Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1906, p. 3

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Price 25¢. Munyonty Rbeuma. swolldigs A few dayy, foints in a few hours. Positively cures in it does not put the disease to sleep, =a Bopseer FineFurs J #48802" FROM KINGSTON proportions ow rates to other W e Pay = . K:&P. and O. P. Office, Ontario Street. Cash for x BA hn A. FOLGER, rh Lo by of Quine Railway RA or} line for Tweed, ¥apanee, and all local points. Trains FURS eave et SE a pam. F. RAILWAY EAA WILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS 'COLONIST TICKETS Going West W. F. GOURDIER 78 80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store, From Feb. 15th, to April 7th, in- elusive, at the following reduced rates rom Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland ......' sireenes srsrssssseensi 30 Rossland, Nelson, Trail, Rob- sol, Spokane .... : a 8 z 5 len al ps + gt Balle Bae ies 43.30 Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo . 3.30 Billings, Mont . . . 38 30 San Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 Low rates to many other points. For Tourist Car Accommodation, Tickets, aud all other information, ap- WHY BE LATE ? w to J. P. Hanley, Agent, Cor. lock Johnston and Ontario streets, Kingston, A Clock at our pri t. not expensive Onl ye os Quebec Steamship Company Mantle and BERMUDA cancy of any Kind in vow Reached in 48 hours from New York home let us Hl it the new Twin Screw Steamship mudian," 5.500 tons. Sailing every ten days up to 17th March, Weekly sailings thereafter WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK Smith Bros. Jewelers----Opticlans Issuers of Marriage i Licenses. "Phone 666 For St. Thowas, St. Croix, St. Kitts Antigua, », Dominica, Martini- gue, St. L arbados, and Dem- eda. Sailings every ton days. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed, For tllustrated pamphlets giving sates of "and" 'all inforwation, . apply ® © The Great English Re medy, A. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents A positive cure for all forms for Quebec Steamship Company, 39 Sexual Weakness, Bons Broadway, New York : ARTHUR 'oreAxo Arik Brain Wi , Kmissions, Sper AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Jahady, or t wtorrhoea, Impotency, fects of Abuse or Jott feta HANLEY, and ixcess, all of Which lead to Ry G1 LDE ingston. afirm 'ty, Insaaity'and an early grave. Price - 1 per bhi Fy pis iat 4 Phe will Danse, six i) R vai Mat} * ure. old by alldruggists or mailed in plain 0, ackage on receipt of price. Write for Bo pain ALLAN LINE ! Steamers he Wood Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontarie. TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax: Corinthian, Sat., Mar, 3. Mon., Tunisian, Sat., Mar. 10. Mon., Mar ' Sicilian, Sat.. Mar, 17." Mon., Mar Pretorian, Sat., 'Mar. 24. Mou., My BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Mong: Thurs... Mar. 8 HALIF AX TO LONDON VIA HAVRE Sarmatian Sat., Mar. 24 For Rates of passage, tickets, ete ay te s P. 'HANLEY Agent vane Trunk Ry. J. P. 'GILDERSLE 5 Agent i Canadian _1 Ry pv MONEY AND "BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND LOBL "ire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for New Goods! Dress Goods Security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or wiving Dew business get rates from Strauge & Strange, Agents. -- In all the popular shades for IR POLICIES COVER MO building and contents than oo cher Spring Suits. company offers. kKxamine them at ine od) . Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- a hn en Sn EES Xk ST ot Square MEDICALS. DR, McCART HY, OFFICE occupied by Dr. Ryan, treal and Brock stree Wash Goods In the newest and best: White Goods LATELY AXES: corner Mon- DR. FILLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, Qureeon, ete. Late Resident House Rin Raton General Hospital ou. won't lose anyhoo. if it fai to Son Ek hod ed Tr 1 on You Will that it is the greatest medicine for and Colds inthe world. "1 had a bad cold and a pr Lo on ag SHILOH 25¢. per bottle. All dealers Very important it is » A this s age of competition pio a strong heart and teady nerves. 