Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1906, p. 7

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¢8 TO CONTRACTORS JERS, ADDRESSED Si ALED TENT B marked om . the en- pk ISEE Construction, wil Sema ofi.ce of the Lommis- ived 4% unscontinental Railway s ol UE LT wene o'clock noon ou 3 nave, WELL Civ of Murch, 140o, required for the construc. ce with the plans, pro- ons of said ais liowin~ sections of the dor She, MRuitway, the said works ony ieted en Or betore the first or, 1907, viz. i-- (hom AE From a point de winter sports, relieve fatigue and ward of cold, tak an Br a VE € a Cup of mpek, 10 & F junction point of the To give Zest to 'work accordan gpecibeati or won, 18 ue rs to te y h mear the of the Grand pranch Railway, a distance of a William rank Paciic about 245 niles @) strict sented on the B." From a point de- plans of the said Com- north end of the aiming hot the ssioners, 41 way Company's i ridge and Haillwa 4 Quevec athe. vicinity of the City of pridee to a point near La Tuque, a ; yout 150 miles. distance OF AhOUL let about 3,000. feet 3 A ss the Cap Rouge Valley, in i] mor in the vicimty of said jusri of Quebec, the work to be per- pe CY ln accordance #ith the General Enecifications of the Comamissioners ot Soeatiatins of! \I Railway, and the the ral Specibeations for steel bridges Be inducts of the Department of Rail- and MIM Canals of Canada, 1905. _ profiles and specifications may Flan. in the office of the Chief En- Ie r of the Conumissioners at Ottawa, ig the office District En- also on at Kenora, Ontario, for the nnlig of District F,, and. for the et of district "'B. in the oftice of of the section trict Engineer at Quebe he one tendering are notificd that ders will not be considered unless pk in duplicate, and on - the printed rms supplied by the Commissioners. : rate tenders must be submitted eo work--in each District: Tenderers shall notsbe in any way entit- Jd to rely" upon the classification or any ther information given hy any person : behalf of the Commissioners, and be- Te submitting any tender, bidders should make a careful xamination of the plans, profiles, drawings and specifi- read the forms to Le ex- gd fully inform themselves as wich Quantity and quality of materials and character of workmanship dbguired.; and are understood to accept and 'agree to be bound by the terms and condi: tions contained in the form of contract, specifications, etc., annex d to the form of tender Each tender must be signed and sealed by all the parties to the «tender and witnessed and be accompanied by an ac- cepied cheque on a chartered bank of the Jiominion Canada, 'payable to the cations, and Commissioners" of - the Transcontinental Railway for the sum of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000), for Dis trict and two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($225,000), for District 'B and "thirty-five thous- e, occupied by Thomas Mills, and dollars ($35,000), for steel viaduct ccupied by Fenwick Hendry & C jn said District "B ny person whose ar tor occupied by G. tender is aceept shall within ten days S Bride n. thereof furnish the Bowen after the acceptance h the Commissioners security required by Clarence, occupied by W. wr Barrie, occupied by Mrs. W. Benn ' for the due and faithful Performance ol ; >, a . * . the contract according 0 its terms ih of Princese, occupied by C. E. de Can sign the contract, specifications and ,other documents requ 1 to be signed rth of Princess, occupied by Mrs, F. Cotter, py said Commissioners ; and in any case t po > of refusal or furlure on the part of the h of Princess, occupied by H. Ferris party whose tender is accepted to com outh of Union, now occapied by Dr. Hors blete and execute a contract With the lay lst, 190%, and may be inspected betwen 4 full lot deep, said Commissioners and 'to furnish the approved® security Within. ten days after the sreeptance, of the tender, the said ear' Earl. cheque shall be forfeited to the Commis- £01] and fing sioners as liquidated damages for such | py bri 1 or failure, and all contract igeon property," morth of Prins refusa a § y ® nage. rights acquired 