Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1906, p. 3

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v Dyeing Do a dn no longer an afflic on Nor a wearis Pa Note rine to the cl For there's a stainle snd able--in the new home dye, OF it's sixteen colors, Mo stain on the hand or lo y. ner op 53 Ohta. : | DY-p. LA leave boile or, | and Purple are the only ta mes th; Mex. D. Re Chisholf, 1 nie N.S, writes : *Dyv-o-la he and ecleandr than other Pod ig fh * little work." Mes. A: Larmoad Troguois, Ont, Savs "Dy ia easier to use, and does not x i hands > oN the Ask vour druggist for a ack ng As Miss G, Dorgan, Nail Po iy PE L, Says in a recent letter : + Dy-g 1 is the best dye on the market Sh i adds : "I have dyed mixed good Fwith- entire satisfaction, Nt a x : or streak in fu when dyed' po One e --to dye silk, 1 anything---costs 10g. hor Te = FineFurs We Pay Cash for ~All Kinds of RAW FURS W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 'Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. Spring Costumes Here JHere 33 ONLY SMART LOOKING AILOR.MADE COSTUMES, no wo alike, a traveller's sample ot, and that means garments of the very best workmanship, it and finish, sizes 34 and 36 only. These were bought at \ big reduction, and if you vant a new Spring Suit, at ery little above the cost of he material, just come in on Wednesday and you ° will ertainly be 'amazed at the eautiful garments for so mall a price. Rainproof oats 39 ONLY LADIES' RAIN- ROOF COATS. These are amples also, and will be sold t about the regular wholesale rice. Come in and see them. {EWMAN & SHAW Kingston's Busy Store : i NERS SWIFT'S SCRANTON Po 5 GOAL Word Competi- . tion will be publish- ) ed Saturday, March 3rd. JAMES SWIF{ & C0. 00000000009 TN CY YY YY YY YY YY yy TTY YTYYY os gon, Spokane. .......u. E dnaconds, Ein ao Lake . Colorado Pueblo fies conenss Goin Billings, Mont uk San Fransisco, Low rates' to many other points. For Tourist Tickets, and. all other ay to J. Johnston and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Quebec Steamship Company BER LDA in 48 hours re pew Twin dian," ten 'days up to ) sailings thereafter. . WLST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW JORK ue, St. , Sdilings every ten days. of scenery and perfection beaut. fo this trip is unsurpassed. For E of climate {llustrated and al Jutor ation, OUTE Sardinian HALIFAX TO LONDON AND 'HAVRE: Pomeranian H fu) Rates of Passage, pas to HANLEY, Agent Grand Trusk ay x P. GIL! DERSLEBVE, Canadian Pacifie Ry. MONEY AND BUSINESS. MVERPOOL. LON DON AND IR_POLIC IES COVER MORE ON building and contents than any other company offers Godwin's Insurance Emporium; Mark- ot Square EE e---------- DR: McCARTHY, occupied by Dr. treal and Brock streets. -- DR. WILLIAM GIBSON, urgeon, Surgeon, Office--2 232 Kin of Moptreal. WM. NEWLANDS oy Store, corner " Streetq, Telephon, ARTHUR fice site of New D of Queen and Montheal sf POWER & ¢ chant's 1%; and rank HENRY FP. SMITH Bor Anchor or * Building, wé PEMBROKE ass One-Way ticket at a SH ites fisso=: ly low ulars Wit 'Kv & P-ahd C. P. Office, Ch. FOLGER, IR 0 . § oovuar. F. & Supt Li of fans Railway | Mire for Tweet NeDante, Depot at 4 p.m. F. Cy eve re D. L ISSUE SECOND. pH COLONIST TICKETS Going West brow ppc an | dinive, at' the following; | wom Kingston to thle, SumtYe lan i Screw Steamship E : Quebec ip "Gon + ys : Queen, rh Canada, of to i) al ERS LREVE, on: ALLAN LINE Rov: TO LIVERPOOL From Ta A Jom Hi 10. Mon., Mar. "35, BOSTON TO GLASGOW. the unlimited liability of all the Sjockholders. Farm and city pro- iness get rates from Strange & Strange. Agents. ----. OFFICE LATELY Late Resident House ton General Hospital. Xr stree at, SPposite Bank ARCHITECT. OF- ond floor over Mahood's Drue