al in itself | 1ourishment ant combined trated, nter . it is 7. good, for hing which ») much nutri- uch a smal] nd in such rm. 0 ' l or cold, or both, 'BIL trated in four ounces of Boy vril is prepared only by JONDON, ENG., end MONTREAL By special appointment lis Majesty King, Edwarq ind det Beautiful dckness- thal makes ear well. ne pair of ANBY IBBERS t as long as two f the poorer kinds Easy © wear -, They work easily, lo wear oul, RIL. . CANADA 8 VII remium Picture cost ls, Wash- , to suit. & SON ter re Malt t barley are very Labatt's d agree Ss ND, AGENT, King St. Chocolates , the Land | St. Priricess { (r(x (P(P(a(d /- ( & NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS, ADDRESSED SEALED to the undersigned twlope enders for marked on. the en- Construction," will oi at the office of the Cominis- > busived AL I runscontinental Railway siners until tweive o'clock noon on 2th day of March, 1906, work ; required for the construe ccordance With the plans, pro- ications of said Conunis- ies and pe he followin~ sections of the ascontinental Railway, the said work completed on or before the first . ember, 1907, viz. : day of Septem » : 0 pistrict "r « a point de jgued on the plans of the said Com- Tssioners at or near the City of Win- Monday, "jor the won, in ac ) yoint known as Peninsula uipeg, po o the junction point of the brane! of the "Grand Railway, a distance of miles ) > 2) District B." From a point de- plans of the said Com- sgnated on the os end of the missioners, at the north d h Quebec Bridge and Railway Company S bridge in the vicinity of the Uity of Quebec, Lo a: point near La Tuque, a distance of about 150 miles. 3) A steel viaduct about 3,000 feet Jot cross the Cap Rouge Valley, in said District ~B in the vicinity of the City. of Quebec, the work to Le per- formed in atcordance "with the. General vaecifications | of the Commissioners the 'ranscontinental Railway, and the weneral Specificitions for steel bridges aud viaducts of the Department of Rail- of Canada, 1905. specifications may office of the Chief En- Conunissioners at Ottawa, of the District, Kn- Ontario, for the *..'" and for the ""B.,""" in the office of Engineer at Quebec. Persons tendering are notified tenders will not be considered unless ade In duplicate, and on the printed forms supplred by the Commissioners. Separate tenders must ve submitted v work it each District. Tenderers saall natsbe in any way entit- led to rely upon the classification or any other information given hy any person on behalf of the Commissioners, and he- fore submitting any tender, bidders should make a careful examination of the plans, profiles, drawings and specifi- cations, and read the forms to he ex- ecuted, and fully inform themselves as to the guantity and quality of materials and chaTacter of workmanship required ; and ary understood to accept and agree to b¢ bound by the terms and condi- tions contained in the form of contract, specifications, etc., annexed to the form of tender : Bach tender' must be signed and sealed by all the parties to the tender and witnessed and be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank of the Dowivion of Canada, payable to the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway for the sum of four hun thousand dollars ($400,000), for Dis- tit "F.,' and two hundred and tventy-five thousand dollars ($225,000), for District and thirty-five thous- aul dollars ($35,000), for steel viaduet in Suid istrict "B."" Any person whose tender is accepted shall within ten days after the acceptance thereof furnish the security required hy the Commissioners for the due and faithful performance of the contragt according. to its terms, sien the contract, specifications and other documiems required to be signed by said Commissioners ; of the the office gineer at Kenora, Jsection of Disurict section of district the District inee also in that and in any case | The Extended Popularity of DIAMOND DYES Induces Speculators to Introduce UP IN VANCOUVER THEY ARE HAVING REAL OLD ENGLISH FOGS. Quality So Thick You Can Stir It of --A Doctor's. Resolve to Give Up What He Can't Have. Vancouver, B.U., keb. 6.