right to interfere. as filed at Osgoode J. Ml orn, J, Ambers, Toronto, a creditor sii brooms and ing to Slater wire overcome , and Rhoda L. Smi $ essontials to the of the company is $40, i says that one of irectors has said the that book debts to $4,000 are assigned, and that there are outstanding debts of pany has. made sn gs- Justice Mulock, to-day, grant. permitting the Canadian tton Mills eLellan, 1. Smith, A. Mo- T. Slater, skip-7. uk. 7 BT Se gto es quartette of Eikitrington; W. H, Montgomery, B. . ; i h) to move to Dundas; an or- der of the court was necessary for, the protection of the shareholders. A deputation from the Lord's Day Alliance waited: upon Premier Whit: ney, to-day, and asked for the pass- age of a draft bill to prevent running on Sundays of railways that are not now entitled to do so. They they understood government to change regarding the running railways. Premier Whitney replied that the government did not retroactive legislation, and, in regard to the request of the & game, Tuesday aft John Carson was kaioek- a horse on the corner of Brock streets on Sat- «A runaway bind rosh- of works chairman, but before it could roan over him, it was seized by Lieut. Col. Hudon and J. H. Mills. AW. Car son was thus saved from a severe As it was he was rendered BEER AND PIGS' FEET. Conservatives Ungrateful to Beme- factor Wesbitt. 12.--"He has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars of the conservative party. you moonlight excur- sions. He has Je po and banquets. Ho has gorged you with igs' feet, Yes, he has, and ingratitude you pelt him with the bones of the pigs' feet." Such was the condemnation which W, B. Newsome hurled at the third ward conservatives in St. Saturday night, Beattie Nesbitt. Cries of ordér shouted from all parts of the hall. "I' knew that I was stirring up I want to stir it up," shouted Mr. Newsome. down me." There were more cries, of "Oh, Mr. Chairman," and "Order, or- -- Death Of A Lady. ..On January 25ih last, occurred the death, very suddenly, of Mrs, E, at Ninga, Manitoba. De: was a sister of the late Mrs, Bennett, of King street west, . and was well known by a two sisters, Mrs. Riblet, and Mrs, Y angry Bath Road, and larke, tb in Cooke's Church News Notes. At the last meeting of the manage. resbyterian church, ment of Cooke's P it was decided to ing of the congregation on Wi inesday, the 21st, to discuss the proposition of buying a new organ. The church peo- ple are universally of the opinion that ew organ is npocded, yet the ready Toronto," shouted Mr. Newsome, de- fiantly, above the din, explained later that he meant that he woula bo a candidate for nomination. The meeting was called for the pur- pose of choosing delegates to the con- by-law prevents a mortgage be At the meeting clders will bo appointed, Ontario Bank Improvements. The Ontario bank building corner of King and Clarence streets is under- improvements. The basement formerly used as insurance and brokers offices is being made into one and will be fitted-up in an wu daté way to be used department. From the up-stair proper, a stairway will lead POVERTY OF CLERGY. Many Anglican Churchmen Starv- ing, Says Archdeacon. which has been often pointed out, but put in a few straight words, as by the Rev. William. Sinclair, archdeacon London, preaching at Eastbourne to- day, the extreme poverty of a great number of the Anglican clergy in this country scems almost a picce of news, not realize, said archdeacon that the Church of land needs re-endowing, A large por- tion of the clergy are improperly fod and sometimes they are almost on the verge of starvation, turn at ainner to-day," mark of a growing boy, the son of an East of England parson, when told by hurry home to dinner livering a message, More than half the beneficed clergy of England, atkded the preacher, rocoived less than £180 annually, and very many received was true that a great number of these men do not have en- ough to eat, Many in extremely cold have fuel to keep Loan Company Deal. The final act jn the purchase of the ntario Building Loan oration, of Kingston, by the Co- lonisl Investment and Loan company, of Toronto, has been comploted. Last weok's Gazett contains the certificate wy-geperal authorizing the Secretary Mills, to-day, wired to the secretary of the Intercollegiate Hoe. key Union, to challenge for the Stan. in the name of the Queen's Club. An carly game Is ox: themselves warm. BIG COMPANY PROJECTED To Control Canadian Steel and Coal Business. Montreal, Feb. 12.