Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1906, p. 5

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---- Purgative Wate, ttacks 'and the Liver. n Sense and This Pretty Girl Saved From Catarrh 'of the Lungs By Pe-ru-na. " ' non Sense. No differ- = use one without the: MISS FLORENCE KENAH. fectly, Miss Florence E. Kenah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., writes: -- «A few months ago I caugiet severe cola, which seu) settled ed an my Jongs aid re- uf, em, sistent], me alarmed. . edicine without ae ined ny i sive organs became upset and my bead snd back began freque: The H. D. Bibb ache ice severly nd although I had little faith I felt so sick that A us ddvecs bio try Pet "% brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt ' Las ready right medicine at last. Within three weeks I was completely L. that [000 wd have enjoyed perfect health since. Tu ee n em ul pow have the greatest faith in Peruna." Florence E. Kenah. The-cold wind and rain, slush and mud of win- ter are especially rhal derangements. WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE OF CONTRACTING CATARRH. Suits of the Bn | conducive to catar Here n escape. pion first symptoms of-catching will certainly be a feast for nd durability at a moder:te cold Peruna should bé taken. It forti- fies the system agains st colds and ca- tarrh, Pe-ru-na for Colds and Catarrh. The following interesting letter gives one young woman's experience w ith Peruna: Miss Rose Gerhing, a popular society woman of Crown Point, ¥nd., writes: "Recently I took a long drive in the eountry, and being too thinly clad 1 canght 8 bad cold 1 which settled on my lungs, and whic h 1 could not seem to shake off. 1 had heard a great deal of Peruna for colds and catarrh and I bought & bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for it brought speedy relief. It only took about two bottles, and I consider this money well spent. «You have a firm friend in me, and I NEW COMERS you'll find. our prices no handsonie Spring Suit, $15 Suits are particu'ar Hats for Spring rrived pot only advise its nse to my friends, but have purchased several bottles to give fo those without the-means to buy, and have noticed without exception that it has brought about a speedy cure wherever it has been used."--Rose Gerbing. { > Pe-ru-na- Contains no Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pe- runais perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquir- ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro duce temporary results, Itis permanent in its effect, It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re- moving the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years, Such a thing could not be possible if Peruna contained any drugs of a nar- cotic nature. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly con- fidential, sm ti (G- SHIRTS >. and many of them ex- line of Shirts, [O-NIGHT rian Collars, J brand, le. Ask for them To. . 2 for 25¢. BIBBY COQ. of the seuson; regular price $10, now half price ....... at from $4.50 to $9, which we are clearing at only ean be .. $1.95. AER, wh wn 0 6 only, HALF-LENGTH COATS, formerly priced at from 5 50 to $4. 50, for wees fo0sase SessersassasaaReasisassaaassaasaege "Coat Bargains "The Last Chance" 10 only, WOMEN'S OXFORD GREY COATS, trimmed with cording and black broadcloth, the very latest goods prices $5 to '$9, now at half 19 only," WOMEN'S BLACK COATS, in all-wool kersey and beaver, the latest styles, regular prices from $5 to CE sien $2.50 to $5. Also a few left in BLACK and OXFORD, formerly priced Sian renee 92.50 to $4.50. C. SILVERWARE We have opened out this we SPENCE'S, Beesssessseen The Leading Millinery '| dence + THREE STUDENTS HAD A NARROW ESCAPE Near the King Street Break- waten--Were ii the Watef Five to a Broken Piece of Ice and Crawl Out. Last. evening, about three Queen's students, and two young men, broke through the ice, while skating some distance out from the King street breakwater, The ice suddenly gave way under them, breaking in a large' piece, which, forjunately they were able to grasp. They were in the. water fully five min- utes before they drifted to solid ce and were able to erawl from the dey water. No gne was near enough at the time to render them assistance. Well nigh perishing from the cold, the students hurried to the breakwa:- er, and across the road to the resi- of Alderman Harkness. Ieve they were given every attention. The