Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1906, p. 2

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. ened Hw | Muslin 'Accordeon Peated border. § This is very little soiled. {be here. Ax citizens hui ero read from William Harty, em und others, all securing the desired In opening Chairman Kelly: said. for the trus of the Board of Education it was a pleasure to give an account of their, stews 3 i feel 4 have been criticised adversely in the matter at hand. It bad been said in the press that the grits were the most energetic towards pushing this scheme, Ho could not see that there were any "grits" on the Board of Fducation: there politics were not entered into, He said the normal school at Ottawa was opened thirty-one vears ago and i «Alex, Mackenzie i fthen was they should be established at Ottawa, Kingston and London, Dr, Ryerson frequently said one would we should unite and get a normal school for the city, dustrial boom, D. M. Mclntyre, said it was only right that the board should have done as it had to advance the educational facilities of the city, He had special ways of finding out what the govern: ment intended to do, and be was au thorized to give the inforniation to the electors of Kingston during the recent campaign that a normal school {will be built here, but he chose not to way it, Perhaps it would have paid him if We had done so. Tn 1873 it was romised that Kingston should have a ormal school and the fot was resery- ™ on which is. now Victoria school and the Collegiate Institute, He hoped Kingston would get it now, Moved by Donald Mclntyre, second ed hy Alderman Givens : That this meeting of citizens of Kingston heart. ily endorse the policy of the Whitney administration hich aims to elevate the & ! of ly. In the rural districts and approve as a nieans to- wards that end the proposed 'estab- ment of additional normal schools for the training of teachers and beg leave respectiully to submit for the consid- eration of the government the excep tional advantages offered by this cite as the site for one of said schools both by reason of its being the ae- knowled; educational centre of Eastern Ontario and by reason of its geographical position and accossibil- ity from all parts of the provinee by rail and water, and strongly urge up- on the government the claims of the city in the premises. In seconding the motion, Al. Givens remarked he had no recollection of there ever hejng any politics in the Board of Education. As jt was the in. tention of the Whitney government to vetablish these schools, he thought Kingston should have one. He was glad the premiers policy wax being carried out, especially with regard to the rural schools. He thought Ontario #chools were far from the best system of education, They fell' far behind Ger- Many, parts of the United States and Scotland. The rural schools should be [rombined. Four small schools could be combined into one roper, graded, school with three teachers. When a pupil reaches the fourth grade the break seems such a big one, in Jump- ing to the high school, that he leaves school, A fifth grade should be estab. lished, Our high schools should be so arranged that a pupil should get a good course in his first year without paying any fees. He strongly endorsed the effort to got a normal school, The resolution was adopted. Edw. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., remarked that he' was sorry that politics had tome into the present situation. He did not think that the house would be projudiced because of the recent little political outburst, He acknowledged that the government has been good to Kingston. Kingston was the right place for a normal school. as thers is an atmosphere here that would be of great influence to the teachers. He advised not to go to Toronto as a Kingston delegation only. but to enlist the district, councils, ote., to help with their influence. Kingston iS now the natural centre for Kastern Ontario, He thought the fact that the school of science has berm so success. ful would prove of much help in es tablishing the new school. He moved the following resolution : Moved by Mr. Pense, seconded hy Dr. Ryan, Whereas, Kingston is so A Doctor's Medicine FEwne 2 have, an