8 Too much rush. and bustle, work and wotry, fall to the lot of the average business man-- his heart and nerve system will not stand it --he gives them too STEADY NERVES puch work to do the same thing attending to their house- hold duties and looking after their soeial obligations. The constant strain under which they have to continue day in and day out, irregularities of habits and loss of rest will soon shatter the strongest Before long you become nervous, starting at Sie_least sudden sound pine heart, flutters palpitates, specke floa before the eyes, the pulse becomes weak and irregular, you have faint and diszy spells, lack of self-confidence, rush of blaod to the head, irritability of temper, short- ness of breath, a in sleep, sensation of pina and. needles, sleeplessness, restlass- ness and finally SS oops breakdown or nervous prostration. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS aro the remedy you require to restore your strength and health. Their extraordinary curative power manifests itself immediately they are taken. Through the medium of the nervous system they impart a strength- ening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. Many have een cured, among them being Mr. Ray V. Coomier, Wellington, P.E.I,, Mrs. E. Kilmer, Humberstone, 'Ont., Mrs. C. Me- Donald, Portage la Prairie, Man., Mr. STRONG HEART AND Sale of Horses Every Saturday ng street, opposite Bank In the fashionable Mercerized of ora hone, 48. te weaves, so very popular last sea- ARCHITECTS. son, will be worn even more ex- WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, oF- ce, second floor over Maho store, corner ahood's Drue tensively this year. We have an Princes s_and Bagot streets. Entra > Telephone, Se on Bagot etreet. elegant assortment. ' ! ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- Boo site of New Dri Hall, near cor- Spring Coats, Raincoats, Seper- Ber of Queen and Montreal' streets. POWER & SON, i 1 Jaist » ARCHITE a ate Skirts, Silk Blouse Waists, anls Bank Building, Cl NER etc. An especially br liant dis- ellington streets. 'Phone, 213. : Sdaia EENRY p. ox i ITH, ARCHITECT, play. Ey Building, Market Saute: Our showing of Ladies' Cost- popular eye umes has caught the VOICE CULTURE LLEDA M. PERLEY, A T.C M. rea, SOLOIST OF ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Has just strictly Ii you want something stylish, we have it. Special cut prices this week. NEWMAN & SHAW return, taking Speztal i tor Artistic Singing an bower through *. resona to receive pupils agement, Address from Boston after on breath control d development of nce and is and Concert Fn- . 198 Broek street Non-Tarift Fi thrauch he re | A to on route to Toronto fr ii nsurance ; tanwal Magius Bermuda, It is liked : o3 his bar nine Myron Ist, 1. B. Cunatoe will stop 'bff for a fw Py { a Des will he on Hgot Street retin trip to Kingstor sill LM Princess strest. gv . ae w, ¥ 2 wer ore Dr. Chown's Che Cough are, Sitio hy Cp the stor awlord & Walsh, r i cough give yon quick relief from that cOUg and cure your cold, 25c. prepar- |. IB. J. FREE, CONTRACTOR § I PBstimates given for all kinds of { ! Mason Work, Plasteriag and J Cement Work of all descriptions. 2 94 Division St. "Phone 402 g BOOMESIOMODII MIO (HOO C. HH POWELL CARPENTER ARD JOBBER 103 Raglan Street. -GUSTOMS BROKER- C.S. Kirkpatrick 42 Clarence §t., Kingston, Next to C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Telephone 568. NEW JOR Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a m ~ 9 -'The best plate to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese | dishes a specialty: 'Try Myers' "Home- Made i Head Cheese. (Continued from Page 1.) score having paturally a detrimental clfect. On account of the similarity in the uniform colors of the teams, Ottawa appeared in the second match with white sweaters. The only difference in the stripes is that where Queen's has vellow, Ottawa has white, and under gas light, a difierence was hardly no- ticeable. There threatened to be a disruption | in the Ottawa team on account of a row after Tuesday might's game. It wordy row and ended by a fistic en- counter. Pulford emerged from the | confiict with his left eye severely | blackened, and he vowed that his con- nection with the Ottawas had ceased. The club's executive had a" hard tinie Wednesday in effecting a settloment. If Puliord dropped from the team, a couple of the forwards would follow him, and with such a weakened teain, there was a fear that Queen's might develop strength and put the cup in danger. However, matters were settled, and Puliord appeared om the ice, to the satisfaction of Queen's, who were anxious to show the people of Ottawa that, though the Capitals were a more experienced team, they were afraid of neither Pulford nor Moore, when it came to engagements at close quarters. It was