TIPE NINON (TIS ASSUhg a ------ | Denominations (yi, sing Psychine | York of healing those di , and even consumption js. the notice of a Ia ee -- f them have felt it their du 1at- splendid results come f y / instances of what clergymen Broadway Tabernacle, Toront, be one of the best remed ne tT know. It is prompt, s for eflicacioyg isley, Ont.-- stimulant my. system needed. | 0 ~ T flicacy at every opportunity." ii lead, N.S. -- d Psychine since taking it my«lj ; roubles you specify," Bi ue, Toronto-- ¥ severe attacks of La Grippe, one a hereditary sumption, there being he i eorreTtrl hy Dey were speedily the disease." , N.B.-- my family; the results were ho state they never mending it." marvel Ont.-- of Psychine, and am pleased 16 health. 1 was troubled with ny ut restored to its normal condition 1 I have reason to believe Psychine ere the minister of the gospel portunity to note how the syf- rnished the relief and what numbers of the clergy of Can- e. They know, out of their > greatest preventive of con- ouilder-up of weak men and to the world. -HINE ced Si-Keen) hine cures Consumption, is the cure of those dis- sonsumption. Psychine 3, La Grippe, Pneumonia ruggists. $1 Per Bottle. COWARDLY ASSAULT. n, | Upon a Lansdowne Man in Gananogue. Lansdowne, Feb. 9.--Some time last 'fall a erowd of young s from Gananoque came to the Stewart house here. In paying their account they tendered a 85 bill. When change was réturned bill they claimed was a S10 one. Subseq they returned. and tried the same trick, when Charlis Goodall, son of the proprietor, ordered them out t | Last Wédnesday night Goodall and Elmer Burns were attacked by the crowd of five in Gananoque. Two held Burns, and the other three a saulted Goodall, but for the arrival of a friend from here, he wi ably have been killed, as he + seriously injured internally, « being disfigured for hic. in bed at. Gananoque. Goodall, who is about twenty-six years old, is very slightly built, weighing only about one hundred pounds. He had on a fur coat, so had absolutely no chante to defend himself. He gave them no provocation, so that it was as o% v- | ardly and brutal an assault. as could ro | be imagined. His assailants were ar pe | rested next day. Their trial has been postponed. It will take the Hill penalty of the law to satisfy thes dignation aroused in this ton. «| Better than any other, Lily White 1» | potatoes, Crawford's, wv Mr. Miller is Lennox and Addington d | council's delegate to attend the se k | sions of the High Schools' Trustes 1. | Association at Toronto. 1- , of Not Just As Good. Y | When you go to your druggist to 8 | buy "Ozone" ask and demand ""Solu- 0 | tion of Ozone (the coupon kind} Il | This will givo you a twonty five cent y | package of "Colery King." It vill is | give you the best preparation © p. | "Ozone" in the world, and it gives n | you about twice as much for Yor is | money as other brands, sixteen oun® is | or fifty cents, over twice that mueb t [for a dollar and a package of '% vy | well-known remedy 'Celery King free. n We put 'Celery King" coupo? » h | our "Ozone," because the _ peop® » | know "Celery King," hecause it er « | better results with "Celery King a. .r | because no other firm can ov "Celery King" with Ozone." Li that's the reason we give vou 8 P¥ age free and that's the reason yo , | should never buy any other Kind. 1} Ask for "Solution of Ozone e | coupon king.)"' Fifty cenls @ s | dollar at Sg drug store and dont - e any other kind, because il Fi a on won't get a packa® : King." 4 in Bilious pisorders of the Liver. ---------------- i APENTA The Best Natural Purgative Water - {SATHE DAILY WHIG, TURDAY FEBRU STORY OF NICKEL] ROMANCE OF A GREAT CAN- ADIAN INDUSTRY. Story of Perseverance -- How Nickel Ore Was First Discover- Attacks and IN CONNECTION WITH GOING WEST Second-class one-way ticket at JCAL REDUCED RATES on sale Feb. 15 to April 7. Beatie. ™ culty of the tools, which your former 46.3 Poriand and driller got stuck in the No. 3 well coast po W on September 12th, 1904, and shortly Neleon, Rosslond, after began drilling with some degree 43 80 British Columuia of success, although it was impossible y points to push the work as rapidly as 1 could FROM KINGSTON E othordise Love done, horause of ie condition left by Mr. errsford. e proportionately 