The Sheerest Most delicate fabric Canngt ig by Dy-o-la then ye for coloring at hom: ~ No acids--no poisons Bog » eat (he Just use with common salt The one package colors e n Gives rich shades ANY Mixture "ve --shades that scorn the a soap-suds, Mrs. Maxwell, 287 Bleur, Montreal, Que. , Writes to us TS. "DY-0-LA gives every satis ys: hiive used it on mixed goods aetion-- Makes dyeing- day different. x. 4 hall s0 good. At the dru rgist 9 dre You can have practically 2 Boum Jor the cost of one oo er whic ee ix Spe behich dyes all - mixtures Perfectly) Send 2c. or-card to Co., -- stamp 1 The Limited, for home dved col. Johnson: Montreal, ic hardson Can. FineFurs We Pay Cash for All Kinds of RAW FURS W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Ovposite Grund entra. Staten BAGGAGE: FREE What Shall | Wear FOR SPRING ? is a popular topic at present amongst the ladi o Take an hour some time during the week and visit this store. New- est creation} in Dress Goods, Prints, White Goods, Silks, et inst arrived from the great Fash ion Centres. We wish here to refer especially to a new line of Figured Shot Silks, in twelve of the most desirable shades, including the much-talked-of and popular "Alice Blue." ' The correct thing for Waists, ete. This is a 69. quality " ~ o that we are offering this week ata special low price, per yard 5c. Whit The Swellest Line of Whitewear ¢ ever shown in Kingston i this store. You miss a treat if you do mot sce the display. [EWMAN & SHAW hh PPP POO ved CUT THis our § COUPON 13 The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. © STAKDS FOR ORDER IT IS YOURS WE ARE AFTER JAMES SWIFT & C0. CEE eet etd AI TE. a YY YY YY YY" | BLOG ONES | | . PERFECTION 0 £3: 5 1 OONEY SRR Md : ATFORD C - n Loeal ..... 915am. 947am « 3lntern'] 1, ie noon 12.46 p.m « TMs =i pm. za pa. « 15 Locsl ... . 7.03pm. {SPR 1» GOING zASY Asx. City Pleased Cus ers Lve. City . Ci . tom g¥al ... .. 1.48a.m. 2.29 a.m. The stodies » 2 Fast Exp. 22 am. 305am his wise grocer « 16 Local 816am, B8.47am customers--kn ows tl » Mail .. 12.16 noon 12.4Gp.m likes: and rs " Toul. xp. 1 1 1 1s pa thas his 3 Saleen «13 43 pa Nos. 1.9.3 daily ercept Monday. All other 4 Mooney's Perfection i iy Jetopt SURRY; oc. PoLeTbOIO. Cream Sodas > Detroit. Hamilt: as nye. Montreal » He os Ba Ottaws, Quebec, Portland, St. ol he has shel av be That and New Yo Bains, norton Act commodation, Tickets, awd formation, apply to J. alot "BY. Agent, Corl, Sohuston and Qutario street. ingeton.. Ont. IN CONNECTION WITH GOING WEST Second-class one-wuy ticket at SPECIAL REDUCED RATES --and sees that they are not asked to buy something "just as good," which is NOT as good. » Grocers who want to please their patrons always have Mooney's Per- fection Cream Sodas In | and 3 pound packages--air-tight and moisture- proof. TRYING THREE TIMES IN on sale Feb. 15 to April 7. Vaucouver, Victoria Seat le, Tacoma, ° Porland ard | coast points Nelson, Rosslord, Robson Trail and British Loldmuia $43.80: FROM NET | Proportionately low rates to other Cop CONWAY JR, Gen. Pass. Agent Supt . * Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, | Deseronto, and all local points. Trains | Jeave City Hall llepot at 4 pm. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. Q.5.S. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours by the new Twin "Bermudian," 5,500 tons. ten days. WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 8.8, "PRETORIA," 3.300 toms, sails 17th February, 1906, for Bermuda, the Windward Isiands, Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. Rates for this cruise, occupying 80 days, twenty days in the Tropics, $150, and upwards. For beauty of scenery and perfection of timate this trp is unsurpassed. For illustrated pamphlets giving rates of vassage -and all information, apply to A. E. Ol TH R Di IDGE & Azents fo { Company 3 AR ray 1 , Canada, or to 8 HANLEY, and RSL EVE, Kingston. from New York Sailing every AHERN, cket 3 P. GILDE Mall ALLAN LINE Roval teamers TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax Pretorian, Sat., Feb. 17. Mon., Feb. 19. Sat.. Feb Mo Fab A Sat Mar. 3. Mon., Mar . S Mar. 10. Mon., Mar. 12. } BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Sard r Thurs., Feb. & HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE er Sat Fel 2 f Passage. apply to CHANLEY Agent qr and Trunk ©" WCILDERSLEEVE Agent | { un' Pacific