---The formation of a 81,000,000 company to absorb Dominion Iron and Steel, Consolidat- ed, Lake Superior, Nova Scotia Steel ny of Our Customers "Will be pleasd to know that we have place ook ie a amber of PRING SUIT cotch : Tweeds and Engli Never has our stock been so panies, is stated on good authprity on the street, to be in process of forma- irection, but so far as it is known 'the movement is in' its initial - stages. The idea "is to form a along the lines of the United teel Corporation, which would business of eastern Canada, been so carefully adjusted be pleased. We will be Y.M.CA. Basketball. To-night at the Y. liams' cup basketball be two watches : Roug| r Thistles; Indians vs. 'Amateurs. There wi lors did not have six, a Scoteh colony to Canada. at Cantanzaro and Monteleone. The lease 'of "the Blanche Paper Cave A.W, , on the Ottawa river. years, with whom he boarded. fifteen mont in the Central prison. John spending the winter with his family. in favor of @ German-American alli- ce. gs New York on February llth, more than a quarter of a million dol- lars worth of property was destroyed and several firemen were injured by a fire in the six:storey store and fac- tory building at 836-333 Broadway. At Detroit, Mich., John Witte shot and killed himself after killing his four-year-old 'child, shooting his fa- ther-in-law, August Whiting, through the stomach, and shooting his mother in-law, Mrs. Whiting, in the shoulder. The Chinese interpretation of a speech made by William J. Bryan be fore Chinese merchants at a dinner given by them in his honor, at Hong Kong, has been used by Chinese,agi- tators to stir' up renewed antipathy to American products, At Watertown, N.Y., William H. Halladay, = book-dedler and station- er, died on Saturday. He underwent a surgical operation for the relief of ap- pendicitis. Mr. Halladay, in his thir- ty-seventh year, was born at Clayton, LY ; The house of representatives of Pennsylyania adopted a resolution in- structing the attorney-general to bring court proceedings against anthracite coal carrying roads if, upon 'inquiry, he finds they are violating the consti- tution of the stata, The Vankleek Hill hockey club have filed with the secretary of the lower Ottawa Hockey association a protest against awarding the match of Feb- ruary 9th to Hawkesbury Hockey club. Overtime should have been play- ed to decide the tie. E. B. EDDY"S FUNERAL. Many - Prominent Camadians in Attendance. Ottawa, Feb, 12.--Many prominent people from various parts of Canada arrived in the city to attend the fu- neral of E. B. Eddy, this afternoon. The body is to be taken to Bristol on the four: o'clock train. The service at the house was conducted by Rev. Dr, Herzidge, assisted by Rev. W. J. Me. Troy. The body was borne to the hearse by men from the works. The honorary pallbearers were © M, F. Avery, Tl. N. Bate, Henry Blaken, J. R, Booth, C. E, Graham, J.I', FE. H Lemay, (Montreal); Denis Murphy, Hon = Justice Rochon, and N. Te. treau, J.P. The Doctor Was Fooled. An eminent physician bad cured a little child of a dangerous illness. The grateful mother tweed her steps io. wards the house of her son's saviour. "Doctor," she said, 'there ape some things which cannot be repaid. I really don't know how to express my gratitude. 1 thought you would, per: haps, be so kind © as to accept. this purse, embroidered by my own hands.' "Madam," replied the déctor, cold ly, "medicine is no trivial affair. and our visits are to be rewarded only in money. Small presents serve to sus- tain friendships, but they do not sus- tain our families," ' "Put, doctor," said the larly. alarm- wl and wounded, "speak--tell me the 0, "Two hundred "dollars, madam." Over $80,000,000 ° For One Year. The wool clip of the United States of 1905 was but Hetlo larger than that of the preceding season, but it proved the most valuable for many years. According to the United States National Association of Wool Manu. facturers the output of wool in the United States jn 1905 ageregated 205.488. 400 pounds, this including 49,. 