'* Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland. She barber «Uses in the shop, by beat, ashes are all sterilized before ol a customer, Where there the scalp, and for the face ing. All leading Sold by leading druggists. Co. Detroit, special agent, Snthgtent it you try to \ poor coal, which meeting to | North . Toronto, | party will not respond to the appeal 1to turn out and elect a successor to rERILIZED BARBER SHOP, : ---- A Fampus Shop in the Carrollton + shop in the Carrollton How, Baltiniore, steritios everything tb The sterilizing is The towels, the razors, |. dis uiyiiy Hicial strops, (he soap, the combs and | in dismissing officials. being } have th je no sterilization, have the barber use 2) of Newbro's Herpicide. 1t kills the dand, | ©" ' Shaner, and: deasndot srull germ, and it is an antiseptic for | We of the : : after shay. | fenders, The axe was used according |! barbers, everywhere preciate these potent facts aboot ide and they use it. "Destroy Css; you remove the effect." : Send 10, in stamps for sample to The Herpicido Mich, G. W. Mahootl, wot | | 0. de. _ "'Opifer per Orbem Dicor." ~~ Talk About Offices. + The conservatives are howling he cause the A postmaster, who was dabbling in other business, was removed from the public service, | that it is "no more heartless or cold: blootled than the dismissals of the provincial government." The News has it that the Cannington episode was "the resentment of local liberals over 'the manner in which provincial patronage is now being exercised," "Under such circumstances what must be the mind of our contemporary re- specting the proceedings of conserva- tive associations in Toronto and Ot- tawa. North Toronto is now vacant,' and some of the party leaders have actually been threatening let things go to enemy. as a lesson to the Whitney government. It may bave done some good, but one speaker warmed it that "it could not remain in power by the prayer process." The doetrine was preached that polities included patronage, and the government would have to take care of its supporters if it wanied to be sustained by them. In Ottawa a former member of par- 'l liament, Mr. Birkett, called Mr. Mur phy down because, as local dispenser of patronage, he had not done more for the boys. Mr. Birkett went fur- ther and said Dennis had been look- ing out for himself, the the Temiscaming railway. The two mem were "hushed up" in the meeting and they renewed the quarrel after wards, and it may still bo in progress. The Beatty-Bickett gang would have a general clearing of the offices, and a general' appointment of 'conserva tive officials in the Ontario service. The general adoption of the spoils system would certainly provoke a re- taliation by the dominion government whose supporters would not stand for the further abuse of their friends by the Whitney administration, ir 4 of Ruction In The Party. is a political rebellion in The conservative Doe, Nesbitt until the patronage sys tem has been sottled. Mr, Tarte's trite expression is remembered. Elec tions aré not run by prayers. Politics are the supreme issue, and politics, said a speaker at the third ward, in- clude patronage. The grit officials must go ! That is the demand. The Mail rushes in to say that the tories must not imitate the liberals This is rich, Neshitt carried the party into the the axe upon certain non-of- very rich, when Dr. the command of ly. But the Mail fears retaliation and #0 warns the party against a general resort to the spoils systein ! While the organ is reasoning with the belligerants there is a war of words among the faithful. In Ward 3 on Saturday night, Mr. Newsome, a prospective candidate, hammered those who would reflect upon Dr, Nesbitt, "He has spent thousands housands of dollars," shouted upon Nr. all of the conservative party." "He as given you moonlight excursions; be has fod you and has given you ban- quets. He has gorged you with beer and pigs feet. Yes, he has ! and now with base ingratitude you pelt him with the bones of the pigs feet." There was a tumult for a while, and then the meeting calmed down to con- sider the situation. North Toronto. it was agreed, was C conservative, but there was soreness in it, and some misgiving as to how it was going. "After all," says the Mail, soothingly, "the offices are the result of party victories, and not the effects which such victories are aimed." No? Ward Three's conservative as. sociations in Toronto, and the eon servative associations in Ottawa and London do not say so. Indeed they hold that patronage is the principal business of a party, and they are go- ing to have the patronage or know the reason why, No Politics In This; I is only a few weeks since the | members of the local, government, be- ginning with the provincial secretary and ending with the premicr, assured the electors that in considering the claims of Kingston for any government favours the fact that a liberal or con. servative represented the city would out no