AND STRENGTH HE USE OF HINE. y mail, tells of the splendid fering women everywhere making organs, helping the y tendency to throat, chest nga new lease of life tq en who have not known for ally" well. Listen to what ood, NW. T h settled on my lungs and gray dd. not sleep, was subject | : liscased my doctor : 3 do consider] of Port Elgin," Ont + Prosin thine, and 1 started ty xe " at veats and cough ceased. I = am Psyvehine has been a god Ont : into a decline. 1 could 1 hardly father got me to use } > r svehine, my improvement. || I now igo weal nol strug, Pevehine did jt. Ont, of Lsvehine. Twas feeling ni and had a bad cough. Psvehing ever tried, and | give it gl the b whol Whole system weak After lily worse on athe id a complete enpe. . 3 nt. TT ng time, had no appeti unable to work or enjoy lif stitution was breaking ap, hat N | this false: Fam now well and X years," of the many, only a small proof that Psychine is the 1 germ killer of the age. It he women of Canada. It hose conditions that lead to Je. per Bottle. er bottle, at all druggists. BOE GEVOEODEOOVOVE FLOOOIES CUIT ole-wheat wafer) nme, body-build-" : hing than white s a Cook Book," postpaid. CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 32 Church St. COORP OOF IPSWBDDG HODES ARange > Ti) 2. Time. 1 a light fire by a certain hour you pend upon the Pandora to cook it o keep up a hot fire ** just to make be depended upon if a strong fire heat around the oven twice and means that every atom of heat ia goes up the chimney. new and is equipped with every quick cooking, fuel economy and ly. 1on & Sons, King St. FUL STOVES AND RANGES. PO00ED0000E08 ranges - : ape Fruit} y Princess St. | Hi i | | Bad Coated Belching of Stomach Gas, or these forerunners of Indigestion , Old Dr. Cascaret vans to % ; t in your pocket. : 3 bight Be the ine trouble i oe pefore it can grow into a Be Bowels to be costive. EF "Ladies, who extend to Dr, Cascaret the ospiality of their Purses or their Dress k Pockets, will be rewarded with & fine . , and healthy Happiness. ay of appos > Cascaret guarantees to cure the -- obstinate eases of Constipation and Indigestion, without discomfort of in- His medicine does not gripe nor purge, por create a drug habit. Ce Because it is pois "Biodive, © or Be sure you get the genuine, made only : | sulonan) Jue, i uught 4 xemener 3 Ga] Macios. by the Sterling Remedy Company, and paid as "conscience money' through To ries saturally the muscles that DOVES sold In bulk, Every tablet stamped , | Gen, Patrick Collinge, who was then in Be walls of the Intestines and CCC, | our consul in Londen. Quite an in- Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes ese Bowel-Muscles, just as it weakens Arm and Leg museles. Old Dr, Cascaret goes directly after fee Bowel-Muscles. He wakes fhem 'up just as a cold bath would wake wa lazy persen. or HERE IT 1S Our Ladies' Blucher high cutshoe at .... $1.50 Is as dainty a Shoe as can be fomd anywhere at the price. I, JENNINGS, King St. - ay a » WON'T HORT YOUR TEETH _ thebo Confections, hecause . they're bd personified. The old idea that all a are harmful to the teeth. hurt- - J! the stomach, was exploded long - lor Soldiers, often live on sugar and 'ngth and endurance. But S are not only pure and They are delicious Can wet a trial as to pound of Aid" to the 'wine, or beer drinking, nervous excite- ment, sudden. exposure to cold or heat and a dozen other-every day likelihoods tire the Bowel Muscles. : is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later on, to say' nothing of the suffering, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, = loss of Social Sunshine it saves. box) at 50 cents. raising canaries, More You'll get $2.50 to $5.00 each for EASY MON | EASY MONEY and "CANARY vé. CHICKENS." showing how to mmke 'with canaries. all for =. Then he Works them (through the nerves) till they get so strong from that Exercise that they don't need any more help to do their duty, But Dr. Cascaret wants to be right on the spot, in your Pocket or Purse, where he can regulate these Bowel- Muscles all the time, in health, and out of health. Because, even the strongest Bowel Muscles may be overworked. Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey, In such cases a little Cascaret in time These will about fifty times repay for Old Dr. Cascaret carried ft we will get a whole bunch of letters ge tiling Space occupied, and the ten your Vest Pocket, or in an |in a single day, while at other times is per week at cost. Purse is the cheapest kind of Health-In- | & Week will pass without the receipt of ont . surince, and Happiness - Promotion, that |n single oné. Although I do not at vert 2 od : otion, + | know that any recent statistics have Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half | thick as your watch, round-cornered, 1 | SP nts a Box at any Druggist's. Big box of tablets (to refill pocket-] | - Carry Cascarets constantly in Vest | Pocket, or Purse. - + A sample and the famous booklet, 'Curse | of Constipation," Free for the asking. Ad- | dress Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago New York. 0 | ble than chickens. AR indoors, | young singers. i t infefested quickly we send oid 1 350) sad two cakes | BOTTAM Birb S0OK 50.) BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, | or coin. Address 'movey for 1sc. stamps i COTTAM BIRD SEED, 5, 51. testes, 0st pb ---------- a sb men. " AN EXCELLENT To admirably adapted to iho; Wants of Infants." ! Six Cras. A. CAMERON, CB, oun} | Dyofessor of Chemistry, L.C.S. 1 | Ex-President of the Royal College of { Surgeons, Ireland. ¥ 9 | | knowledgments via A receive several additions to the from other repentant souls 'whose ¢on- | sciences "have been aroused by the y | "Perhaps the smallest sum éver ve- ood | . Foy Infants, Jlnvalids, | And The Aged. | GOLD MEDAL, ] WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, London, 1900, | 2 | DR. BARNARDO says: " We have already used Neave's Food in "1 two of our Homes (Babies' Cas le and t Village Home), and | hav» nol saying it- has proved very sa July tation i ory." 7ith, 1500 Rosson" Imperial Nursery." Mapufactirets = JOSIAH R. NEAVE Fordingbridge. England. : Wholesale Agents: --THE LYMAN BROS. & Co., Ltd., Toronto and Montreal. Chocolates for .40c¢. . and 50c. at Drinks and fresh Ice Cream every TI. PETTERS & CO. 184 Princess St. 'Phone 640 ATTEND THE BEST Ambitious youn young men and women wh UN contemplating a Co Ra tion oa) Commercial uca~ GGAGE FREER Awing orthand, Typewriting, Book- wil 85 oe. of a Civil Service course, ' - Cook's "Cotton ---- ) "The (uly Sate women ean ; on Sepend. SoM in two degrees of | strength--No. 1, for ordinary : Za) coacndiperbox: No, B10 45 < stron S id ™~ Kingston, Ontario. on 8 pon fox. Seid Bal Wate Ot equipped, and most up-to- ton Hoot Compound ; take Bo "ness training institution in substitute. "or Onteria | Ml raduneny enter at any time, and fhe Cook Medics Cou, : | Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Orpcsts Digit Gentes! Sun & | mae pany wo, CONSCIENCE MONEY MUCH. OF IT RECEIVED BY Englishman Was the Largest Con- very tender--at least in financial mat- ters, and yet, to jud which are to the conscience relief. Recently official information regarding the curious let- conscience fund in America at all, the Angland and adopted generally by the | newspapers. | on £1,250,000 has been smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't, | notice its presence. > Contains six Candy tablets--Price Ten * | der consciences. | States wiser. UNCLE SAM. tributor--Man Wha Sent Bills in Halves. \ The conscience of the average Ame- rican is not generally belioved to be by the letters received almost daily at the office of the treasury department, Washington, it would seem that there are not a few who find the burden of past frauds, imaginary or real, so acute that nothing but a contribution fond will bring them the writer met . an connected with the United States treasury who volunteered some ters received in his department from time to time. As a preliminary, how- ever, he stated that there was no real borrowed from title being simply "Sometimes," said wy informant, been published on the subject, I should not be surprised to learn that close received at the treasury since the devs of Wash- ington from people troubled with ten- "No single sum has ever reached a teresting little story is connected with :this contribution, the sequel to which has never been revealed. It is worth repeating. This sum of money had been given to Gen. Colling by the Rev. Prebendary Barfi, vicar of St. Giles', London, who stated that he had received it from one of his parish- ioners, an Englishman, with the sim- ple request to send it to the