Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1906, p. 8

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STERLING SLICER way to cut them uniform . id only at $1.75. Want Ads. Bring resulls. No doubt of it. The "News" covers Toronto and 2,475 other Post Offices in the Pro- vince of Ontario. Just a little better than most other papers I cent per word per Insertion. « «sss 44 of Citizens IN ACCORDANCE quest contained in a requisition present. citizens to be held room, City Buildings, February 135th instant, consider the question for the City of Kingston. ame time and place will he holding a FjniGn of Kin our {URSDAY, x . - THURShAY, | yesterday of the sad event, The fami. new hotel | ly were well-known here. Febrinary 12th, 1906, STOCK MARKETS. -- Roltimire & Ohio Loulssille & Nashville etropolitan New York Central COMMERCIAL MATTERS. (during 1905, increased 40 per cent. and 15 per cent. over the production » P04. "rie Cling-Surface company are about to establish a depot in Toronto and all orders from Ontario and the Western provinees will he filled from here show a gain of over $34,000, in value compared with the totals for 1904, The Edmonton Lumber company, €abs italized at LOOD, has been incorpor- uthd, and will erect a mil at Strath- cona having a capacity of 40,000 Aly. a." Nova Scotia Steel and Coal om any are ring to open » new col liery ut y+ bo Minx, N.S. to be operated almost entirely by electric It is announced that the Detroit Units od Raliwn company has purchased the Patrort. Honros, and Toledo short line rullway, which runs between Detrsit and + . The road has 332 000.900 htock and 000,000 honds, a purcha: dug 0 'about $40 a share ; it gives {profitable field. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Under Auspices of Congregational ~ Study Club, A very enjoyable time was spent last evening by the many frientls of the C ational Study Club. This club, which is commeccted with the First Co tional church, is to be rata upon the success and usefulness which has attended it in this its first year of existence, Under the leadership of its able and ener- getic president, Rev. D. M. Solamlt, assisted hy several professors of Queen's University, the club has, dur- ing the winter, provided many even- ings of profitable enjoyment for its members, who number nearly one hun. dred of the young people of the city. The regular meetings of the club have been spent in study along the lines of science, art, literature, and travel, The entertainment provided at the opening meeting last evening took the form of a lecture on Rritish Columbia and Alberta, illustrated by a great munber: of exceptionally beautiful views. The lecture was read by Miss Bureau, . while the views were shown by Mr. Bolandt. About three hun- hospitality of the club. A Gift Of $50. Chief Elmer. of the fire Yepareiant, from Dr. Ryan, medical superintendent of the Rockwood asylum, thanking | the brigade on behalf: of themselves and the officers of the institution for | their prompt and eéffivient aid during the fire on the evening of 'Friday last. Enclosed in the letter was a check for 850, sent by Hon. W. J. Hanus, pro- | ROVernment"s recognition of faithful service rendersd by the fire depart ment. The chief alee reecived & ket ter of Honndon from Ro. Mr. Hanna, expressi ix and his associates' Fratituie to the Kingston fire depart- ment, and speaking in terms of praise of the god work they aceomplished. Chief Elmer and his staff are very grateful for this mark of appreciation, as well as for the treatment accorded them by the stall and nurses at Rockwood hospital on the evening of the fire. Could Not Grant Rebate. The application for rebate of taxes on Belle Island was again before the «ity council, last evening, but no ac- tin was taken. Ald, Simney stated that the owner had been. offerod $3,500 for' the island by the Ontario Powder company, which was anxious to get it for a store place, but the offér was re- fused, as the owner said it could not be bought for $5,000, In view of this, the council could not see its way clear to make any rebate. | Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen, To heal and soften the skin and re- move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, ete., use The "Mas- ter Mechanic's" Tar Soap, Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. Children Killed. The two children killed at Glencoe, | while crossing a railroad track, on their way to school, at noon, on Mon- WITH A RE day, were daughters of Ex Hospital Sergeant Melntosh of "A" Battery, They were named Bertha and Lillie. | Sergt.