influence on the teacher's life. he cemtre of university life, which will his opinion, everyone should wink differences in o case like this 10 Principal Gordon echoed what had pn ly said. He understood Hanna had said t - normal school, therefore Kingston must have her in. terests forcibly impressod at once. Mr. Pense was wise in suggesting get- ting the influence of the districts. To his mind the arguments could be en- tered into so that the university and school life could be, somewhat afiliat- ed and the influence very helpful uj the teachers. The students of the normal school would come in contact with the university and would have their outlook broadened, such ax they could have in a school elsewhere. He thought Kingston's claims are so urgent and excellent that there seemed nothing to do but present them to the government, . Inspector Kidd said the scheme re- garding the normal schools had been merely outlined, The intention is ta have six normal schools, to accommo. date 200 cach. The models would be continued until the normals are ready. From the surrounding counties those likely to 'come to Kingston number over 200, 4 Col. E. Taylor remarked that the objent of the meeting had his sympa- thy. Police Magistrate Farrell, as secre. tary of Queen's alumni, would bring the matter to the attention of all dis trict graduates toraid in the (question, The motion carried. Capt. Gaskin thought it of prime importance that a large deputation be sent, to Toronto; "the larger the de- putation the more it looks like some- thing," he said. "If you want a pull with a government, send the men with the pull," he concluded. And let the delegates pay their own way. J. H. Meteatfe dwelt on the claims of Kingston as urgent and ovident. He ive ht there was no- doubt King- ston would get the school, and it was waste of time to talk. J. D. Thompson, speaking relative to each one of the deputation paying their own way, thought it was not for the benefit of a few, but for "the many, therefore, if money can be rais- ed for polivical means it surely can be raised for city benefit, . John Melntyre thought it abundant Iy clear that we would have to make a strong 'case to the government. He urged combined civic and university foree in the matter, Dr. Edwards said the city was not alone interested, but also the county of Frontenac and county of Lennox and Addington. They should co-oper- ate. - Prof. Dyde thought the deputation should proceed from the distriet not alone ax a civic body, Mayor Mowat moved, that Chairinan Kelly, H. W, Richardson, E. Ryan, John Gaskin, and John McIntyre draft the deputation of city and county men to wait wpon the government. J. G. Elliott was of the opinion that if we send mento do our busi- ness we should pay their expenses. H. A. Calvin heartily concurred in what had heen previously said. D. D. Rogers said his interest was always warmly on edueational lines, He said the time would come when a ladies' college would aiso bo here. In the rural districts ) co promised to raise his voice, wherever possible, on behalf of the normal schogl, The committee was approved and authorized to proceed to name the delegation. It was also moved by Dr. Ryan. seconded by Ald. R. F. El liott, and carried, that J. MW. Farrell, Mayor Mowat, and T. J. Rigney and Francis King, be a committee to in- vite the aid of the graduates amd alumni of Queen's, in securing the location of the normal school in King- ston. The following is the deputation to 20 to Toronto : Chairman Kelly, Cap- tain Gaskin, H. W Richardson, Dr. Ryan, John Mcintyre, Principal Gop- don. D. M. Melntyre, J, H. Metcalfe, H. A. Calvin, Dr. Anglin, L. L. Hend- erson, Ald. Rigney, De. Spankie, Jas; Minnes, W, GG. Kidd, Dr. Fdwards, Captain Donnelly, : John Sowards, F, King. Prof. Cappon, Col. Taylor, warden of county of Frontenac, war- den county of Leeds, George Taylor, P., warden of Lennox. ------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. -- Is Ice Being Cut Too Close to the West Street Shore. Kingston, Feb. 14.