Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1906, p. 11

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Kirt tector on flat -- not er-will last ny skirt. / take. Issued 4 es beautifully ite for sample Ltd, St. John's, PQ. worn by the best-dressed Canadians ntury. They are the recognized ns cf the finest texture, with high. nings, are the materials used 'xpert, and each the factory THERS, Limited, EAL. collar is individ | whole-wheat butter, cheese re nourishing € 2 3 . o i ® : " 00k Book," postpaid , Limited, Niagara Falls, Qat hurch St. COO SOOTDDO IRBPEBDE TEST have any doubts about ing and drainage not be- have it tested, don't be 7 other imaginary tests. st. We have the ma- | the workmen, and hav- troduced the system in are in a position to give action and security from Our charge is mod- be Only Test for Plumbing. BROS . 'Phone 35. THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, D If Freeo You) + | My Sister preto You and Every Sister Woman Suffering 'from Woman's Allments 1 will mail, free of 'any charge, my home treatment with full instructions to any sufferer from womans ailments. I want to tell al] womén about 'this cure--you, my reader, for yours, yout 'Gdughter, your méther, or your der, Lwapt to tell you how to cure your- wives st home without the help-of 'a doctbr, Nea canmot understand woman's sufferings, | What we women know from we, Taow better than any doctor. I know that'my fone treatment is a safe and sure cure for Lescurhea or Whitish Discharges, Ulceration, Dglscement or Falling of the Womb, Pro= fase, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Suis Tues of , 2150 pains ln the ead, back and bowels, ig down feelings, svsaess, creeping feeling up the spine, micholy, hot flashes, weariness, kidney i dladder troubles where caused by weake sams peculiar to our sex. Iwan to send you a complete ten days | fwtment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly aod surely. 'Remember that it will cost you to give the treatment a complete trial od if you should wish to continue, it will ost you only about 12 cents a week, or less than twocentsa day, It will not interfere with your work or oocupation, Just send me Jour, name ad address, tell me how Jou suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment, for your case, entirel return mail, Iwi free, in lain wrapper, by also se: ow free of cost, hax "WONAN'S OWN MEDICAL AD- " with explanatory illustrations show ig why women suffer, and how they can Sally vive themselves at home, Every wotnan have it and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says-- You must have an operation,' you can decide for yourself, 'Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures oll, or young. To Sid o or gang. I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily ana effect: ay cures Leucorrhaea, Green Sickness ud n or irregular menstruation in young ladies, imphess and heal vi fo iis Bo P ealth always result Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies d your own locality, who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treate ment really cures all women's diseases, ad makes women well, strong, plump and tht. Just send me your ade dress, and the free ten days treatment is jours, also the boolk, Write to-day, as you uly not see this offer again, Address * MRS. M, SUMMERS Windsor, Ont. Box 11 A Professor Dorenwena America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist, Coming to Randolph Hotel, Kingston, Wednesday, Feb. 28th PhS. Por Aa. Chance to" consult a 1 choos END about your Hair « 1 from his stock of samples Hair, Goods, what you require, : BALDNESS Dis to ures and adds an aged expression Professor Dos hy remain Bald when Wiz or Toupee rs | ean fit you with a You wii D!ES-READ THIS! nytt orc eT have a' better opportu- am Rs oc onutiful | assortment of PAB ACHES BANGS, POM- ak 4 SS, GS. Ete. a metbe} the Date and Don't fail to wate] and see PROFESSOR RENWEND early. The Dorenwend 108 and 105 a Toonta, Limited VNIGE CULTURE - ELLEDA NM. PERLEY, A.T.C.M. SOPRANO SOLOIST ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH! Bas Just returped trom Bow r . ov Special course on ye Ee ju. rough resonance pupils agement, Address, he Cpe ID- your rubbers give you satisfachon have been "Canadian" Rubbers. Be sure of f certainly have had a most beautiful OF atic singing wna development of and is prepar- or peli 1015 of the "Tymwald," on last season? not, they couldn't the mark of quality" 'when buying--it is only on the QUEEN'S' ALUMNI MET. * - ey -- In "Calgary--Réal Estate There Almost. Booming. Calgary; Feb. 16.