nine o'clock when the teams lined up as follows : - Queen's-- Goal, Mills; point, nell; cover'point, Sutherland; BR. Sutherland; rover, Walsh; wing, Dobson. left wing, Ottawa-- Goal, Hague; eover-point, Pulford: rover, Westwick: right wing, © A. Smith; left wing, TI. Smith. Referce --'R. Meldrum, Montreal; judge. F. Patrick, MeGill; goal jud- ges, Go P. Murphy and Dr. Sheriff, Ottawa; timers, H. Rosenthal, Ot- tawa, and M. B. Baker, Queen's. Macdon- centre, right | Richardson. point, Moore; centre, McGee; The First Half. Ottawa scored in less than a min ute's play in the first half, H. Smith lifting the puek into Queen's. net from the side. Ottawa,"l; Queen's, 0. In * five minutes after some brisk play by both sides, Richardson car- ried the puck ncar to Ottawa goal, and passed to Bruce Sutherland, who scored. Queen, 1; Ottawa, 1. The third goal was got by Queen's after ¢ brain, and the brain in turn is a bun- dle of nerve cells, ed and sustained by pure, rich blood. Hence the absolute necessity of sup- plying the elements from which blood s made. These elements of 'nature which go to form new rich blood Pi revitalize wasted and depleted nerve cells are found in splendid propor | tions in Dr. Chase's Norve Food. By using this great food cure, supply the material which are found force, By all means have a cheerful, hope- ful mind, but do not depend on this to make you strong and well or you to thoroughly restore your will be terribly disappointed when it is forever too late, It may take weeks or even months, with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 'but you | can be absolutely certains that every dose of this great food cure is a least of some benefit to you Mrs. Grose, 148% Rubidge Ncot, et- erboro, Ont., states: "I have used Dr, Chase's Nerve. Food in my family, and | have found it to be a great nerve | builder. One of my .childeen had been | { troubled with nervousness for a num- ber of years, and suffered greatly from dizzy, nervous headache. Pr. Chase's Nerve Food has entively freed her of | these symptoms, and to-day she you substances from brain and nerve | is | ! real strong, and healthy. We do not | lose an opportunity of recommending | this splondid medicine." The healthful complexions, the well- rounded forms, thy energy and elasti- | city of movement persons who have used Chase's HO its wonderful restorative influence | se. a box, at all dealders, or Fdmas! son, Bates & Co, loromta. seems that Puliord and Moore had a | which are nourish- | health | charactortistic of |Mmatehes, Pulfo Nerve Food are the strongest evidence | position. However, Moore | score, Ottawa, 6 Queen's, 2. Just be- fore the latter goal was scored, Walsh made a brilliant run, but there was no. one at hand at the Ottawa nets, except an enemy, to take his pass, and a likely goal was missed. The next' feature was the ruling off of H. Smith for. xough work on Dob- son: The latter player went to the fence for a minute spel for tripping McGee, by way of retaliation for the rough treatment moted out to him. | Macdonnell, Queen's point, was show- ing up particularly well at this time ! by going up the ice alone with the | puck, on several vecasions, The next goal was scored by Queen's | Dobson taking the puck up through { the centre, and scoring, unaided, Ot- | tawa, 6; Queen's; 3. A. Smith to H. Smith was the l combination schidh secured Ottawas the i oth goal, king the score Ottawa, : Queen's, 3. 8 goal 'was peoved on a a glaring "offsite which was noted by the Ottawa supporters, but unseen by the referee Puliord was sant to the fence for [rest for tripping Richardson, | minutes before half time. The last goal of the half went to (ueen's, Richardson passing to Proce Sutherland. and the latter placing the puck past Hague. Half time, Ottawa, 7; Queen's, 4. a four The Second Half. The hockey played in the second half was the fastest witnessed in the {two comtests. Queen's put great energy in their play, and. the Ottawas were foroed to fight to the utmost. The contest was as Lerce at times as any that ever occurred in Ottawa, the checking being Very close. At half-time, Goalkeeper Mille was presented by Ottawa ladios with a little silver mug, tied with Queen's colors, and he hung it on bis net, Queen's were the more aggressive team on the -start and made the Ot- tawas skate for dear life. Richardron and Walsh shot several at Hague, but their shooting was a bit high. As to shooting, the Ottawas generally' mark- ted a place in the net for the puck to