1 0 A choice lot of good § Posts just arrived. winter's cut.' 5a E RIN, Ontario, ' oquipped, and viost. up-to. ion in The best te business training institut tn Ontario. Students may enter ni any time, end 'all Gatos ure assisted to good pay. dur situations. Write for aig and \ s . N. Stockdale, President. Principal. J, B: MoKAY, H, F. METCALFE ; President; Principal, Aud which ever way the game i We are still going to keep Bothing but the best Hard coal | bilned. We aim to give satistuce to our patrons in quality as | us Just quantity, and when buy conl at (his yird you Aull weight, no dirt. superior Beam of satisfaction, Jresult the press . | throughout and | Properly Limites | classical in its character. It was, in ""Opifer per Orbem Dicer." a a. PE in le Of importance, - was freedom, decentralization and au! commission appointed by the | tonomy, and it hax lived and wil Whitney government, or the King. as live forever. The sentiment was loudly , ' the the Ontario opment company, who the the Toronto World pats it--and managing director of mk 16 be Frederick Nicholls. The quest to know of this, confidentally, as a guide to them in their plans, and they have been declined it. Mr. Nicholls, at one meeting, said he could not reveal the secrets of his company without consulting the pre- sident, and he was in. England. Later fair to the shareholders to hand out | the 'details "of their affairs. Tt would be a breach of faith. Next he failed to appear before the adjourned meet- ing of the commission, and this gave ite members a terrible shock, The Workl is very severe upon Mr. Nicholls because he dors not surrender himself without hesitation. Why ? The province gave the compmny per- mission to tap the Falls, and the province . hats a right to know all shout its business. Well, that is a point which has to be settled. The information in this case is wanted by the commission because it ix prepar- ing to recommend something that may aficet the Ontario Development company. Does the law allow anyone, even when he holds a patent from the crown, the right to the details of a business in order that he may profit by them and go into competition in "the spine business ¥ That is the way," apparently, that Mr. Nicholls is look- ing at the case, and it will he impor tant to notice how it eventuntes, Too Light For The Place. 1 elected a political mayor. For many years there has been con- flict, bétweong the city and the street railway company respecting the terms of the agreement between them. The agreoment was most carefully drawn, and yet the eompany has been inter. proting it in its own way, There has been appeal aiter appeal to the courts, and judgments in favour of the city, and the improvements in the service do not come. Just when the questions at issue were about to be referred to the privy council, to be finally settled, the company becomes busy and in- the interest of a com promise. It gets a hold of the new mayor, and mesmerizes him. It makes him belive that if the city agrees to cerinin things the company will make certain concessions and he accepts. Now it is discovered that there nothing in the favours the city. is new agreement which The old agreement covered everything, and the final deliv- erance of the court would have made it binding 'upon the company, As a "roasts" Mr, Coats worth, The News remarks: "The mayor and his cabinet are sac rificing the interests of the public in these negotiations, and if the council agrees to this arrangement, we may look for a condition of greater in- convenience to the citizens than we have suffered from up to this time. "There seems to be no person at the city hall with the public spirit and strength of purpose to protect the citizens in this emergency. Fven the question of stops, which has been set thd by the court in the interest of the citizens, is to be re-opened, and will be settled virtually by the eneral manager of the Toronto Railway com pany. The city engineer and the hoard of "control are proving themselves to be very pliant material in the hands of the astute Mr. Fleming and the pre- sident of the company. "We have not witnessed in all the "| teem of the contrast such a complete -abandonment of civie rights ander the agreemint with the Toronte Railway company, 'as that which has heen sub- mitted by the mavor as a masternicoe of civic statesmanship. If it is ratified by the city council there will be such an outery from the citizens when these loops are constructed and the routes ave shortened, that then, if not before Mr. Coatsworth and his colleasues will awake to the tremendous mistake that they have made." : And all this comes from rinning the municipal elections on political lines, and electing a mayor whose chfof qualification is that he is a conserva. tive and a part of the machine: The people Lirned down the man who had the capacity for the work of the hour, and they. will have occasion to regret i . : ---- Victoria, B.C., conservatives place a candidate in the field in position to Hon, Mr; Templeman, will op THE DAILY WHIG. diffienl 3 J when it looked as if there would be . Nip x todily Nai The separation from the mother country, n, and is collecting informa- | But it was not sought nor desired by n ag to what it can bo gencrated | Canada. The choice was hers to do for at Niagara Falls and delivered atd what she liked, and if England did 8 f the towns and cities in Western Ou Jaoything it hinted, through Sir John v ome Nr, Nicholls' company = has # | aent a lirge amount of money in its operations, and the government's re presentatives think they have a right S {he said he did not think it would. be | Thug "punished already | imply" magnificent. 1 was free from all political significance, but breathed the spirit of patriotism, mough the address was fact, in -Jarge part, a comparison of J the Roman empire with the British empire. The preiier traced, the caves which led to the disintegration of the one, and the causes which led to the expansion of the other. With one was despotism, concentration, absorption, and in time failure. With the other cheered, Sir Wilirid traced the history of Canada before the confederation of the provitices and since. The time was Young, that no objections would 'ba offered to a severance of the ties that bound them together. The answer was what ? Jn essence that of Ruth to Naomi, "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to turn from following after thee; for whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodgest 1 will lodge; thy prople shall be my people, and thy God my God." How the students cheered this! It moved them to a demonstration, of the _heartiest kind: Finally the premier, who, as he proceeded, won the hearts of all pres- ent, citea the case of Albert Harper, of the labour department, Ottawa, as worthy of their imitation. Harper lost his life while trying to save Miss Blair from drowning, and as a result of that devotion his biographes 'termed it" "the secret of heroism." The whole deliverance of Sie Willrid was cloquent. The ovation he received was the warmest expression that could be offered of the students apprecia- tion. . The Election In London. There will be a fierce fight in that division of London in which Mr. Bal- four, the late ment, is secking a seat in parliament. 'When defeated in his old constituency, Lone of the Manchesters, he was left leader of the govern Several members-elect yore invited retire, in his favour,Nin- cluding Sir Gilbert Parker, and all of thgm declined until Alton Gibbs was reached. The vacating of the seat thing, however, and the filling of it is nother, Au election by acclamation My. Balfour was desired, and a desperate conflict is in prospect. The liberal candidate is T, Gibson Bowles, who was: a conservative free trader, and defeated in King's Lynn through the interference of Mr. Chamberlain. The erstwhile liberal and free trader, tory and -protectiomst, had Gtcasion to write to the conservative whip during the general dlection and he referred to Mr. Bowles as deseript who from to 1s one now "a non the formation of ord Salisbury's government, in 1805, to the the opportunity has never lost of stabbing in the back the party to which he professes " ® present time, to belong. This demanded a reply in kind, and Me. Bowles was equal to the emer workmen for personal profit, and fawn on him for political profit; to pro- mise old age pensions fur votes, amd hiving got the votes, to rehise the pensions; to intrigue against YOur ow leader in his own eabinet, and, be cause he rejects your fiscal proposals, to resign at a critical moment: to drive out of the cabinet by secret intrigue every man of position, capa- city, and repute; to insist that an sbpetly incapmble son shall be made chancellor of the exchequer as the price of abstentipn from opposition, and. having got this, nevertheless ta blackmail for two and a half vears with charges of humiliating and dis- gracing the party, while, at the same time, beslavering him with professions of aficction--this, this is false friend- ship; this is stabbing in the back." It is this Mr. Bowles ho has en tervd the battle against My, Balfour, in London, amd who has driven the to a personal canvass among the greasy voters of Billings- gate fish market. There he may get a few new phrases with which to give the election campaign a lively turn. v ------------ ex-premier Hon. Mr. Ross got a good one off lon Hon. Nr. Mathieson, the provin- cial treasurer. He was hoasting of a surplus, How did he get it? Did he do anything to produce it ¥ No. The money had come by the succession du- ties which Mr. Mathieson had oppos- ed. . Lhe has bien added ff of the C.P.R.