young lady was kept in bed for sever- al hours, until she had recovered frem the shock. The two young men aiter receiving warm drinks, telephoned for a cab and were driven to their board- ing houses. The three had a narrow escape from drowning. That the ice in that vicinity was =o weakened,| was not known, but the ice cutting near b& must have had some effect upon it. six o'clock, a young lady The Ice Is Weakening. A warn should be sounded ~ of the bad condition of the ice. Several skat ers yesterday got partially _ in- to air-holes, with which the ice seems to be full One young-fellow while skating was brought to a sud- den stop with one leg going into a hole and nearly broke his leg. night, off Point Frederick, a horse be- ing driven across got in a. hole, but immediate assistance was rendered of fectively. The sheet of ice between hery and Wolfe Island has many bad spots | and Master William Ma kie: won the and little holes, of a very deceiving | first prize for guessing the larg: st nature. With the continuance of this | number of questions. Dancing, musi mild &pell we may soon expect to sen cal chairs, and oiher romping games the clear expanse of water, as it is | were played, and som little girls slowly hut surely wearing away - from | danced the skirt dance. Tea was giv the shore. The ice man is working for | en the. children at quartetie tables, dear life. + | forty being seated at a time. Several : ladies, skilled like the kindly hostess, MENTION. | in keeping childven amused and hap PERSONAL M3 Lys helped Mrs. Winner. a so Nore | Mrs. James. Third, rs ames Min Wovemputs Of The PeoploWhst | Yes. re 3, Turner, Miss Ethel They Are Saying And Doing. | and Miss Lorraine Minnes, Miss Flor W. Madiken, Pembroke, is in town | ooo Birch, and Miss Jean Paterson to-day. : Bright music enlivened the party all A. C. MacKay, Renfrew, was in the |) Fine. Mes. Minnes has received city to-day. : i the very genuine thanks of many lit tev. W. H. Sparling preaches in Iro- | 10 ler An lute she gave quois on Sunday. thom R. N. Bates, London, is a guest "at ! . . . . the Randolph hotel. | Mrs. W. S. Ellis, last night," gave George E. Hinch, Camder East, | no of the jolly 'and informal little spent the day in town. . | house dances for which she is famous J. Anderson, Washington, DC. isl among 'the young peop Je. Hor guests in the city on business. were about thirty. in numbef, and W. BE. Easterly, Watertown, N.Y, is a business visitor in town. ous illness of his brother. him back again. SKATERS IN DANGER Minutes--Managed to Hold on ; Last | gross OFFER To Take Principalship of Wycliffe College. CANON LODY Toronto, Feb, 28. --~Canon H. J. Cody has absolutely an the of- for of the principalship of Wyelific College, rendered vacant by the death of, the late Dr, Sheraton. ------------ TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT. (Continued from Page 3. swer, "Sweet William," and so on, the whole, when worked out. telling & | little love storv. Miss Olivia Woods A pretty sight was Mrs. W, Min- | wegks, has been the sad lot of the nes' house, / yesterday, when about family of John Leonard, Glenvale, eighty children, ~ from leven to fot with, the death, Friday evening, © of | teen, in pretty frocks and ribbons, | Mrs. Leonard. Mrs, Leonard had been "and very spick and span suits. were | giek but a week with pneumonia. Yes- | given a party. A "Floral Tale," afterday afternoon she had a hem- pretty and a novel idea, was the | grrhage, which caused her sudden first part of the @musementyenrds taunt, Pwo --weeks--ago--Miks_Annie being given the children withg such | Loonard, the youngest daughter, died questions as: "What flower Jd | very suddenly. apply to a girl and a little hoy?" al Mrs, Leonard was the wife of John DEAD IN A CHAIR MRS. H. MIDDLETON FOUND THIS MORNING. is, Was Well Last Night When Her Husband Retired -- The Sad Discovery Made at Early Hour. His wife, cold in death, sitting ina chair in the kitchen, was the startling find of Henry Middleton, an employee of the K, & P. RR. company, at 'an early hour this morning, at his home on Raglan Road. When Mr. Middle ton retired last night about he left his wife downstairs. Aftér oo "had bed asleep some time he 'awoke and heard her talking to herself, in the kitchen, but thinking all was well, soon dozed off into sleep again. © For the second time he awoke from a deep sleep, hut thinking she had retired in the front room, allowed himself to again