i A choice lot of good green Posts just arrived. TO CONTRACTORS. - SEALED | TENDRRS (MARKED Tutadetd tr. quo 0 Hetupel, wit, ye 0 o'cl , hoon, '- HHDAY. Seuren 17th, 1906, for the several trades works required in the srection und completion of & House of . Retuge Building in Village of "Original, ¥rescott County, Ontario. © Thane and specifications - may be scen sooand all other information obtained at fy office andl at the office of J. A. © Higginson, Esa: Chairman of Building © Committee, Tawkesbury, Ont. Snders to be addressed to - J. OQ. Higwinson. Esq, Hawkesbury, Om. Lowest of any tenfler not necessarily necoptenT WM. NEWLANDS: Architect, Kingston, Ont. 'How Are YOU Going to Help to Make the City Beauti- ? ful The Hon. Wm, Harty will pay the expenses of an illustrated lecture on "How to Make King: ston Beautiful." WHAT WILL YOU DO? HEAT 18 the Kind of heat produced by much as an- furnish anything the heat. Dy buying coal on get heat --fuelavalue money. nt i oi biz altars, a time for them to beg 8M a i a EE Olan Sh. RS Toto G3 Limes THE DAILY WHIG. "opifer per Orbem Dicer." I TE ~~ Scandalln The Air. Same ohrions comment han hoon" thade upon the remarks of Mr. Smith, MPP. who, in an address in Flgin, referred to the Minnie M. scandal. Did he mince or conduce any wrong which had been committed in the ho regretted it, said now in the crucible and would come better service, it has not been criticized hy the con: servative or independent press. The Ross government had been the means of opening up New Ontario and mak- ing the Cobalt. district what it was. But Tor the railway entérprise, pro- jected when the liberals wore in pow- or, there would have heen none of the excitement which now prevails, be cause the mineral riches woull not have heen discovered. Incidentally "he pointed to the, sen- sation that' was hrewhig,: "There was which was rich in' minerals, and it would be the graveyard of many 'con- servative politicians." How is that ? "The government proposes to throw this limit open to prospectors, and these the friends of the gévernment. Moen have been sent owt 'as fire layers, and they are staking 'out elaims for themselves and the bimchmen of the government. The stakes have heen covered with carth waiting the time when they may be exposed." Now what do the people think of that 7, The government pure and in- noeent | Yes, 'the government _miay profess to be that. But there will be something doing, something without justification, if * the prograstications of Mr. Smith materialice. Rumours are in civeulation, and they ave of a disturbing Kind. The Effect Of Lent, Lent is a great season, and is meant to do great things for man. Its ob: servances being respected a wonderful transformation is expected to take place. Physically one wants the rest and calin which Lent proclaims, For weeks preceeding it there is dissipation of. a varied sort, Social festivities have reached a climak, and as a conse quence body and mind, in some cir: cles, are greatly fatigued. There has to be a recuperation and it only comes when the church puts its ban, for the time being, upon all wndesir- able diversion . Spiritually there is need of an up lift, and it only comes when the so: cial functions cease, and, outside of the daily tasks and toils, men and women, and even the children, have time enough to think, reflect, medi tate, and pray. ; To the religiously disposed Lent ap- peals most strongly. As a contem- 4 porary remarks, "Lent is for them a time of fasting and prayer, a tine for them to stand in penitence before for divine forgiveness for their sins, and a {ime for them to celebrate the event upoh which the structure of | their creed largely depends." It is a God-send that something in {lervens to stay the excesses of those on pleasure bent, Lent calls a halt $n It holds wp aims ideals that appeal to the heart and touch the sow). As [| the teachings of the hour have min: istered to the longings of the soul and for ra and it is abiding just so far as' motions and venvictions of the 4 Bit to carn a livelihood, and this is a most deplorable circomstance. Is the indictment true? . What steps has Dr. Smith taken to verily the facts ¥ (For it is a serious thing to charge: that the government is mot particu lar, or that its agents are not parti-' cular, and that the population is be: ing swelled, in the cities at least, by' an army of helpless people. Beccles Wilson got himsell into tron- ble by writing to the English pres' proportion of the criminals of Rurope. and the Canadian Gazeite, which is J published in London, analyzed the Wiatistics in order to show 'that Mr.' Wilson was serionsly misinformed. Ac- cording to it eighty "per cent. of the