Ry En rr ------------ AR CHITECTS. LANDS, ARCHITECT, fice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot Streets Entrance on Bagot street. hone, 60S, ARTHUR ELL IS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor- ver of Queen and Montreal streets. POWER & SON, ARCHIT chant's Bank Building, , and Wellington streets. Hi Tr. MER- corner Brock NRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, = Anc or Building, Market Square. one, 3 MONEY AND E BUSINESS. LIVERP OO. LONDON AND GLOBE ire Insurance Company, Available Asseis $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for Security the unlimited liability of all Stockholders. Farm and city pro- erty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & % Strange, Agents. PoLic IES COVER MORE ON !diag and contents than any other any offers. Examine them at ia s Insurance Emporium, Mark- quare. MEDICALS. McC ARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Der, Ryan, corner Mon- treal and Brock streets. WiLLiAn GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, ete. Late Resid nt House =) Peston General Hospital ine strect opposite Bank "Phone. 43, of Naa Prana : sss sssscseceseses ENTER NOW oor Services. Shorthand or ¢ Kingston Business Coflage Head of Limited Street Kingston Canada Spactoy, complete Suis ment, excellent pu Uates in demand. vidual instruction ] experienced teachers in hepartment. Open through- the whole year. Catalogue 'S apartments, out tree JR MeKAY, H. Pp. METCALFE ' President. » Principal. eee eBRRRRRTLAN Fh } Ah all ike he chile seems the hands in Serew Steamship | OF- | 'Phone, 212. | A WOMAN'S LIFE 'There are three periods of a woman's life when sho is in need of the heart strength. ening, nerve toning, blood enriching action of MILBURN"S HEART AND NERVE PILLS The first of these is when the young girl is entering the portals of womanhood. At this time she is very often pale, weak. and nervous, and unless her health is built up | and her system strengthened she may tall | a prey to consumption or be a weak woman o. for li The second period is motherhood. The | drain on the system ia great and the ex- hausted nerve force and depleted blood require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills supply the elements needed to do this. The third period is *' change of life" and this is the period when she is most liable to heart and nerve troubles, A tremeadons change is taking place in the system, and it is at this time many chronic discases = manifest themselves. Fortify the heart.and nerve system by the use of Milburn's Heart aad Nerve Pills and thus tide over this dangerous period. Mrs. James King, Commwall, Ont., writes : "1 have been troubled very much with heart trouble--the cause bein, to a great cxtent due to "change of life." 1have been taking Milbucn's Heart and 'Nerve Pills for some time, and mean to continue doing so, for I can truthfully say they are the best rere dy I have ever used for buildine up th =vstem. You are at liberty to use this statewent for the benefit of other sufferers." Price 50 cents per box, three boxes for £1.25, all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co., | Limited, Toronto, Ont. { | { | | PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 250 E.W.GILLETT Wives LIMITED Beaver Flour Males More Bread RE rcrmm-- be jt is meade of the Finest Wheat, Mauitoba Hard and Ontario. Doavor Flour has "strength ™ --takes up water readily--and the "stands up " in the oven. deagh beaver Flour has Every good Bread, Pie and Pastry maker knows just what that means. Beaver Flour makes PETTHR Bread, and yields MORE. Brohd, Cake and Pastry to the barrel Your first baking proves this, No bleaching processes used. Flavor." NT CABMEN'S PETITION FOR EXEMPTION FROM: TAX: ATION, Want Equal Favor With they Street Railway Company--' License Fee Should Also Be Struck Off. The following is the petition pre- sentaéd to the city council last evening by Ald. Elliott, on behalf of the cab: men "We the undersigned licensed cab- men of the, aty of Kingston respect fully submit as follows : 1. We are cach and every ome of us taxpayers of the city of Kingston. 2. We pay a license for the privilege of doing business as cabmen. 