strike, while' Queen's shots ware more at random. It was in the first five ninutes of this half that Puiford went off for tripping Richardson. Walsh carried the puck through the Ottavwas and had a clear shot in front of goal | but it went a little wide { After ten minutes' play, Bruce Suth- | erland took a close puss of Dobson's | It | | { | { team of undergraduates, 'Lhe Ottawas play on their rink with the precision that a billiardist uses on a board which he knows thoroughly They are acquainted with every bit oh all occasions. Queen's used a | { few of the | of short. passes and pokes. Next year they will be adepts at the game of the professionals, or the "silver soyen," the Ottawas are called, Before Inst night's match, Sir San ford. Fleming, A(uecen's Untivarsity chan ellor, called on-lis Queen's team, wish it suceess. A mespage was also | received from Sir James %, Grant, an as | that the latter would win. 1 Thert weresa nuniber | men present to watch how Queen's at- | tacked the Ottawa defence. derers forwards could on up the { courage of Walsh and', 7 nd in bumping Pulford, it woittd bi all over with the present cup-holdars. Mr. Dey» proprietor of the rink, was more men, who appreciated the many cour tesies he presented with a Queen's™ 'war flag," at the close of last night's game, a {trophy which he very much desired. It is maid that the row between Pul- ford and Moore had its origin in the | | latter laughing at Pulford. over the | | tumbles 'the Queen's forwards gave hin, | This little incident led to hot words. | | It seems that in the. more stremuons rd. pla coy, ny, dn Sa th | evidently thought that the big fellow Fas eer: ting more than be, hargaiped for. Pul- ford's humiliation was . great epough being. better of the rink 'and know just what to do Ottawa | tricks in last night's game in the way 10 | other warm friend of Queen's, hoping | of Montreal | If the Wan. | Ottawa | than goad to, Queen's | extended to them, He was | ThE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH ho mn mr _ he. Pict wer 'Mis shoulders into the net. ze being so often unéeremoniously . You Won't y Jet 2¥0s 4; Queen's, 2. The next was } duped on the ice, without i 4 Won't alse scored. by AL ih, u a shot | laughed at by his team mates, the ie. . f the awa, 5 Queen's, 2. | ! Ce Coin and -- ol he Aran ®t Paitord to McGee made 'the | | Ottawa Comments. air almost instant : Concerning the first match, "Mike™ Shea, in the Journal, had this to say: "In speed and conrage the visitors matched with the redoubtable cham- pions, 'but when it came to the point of nursing the puck for a well-meant rush the students played too losely to make a stand against the whirlwind Ottawas, heroes of many fights, Queen's made themselves favorites with the Ottawa public. at once, as they started into the match with all the vim college teams are noted for, and the conclusion of playing time found them battling just as hard for the final goals. The visitors showed a good goal-tend in Mills, and in Mae donnell, their point man, they have a long vangy player who at 'times did spectacular work. Sutherland at cover is not so good as his mates, while on the forward line Walsh and Richard: son carried off the honors.- Walsh es: pecially covered himself with glory and: his pluck was greatly admired. Crawford and Dobson showed up in spots." Free Press: And even with the big score the challengers did not look so bad. They had a semblance of com- bination and were clever at holding the puck, but they failed terribly in the first half to accept a multitude of openings. A very comunendable feature about the Queen's boys, was their willingness to follow up and fall back with the defence. Not once when the Ottawa forwards got away did the students tarry or lag behind. They al- ways tried to be up with the puck. It is a wonder with such big defence they allowed so large a score to he tun up. In Richardson and Walsh Queen's have a pair of very clever forwards, Both 'have speed and ave as aggres- sive as bull dogs. Walsh sailed into the Ottawa defence as few players have done this season. He had Puliord on his back two or three times, and al- ways helped in working near énough to score. Richardson has the speed and kept after the pack without eessatién. Together with the other Queen's for- wards he displayed condition. All the students looked good at the finish and while the pace wasn't very fast, still it was going enough to weary a nén- conditioned team. Crawford who plays' centre, is a seventeen