Very' piece assortment, the sive and exclus; ever shown, d in aur 1906 Most exten. ve we have es carry well air, a bewitching beauty that fascinates, tiveness that and an ta charms every the new and novel And refine evident. Anything would have , tendency lisplease an artistic tive taste has been eliminated. But these are not th attributes -- we've left oe © prices are charm it appear, if the prices ss. would be robbed. were ar method--that to the igh, i increased. quantity sold to 1 to come soon » obligation to b the many specials to \ CLOTH, one of the most materials of the season and to be extremely popular, is all-wool material about the of Cashmere, but of a new will not crease; now shown y_ pretty range of shades, in- black; and the price, even erial full 42 e wide,. is, per 49 bly iis C. 1 the Linen Section another day on which flaw' s Linen Section. ies at the lowest prices CK 1 20 by 38 'mmed ends) Is of real egular way | p at $2.50( les (300 at p.m.), oh) 1214¢. pure TRAY COVERS, SIDEBOARD teness, COVERS, and FANCY LINEN know SQUARES, in many new n just very pretty design as in ; SH OT . ireme- ( RASH TOWEL] ING ise on three roller, 16, 17 and 18 in a variety of weights an £1.00 weaves--fine and' medium up 1 i the heavy Scotch Crash, per hush, vard . Re., 10x and 12 o- ENGLISH HOUSEHOLD CRASH $1.49 thoroughly shrunken, soft fire dai linen, a home favorit nly or half- price, per yard . 12s » best ABERDEEN CRASH, th to of- make capable of su 50c. wear, closely woven w 1, but round thread, per var ality, HUCKABACK TOWELLING, good d 350 serviceable makes, priced accord iv a ey ing to width and we per. as- vard 10c., 121c., and 15 e and y see it, HUCKABACK TOWELLING, very atever fine, to make up and hemstitched, per yard 15¢., 20c. and 2% pers to wee e about our § ll for Wednesday . . ment 1s plainly which you to Or sens. entirely e only the most important till the last, owever beautify] and we mark goods with equal to admire and criticize al] uy unless you so desire it will pay you Its reputation for possible will be hope strengthened. Even this one extra gf re to save money at both 10 a.m, and . Recommend THE "Followeraft Shoe" Made by the RALSTON HEALTH SHOE 00 (UNION MADE) THEY SELL $ 4.00 FOR And they wear well NEW GooDs JusT i r ihe Lockett Shoe Store 13 = CENT. "REDUCTION ee ir rics $18 dor Regal $10 Sideboard, for $8.50; a f $00 Bedroom S 1 Glass morc price $25, for $20. Table to r $6.50; , for $75, Jarge Oval ( lass Robt. J. 222 Princess Street 2 doors above Opera House Telephone 877 x SILVERWARE We have opened out "this 'week of the "WAL- Knives, Spoons with Fancy Table Pisces to match. These are the Best' Plated Goods in the World. We vastumend them to you. ' . a complete line IACE 1835" and Forks, can SMITH BROS: 'Phone 665, ISSUERS OF OF MARRIAGE LICENSES | We Make a Specialty of Jewelers, Opticians. Fitting Feet If you have difficulty being fitted with Shoes come to us: Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. ~ We bave now some nite snug Prices, $1,000 and under. homes. Get one before they are wove. A Woo RG Carpets, every! cheaper than usual. 808 PRINCESS STRERT A Hut SE M AID. APPLY MRS. E. Rathbun, Jeseronto. SOME Ste. AT Apply IMPERI at once GIRLS dry A HOUSENAID, APPLY 6 and 7 p.m AN JEP ERIENCFD DINING ROOM and a kitchen girl. Apply at the Ir s Hotel ---- GOOD HOM} FOR HIGHLY RE- Bpecta ve aged couple, where they can he . looked after. Apply Box z oftice CHINAMAN, in family ; h Apply treet PO used to FOR ences 2 to illiam street GENER required Mrs, Bern Browre, Tot ) W AN RIL loes helt OR MAY, CENTRAL! wdy 'tenant. TO HAVE sod and cleaned carefully late suit made. 1 Brock street. FOR ressed-air ral. -- 'terms. to approved s.. Galt, Ont. from on Kingston, comfortable ho Hn + Apply by letter re of Whig office. BOYS, TO Brickia ring, York, Chicago, Free Catalogue. TO-LET. ard, uy Avenmore, FURNITU dwellings. "1 Sideboard slightly solted inside; regs match, regular Dresser and Wash- Dressing Cases, for Reid Wear "Allen's" Sign of Golden Boot. BE WISE Sire TURK'S SELOND-HAND STORE BETWEEN at 250 King street. Eee Se Ape s¢, With modern