Princes s_and = Bagot Faitance on Bagot street . This yas the « single game decided THE STANLEY wp HISTORY OF THE STRUGGLES es FOR IT. 3ous ut oh Queen's and : Montreal Were the First to Contéend For Tt-- anipeg Vics, 5: 2 Ottawa Has Held it Success- elend y 8 challengers, Montreal; Vics "for the trophy following list : patreal, 5; chal- \ heges o. challen- herd a ry "the Stanley cup by uliciee Gttava, the Ottawas against Queen's { 'niver- |. Mer Vies, 2; sity will be the eighth. time for the: chal Ww ies, I. PORE A AND WHOLESOME. OME POUND CAN RS {= We Gl LLETT 2 CiaiTeD BABY'S OWN SOAP Pure, Fragrant, Cleansing A Safe Bvap for a TENDER Shin 1 A good Soa for ANY Skin Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. i MONTREAL. There isno other just as good. FOR HOME COOKS * Beaver " Flour is the flour t for home baking--for women who take pride in their culinary skill, and their ability to run the house economically, BEAVER FLOUR is a blend of Manitoba Spring Wheat It makes bread, rolls, cake and pies that every good cook. de- lightsto serve. MyieldsMORE bread to the barrel than any other brand. Order ** Beaver" Flour next time--and sec how much more inviting and (oothsome i isevery- thing you bake. AT YOUR CROCER'S ATTEND THE BEST Ambitious young men and women who are tontemplating a. Commercial Educa- tion in Shorthand, Typewriting, Book- keeping, ete., of a Civil Service course, will find the ALCsIe Kingston, Ontario. The best equipped, and most' up-to- date 'huSiness training institution in Eastefn Ontario. Students may, enter at any time, and all graduates are assisted to good pay- ine "situations. Write for catalog and rates. 'Phone 680 W. H. Shaw, T. N. Stockdale, President. Principal. ARCHITECT, OF- ARCHITECT, MER- gton streets. "Prone, 212. B., on' Murch "lies and |, 8 operation Dants of (he oration ar required for the .ordin. Department of the City of Kingston for Ns apd forms of tender may y Building, Kingston. 4 "City Clerk 1 "VOICE GULTURE -BLLEDAM. PERLEY, ATC N. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH | Has just returped from Boston after taking speciat-courss off breath comtrol for artistic & and - development of noWer through re ninco and fs prepar- od fo rhédifs pupils and Concert En- eaibmenia, Address, 193 Brock stmt « der anil 3 T. LAWRENCE CANALS. CORNWALL CANAL. ~ the Corn¥e 1 Canal will Le unwatered A por iy of April, 1906, and remain . wpWatersd until. the Thirtieth or April, 4966. # wale WY Urder. on ea NLA. STEWART. Kuperinte sndent of Operation. Cal wally Febhiury * 24, 1906. partment, will. got be paid for iit. # enbie 'trophy through the winning of the ey, Jon SOPRANO SOLOIST OF NOTPICE 1S. HERERY GIVEN THAT i dvertise- wEpabers "iAserting thiss a om Lg pink aughority, from the De- fore of Tredh snow, weighs z flim. Fos pe. Years. 1897, Monreal Nien, 15; 1899, pions to defend the trophy since Loa. BIrOCks, 6; chal- ta came into possession of it on |lengers, = March 10th, 1903. 1900, ocks, 1}; chal- In defence of the trophy, Ottawa fle 4 has had fo do bate SHR seven at 1900, erent teams, cach the champion of its respective league, and that in the fifteen' games played only twice have i, the capital's represyntatives encoun: lors, Winniper Vies, (10; tered defeat. cll Torenta, Wellingtons, 6. Ottawa came into possession of the debongows, Winnipey Vics, 2; | Sheer acks, 21; chal- lengers, Bi Shamrocks, 4; chal. Rismipey ¥ championship of the Canadian Ama- 1903, de fal. 1 teor Hockey League in a series of two lengers, Winnipeg 8. =~ 8 deciding matches with Montreal Vie- torias in the spring of 1896. Ottawa Won By, The he Wasiderers: won the championship of the league Wondered ; Aberdeen: from the Vics with a total of nine 1 Lit League: ame . the cov- goals to