--(To the Edit: or): It is with a great deal of satis- faction: that some of our number who have but lately' come from Ontario, talk of the - present cold of "Back East" to those who are discontented with Alberta's - hégwtiful climate. We winter here. Though we had a cold snap once in a while, 'at times thirty- five degrees below zero, yet it lasted hut a few. days. We have had but few storms and then not severe. To-day is like 'May, and no doubt will con- tinue so, gs after February 15th we experience ice severe cold. On Fébruary. 9th, at the Grand Union hotel here, Queen's University Alumni Association held its first an- nual - dimmer. was a decided sacess in every way. Though. many gra- duates could not attend, still those who slid lacked not the regiired enthu- siasm to swell to mighty volume "The Old Ontario Strand,' and other good old college songs: Those present were: Dr. Lafferty, Georgo. Bevan, BA. M. 'B. Mumro,: (RA, W. Benmett, BAA. Rev, Alexander MN. Gordon, M.A. H. AL pen, . C.F, Rev. James For- guson, Jf, < MéCaig, B.A., H. R. Par- ker, Miss + . Miss Gibson, . Dr. Gibson. We hope. to sce this newly- formed assotiation' prosper, and many students pass from = our hgh schools to ewr - beloved * university; thenito: beesimc Swattrtted with their spirit of the love of truth and munli- ness, which: is peculiar to. Queen's. teal estate, up till two wees aro, was almost "booming." At that time a very cautious letter appeared in' the local press, and caused some- what of a falling off in the desire to get rich quick. However, everything is in excellent.shape for a beautiful increase in prices ' pext month, and once more Jots will change hands. Our lately established. soap factory is turning out a very excellent quality of "Golden West Soap," for which the demand is steadily increasing, As an index to Calrary's growth, a by-law SWS passa last month, to raise "R95; for two large new schools. Ad cplesént. the school ac commotion is wat nhoarly 'adequate to the increasing population. We have, at present, three very large school buildings, and three smaller ones, and of these. two of the largest were built within my recollection; that extends to nearly three years ago. Many Kingstomians now residing in this city were very greatly pleased to hear of Mr. Pense's re-election, especially so since we believe that all around it was the fairest. election that King- ston has experienced. --Yours truly, H. ------------ Success Of The Work. "IT am not a Missionary, but I write with some authority, for my father was one of the earliest Brahmin converts to Christianity, and I have had ample op- portunity for study of the subject. I say deliberately .that mission work world and the next, depends on her be- commg a 'Christian country." --Pitt Bonarjee. "The spiritual powers of the King- dom of Christ are at work beneath the surface of Indian society. They are penetrating, permeating and transform- ing the whole inner life of the Indian people." Bishop of Bombay. _ "Who would venture to estimate the influence ° that the present body of churchmen and churchwomen may ex- ercise in a near future, if adequately supported bv the intercessions and alms of the Anglican communion? The vic- tories of the church depend upon the use of the present opportunity." Uses Of Adversity. You wear out your-own clothes. You are not troubled with many visitors. You are exonerated from making calls. Bores do not bore you. Spongers do not haunt your table. Tax-gatherers hurry past your door. Itifierapt bands do not play opposite yous window. You are not persecuted to stand godfather. leave you alone. ance. son than others. Flatterers do shoot their rubbish into your ear. tion, many a headache. And have a true friend in the world, to learn it. reached over thiee million copies several "European and ht HT ; members only, mn of 8 Sins of sig), i the Isle of Man, con- Tanguages. The.good it has done is in NEWS. OF CHURCHES THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE Three Pioneer +An international and interdendmina- tional missionary conference will held at: Whitby in July. Ww held, 6095 visits dresses send one missio enty members an every minister at home. foreign missions an average of $13 a year; other denominations average six- ty cents. genume. 