sleep. Four o'clock, this morn. ing, he lighted a lamp and on going downstairs made the shocking discov- ory She Mrs. Middléton was born in Liver- pool, England, forty years ago. and came to this country when a young woman. She was married about. twenty-three since in this city and with her hushand has lived here ever since. No family survive, The funeral will take place' from St. Mary's cathedral, Monday morning. Death Of Mrs. Leonard. The second bereavement, within two and well-to- sixty-eight the well-known and was aged Leonard, do farmer vears. She was a member of the Me- thodist church, Beside her husband, one daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Wartman, Napanee, and two sons, vale, and Oscar, mourn their Briden, Glen Saginaw, Mich, lass. William Dempster Dead. William, Pempster, a local stone cut. ter, died this morning at his home on Nelson street; from asthma, He was seventy-three . years of age. The funcral will take place on Monday morning. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Buy Cascarets at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ght years ago to-day, occurred the they had as happy.a time as they al- ways have. there. : . Mr. and Mrs. H. Albert Mobbs, To- » . rontos are in the city, visiting, Nr PENA Walkem is now $n To Messrs. H. Swain, Laidlaw and Me | ronto. Kee, attended a dance i Gananoque | No. © F. Dickson, who has been last evening. | visiting in Elora, is expected hbme on Dr. E. G. Cooper, Calabogie, died in | Monday. Renfrew hospital on Monday last, of | M.. W. St. Pierre Hughes returned, typhoid fever. He was a graduate of | torday, from a Visit to Montreal Queen's. | and Cornwall. . Harry Stirk, a recent graduate of | . » * the Kingston business college, has been | pr. J. Clark Murray spent a few appointed secretary-treasurer of the | days in town, this week, on his way town of Gretna, Man. howe to Montreal, from visiting his L. A. Mulloy, student of Queen's, Le hier, Mrs. J. S. Skeafi, at the was called to his home at Morrisburg | | Bank of "oronto, in Toronto, Dr. last night, on account of the danger- | yay was here at Queen's many years ago, and had pleasant meetings Mis. P. Thompson gave a pleasant | (oi (1d friends. card party for twenty friends at her | 3. and Mre. Arthur Yates, and home on Princess street Thursday | Myo. Richard Hoo) sailed from New evening. A fine supper was served, Yo vk; on Thursday, for Cuba. James Cornelius, manager of w. | Miss Minnie Moore went up .to To Crothers' King street store, has re ronto to-div, to visit her sister, Mrs. sumed his duties after two weeks" ill 'Boomer . ness. His friends are glad to welcome | (aptain and Mrs. Robert Fraser | will leave on Monday for a fortnight's Kk T. J. Tallon. merchant. tailor, Car | trip to New York and Washington. a complete line of the "WAIL wo and Mantle Store. ® berry, Man., who had heen visiting | They will go by way of Montreal, and LACE 1835" Kaives. Spoo friends in Kingston, leaves for Mon- | home by Toronto, nives, Spoon BIBS T Lott tr ASAT IR ASEAN ED : : relurn hom and Forks, with Fancy Tab! treal to purchase his spring stock be | w . . . Pistes to matoh. Fhcso are Ee rm mm m-------------- fore returning to the west. The erzageinent i Annonces ste Best, Plated Goods in AM : R | ¢ Ne ; Hury Br dit, Ov 1 Ay in unaway. j Llarence on, 2 . Weed, No cau recommend * Brass Budsieads. In a ru ri z Ontaric yet ' | wedding will take place in April. them to pou, 0 n a rimaway on Ontario s Mg Miss Kate ( wr, second daughter Saturday morning, the horse attach Mr. A GQ Carter. of Haverhill S M Fancy or Colonial Designs in Brass, | ed to W. Green's butcher delivery was {OF Mr. 8. Gio arias, of 8 4 ITH B RO Si od to W, Green's butther delivers was | go riand, and Mr, Cvril Rickwood, or ' 1 or White . Enamel Iron Bedsteads. | hurt and the rig damaged Fhe horse ranist f¢ Knox church, Perth, The Jewelers, Opticians. Phone 665. { if in 8 Wop "to Ftistic designs, | Pecame frightened at the v wharf | Ranist © an np: Ince 'in Jane SSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES | | iH Some very pretty a ENS, | and ran up the street, hitting a tele | wedding wil fue place in . ne 3 re f i strong and durable, at close-out phone pole, smashing the shafts and Miss Gertrude Ken rex, daughter of A ti S 1 we 100 prices, during oar February Sale whiffletree, The young boy in the | James Kendrev, Poterhove, to uc 10Nn A [4 ----) | The HBRCULES WOVEN WIRE | rig, at the time, had hold of only one | Mr. Hearge EB Buw hant, on of il & ' SPRING { fit Al rein and was thrown out, but not "hens Burnham, ot 1 f 1a i 1 : i to fit. Also : " , ] ro ke place the last o UESDAY MORNING AT 10.30 ; OSTERMOOR HAL OR HEALTH | injured. "Con" Willan stopped the | arts: SH] take DT on R AL Worse opposite we B. .