figure, at Lice and it called for the partisan and i "DAILY WHIG. But the Toronto News reminds them' This was regarded as high grade | that the Public applause * | OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED system (of making results dependent, ses) has come to an end. | he Jo is quoted now only because a coarse attempt bas been the movement anent a normal school. It is alleged that the grits on the school board and the Whig are at the hottom of it! Is that not to their credit 7 And by the way the mayor visited the Board of Education, at ite inaugural meeting, and announced that the council had received its oreat les- son in non-political service from the school board. This latter institution has never been recognized for its poli- tical complexion, and the scheme of raising trouble in it now 'on his ac- count will not succeed. The board is largely conservative in the resolution respecting" the normal school, © a conservative seconded it, unanimous vote in | ¥ and there was a unan 8 o * ols So r EAR: y its favour. 'That ought to settle the * QUNDS AMI 3: question as to the paternity of the off- + _Londom, Feb. 135i =» spring and iis general relationship. A + Francis® Evans, Lib- 4 moment's reflection, too, ought to sat- | + era) Tecently oa tos at the + in_public {isfy any one tint te disturh 'the ac- > Mai vie By a. Ject , > tion of the board is a fool proceeding + pax Jeti the aaron. and one that will have reactionary ef- | 5 Londonderry's son and i fects, + hei, Yiseo ist Castlereagh, + The Whig dées not need to justify | Unionis eging bribery io i" oa, ie an organ of pub- | # and other illegalities [4 8 pros Loe # agains: the Castlereagh lie opinion, and in all commendable 4 agents. Ha public movements can be counted up- # _ Sir Francis was defeated » on for faithful and intelligent sup- | 4 bY, te DAITOW majority of 4 . + 4 * t. z pe + About half a dozen peti- 4 torial # tions have been lodged i Ea. i Notes. # against other elections on i The sugar beet industry will not suf- # similar grounds. * fer by 'the proposed change of tariff. |g These refers will not kick, Mr. Roblin, the premier, is after the Py al ps i h and he had sot: Judges, in hig so, Bn hole : commis ip of | apparent. Suppose. the " | Princess tled down. in the conunissionership of ter him? They may be more effec: Spain. tive. The revenue of the ment in Peterboro last was $25,000. Was this net ? It is import- « vear ant to know this in order to judge of | was the subject of résults accurately. I at Ottawa and had hardly passed off his greetings than a fierce combat oe- a while it looked like pistols and col- ; Reports of the destruction of the fon for two, English Presbyterian and Catholic : i werely J missions in Changpu, China, by riot- Awl Dundonald is Tring severely ers are confirmed. Property damages criticised all' over 'Canada for slaughtering his changer, the hero of hoofs and head as trophies. horse was in perfect condition when ; chloroformed. - « Our license inspector causes no troun- ble. He does not aitend > political | ¢ harsh. It is charged against him that he sails away in his yacht when he can and so hears 'or sees nothing « The of *erth, of St, Catharines, and Dufferin I have been taking an active hand in ¥ « license inspectors North wlitics. The local government is in- I lined to condone it. Similar action nounced, . -- The Mail has it that there was "an'l tnormous sweep" of public officials by the Laurier government. Oh no. It ]e is because there 1 was not ike a washout that the evil of the spoils system 'in Ontario is felt so keenly to-day. -- HH the mew C.P. R. stock, put the market, could be sold for 160 per | ¢ : reform, he might bogin work on his N i i w" s v r the pres- 2 s Newsome, amid an awful din,, "on be- | share, why should it go to the pres- 1 wn name. ent sharcholders at par? The Tele gram figures that this is a graft of 214,000,000, which the people must : : : Ontario's educational system is to make up in freight and passenger be improved, aml Gp. Graham | rates, can say i= that a province that could defeat G. W. Ross for J. P. Waitney SAVE YOUR STRENGTH. needs to have its education improved, Economy of Energy One of Secrets of Endurance. To do things, then, in the casiest possible mammer, with the least ont lay, the greatest economy of strength is the prime secret of endurance. Hut this of itself is an art. Most people are so accustomed to a prodigal ex- penditure of force in the ordinary acts of every day life that in walking, che standing, shaking hands, handling, knife and fork and similar acts, they use up the amount of energy which, by actual measurement, a physician writes, in the Outing Magazine, | have found to be from three to twenty, times more than necessary. Think of the result upon the health, power, endurance and general offi- ciency of the man who can save from two-thirds to nineteen-twentioths of the energy he habitually expends ! All It Needed. @® There is more real