immigrants for Canafla: were English- | speaking, among.' the best, and the balance came from Scandinavia and Germany. In April, May and June of this year there will be a great move: ment under the direction of lLowds Stratlicona, and Rothschild, aided by work, and under conditions which will relatives in the old land and recoup The Dr. Smith indictment, however, rempins. How is it going to be met? By a searching enquiry ¥ That is in- ferred, and the government or its Interior department, will commit an error of judgment in ignoring it, Welcome 1 he Visitors. These annual gatherings of people, at reunions, conventions = or camps, are not sometimes understood. Sone one has said that men are somewhat gregarous in their habits. They do like to . be alone, They get to gether, and they stay together when they can. « A reunion of old hoys--those who have been associated in school or col lege or business or even in a' common citizenship--is not to 'be discouraged. It advertises the city, It promotes harmony and good will, 1t cements friendships that can never he forgot ten. And in the commingling of the multitudes returned "home" after long wanderings, or long absences, flushed with victory or sucess, there is an inspiration which cannot be too high- ly esteemed. It 'may cost something to prepare a fitting reception for these .worthies, but it is an event which pays. Every one of the boys brings his money as well as greetings to the city. He gives impulse to a circulating medium that energizes all it touches. Great gatherings anywhere are pro- fitable when they are managed aright. The people who travel, however, ap: preciate courtesy, and there is no fa- vour more to their liking than infor- mation in light and attractive form, about the places they visit. The old boys of Kingston will advertise the city il they are given the opportun- ity. They should be sent the '"'litera- ture" that tells of the historic Kings: ton. Later the Toronto club can be of immense service in telling, by litera: ture, the thousands who will be pass ing down the river when they have attended the summer and fall conven: tions, all about the city. "There are no suitable cuts of the city,' said some one on a civic com: mittee in referring to the methods which were suggested for bringing the virtues of the place ta the notice of probable visitors, The plea is unten- able. No suitable cuts ? Then get them, at once, and use them. Arouse yourselves, yo members of the indus- trial committee, and try the merits of printers' ink. Editorial Notes. Mr. Smith, SEPP, says New Ontario will be the grave yard of some politi: cians, What docs he mean ? The federal government will pass presently an, anti-usury law, It will put_the 40 Per vents. ont of business, 4 Oh yes, Ontario is growing, and get. ting rich throngh thw death' of its rich men. But is that anything to rejoice over ¥ Parafined cheese is all the rage. It keeps better, sells better, and does not shrink. The inventor of the parafiine system is a benefactor of the people. 0 - t-- + J Government supporters are said to in in the Cobalt district on a private ~ Fost fog spoils. They. are staking out He that Canada was . getting an' wg [1 The Fuglish papers contradicted him, J] : ) . RV "s-- | Provineial. officials must henceforth serve for salary. al have been cut off. Very good. We can now. see : "eerlain positions are worth. sehivery could not be made under the perquirite system, oHelln, Ahegt ¥ 1 "The Bell Sompay's onop ly is fading 'away. There will! be litle left of #4. when the provinces Grand Trunk' Pacific spans the con- tient with its lings. Great things are in sight, Ta : : | ------ Sir Lowis Davies regrets that the, federal government, some years ago, amended the insurance law and so permitted Hie insurance companies to invest in. doubtful or speculative stocks, The amendment can he wiped out, and the sooner the better. ---- The Toronto News says that Mr. name of the liberal lass ?. Nay, but | the Salvation Army, The plan is to | Whitney has surrendered to the baser rty was | put the immigrants in homes and at elements of | the party " on the" spoils question, and it; will lose in prestige. ont of it purified and fitted for [permit them to remit to dependent {A man of real strength, it says, would not sacrifice ay position or principle. Mr. Smith said something else, and | those who are now befriending them. {The sweety of office ? Where are they? Has Mr. Whitney been denied them so far ? 3 ' pp te SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. ---------- 5 Opening Of Lent. Montreal Herald. Some people will signalive Lent hy giving up the remainder of the good resolutions. they: nade at New Year's. We May Not. Toronto News. . Manitoba is. likely fo take over all the telephones and. run: them under government ownership, Wonder if Pre. mier .. Roblin. 