United government. What criminal fraud, warranting so large a sum of conscience salve the man had com- mitted was nevef revealed. If the vicar knew the story--and he never denied that he did--he kept his own counsel, and no one was ever the "A wear or two ago Secretary Shaw received a bunch of bills amounting to $9,000, together with a frenzied note which stated that the money was sent as some slight reparation for hagmg defrauded the United States government of various" fees which should have been paid. What these 'fees' were, however, the writer did not explain, and so the money was paid into the gemeral treasury under the head of 'miscellaneous' receipts.' All moneys so received, however mo- dest the sums, are acknowledged in various papers, and when such ac appear we generally fund | good actions of their fellow-sinners. ceived for 'conscience money' amomt ed to ten eents, which came from' a schwolboy: who, in a long letter, de- | clawed, with many blots, that he had | stolen several pencils from various postoffices, but us he was now alive {to the enormity of his offence (through the attentions of a kind minister) he enclosed ten cents (all the money he had then at his dis- posal), and would send a little more | later on. He gave a detailed list of the officers where he had committed his petty thefts, together with the dates, and a month later we received another remittance containing forty { cents, which the writer declared' cov- ered, according to his reckoning, the { cost of the pencils he had stolen. { A few months ago we had a fifty ! dollar bill sent us by some woman who declared that several years ° ago she had borrowed it from a friend, but had . never paid it back. She, | therefore, sent it to us to calm her conscience. ~ "One of the biggest contributions | to the conscience fund we have ever received comsisted of the right-hand | halves of notes to the value of 811,- | 000, delivered in a linen sack: In his letter the sender begged that the | money be acknowledged: in a certain | paper, when he would at once for- | ward the remaining halves. This was {duly done, and we received a second sack. As the bills were all jumbled up, we had a nice job matching the halves, and it took a couple of clerks { several hours to do the work, until we all wished the man's conscience had | been a little more elastic." The Customer's Enquiry. | New York Sun. . | Proprietors of big concerns get ac- 1 monthly | customed fo silent commendation and They arc a good deal like a 'restaurant manager on Broadway. To this manager a pa- tron said yesterday : "Where did you get that beef that you served me for | outspoken complaints, | lunch ?"' » 4 are sisted - fne_Situations. assis to good pay And thé manager, confident that a | complaint was forthcoming, saod, hot- {ly : "Well, sor, what was the matter "COLDS, Influenza, Bron chitis, Pneumonia or Consumption Often Follow a Danger. by Keeping the Blood Pure and Warm. colds strain the lungs, weak- yg So banish the appetite, cause melancholy. Pale, weak people, whose hands and feet ave chilled for want of rich, red always catch cold: Their lungs are soft--the heart can- send out blood enough to make them sound and strong. 'Then comes the cold and cough, racking the frame and tearing the tender lungs. The cold may turn into pneumonia, influenza, consumption or broncitis--a lingering illness Or a swifter death. All weak people should use Dr. Wil- liams® Pink Fills. The rich, red blood they make strengthens the heart, and it sends this wart, healing led to upgs, ana obice again the patient She. } su vng-lunged, bloods man or women, Mrs. James A. Kennedy, Douglastown, Que, bears the strong- est testimony to the value of De: Wil- liams* Pink Pills in cases of this kind, She says : "My sister, a delicate girl, took a severe cold when about seven teen years old. We tried many medic cines Io her, but she appearad to be constantly growing worse, and we, feared she was going into consump- tion. Often after she had a bad night with a racki cough, 1 would get up to see if he Tad Fy sy blood. At this st a friend strongly urged me to oer Pr. Williams' Pink Pills, Within a month from the time she be- gan to take the pills she had almost recovered her usual health, Under a further use 'of the pills she is now well and strong, and 1 can recommend the pills wit confidence to every weak person." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a cer tain cute for all blood and nerve troubles such © as anaemia, debility, lung col mints, rheumatism, neural gia, St. Vitue- dance, partial paraly- sis, and the trolibles that make the lives 'of so many wemen niiéerable. Be sure you get the genuine pills with the full pame, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box. Sold hy all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FASHION'S FORM. Hand-Made Frock For the Little "Once upon a time," as the story books say, fine hand + work was sup posed to be for the robe of the very littlest baby, but nowadays all this is changed, For while the "littlest bahy" is not neglected, her mamma has ling- erie frocks quite as' sheer as baby's own. clinging robe, and her little and hig sisters are tricked out in hand work quite delightfully fine us her own, This little dress for a three-year old shows the craze for hand work well. It bears not a thread of trim ming in the form of la¢é or embroider, --only fine hand-run tucks and hand made ruffles and a little pulling of the sheer mull, of which the little frock is made. The long French waist is en- tirely of . clusters of hand-run tucks, and to this the short, full-flounced skirt is attached. A bortha is cut out to show a little chemisette effect, and is edged all around with a hand-made frill and a hand-made puff of the mull. This style. is also. well.suited for the little gingham frocks that are made by machine in the ordinary way. FORTY STORY ICESCRAPER Will Be Extraordiu: iAg Pehtd New . York, March "8. 4Plghs were filed with the building department hy Ernest Flagg, an architect, for the propestd remodelling Yinta one of the fourteem-8torey Singer and the eleven: storey Bourne office Buildings at the north-west copper bf Brofdway and Liberty streets "The plan outlines one of the.most novel and extraordinary engineering. wndertakings in the his tory of the city. As an. ornamental feature. of the enlarged Jilding, a Engineer. TEMPERANCE WORK THE MONTHLY MEETING OF + THEW CT. U. Cigarette Manufacture Largely Increased in Eight Years-- Canada Must Not Be Dis- couraged--Loocal Option Suc- cessful in Places. The regular monthly meeting of the Wo. CTU, was held in the YW. CA, hall, Thursday afternoon, with an av- erage attendance. Mrs. K. B. Sparks, first vice-president, occupied the chair in the absence of the president, Mrs, McCallum, who was detained through illness. Miss H. Clark conducted the usual devotional exercises. The re- cording secretary, Mrs. H. Lyon, read the minutes of February meeting, which were adopied, several items of important unfinished business being then discussed. Reports of the visiting committees were then in order, telling as usual of the suffering caused by the prevalence of the drink habit. It is intended that at the next monthly parlor social to be held in March, at Mrs, R. E. Sparks', that the boys who belonged to the Union's Boys' Club will be entertained, ar: rangements were discussed, but the date of meeting will be given later, In 1898 the campaign against the cigarette was commenced. Then eighty Nee an these little brain wreckers were manufactured in Canada. But af- ter all the public speaking. dissemina- tion of literature, Sunday school and Christian Endeavor societies' efforts, what do we find * That during the seven years interval the increase in the consumption has arisen to 211 millions or. over two and one-half times 'more. than in 1898. Lucy Page Gaston, writing {fo White Ribbon Tid- ngs, from the United States, says: "The United States is up in arms encouragingly as you know. Canada meed not be discouraged because vie tory is deferred. You have put up a good fight, and should keep it up un til success is yours." This is good ad vice, and soon we may hear of re- newed efforts to have anti-cigarette laws passed as sweeping as those that have been passed in many of the dif ferent states. ' Law enforcement was the subject of the educational half hour, and much information wat gained from the con- sideration of the laws most frequently hroken and what we can do to prevent their violation. The first question was: "Is law enforcement woman's work?' Answer--'"The least of the creatures of the field will sacrifice her life to pro- tect her young from danger. We ad- mit that the legalized liquor traffic