--(To the Editor): Having noticed with great concern, that some wen appear to be entting ice at the foot of West street, very near the shore, I fool that it is my duty to protest against this, and to draw the attention of the citizens to the fact, through the medium of vour paper. It certainly is a great menace to the public health: and no ice should be allowed to be eut, exeept a good distance out from the shore, where there would be no possibility of the water being polluted by the drainage. Otherwise the citizens need not be surprised if there should be an opide- mic of typhoid or diphtheria.--Yours truly, SANTTAS. According to the hoard of health rule, no ice can be cut' for domestic purposes within 1,200 feet of the shore. --Ed. ----------_-- William Swain, tuner. Orders received at Meluley's Book Store. 'he had lost a fountain: Thoughts of © Priominent People That Mayor Mowat Will Be Re-Elected Next Year. Only standing room could be got at the Grand Opera House after eight o'clock last evewting for the Fay per- formance of things mysterious. he statement of an eastern newspaper that the whole performance is a fraud is not accepted by: P99 cut of ever thousand who witness it. In Mrs, Fay's occult demonstrations, showing the subservience of matter to mind, the ople no doubt wondet why a hand- erchief is wade to dance on' the stage in full view of the audience, while draperies are used to conceal the movements of bells, stringed instra- ments, ete, The "commitice" has not yet 'been put upon' the stage that can fathom the drapery aysteries of Mrs, Fay and Aliba-Hantidroz. 1t would be 100 bad to solve them anyway, be- cause the people would then know too much. The mid-air. Tevitation of "Oris. is" by Jobn T. Fay is more satisfac- torily and mysteriously given than by others who have: presented that fea ture in this city, . EE ---- OS baasass as, | 2 FES SES SOON + # KINGSTON TO GET ONE. > en. # If the Ontario govern. ment fulfils its promises, Kingston will.get a normal school. D. M. McIntyre at a public : umesting, last night, said . ghat the late bye. ion . he learmed the mind of the government on the subject and he was fully authoriz- ed to give the information to the electors then that a normal school would be located in Kingston. He had not so 'stated as he did not regard it as a fit time to deelare the govern- ment's intention while an election was on, as it might have been construed into a bribe. BIFFLE FEFIRTEI IEF IF 49% 5 * > * + 5 - * * * > » + + - hl + » > *> + Mrs. Fay was' remarkably sucebssful in her reading 'of the thoughts of her audience and in Her answers to ques- tions. Not. one miss was made. For instance, blindfolded "and draped on the stage, she enumerated and answer ed not only theiquestions on the minds of two score people but she in- dicated exactly where the persons were sitting. She told "J. 'BW. Walkem that the question he had 'Written and held in his hand . was: "Where was I on the night of February 5th, 1906 9" "You were at a concert," was the re- ply. "It was not in Kingston but in ~Portsmouth," came the rest of the answer, and the local master of the high court admitted its exactness. Ex-Mayor McFarlane was told that , Which 'was rorvect. The pen wad in the theatre; it had been found on Princess street and the finder was in the audience and was advised by Mrs, Fay "to return the pen to its rightful owner, Ald. McCann admitted that Mrs, Fay read his question correctly when she said ho was wondering if some in- vestment he had made in Cuba would turn Sut all right. The reply was that it would, but a year would elapse be- fore anything would 'be realized upon it. Kingston will have a summer ho tel in 1908, and not before, was the way that matter was dealt with by Mrs. Fay. The hotels used in the meantime will be make-shifts. "Who will be mayor of Kingston Dext vear !" was the question which Mrs. Fay- read in the thoughts of an- other. "Who will be mayor next vear "' she repeated. "All 1 can see is that Mr. Mowat will be again may- or." This reply brought forth ap plause, A member of the W hig editorial staff was next to the last to have his troubled thoughts read, "You are wondering if ug tin will get a normal school,' \AI¥s. Fay said, and the correctness of her. reading was acknowledged. "Of course Kingston will get a normal school," she peo. plied. The last prediction of Mrs. Fay was that Whitney would be the next premier of Ontario. 