3 th ita» alk hv pe . igo Exchange. { Sgrnia' man has just got five yeurs for lighting 'a fire, whereas many meek married men light fires regularly every morning, and don't get so much 68 a thank vou for it." - Present And Prospective. Washington Star. It is doubtful whether woman suf- fragists can ever get as much enjoy. ment out of attending regular police cal conventions as they derive from attending woman suffrage .conventions, . - Hope For Punch. : Windsor Record. « . Punch is to have a y ger editor, and may at last become a comic pi per. The only funuy: thifigiabout Punch so far has heen its own innocence of the fact that its columns were inno- cent of humor, Losing Its Reputation. Montreal Guwette, Another man has died, this time at San Francisco, as the result of injur- jes received in a boxing match. This sort of thing should be stopped. The rize ring 18 getting as bad as the Footbal field. ~ rh ---------------- L.L. D. FOR DR. C. K. CLARKE Queen's Will Honor Its Former Medical Professor. The. honorary degrees of doctor of laws will he conferred upon Dr. C. K, Clarke, of Toronto, at Queen's medi- cal convocation on . April 12th. Dr. Clarke was for oven twelve years pro fessor of 'mental diseases' in Queen's Medical College. He is focognized as Canada's greatest alienist, and Queen's will hopor him by. conferring upon him the highest degree in its gift. re rty---- You Can't Doubt This. Go where you will, but it's impossi- ble to find a family finiment equal to "Nerviline." Age adds to its popu- larity, testimonials by the score speak of ity puin-spbdwing powers. . James B, Cot _-- ol Mastow, N.S. says : "lI wouldn't dive without Pol #on's" Nerviline in the house. If you have rheumatic pain in the limbs, soreness in any of the muscles, or in fact_any need of an honest liniment, Nervilne 6lls the Bill. 1 can recom- mend it highly because 1 have proved that in one . application of Nerviline there is more virtne than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment." nn ------ : . Wholl Be Appointed ? + The Whitney government hardly Fhmows what to do in regard to an ap- pointment of storekeeper at Rockwood asyleni. William Dunlop was named' for the position, to succeed Mr. Me- Manus, but there ju friction in the lo- cal conservative . The executive 8 to meet next yan deci t what is to be done. The go vo ib seems, does not waht to Wppoint any- ono noar the age of the present stove keeper, who is being superannugted. + Vocal Students Club. : The Vocal Students' Club bad its first meeting and: Toh. The eB et vida right. hy present Gounod' * Mesne Dion: Good Friday. | City Property Committee in a | were "present Alds, ! = ZF f Re Jing used to heat 'the: plant buildin Where did it come from? The ecar- He stated that a practical man --. rying oui 'of #e Rom government's | OVtside, Ald, abot and 4 bisalt had 3 re aE into the matter, were sat. Pla. 8a the. Toronto. News avers, Lifed that no . steam could be i! it knows, ' there, unless the larger engines were oie. The perquisites ) into the "telephone husiness, ana' could thus be saved. This matter will Scales--Empossible to Get Ex- 'haust Steam From the Light Plant. ¢ The city property commitice had a meeting, yesterday afternoon, to consider several matters. There Angrove (chair- fman), Millan, McCann and Cooke. The chairman said that it had been JHound * impossible to get exhaust Eteam from the light plant to heat the J eity buildings. Only a small en, 4 Was in operation in the daytime, and J every pound of exhaust steam was be- running in the daytime, This was the report submitted to the city council a year ago. The question was raised as to the necessity of retaining a market clerk at a salary of $500 a year, when the market tolls had dropped a thousand dollars, The markets wete small, and the clerk hadn't as much to do as in vears past when the markits were large. The opinion was expressed that « the police could look after the market and the harbor; and the $500 doubtless bé considered' by the special committee appointed by the city eoun- cil to consider the civic salary' ques. tos. he committee deciiled 10 ask for $1,350 in its appropriation estimates of the year, for installing a steam heating plant in the east wing of the gity buildings. The scales 'at the hay market are 8:1 unfived, owing to the breaking of the beam from the effects of the recent fire. The beam can be replaced for $75, but it may take some weeks to get a new one made. New scales can bs put in for about $200. The com: mittee is in a quandary over