3. The principal competition which we have to meet in this husiness comes from the street railway com- pany. 1. The street railway company, by action of previous councils, is exempt from paying any taxes - on the pro perty of which they. occupy in the con- duct of their business, where they store their cars and generate their posver., The ety 'is furnishing at present 10 the street railway company, if not free. power, at least power at less than. it costs the city to generate the same. Besitles all these the city practically made a present to 'the street railway company of a bill it liad against that company for removing snow from the streets. We respeetiully submit that as citi- zens and taxpayers we are entitled to equal favors as this corporation; and, therefore, we humbly pray : That your honorable body would puss a by-law exempting our property Sage pra Ts Vg father that .e ge this my The meanest ban't half @ : hss mean & DUTY OF THE EDUCATED. Dr. MacTavish Preaches a Sermon to Students. 'a 4he presence of a goud congrepa- tion on Sunday' MOMINgE, Lev, Wb. . Tavish, pastor of Looke's church, preached an earpest and 'Stunalating setmion, to st is from the woras "uit you like Men." 1s it necessary, | , to give such advice 10 edu cated men to-day ? aightly or wrong- lv, educated men have Leen' charged with Being . dreamers, theorists and oven cowards, Professor William Mat. thews, declared that many well edu- cated men are lacking in practical talent and Emerson sad that England had many thoroughbred Grecians who were incapable: of speaking 'or writing becatise of the fulness of their minds, and the severity of their tastes, Luth- or denounced Erasmus, an' cmnent scholar, as a time server, and a. cow- ard, The carly leaders in the anti slavery campaign in the United States complained that the coducated class were largely "against them. Theodore Parker, said, when he saw America confronted With the alternative of slavery or eivil war, "If our educated men -had done their duty, not now be in the ghastly condition we hewail," Such instanws: may be exceptional, but 'they are numerpus enough tg 'give point to the state ment that educated men sometfnes sit in scholarly seclusion when they should be taking 'a part in settling those 'exing problems, which affect the body ic. "Where may oducated men: find a sphere in which. to exercise: their tal ents 2 In mi ~coumcikine Recently we had the amazing and amusing spec- tacle of members at the county ceun- cil playing' at hide-and-seck around sane educated men te en If is need for ter and put an end to such folly. we should {. this city for several days, Surely there | THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13 een LARS RUNSLOW COSTS AS MUCH THERE AS \ IN CHICAGO. If Chicago 'is to Take Over Its Street Railroads $75,000,000 Will Simply be a Starter and Enormous Sums Necessary to Put Roads in Condition. Chicago, Feb, 13.--~James Dalrymple, Bead of the tramway sysien, | gow, Scotland, who was appointed by Mayor Edward F. Dunne to 'pass an pinion onthe best methods in usc in king over the railroads and their op- dation; has given an interview in which he tells what he wrote Mayor | Bunne and which the latter has refus- dal to 'make puidie: In his interview Mr. Dalrymple says the street railways of Chicago are in wretched condition; the jentire plant is utterly worn out, and there js no in- ducement, owing to uncertain condi tions, for the company. 10 spend money in betterment. He says as to the best and quickest way of bringing about wmunicipaliza- tion, the proposals made by the com. panies are fair and reasonable; that i the city will not wxtend the fran- chise or the city to acquire the cbtire stem gradually. If the city insists on ing over all the lines at once $75, 00,000 would be but a starter and chormous sums would have to be shent o bring the lines up to a state of efMRioncy. eh under municipal owner ship, does not operate street cars any cheaper per nile than do private com: | Tea: Why Tea Quality Varies OU know how the quality of strawberries from the same patch will sometimes vary from one day to another. One day sweet, compact, well ripened, well coloted, richly. flavored--next 'day it rains, is cloudy,~following picking'is soggy, sour, green, coarsely-flavored, poor. © Tea, also, on account-of its volatility of flavor after picking and during the curing process is very Gasceptible to weather changes. A few hours of sunshine or bad weather after picking may make the difference between ood and r tea. ! So that while one picking may be