--~the rd or 'at Ottawa--at $10, 000 a year. He ix not likely to resign this position, Mr. Whitney 'only promises to at- tend to the license inspectors who! "refrain from doing their duty from political rpasons."" What shout the Hellows who, as politicians, cannot be suppressed ? 2 ' ---- The Prince Albert scandal will now come to a head. Dr. Tyerman, the member-elect, hak resigned his seat and there 'will have to bo new elec tion. The: duttor may be a candidate' for re-election, said he went to the last political meeting: in order to resign from the association. Buti he acted as chairman and ran the business as usual, It looks ay if King is trimming. ------------ The local government is touchy upon the office question, Mr. Whitney inti-/ mates that he ix having a rather sayv- age time of it, and the censure of his friends is sufficient without hearing from his opponents, Perhaps it is. -- The minister of railways expects to make the Intercolonial railway pay this year, and in the near future . its earnings will amount to millions. That is cheering news. The railw ay has heen a drag on the eountry long enough. The Spéctator hopes' Mr, Ross will remain in' the legislature and in op- position, but in she spirit to help the government in its legislation, This is not an intimation, of course, that the government cannot get along without him, : A ---- - The Montreal Gazette observes some differences among the liberals, Reason --the party is foo strong in the legis lature, The fame experience is being had in Ontario. Thére are too many conservatives in the local the good of the government. house for The leader of the opposition has pointed out that the government hab | said nothing about several things which its members advocated while in opposition. These included the re peal of the taxes on corporations, the reduction . of the succession duties, ) . A bead 'om. J PPening of the spring season, to in doubt as to what for a while he and the abolition of the office of COm= i beara for the silver. stioahs in. the woull do. missioner of publid'works. Mr. Whit | | wer Huronian. ney has not replied. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. An Honorable Candidate. Toronto Globe. Fhatever crooked work was done in the Prinee Albert élections, Df. Tyer- man has certainly conducted himself throughout in a mhnner that leaves nothing to be criticized. * And He Should Know. Brantiord Courier. i The Hawilton papers have been kill- ing of a gentleman who refuses to Pointer to Burglar. stay dead, and who has informed According to a story resently told them that there is po truth in the ru. by Sceretary Shaw, the methodical wor as far as he can find gut. Or Stay Convicted. Ottawa Jounal. A visiting judge says that Ottawa is the most immoral place in Ontario. An incumbent pastor says there is more profanity in Ottawa streets than any other place he has visited. Otta- wa does not stand convicted. Jerome Should Know. Syracuse Standard t is said that Mr. Jerome has The burglar had unlocked the door geney. Ho wrote to the press : "side-tracked all other matters" in | and was pulling on it with all, his "I will tell you my idea of a false order to prosecute some insurance might, but to no avail, friend and a backslider. To sweat the managers named by the Armstrony The old gentleman watched him fo) committee. Doesn't Me. Jerome's hal. it of sidetracking one set 'of Suspects in order to get after a new set inter- London Has Ambitions. 1 ~dnv Advertiser London has an oxgellent kindergar- ten and public school system, the leading collegiate institute in Ontario a perfectly equipped normal school whose principal and vice-prineipal have no superiors in this provinee as edu. cators, and a medical school in {he the government you have abmndoned; front wank. A on rectarian university [It was come by honestly . but by in at the end of that time to procure | *OMd Crown the edifice. heritance, The treasurer is a sort of the insulting rejection by the repre ene symbolic Jack Horner, sitting in the sentatives of the party of a resolu VALUE OF HEN'S EGG. corner with his pie and saying, 'What tipn approving your leader's policy: ---- A mice surplus have 11° He does not and to follow this up hy openly | Useful Because it ig So Palat- ask who made the pie, and put the flouting and insulting that leader able. plums there. Had it not been for oup Feathered Liie, ere are some facts and figures re lative to the hen's egg which may not be without interest to the student of poultry possibilities, Its average length is 227-100 inches, its average diamet- er at the broad end: 1.72100 inches, and ts weight about one-vighth of a pound. Pullets eggs are smaller than those of old hens. The shell constitutes about 11 per cent, the yolk 32 per |. cent, and the white 37 per cent., of the total egg. Chemically speaking, an egg consists of two nutrients--protein and fat--togethe: with some water and a small quantity of mineral matter. Popular belief to the contrary, there ix no difference in the nutritive qualities of egies with dark shells apd those with Tight. Their flavor is affected by the food of the fowl, for good or' for th . . o -- a: Inspector King, of St. Catharines, fero somewhat with the work of pun- Lidl 2. The door doesn't open that ishing sinners ? way; it slides back !"'