'by the acceptance of the S good draina, wnder shull be forfeited. Cheques de leverly street, near Union. rable purchases. fit." cash, and balance ive. years or less. | be sold subject to present tenancy, old en bloc. 2) is open for rental for a term of years, Pos be inspected between 2 and 4 pm. ation. posited by parties whose tenders are rt peted wil be returned within ten days alter the signing of the contract. Attention is called to the following tlauses in the form of comtract :(-- "All mechanics, labourers or othir per- sons Who perform labour. for the pur- poses of the construction of the works hereby contracted for shall be paid such Wages as are gencrally accepted as. cur reat for competent workmen in the Dis- trict in which the work is being per- may remain o formed, and, if there is no current rate im such District, then a fair and reason able rate ; and, in the event of a dispute arising as to what fair and reasonable termincd hy the decision shall be is the current or a rate, it shall be de- Commissioners, whose final WNERS ENCE STREET This agreement is subject 10 the rea: ulations now in force, or which may at ime: her r be ih force during mstruction cf the works hereby -- contracted for made under the authority For [Family Colds Tek = Sold / meet the. fist sfuptorts ar, { tis always easier, better i hs oh fad | his Sater; ue, i Shiloh's ion Care, the Tonic, has FE -- for he Lim rs, and tens of thousands of homesin | nada and the United States to-day are never withougat. i A dealer writes: ** Shiloh" i mb Sai ef SE | will no cther,~ L., Elsley, Namagaweva.Ont If it were anything but the best thisbeso? Try it in your own y HR despot cure, get back'all cost | dealer can lose, Isn't that | oe TR TY A a | SF a ILOH A Very important it is t» | this age of competitiom | STRONG yo le plac lig head, ly nerves. HEART Te much rush and bustle, work and worry, fall to the lot of the average business man-- his heart and nerve ST EADY system will not stand it NERVES much work to do, | Women also are doing the same thing attending to their house- | hold duties and looking after their social obligations, The constant strain under which they have to continue day in and day out, the irregularities of habits and system. = Before lug you become pervous, starting at the least sudden sound, the heart flutters and juipitates, specks "float before the eyes, the pulse becomes weak and irregular, you have faint and diszy spells, lack of salf-confidence, rush of blood to the head, irritability of temper, short of pins and needles, sleeplessness, restless ness and finally physical breakdown or nervous prostration. 9 MILBURN'S HEART are the remedy you Yequire to restore your strength and health. Their extraordinary | they are taken. Through the medium of the nervous system they impart a st rength- ening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. Many have "»een cured, among them Mr. Ray V. Joomier, Wellington, Mrs, Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont., Walter Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., Mrs. Owen Martin, Alma, N.B and thousands of others. The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 cts. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25. Can be procured at all drug and geperal stores or will be sent on receipt of price by Tl ure : strong heart and --he gives them too loss of rest will soon shatter the strongest ness of, breath, starting in sleep, sensation curative power manifests itself immediately | Donald, Portage la Prairie, Limited. T aronta, Out. Out. of the Dopartment of Labour, and ch cs which are or shall be applicable to such HEE EEEEE FEE KET Nhe. ont hall ti T, BEST, e contractor sha in connection with the whole of the said work as far PUREST, STRONGES ar : ¥ as practicable, use only' . material, Contains po Asm, Ammenia, Lime, machinery, "plant, supplies and rolling Lonmhioniopon Y § sock mantacioria or produced in Can: | NE JWe GILLETT fiwives ada, provided the same can be obhtainel TO TO. ONT. 3 as cheaply and upon as good terms in RONTO. . Canada as ol isewhiere, having regard to : r "shall conform to the . adopted by the Com and also to the Laws and respecting fires in the differs s wherein the work is be- ed is reserved to reject any or B order egi t list of 2 all P. E. RYAN, S al . Secre g n to give you a isto The Contmissioners of the continental Railway, offering at our Ottawa. Sth February. 