year- old boy and' looks a comer. He is much too young and inexperienced, however, to be on a cup challenging team. MoGea toyed with him and had the puck as soon as it left Meldrum"s hand. Mills in goal, Ome Vago ushps. B . | and scored. Ottawasg, 7; Queén's, 5. rave the most t li ibi S., Mra. some vigorous rushes, Pruce | and awa _ gave the most extraordinary exhibi Walter Cleveland, Ba SNARE, N St nae Sutherland scoring on a pass from Then the Ottawas made the Pace tion seen here this year. Every time wen .Aarian, » Richardson. Queen's, 2; Ottawa, 1. !lively, but Qaeen's were equal to it. a clear shot was sent at him he drop. oft others. Thi he : fi 1 only time in | H. Smith was "fenced" for rough ! be rice of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Is his . was the first and only time ia 3 ped his stick and caught the rubber Led per box or 3 boxes for $1.25. Can the game that Queen's led the Ot Som on Richardson. The latter, with (ih his hands, just like eating wp Eg SLAs Ta orwell | oo0 Walsh, made two successive rushes at pot orou lors t short. - He 1 sot oll vécel pt 0 rico by The T. Milbure 5 O roal, but tk hot were grounders at short, e sav Limited. T On a rush down the centre, H, tiawa's goal, bu heir shots were many a goal this way and Meldrum Smith scoral the fourth gona! after | a littl: out. The checking by both had to warn him. Once he went to the fifteen minutes' play. Queen, 2; Ot- | teems was vicious, the Ottawas not i 1 4 n » ence for kneeling in his net an Cook's Cotton Root Compound. tawa, 2. fe ling comfortable "with Queen's run- ping Jor in nin Mille ih od sta The only safe effectual mon The succeeding five minutes was | ng up =o close a score and working > hf ho New'Y 8 ag 0 medicine on which women ked by vigorous playi both | their level best to mix up their young S3tch for the New York Giants the depend. Sold in two degreey marked Ly vigorous playing of bot . 0 I ME coming season. He will make good strength--No. 1, for ordingry | sides, but Queen's had a slight ad- | opvonents. On. several dreasions, right off the bat. The way he dropped Zal coves, $1 per box No. 10 de: | vantage. A number of misses weee | Welsh, Fihardson: and Dobson broke he li bate The Seu tut apy ne 4% reps stronger fo made by Richardson, Sutherland and | complet: away from the Ottawa for- nd sh . ots irom ses, $8 por . Sold by all | ™ ) \ 3 ; 3 All, Smith's elub stamps him as drupgists. Ask for Cook's Got | Walsh combinations, these three |lay- | wards, iit thewreshooting was not as backat f the Sch an tw) » 3 ton Fat Gonspound; Wie ¢ | ers shooting at the Ottawa nets un- | effective a: that of Melee and (he he op of the Schrid i iy orcer. Cook Metin Gut: Windsor. Ontaric. | successfully after good rushes Smiths, and besides, they had a W Re [ras pane att of the was a lively scramble at one time in | strong defence to got through oy = G ar mal rg) Ye content front of Queen's goal, and a store | Ottawas got the next score on a fine ud tt eRe ne Students looked likely for Ottawa, but Mills | l A ayed 3 good came, and have ny IM Crests anc and ue y for Ottawa, but Mills jyiwce] of play by Pulford, who WEI | Cutout oF ability. as the fuel that uck stg Headin cracked the puck away twice in sue- oem' his position and shot: on Queen's they were alle to tally Sevm Aire 8% cession. Then the play went to the | goal. Mills swiped the puck back, but sigalnnt the wp Holdins ny Wi Ottawa goal, andothree times in rapid | it struck Pulford's leg pads and went . 0 HAPS Proven: W gre {it 5 2 pads and n a Sar a dr ay yt for Paper and Envelope: succession did Queen's forwards ch | 1ato the net from the rebound. Ot- they hob i Rien. ¥ i Thi in experi Calli but the puck managed to strike | tawas, ® Queen's. 5. This was after | "°° pnt eondition, ) ny bh. nes dur ng Hague's Pa on two of these occa- | (ifte'n minutes' play. mg tie mates they wore brilliant toa : ™ I : degree, 'hut they, after all, were sin Cards ANC | sions. Then followed one of Ottawa's | The next score t to Queen's. Daob- | at il 1 or vital Pin | Lotter hands | Sibi roms, which reed in 1: | on pate Wah al ico rch 1 samc" lear "bus avin - ¥ | Smith planting the puck in "Queen's [up the side, and Walsh scored Ot ams a e i he Dey . rat : them much, they had all the ardor s : Que ) p y a : Buides all class ©} La, Prem Ota bi ee, for a - ns > Ge i xt two gonl university man, and never *rinting from a card to a volume, ae g i tawas £0 ie. Re 0 gon s to he aware that they wer of Queen's. when Queen's