- Major Gimblett was advised -------- Every member in the family can take Gibson's Rod Cross Cough Syrup. It cures any cough; 20c. A memorial window will he placed in the New Dublin Methodist church James P. Horton, of New Dublin. in memory of their mother, Mrs. Nicho las Horton. BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE, We like best to call Seott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a term that sply describes the character and action of our Emulsion. More thana medicine--more than a food, yet combining the vital prin- ciples of both. It is for this has a distinct and special value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im- rfect growth and delicate inchildren. Theaction of Scott's Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak- ness and wasting in adults, IOWNE, Torsate, Oat. 7hat Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. January ruta cof the Toront Railway company Wed an increase of ~ total erain of Manitoba for 1 a) 115.968,901 bushels, of which 761.416 were whoat. Sax for week ending Febru. ary Tih, L000 sane Jeriod last , $755,000 : increase $278,000, 3 sian in. the United States ports of provisions from the United States to foreign countries duri 1905 {the Detroit company comtrol of another | ronto. From the estate of the late T vincinl secretary, as a mark of the | R. Merritt, St. Catharines, the b vince will receive 31,000 by Dr. Horton, of Brockville, and i a --------" reason that Scott's Emulsion | atie critic, Trial. W. Scott, secretary of state, that di request for the release of Willi of Chatham and Ként county. the parties were joint owners, C upon was $3,500. he "court is fixed for damages. fome private property in Copper CHS. The company has made an agreement townshio of Sudbury, but further pro- gress of the line towards Creighton is CHR to concur in the request of the company. The request was refused, as under the preserg law the right to ran over highways is subject to amicable arrangement between the municipalities affected and the .com- panies, A deputation from the Toronto stoarate school hoard, = headed hy Vicar-General McCann, « whited upon on. Dr. Pyne, this morning, in rela- tion 'to the proposed oducation hill, and asked that the interests of Rom. ah Catholics should be considered in the estabhshment of normal schools dred people: took advantage of the | in i province, BR. McLeod, solicitor to the pro- vincial treasury, has received details of the estate of 'T. R. Wood. To- arto. . The estate is valued at $1,300,. wan in receipt, today, of a letter [900 and is practically divided between . the two sone: * The succession duties wil be on a basis of seven and one halt per cent. and thé provincial treasury will receive 200,000. The late rs. 'A. E. Ross, a Canadian lady, who died in England, left an estate aggregating $700,000, mostly in To- pro- ---------------- GIVES LIFE FOR FRIEND. Tragedy at Ontario Ladies' College. Whithy, Ont. Feb. 13.--A sad affair culnitmated in the death at an carly hour, Sanday, of Miss Delila Able, a student of the' Ontario Ladies' (ol. lege, In a successiul attempt to save the life of her roommate, she lost her own. On the evening 'of the annual conversazione, Friday last, in dress- ing her hair, one of the students was using a spirit lamp to heat a pair of curling tongs. Having only one match, which she had already used in lighting the lam p, and the methylated spirits running - an attempt was made to re-fill the receptacle without first putting out the light. Both lamp and matches are prohibited, as the college is illuminated with an all-night cleetris service from the town system. The lamp, blazing up, set fire to. the young lady's hair, and also to the carpet. Miss Able, her roommate, ran to her gid. Whilst she succeeded in extinguishing the fire in her compan- ion's hair, Miss Able's own light silk garment caught fire from the floor, Finding her own clothes were burning, Miss Able ran across the corridor to the room of another student. With the assistance of the latter and of Miss Tesky, the first of the college faculty to arrive on the scene, blank. ets were wrapped around the burning girl. Every possible care and all that the best medical skill could do was im- mediately available for. Miss Able. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Able, Troy, Ont., arrived by the fol- lowing train. Although a strong girl of eighteen, her system was overcome y the shock and she succumbed. L HIGH PRICE FOR SNEEZE. ---- Man Wants $50,000 Damages For Being Sprayed. Chieago, Feb. 13.--~The highest priced sneeze on record has found its way in the Chicago courts: The effort is appraised at $50,000 by the sneezer, G. L, Foley, who has brought suit for damages in that sum agamst 0. H. Davidson, the sneezee. The point for the jury to determine is whether a sneeze is accidental or premeditated. Foley loaned Davidson. a match to light his cigar, and then proceeded to emit a sneeze that sprayed Davidson and extinguished the blazing match. Foley pleaded a "cold in the head." but Davidson thought otherwise, and after considerable ruction Foley was arrested, Davidson preferring a charge of disorderly conduct. He was dis. ch next day for want of prosecu- tion, and the suit for damage against his accuser followed. ------ - il knows fact. nd on the tooth brushes solide Gibwon's Red Cross Drug a oa at Muggins--He tried the st e, but he doing now? Muggins! aad § rilla C, d; Te. Gibson' Cross Drug Store or { ---- Seeking to Compel a Captain to Consent to a Sale--An Action for Damages Has Gone to Toronto, Feb. 13.--T. C. Robinette, K.C, two-day, recived notice from R. Boyd, of Chatham, had been granted. Boyd, in May, 1905, was sentenced to one year in Central prison for con- racy, in a fake foot race at St. Louis, to defrand Ald. Douglas, of Chatham, out of %10,000. A strong petition was signed by leading citizens executors of the J. J. Long estate. and Harry Lindsay, as exeen- tor of the estate of the lite Charles Cameron, Collingwood, and J, K. McLauchland, Kave issued a writ to compel Capt. Peter Campbell, Col- lingwood, to consent to the sale of the steamer City of Windsor to the Northern Navigation company. An apt. Campbell owning one-ninth, The price he action of the 'Onnadian Lake and Navigation company, against the Wilmington and Bridgeport Transport eo lV, Was commenced in the ad- miralty court to-day. Tn August last the steamer Plisnmer, of the former company, was run into bythe Wil mington company's steamer Dorothy. railway committée of the exe cutive council, today, heard the ap plisation of the Sudbury, Copper Clif and Creighton Electric railway, for nermission to rh over part of the public highway and to expropriate with the township of McKim and the blocked by the refusal of Copper You can always as an utter failure. BugginsWhat is e's a dram. 1t cures boils 'aud pimples, Burdock The Very Latest Over The World. South bi cars for Winnipeg. ae local - ¢ rabi censes; ronto. Catharines, Carleton school, sold for 830,000, Menelik, of Abyssinia, and secorided by P. H. Bowyer, bill in the New York legislature, Doctor William Brgoks, director tial Pole. were drowned, Hardie chairman for the coming ses: siof, ete KING LEOPOLD IS ACCUSED. ------ Monarch Has Been Grafting in Congo State. Brussels, Feb. 13.--Prof. Felician Cattier is ot with a pamphlet declar- ing that King Leopold has realized from crown domains in Congo Free State in ten vears $15,000,000 in pro- fits on India rubber alone, which, he asserts, have been @ivértéd to the king's rivate uses, Socialist Leader Van der 'elde will take the matter up on Tues- day in the chamber of deputies. A dispatéh' from London 'quotes the Standard as saying eaitorially : "If §t can be verified that such an income Was drawn while it has been represented that doubtful expedients wer employed in the Congo in order to avoid the carrying on of business al a loss, the conscience of Europe will be stirred to its depths," ------ A NEW REVOLUTION Has Broken Out in Santo Domingo. Cape Haytien, Hayti, Feb. 13.