1906, Newsy pers inserting this advertise- ent without authority from the missioners will not be paid for it. The Cuban Realfy Co's. Land D ENDS SALE Are a Few: 1 uw foitle eastern end of 1S ha, where T drained and w cat rod. tile, ve ) AND PAT ENT COL 'he Cuba Rl passes directly $2. 25 through the property--Bartle, ile, being a regular station on the line. aa! telegraph and express office estalr an make, regular $3, for. ) SHOES, ight and pi Transportation Com- the town facilities are very im- : : y . Oy for .. ise i ant factors. Hotel accommodation 50 pairs\of Ladies Shoes, light Nursery inte Se a A or heavy sole, patent or don- ID BOOTS, light and "sth ard culture of voung trees, plants. etc. gola toe cap, worth $1.25 and 8 here an investor or group intend buy- x Q : 50 and $ Yor Ine largely wo will &sronge for such per- $1.50. Some good shoes in 3 hrs. to meet one of our purchasers Whe the lot. Want to clear them rou Thi investigated our proper 2 9 od tock taki parson e invit - 'before stock taking, D BOOTS, 'mostly light "ee terested in Cuban rite all who are In on id « g Sur office and cet information regarding CAREER abe araes lands. If you live out of town, write for Prospectus, Maps, Charts, etc. > and See. 25 per cent. cash : ERLAND '& BRO.§ J Tie Cuba' Really Go Good Shoe-making ERE EREE EH a FEET -- PEPLLLLL oI 4 r Bargains; snd-hand Typewriters on hand. 268 Bagot St., Kingston. # i # ; * ¥ ' % ul 9 # od 5 o ' The best gas lights on the market for $1 and $1.25, giving - a light of marvellous brilliancy, "an be regulated by a child to 8 suit any S gas pressure, also n A this month. jue wee lights burn on foot of gain for cas § (as per, and give 60 Good as new. Good value at power light, oa 70c. tran 65. A snap. | No, 4 Williams at $50. No, 2 Williams at $25. ugherly or Hammond for 6B __6 Brock Street. "Phone 335. REMOVED Price of Lands $50 Per Acre Agent A Light Subject DAVID HALL H, JENNINGS, King St. + An Honest Guarantee SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized bottles. It is the best. Try it. Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. Phone 567. Crests and EMBOSSING 5 Heading» DR | "To }e Well 00., 171 Wellington Sk BOGART ington Street. j Friating from a card to a volume, They Are ying. Westport Waits. Westport, Feb. 14.--Mrs. James | Speagle, Jr., who has been seriously {returned from Smith's Falls, cently appointed sexton of our church. | Miss ( |.grass birds were seen in this vic | genial friend. | ton. Ladies' Shoes at 99¢ We guarantes OUR milk to be AB. | Kingston Milk Depot for Paper and Envelopes | ENGRAVING Gares®una Letter 2ads | pense of buying the "Celery King" to Besldes all classes of Lea or Press | 'THE WHIG, Kingston| NEWS OF "NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG COR CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Easterm Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What ill for the past few weeks, left on Feb- ruary 12th, for St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville. W. E. McCann and family left last week for Ogdens- burg, N.Y., where he intends to do busin Miss Nellie Foley, of Bed- ford Mills, is seriously ijl with a bad attgek of pneumonia. Hugh Hagan is seriously ill. Miss Bessie McCann has where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Silvah. Casper Speagle made a busi- ness trip to Brockville last week. Box Social Held. Feb. 14.--The box-sotial {held by the league, on Friday night, was very successful. Miss Mabel Jack- goh is teking a course 'at Kingston | Business College. The funeral of the late Mrs. Noble took place on Tues. day, and was largely attended. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of the community. Mrs. McBride is visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Fergu- son, Inverary. J. Curran has been re- Flginburg, iage, Kingston, visited at J. H. Lake's recently. Visitors : Miss Noble, Ohio, and Miss Marshall, Kingston, at John Noble Mrs. Walker, Yarker, at Stover Miss Walker, at A. Stover's. Grass Birds Seen. Leo Lake, Feb. 13.--The prophecy for a second winter seems stran lately. © The many friends of J. Bower and son, William, are pleased to hear they are both convalescent. John N. Chapman and bride left," on Monday, for Cleveland, Ohio, amid heartiest congratulidtions for our Miss Josie Webb, ill or some months past with appendi- citig, is about to undergo an opera- tion. Miss M. Milne, Brewer's Mills, fis the guest of Mrs. J. Tierney. Miss M. McCabe spent Saturday in Kings- Miss Cora Bower, accompanied Miss Gainford, left, Sunday, for home in Spaffordton. by her Long Point Lines. Long Point, Feb. 13.--We beautiful weather now, but is wishing for more snow, there is so much wood, logs, etc, to be drawn. Miss J. Chapman has had another very serious attack of heart trouble, but is somewhat better at present. Timothy Beving, © Jr., is quite ill. Johnson Morehead and W. Plunkett at tended the party at J. Slack's, Outlet, { on. Friday night last. Miss Agnes M. Flood, Delta, is the guest of Myss Ma- deline O'Connor. Allan McDonald, Mel are having everyone combe, spent Friday evening last with friends here, Little Miss Marie Slack has been quite ill, but. somewhat bet ter. Mr. Wescome and. family have moved into part of the house of . his son-in-law, W. Larose. | Strathcona News. | Strathcona, Feb. 14.--Mrs. =lohn | Murphy is seriously ill. A consulta | tion of physicians was held on Satur i day and' they gave but slight hope of {her recovery. Frank Haycock has | pneumonia. Cecil Boyer' has recovered | sufficiently to be up and about the | house. Mrs. Ernest Lasher has return- {ed from a visit to her sister, Mrs, | Frank Perry, of Cobourg. Mr. and | Mrs. William McAvoy and Miss Me Avoy attended the C.M.B.A. ball at | Newburgh last week. Mr. and Mrs, R. Richards, of Deseronto, spent Monday here. Mr. Richards formerly su- perintendent of the cement works here. The dance in the--Orange hall, Thurs day evening last passed off very plea- santly under the management of D. | Asselstine. About thirty were present. Mr. and Mrst EL. Lasher visited her parent: at Fmpy Hill Sunday. Miss { Lott at E. Wells, Sunday last. was Cole Lake Tidings. Cole Lake, Feb. 12.--The weather has | been very fine, but changeable and no |snow, Mrs. F. Rielly is recovering | irom pneumonia. David Hannah and | George Peters have gone hack to the | | shanty. A number from here attended | the show at Verona last week. Mrs. Thomas Peters is on the sick list, We are watching for the wedding bells to ring in the near future. Silas Martin has purchased ' GG. W. Killing' farm. George W. Killing is going to van | couver in the course of a few days. {Mabel Killine gave her friends 'a | birthday party, January K 28th, and | they had tea and spent the evening in | enjoyable games. Visitors: Mrs. © M. Marks is visiting at her daughter's, Mrs, G. W. Killing, Williaan Godkin, ut y\John Shelington's. Percy Trousdale, {at George Killing'. William Anderson | at John Shellington's. Mrs. Alexander {at James McMahon's. Mrs. George W, | Killing, at Frank Rielly's. walter Brown and family at Benson Peters'. Portland Affairs. Portland, Feb, 14.---A number from here attended a party at Melbourne de Wolfe's on Friday evening last, T------------------ | A Problem Solved. t Ozone is ozone, and in buying it | the problem is to get the purest form. "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)' is the "purest form in which | Ozone is put up. In addition, each | bottle contains a coupon entitling you to a package of "Celery King" ! free, and it is well-known that you should take "Celery King" along with Ozone. d We put "Celery King" coupons in our Ozone bottles because mo other firm can give "Celery King" with { Ozone. By buying "Solution of Ozone | (the coupon kind)" you get the purest and most concentrated formy of OZone, | and, in addition you save the ex- Geo. [use with it. * No other kind of Ozone offers this | advantage. Ask your druggist for it, and if he hasn't it write the Public &f ing. One may eat a biscuit and not taste it, but when you think of bis- cuit eating you think instandy of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tasty. Absolutely and distinaly superior to any other make. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. Cannon, who had his Jeg, broken while thoving a building for Gallagher, is improving slowly. fra Mima Healy is spending a few days with friends in Kitley. Lester Tofiey, of Ottawa, spending a few days at his home here. J. O'Grady, of Kitley, spent Sunday with friends in town. A number from here attended the Ottawa ice races last week, Mrs. A. Stevens has return is ed after visiting at her home in Frankville for the past few weeks, Frank Brennan, of Toledo, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Lockwood went to 'Ottawa on Saturday to see the game of hockey between the Smith's Falls teain. and the Victorias, of Ottawa. A great number were pleased to hear of E. J: B. Pense's majority. Invita- tions are out for the wedding of Chalmers Singleton to Miss Sheridan, of New Boyne. They are on the Ith, to be married Teams Hauling Timber. Desert Lake, Feb. 14.--Congratula tions to E. JJ. B. Penge. Owing to the scarcity of snow people here will not be able to get as much hauling out of the woods done 'as expected. Miss May Wilson has returned from Syoen- ham. Our school is progressing ni ly with a good attendance. C. Orser intends moving to Wilmur, in the near future. John and Albert Snook, Wat- ertown, are visiting their parents. A survey party was working: in our midst last week. Miss Olive Snook has returned from Adams, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H.Tim- merman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrams have returned from Hartington, Mrs, Orser is still quite poorly. Mrs. D. Babcock has gone to Verona, to visit friends A very pleasant evening was Spent at the home 'of MF. and Mrs, H. Snook, last week, After Loh SO cial chat, games, music and a treat of hot sugar, the young people left ap preciating fully the kindness received Mis? Mamie Wilson and brother Rich ard, have returned to their home at Glendower. H. W. Reynolds has a force of men and teams hauling tim- ber to Verona. -- Halladay's Corners News. Halladay's Feb, 14.----Wil liam Quinn, while driving on Sand Lake, on Monday, last, had mis fortune to get his horses in, by Corners, the But the timely arrival of some of the far mers nearby, both horses were rescued. Mrs. William Kennedy, who has heen visiting her sisters at Auburn and Sy racuge, N.Y. "returned home on. Satur- day. E. Sic kler, who has been ailing for the past few months, is slightly improved in health, The Taggart bro thers have a stafi of men getting out wood on their lot in Sherbrooke, Mis: Eva Palmer, Athens, spent Saturday and Sunday under the parental roof . Lynn intends working his farm next summer, W. Barker calling on friends at Sharbot Lake, returned home, Mr, Kennedy threatened with pneumonia, is able to be out again. Miss Lillian Palmer, who spent a few weeks at her home here, returned to Sydenham. Our school teache Mise M. Robison, spent Sunday at her home in Athens. Visit ors: Wilmer Taggart at G., W. Sick ler's; A. Crozier at W. Kenpedy's; 1 Green, at W. Sickler's; F. J. Sickler, H. B. Taggart and M. T, Atcheson, at &p PP. Palmer's; William Taggart at J. Saunders'. Jolly Surprise Party. Lapum, Feb. 13.---A number from here are attending the revival meet ings in Wilton conducted by Rev, R. A. Whattam. It was a great shock to the people here on Friday when the news spread of the death of Charles Neilgon, our esteemed postmaster, and merchant, in Wilton. Sympathy is ex tended to his young wife and small children in the loss of a hus- band and father. Mrs. Emily Simkins, suffering with a severe attack of bronchitis," is convalescing. On Wednes day evening last ao waggon load ol young people, from Odessa, and Maple aventie, numbering about twenty-five, drove out here, and spent a very pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. 