improve- Apply Box or enquire at Whig office. THEIR 0 bring your cloth and have Gallow- AUTO-SPRAY. hand Sprayer Sample agents. A SMALL FAMILY West, LEARN © Plastering s $5 a day. Coyne Bros. Jincinnati, FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, "jent ? Ww. AL Si- to Lee AL ard LY by he, to 207 RE, Me- To-morrow is Ash ;SKating at Roval Rink to-night. "Sign of The Cross,'t House, 8.15 p.m, Wednesday. Grand Opera Frontenac . Historical Society, 3.8 pan., Wednesday. n Mail carriers in' 'English cities get about $490 a vear. The, san Flac Wednesday and sets. at 546. p.m. An office is the glue that politician stick to his party Marriages have made :iany happy: by met wetting into them. There probably wouldn't be any work to do the world if we lbikel .t. Central Mission, Brock street Metho- dist reh, this. evening, 7 o'clock. When people say anything good about "ou. ever Hotice whut a few are pres- at 6.40 a.m. makes a 1eople Whenever you tell a woman some other ofe is pretty, she seems to think vou don't believe she is. When the lofty palm tree of Teilan puts forth its flowers the sheath Lursts with a réport like a pistol We all of us claim to be natural,but we all of us know that the only time when we are not putting we are asleep. This day in history ers at Paardebery, 1000 : Germany married, 1881 ; poet, born, 1807, Toilet Sets 10 pieces in pretty tints, Pink, Green and Blue, Regular $2.50 and $2.75 "While they last" $1.80 ; Sir oh Os » McKay Fur House | PERSIAN LAB . JACKE \ MADE TO ORDER EXCLUSIVE STYLES ~ ORDER BY MAIL on is when =Cronje surrend- Wiltiam 11 of Longfellow, | § " McKay Fur House, 4 763 Brock St, Kingston. : | THE FRONTENAG HISTORICAL SOCIETY ~ Request the interested in MAKING KINGSTON BEAUTIFUL At a meeting to be held in the Y.W.C.A. Halli, Sydenham §8t., 3,30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28th Definite plans will he CENTRAL - MISSION BROCK STREET CHURCH Tuesday and Wedaesday 3 pam. BIBLE STUDY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT Evening--Doors Open at 7 O'clock ALL ARE WELCOME. Y.W. C. A. Wednesday at 830 pm. Faney Work wil} begin if 8. apply, S0¢. for 8 lessons. to members. presence of every woman discussed Class in Fee, 18th. Dr to the in- Tuesday evening March Bogart's Lectgres on first aid Jjured will begin. MANOR 'HOTEL, WINNIPEG BRIO Tis hotel is close to the C.P.R, ry SHOP AND D RESIDENCE. NG. Depot, on Main street. i ucess street: moderate 'ren EB. McKenty, Proprietor. formerly Steacy 4 Se. imiedia ely, APOly to | merchant of Math, Ont. a ---- : Rates--81 per day ; meals, 25c. ous kh "¥ > Wy yoy oo. "Tiooper : oe SITUATED 18 aa > ay 1st. EPENVILLA ° FARM, S 3 5 v Steacy Steaey's. st. Particulars ut the Fawuship OF: Kineton near = ine's Point Front: Road, con taining 100 aéros, © well Watered FOR SALE. with fing brick house. Fine situation HORS mo on the Lake, hom Apply tor dis PASE. SIX YEARS o - Clergy ingaton, or = to the 9 LD, WEIGHS : , L200 iis Enquire of Dr. Curtis. id owner oh the preuvises. AL ENGLISH pare | Mechanics, | Farmers, 'Sportsmen, mi Fickle Plated | To heal and soften the skin and re- as jer poly to Mrs, | move grease, oil and rust stains, --_ t. Dain and gnrth, ete, use, The '"Mas- ee Mech . Tar Soap, Albans 2 ufacturers. SMAL ah ; Toilet Soap Cos Man facts < Sree Bator Lost this pital JH&: rating g, to and} ACK FILLED wire | Stroments, wanted for ime Trusses, petfect fitling, easy. secure, is KINGSTON, ONT. In Making Concessions As She Means To Go. NOTE FROM FRANCE wring TO GERMANY WAS COURT. EOUS BUT FIRM. France's Proposals, Which Ger- many Has Rejected, Do Not Wiolate Principle of Equality in Economic Matters. Algeciras, Feb. 27.<M. Revoil, re- prescptative of France in the Moroc- can conference, yesterday, handed a note to Herr Von Radowitz, the Ger- man representative, exprossing the opinion that the Moroccan question should be discussed before the confer- efice. The te#t of the note is not issued, but it is known briefly and courteous- ly to express the view that France's proposals, which Germany has * re- jected, in no wise violate the prineip blo of equality in economic matters, No further suggestions. are made, which generally interpreted as meaning that France has gone as far in the line of making concessions as she means to go. Britain's Adwice. London, Fgh. 27.