Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1906, p. 7

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The Greatest Magazine ou. must read T dublisRed. HE nough for so million gh, human enough, tates who can spell > BOOK is for you. random : Unions--Money ie Devil and Tom ¢ Human Body-- perstitions of the s say about 1906 hundred others. d into one and IE SCRAP BOOK. K sooner or later, r by the Year sher 2 «» New York ---------- ---- was I ---- ------ veoeee@ @@®e300 DDY'S § oh Star ® Match ® ® xes oie about TCHE ® ® O) ® er For Them y 5c. to try them. ® 9 20% @0@ ve ese ~ @® ® Snaps d taking stock and find ondition. We have 1io 0 advertise at big dis- broken sizes of a few ed to clear out. isting of about 80 pairs, sizes 4 lear $1. eels, sizes 11 to 2. Regular : : i and 8. Regular $2 and § : patra é ¢ o é : ppers at 49¢, regular 65c. and ber and have only a small lot ers, which we are selling at YW rs, 78c. nbbers, 50c. rs, 40o. lubbers, 80c. ¢., for 20¢. perfect lamp for halls, Burns ordinary coal oil alf pint of oil will burn Oc. & Birch, St., Kingston. wr mort all local points: Trains City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. SONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. CE VIS AN From Feb. dusive, at the following cAND TRUN WILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS Going West & THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. peway ticket at Feb. 15 to April 7 | geal, BEOUCED B RATES Vaucouver, Victoria Dr. Lyon's . PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists, PREPARED BY I H# Gio. 22S: Seatile ; 630 Porland and 3 coast poluts b Nelson, Rosslond, y' 0: Trail 0 im points 5 po to other ly low rates 3 + i pot t &P. and C. P. Full particular "ontario Street oh F. FOLGER, IR, i r oo Pass. Agent en. Sup Jay of Quinte Railway line for Tweed, Napanee. 15th, to April 7th, om Kingston to Seattle, Portland Rossland, Nelson, Victoria, Vancouver, Trail, Bob: son, Spokane .....e.e.e Anaconda, Butte He! ans ait LAKE oovireenies sasesrsnsens ssaensasne Colorado ~~ Springs, fi Pueblo' vvvenn seriarere sane Billings, Mont ... - san Francisco, Los Angeles ... Low rates to many other points. For Tourist Car Tickets, and all other information, Jy do J. P. Hanley, - Agent, Joheston and Ontario streets, Ont. the new 'win Screw Steamship udian,"' 5,500 tons. Sailing every ten days ) to 17th March, Weekly sailings therealte WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK St. Kitts, Martini- erm Quebec Steamship Company BER a Reached in 48 hours Far St. Thomas, St. Croix, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, awe, St. Lucia > bados, . and vara. Sailings e¥ rv ten days For beauty { goemery and perfection of climate this et is unsurpassed. For Hhatiuted pamphlets giving rates ot all information, apply & SUTERBRIDG E & CO., Arnis Steamship © ompany, 8 a way, New York PRU AHERN, AS a Canada, or to Jane >. HANLEY, and ALLAN LINE Roval TO LIVERPOOL EAR reduced rates Accommodation, Kingston, from New York al Mail Steamers SICK HEADACHE Many=varieties of headache exist, those most prevalent being sick or bilious head- ache, nervous headache, headache from constipation, ete. Headache is an effect of disease, the cry o thie suffering body for relief from some er. oF Ondoubtedly the cause must(h removed in order to cure the headache permanently. Wrong action of the stomach, liver or bowels is responsible for nine out of ten cases of headache. In sick headache (a very eommon form) there is sometimes nausea and vomiting and usually constipation. . -, In nearly all forma of headashe Burdock Blood Bitters ved" itself a ifio--a mudicine cured where all others failed. gh the stomach, liver and bowels in periec pinay order by the use of nature's and tonic, Burdock Blood Bit- iy which cures all forms of headache by | removing thie cause. Miss L. Smith, Morrisburg, Ont., writes: «| desire to let you know how much good Burdock Blood Fitters has done for me. I was troubled with headaches all the time, and could get no relief, until a friend told me of your Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking two bottles of it, I can say that I am completely B.B.B. is for sale at all druggists and general stores. Do not accept something 'juss as good." Double Concave $250 for heavy beards © = "'Larbo-Magnetic" Elas- From.St. John From Halifax tic Cushion Strops, $1.00. " Pretorian, Sati died. Mon "Feb 19. Free booklet **Hints to Shavers.' Numidian, Sat. 4PFeh Mon. Feb. 20. de cheil, Coristhian, Sat. . 