1 Though 72 vears old, "Santmy"" Coles, oy , i fof Lax Eng., works six days a week as a wheelwright and preaches in Sout} chapels of the Bible tians on ; miles and kneeling down at every mile- stone to pray. clergyman. of there has been sha China, "The Association of the Disci- ples of "Christ in China," to unite all Christian converts and to carry dn evan- i jn sity of outside India, despite many deplorable thi because of the generosity © is, under Bods Ree 2 friends. He is planning a fourth Hos. and I am utely convinced that the | pital, to be sustained by the Lana ian salvation her millions, both in this | government. He has lately built an No-one thinks of presenting you with a| Robert Kennedy, Kingston, N.B., testimonial. No trades ifritates | writes : "I would not be without Ca- you by asking, 'Is there amy other little | tarrhozone for the world. for a cold article to-day?' Begging letter-writers | in the head, coughs and influenza it is You practice _temper- You swallow infinitely less poi- not You are saved' many a debt, many a decep- if you you are sure in a very short space of time The animal story "Black Beauty" has mn three Asiatic 2 RELIGIOUS WORLD. Missionaries--A' Bishop Proud of His Cathedral in ' Africa--Looted By' An {Armed Bamd. be The ts' missionary society of Vycliffe College tepont 1.595 services and 1,207 ad- iven during lasthyear. 3 repeated that the Moravians ry out of every Sev- five missionaries to They give to Let it _ Chris- unday, walking sometimes, 52 Under the lead of the son of a native the C. M. S, mission formed in° Changsha, gelistic work supported entirely by the Hinese, : The residence of Rev, Dr. Andrew Beattie, American Presbyterian mis- sionary at Fati, in the district of Can- ton, China, has been looted by an armed band. . The missionaries were bound and clothes, watches and silver, valued at $1,000, were taken. Dr. Beattie 1s in charge of five mission day schools. According to East Indian govern- ment records, there is one criminal Hindu. in 447 of the population; in the Christian community is found only one in 2.500. If all the people in the Ma- dras Presidency were Christians there would be 12,000 criminals fewer every year. and most of the 'gaols might be shut. The S.P.G. in England has made an entirely new venture, not tried before in the 204 years of its history. It has started a fund for the training of can didates to work in the foreign mission field. Within twelve months the soci- ety has had more than two hundred ap plications from candidates, men and women. Sand The Bishop of Likoma, who is visit- ing London, is proud of his cathedral, built by Africans with African materi- als. It would be creditable even in London, having granite walls two feet thick. A morning chapel is used for daily service. The native church is in &reasing at the rate of 500 communi- cants per annum. Dr. Grenfell reports a very happy Christmas on the bleak Labrador shores orphanage in connection with St. An- COLD IN THE HEAD -- Can be Cured in a Few Minutes by Inhaling Catarrhozone. By gently breathing Catarrhozore through the mouth and rie exhaling through the nostrils, cold in the bead can be cured al- most immediately TCatarrhozone is very ES end dlways found it satisfactory. It gives immediate relief to coughs and cold in the head, and is the cleanest and most convenient cure for Catarrh 1 have met." indispensable. It is so pleasant and convenient that it can't be praised too highly." Carry a Catarrhozone inhaler in your vest pocket--usc it now and again, and you won't have colds; it prevents as well as cures t . Physicians pronounce Catarrhozone the most marvellous cough and cold cure of the age and state that it has no equal for bronchitis, lung trouble and catarrh. Two months' treatment costs one dollar, and is guarantéed to cure or «| vour, money back. Trial size 25c. At caleulable. all' druggists. Nichols, was built in the year 1220, and One .of the most interesting ch Aracters among the higher clergy of the M, E, church is Bishop Ha ytzell of Africa, now on his way to the United States. He is a gr dat traveler and, during the last 35 years, has annually covered a bout 30,000 miles, partly in Afric ; partly in. other. 'parts of the world. 