'Rose, About twelve o'clock the delicious pastry, provided by the ladies, and oranges by the gentlemen, were disposed of all returning to their several homes thanking Mr. and Mrs, Rose for the hospitable way they were received, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boulton, Mrs. Wesley Brown, and Mrs. Richard Brown, visited friends in Odessa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wil- liamson, Adolphustown, formerly re sidents of this place are renewing ae quaintances here this week, Visitors: ino Mr. and Mrs. W. Davy, Wilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Snider, with Mrs, Clara Lapum, Frederick' Lovelace and the Misses Naesmith and Russell, and Mrs, Henry Bush dnd sons, Stanley, with Mr. : was in Elgin last week, Mrs. Thomas There is} gleton' Toft, lust week, "for: Roches: all the diff- ter, N.Y. to attend the: wedding of her brother, Frederick Merrick, which § erence In will take place on the 1th. A large reception was given at the home of the world Mrs. MacNanmee, Sr., on the evening of the Sth inst. The occasion, being between in honor of Mark E. MacNamee and . : his bride, formerly Miss Loretta Me eating bis- | | Guire, who were married on Tuesday, < the 16th inst., in St. Francis Xavier cuits and || church, Brockville, by Rev. Dean Mur- . - ray. An entertainment was given by biscuit eat- Miss Pauline Johnston, in the town -- Wesley Brown, Mr. and Mis, Walton and and. Mrs. B. Rose. Toledo News. - Toledo, Feh, 13.--John Seymour hall, on the evening of the Tth inst. The programme consisted of selections from the French and Indian dialect. Rev. Mr. Bonnett delivered a very in- teresting lecture, accompanied by stereoseafitic views, in the interests of the Bible Society, in the Preshyterian church here on the évening of the Tth. The death ovcurred on Tuesday, 10th inst., of J, Dillabough, Frankville, of cerebro-spinal meningitis. The deceas- ed had been ill for only a few days and his demise was conséquently a shock to his family and friends. A widow and six children are left to mourn his "death. John Foster at- tended the week, Mrs. horse, races in Ottawa last Eugene McCarthy is quite ill. Matthew Murphy has been seri ously ill, but is now progressing fa- vorably. M. Hart and James Ken. nedy, Ardoch, N.D., were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Hart, recently. Misg Mary McCann, Ottaw is renewing acquaintances in this vicinity. William Hanley, of Read, was a guest' of his brother, Rev. Father Hanley, at the preshytery, for a' couple of weeks Miss Vyna C. Conley spent. Saturday and Sunday at Lombardy. Mrs. Mar, shall, mother of Delorne Marshall, is seriously ill and is not improving as rapi'lv as her friends would desire. Council Of Wolfe Island. Feb. 5.--Present, the ®"reeve and Councillors Spoor, Horne and Russell Resolved, that the township treasurer accept $72.12 in full settlement for back taxes against lot 9 in 21 con. 8.B. Moved, Russell-Spoor, and re: solved, that as the Bear Point road is in bad condition, the clerk notify Grant Grimshaw to put it in good condition as soon as possible. Sums voted: W. H. Godwin, insurance on hall, £5.50; W. L. Allinson, account, 7.3 rs. John McCaul, charity £6; Harry Davis, charity to , 86; Mrs, Eecles, charity to 8S, £6; James Swilt & rent 8125. Steamboat accounts James Swift & Co, coal, Calvin company, pumping Queen City Oil company, to Co. od ) boiler 85; 821.17; Mrs. Flynn, laundry, $4; GG. Keegan, account, $13.61; James Davis, mate, $11.33; D. Leslio, en £66.66; Otto Hessmer, deckhand, R. Berry, fireman, 836.16; W, Cum. mings, cook, $20.66; G. Keegan, pur ser, £31; W. Armstrong, deckhand, $250: W. Hawkins, deckhand, £2.50; Capt. Winburne, one moth, ie G, Keegan, meals to men, § D; Walker, deckhand, $13. February -- 12th.