000,000 pounds of pulled wool. The ions value of the olip was 830,115, , compared with $61,910,900, the preocling year, oo off on Saturday bers will agree to come in costume, 'rugby football team de- the Vaoroer, B.C, team, for. pe alerted that the = govern. on its policy in re- the Gillies timber limit in the Scoteh-Canadian has \ sum of monev in the control. of the Salvation Army to sed An earthquake shock lasting * eight seconds caused serious damage to Calabria, Italy on Sunday, especially vernment has cancelled the oY River Pulp and of water power at La , alleged magician, is arrested in Watertown, xt. foe iw ducing Mrs. GG, Gibbons to leave hus- - d children, at Woodville, and ja, in a jealous rage, , aged twenty-nine years, shot instantly killed Mrs, Anna Jablausky, aged thirty-five Convicted of breaking into an émpty house and stealing a quantity of lead pipe, John ger and Edward Sid- dall were senténced, at Brockville, to 0' por, Oswego's well known contragtor, died Thursday "af- ternoon, of heart failure, at Palm Beach, Fla., where he had been The Ontario Gazette contains a for- mal notice of the cancellation of an hundred mining claims in the North, and South Rainy river districts. Ev. ery one is in default for annual rental. Dr. Wirth, a well-known Pan-German writer, publishes a curious appeal to the kaiser to visit America for the purpose: of stimulating public opinion the British American Coon's home on Division street. The house was valued at $800 ter plan ¥' said marked scorn. apt to have piquant features, will need to use much discretion and taste in selecting her hats, says Lon- don Tit-Bits. Big hats will not become her, as a rule; her features dwarf in- to insignificance under. them. But her hat, though pot 190 big, must com- bine an element of the picturesque and irregular. A small toque, smartly put together, with a suggestion of flufliness ana chic, will suit this type of face; or a hat of medium size, raised trifle on one side, can also he worn, A small piture hat is always becoming, but tal the danger line and. indulge in one too big. Never wear or that will point down to meet the tip of your nose, as this will surely draw particular attention to the. fea. ture you wish noticed' the least, ---- aT the matter, the local ice yachtsmen have not yet worked up sufficient en thusiasm to decide on having any races yet, but the probabilify is that before the week some races will be pulled off. All those who have boats are now out and it remaing fop some energe ' ot thie right "heat" raised, 8! : night, if enough nem 4 oi ------ They Will Be Busy People for the Weelo--Many Public Functions Private Entertainments for Younger Members. : Moptreal, Feb, 12.--Their excellen- ies, Earl and Countess Grey arrived hero to-day, from Ottawa, for a ten days' visit, and the programme which has been prepared for their participa- tion means that they will be exceed: ingly busy people during their stay, or ir arrival they took up residence at the mansion of Lord Strathcona, Dorchester street, west. Viscount and Viscountess Ingestre, who were their guests at government house, will also be here for a week, and have taken quarters at.the Wind- sor for that time. | " Aécompanying the viceregal party, are Lady Victoria Grenfell, the Ladies Sibyl and Evelyn Grey, and Lady Alix Beauclerk, Tonight the attraction will be a fete on the Park toboggan slide, and to-morrow night Earl Grey will at- the annual dinner of the medical faculty of McGill. Many private enter- tainments have been arranged for th younger members of the party. Sev. eral conventions will take place 'in which his excellency is interested, and which he will attend, besides which there will be a large conversazione and ball, . and . the celebration of the bi- centenary of the Numismatic society. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY; Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Mrs. Helen Chisholm, Detroit, is at the Randolph Hotel. The ice-cutters in the harbor are taking advantage of these moonlight nights, - Order your drug wants by telephone, 230, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Prompt delivery there. Never was the ice in the harbor known to crack 56 much. Its rapid freezing last week is dikely 1 ezing k is be cause The city council will meet this even- ing in Ontario hall, on account of its chamber 'undergoing repairs at pre- sent. H. A. McKim, formerly of Fron- tenae, is located at Manhattan, Ne- vada, a rising mining town, and will build a store. There was nn insurance of $3500 in company, on ¢ most prompt delivery fron?" any store in the city is from Gibson's Rod Cross Drug store. Phone 230. At the Royal rink on Saturday evening, the ' Crescents defeated the Rideaus at hockey by five to two. The Crescents played five men to Ri- deaus' deven. There is' no improvement in the con- dition of Charles G.