from derangements of the liver, kidneys and bowels. : This was the truth arrived at hy | Dr. Chase when he began experiments | hich led to the discovery of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. The liver and kidneys are intimately of the blood, and he regularity of the bowels depends A the healthful action of the liver. Hence it bappens that when the liver healthy and influence of Dr. Pills such dis- liver complaint, con by the Kidney-Liver biliousness, hase's With the: liver and kidneys in health. | working order, the purity of the blood is ensured and you are protected frames, ruin more covers and break up | against colds, fevers and contagious and infectious diseases, As a family medicine to promptly eure the most common ills of life there is no preparation that can be com- with Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver have proven the merit Mrs. Joseph Lutton, Belleville, Ont., rites : "1 was troubled very much a long time Pills and they have assortment at | Ny, GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LIKE IRON SMOKE TEST If you have any doubts about \ your plumbing and drainage net be- ing perfect, have it tested, don't be deceived by other imaginary tests. Have the best. 'We have the ma- chinery, and the workmen, and hav- ing fist introduced the system in this locality are in a position to give entire satisfaction and security from sewer gases. Our charge is mod- erate. The Smoke Test will eventually be the Only Test for Plumblag. . ELLIOTT BROS . 77 Princess Street. "Phone 35. BE -- Typewriter Bargains Woe have too many second-hand Typewriters on hand, You can get a Bargain for cash this month. No. 2 Smith Premier. Good as new. Good value at $75. Sale price, $66. A snap. No. 2 Underwoods and No, 4 Williams at $60. No. 2 Remington and No, 2 Williams at $28. 2 Jewetts at $30. A Dougherty or Hammond for $10. € J. B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 Wellington St. LR RR LC a a a a AA surfaces, is not a quack prescribed by one of country for prescription. It of the best tonics known, mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in- in curing Catarrh, Send for -- Tommy--Pop, what is Towmv's Pop--Automatic, my son, a name we give to something s, ! won't work. ~ ercise, The shah of paste gems when he travels abroad. automatic ? that The mikado practises shooting with the how and arrow, which he tonsid- ers a most healthy kind of physical ex- Persia has a magnifi- cent collection of jewels,but he wears vroven of very great benefit to me. 1 have used a number of boxes of this excellent medicine and feel it a duty. is | to recommend it to other sufferers. "My mother thinks there is no, bet ter tonic than Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and others of my friends have used this food cure with splendid results." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25c. a box, at all dealors or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Pain eannot exist where Dr, Chase's Backache Plaster is applied, 31 William Street, Toronto + Fitiings--- QUICK WE DO GALVINIZING! Iron, Cast, Malleaile Wrought, Sheet, THE CANADA METAL CO.

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