--The Algeciras cor- respondent 'of the Telegraph says that France, before saving the last word to Germany, consulted England, who advised her to bring matters to a conclusion one way or the other as quickly as possible. KARN HALL DAMAGED. The Loss Said to Ee $50,000. Feb. 27.--At four About Montreal, o'clock, this morning, fi yoke ont in the building known as Karn Hall, on St. Catharine street, between Metcalfe and Poel streets, and the fire had gained such headway that the interior of the building was very badly dam- aged, entailing a. loss estimated roughly .at 850,000. The two stores on the ground flat were occupied hy the Novi-Modi, a Takia ready-made clothing company, and J. H. Super jor, dealer in musical Ts ups The uppér flat was ocenpied mostly as musical studio. a business colloge and Karn concert hall. The structure FOrean company. some vears ago, for their Montreal business, but has, not been occupied bv them . since their amalgamation with another piano company. PRIEST DEAD. He Died at Montreal Several Days Ago. Chatham, Ont., Feb. 27.--Rev. Fath er A, Bechard, who was bora in Que- bee, fifty-two years ago, and whose youth was spent at Paincourt, near here, 15 dead in Montreal, of paralys- is. He studied for the priesthood in L'Assomption College and the Grand Seminary, Montreal. His first charge was at Stony Point, Essex County, Father Bechard was" at MeGregor for twelve years. From there ho went to Belle River for two. years, then to Windsor for one year, when he was taken ill and went to the hospital, where, paralysis set in. His remains will be brought to PPaincourt for in terment. » ICE NOT HEAVY. The Sailors Getting Ready for Duty. Port Huron, Mich., Feb. 27.--Ice r ports received by the Lynn Marine Re. porting company, from Goderich, Point Clark and other towns on the Canadian shore that there is no water in sight, but that the ice is not say, heavy. Reports from Harbor Beach, Sanilac and other towns on this side of the lake state that there is but lit tle ice in sight. All the engineers and mates of the Pittsburg Steamship company, living in towns along the St. Mair river, have been ordered to report for duty on Thursday. Intervenes As Peacemaker. New York, Feb. 27.--President Roosevelt has again intervened as a peacemaker between the coal miners and operators, ahd as the result of a lottor addressed by him to John Mit: chell, president of the United Mine Workers of America, a national con- vention of the miners will be held March 15th to try to reach an agroe- ment with the soft coal operators in the hope of averting the threatened strike of April lst in the bituminous coal fields, One Of The Pioneers Dead. Drayton, Ont, Feb, these parts, died, last ny near Goldstone. He came it was yet 4 days ago, giving the the most favored nation ments in connection with the tariff. The most scientific eyetesting--al 'the latest instruments, and an sXper optician to exanting _ your eves Chown's Drug Store. license commissioner for Toron on | @omfortable. the result fit «Chown; of a perfect succepsic 10 ( 27. --Bethel Brown, one of the oldest residents of t, av the age of sixty-cight years, at his home to Peel township at the age of twenty, while bush and cleared the hill which passed the reichstag, a few United States arrange. R. Millichamn has' host Shhein'l = Tatest Culled From All World. Liverpool is mot to be a port of call for Hal American liners. The Grand engineers' demands for better pay ill be settled hy ar- bitration, The Vi Edward gave his nephew, Em- a walking stick of The Allan RMS. Corinthian, from Liverpool, mtered. | Salita harbor eleven o'clock toda The Allan line icsoce pL inguritn, from Glasgow, ¢ el at Portland at ning ' cicione ck \odoy npbell or Hon, C. Mickle, will be oficred the liveral aie in Manitoba, at minister a eon relieved his post, owing to ill-health, James Page, aged forty-eight, and a well-todo retired miller, of Ridge: town, Ont, is suffering from aphasia, of GEORGE CROSTON MURPHY, A crippled boy of three years in New- turyport, Mass. is a musical prodigy and is astonishing musicians by his re- markable plano playine. A convention of the United = Mine Workers of America has been called by President Mitchell, for March 15th, at Indianapolis, After eating two colored. candy, one died in great agony, will not recover. Feeling diggraced, because of her grandmother's scolding, Effie Brooks, Chicago, SE Sfteen, suicided . hy taking morphine Fathersof Monts real will, this fete build a large novitiate on a big block of land they have purchased in Hintonburg. The Danish consul in Ottawa tends shortly cents worth of New York child and two others in- to hold areception in honor of the accession to the throne of Denmark of King Frederick VIII, The recovery of James W. Alexander former president of the Equitable Life Assurance eompany, is announced by his physicians to be practically cer- tain. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, GONE AS TAR 1906. il PD) THE NATIVE PRESS. ACCUSES PRIESTS OF STAB: | BING MAGISTRATE. French Despatches Say He Cut His Own Throat--~Protestant Missionaries Escaped -- Four Anglican Missionaries Killed-- No Details Received. Shanghai, Feb, 27.--Kiuyang tele grams report that in the rioting at Nanchangfu, six French Roman Catho- li¢ priests were killed, and also Rev, Mn Kingham and wife. The sathuirel school nfission buildings were des edi Other members of the Chthalte mission, some of whom were wounded, escaped to Fukyang, Most of the Pro- testants also left. ; The cause of the outbréak, it is stated in the native press, was an as- sault on a Nanchangiu magistrate, on the 22nd, who, it is alleged, was stah- bed by priests at a din- ner given to discuss 'ques- tions wherein an indemnity was' claim- ed on behalf of converts, These priests J are among the killed, The French au- thorities report of the incident, re- ceived on the 23rd, states that the magistrate was incensed by the mis- sionaries' demands, and aggressive at- titude, and cut his own throat. The British Xilled. Pekin, Feb. 27.--The British lega- tion here has received notice that four English missionaries, a man, his wife and their two children, have been mas- sacred at Nanchang, in the province of Kiangsi, The city is+ the prefectural capital, and with the troops there, foreigners should ' be assured of pro- tection, No details have baeen receiv: -- The Children Escaped. London, Feb. 27.--The latest from Shanghai, in regard to the massacre of missionaries at Nanchang, China, on Sunday, state that the two King: ham children were not killed, as first reported. The older. child, it now ap- pears, was wounded, while the young- est one was . The huildings which were destroyed | Plymouth Brethren. niin KILLED BY NATIVES. Frequency of Crimes Point to Clon- spiracy. Lucknow, Feb. 27.--Another murder of a British soldier by natives has oc- curred at Sitapur, and considerable ill- feeling has been stirred up between the races in consequence. Jt is contended by some of the more ignorant of the Fhglish soldiers that these murders have occurred with such remarkable frequency that théy indicate a kind of Prosident Castro +48 greatly over the unsuccessful attempt to pois system of Canad: It is reported granting full am Russian manifesto «tv 'to. political of Arthur Dixon, president of the Dix on Transfer company, presented with a gold medal for forty- four years' continuous service at the First Methodist l'piscopal church Sun day school. M. Timiriazef, Russimf minister combterce, who resigned. on February 19th, has decided to withdraw his re signation if the poliey of the present government regarding the summary rial by cowrt mattinl Bf political of- fences, he hanged, Rav. H. Almon Abbott, who has for Ro time boom - orate of St. Lake's church, tant to Canon Ellsgood in Church of St. James the Apostle, Montreal, having accepted the call which was recently extended to him. | Hela Prisoner By Wife. London, Fob. 27 --Aceording to the farm upon which he resided ever Daily Mail, Marquis 'Fownsend, thir- since. He leaves a wife and, two sons, sy-mine vears oll, who six months ago marrial Gladys ~ Sutherst, and Emperor Agreed. ain about whose recent Movements there Berlin, Feb, 27.