10W rates to other L ) is now. down to 1,584} feet in points. rticulars at K. & P. and C. P. |depth. At 1,205 feet we struck a con- 5 Ful Te Offie, Outario Street. siderable How of oil. 1 took BWAY, Fo A. FOLGER JR, Tout, at the time, about ten bar- F Gen. Puss Aunt 119G Gen. Supt. | lls of. oil, very fine in grade ABAYVE. me and of light specitic gravity. This oil EE was in a shale formation and 1 was REL LLY) AL convinced that we were not down to [LR SYSTEM the main pool, but that the oil was L LocAL Effect Jan. 2nd, 1908. iil leave and arrive at: City rn otf -ohaston. egots street. Ha-good-deal-of-oil-and-gas--in--the-wel4-- GOING WEST 5 at intervals since. Frequently. the gas Lve. City Arr. City |}, come in very strong, sometimes No. 6 Mail ... LJ245am. L16am |i, goh an extent that it was unsafe 3 Express ... 2.26 8.1m. 30 8.0. § t, keep lamps lighted at night, near #11 Loeal ...... 9.15 a.m. 352m the hole. On each occasion, when we ' 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon % ou Pam ve had a How of gas, it has been * TMail .. .. 3.19 p.m. v.38 PD. followed by a considerable flow of oil, 16 Local ... . 7.08 pm. 7.38 p. This has been steadily increasing on GOING BAGY Arr. Cit each occasion, At present we are in a Le, ity rn soap-stone formation exactly similar Ko. 8M E ~ 996 a.m, 3.06 am }*° the goapstones encountered in the . 3 Fant, xp. 816 am 8.47 am oil fields of Ohio, Ontario and . ot eo 1G hoor 12.46 p.m. Pennsylvania.. This | regard as by far Ad "Hep. 1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m the most favorable indication that we « 19 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m, 7.38 p.m have yet encountered, and strengthens .1,2,8 and 4 run daily. Nos. § Nos. md 8 run daily except Monday. All o trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, ilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Hani Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottavs, obec, Portland, St. Johm Qui fax, Boston and New York. li ultman Accommodation, Tickets, wd all other imformation, apply to J.P. HANLEY, A ad Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. Bay of Quinte Railway Newshort line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points. Trains pave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. JONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. -------------------------------------------------- Q. 5.5. COMPANY BERMUDA Reacked in 48 hours from New Yor by the new Twin Screw Steamshi udian," 5,500 tons. Sailing ever ten days: WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 8.8. "PRETORIA, 17th February, Windward Isiands, Cuba snd the Bahamas. cruise, occupying 30 days, twenty day in the Tropics, $150, and upwards. For beauty illustrated Vasgeie and A. E OU pamphlets all information, ERBRIDGE & CO., Agents | 8gree with me that we are over or the appearance of copper: ore, but do in Quebec Steamship Company, 89 | near an enormous pool of oil. 1 would what they would with it, the smelters ANEIN. Soy Quer Canet strongly advise the immediate con- of those days could get no QOpper out Ticket Ag CC HANEY, and | struction of large tanks to receive the of jt. The German miners 150} years J. P, GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston. oil. We should be in a position to ager Yor supersiitious--nmners Te store at least 59,000 barrels oi still said to be superstitious. They ALLAN LIN LIVERPOOL 4nd DERRY The caving of well arrel a i, imagined they could hear tHe kobolds ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. : : a ' week or two, .until.d. get the casing |in the mines; and when the smelters 8 i 1 setroit Specialist Making Men's From St. John From Halifax. down. 1 know how ii reported that this particular copper they aw and heard, but of the mean Diseases a Specialty for Years, Skillan, Sat., Feb: 10. Monn Feb. 12. ) these delays are to you and the end ore refused to yield any copper, it ing of it they apparently had very Will Accept Your Case, Giving Pretorian, Sat., Feb. 17. Mon., Feb: 19. you al qa1rec. ongy natural conclusion th little idpa. They came, they saw--and It Individual Treatment. You Nemes: Sut, Feb. 17, Mon. Febi19. 1450 hut in drilling for oil as in most | Was easy and natural conclusion that, Lol; pon it "ad 'the onl may Use itin the Privacy of : . 