one, the Stanley cup, which n the # { A th had been held by the Montreal Hoc: ered pink, last night, in one of the chal- ackey of "th key Club, going with it. These mateh- gt ad a erowd of a thee] were played "on Mafch 7th and hundred spectators, 'the Wanderers ran all ovér the Aberdeens by a full | re Stat chullon pe br Wg A score of seven to ove. Riltimately with Thistles, champions of the Manitoba the Wanderer. NIEOEY: the ugue ae: and North-Western Hookey league. | complished its on ° mg ad On March 12th and 16th Rat Portage | 'ingston men 1 oy ihre to play met defeat 'by scores of 6-2 and $2 hy ol plac UH. ta respectively, ie first ha The following winter the hockey | Winning teams fayer to prove excit- 2 Stanley jcup series, the Winnipeg | green and, had scored but one team on this season The visitors | Swill, clean, shot , from the defence line. were defeated in the firkt match on | Yor the blue 'and white, Ashley shot December 30th, 9-1, but in the second | two 'in goal, ; Vaphom ane, and Ains- attempt they turned the tables, the | ley, two, The seoré stood five 10 one "core -heing 6-2. In the decisive hat- | for the Wanderers. tle Ottawa was again victorious in o The Abe ns, got busy in the see close, hard fight, 2-0. ond hall, and came off the defence line Toronto Marlboros were the next. keeping the ame more in the centre of Having won out in the O.H.A. cham- | the ice, i an then until the last isnehip race, they went edst, and on | five minutes, the play was close and | 'ehruary 23rd and 25th were defeated | fast. The losing aggregation put ap by: Ottawa 6-3 and 11-2, a hard fight, Lamb was playing fine When Uttavy leit 'the C.AH.L. and {in goal, and Keeping the puck out of entered the Federal Hockey League, | the net in: & skilful. way, but two the Stanly cup went with them, and minutes before the finish, Ainsley shot | it was arranged that the Wanderers a goal, closely followed by a repeti- and Ottawa should play off for the | tion of the trick hy Potter, The ice league championship and the trol phy. | was in good condition. The line wp Ouly 'one match was played, in Mon- treal, on March 2nd, and a draw, 5-5, "Wanderers, Hiscogh, goal; Coxwor- was the result. Owing to differences thy, point; Vanhorn, cover; Potter, arising between the respective clubs, rover; Ainsley, centre; Powell, Ashley, the remaining games of the series : wings. were not plaved. pal; Dumphy The final challenge for 1904 was re- berdeett cui cal] eo 1 oi wd from Brandon. Brandon, was de- Rent: centre Hackett ! Derry, frated in successive games on March 4 iL : : ' 9th and Iith, the scores being €.9 | VDSS. Hd end 93. B.A Referee. --Muarty Walsh, proved satis: factory. Then éame the farcical games with | te " sty fh Dawson City early last year. The Monty Ainsley put hy ha Je | Klondykers, 'after the most exten- | §81e for a beginngf, jt being match in' the covered rink. He js a sive and unique trip ever made, were lave edict touted on Jannary 13th and 16th by Jionk hockey and Ter hi prefigiae the most decisive scores ever recorded bright hockey future for him. TE tor" Powell, and, C a: old- Probably the greatest bid ever made time and. 'well Kriown Bi re last March, when Rat Portage This- tles came down from the en The players for the Aberdeens. first game was plaved March 7th, when " > the Ottawas were skated clean off Mis sissippi Notes. their feet and defeated 9-2. It looked Mississippi, Feb. 26.