Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1906, p. 4

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of the Family Spring wheat makes strong flour suitable for ead ou lacks ¥ licacy and flavor Fall Wheat. #& blend of both, combines the best qualities of Manitoba Wheat 'It is the best family flour, akes light nutritious ad ; delicious pastry. Will not break readily at the turn. over line, The special quality of linen used gives the greatest resistance to wear. A row of stitching aids the laundry-man in preserving the orig. Vinal lines of style, TOOKE BROTHERS, Limited, MONTREAL: 906 NOTICE Dissolution of Partnership THE FIRM OF MILLS AND Cunningham, Bankers, and Insurance Agents,' will be dissolved, hy mutual consent, on the 2Wth instant. Those indebted to the firm, on open requested. to settle the same, on or befora the above Hate, Mr. Mills will continue the business, Rt the same 'place us heretofore, the same name. Mr. Cunninglinm will open an office "ull 70 into non-tariff insurance, exclus- pe ¥. MILLS & CUNNINGHAM. Kingston, Fehraary 17th, 1904, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. I New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete, for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday under insisting upon the spoils system. Not I to News remarks, J gast, of Prince Albert, Sask., has al- even s of the en | on cireulation, large sums for what may be termed "legitimate expenses," and 'still larger sums for what may be called illegitimate expenses, There has not been an imcovering so far of in time, Mr. Cooper is referred to as one of refreshing. And it is. He is a meni ber of a ward association in Toronto, Because he thinks everyone should be in politics. But he says his party, the conservative, is disgruntled he cause some of its members have been anly has boss. rule triumphed, but polities huve been carried into munici- pal affairs and partvism has reached its lowest depths, It is not going to cwre things to talk of the conservative party having heen too long in power in the domin- jon. The party was defeated in 1896, and had become reconciled to its lot when the Ontario government went own; and some of the wildest ex- oonses have wince been indulged in. The correction of all this is not a little candid eriticism, as the Toron- If the conservative combination is dissatisfied with the run of things it is for the members of it fo do as the liberals were ad vised to da prior to the last provin- cial election, and as many, of them are credited with doing. The independent Kberals helped to defeat the Ross government. So the independent press alleged. It is for the independent conservatives to vote against the Whitney government now m North Toronto, and teach it a lesson, which it greatly needs. Mr. Foy thinks a revense waquld he an Lawful reflection upon the government, but something will have to be done, apparently, (0 save the pty. | 0 The Facts Are Awaited. There is a great outburst of in- dignation on. the part of the conser- vative press because Judge Prender- lowed the ballots in a certain election in conngetion with which three return- ing officers had confessed to wrong- doing and been fined. The point is that the polls at Pine Point, Sandy Lake and Bear Lake were not opened at all, that the re- turning officers men elsewhere, prepar- ed a list of voters who were alleged to have exercised the franchise, and inserted in the ballot box a corres- ponding number of ballots. The result was a majority-of 151 for Pr. Tyeman, liberal, who was so impressed by the stories of unfairness that some time ago he said he would not consent to profit by them, What moved Judge Prendergast in his decision one cannot tell. The judg. ment, or the substance of it, has not heen printed, ana in * the absence of ments, 'makes no charges against the Laurier or Scott governments," and does not say that either 'was mixed up in the dirty business." Neither does it make charges against Senator Davis or Hon. Mr. Lamont, hoth of whom were active in Prince Albert campaign. But unless the premiers take action in the case they "will rest under a grave imputation." Just so. But they time and the opportunity for investi gation, and it will be time enough to blackguard them when they have the ovidence of wrongdoing and fail to not condone any scandal in this case, orf rascality. Neither does the premier of the dominion or the premier of Saskatchewan, Warning To Whitney. The