24, 4 . 26. : ihm s : cor Voceitolie The 0) » again; © Corinthian, Sut., Mar, 3. Mon., Mar. 5, | other things, it is cheaper to avoid | the copper had been b witched. " The } evidence of thei OE that still ny Your Own Home. 5 BOSTON TO GLASGOW, mistakes, if you can, than to correct | miners, therefore, called it the "'kupf- , + ry \ al. sh Te -- hein Sat., Feb. 10 | them after they have been made. I er-nickel" or Old Nick's copper. There | fails is the name "Lady Macdonald, You May Pay When You are Cured, JALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. | hope therefore you will be as patient ag | are other derivations, but they are (by which one of the little lakes in the A Detroit Specialist who has 14 diplomas and Umeranian Sat., Feb. 22. . . : 2 T Rb) tntaresting i perk neighborhood is still known. It would | rertificates from me d rds . yossible under the u 3 os not nearly so interesting, and perhaps it Ji Ps HANLEY, Ament. @.T.R, Ong | PO™Dle uncer t1e circumstances, I am : : be folly to blame them for their in >f medical examine i Depot CN hd sure you will be more than satisfied | NOt more reliable. Cobalt, a word bility 1 Whe ! 4 U Ina 1 ence in doctoring diseases of men, is tive he Clarence Streets | with' the final results which has become so' familiar of late, | P11lY to See into the future, At that 'an cure a great many so called incurable cases; ] is said to be only another form of the time but little was known of nickel, Barber Gasoline Engine Built at Syracuse, N. Y. 62 501d on St. Lawrence River during the last two years. GET CATALOGUE HERE! Don't walt aotit you want an Engine, Order mow ! DAVIS DRY DOCK COMPANY CANADIANSELLING ACENTS NOTICE ANNI AL MEETING OF TF of The Calvin Compar Hl be held at the office Garden Island, veloek pom. NDFORD €. CAI vaucouver, Victoria BRANCH TIME TABLE nt. Cor. Johnstos 8,300 tons, sails 1906, for Bermuda, the Trinidad, Jamaica, Rates for this of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed. For giving rates of apply to 3th day of February, Secretary. GOOD FLOW OF OIL. In Western Oil and Coal Co's. Well. Camp, 23, W.0. & C. January, 28th, 1906. J. B. Ferguson, secretary Western 0il and Coal company, Vancouver, B.C. : Dear Sir--In response to your re further report, of our work of April 12th, quest that 1 make a detailing the progress since my last report 4905, 1 beg to say : In June last we overcame the diffi- coming up from some considerable dis- tance below us and forced up by ex- traordinary gas pressure, We have had my opinion that this will prove a very productive oil field. As to the distance to which we will be obliged ' | to dill, to get to the main pool, it , | is inipossible to make any very accur- . | ate estimate. The strata are all enor- inously thick; much more so than in any field in which I have worked be- fore. 'I'hese, while favorable to a very productive and lasting field, make it diflicult for any one to base an opin- ion. Of one thing 1 can speak con- fidently--that in my opinion this will prove one of the greatest oil fields that I have ever gperated in, and the grade of' oil is not surpassed any- where and only equalled in one or two places, Our work is progressiog rapid- ly, considering depth and conditions. We have been averaging about ten feet every twenty-four hours. At the time of writing we have struck a very soft streak of soap- stone, followed by a very soft streak of shale. These streaks are caving considerably at present and it may be necessary to case it ofi. There is also a considerable. flow of gas in the hole, with a good deal of oil coming up from the bottom. When you consider that for the last 400 feet there have been constant evi- dences. of pil and also that these evi- dences have been constantly increas- ing, the cuttings being frequently sat- urated with the oil, 1 think you will k p y depth mwy delay our drilling for a faithfully, R. M. YBAGER, manager Western Oil and Coal Co. : : i : : ) z Cunni " ogo a series of experiments with I Mills & Cunningham yesterday. began a scr : of men, Judge Stevenson Burk, Sena Old Nick's copper, and finally succeed H ' Zl va . tor H. B. Payne, H P. McIntosh A rh i LT i ed in isolating a metal which was Thoma Comdl i other ft , serious pr PS] y . : MN 