'The performance is excellent in every way. Those assisting the Fays are the Rappo Sisters, Ru sians, whose native dances delightiully done. Phil. Staats, is a first class monologue en- tertainer, and A. 1. Rostow, another Russian, an equilibrist, gives a very fine exhibition. 7 : are -- Should the snow keap up, ice hoat- ing will receive quite a blow. It was the anticipation 'to have races at an early date. EE ---------------------------- "Kingston's; Famous Fur Store" FUR MUFFS And we have them made in almost every conceivable fur. Compare these prices for a large Mut? like the ture Alaska Salle, $1000, for . $12.00 White " hibet. $7 00. for. . 5 Alaska Coon, $10.00, y . 2. Pers'an Paw--a stylish at oan be worn well with any fur sold : SEHR, OW veiineeii. vison 5.00 Compare and write for Catalogue GEORGE MILLS & C0 he Have you found out from whom ail Yours Valentines came ? i# better than no bread. o Blaud's* dyspepsia tablets cure in- digestion, 2c. box, at Best's, ' 'he weat ing proved of nature, In. 1905 Canada produced 667,528 ounces of fine gold. How much of it i in your clothes ? : At kwood rink, to-night, a city league game is scheduled to be played, Ushers vs. Aberdeens, The Wolfe Island C.M.B.A. will held their fourteenth annual assembly in their hall on Wednesday, February 2st, The cabmen aré likely to present an- otker petition to the city council, ask- ing that some of the tariff rates be in- creased, Driver F. A. Weaver, "B" battery, was courtmartialed for striking a bombadier, and was sent to jail for 168 days. - | Hon. Mr. Hanna has not yet decided whether to erect a laundry at the Rockwood asylum to replace the one recently bhurped. Every home should have a hot wat- er bottle. Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store during the February rabber goods sale. ie "A busy morning .in Belleville," is what the Grand Opera House drop curtain, with the vacant street, Febre sents, according to- Staats, of the Fay company. Just think of it! A Gananbque girl converted ! And she wants to pay the amount of duty out of which she flim-flammed the customs. Ring the dinner-bell, please. There will be a meeting of the exe- cutive of the City Hockey League; to night, to fix a new schédule to give the chance for the clubs to play off the postponed games, For pure drugs phone 230, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Prompt deliv- ery there. ' A sweeper went over the street rail- way tracks all night to clear the light, drifting snow, of which a little over an inch fell. At three o'clock this morning there was rain and slect. Then it grew colder. The Freemgn asks Mayor Mowat. to :* conditions of this morn- Yet another fanciful turn of the much-talked-of increase to the Kingston police. The mayor is ready at any time to explain. Through his efforts, the increase was, last Monday, passed by the police commissioners, PLACED IN PERIL In Going to the Rescue of Drowning Batterymen. The batteryman who was rescued on the evening of June 7th, last, when two of his comrades were drowned in the harbor opposite the malt house, was Driver McNichel. On the request of Deputy Warden O'Leary, of the pen- itentiary, - the. city council will = re- commend J. Russell Forster, who saved McNichel, to the Royal Humane Society for recognition, It seems that when the three batterymen wero cap- sized, Mr. Forster and his wife were near at hand in a twelve-foot boat bf canoe model, In approaching the men; Forster put his wife and himself in peril, by the risk of their little boat being capsized, but succeeded in get- ting McNichel ashore by the latter gripping the bow of the little craft. Twice MeNichel lost his hold, but was pulled back, and finally "landed, ox. hausted. Only for Mr. prompt action the Would have been drowned. -------------- See Ben Greec To-Night. With the richest of lutely correct, the Elizabethan mirable quality of the acting of his company, which numbers some forty 'ompetent artists, Ben Greet has reated an impression that has been fncualied by any other producer of Forster's costumes' abso- with the stage set in Shakespeare "in this ec untry. Speak ing of it, the Rev. Talbot Smith, 4 well-known magazine writer "in the United States, said : "The