the mat- ter, as the market lessee in naturally kicking vigorously over being deprived of the use of the scales at this profit- able season of the year. The city en- gineer was instructed to telegraph var- ious firms for prices of new scales. The committee will have another spec- ial meeting to deal with the matter, It was decided to leave the: question of additional painting required in the a chamber to the city engineer and the choitman. The place can be com- pifted: for the small sum of $18, and made to look decent, which appear- ance it has never vet had. The chairman intimated that some reliviong body, which intended holding revival services here, had applied to him for the. use of the fair ground stalls for the horses of people coming in from the district, The committee decided that it could:not donate the Luse of these stalls, 'as that would«in- terfere with the business of hotelmen having vards. YM.C.A. Sunday Notes. The subject of Evengelist Russell's address at the men's meeting to-mor- row will be "Power from on High." This meeting will be held in the gym- nasium, as a large number of men are expected out, The singing will begin promptly at 4.15 pam. Evangelist George A. Lowes will he present and will take charge of the alter meeting. Evangelist Lowes will be glad to see all his old friends at watch, to-morrow morning, at seven o'clock. A cordial and pressing invita tion is extended everyone to attend the above meetings. Drunkards Cured In 24 Hours | Any Lady Can Care the Most Violent Drunkard Secretly at Home To Prove It. A Free Trial Package Is Sent Sealed to All Who Write. ------ Let no woman - despair quick, permanent cure has been found. It is Golden Specific. It has no taste. The sure, for drunkcrpess It has no odor Just a little is put in the drunkard"s cup of coflee or tes, or in his food. He will never motice it, he will be cured before he realizes it, and he will never know © why he abandoned the taste for liguor. © Gone Mad From Whiskey. His desire for drink © disappears abso- lutely, and he will cven abhor the very sight and "smell of whiskey. The vigor he has wasted away hv driffk will he restored to him, and his hedith and strength. a¥fe! cheerfulness will return to brighten voyr home. (olden Srecific has cured dome of the most violént cases in a day's tUme. This' fact is proven hy many ladies Who Hove tried it, - Mrs. 'Muttié Balkins, Nancehury, Ky., AVS © "My husband took two doses of vour medicine ahout five months ara and has not takén a drink or had any desire for liquor since then. Our home is so dif- ferent now." Mrs. Mable Ziok, L Oregon, says LF. Nd. 6, Salem, My hushavd has not touched TNovor hesn th fhovsands of families. cont ukize proof of whet a hlassing it has | Send for p fepe trial package of Golden the mornipg |. or not. Look at it--need a new one, you prefer : Stiff or Soft ? We have abundant lines of both kinds in the Spring Styles At $1, 1.50, 2, 2.50, 3 and 350 Must have a New Hat, whether the old one is good latest shapes. the world.' | ©, a I , un mg Spring Hats] The new styles put everything else out of date. We handle the Celebrated Christy Hats of London, The Woodraw, Barrington. Austrian Collars The best quality Austrian Collars, J Biand, indestructable, straight band or double, the Ask for them TO-NIGHT | 2 for 25c., THE H. D. BIBBY CO. © niin, NTR WR, wR, iL DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS IN THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA One dollar opens an account. highest current rates. Office: Corner Princess and Bagot Sts. EE 3 Ceylon Natural GREEN T PUREST and MOST DE; oO DELICIOUS LEARRLY "T® 26c., 30c., 40¢., 50¢. and 60c. per Ip. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904, don't you? Which do Intereat allowed at the in oRb8Lk A " pr.Hugo'sHealthT: for Women Make Healthy We er-you believe it © eae fact re These tablets willchange we: diseased organs into strong, b ; fast with some, more ly-with others, but sure and lutely certain with all who in their use, except the few ] the help of medicine, ' Disease, even chronic, wil r as these organs = to their normal condi These tablets are now re ed beyond doubt or question adapted to the special needs a. at dealers or by mail, Robinson & Co., Coaticook, New HAPPY RESULTS . OBI By the Use of the Ne Antiseptic. It wouldn't take long to n hairs in the heads of some | reason being they haven't pamber. In most instances, the fault iis their own. A ge roof soon plays havoc with lustiriant growth and causes md fill out. A remedy for 3 recently hoen discovered, . cs bra's Herpi ide, that acts b ng the germ that: does th besides removing all impuri the: scalp. In addition 'it pe «lle