8 Ol 8 anc others © Re ire, | occurrec, uesday | quite different from anything that had a A @ ler a morning, at the general store of J i y thorough exploration of the country Rvan. De vill eo J. | aver been seen before. It was not eop- decided. That, U} ae A y morestville : : : h cide \ here w ROI 180) yan, morestville, amounting to per; it lookea more like silver; but it a re was omething ww. | several hundred dollars damage. . there worth while. They purchased a t rae A was not silver cither. It was no long- : ad : of At the Main Street Methodist par ; block of land in the vicinity of Sad onl >t . or necessary to believe that it was , : 3 sonage, Picton, January 31st, Henry shah : bury, and organized the Canadian Rossean was married to Mrs. Lizzi Old Nick's peculiar property; but the r my ny th a c tal f bg i - . AZne : : : 3 » «0 mny, win In "apm al Ol : me stuck to it, and it is still known " Daynard, South Maryvshurgh. na 82,500,000. Thus it was that the At No. 4 camp, well No. 4 is ready to begin drilling, We are only waiting The foregoing letter was received by ed in the Sudbury District-- Canada World's Greatest Pro- ducer. Copper Clifi, Feb. S.~The value of metals refined. from Sudbury, last year, was over 82000000. The pro- duction of gold in the Yukon, at the same time, was only about £5,000, 000. Ontario produces from one-half to three-fifths of the world's' supply of nickel. It will soon he the world's greatest producer of cobalt. The larg- est deposits of nickel ore in the whole world, so far as known, are to be found in the vicinity of Sudbury. Pro- tons 'a month of a very poor product, which was held at a fancy price, and could not be used on that account, The first seen on this continent of this metal was at the Centennial in 1876, when articles made from nickel were. exhibited as curiosities. Wharton pro duced the only nickel made on this side of the Atlantic for about thirty years, or until the discovery of nickel ore at Sudbury. . The story of the discovery and de- velopment of the nickel deposits in the Sudbury district has many of the ne cessary eloments of a romance. The ore was first discovered in a cutting on the main line of the C.P.R. about four miles northeast of Sudbury, where the Murray mine now stands. The story of the discovery, as it is stilt told by the people. of Sudbury and Copper Chiff, is as follows : Judge MeNaughton, as he was called, was a stipendiary magis. | trate for the Sudbury district. He was | fond of rambling in the woods, and | one night, having failed to return to ! ing in the United States as speci Government, for the purpose of m methods in politics, education, in dustries and other branches. "TUAN FANG TAI HUNG CHI AND TUAN FANG, Two- distinguished Chinese offi cials, holding the rank of vice- roys of important provinces in their own country, are now travell- al commissioners of the Chinese aking a careful study of American bably five thousand and indirectly, draw these ores. It people, directly their living from is only twenty years hig howe, the report was circulated that he was lost, A searching party was formed at Sudbury, then a ham let in the woods, He was tound about since the ores were first discov 1 there, The story of Canadian nickel | four miles away, seated on a Ittle since 'then is one of the most inter- | knoll, and apparently very much en: esting romances associated with the | grossed in the examunation of an out history of any industry, The earlier chapte tell of many heart-testing difficulties. Here and there through the Sudbury district are melancholy monu- ments of human failure, of ambitions checked, of well intended efforts that have gone wrong. There are also the monuments of success, and the inscrip- tions on these, for those who take the trouble to read them, tell a remarka- ble story of patience, of endurance, of indefatigable energy, of limitless faith the word brings us back to the old days when the devil played a much more important part in the earthly af- | than he is. credits t 150 y fairs of mankind with to-day. Abou years ago, in one of the copper mines in Germany, an ore was discovered that had all word kobold, a Gefman gnome or evi to look for 'some natural cause hehine even the most mysterious phenomenon Cronstedt, the great German chemist as nickel. A