--Many of the | a fifty-to-one chance the cup would] luthbermen are left with their product leave Ottawa. . On March 9th the sec- | still in the woods on account of lack | ond game was played. Frank McGee | of snow. Diphtheria hag again broken | and "Billy" Gilmour filled the vacan- {out in the home of James Gilchrist. great victory, 4-2. The final game from Kingston ill, 'is able'! to be out the greatest struggle ever seen on ice, Pilot; Mound, Manitoba, = who spent and not till three minutes from full two months with their parents and time did the Ottawas nose out win- | friends, returned last week to the ners, 5-4. | west. John Roéhe, ' opéfator, spent The total goals scored in each series | Sunday with his parents at Wilbur, are as follows : Ottawa 10, Rat Por- | John A. McDougald éxpects to leave tase 4; Ottawa 13, Winnipeg 7: Otta- {in a couple. of weeks for the west. Miss wa 17, Marlboros 5; Ottawa 5, Wan- | Mabelle Allan spent a couple of days derers 5; Ottawa 15, Brandon 6: Otta- in Kingston last week. David Johnston winning the trophy, Ottawa. has won cold, feet wet, a tickle in vour throat 13 and lost 2. The overwhelming to- | --take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot tal of 103 goals have been scored | Mater. Rub Nerviline over your against its opponents, while the team | throut and chest as well, This pre- has been scored on but 46 times. vents a chill and checks the cold in- The cup was presented in 1893, by stantly. Just as safe with Nerviline Lord Stanley, then Governor-General, | 88 With the doctor, so keep. it handy. to the Montreal team, then cham. | For nearly fi ya i ine ha pions 'of the Canadian Amateur bean, univers y sold in large ec League, In 1804, Osgoode Hall chal- } Potties. ' lenged, hut 'before the C.AH.A. quad- ruple tie was decided there was no Burdock Blood . Ritters for impure od so there was no game. In 1805 a | blood. It's fresh at Gibson's ' Red similar issue threatened, so the trus- | Cross drug store. tees ordered Montreal, who had held George A. Hutchison, is a business the cup since 1808, to defend it ' visitor jn the city. Weak Lungs WR It is the old story of a weak throat, a tend- ency to weak lungs in the family. You.no sooner get rid of your old fold han anew: one takes its place. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up this taking-cold habit. It strerigth- ens, heals. Ask your doctor, the very next time you see him, what he thinks of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for weak lungs. rn reat y We have no secrets! We publis the formulas of all our ey Fin Ark Made by the J. ©. Ayer Co. ewes, Mase. 4 * 4p iy Als Manuhitirare % WE dis © AYER'S HAIR VIGOR--For the hair. _ AYER'SPILLS--Forconstips AYSR'S SARSAPARILLA For the blood, A' A Loo Rs Fe gpa. he" #4 X Fa AT saan £7 area of Canada is 55 pounds; = weighs 62; ponds, cubic Toot of water LINE-UP OF THE QUEEN'S AND OTTAWA TEAMS. : This is'Quéen's' Third "Ohsllenge for the Stanley Cup--General Notes on Viarious Sports. The * Queen's and Ottawa' hockey trams. that will meet in Ottawa to- night in the fivst of the Stanley cup matches will be as follows Queen's--Goal, ¥ills; point, Maedon- nell: cover Juint, Sutherland: rover, Walsh: contre, Crawford: right prod Dobson; left swing, Richardson ( tain, ) Ottawa--Goal, Haig; pint, Moore (captain); cover-point, Word; cen- tre, McGee; rover, Westwick; right wing, A. Smith; left wing, - H. Smith, ps too much in_ the | season in the capital was opened with ing and when the "time sounded the | i Rowing Club being the challénging goal, Williams doing the trick in-a in,an attempt to lift the oup, 9-2 and For he *~ "finers, Vanhorn, "Sena- | 8-2. at their best, and Bernier, Williams | for: the coveted: silverware took place and Hackett, 'shohie out as the star | ty on the line, and the Ottawas won a | Miss Annie * Scott, who Bame home | was played Saturday, the Ith. Tt was again. Mr. and Mrs, D. MeKinnin, of | wa Dawson 4; Ottawa 1, Rat Por- is home from Northern Ontario. tage 15. Totals, Ottawa 103, chal lengers 46. Pr t 'Taki Gold. Thus in the