--(To the Editor) : We are having real ola kng- lish fog here at the presen time, so thick that we can stir it. For the past three or tour days it has been so thick that it was impossible at times to see # team on the street from the side walk, and the electric cars have had to carry head lights all day long in order that they might be observed by pedestrians. The Empress of China has been lying outside tne harbour for the past three days, the fog being so thick that she did not dare venture in, The Joan went out yesterday, and Weak and Worthless Imitations BIAMOND DYES, true home helpers and money-savers for mothers and wives, are dear to every woman's heart. Recently, specualtors have gone in- te the package dye" trade with the view of gaining a share of the im- mense and ever-increasing trade held by the manufacturers of the DIA- MOND DYES, but all such efforts will, as in the past, result in failures, The . ernde and worthless dyes brought out «in - opposition to the DIAMOND DYIS, can never become popular, for the imple reason that they have not one good quality to boast of. The merchants of Canada who were induced to buy these adul- terated package: dyes now (nd them dead and worthless stock. 'the progressive and busy druggists and dealers 'anada sell only the DIAMOND DYES, which have an es- tablished reputation of over twenty- five years, The modern merchant has not the time or inclination to en: courage the sale of worthless and de- ceptive goods. Ii our Canadian women desire full, brilliant and fast colors, they should, at all times ask for the DIAMOND DYES, the only guaranteed package dyes in the world. When buying pack- age dyes, see that the words DIA- MOND PACKAGE DYES are on each packet handed out by your dealer. Wells & Richardson Co., limited, Mon- treal, P.Q., will send free to any ad- dress their New Dye Book, Card of Dyed Samples, and new book in verse entitled "The Longjolms' Trip to the Klondike." This little Book is: inter- esting thousands Q The Celebrated English Cocoa. EPPSS health, ani pr me it to resist winter's extreme col COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. of refusal or failure on the part of the ' party whose tender is accepted to:com- lets und execute a contract with the said Com sioners and to furnish the ipproved security within ten days after the acceptance of the tender, the said cheque shall be forfeited to the Commis- sioners as liquidated damages for such refusal and all contract rights acquir failure ed "by | be forfeited. Cheques whose tenders are turned within ton du ing of the contract. is called to the following the form of contract s, labourers or other per- form labour for the pur- construction of the works cled for shall Le paid such wencrally accepted as cur- ent workmen in the Dis- the work is being per- there is no current rate then a fair and reason- in the event of a dispute the acceptance of the de- Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Bladde+ Troubles. wy - GUARDS WALES CLOSELY. Government is . Said to Deadly "Poison Girls." London, Feb, 13.--The latest stories sent here from India are designed to give some timid people a terrible scare for they tell of fears on the part of the Indian government that some fan- atic or fanatics may try to do away d ' What is the current or a | with the Prince and Princess of Wales. i 0d reasonable rate, it shall be de- Caleutt vices decl > he ral erinined by the Commissioners, whose | "2 A -ucvices Ceclare he roya Secision I be final." party is being closely guarded against "This ment is subject to the reg- | "poison girls" and "poison men." ulations now in force, or which may at] "qq ne Poise hi My time hereafter be in force during These dangerous creatures, which he construction of the works hereby | Nathaniel] Hawthorne immortalized in wade under the authority | his "Rappacini's Daughter," are sup- tment of * Labour, and : ¥ i 3 shall be applicable to such | Posed to be fed on poison, iv gradual- y increased doses, until their very ractor "shall in connection { touch is d fi . "noi : h 18 death. We » told « YOis ff the said work as far ath. We ste told of "poison use only supplies and and also to the Laws and ms respecting fires in the differ Wherein the work is be &ht is reserved to reject any o ore , Bv order material, rolling factured or produced in Can- girls" who were used by Hindo prine- es to murder pretenders hy a single kiss, to rob an enemy's army of its ed. the same can be obtained lor a1: . . and upon as good terms in | leader, or to kill inconvenient relatives ' as elsewhere, having regard to and officials. t Price.' 