few years Ee =| other chemist discovered another me greatest deposit of nickel in the world | orpe possessor of 14 diplomas and certldcates, 9 tal which had not been isolated - he ell into the hands of American capi- | who wants no money that be does not carn. ore. aid because: of its hidden qual talists. This is only a part of the | norder to convince patients that he has the abil ore, a , story; but it is well to keep this much | tte do as he says, Dr, Goldberg will accept yous ties, it was called kobold, for the clearly 3 18 % mse for treatment, and you need not pay one reason already explained. Kobold be early in mind. Some people talk as | jenny until a complete cure has been made; he Tend fe came cohalt, the name by which the { the said American capitalists came wants to Near frous hatientow ho hav hen sabi ers BR. us 2) PR over Ahn A . + © get cu 8 he guarantees ive cure fo: SEALVD Lor ondian Supplies. Ef mineral ix now known to the world, ve it ig s in Th night, ou rye rvota, DT deka diseases to - RS ADDRESSED fi " : fe . zohblec up the whole « anada » for treatment, not only curer ors irsigned, and an SSED er- That an Ontario mining town should I : : ho taelf but likewise all the com pica. 3 Man Supplies," will be re- vesce owe iis name to a German demon Ra ET dons, such as rheumatism, bladder or. ney this offic A v i : . dl roubles, blood poison, physical and nervout 15th March, 0 te nGun on nt may appear a little strange, but such ' Jebility, lack of ea trouble, cte, Indian Semphe Suny, he . : secms to be the faet, ~~ = i The doctor realizes that it is one thing to make ending 31st March, 190%, at is recognised as the best the eatiies mo Haims and another thing to back them up: so he in anitoba d be the Sali i the World Like Among the ear ae i Dames Ase ome ow sas made it a rule not to ask for money unless he Territories' ane . aline 1n e orld. . with the production of nickel is that sures you, and when you are cured, ha feels sure of Tender eon Admiral Lord Nelson, it is hat you will willingly ma indersigned spell, containing full par- ad by applying to the Noner x Indian Commis- : : tentler 1x ny The lowest or any both being considered the bes* rly jrcented, of their kind . CLAN, . Papo men Secretary. LL rient of Indian Affairs, "The Salt of Salts" Np l\teva. 3rd Fobruary, 1906. Nelson Sailors | vert rt Spa bey inserting this ad- -- AMIONE DANIOTS Purge t ithuut authority of the De- 'LW not be paid. Abbey's' The Saltof Salts" Tee formal ; : QT = among Salines | thick in Picton bay to the 8 Beis cold apg ew" wine the past known as the Salt of Salts-- erally known about his that a lot of "salynixon" it, whatever "salvnixon'"' might Joseph Wharton started a factory Camden, N.J.. to work ore discovered at Lancaster Gap, Pa Wharton knew nothing of what Vivi Process wa erst of his own, 25c and' boc a Bottle the pixies, and the gnomes at work afterwards an- of Sir Henry Hussey Vivian, of Swan sen, Wales, He succeeded in producing nickel from Norwegian ores, but only in small quantities. All that was gen was used ir be up the nickel an was doing, but 'worked on a pro- -§j And jt cures dandruff also. Soid ; everywhere for 60 years. fA He produced a few cropping of yellow mineral that look ed uke copper ore. This, so far, as ver: acious history can say, was the first discovery of nickel in Canada, The outcrop was developed into what is now known as the Murray mine. The people were more interested in copper than they were in nickel in those days, however, and Copper Cliff, not Nickel Cliff, is the name by which the station on the through branch of the CLR, and the 1 ; mining town adjacent | 11 Lhoxes 26c. at Wade's Drug Store, and of final triumph. The story of | have come to be known. The news of eect nickel is worth, tolling as a story, ] the discovery spread abroad, and soon Dr. Lorne McD. Ryan Napun ve. who : % , re ieh | large numbers «¢ spector e ' tl wt 44 apart from the importance to which ¥ 4 Y ers of prospectors were graduated with honors the nickel industry has attained in| pushing their way through what was irom McGill, has met with palpable hete later days then an impenetrable wilderness. Many from Jolhe : : paipah these la er days. . i Ans Y | appreciation early in his career in And, first, a few words with