« Oliver, who suf fered a paralytic stroke on Saturday and the doctor in attendance thinks there is little chance for his recovery, The stroke was a very marked one.' -------- Ode For Seath. Windsor Record. Speaking of Dr, Seath's grammar, now in use in high 'schools, recalls an incident of which the soe: the Windsor Collegiate Institute when Mr, Sinclair was principal, ne was laid in Mr. Seath was making an official visit, and during 'the day asked Mr: Elliott, a member of the staff, to give a lesson in grammar designed to il- lustrate his method of Presenting particular branch of the subject. a "That is how I teach it.' said Mr. Elliott, when he had finished his les: son; "but another authority recom- mends this way," and fo tor's enlightenment he gave a second illustration, r the inspec- "And what fool recommends the lat- the inspector with For answer Mr. Elliott reached out and handed Dr, Seath his own text- book. It is said that the doctor sinee that time has been less exacting on the subject of grammar when he comes to Windsor, ------ When Choosing A Hat. The girl whose nose tilts skyward is and a ¢ care that you don't overstep a curved bat or sail- Waited A Long Time To Get Even A most remarkable case, arising out of a wife's desertion .of her husband, is reported from Iowa. Fourteen years ago the wife of a prosperous farmer in that siate deserted him and went to California with another man Arriving there the woman's new part ner accumulated considerable proper- ty, which he put in the name of the Woman with whom he had ran awav. In course of time the man who had stolen the other man's wife died, and then the busband of the rimaway wo. man brought suit to recaver the perty which had been placed in hor name by the man with whom she had eloped, and the courts have sustained the claim. The amount involved about $40,000, pros is ---------- While there has been much talk on tie, sportsman to % ¥ ' Veron ren ee ---- Many Materials for Spring Are Here And the steady stream of arrivals for isfaction of our customers does not abate. ter we are in spring. snow and ice, than it's time to think of wish to wear in March and April. than that--you will be charmed wit the pleasure and the midst of | of No sooner do we get well in the 14 Customers will You will be n h our advance From the celebrated printers, Crim & Co patterns are here, of the finest qual seem to retain that peculiar and val stamped with the name of the famous' makers man will recognize as a complete guarantee of lors, and perfection of laundering qualities, blues and many of the light patterns. New Scotch Gin > Several hundred sh Pring, All wish, and ol) ae --which a vo. absolutely fast oo. IN navies, butcher ghams You should see these Gingha ms, such variety, real attractiveness. Fine checks and fancy: designs unusual adaptability for Children's Little 'Wagh range is one allowing plenty of scope in choice--10, 12} such novelyy, Dresses, Just here, too, we'll tell you of a pretty assortment of Tor just received, which would be more than suitable little gingham dresses, and selling at 3, 4, § and 6c. will be found also, to match several of the lace designs. for trimming these a yard, In Watch Our Special Announc ment for Wednesday And if you are a woman of taste and @ ful, do not fail to accept the invitation therewith. ing -we expect to have all ready for your delight, est Embroideries that have ever been shown in th And that's a strong claim, we'll admit, but sce those really beautiful and charming desi importation of our own, direct from St. 