3. Mon., Mar. 5. For Sate by W. AL Misc ' Tunisian, Sat., Mar. 10. Mon., Mar. 12. Kingston, . Sardinian J.P. Ry. J Canadian Pac BOSTON TO GLASGOW, Thurseg Tow $2 HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE Pomeranian For Rates of Passage, HANLEY, Sat., apply to P. GILDERSLEEVE, ific Ry ---- MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND Fire Insurance assets which the stockholders. perty R POLICIES Company, $61,187,215. In the policy insured at lowest Agents. Examine ot Square. DR. DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, Surgeon, Surgeon Oftice. MeCARTHY, occupied by Dr. treal and Brock streets. MEDICALS. Ryan, ete > by : erful ingredients, which are of proven of Sonn, i108, street, o Sohosite Bank Is as dainty a Shoe as. can be value in the cure of diseases oe the - found anywhere at the price. ° throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. It ARCHITECTS. is prepared by a long and tedious se process, that cannot be carried out in NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- ite, second flo Store, corner Streets. I "nitance on Ba, eerie | of the est quality obtainable or Rot street. 9 y ! ' ) Telephone. 608 V 0 ; OF ol | TU R b the reputation which Dr. Chase's S f Linseed and Turpentine has ART yrup ol I LR ELLIS, ARCHITEOT,, OF- built up in years of success must be oo of New Drill Hall, near cor- i} hottle that of Queen und Montreal streets. maintained by every bottle tha is POWER & SON, chant's Bank' B and Wellington AENRY ete. "Phone ENG THE tureg, Paced: Bo MeGin fee, 97 Clarence Princes s and streets. P. SMITH, ---- ia EMBOSSING Smt for Paper and Envelopes Calling Cards and Letter heads RAVING WHIG, Kingston ha FRONTENAC a RENO m, ny own INVESTMENT lunicipal Mortgages Feb. 24 Agent Grand Trunk Agent GLOBE Available addition to holders have for security the unlimited liability of all Farm and city pro- possible rates. Belore renewing old or givipg Dew business get rates from & Strange, eee emer een ee ere es, COVER' MORE building and contents than any other Company offers. Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- Strange ON them at OFFICE LATELY corner Mon- PHYSICIAN, Late Resident House Kingston General Hospital or over Mahood"s Drug Bagot ARCHITECT, MER- uilding, corner Brock "Phone, 213. ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square. Richard Cartwright || n City and Farm Pr ad 1 County 1 Deten- a HERE IT IS Our Ladies' Blucher ELLEDA M. PERLEY, AT.CM. SOPRANO SOLOIST ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Has just returned ed to receive wagements. Address, A WARM pupils 193 sound selling as of the year. It may speak of coal buying and science, Two tmportant discoveries made are that complete satisfaction t our customers pays best, way to win business is to deserve it, Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. 'Phone 133. high cut shoe at .... $1 50 H. JENNINGS, King St, OF from Boston after taking spexfal course on breath control for artistic singing ard development of nower through resonance and is prepar- and Concert ¥n- Brock street SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time queer to but that's what we've made it we have and that the WOULD RENOUNCE IT KING'S NIECE IS DESPERATE- LY IN LOVE. Princess Patricia, Who is Report- ed to Have Rejected King Al- . fonso, Pines for Young Noble- man Already Engaged. London, Feb. 21.--A royal princess, King Edward's niece, has fallen so de- sperately in love with an" immensely wealthy young nobleman that she is ready to renounce rank, title and pre- cedence to make him her lord, But were she a village girl she' would be no nearer her heart's desire, for the man¢of her heart loves another. And the worse for him, the princess' fa- ther has informed him that he would welcome him as a son-in-law, Princess Victoria Patricia of Con- naught, so the story runs, became in- fatuated with the voung Marquis of Anglesey, whom she met at Princess Fna of Battenberg's coming out ball last year. Princess Patricia, who will be twenty years*bld next St. Patrick's day, is the younger daughter of King Edward's only living brother. nounced becomingly on his twenty-first birthday, April Hth. The Connaughts not con- tradicted the gossip that Princess Pa- tricia refused King Alfonso because she preferred Anglesey. But even royal princesses must woupti imes pine and be consumed by wnffquited love, In Queen Victoria's time, the Marquis of have Hartington, now the Duke of Devon- shire, was marked diwn to marry Princess Louise, now Duchess of Ar- evi, "bat Hartington prompuy took a two years' towr of the world. DISHONEST MILK SUPPLIES. Practice of Tampering With Milk is Inereasing. Farming World, Toronto 2 According to the reports of