- A. Bank. | . 2 BALANCE OF EFFECTS OF KES MATTRESSES at The shaft ran into the animal's side, | Miss Edna Webster, daughter of eR iuranr, King Ho ; aking a-bad cut, Five dollars, it is | Mrs. George R. Webster, cof Ringston, oI yey thot will cover; thé dumage to | formerly of Brockville, to Mr. T. A AsSswar Cutlery, 13 : JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER the wa n Ice Blockade Raised. 5, Beds, Ma tires X Lensi ul Mirrors ON Lu polerors. _ Par OR CITY AMBULANCES. CALL:147. ve Terms cosh. JOHN H. MILLS Auetic Y.W. C. A. Six Demonstrations in Cooking Fittings-- QUICK WE DO GALVINIZING ! Iron, Cast, Malleable Wrought, Sheet, THE CANADA METAL CO. begin Friday evening, March id, at 8 o'clock. Fee for 3 Nim Street, Toronto . urge, 50c. Moe oncom CONSULT PROF. J. DUFTY Scientific Interpret- a AND INSURANCE erof Human Nature. Advice on Business, salth, Marriage, eto. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - USTOMS BROKER - -O COTO CQO TOTO i 5 of the late C. G ndsor Hotel, Room 15 oie ' carried on in his -- GES e. VY Clarence street BUSINESS CHANCES. G. A. BATEMAN BALT---QGET INTERESTED Nt " wi investigate ; make anyone who ofr the lust five wears has YOu an investment prove its wer i BR assoc "tl with Mr. Oliver it is easy for the good one b apossible for the others: obs evmortunities are. twany : get our formation and maps. They will te you all about it. Wills & («¢ dh ronto. a ---- Ee ---- FOR SALE, OR TO RENT. DGEWOOD HOME, "169 UNION ST. For Real Estate or Insurance all modern conveniences po excellent ol oCation ; large grounds. 850! § May 1st. Also two building lots fof s with hing CLIFF before Luylog spe. For particulars and terms. Clarence st Apply to R. W, Anglin, Fssex, Unt If Tn Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with George Zeigler, *"{'iNstiance 57 Brock Street. FOR SALE First-class mill property pne mile from a thriving inne in Kingston District, consisting of 40 acres, two dwellings, larse shingle and grist 000 worth of barn and saw, mills, with about $4 Scamerville, C.E., of Dundas Y.W.C./A. Social. Sarnia, Ont, Feb. 24.--The ice block A very enjoyable social was givén at ade in the St, Clair river was raised | the Y.W.C.A, on Friday night, for lust night, and all danger to ship- | between thirty and forty girls of the ping is now over. The Port Huron and | Sunday afternoon Bible class, Games ferry line, which had heen out of busi- | came first, and a musical programme ness for" two days, has been resumed | followed, taken part in-by Mrs. A.D, and the Pere Marquette transport In- | Nelson, Miss May Clayton, and Miss ternational, after being laid up a! Pugh. Miss Edna Lake played the ac whole week, will be put into commis | companiments. Mrs. McCallum gave an sion to-day. The steamer Brown is | address, and Miss Dutton," recited. still in the pack, but it is expected | Miss Boll, the secretary, spoke on the she will bx ased without trouble. | work, Refreshments were served up | stairs by Misg Williamson, Miss Bell, ---------------------------- | Misa Puiton," Miss Pugh and Miss STOCK MARKETS, { Jennie Hamilton Provided. by Linen, 18 Marke. Collegiate Fees. February 24th. | The collegiate «ices are very slow : ! this term in coming in to the secye +] Atchison " Amal. Copper | tarv-treasurer of the Board of Educa Baltimore & Ohio | tion, About fifteen per cent, are vet Brookiyn Hapid Transit | to be collected. This is the worst re- {inadian ee | cord in: many vears Next week,' there Louisville & Nashville i will be a general clearing out at the Metropolitin Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania Rock Island Reading St. Paul Sugar Union Pacifie United States Steel Unitéd States Steel, pid. WHEAT-- May $24 R24} July 81f m1: CORN-- May 434 434 July 437 481 "institution of learning of those pupils whose fees have been paid. Their names wiil be laid before the manage- wmen{ committee, not ---------------- I Dr. Chown's Buttermilk and Almond ] Cream makes soft white hands, 2c. | Two Ogdensburg gentlemen are in | New York with the idea of purchas- ing the r steamer Wyandotte, which passed here last sumer. Dr. Chown's Drug Store is the place | where you ge t perfect fitting glasses. ih death of the late Avehbishop Cleary. The civic finance committee met last evening and transacted routine busi- ness, A heautiful assortment of high-class candy. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, No session of police court to-day. Five days, now, since Magistrate Far- rell has been holding forth. Men and women, to-day, were long- ing for spring attire. The winter toggery was very heavy. The annual race meeting at Jock- port will be held on February 27th and 25th, with $150 in priz "When will the hatchet fall ¥" is the question with local liberal office hold- ers under the Whitney government, Order MeConkey's or Huyler high class candy by telephone' 230, Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Prompt delivery, In a hockey game, Friday afternoon, the Divinity bunch was beaten by the Arts septette by a score of six to four ' It is understood that the rush of several local politicians to Toronto was to put their demand for some of the plums of office A van load of twenty students went seven miles ont in the country last night to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, and had a jolly dance The member for Kingston is on the committees Ah municipal law, print ing. private hills, standing orders and railways of the Ontario legislature, There was an alarm of fire from the corner «of William ~~ amd Wellington streets yesterday afternoon, but the firemen were unable to discover any cause. A chimney blaze at the store of A. Maclean, Ontario street, last evening, required the attention of Fireman John Hall, who extinguished it with a few pails of water The seven Gravelle brothers, Ports- month, ve. Rockwood, the hockey at. traction to have been played at the Asvlum rink Friday night, did not male srinlize 0 ice, The tenants are watching for May, "when the rent comes round." The owners are advancing rents from ten to twenty-five per cent. No good modern house can now he had in town under £20 to R25, The Recommendations. The. genctal commit tee mal school project were this afternoon, and received port of the sub-committee upon gation, This body recommends the local member introduce the depu- tation; that Mayor Mowat . and F. King or Donald Melntyre shall speak upon the general advantages of King- ston ax a centre; Principal Ellis, Dr, Spankic and Inspector Kidd, to aor range for presentation of the city as a scholarship centre; Principal Gordon Professor Cappon and Dr. Knight, to arrange to offer the advantages of location alongside user's, and the School of Science, T, Rigney 10 pres- ent the claims of Regiopolis College, and separate schools; Pr. Ryan, Hiram' Calvin, John Gaskin, W. Kelly and Henry W. Richardson to make good the claims of Kingston from national, industrial, historieal and. other points, Re a a ha A a aah adl Non-Tariff Fire Beginine March 1st, J. Cunnine- ham's Office will he on Bagot street, Corner of Princess street, over the store upon the nor- to have met the re- dele- that or lightly carried the weight of his ad- Conway, Insurance DIED IN FRAMKLIN, PA. Was a Former Well-Khown King- stomian. : George Pennington, one of the very aged residents of Franklin, Pa, and a man who enjoyed the sincere respect of all acquaintances, died Saturday af- ternoon last, in his eighty-thind year, | Being favored with exceptional vigor of body and mind, Mr. Pennington . viinced: years. In fact, he was never sériously sick unfil about three weeks ago, when ho was attacked by asth- Jasie bronchitis, which resulted fatal- y. fl Geo, Pennington was born, in Clovelly, Devonshire, England, March 11th, ,» Leaving his native land he settlod in. Canada, living at Quebec and Toronto. While a resident of the former city he wedded Mrs. Anna Gill, and they afterwards lived at Kingston and Toronto. Mis residence' of about twenty years in Franklin had gained him many friends. He is survived by | his' wife, a son, William -G. Penning- ton, Denver, Colo; a daughter, Mrs. William 8. Taft, Franklin. MOTHER OF TWENTY-FIVE. Six Pairs of Twins--Sister to Twenty-Six. Feb, 24.