refer. | Important croppings of ore were dis- New York City. He has recently been ence to nickel itself. The derivation of covered, among the earliest known Dr. being the one which subsequently bor the name of the Lady McDonald mine 'The story of the development of the i | nickel wealth of Sudbury district is | derstand, is a good one, and one even more interesting "than the story | that a much older man might con of its discovery. In IS5¢ Sir William | iider." Dr. Ryan is indeed a for Van Horne, Sir George Stephens, Sir | tunate voung man. Charles Tupper, Sir John A, Mac widely known, either in politics finance, visited the place, Here was ar . | opportunity for Canadian capital anc | Canadian enterprise. Unfortunately were not sight. They specially gifted with fore were interested if wha It ties, te is curious to note, however, now for the large tools ordered two | Piri: } he : " Tan . k | that the Americans from Ohio, who months aga. We have the machinery The spirit of science was- at wor visited the Sudbury district about th . + : site y'§ ) is ou f all set up in place, the cook house, [even a century ago, and so, while the TT bunk houses, and other cabins, all [01d Nick explanation might satisfy § Gg C0000 i} y su d by : hen d s k : + favorab Mpress w wha ready for occupations, and 150 cords | the credulous miners, it was not suf- 1 poy saw than Canadians wer ) » § ost ©) a t 8 were of wood piled at the derrick. Yours | ficient for those who were accustomed : 1 Perhaps future; perhaps take a chance they were tion may he, the fact is that a' grou 1 styles, they ------------------------ETn donald, and others whose names were ao TARE) =| MAKES ME 1 i the members of the distinguished group SOUND AND STRONG i | and scarcely anything of its possibili they had some vision of- the willing to Whatever the explana RY 10, great mickel supply, while the Cana! dians- slept. The Canadians may have | been sleepibg, but that surely was no | fault of the men from Ohio. The real | fact appears to be that while chance ! has favored the Americans in a re | markable way, they showed an appre ciation of the situation, a faith in the future, and a degree of courage in risking their money in what was then a very questionable venture that "the Canadians appeared to lack. For it must be remembered that when the Canadian Copper company was formed in 18%, nickel was not what it is to day. The discoveries which gave nic kel its ithportance had not yet been made. As a matter of fact, the Cana: dian Copper company, as the name in: dicates, was formed to mine copper, not nickel, The story of how the slag of the copper are, which 'at first was cast aside as worthless, became the product of most value, and how from this small beginning a creat Canadian industry grew up, will he told later in this series, BRILLIANT SILKS AND SATINS Garb the Orientals Now Visiting New Fork. New York, Feb. 10---When the Chi nese imperial commission came "to town it was as if a particularly bright rainbow. had been caught from some favoring sky and had been flung ath- wart the street. The Chinese faces were not any more captivating than the Russian vocabulary, but their gorgeous raiment, not merely aroused the innermost yelling powers of the hoodlums on the sidewalks, but en raptured all beholders, Where a com pany of American or British officials would have gone along in solenm somhbreness, clothed in monotonous black, these fifty Orientals, come down to us from the most ancient of ances tors on the globe, and worshippers of that ancestry to the very root of the whole tree, came in brilliant silks and sating, which they wore: with dignity.' They were plainly delighted with New York, and have been feast cd--and--feted--but--it is reported that thev are carrving their investigations into the realm of food ar well 'ax in ather departments; and instead of or dering birds' nests, served 'in different partake of the food of the vicinage, even to corn beef and beans. They have made it evident that they like Americans and Ameri can ways. With many visitations like the present one, Americans may come to like Chinese. February. By Frank Dempster Sherman February, fortnights two Briefest of the months are yon, Gf the winter's children last, Why do vou go so fast ? Is it not a little strange Once in four