effect upon the audience undoubted. They sat istening to the tale, fascinated, The imagination busy. The oficet on the actors immeasurable. Every man or woman had to stand on. his There wore no lights was like children was tor s attention, no the wandering eve, and thereby dis tract the mind, As a matter of fact as the awlience watched the members of Ben Greet's company. They are as shapely and graceful a group of act- ors as ever trod the stage, with good voices, fine gestures, poses, ments." See them to-night at Grant hall in "Macheth."" ------ Cooke's Church Concert. A most enjoyable concert was held room, under thé auspices af the choir. The following ladies and gentlemen peared in the programme : Messrs, Salisbury, Smith, Gage, Stanton, Nel son, Somerville, Newman and Lem. mon, Mrs. A. D. Nelson, Misses Walk- er, Raseveer, Purdy, Bureau, Pear- don, 'M. Pugh, L. Pugh, E. Reid, and Master Ray Marchand, whose singing was beautifully sweet and clear. The decorations were well arranged by Jobn Orr, ------ Attend The Meeting. It is to be hoped that a Farge num of the mavor and attend the public meeting this evening. There two im viz., the new hotel project and the old boys' re-union. Both concern the | city very closely, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege, of every pub- lic spirited citizen to take part in the | meeting. Let us, then, be up and do- | ing. ---- For The Farmers' Benefit. Adjutant Alfred Jennings, of the Salvation immigration department for | Eastern Ontario, has placed in the 'hig office some application forms that can be secured by farmers whe are in need of farm help. The Salva tion Army is bringing to this comntry thousands of emigrants of good elas who can be procured i ice dealers think that half a loaf rise up and explain what has become | third batteryman | : i fashion, and the ad- | charmed, even | was | own merits, | to illumine or | conceal, no music to beguile the audi- | seenery to catch no individual actor was ever watched | move- | last evehing in Cooke's church school | ber of citizens will "respond to the eall | portant civic matters will be discussed, | TAINS of food, | dyspeptic it's the { lieves the stomach | work it has to do. { nausea, indigestion, ineFurg We Pay Cash for All Kinds of con A YEAR IN CENTRAL FOR KEEPING DISORDERLY It Was a Sore Spot Morally and. a Menace to the Community A Lad to Be Thrashed for: Thievery. The scoop net of the law took a wide range during the past twénty- four hours to produce' the several cas es at the police court this morning. RAW During last. night the police had FURS rounded up many a foul bird out ot a cage of ill-repute. Elgin Hogle,' the keeper of this house, on upper brogk | 0 street, and his several Jnegils occu- ®s s nie. the attention of the magistrate . : 78-80 Brock Street tor some time. The covidence pointed to | the fact that Hogle's house was bad L : Kingston's Only Exc) Fur Store, to the core and that midnight procecd-, ings there, on Tuesday, were disgrace- , summing up, Magistrate Far- ELLEDA M. PERLEY, A 1) SOPRANO SOLOIST ~ gp ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH rell said to the prisoner :.* "I haven't a doubt' - you are the Keeper of the house complained. of, fre- quented day and night, at all hours, by men and women. It has gained the character of what it is. Your house is Has just returned from Bost taking special course on" breath for artistic singing and nower through resonance ed to receive gagements. usive not only a sore spot, morally, but has been a to 'the neighborhood. This has been all brought abot by your inordinate desire for liquor. | I sentence you to one year in 'Central prison." James Crozier, also came under the hammer of the law. He said he was merely the. housekeeper. and did not associate with the crowd at the house, Nevertheless evidence pointed to the fact that he was quite as big a toad in the puddle as any of the quartette, His share was 810 and Qosts or one month, 5 William Bird was also included in this disgraceful carousal, and was fin- od OSs or o---months in jail Agnes Kelly, the woman in the case, Opposite Grand tral Station Now York ° was remanded until February 16th. Toand BAGGAGE}: Thomas Miller pleaded