oxygen in \ liquified form in the "Solution © a Ozone (the coupon kind)" than in any other preparation of a similar nature, As a prompt cure in the killing of al inside germs of throat, lungs, stomach or bowels it has no equal when coup- led with "Celery King" the famous laxative. That the stringent Ozone a tonie of this nature to pro- cure the best results was SO apparent g company, of » Ont, Your "Celery made to create political friction in | membership, and yet a liberal moved te given a water depart- | the -- ment Mr. Borden attended a party social | last night, and the court attended the funeral ser- Vv curred on the patronage question. For | {ast night. The body will lie in state t amount to $50,000, South Africa, in order to get its hide, government will introduce a bill, this The | 8ession, increasing the sessional demnity from $500 to $1,000, and giv- railway engineer, has entered vice of the Chinese government at go to | salary of $6,000 a year, on the cond his discomfort. tion that all railway materials be pur- n liberals would have 'been loudly de- | 2 Toronto (lobe, 9 itv ' + " anything | would be a mere formality, The men will be idle anyway. Toronto Star. on | eation, Mr, Colqunoun, should ever bo | Toronto Kincardine Review Lin am-- " IN BRIEF FORM. --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read i da Belleville! » gas has bevn discov- ered to be dete faulty joints in the pipe. : Various schemes of the Pres- byterian church $180,500 is still re q Two young children of Mrs, Mcln. tosh, Glencoe, were killed at a cross- ing on their way to school. An order has n passed appoint- ng John A, rds, Fredeticton, postmaster at Fredericton, N.B. F. H. Clergue 'denies that the corporation is to be amalgamated with other steel and coal companies, In a speech, last night, at a ban- quet, Mr. Balfour outlined his policy with unusual definiteness, and succeed in pleasing all sections of his par- Soo ------------------------------------ + | The Imperial Protestant Federation ave petitioned King Edward to with- is gonsemt to the marriage of | Ena to King Alfonso of At Brussels, the Duke d'Orleans was gold medal and reception by Royal Belgian Geographical So- iety in honor of his successful Arctic xpedition. "Democracy's Ills and Their Cure," an address of R. L. Borden, M.P,, before the mock parlia- of the University of Toronto, All the members of the! royal family dice 'over the body of King Christian, wo days, It is understood that the Manitoba in- ng the ministers a substantial raise. A million 'dollar contract was given DAY FEBRUARY 13, OF THE WORLD ; committed in IRELAND'S OVERTAXATION. One of Evils Against Which Country Protests. To those not conversant with the facts it may seem strange, says a writer, that the sgil of Ireland does not better supply 'the greatly decreas Jed population with the necessaries of life. Look at the facts. The farms are not owned. by the farmers. The area of the island is 20,000,000 acres. One: fourth of this is barren mountain, bog and otherwise waste. The remaining 15,000,000 acres are divided into 500,- 000 holdings, an average of thirty acres acres for each farm. Of these, 200,000 holdings are of from: one to five acres each. The smallest holdings are usually the most. It is not easy to make a living off of thirty. acres of good general-purpose farming lands, It 15 very difficult to do it on fifteen; im- possible on less. These 200,000 hold- | ings of siall patches, many of them poor soil, must support nearly 1,000, 000 peasants. If tne lands . were held rent free, they could not do this. But they are far.from being rent free. Irish farmers pay their landlords, mostly of the absentee order, a total of many millions. To this must be added millions paid in taxes, much of which must come out of those who till the soil. That Ireland is unfairly overtaxed there is no doubt. The par- liamentary commission on financial re- lations says the people of Ireland are overtaxed to the extent of %13)500,- 000 a year. For example, Irelapd pays £1,000,000 a year more for her Judi cial kvstem than Scotland; pays $5, 000,000 more for her police and £320. 000 more for local government. The cost of the police to Ireland is over 87,500,000 or £1.60 for every man, wo- man and child in the island. The wise acre who knows not a syllable about the facts may easily sneer and say that is because Ireland is turbulent and given to crime. The fact is that there. is mow 000 indictable crimes otland to 185,000 in Ireland in a year. Remember the pop- ulation is practically the same in the two countries. There is no end of con- fusion in the administration of gov ermment in Ireland. 1t is divided into a great many departments, and many of them overlap, causing no end of extravagance. There are many things done to make more berths to he filled by viunger sons of noble houges on the other side of the channel, but that does not lessen the hardship to Ireland. -- In Her Winter Cot. Wolie Island, Feb. 10.