---Emperor William | has been considerable m¥stery, haus has given his formal assent to the | been certified of mmsotmd "mind and is detained by orvdei af a hmaey com- missioner in. Loudon unidior control of his wife. The Dowager Marchioness of Twon: send stontly maintaing that the mar- 1 quik js" not insane, t forts 4¢ secure her son's freenum. PLETE LEPEEE EEE E444 ot * 4 + WILL BE NO STRIKE. i * + 4 Indianapolis, Feb. 27.-- 3 | # In a statemen. isswed by Ww 40 Vice-President TM. L. Lewis, 4 of the United 'Mine Workers 4 @. of America, he declares + 41 that there will be no strike [- 4 of the mine workers on ¥ <4 April 1st, saying the oper- + 4+ ators will restore' the re- 4 4 'duction accepted by the | 4 miners two years ago, and 4 4 perhaps more. + | * . + Soto od tPI EE EE EOI E debe worried on the Archbishop of Venezuela, by putting nitrate of silver in the com munion. wine ! Judge MacTavish, Ottawa; J, W Langmuir, Toronto, and A, L. Kent, | Montreal, are the commissioners nam od to investigats the life insurance fenders and a ishing the death | penalty will be iscosd on April 3rd the anniversary of the liberation of serfs. of Chicago, was | of | Halifax, ia to be assis: - the | in making ef combination or conspiracy among the | natives for the purpose of putting | them out of the way. | _ In"this particular case Private Wells, | of the East Surrey regiment, was miss- | ing from the barracks, and, after a | careful search, his dead body was | foamd at the bottom of the well jn | the hospital compound. What added to the indignation on the part of the | soldiers was the fact that this well is one from which water was constantly drawn for drinking and cooking. Sev- eral natives with bad characters have been arrested, but up to the present | there -apnears to be no proof against | any of them. RELEASED STEAMER. Boat Launched to Settle Firmly on Bottom. Rarnia, Ont., Feb. 27.--Capt. 'James Reid, of the Reid Wrecking company, has succeeded in releasing the steel { trust steamer Manila, which was | wrecked on Encampment Island, | north of Two Harbors, in the big storm Jute last fall. The work was the greatest difficulty Delays have been storms and the franght with | from the. start. i caused by ropeated { fait that the hoat seemed to settle f firmly on the rocky bottom. The re- | lease was effected at noon yesterday, | and the Manila delivered at Two Har- | bors. Drank Too Much Poteen. Cork, Feb. 27.--Some hall a dozen men were éarrisd away on stretchers apparently dead, yesterday, from the foot of the mountain which over- hangs, Ballyyeane, a village within one mille of "Olgnbur, county Galway. They had taken an overdose of ales: holic poison, commonly called "'po- taen," from samples which were ton- sitlerably overprool. the vendor by weit into a plant Ballyveane and there drapk "smauntain dew" in teacups till were incapable of consuming more. ee using Carter's Little Liver Pills, pain, gripi their use. Try them, : | Drug Store. at Gibson's Rod i Soom. "Phone 230, Sr Two jars of potecy were stolen fiom ion overlooking the they Pr. Chown's Iron Tonic Pills are the | 1 I, Feb. 27. Officials of the best blootl, builder and nerve tonic, | White Star line, to-day, confirm the 25¢c. and 50. Koport ot the RL of J. P. For sore, tired, weary feet, Foot feats, which Fim. Sold at Gilison's Red Crobs Hop to pone th to stock of the ship- drug store. "Phone 230, trust. reason given is lie A All disorders caused by a bilious | hagvy loses sistained by the coni- stats of the svetém can be eived hy No or discomfort attending Sick room supplies of all kinds, a | large assortment "to choose from and | most. interesting prices, at Chown's ompt delivery in a special feature | store. Veteran Soldier Executed After Reprieve Was Refused. Santa Fe, NM. Feb, 27.