--New York limes, ' CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, The London Times says that France | will concede nothing further in Morocco. The Dewey dry-dock has arrived at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, and is expected at Gibraltar in ten days. Three: men were rescued from a burning building in New York, cne of whom had been driven insane with terror. : Legislation against automobiles was 1 at the convention in Toronto of the Western Ontario Good Roads' Association, ; The Montreal . Street railway - com pany have purchased the Terminal railway company, the priec reported being £50,000, James Arthur Laing, who conveyed the remains of Explorer Livingston from Zanzibar to London, is dead at Honolulu, aged sixty-two years, Charles Watt, despondent through illness, leaped from a cliff into the St. Croix river, at St, Andrew's, N.B., and ended his life. SILVER WEDDING. . -------- + Berlin, Feb. 22.--Kaiser i 'Willijm will celebrate his silver wedding anniversary on February 27th by grant-- ing an amnesty to all prisoners sentenced to serve terms of imprisonment not exceeding six weeks or to # pay fines not exceeding $50. + +40 The commandant of "the next Bisley team will be dither. Lieut.-Col. La belle, of the 65th, ¥ontreal, or Licut., Col. Wilson, of " the 3d Victorian Rifles, Montreal. Mvs. Silvia Langdon Dunham, se com oldest person in Connecticut, is dead at Southington, Conn.. aged 105 +4498 ue AT Aaa. PHEIELII FIFI 4S vears. Mrs. Deborah Silliman, of Easton, Comn., is 106 vears oll to day. A memorial is to be presented to the provincial government by the On tario Grand Councii of the Royal Templars of Temperance, urging that there be no weakening of the effect of the license law. The passenger managers of the rail ways expect that over 10,000 people who have caught the mining Tver will rush into the Cobalt region with the Mrs. Patterson, housekeeper at = Cape Beale, has awarded £250 by the Steamship® company' for the heroic pact she took in the rescue of sur vivors and recovery of the bodies of victims of the Valencia disaster. The company alse intends to reward others who helped and the commissioners re- commend that they be rewarded by the Dominion government also. wife of the light been Pacific Coast MISTAKE ANNOYED HIM. Savage Old Gentleman Gave wan, who knows how a thing should be Jone, and does . it, often becomes inexpressibly savage when he sees one commit an error of judgment. Some time since, the secretary said, an old gentleman of this class was awakened in the middle of the night by his good wife, who told him thought there were burglars in the house." The old gentleman" hustled downstairs and, sure enough, found a rough-looking customer trying a door that she to opin led into the back vard. A moment, and then exclaimed in withering tone : "What's the matter with you, vom HY ---- Who Made The Surplus ? Hon. G. W, Ross The provineial treasurer had done very ymch, that he knew of, produce the surplus, It was all due to the liberal legislation, along lines 'condemned the conservative opposition, such as succession duties not to some by foresight there would have been na pie and no plums there for my honorable friend." A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding, piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in 6 to 14 days, 50c. -- "Cough plasters' perfectly fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug | store. "Phone 230, Experiments are by ing made at Montreux, Franee, with an clecivie searchlight wich i: rated at 20,000, 000 eandie-power, It is expreted to throw its ravs iifty miles, evil. Exhaustive experiments equipped investigators prove ogr desdenes its repntation as an easi- | Iv assimilated and highly nutritious | food, if eaten raw or lightly cooked. But there is a physidlogical constitu- ent of egex which is of great value, vet it defies the seurch of the scien tist or the inquisition of the statisti. cian, and that is their Unless a food, however rich in teins, is relished, value, while, by well ! pro- EZdm ically desirable food that is enjoved _ledo, O comes vah'ahle hy poason of that fact, - . . Fe cannot that the | Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- Rase | Hall's i meditine. {the best physicians in this Yoars and is a regular | is camposed | combined with palatability, Hastng Sitestly eredien it loses much of 'its ful resol b « 1 per contra. a less chen uals bation, With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, an they reach the seat of the disease. » and in order to cure it You must take internal remedies, Hall's" Catoreh cure is taken internally and nets direct- ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Catarrh ~~ Cure is not a quack It was prescribed |y one of a SEAL BRAND Coffee for in addition to being & deficious beverage, it builds body and brain with nutritious elements and directly benefits the health, CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL vem -- NN am three hundred dollars on the notes--for ten days to six months. pay notes anytime before due in such amounts as they choose and we allow interest on such payments. et The H. D, Bibby Co, The H. D. Bibby co, ~ - JUST ARRIVED The fairest flowers that have ever bloomed in the garden of fashion are our New . Spring Suits Every man who reads this will" please "consider it an invitation to drop in and see us. The new spring attire is all here. We have kept our eyes wide open, and whatever is new and attractive from the best clothing "designers in the country will be found here. A man naturally desires the best he can get for the price. We keep ourselves constantly in pesition to give it tohim. Come in and see about all this talk. Suits at $10, Suits at $12, Suits at $13, Suits at $15, Suits at $16.50, Suits at $18. NEW RAINCOATS HAVE ARRIVED THE H. D. BIBBY CO. OR ER rn I ah, on, SMOKE TEST If you have any doubts about your plumbing and drainage not be- ing perfect, have, it tested, don't be deceived by other imaginary tests. Have the best. We have the ma- chinery, and the workmen, and hav- ing first introduced the system. in this locality are in a position to give entire satisfaction and security from sewer gases. Our charge is mod- erate. The Smoke Test will eventually be the Only Test for Plumbing. ! : 1 «. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street. "Phone 35. PRIVATE BANKING We Make Loans, at reasonable rates, from ten to security of good promissory We allow borrowers to We Do Not Lend on Chattel Security We Do Lend on Real Estate Mortgages, or Life, Endowment, or Bond Policies, at Lowest Current Rates. INSURANCE We have Sole Agencies of the Queen Fire Insurance Company, and the London and Lancashire Life Assurance Company, ern Fire Insurance Company of England, Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company, also the Ontario Accident of Toronto, and York. and are General Agents of the North- Lloyds Plate Glass of New All Strong Sound Companies MILLS & CUNNINGHAM 79 Clarence Street. country for Droseription. Ig of the best tonics known, the best hlood purifiers, on the mucous suriaces. © perfect vrombination of the two in- is what produces ' such wonder- 8 in curing Catarrh. Send for ree. CHENEY & CO., Props., To- Sold by Drugeists. price 73c. Take Hall's Family Pills tor consti: WE DO 31 William Street, Toronto GALVINIZING ! Iron, Cast, Malleable Wrought, Sheet, Fittings--QUICK THE CANADA METAL C0. M wer J Red CAN BOIVIN, V Of a first-class or alter your plumbi + CopvenT Estimates furni The Great English A positive cure for Sexual Weaknoss, ] xp Artes Brain a ects. matorrioea, Impotency, e Eucess, all of which oad to Co i if an e Infirm Ly, Insanity 'an 8 25 Onewi og di ae uggists or mail on receipt of price. Writefo ood Medicine Goes THE BAGPIPE'S EVOI It Began Life as a Reed. Nothing stirs the blood of man, far away from his na like-a bit of heather or sound of the Highland bagpi This instrument, althoug tige fairly common, never af fwthold in England, and in Jas been regarded with curic « than with-favor. To the Irish people it app ly; they still possess i gree the fee of attachmer wstrument that is so gener land of kilt nnets, the ba of the reed among the Troja s and Romans. A r the strai greater long viding a = attach ago past ese a bag bagpipe was the skin of 4 , throug aclé wa the soun simple instru improved. It w and three , which w the larger bagpipes der of in order of wind, m of th pr Ihe somewh ghland bagpipe of but much mild d, 20 the Scot they consider , the pibr of all i Kevs to the right tone swe t bas a harm fective in tl wily period 4 tland. It i rl and Lowlands very A hi Deo} hom the specially rument---helongs { I only for Sed and has uo attractiveness wheh Fy or other unsu Rene pibroch, skilled 13010 n ey, the rel th Todi march an hills beeo) 1 -------- Value of Sheep Mau J will ¢ and » 1 vears, S] ce of a headache is miser * bittle Liver Pille cure it 2 Peop) speak frankl Vv are small a tical orga follow