--The death of Mrs. Patrick Hennessy occurred on Saturday morning in Watertown, N.Y., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. Hanlon, The deceased lady was an old and highly esteemed resi dent of the island, until about eight years ago, when she left here for the above place. She leaves three sons and two daughters, James and Robert, Watertown, N.Y + and Thomas, Ports mouth, and Mrs, MeAllister, of the is- land. Those who left here to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Me Allister, and James Rodgers.' The many friends of Daniel Lyons are pleased to hear that he is on the gain from his recent illness. His sisters and brother, Thomas are here from Water- town. at his bedside. The dance held in the CAMLB.A. hall at the village, on wut by the Montreal Street Railway ompany, for a new power house at he east end of the city, which is to] meetings. He does not do anything | be completed during the present vear, | George Pr. Haracuchi, Tokio, an eminent | the ser- | i- 'hased by China through Japan. ---- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Not A Bad Idea. Arantford Courier How would it do in future to stick sanitarium. sign over all public flices, Against The Men. If the coal companies have as much onl as they claim to have a strike Spelling Reform. MH the new deputy minister of edy- rarried away with the idea of spelling | Educational Improvement. Telegraii Symptoms Of Sickness. Sir William Mulock took a $10,000 job and Beattie Noshitt a £6,000 job because of ill-health. Which shows that Beattie Neshitt je not near sick a man as Sir William was by £1,000. so not S------------ England's Versatile Woman. Few women writers even in this dav of varied talents and vocations excel 80 many diverse occupations as Lady Colville, the author of "Round the Black Man's Garden," a chatty volume containing the accounts of a tour she made with her husband round Africa and through Madagascar, Photography, motoring and garden ing she understands and practises ae- cording to the latest scientific pro. cesses. She manages her own estates, one in France and one in England. The metal work of the house in which she<lives, and of which she was the architect, 'is all of her own and her husband's design and w orkmansnin, Lady Colvile has shot crocodiles in Africa, photographed cannibals, seen the supposed tomb of Eve at Jeddan and studied surgical nursing in Edin burgh for the purpose of being able { for the coming 'season. Mr. Ellis, and Monday night, was a decided success, by the young men who held the one two weeks ago. Our local butcher, Whitmarsh, lost a valuable horse in the canal on Monday after noon, He was coming up from the foot when he took the ice at the mouth of the canal, and only drove a short way 'when the animal broke through the ice. He was accompanied by Oliver Hawkins. They tried their best to save the horse, but all was in vain. Miss Lizzie (O'Brien's many friends are pleased to hear that has recovered from her recent illness. Quite a number from here attended the CM.B.A. ball in the Cape, on Wednesday last, there was 125 couple. At the residence of Hugh Howe, on Monday, there was a surprise party held, and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Melville Watts furnished the music. Our reliable little steamer 15 in her winter cot, erfoving the balmy breezes from the south on the sunnyside of Garden lsland. Manager H. D. Hinkley, of the stage company, has got evervthing in first class work- ing order since the jee has taken, but would prefer a little wore snow. There was a dance held at Herbert Todd's on Wednesday evening, and a enjoyable time was spent by all. The Wolfe Island cheese factory held meeting at the residence of John Me.) Glynn on Saturday evening for the purpose of transacting their business she very daughter, Mrs, Williams, will leave for the North-West Territories next week, where his son lives. . Friend gave a party to a number of his friends on Friday evening; there was a very en- joyable time spent by all. James Johnston is very sick at present, his friends are looking forward for his re covery. Miss Maud Lum, of the city is visiting Mrs. Oliver Hawkins, My. Swift and Mr, Meloney and Mise Bertha Norris, of the city, spent Sun. day with Misses McAllister -- The Mule Marched Past. The "Derby dog" as usual, at the g Rawal Pindi, only man, it was time, was in evidence, eat manoeuvres ag v.10 use an Irish another animal this The cavalry wore marching past the royal statiom in brilliant succhssion, when there occurred an pisode which was too much fo : r evervbody's risibis faculties, Following the 9h Queen's Royal Lancers was a strav, mule, walking with com cal eravity, and quite undisturbed by vither ob Jurations from behind or the shouts of laughter from the spectators, mangv THEY KNOW IT Thousands of people th antr th roughout the cou know that : he ordinary' for pHes--Ointments suit. CEYLON TEA. all its own. By Using KEEP THE