OF LYDIA E, r v the Vegetable Compoyng wv the "Panic of 3 Causeq Public Sale in Drug Stores >| their mother, combined for. 1 | the family fortune, They Sd th te -| medicine which was go good forthe : wan fiends and neighbors was * Si + good € women of the w hole world: ad no money it laborates, and gross of bottles, nN came th estion of selling it, for alwa hi given it away freely. yore they had rinter to run off some pamphlets Wi Roath the merits of the medic Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vege pow Compound, and these were Pr > the Pinkham sons ip Poted ew York, and Brooklyn, -, The wonderful curative 1, i the medicine were, to a gid 3 self-advertising, for whoever used py , commended it to others, and the d gradually increased, on In 1877, by combined effort, ii, s the fami ad saved enough money to le Sau newspaper advertising and from that time the growth and success of the ente; A rise were assured, until to-day LydiaE inkham and her Vegetable Compound have become household words Po where, and many tons of 1008 and hey are used annually in its manufacture, Lydia E. Pinkham herself dig i to see the great success of this ey Ie passed to her reward Wi ) " years ago, by till she had provided ee Ty bint ing her work as effecti have done it herselt." vely as she. could During her long and eventful i ence she was ever 'methodical fi work and she was always careful to re- serve a record of every case that came to her attention. The "case of every sick woman who applied to her for advice-- and there were thousands-- received careful study and the details, includi; symptoms, treatment and results i recorded for future reference, and to-day these records, together with hundreds of thousands made gince, are available to sick women the world over, and -repre- sent a vast collaboration of information regarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in any library in the world, With Lydia E. Pinkham worke daughter-in-law, the present Nyrkad le ham. She was carefully instructed in all her hard-won knowledge, and for years she assisted her in her vast corres- pondencey _ To her hands naturally fell the dires tion of the work NE its originator passed away. For nearly twenty-five years she has continued it, and nothing in the work shows when the first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped her pen, and. the present Mrs, Pb, now the mother of a large family," took it up. = With woman asistants, some as capable as her- self, the present Mrs. Pinkham continues this great work, and probably from the office of no other person have so man women been advised how .to regain health. Sick women, this advice is "Yours for Health" freely given if you only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound : made from simple roots and herbs; the one great medicine for women's ailments, and the fitting monument to the noble woman whose name it bears. WR wh, uh wh BIBBY'S .n need not forever agant man. ill see our clothes on Bank- 3usiness Men--men who money in a business-like /alue of good clothes ; you listinguish those we clothe yher-priced tailors. buys here; more clothes iditure or as many clothes ng Suits 'orrect in every detail, 3,15,16.50, 18 ur Window Display of 06. BIBBY CO. 80 and 82 Princess St. Gln, di BAN MINISTER 2 U.S. Recommends _Pe-ru-na. T0 THE senor Quesada, Ciba Senor Quesads, Cuban Minister to the United States, is an orator born. In sn article in The Outlook for July, 1899, by George Kennan, who heard Quesada speak at the Esteban Theater, Mantanzas, Cuba, he said: "I have seen many sudiences under the spell of eloquent speech and in the grip of strong emotional excitement; but I have rarely witnessed such a scene as at the close of Quesada's eulogy upon the.dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to The Peruna Medicine Com- pany, written from Washington, D. C., Senor Quesada says: wPeruna I can recommend as a very good medi=- cine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh. V===(onzalo De Quesada. * Congressma J.H. Bankhead, of Ala-} pama, one of the most influential mem- bersof the House of Representatives, in letter written from Washington, D.C, gives his endorsement to the great ca- tarrh remedy, Peruna, in the following words: «Your Peruna is one of the best medicines | ever tried, and no family should be without your remarkable remedy. As a tonic and catarrh cure | know of nothing better."