'you'll find many of the try tothe south of us. njoy a sight of the On Wednesday mory: a display of the fi. his city of Kingston, do not eriticize until yoy They constitute Switzerlami, latest novelties now so popular in t Just watch for particulars to-morrow eye terested showing of such Predomingte with Toe prige 4 and 5c. 4 Yard hon Lage sertions ------------ beauti. an and here he coup. ning, Are You Preparing for Your White Sewing ? postible, Laidlaw's Cotton section will assist than that--it will make the white se women do, to make it wing a positive pleasure. For is it not sq; to have in your hands and work with, the materials that are the finest and best ever manufac tured ? The following gives you an idea of the price range :-- WHITE TWILLED COTTON, made MADAPOLAMS, per yard, with might-gowns, per yard 1 NS rv) Ar Ae TONS, per yard, 10 and A%e. | vopALR CAMBRICS, three of makes, with equal widths, per vard, 10, 12% and l3c. The Hosiery Section Continues ~~ Many Good Values In our Hosiery Department a customer now has one of the extensive assortments, both as to makes COTTONS, per yard, 8, 10 and prices, of any in the store. You are sure, too, of getting the highest values now. February is Hosiery Month--the month when hosiery * is cheap--the month to lay in a supply to last all spring. The following shows you the var BOYS Fine Ribbed, double heels and toes, 4 ply knees, all sizes. Plain Black Cashmere, seamless length and properly shaped, length of feet from 4} Heavy Ribbed, 'scamless f ble heels and toes, 6 for boys fr makes to choose cream, pink, blue, cardinal and we wish parties larly that you compare with oth seen They. were stocked carly last year before the Ladies' Black Cashmere, Famous Indianna Cashmere, one of the highest grades of English | Cashmere, simply hosiery, per pair, candidly tell you that you can now reap the benefit of our fore thought, as we are still selling at as casy ns Tt will do more use of . making most prices, and we lutln rill -- Featherweight loo Creeper rable and won't come off. Made to fit Men's and Ladies' Rubbers, in al 1 Sid ular price, Regular $10 Sideboard, f Larg $12. Robt. J. ot A Sheet-Irom _S ocd Stoves, © Ranges. IMMEDIATELY, AN E housemad. SALES Be EE : Guaranteed FOR SALE BY THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE, FURNIT 1570 20 PER GENT. REDUCTION Moar €ightly soile oh $18 for $10. ctension Table to. mi oes $8.50 for $6.50. $90 Bedroom Sett, for $7 Ovul Glass Dressel sa regular price $25, fo a Oval Glass Dréssi 222 Princess S 2 doors above Ope Telephone & We Make a Spe Fitting Feet If you have diffic fitted with Shoes com Wear "All Military Bootmi ss Block St. Sign of RES eS MUST BE 3 large varféty St 0. Also a lot of Carpets, , everything 'cheapet TURK'S SEVUND-H! 808 PRINCESS 8" 000 buyp 2-Storey - Stove D hihi ponte 'Macdonaud $2500 buys Stone Dwellir kitchen, King Street, fow arket Square. $550 buys 14 Briek Dwell kitchen, all modern impro Street. | SWIFT'S REAL SSTATS CEA ROE Err rr ------ WANTED. Esra A FEW SMART GIRL: steady work and ear Apply Kingston Hosier MICA TRIMMERS, I jor Work at Elgin, Brockville Mining 5: OF FURNACES handy work, by a mar energy. Apply A ME ly. located, mode) we Within two or ply, stating terms, Whig othe SUNLIGHT SOAP COU! Soaps given in excl coupons, by Messrs. Co., 178 Princess St GENTLEMAN TO + H suits pressed and clear hand ; ais0 bring your an up-to-date suit way's, 181 Brock str , Galt, O TO BUY FOUR HOUS of Princess, i Sts. To Rent, b M 1st, Four ' Hous mth. Geo. A + Street, King MEN AND BOYS TO EF day after completir pructical instruction our schools. Graduat Union. Positions ¥ Bros. Co. Practical S and Bricklaying, New Cincinnatic and St. L alogue. FOR SAL Free ------------ UTHE ROWANS," 1a the residefice of the ¥eq., with of witho and orchard, For te the premises. ee een ON¥ LARGE ENG] Glass Mirror one branch Hat Stand smaller tands. Aq Adams, 386 Alfred = TO-LET DWELLINGS, STORE etc. McCann's Real 51 Brock street. BRICK SHOP AND RI 851 Princess street Possession immedia Steacy & Steacy. 202 WILLIAM sent occupied by se: v 1st 2 WILLIAM cupied hy ( sossion May 1st ROUSE, "FAIRVIEW North' side Vietoria veniences, Eight mmer kitchen, p thes-reom and 1st of April. Good Yeorly tenant orefer for professional gen Rev. Dr. Tucker, S -------------- LOST, A COLD PEN ON between Bagot a Finder please leay office « « A -- Judge Snider, Ham for the far north for ation. He is sufferin tion of the eves that acting as arbitrator Beal's: "Bq am" makes white teeth, 2