CAPSULES, THEY ARE VALUABLE. BOIVIN, WILSON @ CO. Montreal. Teapot Results Are Ac -- "SALADA" It has a deliciousnesg Lead Packets Only. 25c., 30c.. 40c., 50c. and 60c. per 1b, HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904, A Pure and Wholesome Matured Spirit. Mixed with Soda it makes a very refreshing and invigorating beverage SSureq. At All Groce, DA &) jy 19) BP nn a, BIBBY'S' ag BIBBY'S Smart Clothes For Smart Dressers Come now, which would you rather do, go to a tai- lor and pay $250r $30 for a suit no better in style, fit or making ; or would you rather payus $12 50, $15, $16.50 or $18 for a Suit and put the difference in your pocket, and escape the bother, delay and disappoint- ment of order-made-clothes ? Of course. That is what any sensible man would do. Nobby Spring Suits fashioned to fit, concave shoulders, hand-tailored from beginning to end. If you wili come here for a look we'll sell a THE H. D. BIBBY CO. BB nn, EER an Supposi- ¥ tories Eo ances-- nt cure to tend her gang of porters to Uean- | His best a terri. 1 Bhs ¢ re- da 6b a rough journey, where they | lie : a constantly had accidents. as well as -- Leonia Tg tae eet encounters with each other with of Piles, nonce that Cura i He ---- knives for weapons, | very packuge sold Carries ' . jn it. ' ------ is it IS perfectly harmless to the ~ The Kingston lady enrlors Were de. delicate constitution. A months tori Tonted hy the ht St ment in each package. Sold at $1.00, 11 5 3 s ' drag st oF The Wilson-Fyje I'S | Ce. Is, 'Out. «paid day val money Policy 20292. Policy 20204. Policy 25439. Policy 25531. The above profits to the proposer, on this particular plan. MILLS & CUNNINGHAM - District Agents British Unemployed For Canada. | that, London, Feb, 13. hundred families child proposes to colonize for their grants received clothes and food, the cost of passage and tions awaiting them upon their arri- in Canada, with sufficient sums of to guard. them against emer- the total cost for each adult laced at $50, in instalments, fences, :Actual Results: Deferred Bonus Plan London and Lancashire Life Paid to Canadians 20 years Endowment. Premium, $49.52, 20 years Endowment. Premium, $4902, 1885-1905. 15 years Endowment. $66.00. 1890-1905. 15 years Endowment. Premium, $68.42. 1891-1906 Premium, All Endowment Plans paid were the estimates given when his application was w.itten mn Fifty of the which two Lord Roths- at his own destination; The emi- will find situa. Stop--do , which must he tis re- 1885-1905. * when the allotted fi repaid, 200 additional fa sent to Canada under the ditions. Agents who have expense in Canada, to relieve the sit- | vestigation by order of | Nation among the largs number of un- | child, report that there employed in Great Britain, sailed to- !'in Canada for able persons. Are You Rum: Down ? Tonie Pills are a tonic, a es fier, a blopd maker, and a general ol tem builder. They are what" you ne In boxes 25c. at Wade' Money back if not satisiacioryy Profits}. Paid in Cash x $400.0 = 315.00 = 225.00 = 22500 -- has been ten thousar sométhing. Wades blood purt Drag Store END ATTEND ho et hand s a Amb are con' tion in eeping. &tc i Gnd tho a Comm of THE men and ner Typewril Civil Sory Kingston, Ontari The best equipped, date business Eastern On Students a ates. fi graduate jae situations Phone 680 w. H.Shaw, and training tario assisted for s are x Write T.N. President. a----T RS ahttanfaghended "THERE IS 4 TI FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while, 'pric low, is the time our coal bin witl Juality SCRANTON from nm inst jay enter at any to c St ) P: Walsh's Y BARRACK STREET A for Paper and | ENGRAVING ¢ Besides. afl classes pi Ls Priating from K card ta a vol THE WHIG, "FARM FOR SALE MINERAL RIGH FARM watered, 70 sand on Lot 1 or AC re Apply to en and Well K RE! 11s My ing! UNIVERSAL MEAT CI Carvers in Sets, The New, Easy Washing Clauss' Shears and Raz all guaranteed at Strachan's - Hardware Wm. Murray, Auc 27 BROCK ST New Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale, Sale of Horses Every jerties, Municipal tures. Mortgages THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT $ (ESTABLISKEDI186: President--Sir Richard C Money loaned on City and and Cou purchase received and interest allowec 8. C. McGill, Managing Office, 97 Clarence Street. When Neediog a Cab "Phone 6 And you get a prompt SINNOTT B 36 Johnston Str Bo©00 'R J. FREE, CONT Estimates' wiven for all ason Work, Plaster Cement Work of all descr 94 Division St. WOOO OQAOBROTIOOION Canadian Chinese I ( i NEW YORK hone 331 King, St P ree chinese Re 83 Princess st St Open from 10.30 a.m. to e hest % a sbhecialty, place to in the, city. Mea t notice. Engli wet 1s of sh GARDINI Insurance and Real Flght Companies at Low Money to Loan om Res 151 Wellington = H POW CARPENTER AND | 103 Raglan -- a a REMO Vi DRI. 6 To BC 102 Wellington eee All Joining Abr Pe purgi ng Carter's from Natipatior listurbing the bowels, ind ror the take Little Liver