--A messenger who arrived here to-day, from Monte Cristi, in the northern part of the republic of Santo Domin- go, reports that a revolutionary ntovement has broken out at Monte Cristi, Gen. Neny, at the head of a numerous body of troops, has attack- ed and captured the town of Dajabon; on the frontier of Hayti. Neny is a devoted partizan of Gen. Jiminez, for- mer president of Santo Domingo, and it is generally believed that the move- ment is in favor -of Jiminez, and that the object is to prevent the govern- ment from holding the approaching elections. Alleged Doping Denied. Ottawa, Feb. 12--The Central Cana- da Trotting. Association to-day, hand- ed out an official "denial of Driver Kennedy's allegation that W. T. Mas: oh's horse, Conduet, had been doped in the five-mile race, It is alleged the horse is suffering from paralysis and the owner says Kennedy had hard hick during the meet, and this story soothed his feelings. The bookmakers are believed to have shown their books to disprove the statement that $10, 080 was put up on 'the race. Kaiser Worried Over Art Treasures | Birmingham, Eng., Feb. 13.--A dis- patch to the Post from Berlin says that the kaiser is greatly concerned at the extent to which wealthy Americans ato purchasing and exporting German works of art. The kaiser, 'according to the dispatch, wishes the reichstag to adopt measires, dimilar to those in operation in Italy, which will prohi- bit national treasures from being sent abroad. -------- Arrested For Theft. The arrest was wade, to-day, by Police Constable Mullinger, of Thom- a3 Miller, charged with theft. It is al- leged 'that Miller tock a fifty cent watch from a Princess street second hand store and the charge is laid by the proprietor. Miller will have his hdaring before Magistrate Farrell in police court Tuesday morning. ---- in : Given A Start. A Toronto 'man, moved by Principal Gbrdon's appeal, has given $1,000 ae 8 Start to that city's campaign. Mr. Laird hopes these are the first drops of a heavy shower, ---------- They keep fresh for months. The Cross Drag Store, there, for Queen's University ehdowment $0000 have been subscribed. Sald in tin boxes 'pound at Gibagy MWe hav Lydia Pinkham's' Com. 's Rd a Dros Called From All John D ler is qn a crite to The Toronto Railway company is' by-law carried in an abscess remov: from hig to-day. ; The Allan Line Pretorian from Liv- 'érpool, docked at St. John, on the | 12th A' massacre of Jews is reported to have taken place at Kalarashi, Bessa- a, ; The Hamilton city council refused to vote for a reduction of liquor li- Lady Laurier will accompany Sir Wilfrid on his forthcoming visit to To- Rev, R. B. Nevill will be appointed rector of St. Barmabas' church, St. Parents at Toronto Junction are alarmed at an outbreak of itch at The property at the corner of Queen and Bond streets, Toronto, has been The Austrian-Hungarian evra has sent a fully equipped battery of mountain guns as a gift to Emperor It is said the address in reply to the speech froin the throne in the legisla- ture will be moved by Hugh Clark The repeal of the, act of last year which created the state commission of gas and electricity is proposed in a The Interstate commerce commission will investigate the charge of discrim- ination and combination in restraint of trade made against the railroads. Smith's 'oheervatory, Geneva, N.Y. states that his new comet is now within ofic degree of the North Coles. Eddie Schnare, the only som of Ks- rom Schnare, 'and Charlie Kaunack, son of Isaac Kutubeck, of Lunenburg, N.S, left their homes, Sunday after. noon, to skate on Schnare's lake 'and The new labor party 'members of parliament to the number of thirty, who Were nominated under the auspic- es of the labor representation commit- tée, held their first meeting in 4 committes room aud elected J. Keir séidlitz powders from Gibson's Red | OF the half millich dollars wanted F -- Roosevelt Will Do. ernment fis decided to adopt a stron expelled immediately. with Japan. into exile. A HOWE ISLANDER Sheriff. Hammond, Indiana, Tribune. good pl he is going to win the nomination. Howe Island. ---------- DIVISION COURT. Price. until March 20th. Accotint $2 till for R283 Ontario Bank ve. @. W, Ferguson and Wilton Dufi--Note £85.40: ad journed to March 20th. Ontario Bank vs. James H. Hamil 20th. Ontario Bank ys. Wiliam Hart 20th. M. Byrnes--Note £94.66. plaintiff for $04.66 and costs. C. W. Keller va. Smith Elliott--Ac count 2; judgment for nonésuit. Janes Reid ve. BK, Fallon--Account 7 ; judgment for plaintiff for and costs, 20th. J. Robinson vs. B. J, Leubsdorf -- Account $9.38; non-suit, no costs. RR. Co.