4 i are of eréam lace entire deux edged simple and pleasant to} (ith a black velvet baby ribbon, the use, and is guaranteed elbow puff sleeve banded in a similar to cure colds, Catarrh manner tand finished with a fill. of and all winter ills or] coq. matching lace. A broad block vel your money back, « dvit ribbon ties about the waist and Miss Helen Brown, Annan, N.S, finches with Joops: and long, ends ut writes : . "I have used Catarrhozone} } Yoii 'side. 4 thony's ital; also two mission pred owt Sharing his work of this. winter is. Sister Williams, ne of rare quality; and Dr. Bry- ant, of Harvard co A Fishermen's Institute at St. John's for headquarters i ns oe Mountain arrived at Quebec in 1793, he found the missions of Quebec, I and. Three Rivers supported by the ernment, and Sorel, Emestown Newark jointly 8 ted by the government and the Pe Nine clergymen were in charge of the Canadian Three were two others gle ico, 3 te bishop found n to the upper it delighted his heart to Arion mis- jonaries, men whose work and faithful _-- Te worthy of the church in any These were the vetéran John Stu- f Ki on; John Langhorn, - of A tow, ro "Robert Addison, of Newark. Mr. Langhorn had 13500 souls under his care: a ---------- Historic Church Burnt. Boldon, England, parish church, St. its destruction by firé is a distinct loss to the country's ancient monuments. Of the original structure only the. tower, surmounted by a short stone spire, and the chancel arch survived. The arcades and aisles and the porch were built lat- er in the same century, and the whole edifice was a fine example of masonry work of those early days of generosity, St. John's mission church, Harpenden, was burned also recently. spin ------ iy Sw FASHION'S FORM, Empire House | Gown in Hen- rietta. The empire mode which made such a furore| for itself in the winter's coat line, is this season to characterize the house dress, Its lines are extremely graceful and becoming alike to the tail and short woman. The full skirt, gath ered or pleated into the short waist, is always cut long. that is, én traine at least or seven inches, and sleeves are invariably short. As.to the neck, that may be_ high or low as the wearer prefers, or as in this fhstance the neck is cut in a slight V and fitted with a chemisette which may be omit- ted at any time. The material of this gown is a robin's egg blue henrietta. The full skirt is gathered to the short waist, the fullness of whieh over the bustline is #taincd by the box pleats, three in cach front, stitched for a short distance below the shoulder seam. The revers and «simulated collar SIX - In Darkest Africa. What mission. work is. designed . to blot out and refornt is such savagery as is described by a Swiss ller, Mr. Paul Brun, returned. from two and half years' travels among the. tribes of the Congo. He has made ic ac- counts of the dréadful Burlal' ceremony of a chief of the man-eating Bakete. The body is set in a chamber: hollowed into one side of a déep diteh, into which young girls ate thrown, their arms and legs broken with a club. * In the. f with the chief are goats and fi , to- ether with his weapons, and especially is gun, which is 'broken to save it from theft. the wives and slaves of the chief are Ope of the rare eggs of the Great The earth is thén filled in and |' he Sweet To the greybeards of America, and to their gentle companions with silvery hais; to the people of tind : age, and to those who have passed beyond early youth--to you all meats of Literature a First i 500,000 number 'copies, and » came out af ¥ | - all sold out. on the : 1 Second 10th of edition now February B GDK 3 | on the pres BOOK --poems, a satires, and stories that CARELESS ICE YACHTSMEN. Frogs Croak and Robins Cherp on the Island. Wolls Tiand, Feb. 22The past couple of days have left: us devoid of snow, and to-day frogs were Heard croaking, The first robin of the sea: son was seen to-day. The ice, at pres ent 'is growing weak, eausing the bridge at the crack on the ico to be moved a couple of times a day. Many feel that the bridge should be free to Islanders. Une night, last week, some mean and despisable persédn broke iin- to the shanty on the ice at the crack, and completely demolished the stove, and destroyed other things; it is toe bad that the perpetrator of the deed could not be found and punished. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sauve in the death of their youngest daughter, Miss Ade line, whose funeral took place on Sunday, and was one of the largest funerals seen Jeaving Garden Island for some time. The condition of D. Lyons continues to improve. John B. Grant and Miss Janie McDonald are receiving congratulations. John Irwin, accompanied by his sister, when returning from the city on Saturday, driving a spirited horse, had the misfortune to meet with what might have been a very serious accident. lee yachts were skimming over the smooth ice, crossing thé road in every direction, apparently trying to see if it were possible to frighten horses, when Mr. Irwin's horse made a dash, upsetting the rig, throwing the occupants out, and making & desperate run for the city. He was captured on the ice at Richardson's elevator. The horse escaped with a few slight bruises, hut the cutter was broken to pieces. ¥ Arthur Cummings! of Watertown, N.Y., is visiting relatives. John Hen: nessy is visiting at Mr. MecAllister's, Mrs. John Robertson is a guest of Miss VanNess. Edward Weaver : and Martin Kane, of Rosiere, N.Y., spent Sunday on the island. Mrs, John 0O'- Brien has returned homé from Stoco, after a two weeks" visit, It is report- ed that Robert Yolt will work the farm of Mrs. Kyle, Sr., and his bro ther, Rodney, will work that of Mrs, Kyle, Jr. Dr. Gage is about to leave the island to locate in New Ontario, This will leave Dr. McCarthy's old stand vacant. The C.M.B.A. ball, Keld last night, was a great success con- sidering the state of ice and roads, 125 couples being present. It is to. be hoped that we will have some snow for the A.0.UW, ball, which takes place next Monday night as this ig generally" a great event, ett A Refuge And Strength. He who never connects God with his daily life knows nothing of the spirit- ual meaning and the uses of life: no- thing of the calm, strong patience with which ills mav be endured; of the gen- tle, tender comfort which the Father's love can minister; of the blessed rest to be realized in his fogiving love, his tender fatherhood; of the deep, peace-| ful sense of the infinite One ever near, a refuge and strength.--Canon Farrar. "The Christian faith is a grand ca- thedral with dimly lighted windows. Standing without, one sees no glory, nor can ever imagine any possible. Standing within, every ray of light re- vodls a harmony of unspeakable splen- our. For the dissatisfied man all life is un- satisfactory, and for one that is con- tented the world is full of comforts. And for the cheerful man even the easterly wind is musical in the window crevices, and it makes solemn anthems for him in the woods. The late Thomas Merritt, of St. Catharines, made provision for a rectory for Christ Church and in the payment of money for the parish needs of a sum equivalent, if capitalized, to $11,000, 1 WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY IF IT FALLS Auk was sold recently by auction in Londen for 200 guineas. £4 * "JAUNYON, Philadelphia 5 : the delight that a piece of mothe's' Bie. would bring will Gio back to your iti sud heast wae to taste ET in the The Sweetmeats of Literature--old familias friends, coming back to you in THE SCRAP necdotes, declama umogous stories and stories too, half-forgotten hymns, lost facts; quaint and curious - 1d to your vision--all these and a thousand things more are in : It is such a treasure-house of new things, and of old things collected from the archives the century, as has never before been gal or even dreamed of. : " THE SCRAP BOOK is the hit of the century in magazine making. On All News Stands or from the Publisher, ° 10 Cents a Copy--by the Year $1.00. FRANK A. MUNSEY, 173 Fifth Avenue, COLD CURE tions, humorous bits; pathetic » things, absorbing incidents, ablaze and once set your New York Wholesome, Well Matured. Makes the best John Collins. KEEP THE CAPSULES AND GET A VALUABLE PREMIUM. BOIVIN, WILSON @ CO. Montreal. DISTRIBUTORS. 2 Which are You Going to Use? WOODEN SHINGLES Dry out, warp aid erack #0 rath and snow soak in. Are jnstantly in flames from sparks or lightning. Compel you to pay highest insurance rates. Last from 3 10 10 years, y Cut down your n Py Separate catalogues for Walls, Ceilings, Sidings, Roofs, ete, beautifully illustrated, FREE<if you say what you are interested in, and mention this paper. THE METAL SHINGLE & SIDING CO. LIMITED PRESTON, Onr, Will stand or hang. A perfect lamp for halls, bath rooms, bedrooms, etc. Burns ordinary coal oil $ without odor"or smoke. A half pint of oil will burn for 40 hours. Price, 60c¢. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. LABATT'S Ale and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. Phone 274. DAVOS OOGEOEN Bitter Oranges . Florida Grape Fruit --AT-- i A. J. Rees', 166 Princess St. | ROR I CR

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