twelve games which . ging | have been played in its defence since | When vou come home shivering and By way of comparison; Count the goal-keepers equal, though Mills is | most. experictiesd. At point Mobre is | heavy, but no quicker or tricky than | Macdonmel ll. Pulford at cover-poiut is la better player Sham Sutherland, but the latter can he clepended upon to do steady work, McGee ix oh ex- pertenced player and faster than Crawford, who is but a youth. Wulsh, is a better player than Westwick or any other rover that Ottawa. has. Richardson has nothing to learn from Al. Smith in spemd or stick handling |e and Dobson should be able to stay with the other Smith. Queen's is a purely intercollegiate team, which could be strengthened by the addition of a couple of Kingston | players, but it will stand or fall with Lits Present seven. as defenders. In Ottawa, the neeal betting is | that the Ottawas will double the store in the two matches. Queen's support | ers will likely be looking for sueh offers: {| This is the third time Queon's have | challenged for 'the Stanley cup. In | 1895 they were the first chalk | and were defeated in Montreal oy the | champion Montreal team by 5 5 goals | to 1. Tn 1809, Queen's "again challey- | ged. and lost to the Shamrocks im { Montreal by 6 to 2. In bath those | matches, Queen's had to, play under | Quebec rules, which were different from | those of the OHA. | The Whig has a member of its staff lin Ottawa to cover the matches, and | will give full 'reports. \ McBride Challenges Ellerbeck. | Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 95.--(To the | Sporting Editor) + 1 am still whestl- ing, and I would like to arrange an | other match with Ellerbeck, on the | same conditions as before, ] am will: | ing to back myself that I can throw { him three times within an hour. 1 am | leaving now for the west and will be | baek about the lst of April. 1 would like to wrestle him or any other Can- | adian wrestler then, 1 will wrestle any | of them, If they take me up please {drop mo a few lines and 1' will end you my forfeit by return mail. 1 will be in good shape then, as 1 intend to | have several matches when 1 am west, |! am willing to wrestle in the Grand Opera House on a percentage or for a | thingf "daing," please let me Know. | JOHN NcBRIDE, ---- General Notes On Sports. Two mighty men are coming from | Paris to wrestle anyone in America, | Karokanaft (a Russian) and Rouma- gion, ( a native Parisian.) In the last four years the number of English thoroughbred stallions im- | ported into Italy, has increased from forty-four to sevent¥-five, the number | of pure Arabs from four to nine, and | the number of English murés = from | 274 to 350, The town of Yarmouth, England, holds race meetings of its own, and in two years the sum of $9,500 has been cleared over and above all ex- penser, betterments, ete. It was de | cided a few days ago to apply $2,500 | to the rate fund. The Canadian friends of Noah Brus- { 80, the former Galt lacrosse player; | who has adopted the ring name of { 'Tommy' Burns, will be pleased to { learn of his success in California, where he decisively beat Marvin Hart, to whom Jim Jeffries handed the | heawyweight championship. -- ¢ | Hockey and lacrosse are pastimes | that continue to grow in favor at the universities. The Cantabs recent. ly beat the Southgate hockey team 2-0, while Oxford drew 2-2, when in oppotition to Southampton. At la- », however, Oxford failed when | visiting Hampstead by 8 goals to 0, (and Lee defeated the Cantabs 7 | goals to 4. |. Before the season is fisished the | eircuit-makers have arranged a new layout for the professional league of next Har, The Canadian Soo, Calu- met awd Pittsburg are not caleulated on for next season, and Chicago, Du- Iuth and St. Paul are declared to be the places shere new teams will be established. The Canadian Soo bas | run behind several thousands of dol- lars in its brief career in the hockey world, and demonstrated what was a foregone conclusion that the game could not possibly be made a profit- ahle venture there. Glendower Items. * Glendower, Feb. 26.