--Mrs. Elizabeth the mother of twenty-five children, nineteen boys and six girls, of whom there were six pairs of twins, died to-day at the age of fifty-nine years from heart disease, Mrs. Conway was the youngest of a family of twenty:seven childten. She was married at the age of fourteen, and her husband Wag the youngest of a family of thirty, She was the grandmother of twenty-five, Her mother lived to be ninety-nine years old," and her husband's mother and father attained one hundred and one hundred" aid two respeetively. Of] the twenty-five children three daugh- ters and five sons survive Mrs, Con- way. Denver, VICTIM OF ATTACK, Dying in Hospital From Injuries Received. Regina, Feb. 24 --Rory McDonald, of Glengprry settloment, near Francis, Sask, made up largely of former resi- dents of Glengarry county, whose head was cut open by an axe, sinking in the hospital here, The tragedy occurred in the middle | of a drunken orgie, an oldtime feud p breaking out, Teuton and Celt sought occasion to settle old scores until the former getting the worst of it, caught up an axe and dealt a blow in a par- oxysm of rage. A GOVERNMENT MONOPOLY. Federal Ownership of Tobacco Industry. London, Feb. 24.--The government ownership of the tobacco industry is being urged on the Australian gov- ernment by a tobacco commission of labor members who have just com- pleted an inquiry. oy say that in Australia the trust is linked with British and American = trusts control- ling cighty per cent. of the trade, They. estimate that the nationaliza- tion of the industry will yield £400, 000 annually. ei THE NEW TUNNEL to Get Lands, Etc. Windsor. Windsor, Ont., Feb, 24.--The Canada Southern railway has made applica- tion to the Dominion parliament for the right to expropriate certain lands and to divert one street and to close | another here in connection with the new tunnel. The yards of the company are to be moved back a considerable distance and the approach to the wun. nel is to be made long to reduce the grade. The application places the va. luce of improvements to be wade on the Canadian side in connection with the tunnels at over four million dol- lars, Want in 1 LAD DROWNED, ° A Very Sad Accident at Strath. cona. A special despatch to the Whig from Newburgh says: Sidney Pitman, the eight-year-old son of John Pitman, Strathcona, was drowned, Friday night, while crossing the ice with Bruce Finlay, a young- ster smaller than Sidney. Bruce and Joseph, both tried to pull the little fellow out, but did not succeed. The alarm was at once. given, and men chopped ice all night. But ai a late hour this morning the body bad not yet been recovered, Latimer Locals. Latimer, Feg, 24.~Rev, Mr. Crane, Perth Road, preached here last Sun. day evening. A few from this place have been attending {he special ser vices held both in thé Methodist and Holiness Movement churches, at In- verary. W, Duffy is renovating John Saylor's vacant house. A wee baby boy has come to brighten the home of Robert Dixon, Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs, C. Laird; Mr. and Mrs. O. Burtch, and Burton Burtch, Jones' Falls; T, Tay- lor, Elgin, at J. Taylor's;:Mrs, M uigge, and little Gladys, and 8 Mundell, Campbellford, at R. Dix- on's; Mrs. H. 1. Lyon, city, at P. Ed- ward's; Mr. and Mrs. G, Collings, Na- pance, at W. Baker's; Miss Mac and Master Mac Taylor, spent Sunday un: der the parental roof. | v Widow Woman ? Kingston, Feb, 28.--(To the Editor): Is it considered correct form to say "widow woman "ANXIOUS, Some. newspapers make use of this expression, but it is not recognized by universities, Clouds of smoke rising on Wolfe Is- land Thursday afternoon, for half an hour, gave rise to the opinion that a big fire was raging. Tv was merely the big marsh burning. "Marty" Walsh will referee the big game in the city league at the cov- ered rink on Monday, February 26th, between Wanderers and Aberdeens. Buy Chase's Nerve Food at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It's coupied by Crawford & Walsh, MIRACULOUS ek] is slowly j; J fresh Prove Seeing, than the remedies put o market then, which none of the medical les since that time. Good, perhaps, In their das they are now su ; the march of medical by something better. ottictv Many of the Huo ingredients in re Health Tal had not Xia discovered twenty-five ago, Some of them were not discovered ten Jevrea yd br Al Yet the world clans are now Ee heh nee diséases of women. There lp they can be obtained SXOADE-. these tablets. That Is why term Dr. Hugo's remedy twentieth century for women." It Is up~to- Women cannot nore thess recently di word, they make healthy wo- Mont think you can never NOTICE 18 application wi ture of the there. Phone 230, Prompt delivery.

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