first class, the next from the same garden may be very poor. i 1 select only the pickings which come up to the Red Rose standards of richness and strength in Indian, and delicacy and fragrance in Ceylon teas, and thus that Se " rich, fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea is produced and mairitained. Red Ros panies in Chicago. Wages are lower in Glasgow, but hours shorter. Glascrow does not run its cars so fast as Chi cago. re TETTEIT TOTTI 4 Typewriter Bargains We have too many second-hand Typewriters on hand. You can got a Bargain for cash this month. No. 2 Smith Premier. Good as new. Good value at ¥ $75. Sale price, $85. A snap. No. 2 Underwoods and No, 4 Williams at $60. No. 2 Remington and No, 2 Williams at $28. Jewetts at $80. A Dougherty or Hammond for $10. J.B. C. DOBBS & 00., 171, Wellington St, which ordinary remedies have not reached, will quickly yield to yA SR gh It cures'thone , deep-seated coughninkes away the sorcuesd-lieals the throat--strengthens the lungs d ' None the less effective beesuse it ia pleasant to take. . gan 3 a Just try one bottle and see Now quickly yom get rid : of that cough, At your druggists, 3c. bottle) 25 2 WE DO~ GALVINIZING ! ; Iron, Cast, Malleable Wrought, Sheet, Fittings-- QUICK 31 William Street, Toronto THE CANADA METAL Co. . DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED | denham Street Sunday: school, chair; x Mrs, Edwin Chown, half dozen rubber : By the Governors of Kingston hot water bottles: Mrs. Saunders, otit General Hospital, Ruwius; Mrs. Clément, magazines; * : . Junior League, Rt. Andrew's church, Ihe governors of Kingston General | qiv und bed linen for St. Androw's § Hospital gralefully acknowledge the ward: Mr, Wilder, evergreens; B. W, ollowing donations tohortuo range Arno My Cheer cas fixtures; 8. Birch, oranges; WW, H. Carnov i gas fixtures; J. Y., Parkhill & Co, | 7' Par -- 3 pail of mince meat, ten turkeys; Mrs A DOUBLE WEDDING Bp Henderson, old linen; Mrs. Livingston, ------ * = Koren Homer 5 Anos yi, | Two Sisters Were Married om cakes, bedding; Queen's Medical Col Tuesday. & lege, books, magarines; Mes, DD. H. A unique and happy event was the § Marshall, apples; Sunshine Cicele, double wedding of two sisters, daugh: Cataragui, bed linen, dressing gowns, ters of Me. and Mes, William Smith, : pillows; Mra. Shortt, papers; D. Con. | Elginburg, , celebrated in St. Mary's 2 per, turkey; Mes. J.B. Carrathers, | chapel at 7:30 o'clock this morning, & oranges; Mes, Nickle, oranges; Mrs, | Rev. Father Kehoo tying the nuptial Ward, goose; Mra. Macgillivray, oran- | knot, The first happy couple was Miss gox, raising, jelly; Mr W. Gi. Craig. ' Mary 'Jane Smith and = Lawrence h turkey; Mrs. Joseph Walkem, pair of Steveson, a prosperous Elginburg y chickens; Miss M.. Betts, turkey; Prin- farmer, They were attended by Miss cipal Gordon, goose; Miss Macnee, Winnifrid Conscreen, prettily frocked oranges Mr Purdy, potted plants: jn blue, and M. J. Corcoran, of the Helen and Marjorie Uglow," Christmas city. #4 cards anh books: 8, Corbett, turkey; The principals in the second inter Mrs. Hendry, oranges; Dominion Fish eing occasion were Miss Helen Mary i Co., oysters; T. Carnovsky, cake, cur. Suith and Frederick Hearance, engin. . rant bread; James Crawford, candies; oo on the 88: Turret Court. Miss Cereal Co, orange meat; game war. pon.) Irennan. Kingston in o den, six brace of partridge: League of dainty dress of cream Tastre wai Morey, Christinas treat for patients; bridesmaid, with Joseph Milne, Kl . Charity Circle, high tea for public biiry, grOCHAIME ey gin: ¥ ward patients; Flower mission, high : i fu foe Pubtie ward pation; we ly The tug brides. ware Suh ecusingt 2 ates, Bible for Yates ward; W, B, " Skinner, two Auer lights; &. Green, blue 1aty's cloth, ts td match and i gide of heel; Clara Derbyshire, books, py) re. 3 papers, for children's ward; Mrs. R. ter the - gergmony , the wedding i Mackenzie, cot flowers: Mr. MeKelvey, Party and many city friends drove {o ¥ 225 on fracture bed: Mrs, Gildersh the home of the brides' parents in 3 5 cut fl Miss ott's class, Elginbprg, At ten o'clock a sumpta- : ous wedding breakfast, was served to about one hundred invited guests; the friends of the four contracting par: ties, ; The presents received by the twe popular young women, were very nue merous and each was a duplicate of the other's gift. At noon