conservative press of Ontario denies that the Whitney government has committed itself to the spoils sys tem. But the Montreal Star has heen sounding the situation, as it fis re vealed in the Ontario press, and as- sames that the obnoxious thing has been adopted. Thus it remarks : "From various parts of Ontario come unpleasant indications from time to time that pressure is' being applied to the members of the Whitney gov: ernment to exhibit more hriskness in distributing the 'spoils "of "vietory.' Nothing conld be move stupid from u purely partizan point of view; noth, my wore unfair to Mr® Whitney and his colleagues; and nothing more di- rectly contracy to the public interest, "I the conservatives of Ontario are! detervoined to sot wp a patty gill. certain that a shila' d | wards the de | elections. Barrels of money: were put' the irregularities, but this may come' the young men whose candid talk is] catches the breath, fuller particulars the abuse of the 'Anxious. . sos + y Peterboro Rxaminer. judge Is hot in order, The Toronto Acting Chief Adams was to-day News, which is the hottest in its com- | handed a letter by the postmaster, should 'have the Present living with an Italian. the police court. act upon it. The liberal party does ' Proposal to Hpld Ome is Being SON rea du Shu pr, any easir to" trend | contributed dirsétly Tulle betwee . The advice it The late John' A. McColl is referred to as a financial genius. Aye, but one who did not use his talents aright, The mayor of Toronto has com promised himsed with the street rail way. Bob Fleming has mesmerized him. Hi Considering that North Toronto gave Boss Beattie a majority of 1;- 400, the Whitney faction is in a great tumult. Does it tear defeat' - ity Le -- The financial loss by the coal strike in 1902 was $100,000000. It is well that those concerned think seriously before forcing another crisis. ---- The members of the local govern- ment, most of them, are begging the electors of North. Toronto to have mercy upon them, What has happen- ed ? aay ---- Chicago: may 'be the 'wickedest city, because of its 'record of murders. But Rev. Mr. Salton says Ottawa is get- ting there and already leads in pro fanity. Ontario liberals will show a new and fighting spirit as a result of the visit of Sir Wilirid Laurier among them, The banquet on Thursday even- ing will amount to a provincial con- vention, the first of its kind. The government has removed the engineer who was in charge of the Peterhoro lift locks, and under whose management some very defective work was done. His friends demand a trial. For what ? Does the work not speak for itself ? oi aa Chamberlain has "bedn the figure of prominence in' fhe ne¥ parliament. He is inclined to. be _pugnacious, He gave at once a. sample of his splendid au- dacity. He will not accept the leader ship of the opposition, but he is lead: ing it all the same. ---- H. Sutherland, president of the Equity Life, Toronto, declares that with better methods of conducting business millions of dollars could be saved to the Canadian policyholders annually. Here's something that -- struggling with the Panama question. The issue is. a sea level canal versus a land canal. The foreign engineers the former, and the home engineers the latter. The of one is estimated to be twice as much as the other. Resides the Soo canal carries more traffic-than the Suez, and is the model for modern times, Congress is favor cost ' WANTS TO KNOW. Man Qonfined in Penitentiary is which was dated February 13th, and which was written by Rev. Canon Cooke, chaplain of the Kingston peni- tentiary. The latter was written at the request of a Peterboro man who is at present doing time in the peni tentiary for horse stealing. He has written to his wife, he claims, a num- her of times, but haspeceived no re- ply, and he wants to. know of her whereabouts and also concerning his family. His wile, it is stated, is at who ins received comsftlerable notoriety in ---------------- LIBERAL CONVENTION. ------ Discussed, Toronto, Feh, 21.