===J. H. Bankhead. There is but a single medicine which is a radical specific for catarrh. It is Peruna, which has stood a half century" test and cured thousands of cases. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving a full statément of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, All correspondence strictly confidential. N POSTMASTERS MEET. - When to Take Zutoo The best time to take Zu- too Tablets is when you first suspect you arc going tohave a headache. In this way you will ward it off =nip it in the bud. The next best time to take Zutoo is when you have a headache. Thetab- Conditions of District Mailmen, Digcussed at Meeting. A number of the district postmasters arrived in the city, to-day, to attend a meting dalled for' this afternoon, in the. Iroguois hotel; by Ira Stratton, Stonewall, Man., sceretary of - the Manitoba and North-West Postmast Association, and editor of the of ficial organ, the Postal Current. The meeting was the outcome of a joint meeting of the executive committee of London, Toronto and Western Postal Association held in Toronto, January 12th, when it that the time had lewhen a memorial be ared 'to set forth the conditions, ors' was decided arry lets will cure it in twenty v. of the postoffice work. Hon. A minutes and do it every A\vlesworth would confer with the time, deputation and present the memorial 'ot, after : , at Ottawa, to be discussed. The depu ye! after all, you peed tation will go to Ottawa, early in not have suffered those March and the district "mail sorters' twenty minutes if the tab- were called together to give their opin wR en Jif defended. All the leading hotelkeep BEST CIVIC 'ASSET . , way is being gathered at Cape Vin ' And Permission Will Be Asked to cent, N.Y. 5 News Brought to Edmonton-- 'Extend it--Fashionable Wed- Horschide and porpoise razor stops, Corporal of Mounted Police ding--Leading Hotelkeepers | M&W ons ai Gibson's Red Cross Drug From Herschell Island Pre- : pe Stére. . : dicts a Terrible Mortality.' Up For Illegal Selling. Jeil Governor Corbett's valentine, y- Ottawa, Feb. 14. --Ottawa will apply at the forthcoming session of the On: | m tario legislature for authority to spend £100,000 in extending the Water works system. It is the best paying civic. asset, and the city' is hampered by lack "of power to extend. The first disagreement between city corporation and the Grand Trunk railway system has arisen in connec- | police court, to-morfow afternoon, as tion with the operation of the com- | th pany's line near the city waterworks property. The ° railway line running around the flats to Booth's Mills, goes over certain property which the com- pany claims belongs to it, while the city says it..is the real owner, and the | W railway is there only by consent. The | fo company's engineer requests the city to remove certain encroachments; mostly waterworks sheds, and the city tl soli¢itor, by 'way of reply, advises that failing to comply with conditions of the agreement, the company should be ordered forthwith to remove jts tracks. The city engineer will endeavor to straighten out matters. A fashionable "wedding took place. to-day, when Miss Isabel Frances Ged des," daughter of C. G. Geddes, Pinch- er: Creek, NW.T., and granddaughter of Sheriff Sweetland, became the bride of James 1.. PP. Maclaren, son of Hon. Senator Peter Maclaren of Perth, Miss Caroline Maclaren was maid of honor, and the Misses Irene Bate, Ruth Sherwood, and Edith Geddes were the bridesmaids. Frederick Hall of Perth, supported--the--groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J, M, Snow: den in St. George's church. Sixteen hotelkeapers are on the car pet, before Magistrate O'Keefe, for il legal selling, as a result of the work of two informers, said to be in the employ of the Ontario government. The cases will take two or three davs ers are in the hunch. BOOTH'S GRANDDAUGHTERS. Girls Trained Up to Work in the |! h Army. | Theatre in Berlin. The auvpointment is | marriage for the country at large for Two of General Booth's grand 8 Fare bi special _tavor the Hmperor women more thanjtwenty vears of age daughters, Mary and Miriam Bram: | pe stage after a' long and glorious | is nearly SO per tent. She concludes well Bodth, have just made their de- [carder in 1894, that, under twenty-five, college women but as religious leadérs, and with Such | =m rarely marry, and but a small por sucerss that they have added testi At Cape Viacent, N.Y., a petition | ion of them have married Another mony to the fact that the faniily