years vou would change That the sun should shite and give You another day to live Maybe this is only done Since vou are the smallest one; So I make the shortest rhyme For vou, as befits your time; You're the baby of the year, And to me you're very dear, Just because you bring the line, "Will you be my Valentine ?"' Are You Pale And Sallow ? Its blood you want, more blood and better, Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make, purify and enrich: the blood, changing that sallow face into one of beauty. appointed assistant surgeon to Loomis, the famous tunnel specialist, «I by the Hudson Tunnel company, head quarters Jersey City, The salary, we i DR. 8. GOLDBERG. Own Up ! You don't like those gray hairs, do you? And your husband certainly doesn't like them. Then why not try a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? Itre- stores color to gray hair every time, all the deep, rich color of early life. « 2 him a small fee, 1 seems, '"herefore, that'it is to the best interests o sveryonw who suffers to write the doctor confi Sontally and lay your case before him, which wi} receive careful attention, and & correct diagnosis of your case will be made free of charge; if yo save lost faith write him, as you have everythin: » gain and nothing to lose; you must remembe sot oue pehny need be paid until you are cured All medicines for patients are prepared in | wn laboratory te meet the requirements of eac individual case. » He will send a booklet on th subject, which contains the 14 diplomas and ce: dficates, entirely free, Address him simply Dr. 8, Goldberg, 208 Woodward Ave , Roon 115 Detroit, Michigan. Medicines for Canadian pa tients sent from Windsor, Ont,, consequent: Where is no duty to be paid, 7 : "CAN Because It Has Yours you will but try it. It conceivable kind of cough. cause. Liver Oil, noted as the finest Chickenpox. From all dealers. Socwaronron GANANOQUE NEWS. Mother Broke Her Ankle in Pro- tecting Her Child. Gananoque, Feb, 10.--/The Young People's Association of St. Andrew church have arranged for an original musical comedy In AWOo acts, entitled 'Cupid in Topsy Turvy Land," to be presented in the Colonial theatre. there will be ten principals, and a chorus of fifty voices. 'the citizens' vand have announced another of their popular dances in their new hall next Wednesday evening from bine to twelve o'clock, Mrs, H. C] Taylor is visiting in Ot- tawa this week, the guest of her bro- ther John Leshe, Mrs, R. Bissell of Kaston's Corners, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Henry Boeman, Brock street, Miss Gavin is spending a few weeks in Mallorytown, Miss- Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stewart, First is visiting relatives in Koches- W. R. Acton's "Headlight" captured a second and a third place at the Ut tawa races this week, C. H, Clarke's trotter Johnny P. driven by Amos Lalonde wer through the ice near Mise Machar's cottage, on Wednesday afternoon, Sev- eral men were near at hand and lent their assistance, or he would bave been drowned. The animal received ral bad cuts, The management of the Maple Leaf Skating rink netted about #30 at : fancy dress carnival last evening. They will have to make use of every avail able evening to make expenss from now till the end of the season, Mrs. John Dorey of River street, met with an extremely painful aeci- dent, last evening, about six o'clock, Having placed her young child in a cart, she was hustling around getting her husband's supper ready and pass- ing near the cart tripped on the wheel and would have fallen on the child had she not in «order to save it, thrown herself to one side, hut in so doing she broke her ankle bone, Rev. Mr. Timberlake, who has bean in Kingston General hospital for the past two weeks undergoing a surgical operation, had to have a secona op- eration on Wednesday, of this week. He in reported now as doing nicely. Rev, Basil Thompson, of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, is expected to fill the pulpit of Grace church, morning and evening on Sunday next, on ac- count of the illness of the pastor, Rev, Mr. Timberlake, Mr. Thompron made a good impression on his Gananoque hearers last Sunday. ey Cripp's Pile Ointment is recom- mended by people you know, 25c. Mahool's drag store. : On Monday