Chief Instructors Publow oh Barr as wiven at the recent dairy convention, of adding water the practice to' or taking the cream off milk supplied to the cheese factories of (Ontario is on the increase. Evidéntly increased skill and intelligence as applied to dairy- ing does not always make for howesty and square dealing. The inherent tendency in. mankind to get some thing for nothing will notedown, The evil is not new. however. and has hpen with us since those davs when dairy cheons of the Washington family, the door. It has been reported that some vandal of the Sulgrave Manor House, the ancestral home of the Washing- tons from 1535 to 1606. The picture shows the escutcheons above has stolen the escut- which adorned the entrance lall , who will The Marquis of Angles come of age next April}, will have an income of $750,000 a year when his estate, which he inherited with the title from his dissolute uncle, is put in order, Princess Patricia and the marquis danced several dances at Princess Ena's ball; Anglesey seemed delighted by the preference shown him, and for a. while paid the princess marked at tention, Then he fell deeply in love with Lady Ivy Gordon-Lennox, a lovely, fair haired girl, only daughter of Lord Algernon Gordon-Lennox, the Duehess. of Richmond's brother. Lady Ivy and her mother-- "the best dressed woman in England" --have many friends in New York, whom they have visited. Princess Patricia's afiection for the marquis being unmistakable, her fa mily made most discreet overtures to the marquis. Anglesey tried to--extri cate himself by intimating Sat he «did not wish QCCUPY mdecering position of hnshand of a oe prin cess. It was then that Patricia declar ed that as a prince she is mi and canbe Hippy Hil 28 hiv' all ioness of Anglesey. And now, Ang lesev's' friends say, the Connaughts have let him know that his engage ment to the Princess would be an The Struggle For Breath In Asthma and Bronchitis Promptly Relieved By Or. Chase's Syrup of is The lieving the terrible paroxysms of asth ma and the hard, is the than a mere ailments, far more ture." This well-known medicine is com posed of a number of simple yet pow "cough pux The ingredients are sold. Ont. "Being exposed to all sorts of wea- ther 1 frequently catch cold. Last win- ter I was so bad with a cold that I had great pains in the chest, At last I feared it would develop into con- sumption if I did not not succeed in getting proper treatment. A friend ad- vised me ta try Dr Linseed and a Turpentine and 1 began 0 bottle. One bottle cured my cold | street, for a fine dis splay of new im- which T believe would' have proven ported tweed suiting. Suits made to very serious if I had not used this order for $15, gnaranteed a first-class medicine." fit, They are really worth $20 a suit, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed _and| Now is your time to leavé your or- | Turpentine, 25c. a bottle, at all { der. and save money. dealers. re, Insist on seeing the portrait and Polish women are renowned jar the res and interest allowed, » Managing Director, Street, Kingstoms vessels, whalers and yachts, . New South Wales exempts from pil ot rates all ships of war, eable-laying signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the fa- mous, receipt book author, on bottle you buy, " Linseed and Turpentine wonderful success of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine in re- dry cough of bron- chitis, and in positively curing these best proof that if is filling a prescription at a drug store. always fresh and Persons who have suffered from asth- ma for years tell us that they never| Every hous per should possess a found anything to bring such prompt | goodly supply of aprons, and especial and lasting relief. Sufferers from | ly those gingham or cambric ones bronchitis have a similar experience, | which cover the skiet entirely and and, while this medicine is not recom- | have some form or other of waist mended as a cure for consumption, it protection in the way of a bib. The could not speak above a whisper, and Chase's Syrup of to improve before 1 had taken half a the ing was of minor importance to Cana dians. . While the practice is not at all general and only unscrupulous indi | viduals here and there attempt it, yet it is sufficiently gemeral to blast the good name of Canada and to bring reproach upon the dairymen of this country. This has been done to a large extent, but the evil continues to thrive. At present the law is applied through the instructors employed to aid in improving the quality of our dairy products. Bug this is not satis factory. The instructor should not in any sense act the