of | has been circulated for the purpose of | vostigator, Miss Abbott, "showed the leader of the Salvation Army is | getting the state to buy the Maynard | (hat of $956 graduates of sixteen col not altogether a remarkable These girls, whose ages are and seventeen, have for long {the Salavation Army's work ing Sunday Cry in public but it was they were called upen to take ad- vantage of two great meelings in the | theatre at Crydon, i They had never undertaken such al task before, but the result of their | labors was that fifty-three people were | brought to the penitents' bench. i The girls are as unlike in appear- one. eighteen | © helped in | by hold- |! school," selling the War | houses, and the like ; | ance and method as could possibly be. | Mary is very quiet, self-restrained, and-| shy, though entirely unafraid. She | speaks French and German and has | not hesitated to make public speeches | in both languages when occasion de- | manded. She ic also a violin plaver far above the average, while as a | sculptor she might go far indeed did devote all her talents to that branch of art. On the other hand, Mary's youncer sister, Miriam, knows no shyness. She was described by an enthusiastic offic she lets had been taken at just ions on their work amd needed ur us being full of : hloed ld Bre: H the rig ime. changes. As soon as the girls have completed | oh hme: Talking with one non-acconnting their education they will leave their | 10¢; and 25c. at dealers or by mai postmaster of a district office, who | hone and become "cadets." As such | "Roburson& Co. yn handles a daily mail, it was learned | they will meet with exactly the same | . hoa that $25 per annum is the remunera- | treatment as any new recrat., They tion. * This salary is a mere farce," | will have to scrub, work and nurse in declared the man of "letters," "why it | the slums, and enter public houses in = S11 X EE Ter -- | does not pay one for the responsibil the lowest quarters. . STOCK MARBETS jty. besides we are called upon at all ht to deliver hours of the day and sci i am. Provided by J. Stinson, 16 Market | (hi. contents of the pos Arconnting aul oA ting Chewing G | ¥quare. postmasters receive a larger sum than A Kansas man aoing missionary this, | their salary depending on the | ork in Thibet, Asia, has taught som Atch business 'they. do. A District Post- | of the pupils the great American habit i Ohi xa masteks' Adsocigtion will: likely be | of chewing gum, even though he has B It Trait formed. not converted any to Christianity yet. Be 1 --- "The other evening," he writes, "five a Well Made. 3 of my school hoys visited my home, Lou Nushvil George Howlett of Beacon's Bot | ang [ thought 1 would give them some Bt i toms, Knoland, yecently published the | oym, as they had never heard of such New ¥ ork following handsome testimonial "in a | 3 thing, so I gave them a piece Pe local. newspaper: "1 beg to say that | syound and told them to chew it a Rock William Stevens, of Town End, Rad- long time. They chewed and chewed, | ut P 183% nage, measured me for a smt ofl and would stick out their tonoues to Su 145% clothes, which was made by his som, | ghow me that they still had some Jnion Lam oid 131} | Vernon, then a lad. I have worn the | hoy would remove the gum from United = Steet. pid ron} gate on Sunday: and other times for | poi mouths, look at it, and ask if it : S forty-seven vears, and they are good would last an hoiir, 1 told them it WHEAT now, and not a stitch has given way might last a week, and vou ought to! M 85 85% ; ESE NE Bums 4 have see how their eves stuck out. 13 CORN. |31 Grapes are squeezed jn BS n wonder if there was a boy or girl in ¥ 43% 43) m ag chunpagne, yiedyig Wi " lall America, who didn't know what J 431 ' different qualities. gum was ?" -- "The Perfect Food" A perfect breakfast 1s 1m- . . . 