1 Ss » p be" ity Pp tractor shall conform to the In spite of t popularity of the "ulations adopted by the Com- | prince and princess, officials in India d do not absolutely trust all the na- tives, and orders have been given that na Hindoo servants or others who might be considered in any way sus- picious shall approach nearer to them r P. E. RYAN, than ten feet. Secretary. Here in Lond many « ile issioners of the t th PRE n on Tan) peoble smile nscontinental Railway, at these precautions, but others, in- Sth February. 1908 sliding men who have lived in India "rs inserting, this advertise- § for vears, declare they justi Ine bout authority from the Com- 4 vy. are justified. WHaners will not he paid for it. -- The Cuban Realty Co's. Land Latimer Briefs. Latimer, Feb. 12.--Lack of snow makes it very inconvenient for farm ers getting up their simmer wood. Revival services have closed in our ot Io the eastern end of Cuba, where church, but, will be continued in In- Soil 8 virgin and fertile, - well | Verary church. The Ladies' Aid will The oda Ratered, moot at the home of Mrs. J. Arthurs through the Tree pare, dirsetly next Wednesday. The many friends e. being a 1 ; of Mrs. W. Bruce are sorry to hear d axpress Transportaty on nl factors, ere an TveetanR trees, plants, ete. largely w. i ns to meet oniik Ny thorouehly 1 MN person. in Cuban Pr wet | Ine 0; operties to call a Prics of Lands $50 a Per cent. cash : Pim, ah i The J o.nurron TY 25% BagotiSt., Kings! 5 a2 per regular station on the line. office estalr Or or group intend buy- nvestigated our proper We invite all who are in nformation regarding live out of town. Charts, etc. Per. Acre 25 per cent. in 90 cent. : Agent | she 'is seriously ill tack of appendicitis. All wish for a speedy recovery. The Misses Georgia Sherman and Gertrude Sands, ill with pneumonia, are rapidly recovering. Miss Bella Sherwood is visiting friends at Elgin. E. Asselstine is spending a few weeks at Spaflordton. Late visi tors : Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthurs at Mr. Dougherty's; Herman Buck at G. Asselstine's; Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Gowan at J. V. Woolf's; Mrs. Shepherd, at her son's, G. Shep- herd; Mrs. McBride and little Bernie at W. Bruce's. with another at- 1 us of Peck"s Corn Salve Guaranteed. factory. In Ei, i Hard or soft corns gured with three | icati xes, 16c., at Wade | brought her passengers and mail in, and to-day the fog lifted sufficiently tw allow the Empress to lift her an' chor, and make her way into the har- bor, but nothing more, and now it is as thick as ever, We have the finest harbor on the Pacific coast, sheltered from every side, but for very large ships, like the Kmpress, it is extreme- ly 'dangerous to try to enter the har: hor in a dense fog, as the channel is narrow, and the currents swift, and the whirlpools many and strong, caus- ed by the tides. The past month's ex- periences have taught * our shipping masters a lesson Which it is to be hoped they will not soon forget--a les- son which has been up to them many times before, but it is obvious that it has not been well studied. The great Empress boats have been very tortimate in not having met with any accidents of any consequence, and it is to be hoped that they may long con- tinue this record, for should one of these go down great would be the loss of both life and property. The nearest that one of these boats have been to disaster was when a Gerinan warship ran into 6ne of them, but even then 'the disaster was not serious to the Empress, but shé was able to take all on board the warship, and carry them safely into port. Dr. Carroll, whom we extol as one of the great benefactors of the present age, because he has decided to let ug have that which we can not possibly do without, and which he found that he could not take from us, has been making some New Year resolutions, In the last days of the old year hd had, in an evil moment it must have been, decided to cut off our water supply. because he owned a small corner of the ground above the corporation dam. He had actually started men at | work to drain his land, which would | have been to divert the water from its {natural course, and