guilty to the : ----ee charge of stealing a cheap watch from Cook's Cotton Root Compound, a Princess street second-hand dealer. The only sate effectual monthly LF: Nickle ; v : n medicine on whic! Women can w. F. Nickle appeared for the prisoner, depend. Sold in two degree ed I'he magistrate aischarged the way- streneth--No. 1, for ordinary ward youth, as it was understood he Se 31 Nar bo | No. 310 de. was to receive a thrashing. Rr Eor Sold By on Herbert Courtney charged Robert ruggiats. Ask for Cook's Cob Jamieson, a batteryman, with abusive ton t Compound; take no language. After several witnesses had n after Contre] development of and is' prepay. pupils: and Concert En. Address, 193 Brock Street Grand Union Hote) Rooms om $1.00 Per Day Up substitute. he Cook Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontarig, heen examined and told of the episode ------ which occurred on Sunday night, the Bi E hibi . case was adjourned till Thursday g XN1 ition morning, : § { Sydenham Carnival; 3 o | Quite-a good time was enjoyed at the Sydenham carnival on February Sth. "Major" Blaksley had the ico in excellent shape, on his Imperial rink, and spared no effort to give every- body a good time. A good number turned out in fancy costumes and. min. SPRING STYLES! Now on Exhibition. Wintry ideas are making way for the latest out for Spring. All gled with the numerous skaters. Good prizes had been offered and were won as follows: Ladies, first, rant; second, Gertrude ET third, Miss Fthel Moore, Girls, Aleen Tovell. Boys, first, Chris. Astley: sec ond, Harry Leitch; third, Wallace Spafford. In the boys' race, Gi. Joyner won, The judges were Rev, Mr. Astley and Moses Spafford. This carnival is { but the beginning and another on n Beatrice + departments combine to make a | much larger weale will occur towards, : o the end of the month sight that is well worth seeing. sain Our Dress Goods Department Miles Parrott, Queen s rt, removed | to the General Hospital, last | sinking rapidly. leads the van, with all the newest colorings and weaves that dame fashion demands. In White Goods, we certainly have a brilliant display, mercerized goods so much in demand last year, bid fair to become even more popular this year latest: bulletins from New York, contain nothing but White, White, White, for this season. If you want to be strict- ly in line with the latest you will do well to see our range Our usual low prices pr o48 ° White - Silk : oo. Waists We have some very Dainty White Silk Waists, regular $4.75, week, is Ee ------ 1 DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. | How Any Meal Can Be Thorough- | ly Enjoyed By Amy Stomach. Men, as a rule, are hrst discovered | by their enemies. 'I heir antagonists | turn on the searchlight, and the proof { of merit will lie in being able to stand | the Hash. | It was only in this way that Mr. | White ever knew that dyspepsia was {ono of Mr. Black's worst enemies. Sit- | ting face to face at a two-by-four { table, he banded his afflicted friend | the bill of fare : | Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Olivos. Boston Clam Chowder, Strained Gumbo, Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms. Roast Beef Hash. Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut Lobster a la Newburg. Baked Pork and Beans. Combination Crab Salad. Hot Mince Pie. Pineapple Fritters. very { Me. White ordered a "little of each," | that we are selling at { Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered: erackers {und a glass of milk, "I had such a $3.95 | big bremkiast this morning,' he said, : | "that I'll just take a bite to keep | good quality, made in latest you company." But Me White: could style and size, 34 to 42. See {not be deceived; "I am afraid YOu | them. cant' stand the gleam, Mr. Black. Why don't you say you have dyspepsia and {be done with it? You'll always have | that hungry look anyhow 'as long us you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My stomach was in just as bad condition | @8 yours al one time. But now I can eat anything, at any time. For in- | stance, this clam chowder or sirloin | steak or even the lobster would be just as welcome to my stomach as' your | crackers and milk. You don't