9 possible without it and it's just as good three times a day. It gives vou real nourishment and renewed vitality. For Malta-Vita is rich in nutrition--every itive clement of the best white wheat and finest barley alt extinct The malt extract, mixed with the flaked at, converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt. it, makes it easy for even the weakest stomach to digest ds a pleasing taste which capnot be found in grain toods sweetened with sugas, glucgse or, syrups. Try J 'Little Carl Telgmann. Just five years ago to-day, O. F Telgmann received a telegram con gratulating him on receiving so beau tiful a valentine--the birth of a son the little Carl Edward, who passed away in the Hotel Dieu on Saturday, February 10th. The little lad was the brightest, not only of his home, where parents and sisters idolized him, but of the neighborhood, where his home His bright "Hello," and his sturdy manliness, and laughing face endeared him to many, who would stop and have a word with him, and hear his childish remarks about his He was.a great friend of Arch- and was a frequent was. plav. bishop Gauthier, grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Telgmann and thy of many friends who niourn little Carl. Cured By Fright. An old woman in Germany has been houses, and so [rightened the old paralytic that she leaped from her hed. There has beerf no relapse, and Malta-Vita with cream or fruit. All grocers, now I10C. case of cure by tempest, _ THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14 ian Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Best's to-day, was games having been postponed. the annual ball given by the staff of the | Rockwood' hospital, to-night. snow, to-day, brought out railway sweeper to clear the tracks morning, his sleigh getting into the pany (W. H, Godwin, agent), has set street, on Sunday night. "The award is 500, | farm only the other day that | ready there | a notable instance to which, the atten | Mr and welcome visitor about the palace the little sisters have the deep sympa- | personally | bedridden on account of paralysis for ten years until last August, when a | tempest in her neighborhood shook the here may. be set down perhaps as the only | on to cure a cough INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, CREWS STARVING UNITED STATES WHALERS IN PRECARIOUS CONDITION. Reporters on Their Rounds. Witch hazel cream, 15c. a bottle, at = . . % i lee for the New York Central rail- Edmonton, Alta), Feb, 4.--Frozen up in the Arctic several thou- sand miles from civilization, with scurvy breaking out among the crews, ten American whaling ships are in a bad plight around = Herschel Island. Corp. Munro, of the Royal North West Mounted Police, has just arrived here from that far-off police post, hav- ing left there last July. Four ships had spentvthe-winter at Point Barrow, on Herschell Island. They were the Rowhead, Karluk, Her- man, and Bonanza. Eight other ships arrived last summer and announced their intention of getting out during the fall, but only two of them man aged to reach the Pacific. The. others are frozen in, and he believes that a large percentage of the crews will lose their lives from starvation and scurvy. The summer season la those waters gives the whalers only about six weeks to work, and nearly every winter som ships are obliged to stay at Hepschell Island on account of their tardiness In 1897 sixteen ships wintered there, and seventy-five. per cent. of the crews died, either of starvation or of scurvy. the quartette from this orning's, police court. There will be no City League hockey tonight, the one scheduled, Dea, A number from the city will attend The court of revision will meet in the he council room is under repair, The drifting and blowing of the the street Sherifi Dawson had a cold bath this ater at a crack when om Wolfe Island. The British American Assurance com crossing ed the loss of Eli Coon: Division THEY PROMOTE CELIBACY. Women's College Statistics Go to Proye It. It would be too sweeping an asser- tion to state that are institutions for the promotion of celibacy, and yet an examination of the percentage of marriages among college-bred women would lend color tothe statement. Dr. John Dewey foumd that 23 per cent. of the gradu | ates of women's colleges marry; 21 per cent. go into the professions; 28 per cent. of co-education girls marry, and 12 per cent. go into He makes 26 per cent, of the gradu women's colleges ates of twelve American college marry, TSR *aatsasntenss messsls PM #t an average age of twenty-seven. | The Newest Thing in Verona Cloth I'he marriages took place six years af Rug, only conn snares $8.00 ter graduation. He found 74 per cent HERR LUDWIG BARNAY NT a as towne, 4511 for Fancy Moquette or Wilton Ru . single. Miss Shinn concludes, after an Couches. onl $10 I'he distinguished German actor and : ¢ S05 : i | ouc A Yen Sennennensnne a yamager, formerly of the Berlin Theatre, | cXamination of 1,505 cases, that only as been apnointed director of the Royal | 28 per cent. wharried. The rate of on the lighthouse road for a :amping place for the state militia. It is to be hoped that by the Ben ireet performances, to-day, £100 will be raisec wherewith to pumhase pic tures Queen's University. Al are fifty-four copies of masterpieces" there, 'and more will be added shortly. . A good thing to keep out the cold winds, chamois vestg, and chest pro- loges, 23 per cent. were married. It would appear that the rate of mar- riages of college women is decreasing and that the age at which marriage : occurs is becoming steadily later, for TAKING THE OATH. Procedure is Now "On. London, Feb. 14M8hortly after the This Going tectors. - Buy them at Gibson's Red 3 \ v osx Drus. Stop assembling of the Howse of Commons, Cross Drug Store. 