Mr. and Mrs. Bearance left the old homestead, returning to the city 10 take the train for a honey moon to Ottawa and Montreal. On their return they will reside in Kings- YELLOW SKIN, CCATED TONGUE Are Due to a Torpid Liver, the Great Cause of Headache, Dizzi- ness and Despondency. A furreds tongie and murky skin do not menace life like typhoid fever, but prepare the way for this discase and ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bteveson, remained 0 thers just as bad, at home and will 1 : . ¢ in Elginbu You get abot as close to nature's | rink ji and premises whereon wg do our the schdlar cannot enter partinment business from all city taxes, except { thete are other spheres where he can NEW NORMAL SCHOOL. school taxes which we are willing to |serve his fellows. 'In Sabbath school Poy. teacher training, in mission study | The City Council Names a Deputa- That no lieense be charged us for classes, in Young vople's Societies, tion the privilege of doing business and welt of good Judguient anal aisle solo) A deputation from the board of using the streets as we do, since no arship are required. i whueation; consisting of W. Kelly, license is charged the street railway Who has the right to axpect the (chairman), and J. G. Elliott, was company. # scholars to do such work ? the slate present at the ony ecomncil last night Wg would like to have an electric which at SROINIQUS | co haw, provided | (0 tho cooperation of the city light in front of the door of our of- | the secondary schools: hax 'the right | 0 Gil the board of education fico on Clarence street. to say to college men, L have helped |," ing the establishment in King Sigied by Thomas H. James, Dan] vou to solve your problems and now! Gn of one of the three normal Eves, Charles Diamond, = William Me you ought' to help me solve mine." schools which the Ontario government (Quaid, Joseph T. Gves, Joseph Me | Further, the Presbyterian church which | jai intimated would bo established in Quaid, James McFadden, William J. }is the pacent of the parish sehool sys: | (1. province. After the:gentlemen had Bov Pierrie J. Lawless, | r Law- | tem, and which has always been the | | ogented their request. a brief. - dis less, Richard Boyd, James Eves, Sr, | friend of primary and secontlary {| .iciion occurred. Oswald Eves; T. C. Wilson & Son, F. | schools should not ell in vain. to col Ald. Nickle stated that the council A. Bibby, L. Guess, R. E. Wilson, | lege men when she asks thew to assist | should go a great deal further than James ky Jr. Edward Eves, Wil her in bearing her burdens, Especially | trying to secure a normal sehool. iiam Gallagher, Frank Gallagher. Wil- fmay she call upon the graduates of | Kingston requires a school for iver liam Jarvis," John = Coyle, William | Queen's for. almost' every stone in | sity graduates, i.e. a. school of peda Chrisley, James McCammon. youe staily Jaime ells JSaerifice gogy. Kingston should be wade: fur a sacrifice. made by Presbyterians, ut | Bastern Ontario what Toronto i DRAFT A BILL, above all, God expects smuch of them | versity is to Western Ontario. in "- % to whom He hag committed mich, and Mr, Flliott replied that the hoard The British Labor Party Shows |, iy. He' has bestowed His pifts | of education was of the same mind as Its Hand. bountifally upon educated men. And} Mr. Nickle, but it. was at present London, Feb, 13.~The first oflicial { so, when "the vision splendid" taves | sinply taking action in regard to act of the new labor party has been to Jas it will come," follow it cherrfully something that. was. actually before draft an education bill which is to hed and promptly even if it should direet thy government. . The pedagogy mat- put forward on behali of the teade fyou to some worthy but unpopular Jer could he taken up later. union . congress. Its. principles. are -in- feause. Live ro that von casay with | All Givens thought that it was teresting, It advocates. secular eduen | Paul, "1 not disobedient to the | better to first get the normal sehool tion and the abolition of religious tests { Heavenly vision." 