cover;point was off, for Richi to the ond theo sm 1 THE WHIG. Kingston Three more goals for Ottawa fol tripping H. Smith, Mills knocked g : v._Peguer loved in jode. The firs E 2 i sn and wire" rewarded hy two nde tie: ramen Chi In. minute Dania Be ie vol {down a hot shot, but MeGiee swipnd when the mateh appeared to he x A these occurred in this way: A. Smith | it in. Westwick got Ottawa's tenth on Laci a Canadian Chinese Restaurant | hot a big one at Mills, who stopped J To ue ent see. Very dashing wore all their 831 King Street it: with Lis haude, but the puck drop- | Queen's, 6. » Int it was evident that in Open from 11.30 a.m to'S am I ! i we quarters they were out of it +: .m., 0 § a 3 2 chan i The best place to get an all-round On a good run up the side, Richard- | oq (© 00 00 voung and are not meal in the city. Meals of all kinds on . son went through Ottawa's defence nearly sot. Everv-mon. of then seems shortest notice. English and Chinese pe or Queen" aw 0 , jo dishes a specialty. We have the lariest Brain and Nerves ent spored for Queen's." Outawas, 10; | 4 pd to become famous ns A and most complete dinning room in the Queen «, 7. i x hockey playvr, andl if they can keep city. 'Phone, 655 Dependent on Certain Elements of 1 Wostwick a) H. Smith hat in the | pot team toge for a couple of : : ast' two goals, - making the score: | Stanl 'vot find : » Nature, Which Are Found in | oy, : on years the Stanley cup may yet find a When Needing a Cab or Carter , | Otianns, 1; Queen's, : | resting place in Kingston. But the 9 Queen's were fast and aggressive (o | | 2 al + fan) i ' r ase Ss d y ; m- has all the faults of Ontario Phone 622 Ld the very last A few minutes hefore hockey. The puck was ever too far. in A N time was cafled, there was a grand | goof them, and they lost it re And you get a prompt answar erve 00 old scramble in front of the Ottawa | oily through this." : goal Four * timos in suckession SINNOTT BROS. S------ en's forwards 'tried to get the rub- Recelvi Bot The Christian Scientists are right | ber into Ottawa's net, but were eceiving Returns. 36 Johnston Street enough when they claim that the | Hocked. A crowd of over two hundred men . mind influences the body. | and boys assembled at the Iroquois Wm. Murray, Auctioneer sory, excessive menial toil and Notes Of The Contests. Hotel, Jost night, Jo hear! the bulle strong emouons consume nervous en- Queen's share of the gate receipts tins of he aniley cup game, 27 BROCK ST. ergy at an enonnous rate. will amount to about $508, Un the ex Though the enthusigsm was uw Rest of mind and body is essential n . they cleared 3128. : for the restoration of an exhaus i Mesto hae . New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, evens Ne On San gxha ted | | ueen's are ite sutintied with the | To Cure Catorth A ie showing they made, with a young ete., for sale. jut the mind is dependent on the Don't Drug the Stomach, Breathe Nature's Remedy, Catarrh- ozone, --Both Pleasant and Sure to Cure. Catarrhozone cures because it eg the source disease quickly thoroughly, ing vapor the minutest air cells of the nasal passages, throat and lungs. It attacks the cause of the disease direct, and doesn't work in a round about way throagh the stomach. The antiseptics in Catarrhozone kili the germs that cause catarrh. It clears the 'nostrils, cures headache and foul | breath. It prevents dropping in the | throat, 'allays inflammation, heals sore | spots. and stops running at the nose, S80 certain is Catarrhozone to ye- lieve and cure that: doctors, ministers and public speakers koep it as their standby. for coughs, colds, catarth and | throat trouble. Because it lasts so long 'it is cheap, and as it is sure to always reach- of the and It's hpal- penetrates 2 So | cure even the poorest ean afford to | buy it. Mrs. PA. Morris, Perth, Ont., writes: "I cannot, withhold mv testimony for | Catarrhozone. It cured my dawohter of 'chronic' catarrh, and 1 therefore heartily recommend it to all sufferers, No house should be without Catarrhor zone." Two months' treatment, hard rib bar inhaler ahd extra Kquid costs onle one dollar; sataple size, 25¢. Sold by all druggists, EBARGAINS IN RUBBERS We have about 300 pairs of Men's Rubbers, "punched, all sizes. Regular prices, 85¢. to $1. TO CIeRT .onavasis ii its vans 5c. 225 pairs of Ladies' Rubbers, sizes 2i to 8, punched. Regular prices 6oc. to 75¢. To 75 pairs of Boys' Rubbers, punched, sizes 1to +, Regular 75c. To clear ........{.