1 k ker lect, James W Lovers of automobile touring will | © day, the speaker elect, Jame 4 find in March: Soribnes i article by Lowther, accompanied by a majority Norman ideal | of the members, proceeded to the Henry M.P| on an tour of 1,300 miles, through five coun tries, and across five Alpine passes, accompanied by striking pictures made from photographs. Mary R. 8. An drews, whose stories of "Bob" in the woods of Canada are soon to appear House of Lords, where the speaker's lection was confirmed by royal com mand. On his return the speaker re minded the House of Commions that the first thing to be done was to sub ihe to the oath required by law, standing upon the upper step of in book for: intrihutes a tale of and ! 1 1 hidden treasure entitled, "The Lost] the chair, he himself, took the oath Caravel." ' of allegiance to the king, Sir Henry There are some details in which | Campbell Bannerman, the premier, and "the old country" still leads the | th® other cabinet ministers took the world. The British postal service is |Sam® oath, and the swearing in of the rank and file began on of Americans has lately been for cibly directed by an official report Wilcox, postmaster for New York returned from a trio to Europe, tells that of alt the services inspected the British postoffice is by a long way the Barcelona, Feb. 14 best trienne has just been murdered here "Have you a hot water bottle," is a|v one of her sweethearts. She be question often asked by a phy and obtained an en HE KILLS EQUESTRIENNE. Former Swéétheart Stabs Her and Escapes. A former eques sician, a dancer ¥ r came when he calls on his patient. The £1.75 | ;agement at the A leazar, where she ones are-81 40, at Gibson's Red Cross peared as Rosita del Oro. While re Drug Store during the February rub- | turning home she met her sweetheart, goods sale, she had separated, and to be received back into from whom who desired St. Mary's Bamaar. favor. She refused his request, where- The sale has been steadily proceed- | upon the man stabbed her several ing and the Children of Mary are | times. She was conveyed to a hos winning praises for the neatness and | pital, where she died. The murderer good effect of the hooths and the real | escaped. merit of the articles offered. Last ov ee ening the hall was again crowded for Three Burned To Death. the illustrated views, but at the last Fort Scott, Han., Feb. 14.-A St moment, disappointment came as to | [nis and San Francisco passenger the operation of the light, and an im promptu programme had to be tuted Father Kehoe made apology, and the newly elected local | gor member followed with an address upon the new feeling of conrtesy and friend: | Gogrge Woods ship expressed in inter-church confe ly hurt, and train, north bound, was wrecked at Columbus, Kan., to-day. Harry Round a feeling | (poe. Fort Scott, the express messen , one passenger and a newsboy, names unknown, were burned to death the engineer, was bad W. F. Runyan, fireman, sitbheti ences, upon the proud place King- | custained a broken leg The entire ston's cathedral take in Ontario, by | passenger train, except the sleeper, comparison, and pon the mission | was burned. work of women in parish, domestic and foreign field Ihe voluntper eon St. George's Hockey. cert that followed gave, undoubted Their defeat by one point at Port pleasure, for the applause was hearty Hope, Inst night, by no means puts and recalls general St. George's out of the chance of win This afternoon the children of the convent school attended the bazaar in a body. ning the championship, but in a measure strengthens their chance, The return game will be more keenly con on Friday night, and with good jee St. George's stand the bet- ter chance of being the victors. Last night was their first match, this year, off their own rink, thus Port Hope, in a measure; has an advantage. The Saints will hdve a practice to-night. ---------- Calgary Doctor Arrested. Calgary, Feb. 11.