an infraction of { the law. He had also been careful to | appoint a lawyer, through whom ne- | gotiations might he made by the city | for the purchase of his property, not {at the price which it was worth to | him, not yet what the city thought it { was worth to it, but at a figure to be set by the doctor himself. The doctor's men kept on digging, but time went jon, and the lawyer had not been call- led upon to draw up any articles he- | tween the city and the doctor, and | finally the new year came, and as | the doctor is a v old man, he could i not think of beginning the year wrong, | and s0 he resolved: That it is impos- {sibld to be happy if yon are doing wrong. That it would be wrong to take money which you cannot possibly get, and especially if it is going to {cost a large amount to obtain that | small sum. That as the people of Van- | couver cannot do without the water, and he cannot take it from them, he has decided that rather than deprive | us of our water, he will let us have it: | and so he has:-taid down his shovel and his hoe, and he now stands he- fore us an exemplification of the | | To Enliven | the Liver | Kidney and Bowels--To Prevent Disease By the | System--You Must Use Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills There's a need in every home of a medicine that will promptly cure bili- ousness, kidney derangements and con- stipation. A medicine that by cleansing the filtering and excretory organs will re- move all poisonous waste matter, and Cleansing such deadly diseases as dropsy, dia- betes and Bright's disease, No medicines satisfies this need so well as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, This "is no idle boast, but an abso- lute fact that is backed up by the testimony of a hundred thousand omes. ' . The reputation of Dr. A. W. Chase as author and physician is the guar- antee which first made this great me- dicine popular, . Now it stands on its record of cures | --a record which has seldom, if ever, | been paralleled in the history of medi- | cine, As a treatment for backaches, head- aches, indigestion, aching limbs, liv- er derangements, kidney disorders and constipation, Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills are prompt, thorough and effective. Once. their merit is tested they are kept in the house and relied on in | cases of emergency. By keeping the liver active and they positively prevent serious di- sease. . Mrs. George Lawson, Consecon, Ont , writes :; "Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills made a well woman of me, com- pletely curing me of constipation, rheum - { of suffering. what Dr. by so doing prevent fevers, colds and . the bowels regular atism, stomach troubles and a | very severe kidney trouble after years I, am now sixty-eight years of age, and very grateful for Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills principle that it is wicked to try to inflict punishment . upon others, when the real punishment is sure to be all in the reaction. So the good old doc: tor, who is Jovad in so many Vancou- 3] ver homes, has decided that there will be more real pleasure in following his New Year resolution than in indulging in the luxury of the sweet inipossible. E. H. NEWTON. -- THE SPORT REVIEW. -- Gereral Notes on the Sports of the Season. | "Notty" Lee, last year with Brant- ford has caught on with the Lowell team. Jabez White is out with a challenge to box any man in the world at nine stone, ten pounds, . The Marylebone cricketers touring in South Africa beat Natal, at Pier maritzburg, hy four wickets, : Gans, '"I'win" Sullivan, Fitzgerald, Young Corbett, Harlem, Neil, and others are anxious to fight Britt. Henry (O'Day, the veteran umpire of the National league, has received and signed a contract to continue in his old. job. I By a score of 7 to 4, Smith's Falls defeated Victonias, of Ottawa, on Sat- urday night, and virtually won the Federal league championship. Jack JPalmer, heavyweight cham- pion, is anxious to meet Dingey, who wants 'the match at eleven eight pounds, but Palmer sticks to eleven stone ten pounds. "Bob" Douglas, the Canadian heavyweight wrestler, defeated Olsen, of Cleveland, at Chicago. The match was at catch-as-catch-can and Dong- las won two straight falls, If Marvin Hart defeats Tommy Burns at Los ' Angeles on February ra, it