« 60c. 65 pairs of Girls' Rubbers, punched, sizes 11 to 2, heel or spring heel, Regular soc Teo ClBT iii ivi sada 40c. We have a small lot of Ladies' Rubbers, small | sizes, which we are clearing out at 25c¢. ¢ Abernethy's Shoe MIT MIIIIIIINILANS LABATT'S Me and Porter are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very healthful and aid digestion, Labatt's ar: very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274. AGENT, THE PEOPLE ALL it was not as keen as on the eve of the first game, the large score against Queen's making the interest wane. As each goal was aceredited the local col- In Chorus Cried, Give Us Newbro's Herpicide. legians gave a luéty cheer. Returns This word of late has been in every- were also received at the Randolph | one's mouth, and many are wondering Hotel, where 'a large number had also | what the word signifies, though no gathered one has yet been found, who will deny that Newbro's Herpicide does the work, Well, for the information of thousands pf people who like to know all about a good thing, we would say Celebrating St. David's Day. Pittsburg, a, March 1.--The Welsh. men in all parts of the world are celebrating St. David's day, today. | that Hetpicide means, a destroyer, tr Cambrian Society of Vittsburg will | KM€r 0 eTpon, ow erpes" in the family nime of a disease caused eive a dimmer and entertaipment at the! First Congregational church, this by various vegetable parasites, A sim- evening, in honor of the patron ssint, ilar microbe causes dandruff, itching Many prominent Welshman from this | *alp, and falling hair; this ix tie mi city aml the surrovnding districts will attend. There will be some good speeches and musical numbers on the programme. President D. Llovd Jones will preside ¢robe that Newbro's-fHerpicide prompt- ly. destroys; afters which the hair grows, Sold by lsading druggists, Send 0c. in stamps for sgmple to the Herpicide Co,, Detroit., Mic th, 6G. W. Cleveland, 0, March 1.--The Welsk- | Mahood, special agrit. men, of Cleveland, will celdbrate St. |» David's day with an cluborate ban- ABOLISH GILDED SCION. quet and entertainment under the ans pices of the Welsh-American Club, this Professor Would Sell All Inherited evening. There 2 be sc hw Estates for State. Tl tha {Pehenattacy, Mure d.mProf. Jol Coliseum hall, and it is expected that | 1c Maveh, . of. Union. Collage, would 1 [abolish the voung- millionaive. nearly one thousand Welshmen will > Before the Lakor lveeum, he: sug- attend. President John Evans, of the { (0 that the" inherit 1 is de at thy hanpuet, | 38 ud shea 10" in ance laws be Cama We iiey Thorpe | Tove utionized, by so amending them £ og Ay omas, as to prwide for the sale of all in- Ves, w 2 pet ; herited estates, the widows amd or -- phans to he made fs blic charges. He Davies' Ceylon Teas. pie leave only t lives lead . for Bought direct from the gardons in heirs, not even permitting them to in; and sold | herit cash. customers at wholesale quality, for 25¢. wwlon, Pat up in packets, diveet, to our price, or a 40c. ---- A Woman's Attractivehess. Is destroyed if she has to Wear The passage by the honse of repre. large boots, -to ease her corms. Put. sentatives of Lills to admit Oklahoma | Pam's * Corn Extractor relisves in- and Tndion territory and New Mexico and Arizona as states of the union will soon, is expected, leave Alaska as the one territory' of the United States on the continent. Wool of two quite distinet qualities is shorn from the same sheep. That on the neck different in texture from the wool on the lower part of the creature. stantly, cures any corn without pain in twenty-four hours. Patnam's has boen {fty vears in use. ------ James Sissons, who has been ill for the past nine months, is gradually sinking. % Si it is HAVE YOU PILES? Hudson Welstor. Inte. of: Bliabeth: Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is an ine » a v ternal Remedy that ent remo town, is dead in Logansport, Ind.,| cause of Plies, ry: Satire a and curds to stay ed aged forty-five. A widow and one son | 2n¥ case, no matter how lone standi I you have Piles, a supvive, ¥ Ieqnhatdta Four thousand phy sicians and sur Hem-Teld Pod Bot dee" Vou, geons and 3,000 engineers of Canadian birth are practicing their professional in various parts of the United States itil A thowsspd with covery Pate or i" TE w perfect t aura, or Dr. orbits # Sturgeon © Oil Liniment is sold at the fu. rapteed The Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stove, -- ou" Hh gr

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