-Dr. E. Aull, a well-known Calgar.. physician, was ar- | rested by the mounted police and | taken to Claresholn, charged with responsibility for a criminal operation on a young woman of that town. tested, Concert To-Night. Mr. Galliher's Illness. &{. Mary's choir, Miss Lillian Lyons; Winnipeg, Fel, 11. The condition of | Messrs. Charles Harvey, W. G. Bailey, |W. A. Galliher, M.I'., is causing his | N, E, O'Connor, John Cousins, E. friends the g «t anxiety. He is | Boroard will take' part in the. concert lving at the home of his cousin, Mr. | at St. Mary's bazaar, city hall, this Glen, where he has been since becom- | evening, General admission 25¢. Ling ill about ten days ago. . -- In Militia Orders, A. Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Lith Regitnent, Princess of Wales Ttehing, blind, bleeding, protruding, J piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, Ble. Own Rifles--To bé lieutenant, Lieut, John 8. Turner, from the 24th Kent Regiment. To be provisional lieuten- ant, James Arthur Wartman Craig. W. K. McNaught has consented to allow his name to go to the North You might just as well drink water Toronto conservative convention. as take many of the "so-called" The only one yon can really depend cough cures, said a customer, who v : is Gibson's Red . swears by Gibson's Red Cross Cough Parlor Furniture and Couches the professions. | @ ALSO- Three Parlor Setts Parcel 'an im in most homes. You may have to figure close- ly in these matters, "A! © | little extra on a'barred | | of flour may look big to you. » pets © But there is a differ- 'ence between Tons : 'money wisely and s| in it foolishly, RE metimes it is econo= my to spend instead of to , save. caskof t is in the' Royal Household Flour. - hose few extra cents a week, that give yod Royal Household Flour in preference to inferior flour, buy health. : Nothing contributes so much to the food you eat as flour, and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour * * * is the whitest, cleanest and most nutritious flour that's : milled. Itistheonly flour . that is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Id. Montreal. : on vie's Book for iY contains 150 pages of Jecipen some never pa! a -- re. nr grocer can how to sot it Fitkk. . ancy Heavy Fringed Velour Couches, only Sh to close out at cost. » 4 JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PRIVATE OR CITY AMBULANCES.ICALL 147.1 t FOR SALE . B > Mills. 11. --No. 189 Ontario street, aeypied by Fenwick Hendry & Co. . --No. 178 Barrie street, near Union, occupied by G. 8. Briden. No. 219 Bagot street, near Clarence, occupied by W. Bowen... - No. 286 Queen street, near Barrie, occupied by Mrs, W. VI. --No. 370 Alired street, north of Princess, occupied by ©. E. 1. --No, 122 University avenue, occupied by Ti teret, 7 = VII. --No. 372 Aligedl street, north of Princess, seoupiad by Mrs. F. Cotter, VIII.--No, 374 Alfred street, north of Princess, ocoupied by J. P. H, Ferris. 1X. --No. ~-- Albert street, south of Union, now occupied by Dr. Hors remain of 2 and 4 pm. ft 3 X. --Lot 825 Albert street, near Earl, 24 full lot deep, soil and first- XI. --Several lots, known as the "Pigeon property," north of Princess streot. Good building lots; good drainage. : All these properties are desirable purchases. TERMS : Twenty-five per cent. cash, and balance may Any of above properties will be sold subject to present tenancy. Parcels 6, 7 and 8 must be sold en bloe. session May 1st, 1006, and may be inspected between 2 and 4 p.m. Further particulars on application, OWNERS 79 CLARENCE STREET Kitchen Japanned Wares For Bread Flour 0Xe Meal, Spices Tea and Coffee You have no idea of the assortment and beauty of these goods without seeing our line at present dis- ey, may be rented from May lst, 1904, and may be inspected class drainage. XII. --Several lots, west side Beverly street, near Union. mortgage at five per cent. for five years or less. Parcol 1. (Mr. Mills' residence) is open for rental for a term of years. Pos MILLS & CUNNINGHAM ---------- Sugar Cake So Neat! So Clean? So Durable | played. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES * District Agent Sun Life Assur- ance Company of Canada. 69 Clarence Street, Kingston For Real Estate or Insurance Consult with GEQ. CLIFF before buying Cross Cough Syrup, 20c, * Syrup. It cures coughs, 20¢,