--A proposal to hold a big convention of the liberals of the province is under quiet consid- eration by 'the liberal members of the legislature, and it is not unlikely that t i hen | the curse off Matters Tha Jy - administer- White Soverumeny And Remembered, iy the Poon ge Fn na wind There was a big run on the Jack but n - Rar than have other oem % 9 cm Company a 'camp followerne yy The Star cannot be accused of any fondness for the 'liberal party., It has ond indirectly to- i of that party, and has heen independent only during the bi appreciated by IN BRIEF FORM, * ~Notes From All Over-Little 4 Of Everything Easily Read son Trust and Savings Bank, Chica- ' X on. A. solicitor for year, Vice-Admiral Harry Grenfell," C3. G., of the China squadron, is dead, in mdon, >The Canadian National Exhibition will be held from August 27th to Sep- tember 19th, 190¢], Loss of life and much damage re- porjed, by explosion at the British »arracks at Khartoum, James Sculthorp fell into a bin of wheat in the elevator at Port Hope, was sucked down and killed, Henry V. Moore, widely known as a ¥Y. M.C.A, worker, and assceiate of D. L. Moody, is dead in Northfield, Mass. Mrs. C. A. Weilder lft her box at the theatre, Denver, Col., and shot herself, probably fatally, on the stage, General Booth, at London, stated Blair has been made the C.P.R. at $10,000 that the Salvation Army would send 10,000 emigrants to Canada this year, MISS CLARA The author, wh "Mexicana," has ary custodian of DRISCOLL, wrote the 'book of appointed honor Alamo, that inter- esting historical relic in San Antonio, Tex he legislature of Texas conferred that honor upon Miss Driscoll in ap- preciation of her patriotisan and gener- osity. She purchased the Alamb, when it was in danger to be sold for ¢om- mercial purposes and donated it to the State. The town of Lloydminster has half of it in Alberta and half in Saskatche- wan. The residents are anxious to have it all in either one province or the other, and the mejgrity favor Saskatchewan. : Mount Sutton,' a, lofty" promontory three 'miles from Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado, has developed into an ae tive voleano flames, smoke and sulphur fumes driving back all who attempt to approach. Peter J. McGuire, one of the found- ers of the American Federation of La bor, and formerly secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Carpenters ana Joiners of America, died at his home, in Camden, N.J., after a lone iilness SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. So Say We. Montreal Herald. It is to be hoped that all this sun we are béing treated to is not a part of mext summer's supply. Does He Really ? Ottawa Citizen. Kingston is to get a normal school. Thus does Premier Whitney heap coals of fire on the head of the peaple who persisted in electing Pense, ! Does For A Fact. Hamilton Spectator. In New Ontario the average prospec tor makes a find, then on his oars, or lies about his ores, as oppor tunity offers. los Hardie Knows. Hamiltoy Times. eir Hardie says Chamberlain is a man "whose past has been ane great living li, and on whose spoken words no reliance can be placed." And J Keir Hardie knows the man of whom he speaks, The Very Men. Hamilton Herald Archbishop Bruchesi, of Montreal, having put the ecclesiastical ban upon all sorts of. Sunday amusements, there seems to be no reason why his grace should not be elected as the next pres Ment of the Lord's Day Alliance. Following Ross' Policy. Brantford Exnositos. The Whitney government boasts of a surplos of hali-a-million in the past vear's operations, This is because it has pursued the financial policy of the Ross government. Had it pursued the policy advocated by the conser NEWS OF THE WORLD the THE tough wearing qualities of * Canadian" Rubbers will stand even the rough usage of boyhood. Every rubber bearing "the mark of quality" contains the maximum of wear, style and comfort, ® 20000 0960200 90000006 -- 3 yg Here's a Waterproof Shoe Shoes outwear any others. Itisa solid, substan. wear out. : Pgice, $5 990800 0900 90IOOOP ©OOODS ® 3 It is made of Storm Calf, a heavy oil grained leather, made in the way that makes. our $s tial shoe, yet comfortable and good looking. Just @ the shoe for early spring wear. It simply won't ® ' - 3 2 McDermott's Shoe Store Bt NPR, a we The H. D, Bibby Co. ® OIOROIOIOICIOIOIOIOIOICIOIOC) The H. D. Bibby Co. i JUST ARRIVED The fairest flowers that have ever bloomed in the garden of fashion are our New Spring Suits . Every man who reads this will please consider it an invitation to drop in and see us. The new spring attire is all here. . We have kept our eyes wide open, and whatever is new and attractive from the best clothing designers in the country will be found here. A man naturally desires the best he can get for the price. We keep ourselves constantly in position to give it to him, Come in and see about