==All present. On 'motion, Spoor-Horne, Randolph Horne appointed assessor, being carried by vote of reeve. On motion John Flynn John Spoor resolved that the road through the swamp between the drd and 1th concessions is in bad condi tion. Mr. O'Connell be permitted to perform all his statute labor there, and that his township taxes be re mitted yearly for 1905-6-7, when said work is performed and a ited by the council. Moved, Horne Flynn, that C. E. Cummings be appointed captain of the steamer Wolfe Islander for the ensuing season at $50 per month while the steamer is in commission. Moved in amendment, Spoor-Russell, * that Capt. David Cummings be appointed captain at $50 per month. "The first named appointed 'by vote of the reeve. A by-law was passed confirm ing the appointment of all township officers. Adjourned to first Monday in March at 10 a.m. THE DANGER THAT LURKS IN COLDS And How Serious Results Can Be Avoided by Use of OR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE There is one way in which the ravag- es of consumption can be very materi ally lessened and that by the prompt and thorough cure of coughs and colds. While weak lungs undoubtedly pre disposal to lung trouble and consump tion, the beginning must always be with a negleeted cold. By directing your attention to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine, we make known to you the most vertain. and effective theans of curing coughs and colds and preventing such diseas's as bronchitis, consumption and pneumonia. This is not a new medicine, not an experiment, but a preparation which has successfully stood the test of time and has to-day by far the largest sale of any similar treatment. If we can only help you to realize the danger of neglecting coughs and colds, we know that you will not run the risk of depending on any. "cough mixture" the ireggist may choose to hand you out, but will insist on get- ting a medicine with a reputation, such as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Mrs. R. Hatton, 2 .. Claremont street, Toronto, Ont, writes : "A year ago | had a had attack of la - grippe and all the doctor's pre scriptions proved of no avail. bP was told to try Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and found it a great bLlessir as it thoroughly cured me. 1 told my doctor that 1 intended to recommend it to all my friends. I would not be without it in the house for many times its cost." It is impossible for a doctor to pre- scribe for man a more effective treat. ment for croup, bronchitis, whooping eongh, asthma, coughs and colds than is 12 Send for the "Vital Question Cook Book," CANADIAN SAREDDED WHEAT €0 , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont, 'Toronto Office, 32 Church St. SOOEOERE PEEIIOR I HHEHOEE PaSeRRRS DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). La admitted by the profession to-be the most wonderful and ody ever discovered. is the best known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI- TIS, ASTHMA, acta likn a charm is ~DIARRHOEA, Aan 4 CHOLERA, ud id BYSENTIRY a en obs CHLORODYN CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE tual cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SPASMS. a is the onl ative to in NEURALGIA, | RHEUMAT TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each bettle. Sold in bottles. (Overwhelming Modical Testimony accompanies each bottles Sole Manufacturers :~-J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto. Prices in England, 1s 13d., 2s. 94., 4s. 6d. each ' Wholesale Agents, 09 PEO ©EOEEE LOLOEOO ODE E. B. EDDY'S os Lh Rising , =i Star Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about 780 MATCHES Ask Your Grocer For Them It will cost you only Bc. to try them. 8 see ® °9e® 0900 eee 0eeees Suit Cases, etc. We have the largest and most complete range of TRAVELLING GOODS in Kingston--everything from the cheapest that's good to the very best. Trunks from $2.50 to $18.00 Valises from.........c.cinen = 9810.49.00 Suit Cases from ........... 1.50t0 15.00 Club Bags from .......... -.90to 8.00 We have a real good Trunk which we will sell at $5.00, well made, iron bottom, waterproof can- vas, brass trimmings. Ask 10 see our Special Svit Case at $5.00. WE DO GALVINIZING ! Iron, Cast, Malleable Wrought, Sheet, Fittings-- QUICK » Yarker, at J. E. Boulton's. W, C, Drug Compeny, Bridgeburg, Ont, Snider and mother, Uafle avenue, Dr, Ches"s Syrup of Linseed and Tue- pentine, 25¢. a 31 William Street, Toronto THE CANADA METAL CO: tile, at all dealers,

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