part of a detective; Ft makes his work less eficctive and a 1lot of valuable time is wasted that should be better employed. If the law has to be applied to make patrons honest the maker or. a special com {mittee connected with the factory } should enforce it and not the instrue " | Hart there is a better way tha an 'all { this of discouraging: the prac Let \ tl © » factor of this «o cimtry { pay for milk a rding to its quality | and the temptation to add water or cream from the vomoviel. There is thé expenditure applying the to dishonest factory patrons. The Babcock test in careful and accurate hands will do the work and give every patron just what he is entitled to get for his milk, both quantity and quality eonsidered. Com to all should and not law. to take milk will he really no excuse for of one dollar in law cheese mon sense and justice rule in this matter A New Cut In Aprons. does bring wonderful relief from the| illustration shows the apron skirt in dreadful cough ' that so tortures the | full length, 'The front panel econ weakened patient. tinues above the waistline to well | John Clark, coachman, Port Hope, | over the bust, and to the sides of this are stitched the shonlder straps, which : continue the back and fasten to the buttgped waistband, and in_the front form the large pockets onl cither side of the front panel. A eross wise strap in the back holds the shoulder straps in place, keeping them from falling off the shoulders. down Great Bargains All Month. Look at Prevost's window 55 Brock NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- | ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Ida Hill Occurrences. Ida Hill, Feb. 20.--The weather still continues very mild. Farmers are, one and all, looking and wishing for sleighing, so as to haul their sum- mer supply of wood and other neces sities. James Fisher, who received 1 fracture of the thigh bone New Yea%®'s! day, is able to come to the kitchen again. The. many friends of Herbert Balls were sorry to learn of his ill ness. W. McNeely is also on the sick list. Jackson Bros. are putting a water wheel in their mill, which will ! be a much cheaper power tnan steam, Mr. Hodge, the ventriloquist, gave i] evening's entertainment for the Small folks. Everybody in our village talking of the Thaumaturgy of the Fays, in the Grand Opera house, | Kingston. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Se Murphy, Estevan, at R. Shannon's; Miss M. Cochrane, Sunbury, at Mrs. J. Fisher's; Thomas Fisher, and George Cuddy, in Kingston. Getting Out Ice. Feb. 20.--Maxwell Purdy, sick list, Ly able to be around. . Shellington are get- ting out ice, an Walker has return ol home from Petworth. Richard Lillie intends building, a new dwelling in the spring... William Reid has the contract to supply Wilton church and Murvale schoolhouse, with wood. A number from here attended the Murvale, on the A. Cowdy and . con cert at Sydenham last week; and were high in their praise of the Ottawa Hiawatha quartette. Miss Jessie Parkhill, Kingston, has been the get of her grandmother, Mrs. John Young, Sr. Miss Violet: Marton spent Saturday and Sunday with her pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Purdy spent Sunday in Kingston. John Tallon is moving to his farm at Harrowsmith. Visitors : Mr: and Mrs. Frank Purdy and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Purdy and Max and Annie Purdy at William Wallace's; Mrs. F. Hughson, Kingston, at John Grant's; Mr. and Nirs. A. Connolly, Yarker, at Mr. Van luven's; Mrs. CC. Brown at Mrs. Jo Taggart's: Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Elginburg, at Max Purdy's. Bought New Farm. Florida, Feb. 20.--The farmers of this section are taking advantage of the sleighing by hauling their logs to the mill. We regret the departure Mrs. GG. Walker, who has lived here for, the past fifty-two years. She will be greatly missed by, all her neigh- bors. She has moved' to her daugh- tér's, © Mrs, J. Creamer's, Glenvale, where she contemplates spendin, the remainder of her days. Miss Reape Peters and Mrs, Beatrice Leeman, ai- ter spending a week at Verona, have returned home. T. Wallace, wife and danghter, are spending a week at Elgin and Portland. E. Martyn, who has been under the doctor's care, is bet- of ter. J. 0. Redden and wife, spent Saturday in Kingston. S. Martyn has purchased a fine new stove. We wel Mr, our neighborhood, come Shellington and family to Mr. Shellington and family formerly lived at Parham, where he owned a large mill, but hav- ing sold his mill, he purchased the Walker farm, and has taken Lilly is erecting a fine Jolin' Talent had \purchas farm at