is a daily menace to oir homes and our loved ones. Who then, will argue that woman should not equal the efforts. of the lower creation to combat it." One yuestion---Can local option be enfore ed? is worth quoting. Toronto Junc- tion testifies that times are good and open drinking are unknown. Sparta reports no open drinking. North Tor- onto has bad local option sinee Octo- ber, 1904. Rev. I. W, Powell, vector of St. Clement's church, Elginton, North Toronto, says: They have had only about one-quarter of the usual Christ mas distribution to the poor, and that, in most cases, was given through friendliness, rather than from actual need of the recipients; thus proving that poverty: is lessened. Many 'important questions were ans- wered, and much valuable help given for the benefit of those interested. But we may not give more, as we fear wo have already, trespassed.- The meeting close with the temperance doxology. HEN-PECKED HINDOOS. Greatest Sufferers in World--Bits of News. Henpecked husbands are folind even in India. A writer says: "To live as 1 have done in a Hindoo house, especial ly when the real house mistress is a masterful and, deeply religious widow, who is grandfnother to the babies and mother to their parents, is no longer to wonder at the absolute terror with which men speak of the 'stri achachar. For the men of India are--poor souls ! bo and state after state is falling in line, } wu spss sss BLOOD IMPURITIES | OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Union St. 18th 1908. t gies me much pleasure to certify that "Fruita-tives™ have entirely cured me of a i ble skin disease, AnE am vet thdukful hat] © took this medicine. After I box of f tablets, I was much better. > x - yo ca This case of Mrs. Mailhiot proves one great truth--that you CURE pimples, blackheads, blotches, red rash and other skin diseases with salves and ointments. Simply because the disease is not 'with the skin but WITH THE BLOOD. The skin trouble is the RESULT of blood trouble. ""Fruit-a-tives" proves this because when salves and ointments are left off--and "Fruit-a-tives" taken to purify and enrich the blood, the skin diseases are cured to stay cured. Pimples, red rash, eczema etc., come from disease of one of three organs--liver, kidneys or stomach. - It may be all three--but certainly one. And this one affects the other two. And there will be skin disease --as long as the bowels are constipated ; --as long as the kidneys retain urea or tisssue waste sad --as long as the stomach does not digest food: properly the body is improperly nourished : Ointments 'won't cure--salves won't cure--soaps won't cure. Because the trouble is the BLOOD--not the skin. But *'Fruit-a- tives" will cure--'Fruit-a-tives' do cure--because "'Fruit-astives PURIFY, THE BLOOD. : "'Fruit-a-tives" act on the liver--stimulate it to excreté more bile--and thus make the bowels move regularly every day. T is zida the system of one source of blood poisoning. famous liver tablets act on the kidneys--prevent the formation of excessive uric acid--and insure the kidneys being strong and healthy. They po on the skin--strengthen the glands and stimulate them to throw oft. the impurities which the blood brings to them. ; With bowels, fiver, kidneys, stomach and skin working properly --the blood is pure and rich--and there can be no pimples or emishes to mar the complexion; FS At all druggista or sent postpaid on receipt of prices a EE Oo DOxcs for $0 t of its terrible eilects, blood disease is called the king of dissases. A ~ either heraditars or contracted: so while It may not be a crime to have itis a crime to A henmatic paid suit oie the K and eliminates ail poison from the aystem. "he aymploy disappear. The bi beocmes ho SESE Sk AG D0 Re ALY. $6 troit. 280,000 Cured. le Cousultation Fres. Question Blank for # Drs KENNEDY & KERGAN K Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby Bt, Detroit, Mich. Quick=Fire ~the most henpecked in the world." A recent display of aurora gorealls frightened the citizens of a little town in northern France. They thought that a neighboring village was on fire, they took out the fire engines and hur vied to the supposed cenflagration. The brilliant display threw Caen into a panic, Afraid t6 go to bed, the townspeople paraded the streets for hours, and the churches were filled with women, who prayed all the night through. " From Paris comes the news that the best people are taking snuff again, and giving it. A medical paper holsters up the fad by saving that a few pinches a day will guard against influenza. 