all this talk. Suits at $10, Suits at $12, Suits at $13, Suits at $15, Suits at $16.50, Suits at $18. NEW RAINCOATS HAVE ARRIVED THE H. D. BIBBY CO. DEI lll gna. al vative party while in opposition it would be hopelessly in debt. a monster gathering, to that held in the fall of 1904, will be conven vd about the close of the present ses. sion, probably in April. The object of the convention will he to again solidify the party, prepara- tory to the next struggle which time brings round with marvelous rapidity. It is even mentioned that at such a meeting Hon. G. W, Ross may retire from the leadership, and his mantle be placed on younger shoulders. -- To Ask For A Subsilly, Leamington, Ont., Feb, 21 --During the coming session of parliament, A. H. Clark, M.P., for South Essex, will urge the government to*grant a sib. sidy of three thousand dollars to 'es tablish a mail and transport service between the mainland and Pelee is land, the lack of which last vear led to heavy losses to the island farmers. Mr. Kuhlman intends to build an ele Abbeys Effervescent Salt Almost its greatest use is to prevent sickness. ABBRY'S SALT keeps you so well, that there is no chance of Stomach, Liver and Bowels going wrong. It is the ounce of preventation that is worth tons of cure. they it is ? instrument Will be met in active mo- vator on the istand if the government will give certain assistance to him, FOR SOLID COMFORT In cold and stormy weather, keep your feet dry and warm by wearing a pair of : Canadian Overshoes or Rubbers -- ----THEY ARE THE BEST------ The ,Sawyer Shoe Store § BEALTHY J01 THE BIST PAR for Women Passing Help ®F enange of Life. ee has allotted us wevent rs in which st in life, and it is Sor own fault if we die premat Nervous haostion. invite This irl is the positive | When everything becomes and you cannot wa ka few hl out excessive fatigue, and Io into perspiration easily, an it 1d you grow excl a provocation and 3 be crossed in anythir yi Fo r; your nerves have oi need building up at once | ] woman's nervous system A period of change of life we better medicine thanLydia E. Vegetable Compound. Hels J Mrs y J. ) jon. : ) in Street, Winnipeg, Manitc I , Pinkham: -- Dat A E. Pinkham's Vege i has bern a blessing to 1 That delicate period known as of life "For six years it disturbe apstem I had hot flushes, wa Trvous, becatne peleaid dey i r in the monthly flo i tobe in my b frequent palp' heart; in fact in disorder Lone no relief from tl incident tosh: period until Ito Pinkham's Vegetable Compou date my relief from the time I u bottle. 1 gradually improved, se painlessly, and in du y whole systen Lier cour in) oman Hn Pink ham, daughter Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, vites all sick and ailing wom¢ hor for advice, Her great ex at their service, free of cost. MILITARY CAM] Proposition to Have Camp Removed, peterhorongh Réview. Tere is a possibility of gearing the location ol traiping camp here. Jaeut.-Col. D. Dopglas You ant district officer comman ston, and Lieut. -Col. G. St rin, of Kingston, arrivec last night, and in comj Lieut.-Col. Miller, commant of the 57th Regiment, ave fernoon inspecting several sites for the camp in the the city. Zlaior (Dr.) Young, of th battery, also accompanied on their tour of inspection At present the training military district No. 3 is | Kingston. Dissatisfaction has been for some time with the camp as the grounds are nu for drilling and manoeuvrin is 'also no rifle range. the military authoriti some time heen considering ability of removing the Kimgston and it is underst Peterhoro, owing to its eo tion and excellent facilities upon as a favorable site fo Lieut.-Cols. Young, Perrin inspected a site near Nass ternoon, but at the time « press it could not he ascert their opinion was. At Otel f, Russia, t Lieut ars of the ¢ and thirty or (Mchako University students of the " MeConkev's hig 's Red Cross Don't Use Drug Cu Heada They Hurt You. Us Don't think because th for headache d@not mak palpitate, dull your nery your stomach just whe them, that they are not | for they are, The magazine "Health ly when it says: "Every drugs is at the expens and sooner or later the Outraging nature will be ou can avoid this Cure your headaches jus by taking the vegetable! It is Harmless as A --------- STOCK MARKE Provided by J. Stinson, Square, F tehis. A Ama A Pact United St, tes Steel ted S100 Steel WHRa vid

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