Harrowsmith, and taken possession. L. Stormes spent Sunday at Inverary. Visitors: B, Martyn and| Miss Anna Godirey, Syd enham, at S. Martyn's; R. N. Lapum and wife, Lemuel Storms, Wilton, at J. E. Stormes'; E. Vrooman and wife Sharpton, at I. Walker's; James Fair weather, Wilton, at J. E. Peters'. George possession. R. new pig' pen' ed Charleton Milk Pail Ideas. The cost of keeping a cow is in pro portion to her weight; but the yield in butter is not in such proportion, It is almost wholly in the breed, care and methods of feeding. I'he richer the feed the butter and the more nure. The principal advantage with Jersey milk is that the proportions of all of its solids are greater and of water less than the average milk, Ropy milk is caused by bacteria, but itis not yet known how this bae teria gets into the milk unless it is better the valuable the ma from the body of the cow. Wash the udder teafs and body of the cow be fore milking: also, see that the ves sel and hands of the milker are clean The animal heat in the milk should be removed as soon as possible hy pass ing the milk over a cold surface or through a pipe surrounded by ice. Don't wet the cow's teats in milking. The practice is a filthy one, and ren ders clean butter making impossible, yr dog vou gave us actually duty at He spends most of his Kitchen with the our house os, time in the cook." The crack infantry regiment of Russia, is the Malo-Ruski, or Little Russian Regiment, «having its head quarters at Kiefi, EE ------ . A Pointer Worth Having. The merits of Ozone are well known, but in buying it one must be sure to get the purest form. Also, Ozone should always be taken along with "Celery King," the famous tonio lax. ative. The purest form in which Ozone is put up is "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)' and each bottle of this brand contains a coupon entitling you to a packacge of "Celery King" free. No other firm in the world can give "Celery King" with Ozone, We give it hecause oir Ozone thus brings the highest results. In addition, vou get just about twice as much "Solution of Ozone' for your money as of other kinde, and you get it in the purest and most concentrated form. You also get "Celery King" free, instead of having to buy it, which you would need to do in order to have full bene- fit from the use of Ozone, heauiy of their hands and feet, place fineness of 'the every other charm, They hands above a Your druggist should have "Soln- tio of Ozone (the coupon kind)" (1 , not, write to the ble Drug Com- | ' pany, Bridgeburg, On = is a ready eke] ieee 'food, made light and por- without yeast, HEAT ::= Baking powder, fats or chemiocals--A natural remedy for digestive troubles. Send for the 'Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid, CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO Limited, N Falls, Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church Se 00000 DOOOVEN | 200eeeee S980 SEae E8000 sasnene DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). - Colds, Coughs, CHLOR the {a admitted profession the most hy and valuable rem+ edy ever discovered. " 0 CHLORD is the best remedy known for COUGHS, [ H ! 0 R COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI. TIS, ASTHMA. acts like » charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the onl and DYSENT! effectual cuts short all attacks EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and grasus. is the Sai, palliati is NEURALGIA, - E CHLORODYN CHLOR OD YN Eibamnanme Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ¢ CHL ORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each bettle. Sold in bottles. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies "each bottle] Sole Manufacturers :-<J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto, DYN DYN DYN Specie in. CHOLERA, Prices in England, ls 13d. 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d. fn] re SEF HHE FXEXEXXE EREXERERE REX S NO END TO THE: BARGAINS This Week we have § placed on sale a Big ? Snap for Men 48 PAIRS MEN'S DONGOLA LACED BOOTS, fairly heavy sole and good shape. The regular selling price was $2.25. $1 49 This week 36 PAIRS MEN'S VICI KID AND PATENT COLT LACED BOOTS, a nice dressy American made Shoe, Regular $3 $2 25 . OF, ries nisi ida ais J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. : * : The Home of Good Shoemaking * EHH EREH ENE RE FEFEPEES SEEN Ist ssa tsar tata EXXEEFEI XXXXR EXXFEI XE FESFISES You're a Back Number If you do not use a Ty writer. The visible writna EMPIRE will please you and draw trade. Price, $60. Try one for a month.

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