is said that, Jeffries will come stone out of his retirement and give the Louisville heavyweight a fight, after all. Terry McGovern has learned with much satisfaction that Battling Nel son's $2,000 forfeit money had finally reached the hands of the stakeholder, for their fight, which will take place in Philadelphia. on March 14th. Selby Henderson, the crack Winnipeg oarsman and sculler, will take a shy at the diamond sculls at Henley this summer. He is a member of the To- ronto Argonaut Rowing chib, and will row under their colors in the hig ama- teur sculling event. The rules for the Bennett aeronautic cup, fix the last day for the reception of entries at Paris, as March lst. "Trial races will be held April 2nd. The first entry re ceived was from the Italian Aeronau- tic society, which 'has chosen Allred Von Willer, a well-known aeronaut as the pilot of its airship. : Dawson City has a flourishing curl ing club of about one hundred mem bers. This vear they started to curl about the first of December, and the season will extend into April. In the challenge, which is the fixture event in Dawson City in the curling line, the draw which was made showed no less than twenty rinks entered. Sixty and one-half feet was the re cord ski jump of this year's carnival at Rossland, and was made by Torgal Noram, the champion ski jumper of Canada. This jnmp was seventeen and one-half feet behind the record of last year, but this was due largely to the condition of the snow and to the fur ther fact that Noran has been ill for a month past. Commodore Corneling Vanderbilt has persuaded the famous America's cup defender skipper, Capt. Charles Parr, to sail the seventy-foot sloop Rain bow during the-eoming. season. Barr will take charge of her 'next month and supervise a thorough overhauling of the yacht to prepare her for a long campaign. After a struggle which lasted from 8:30 until 11:30 o'clock Saturday night between the Rossland and Nel son hockey teams, at Rossland, B.C.. thé question of the championship of British Columbia still remains un settled, for both sides made two goals and neither side could score after that, although the play was extend ud considerably beyond the usual two and a half hours that usually stitute a game. The O.H.A. executive has raised the ire of the Toronto News over its handling of the. Rowe Barrie) case, Some onic wrote to the O.H.A. people that Rowe had played professional hockey, hut the name of the inform ant was hot given out, in fact it i doubtful if the informing letter con- tained a name at all. The News pitch es into the O.H.A. execut for the star-chamber way in which it has dealt with the case. The O.H.A. is not alone in that The O.R.F.1 felt it advisable one time to profes sionalize "Chaucer" Elliott, because some one had wrongly intimated that he gas paid to play baseball in King ston, when, instead, he never received a cent, Again, Thomas Palmer, the ex Granite rugby plaver of Kingston, was professionalized because some one told the O.R.F.U. he had played under an assumed named at London, and was suspected of receiving money in Kingston. At Geneva, Switzerland, the world's hobsleigh record for a mile has been broken, at St. Moritz, in the first ser ies of races for the medal. Lund Green, an Englishman steered the Viking down safely in the remarkable time of 1 min. 54 7-10 secs., beating Mr. Clar ence Martin's record of two years ago, 2 45. In spite of this erditable per formance, the Viking lost the race. which went to Mr. Reigokds team on the Joker, with an aggrégte of 4 mins 40} secs. on, the two courses. The real winner, however, in this keen strugele was the famous Rietle, conducted by Mr. Chambers, whose time was 2 ming. 59 4-10 seconds, but, owing tc the fact that one of the erew did not comply with the regulations, the Pee tle was disqualified. St Moritz and Davos are crowded with well-knowr snortemen, who intend competing the' various international races which take place during the next fortnight or so at both resorts, James Gordon con 1" regard. ir Nell=Maud seems to fully realize the have done for me, and for the { use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." dealers, or Edmanpson, Bates & Co. Toronto. Dr. Chase's Bachache P1 ter, promptly er be used on any part . | oney back if not satis } re- markable cure of