<-John Con. ley, a iver, "whay on January 16th, i. killed and Charles Purdy, Guadaloupe placers, was hanged yesterday at Taos, a few hours after being found in his cell with his throat 'cut. The wound, svhich had been inflicted with a pocket knife, did not sever. the artery and was quickly. bandaged. Limp and almost unconscious, Conley was dragged to the gallows and slip. Id through the trap, death renting rom. strangulation. Conley "had been convicted by a jury, olevon members of which spoke only 'Spanish, and the trial was con- ducted with the aid of an Tuterprater, An appeal was granted to the Mexico supreme court, but as Conley paid the money for a transcript, the evidence was not reviewed Gov, Hagerman refused to grant a re: prieve of thirty days in which the case should be row) Conley ingisted 'that he killed the two men in self-defence. In a letter found in his . ofll Conley cursed his | enemies, and declared that he wae innoeent. Conley was horn at Albany, N.Y, He served in the civil war as a Pohn- svlvania volunteer and afterward for five years in the regular army in In: dian campaigns. A ---------- OUTBREAK IN PALACE. I-- Trained Troops Being Sent to . Capital. Shanghai Feb. 20.--Alarming rane org wore in einculation here; to-day, of an outbreak in the ace in in. It' was also reported that Yuen Shidkai, vicdroy of Chili provinces, who has been drilling an army of thirty thousand men, was sending some of his trained troops to the capital. Supprenied Riot. Pekin, Feb, 27.--The government has received a brief report from the gov. ernor of Nancheng, who states that he has suppressed the rioting went the surviving foreigners to Kiukinng for = pe The govémor's report states that six Catholic missionaries were killed besides an English family ol four. A LIGHT SENTENCE ee . Given Bigamist Because of Ex- Belleville, Ont., lar and Mrs, Sayer of tried here, this morning, de and found gif} hr 6 ¢ the woman did ut Know wher 1 Fralick nade the sentence light on ac- count of extenuating circumstances. The woman was ict go on suspended gen tulle, and Kellar received a month in jail. TOOK HIS LIFE. ma---- Young Man Himself in Father's Corinth, Ont,, Feb. 27 This morn: ing, about eight o'clock, Claude A. Smuck, Richmond, four miles south of here, committed ssuicide by hanging himself with a . strap in the upper storey of his father's house. At pres- ent it is not known what the cause was, Mr. Smuck, who was a bright, intelligent man, about twenty-two vears old, had been for the past six months conducting a general store in his father's house, at Richmond, and was doing a nice little business. CURZON'S STAND ENDORSED. Supremacy of Civil Government in India Upheld. Calcutta, Feb. 27.--Both Lord Min- to, the viceroy, and Lord Kitchener, the commander-in-chief of the army in India, expressed to-day complete satis faction, with "the decision, rendered on Saturday, by John Morley, secretary for India, which upholds the Sujsrm: acy of the civil government in India, and virtually endorses the stand tak. en by Lord Curzén in his eontroversy with Kitchener. RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting Will Be Held To- Morrow. ¥ Ottawa, Feb. 27.--The annual meet: of the Dominion Rifle Association will be held to-morrow tin the railway committee rooms of the House of Commons, The executive meets to- day to arrange details. To Move The Addr Ottawa, Feb. 27.It hay that W. E. Knowles, who w bent ly elected to succeed . Walter Seott in West Assiniboia, will move the address in reply to the speech from the throne the day after parlia- ee ian aes fof AHO, was N.8., upon the appointisent i Meclsaac th 'the Transcontinental rail: way commission, will sseond the ad- ress. Shipping - Trust Ended. bins and the large quantity of stock «till in the hands of the, members of . the syndicate, 8 when she married David Kallas. A , pure Sugar or Fruit. STANLEY .~On to Mr. and' Mrs, Clinton, N.Y., a son. CORE ap Ty 259 Ral ROBT. J. REID. The Leading Undertaker I I ------t-- TO-NIGHT 'Wilson Barrett' Great Religious Drama The Sign of the Cress With the original No. 1 company and oduction. chi Costumed. Powerlully onstructed Notable Company of 30 . ' 5 . $1: i "The Are guaranteed by $1, 000--not to contain any preservatives of any kind ner any = subititute for »