and vigor to enter the happy results are sure to bi fom its use. Try it. Sold druggists. © Send 10c, in sf sample to The Herpicide Co Nich. G. W. Mahood, specia "Good News for Settl Purchasers of North-Wes THE CANADIAN &ORTHE 4 in exc Government the right notes--for FIRE In LONDON Assurance pany, of Toron GLASS of MILLS Sons, Ki for the a PRIVATE BANKING WE MAKE rates, from ten to three hundred dollars J on the security of We have Sole Arencies of the QUEEN Agents of the surance Company of England, LOO MUTUAL FIRE also the All Sound, Sirong Companies ceived up to Saturday, the dollar. The highest or any tenders not LOANS 'at reasonable good ten days to six months, promissory We | STORAGE INSURANCE THAT surance Company, and AND LANCASHIRE LIFE Company. and are General NORTHERN FIRE In- WATER- *_ Insurance Com- ONTARIO ACCIDENT to, and LLOYDS PLATE f New York. the TWO '& CUNNINGHAM terms. The ngston. Tenders will be re- March 10th ve stock at a percentage on LARGE WELL FURNISHED rooms, at 160 King St. 851 Princess Possession Steacy & Steucy immediately. FIRST-CLASS now occupied by Dr i Albert street. Possession Mov and Cunningham, 7¢ Kineston FOR SALE, . FRAME lv payments, Apnly br. C -- for what they . Curtis financially after marriagg business. The store and 'premises can . be rented on favorable stock can be seen on the premises and the stock sheets at Edwin Chown & sh ES ---------------------------- BUSINESS CHANCES. £1,500 WILL BUY business nicelv Address i em------------ COBALT--SHARES IN have 12 Canada . Specific to-day. toes. Crawford's.? JOO prisoners. #4 Favarits, Lily Phite pota- a will answer [ree Irv compas 8 auiry regardine wection. A Box 111; Cobalt, Ont: | up to acre, J ompietion Told FRONT Cor. Union. 5 per acre be 1907 and cach FURNITURE, allow borrowers to pay notes anytime offices, dwellings. Me d with intercs before due in such amounts as they Cann, 51 Brock street nually choose and we allow interest on such 5 Spe pavinents. HOUSE, 202 WILLIAM ST. AT PRE s of lands WE DO NOT LEND ON CHATTEL sent occupied H. Hooper. of 1} cents per mil SECURITY. Possession May 1st. Particulars at WE DO LEND on Real - Bstate Mort- Steacy & Steacy's. gages, or Life Endowment, or. Hond RQlicies; at LOWEST: CURRENT |BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENCE, NO moderate gent piv t 0 PWELLING ¥. Horsey, icited ON MONTH. rent for PLATE 79 Clarence Street. ONE LARGE ENGLISH LATE : z Glass Mirror Nickle Plated -- ---------------- r h three ol FOR SALE smaller stands "Aioly 0 Hr TENDERS Adams, 336 red stree! . a - i SEALE Tw a The stock in Harrowsmith, of Mary PERSONAL. Sar oD, 7 END Jane Sproule (assigned) comprising: ox : DAY. the 9th da ry goods, boots, shoes and WEALTHY GENTLEMAN, LOVER OF fides dor 15 Roe ve NS millinéry, about ..«.. ... .. $864 00 home, amiable disposition has af Be Ten pcais for the Members ardw nd crocker: 228 come of 85.000 yearly, desires Sam . are kery, about 00 a dot view to mate os Cloth may he Drugs and ' groceries, about. 322 00 Sorrespondent i poor ot he. undersigned, Wall paper, oils and glass, working itl. Tusk 95 Fis Tower LOU. RY he about .. .. .... .." 0 A600 Fairbanks £0 SHY econo" ANY tende ewelery, about .. 211 00 HANDSOME L. W.. SH) i RACTIVE HANDS! . W. SH! Xtures ll tay dba 90 00 ATIRAL widow worth = $10,000 sash. Kingy ch ar oe This stock is all new and well as- owns hone, desires the acouainWrtl gE _ rel 3rd, 100 sorted and there is a good' opening of gentleman, object Watriiil = for some one who would like to start ohjection ta poor IMA Lio. Hart STOCK MARKE) ( 120 -- Provide by J. Stinson, Square. oR (ROC ERY Atchison : und nv Ama) Conner 2 hi h le pack f + to-Cobalt nef : since Gave him the sample package of | ocessarily accepted. img purchased by the. sh ols Contra Save your loved ons from premature OLIVER CHOWN, vestors of jo @ Tl Metropolit & Nashville feath and the terrible corsaquences of Assignee, is to purchase Locatic Fh id Wapato t the drink Soras and save yoursell from Low pitalization |, "und iva New york ( poverty 'and misery. ec ose SHAT® It. cowts abseluiely pething to trv. |x oe lelight Ia development mo Brin Map 28 Send vour name antl addréss to Dr. J. | NOWhing delights me_peaple. so vary promising investment: Cope, W. Haines. 6274 en Building. Cin- | much. as to be ask tan it gives Booklet free. Wills & cinnati, Ohio, and he will at once send | them so much pleasure t se. sou a fred package of the marvelous Gold: oy . : b i NITIES. : en Specific in a plain, sealed wrapper. The Germans are ! Sitbduing BUSINESS OPPORTU! MATION ited kacitle He will alvp swvd vou the stroneest. | the natives.in Southifapt Africa. They COBAY,T BUREAU OF IMFOF - ites Rtoel pid.