my husband by the One pill a dose, 2c. a box, at all ' Jove decile which eight she can hest D a8. oy to make i ry} Rubber hot water bottles, serionsness of getting married. Belle-- Yes, the girl is just worried to death, hers are sixteen girls who want to act as bridesmaids and she enemies When soiled,a sponge Zor brush makes i clean again andno damage done. [ Home Needlework is a magazin that every lady should take. Issued 4 times a year, 96 pages beautifully Illustrated, 50 cts per year. Write for sample sending, 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co.Ltd, St. John's.P.Q » 090000 ©EOEEE EEOIOEE@ ©8DT E. B. EDDY'S TO OPEN A FERRY. ® Napanee Board of Trade Consid- 8s ering It. ® Napanee, "Feb, 13. Misa Grace Ma. dill, daughter of J. L. Madill, is eriti- cally ill of appendicitis in the Kings ton General Hospital, where she was conveyed last week to underge an op - 0ee s eration. Stephen Gibson is able 'to = be out again after several days' ill] @ , ness. 8. D, Abell, for some years with (@) P M h the Robinson company, has severed | 2 arlor atc his connection and left, Saturday, for Toronto, where he has secured a good position with & Son, Yonge street The Board of Trade held a meeting, yesterday afternoon, to consider the advisability of opening a ferry across to Hay Bay at Woodeock's ferry. The matter was discussed, and an adjourn ment wae" made until. to-day, to get opinions and estimates of the work, In neat attractive boxes containing about 780 MATCHES Ask Your Groger For Them It will cost you only Bc. to try them. 9000 999 PINON POE Score ete. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Graham return. ed, vesterday, from their honeymoon. Saturday n . ahount nine 'lack, the gas suddenly went out in the shops, and there was a scurry to light lanps-and get the business. going, as Saturday night is the busy night of the week with our buginess men, Sun day night the churches had to light up with lamps, as the leak in the main ie, the cause of the trouble, had not been located. "Monday night the trou ble was rectified, and light again re stored For Milady Cook. Suit Cases, ofc. We have the largest and most complete range of TRAVELLING GOODS in Kingston--everything from the cheapest that's good to the very best. Trunks from ... were $2.50 to $18.00 Valises from........... cin 2 +75 10 7.00 Suit Cases from ............ 1.5010 15.00 Club Bags from .......... .90to 8.00 We have a real good Trunk which we will sell at ® $5.00, well made, iron bottom, waterproof can- Nowadays, when housewife wraps vas, brass trimmings. are the fasiom, the amateur honsewife » : . gives much attention to her uniform Ask to see our Special Suit Case at $5.00. of service; that is, the aprons and : sleewrs that furnish protection in the -- kitchen. This apron may be made quite as attractive as a ball frock, one girl save, amd, indeed, they often have better lines and form than many Abernethy's Shoe Store of the costume models. With the re vival of circular effects in skirts, we find a circular cut in the "overall" 229222 apron, as it is ealled, this giving a 9299799700909%0% comfortable, &mooth efiect over the -- A -------------------------------------------- bust and back, and falling in grace ul folds below that point. Loose 7 shirt sleeves that will slip on easily . over any ordinary dress sleeve are a feature, and the apron may be eut EE pre peek or a High nek If you have any doubts about an ydur plumbing and drainage not be- wives will find thie over-all apron a ing perfect, have it tested, don't be sufficiently satisfactory garment the morning work hour, it tal place of a house wrapper or waist suit. It certainly bas the ad: vantage of coolnes« in warm weather, deceived by other imaginary tests. Have the best. We have the ma- chinery, and the workmen, and hav- ing first introduced the system in this locality are in a position to give entire satisfaction and segurity from sewer gases. Our charge is mod- erate, : : The Smoke Test will eventually be the Only Test for Plumbing. .. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street. . Phone 35. -------------- 0 "How queer," remarked the Boston woman. '1 didn't recognize vour his tory at all; he has changed, hasn't he 7 "Yea, several times," replied the Chicago woman. from 5%. to $2 at Wade's Drug Stes Gig