last Mrs, Sarah Lynn, Napanee, while in the act of closing her stove door, fell and broke her arm nat above the ¢lbow and putting the olbow out of place, Dip Hip corsets with hose support ere, only B0c. New York Dress Re- form. Roses and Lily White potatoes at Crawford's, Charles Neilson, Wilton, died on Wednesday. OUR COUGH! The J. L. Mathieu Co., Proprietors, Sherbrooke, P. Q. CURE Cured Thou sands of Coughs Exactly Like What "MATHIEU'S SYRUP OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL" has done for thousands it can do for you if has proved its power to cure every Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil does not merely relieve the cold but it banishes the It not only cures, but it cures thoroughly and per- manently and makes you less liable to other visitations. does this by improving your health, by building up the re- sistant vitality of your system. against all future ailments of a similar nature. MATHIEU'S SYRUP "OF TAR AND COD LIVER OIL It It fortifies your system Is a combination of two of the finest remedial agents-- Beech Tar. famous for its antiseptic properties, and food tonic yet discovered. These two potent remedies are so combined as to be easily as- similated into the blood, and therefore quick to attack the real cause of all colds, namely lowered vitality, will prove to you that it is the only cough cure you should take. « A bottle in the house is the very best 'kind of insur- ance against Coughs} Colds, Chills, Bronchitis, ete. It is the Most Suitabel Cough Syrup for Children Perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and a fine tonic for them, It is very efficacious in all cases of Wh Feverishness and the cough which often follows an attack of A few doses ing Cough, Cold, 36c. large bottle. The Kingston, Portsmouth and Oata- raqui Blectric Bailway Company. e-- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT application Lhe made to ature Ontario at the next on f the passing of an Act to confirm a certain agree- ment made between the tion of the City of Kingston and The Ki ston, Ey reamouth & Cataragui Electric Railwa, Company, dated the Sth day of July, A.D., 1905, and another certain wereement made tae, the Co tion of the Village of Portsmouth the Kingston, Portsmouth & "Cataraqui Blectric Railway Company, dated the 26th day of July, A.D. 1005, and to authorise the re-arranzctont of the bonded and other ness the Company and of the issues of capital t x s Dated at ton this 18th day of January, AV 5 KIRKPATRICK, ROGERS & NICKLE, . Solicitors for Applicants. A Light Subject The best gas lights on the market for $1 and $1.25, giving a light of marvellous brillianey, can be regulated by a child to suit any gas prossure, also pee wee lights burn on foot of gas per, and give 00 candle- power light, for 70e. : 1: DAVID HALL 66 Brook Street. Phone 335. CHRISTIAN UNITY. Interesting Conference Between Ministers. Twenty-two Anglican clergy of On. tario diocese, and ten ministers of the Bay of Quinte Methodist conference, met under the chairmanship of the Degn of Ontario, in the council cham- ber, Belleville, on Wednesday, and in a brotherly way discussed Christian unity. The dean made an impressive opening address, pointing out the change that has taken place, regarding organic union, quoting Henry Ward Beecher's pessimistic, and his successor Dwight Hillis, hopeful words con- corning it. Union can be reached oly by faith, patience, charity and prayer. kev. M. E. Wilson, Methodist, prime mover in the matter, read a masterly paper on the "History of the Dimmity of the Church." His conclusions evine- od a decided leaning towards episcopal government. Archdeacon Carey read a paper of Archdeacon Macmorine's. Rev. Mr. McCamus read one on "Organic Union a Necessary Outcome of Chris- tian Unity." In the evening, Rev. E. Costigan and Dr. Metzler gave strong papers from the Anglican and Metho- dist viewpoint. Throughout the con- ference was carried on in the best of temper and good fellowship. Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. To heal and soften the skin and re- move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, ete., use The "Mas- ter Mechanic's" Tar Soap, Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. ' R. Reed has bought B. R. Hep- burns farm, near Picton,