realize | how this dyspepsia business is rob- | bing you of your spirit, of your ener- | &v and ability to think quickly. | NEWMAN & SHAW 9000000004 4 CUT THIS OUT COUPON 14 The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. | can't help notice it. You haven't the | cheer and sociability you had thre months ago. Now I'll ell vou what to Jo," and thereat the White took a vial from his extracted wee tablet, | a tablet that one grain of chotrful My. pocket, and "There, shore, is contains an ner nt, which dioeg:% 3,000 For even the worst only thine that The reason is it re- of nearly all the digests everything stomach' and stimulates the really gives relief. in the gastric juice. T can't got along without them. They are Stuart's Dye mepsia Tablets, You can get them any. w hero on earth for 500, a nackaere, es, it is true, Stuart's Dysnepsia $ n Tablets absolutely stop heartburn, ©" dvenepsia of the Tr V iT worst type. sour stomach bloaty fool. TRY ila ing aud all -eructations and irritation and freshen and invigorate the stom ach. Thev cheer vou up. and make vou oot all the sood these je in vonr food You will forget You ever had a stom ach to worry you, ! --_-- WE "ip THE BEST NA! : BOTTLED ATTHE SE Sole Exporters: THE LLI¥G FRAVE : LOCAL NCH TIME ° "In a Jan. 2nd, 19( pd will leave and arrive SOIN G WEST IN £ * ig ives City 12.45 a.m. No. § Mail .. 2g . Box v.18 a.m. | . 1 L.td12.16 noon . } ern? ow 3.19 pm. "18 os 348 poi ING EAS so lve City w 1.48 a.m. go ow xp. 2.26 8.m. « 16 Local «ce 8.16 a.m, 6 Mail ... ...12.16 noon 1 " « 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 pa. « 19 Local ... ... 7.03 p. . Nos.1,3.8, and 4 TUR y @run_ daily except onday. 4 daily 'except Bunday, ' ani FOS ata, London, AZO, 'Bay City, Saginaw, Fs * "Quebec, Portland, rd Boston and New York aloes Kemet formation, ud & ARLEY, Agent, or. snd Ontario streets. Kingston, J PSC LT LAL RAILWAY $PE on sale Feb. 15 ito Apri Seat le,' Porland 43.805 tish ¢ $ ht pointe | FROM KINGSTO Poles: particulars at K. & P. F, CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLG Gen. Pass, Agent New short line for Tweed Dessronto, and all local pois DONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry. } i-------------------------- ALLAN LINE Rove From St. John Fro Pretoriar, Sat., Feb. 17. Mor > i 3 Mar. 3. M A a Me i Tag Sardinian Thur HALIFAX TO LONDON AN] -- +. INCONNECTION WT Scoong-class ope-way tick Vaucou) $46.30 =x Proportionately low rates R. Ticket Office, Ontario Stre --m # Bay of Quinte R: v Mave City Hall Depot at ' T0 LIVERPOOI Numidian, Sat., Feb. 24. Mo: BOSTON TO GLASG Pomeranian . Sat For Rates of Passage, appl Lor By J ANLEY, Agent G Ry. J. P. GILDERSLEEV Canadian Pacific Ry. ARCHITECTS. a WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHI fice, second floor over Mal store, corner Princess _# streets. Entrance on B Telephone, 608. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHI fice site of New Drill Hal ner of Queen and Montrea POWER & SON, ARCHITE chant's Bauk Building, © and Wellington streets. HENRY P. SMITH, Al ete. Anchor Building, Ma "Phone, 345. -------------------- MONEY AND BUSIN LIVERPOOL. LONDON AN Fire Insurance Company assets $61,187,215. In which the policy holds security the unlimited lia the stockholders. Farm a perty insured at lowe rates. Before renewing ol new business get rates Ir & Strange, Agents. JR POLICIES COVER building and contents tha company offers. Examine Godwin's Insurance Empo et Square. EE -------- MEDICALS. § rrr DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE occupied by Dr. Ryan, treal and Brock streets. ---------------------- DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, 1} Surgeon, etd. Late Re Surgeon, Kingston Gene Office---232 King street, ¢ of Montreal, "Phone, 43 Busnscsesssesscs ENTER A For a Lusiness, Sho Civil Service Course: Kingsten Business Limited Head of Queen 8 Kingston «.. Spacious apartments, equipment, excellent graduates in demand. individual instruction betent and experienced every department. Open out the whole year. free J.B. McKAY, B.F. M President. ----auAAa C. H POW . CARPENTER AND 103 Raglan J eas BRT STEER ECT EEE

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