80 All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them, An Ohio genius has devised a round trip matrimonial ticket, It consists of a marriage license with a divorce con pon attached. A man ig never quite sure whether a a per of forty storexs will rise : : a Write for catal a 5 , centrali tower o 0 Th woman is worried by her own troubles > APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT | with the beef ? 504 feet high, eonsiderab! y Staller than by those of her neighbors. Pgs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN | "Nothing," said the patron; "That she. Wushington monu ; his will \ haw, that application will be made to the |... asked." make 'the structitoy hampion EE -------------- Prods, Povasteat, | ATT, Aen SLi Eee 8 | ann | atong. the Amecicin'iiciapers. [Cured of Drunkenness * | to_provide that, beginning with the your { eh jrropomed tower ot steed s fady het of w! n e |! « 0 t 'tion p IIE iD on Wot The Best Is Cheapest. Skeleton. erviabrutiond jl be Vows Heetteal : Sorel het Seva ok ¥ in the City of Kingston at the Muni "Solution of Ozone (the coupon storeys and have a « addi- #1 want 16 tefl you that taste- Dr. Brock's Celebrai Tones bat the aMermen who | kind)" is the purest and Best form in | yional 'storeys, crow eupola Female Periodical li obtain the next highest number SLO | which Ozone is put up. Fach bottle of bearing a flagsiafi.. of the gaticely ny has only RL medicine for in sath bi a a who | it contains a Soupon entitling you to | yer will be of orn aml and STURE, 134 "Princess Mitel BST DRUG ¢ | T3001 {he ®hird highest number of | a package of "Celery King," the well-| jimpstorie, lighted #¥SRernitel bay thet fam susomish: Peoeipt of price--g1. Malled on § | [ites in each ward shall hod office for | known tonic laxative, which should al- | oy {ending from the icblewath to the How 1a Jon ; me a ed {or each Ward annual. ! ways be used with Ozone. | thirty-sixth storey, with foun rows of wrote for your sesaaanll | rR Re ice for three years: and | ly buying "Solution of Ozone (the | windows on ench lode ahd an addi- mm --------rr-- A. E. HEROD oie YOUR CONSIDERATION tlacilities were never better Se Bain your work DONE ON 31 PRINCESS STREET. | vy to for other Ey DO ALD M. MCINTYRE, 4 Solicitor for the jpilicanta, Kingston, Fepruary 14th, 1906. oney apd Farm Pro -- a M pal ~ County Deben- tures. purchased Deposits received and t allowed, 8S. ©. Me3ill, Managing Director. | most efficient form, and lout twice as much of it for | money solutely without charge for it. No other brand of p | give you the "Celery of your Ozone purchase. "olution" of Ozone . (the | coupon kind)" you get Ozone in its you get ab- your as of other brands. You also get the package of "Celery King" ab- BF ofiere this | advan because no. o can grr King." That is the only way te procure the full value cov kind)," is fifty cents and one dollar tional double of this. bay will be four elevators the tower awl a number of elevators in' the other parts of building. other spiel a bell at the entrance, so that hiscarrival to the deity, at your druggists, and if he hasn't it the Public Drug Company, Bridgeluug, window om ejther side at each storey. There o the top of the ' A - ; "hinkse h a , Several of the Chinsee seniples have plest hot my Rams yet. devotee as he passes in may announce I i Envit nN i LE fi Hi Fut 1 H ie 5 it HE tt 3 years. and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain seated grvel pe. Core cog fi The estimated. population, of the | fespondence sacrediy confidential Address Chinese. ampite is 200313, 000. while TH STARA RY & dal" that of Great Britain is 394,061,500, % * yi Slso foc sale; by Hews Wade CHARCOAL FOR [seein Order a Sample Bag at 15c. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. You're a Back Number If you do not use a Types writer. The visible writing EMPIRE will please you and draw trade. . * Price, $60. Try one for a month. J, B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 Wellington St, #3333 333354 $2350 $533 THE CANADA METAL CO. Manufacture Lead Pipe, Traps, Brass Thimbles, Sheet Lead. : William Street. Phone Main 1729. Sia Toronto ' ' A