1t would be of greater advantage to for teachers. State aided schools are -- the city than a school of pedagogy, to be provided everywhere by local au- At Grant Hall, Wednesday. because the attendance would be thority at the imperial cost. Second "Ben Greet's imdertaki to pro gronter, i : ary and technical education also must } dues Sheakespeare in the mbethan The following resolution was adopt be furnished by local authority where | fashion is not merely a great shccess x required. Public medical: examination {but it ix as.curious and interesting ax Moved by Akl. Elliott, seconded by and treatment and one free neal a anything on the stage, to-a ways | Md: Rigney, that this coutieil yor day are also provisions of the bill, J a writer in Donabue's Magazine, 'and heartily co-operates with the board which has thus to some extent a so- | Proves most instructive." In an or of education ip its endeavor to seeure cialistic flavor. dinary hall. last Autumn. 'in. New | We location here of 4 normal sehool, This measure has no chance of be | York, Mr. Greet gave. the: chiof trage an un h which this council coming law, but there is no doubt | $ies and comedies without. weenery in would be ddighted to see placed Y : , | among the other edneational institu that its, promulgation will largely ai- |® modern sense, and the latter-day tions of 'the «ity. : This counsit ds fall fect opinion in parliament, as repre $lnge craft which were lacking in aon¥incwl that no better I Tn senting the coming: power of labor, Shakespeare 81am, aes. the stage a geograpiical, or site rimal poi and very possibly it may influence the there fo % Su a tn shout conld be secured; all the Rocommorda gueiminent durational bill, which is er Tor i No gore = _-- tion required is available and :a. high o be introduced next session, x > wr ( . al tome gan be afforded o tion is a pro inm arch, hung with | "deat me.oph a i not mm perms ing. Joo : 4 2 st possible at any other point on the : The Gospel Meetings. a ihe hing lik ortich Sn midland district. To assist in the There was an encouraging attend: § veal the stage. The stage setting re. | SCCWrement of the desived school thin ance at the evangelistie serviee in Cal- presents one of the, old halls of Lon council appoints Alds Gaskin, Nickle vary church, last night, and again the { don, such as the. Middle Femple, and Elliott a deputation to cooper meeting resulted in people professing { where woltth Night" was originally | #t 0 placing Kingston's advantages repentance, The sermon, preached hy | acted, or White Hall, or Hampton | 7 fore the government Rev. T. B. Windross, was from the § Court. palace, or Greenwich. The cos words in Luke ii, 32: "The men of { tumes are the richest ever seen on An Eaton Order. Ninevah shall rise up in judgment [the stage, being chosen by Mr. Greet Oshawa, Feb. 12h, 1906, against this generation and condemn {| from very mmny soures, amd not The Williams Piano Co., of this city, it, for they repented at the preac hing { bought by the yard from a costinner, | have recived an order from the 7 of Jonas and behold a. greater than Jas do most theatrical companies Eaton Co., Toronto, for a special New Jonas is here," "Macbeth" is really' a magnificent | Seale Williams Piano. The piano is to Among the requests for praver sent production, and should attract a | be a special Mission case, finished in in was one from a young nan who | very large awlience weathered oak, dull art finish, to said he was lost; he was one of those watch the furnishings and woodwork to come forward at the invitation of A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. of the drawing-room in W. Eaton's Rev. G. A McKenzie, who led the Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding, | new home in Oshawa. mee The preac to-night, will | piles. Druggists are authorized to re be G. A. Mckenzie: fund 'money. if Pazo Ointment fails to Ran From Operating Table. Firatien Unable To Aid. cure in 6 to 14 gi Sl. ; Now ke Feb. 13. ~After) having Eric. Pa Fehr. 13M Note m-- tie : wen place on the operating table at ars A ~ ' oh wh cress Jealousy js like cnmity. The less said | ( he rity hospital, to undergo an oper I ii $ yy 0 years old, mirped to about it the better ation, whieh wax supposed to mean death, yesterday, while firemen, un. | eeeetssesamrertinspasen | [i{: or death to him. Joseph Donohue able to weach her, stood by powerless . re away from the surgeons and to relieve her agony. A spark had set Try Again foi Health nurses, sprang from the table, climb fire to the Woman's lothing, and in A . wl a ladder to a skylight, which he attempting to smother the flames her P I Will C Y «smasheel, and was chased about the hed clothing