--A. Timmerman, seripusly ill for the past week, is slow- ly recovering. A number of the young men intend going to New Ontario as soon as the spring opens. Miss May Wilson has returned from visiting friends at Desert dks; Boal in progressing well wit iss Vanv enburg ag wel Mr. and Mrs. C. Babeook are at A. Timmerman's. Mr, and Mrs, G. Timmerman are visiting neat Verona. L. Goodbarry, Verona, is home from the west. The sale at D. Coulter's on the 15th, was largely attended. The prices were high, cows ing from $35.10 337 each. Owen Kelly, Railton, paid a flying visit Kelly last week. A. wee boy visitor come to stay at T. Killey's. Visitors; Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Hickeys, Figh Creek, at D. Coulter's; D. Coulter, in Kingston, J -------- Hard or soft corns cured with thre ney factory. In boxes, 18. " Wade's Drug Store. i For five o Clad teas, MoC igh, clase candy has B only" at Gibson's pal" Sot] store. "Phone », Prom diy THE 'SPORT REVIEW] bought ano er Sarkiunt St Curtains, Runs, YGood: Summer Vests and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, etc. SHeaty of io stock will start Thursday Mornin; 9 0'%lock Sharp Come carl and get your choice. Below are a fon of the Special Our buyer has returned from Toronto, where he consistin of Plain jes, Tue ing, 1 fs ii Edging and u only, worth roc, and 12c. yard, Chace day, Te. per yard, ards Very Wide Embroidery patterns, regular 1 on Thursday, 10:. per ya Lot 5-400 yards only Extra. Wide Fine Edging, worth 25¢. to day, 15¢. per yard. Xo and 106. 3s¢. yard Yours on §500 yards Embroidery Edging and Tasertlons from 134 inches to 15 inches wide, all reduced in price.as follows $i Lot 1 yards Embroidery row and medium widins, regular yard. Your choice on Thursday, 8c. per y o yards: Embroid Edging and 1 regu a 5 and gz, yard Yechores on Thursday, 5e. Lot 3--1300 yards Wide Swiss Embroidery Lo osertion, Smile Produci Prices: Lot 1--Fancy Union Dros Goedel in. $ » tie width, w Thursday, 12}c. per yard. Lot 2~Beautiful Diese, Goods, in Shepherd' wath 35¢ yard. ; ng Dress purse and a side bet. If there, is any. 6 ad pecial for wi 3 caves ln ay. 44c. per yard, --44 inch wide French Fo. Cardinal Pink Special for Thurs Lot 450 inch wide Heavy Oxford Sultingar.w yard. For sale on Thutsday, 25¢. Lot 5--41 inch wide Heavy 3 For sale on Thursday, worth 38. peryard. gs, worth 75c. > per. Yad. Scotch Suiti Extra Heavy and Extra Wide Feather Ticking: w 'worth hse yard, Special for Thursday, 19¢. per, yard, . Fancy Cretonne in different pattern; worth 14¢,° yard. Spec- ial for Thursday, 9c. per yard, ¥. Here is a chance for every lady to secure a useful title for the house, at very litde cost : irs Button-hole Sissors, worth 250 Yours on hursday, 10c. pair. 225 pairs Lace Curtains will be sacrificed at the follow- ing remarkably low prices : Lot r--Worth 75¢c., for 49c¢, pair. Lot 2--Worth $1, for 75¢c, pair. Lot 3--Worth $1.50, for $1 pair. ow 300 Babies' Fancy Lace-trimmed Bibs, worth 15c. piece, Yours on Thiysday, 8c. piece. Also 150 dozen Ladies' and Children's Stockings' will be sold regardless of value. * "The Montreal wa Stock neers Street 1180 Prin <4 General F. x. COUSINEAU.. The above are only'a a few of the hundreds of re- markable bargains to be offered on Thursday. All our prices say, "You can save while you spend." COME

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