--~Damages 818; non-suit, costs, no costs; no witness' foes, RE PERSONAL MENTION. -- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. to-day. visitor in the city. A. Hicks, Gananogue, spent yester- day 'and to-day in town. A. Eaton, Brockville, is staying in town for a couple of days. George E. Wemp and A. E. Wemp, Emerald, spent the day in town. J. L. Whiting, K.C., left to-day for a week's stay in Toronto on legal businéss, W. L. Giléhrist, Cape Vincent. NY, arrived in ton yesterday, and is at the Randolph Hotel, ise Jassie McRae has returnad home after a fow wetks" business and plea- sure trip in London and Toronto. The marriage of Miss Gertrude Sni- der, of this city, to P. M. Stover, De seronto, will take place on Wednesday, 14th in D. F. Armstrong, ill with muscular rheumatism for a number of weeks, is gradually improving, but is still un- able to leave his room, ---- Ottawa Will Lose Camp. Ottawa, Feb. 13. --The Rockelifiv training camp may be a thing of the past. It is stated that the government is considering moving the camp to Petawawa, and that Ottawa may no longer be the headqifatters for twelve days in the Year of the couple of thousand soldiers who have come here annually. A ------a Fresh vlasters, belladonna or menth. ol, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Neither the foreign office nor the India office has any knowledge of the British gartison in Thibet being sur rounded by hostile trilses. : Cross Drug * Hamilton's Mandraks and Butternut Pills are sold at Gibson's Re . Hons Store, eo n's Red Cross Will Be Allowed to Live in St. Petersturg Only Six Months in the Yean-- What is Said St. Petersburg, Feb. 13.--1It is re- ported, to-day, that the Russian gov- anti-Jewish policy. - Hereafter al Jews, 'even the richest merchants be- ing included, will he allowed to live in St. Petersburg only six months in ev- efy year. The wives, children and dther members of their families will be The Novoe Vremya, in a bitter arti- cle on America, printed, to-day, says President Roosevelt intends to seize the islands of north-eastern Siberia #nd to hoist the American flag in Rus- #ian waters, taking advantage of the weakness of Russia following the war Eight hundred revolutionists | were Sent to Siberia yesterday. This is the first batch of a gredt group of the most dafgerous insurgents numbering tore than five thousand persons which the government has decided to send ---- Is a Candidate ' For County Lawrence Cox, Hammond's leading police officer, in another column of this 1Ssue, announces his candidacy for the fepublican nomination for county sher- ifi. Mr. Cox has been up and down the Sounty from one end to the other jn- vading the bailwicks of the other can- didates who are opposing him and feels highly gratified at the prospect Before him. He is sare of success at hoth * fhe primaries and contention. dnd being the first man in the field 8 secured: such a grasp on the situ- ation that he feels success is assured him. As chief of police of Hammond, Nr. Cox has naturally come in closer contact with criminals than any other officer in this part of the state, and he has beén unfaltering in his pursuit of criminals, who have invaded this eorner of Indiana. His reputation ab- out the, state, in Chicago, and as a member of the National Police Chiefs' Association, gives Mim precedence in his line, of work, and he has made a (WB ehiof while he has held the office in Hammond. Both he and his friends feel that he 'is entitled to ve- cognition from the republican party for 'his-zealous services if the nrosecu. tion of a diligent and untiring can- vass means anything, Mr. Cox says Mr. Cox is a son 'of John Cox, of] The Cases Heard Before Judge Division 'court opened at 9:30 o'clock this morning, Judge ° Price presiding. The eleven eases handled were finished at one o'clock aid court. adjowrned Walkem & Walkem vs. J. R. Moore 2) 25: judgment for plain- . Witness fees and costs, ton--Note 8160.21; adjourned 10 March Note $198.44; adjourned to March Ontario Bank ve, H. J. Leheup and judgment for J. 8. Robinson vs. A, B. Smythe-- Account $359.07; adjourned to Mprch H.. Boachner vs. Grand Trunk G. JJ. Hutton vs. George McCullough ~--Contract 850; judgment for £10 and Come to Our Embroidery ~ To-morrow Last night we intimated the