canght fire and communi. Gin } S | ure ou roof, of the building for tén minutes cated to the woodwork of the room, en befure he was captured. Although When the firemen arrived there was OR MONEY R REFUNDED everal bones were hroken and he no water at hand, and the firemen was internally injured jn an accident, were unable to enter the blazing room. If you have aed money on doctors, | (hy: patient still had great strength, When the flames were finally extin- | and taken edicitg after medicifi®, | 0 the attendants had great diffi guished the woman was dead. withot _pelinks 'of f re you ae di culty in overpowering him -- couraged. ut don ve up. Largest Land-Owner. is one cure--certain and sure--tfige will " Sir Charlie Ros is undoubtedly tye | Wake yout kitoeys well and strong. i get The Jen Liniment. largest land-owner in the united king- Here is a letter from an 1 Pe When you need a liniment vou wan : dor The rath of a ore, HE | man, 73 years of age. who had jast your the one that cures quickest and best. oe _ tween 300.000 ar H 100 000 experience, bret who that | Spith"s White Liniment penetrates stron in Rosstiire, Nir Chai rowed 1 SCA a 8 7 Jdoenly, relaxes the muscles. reduces in- in the Cambridge ht in 1804, "and SN up Re hh Mia Sammation, and Neal more suds, later entered the aforth Highland: fhe Bo Man. thoroughly anil quickly than .any a "4 Pes. rd other Hakgient on the market. Don't ers, and for the South African war | Oeaf Sirs, : nd Hp f hi om. He 1 am How 72 years of 1 hav beeri IN | {ail to a bottle today for 25e. raiscd a corps of his own. He has} g¢ 'about sit oreven aud have heey at Wade's PM back if Aen since invented a service rifle, which is | (tended by Gfferent doctors, bat ia fact Ts ney a i not satis being nsed in Canada, manufactured Bhp Ae or odd dl ae HOTYs in a big juctary at Quebec, of which] ound they helped me a ditt . ug 1 ~ he i< the head warts (0 take Gin Pins, and bel have Lying In State. red #1 cannot say 100 much about then, . - 6d recommend them 8s a good kidney pill Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 13. The Ihscoe M. Hersey, a graduate of (signed) WILUIMM CUMPSTONE. . | coffin containing the body of King Syracuse University, is acting as in Note that Mr. Cumpstone not only Christian was removed, this morning, structor of a public schol in Tien | mind. quick relief, but "believe they | from the palace to the Christianborg China. which contains the chil: { ve cured me church, where it will lie in state un dren of the commissioner of education 3 v jnst once more. Gide GIN PILLS | til 'February 15th. 7 of be kingdom, \ fair trial, So sure are re that, GIN I. C: Moon, general superintendent, 2 LS are re tet ey That tired, languid feeling and dull has Neen appointed] assistant general IE WIS headache is very disagreeable. Take manager of the L ke Shore & Michi Tend fame and address, * and tell Jn two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be. gan Sonthern railway. vhut paper you saw. this offer a fore retiring, and you will find relicf. Senator Choquette may be appoint- | . iil ssud you a sample box and GIN They never fail to 'do g &d licutenant-governor of British Col-} 51; 1,5 free of charge." Gin Pills are arry Carmichael, of the Bank of fimbia, in sueeession' to Sir Henry old by all at He. & boz, or Ottawa staff, has been visiting his a : a hogs ie I : woth: Hen, EY, Carmichael, for The post man's lot to-morrow wi 0. WIPES. Mas, 0 weeks, He t for Ottawa. to be to carey 'sweets --not . h4. ORG oR ? Rh cure hy using De. Hamihon'y Fills, | i which are an ideal regulator for the Population Of Korea. toa liver. They tone up this organ, make Korey: has a popilation of £6,000 + x it work properly, which purifies the 900, Sgoul. the capital, has 22,000, and Ki blood, dears the complexion. and ro Already 50,- is constantly increasing. moves all poisone from the system. 000 Japanese live in kingdom. No Never kiown to fail less than $8,000,000 has been spent on | one ever used Ih Humilton's railways, The foreign trade, was North : i Pills withouy instant benefit. A mors £26,610, AST last year. 5 perfect medicine can't be found. The restore the sickly' to' health and keep the well from becoming ill, Try them for your beauty, your Vigor, 25. «per hos, or five fod $1, at all Wiga--1" I tell you how Fou can save yourself a lot "of trouble, Wage 1 dou't want to save it | want to get