opening display Embroideriés and Insertions for to-morrow. ' now for us to continue and tell you that all interesting and delightful inspection, assortment justice here. from 3c. to $1.00 Let this be your invitation, then, to indulge yourself iq at is opening, and if your "visit nothing you really desire, we'll appreciate the interest man; least, an inspection of th And come early. We cannot begin tc 0 convey to your d minute beauty of Pieces are here, ; ainty. [ittle designs The cold type fails t mind the full measure of extensive elegance an this new 1906 display. Over four hundred widths running from the very narrow and d suitable for trimming children's wear as edging to the wide flouncing widths. In the lot are about of the new Nainsook Embroideries in novel some extremely pretty and rare' Swiss Embroide these beautiful materials direct from the fountain hea creations (for they compose an importation of our ownd St. Gall, Switzerland), we have m marked most ordina With about thirty *'in-between figures they run Knitted Corset Waists at 25¢. No need to take up your tine on this subject. It's appealed very strongly 20 dozen only, Women's White Woven Cotton Corset Waists, of finest er) ity, properly shaped, high neck and long sleeves, easily washed and de-\ clared by all users to be the most! comfortable and warmest ofall gar ments, a special for to-morrow, after 9.30, ... vseeteriuny shi The Laidlaw. showing of the latest styles includes the shapeliest Corsets made in America or France. They not only improve the figure according to the latest ideas of fashion- they make it graceful and pleasing to the wearer as well as critics. The spring costume or dress should indeed be modeled over , the correct foundation to be smart and dignified. That correct foundation is easily secured. A LAIDLAW CORSET, which has been made particularly for your style of figure, is all that's required. It's among this assortment somewhere Will you let us find it ? FRENCH MODEL CORSETS, all full gored, average figures, others with medium hip, some with- low with medium bust, many being. low under the arms for § made from finest "Alexandria" cloth, which is guaranteed to the least extent so that Corsets will always retain th shape, priced from D. & A. CORSET figures, prices "YATISI" COR NURSING CORSE CHILDREN'S CORSET WAISTS GIRLS' HEALTH WAISTS, prices ' to scores of economical women ago, and 'we think you'll hot be one of the lat €. ones to-morrow, Only 25¢. » most popular prices... . CROMPTON'S CORSETS, special models for slight, medium wi 3, for very stout figures, S, new American models, price prices | A, C. Wilson, Montreal, is in town G. E. White, London, is a business Come! Ah. puck. pi } ------ A ---------- A hd Featherweight An Assortment of Frillings and Veilings Just Received. Ready for To-morrow. lce Creeper It's light, simple, du rable and won't come ofl. Made to fit Men's and Ladies' sizes. . Every Guaranteed FOR SALE BY From Every Di Crowds arc taking adva special ales JLK NECKWEAR--19 ig £1 Ties selliz v ERS 11 doze worth 75c. and 81, fo JERCLOTHING--33 IN worth 81 to $1.7 OVERGODATS--25 to bil disfonnt. on Men's and QUITS--Boys' and Mex duced for this weeks E P. Jenkins Clot We Make a Spe: Fitting Feet If you have diffic fitted with Shoes come Wear "All Military Bootmal 84 Brock St. Sign of ee MUST BE large variety of fi Ey ¥Sheet-lron Stov and Wood Stoves, Cook Ranges. Also a lot of | Carpets, everything cheaper 'S SECOND-HA TURK'S Seeud. ST ee cat sons 2 Storey Stone Dy site Macdonad ays Stone Dwelling \, King Street, four Square. $3 aye the Brick Dwellir hen, all modern improv Kk SW a ---- a Em---------- WANTED. on BSTATR IFT'S BoAL RSURAN on, A MAID FOR GENERAL ply to Miss Ferm kK at Elgin, ¢ lle Mining Co SUNLIGHT SOAP €Ol NTLEMAN TO H) suits pressed and clean hana ; aiso bring your an up-to-date suit way's, 0 \ MEN AND BOYS TO BE dav after completin rat instruction ls. Graduats n .. Positions B¢ Bros. Co. Practical S¢ and Bricklaving, New o ti and St. I« TO-LET. STORE! McCann's Real Brock street. > AND RE ss street ; immediat Steacy. } WILLIAM t vied by ( S088 May 1st Ss & Stearvy's 2 WILLIAM pled by O FAIRVIEW, Victoria s; Fight tehen pa ad 9 pn en FOR SAL WANS," 1f the residence of the Fs with or with

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