Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Mar 1906, p. 8

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x Bs 1 1 Hy Await 17 Onl i i +» WINNIPEG street tw the i | r, formerly % 4 Hd Waist Suits Made of all-wool Cheviot, new kilted Skirt, strapped and pleated effects, full sleeve, closely stitched cuffs, Taffeta Silk collar, also collarless styles. Sizes, 34, 36,38. Regular $15 each. Special for $7 50 New Voile Shirt Waist Suits comm whey, RC t banks in moro n $3 , an shout $10,000,000 as com= 1908, Traffic was greater and operating expenses Were 8, en res aba ened comin the uid th syndicate total amount .Uongregational Tea. On Tuesday, March 6th, the Congre- gational ten of Princess Street Meth- odist church will be held. Short ad: dresses Will 'be: given by Revs. Spasl- ing, Manning and Eyre. Several of the city ts will. contribute musi- cal numbers. The chair will be ocen- ied by T. F. Harrison. It in to In That the congregation will rally at all of Ts services, ---------- House Of Industry Supplies. These tenders were accepted by the House of Industry directors: Groceries, J. Crawford; meat, W. H. Reid; fuel, J. Sowards; milk, B, R. Rees; bread, T. R. Carnovsky. "It's well known," Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. . It cures coughs: 20c. } New Waterproof Coats New Silk Shirt Waist Suits New "Pony" Jackets Latest styles N: w Lustre Shirt Waist Suits y Cashmere Shirt Waist Suits Made of pure French Cashmere, in shades of Navy, Brown, Black, full Skit, trimmed with buttons and fancy . stitching, new style Waist, Regular value '$10.50. Special at ~ $5.50 OR RUGS! WwW are showing some particularly attractive values FLOOR RUGS, all sizes up to 4 yards by 5 yards, at t pail or the. | oats 11 in 'the hands the exchange nF les 500; Rl, o 15 morn- bjeet to epileptic fits been afiected rain det in | ready Ice on' . street Servite more or lees serious] the early part of the day, bit the cars ave now running. prety fair time. nn tary found: thiree safes, on Alice » 8D eamy proposition, night, getting $50 from the ny ford Swith coiipany, manufacturers of fruit syrups; $25 from the Queen City Printing Tok company, and venite ' td from the Canadian in; Vv, sitn 3 i Rtond ---- Vv, 'all situated Yonge street. Jt is not believed that the biirglare were professionals, ------ THE A.0.UW. LUCK. | They Had Very Bad Weather For Their Ball. Wolfe Island, Murch 2.--On Monday tvening there was a very enjoyable time at the village, when "the A.0.U. JW. ball 'took place. Tt was much like | previous dances for lack, there being very bad roads. The hall was nicely decorated, upstairs and down, the supper was well 'worthy of praise, and served in first-class style by the mem- bers of 'the commit(ee, There were iv soutien in attendance, and muric was furnished by the Davis or- chestra. H. David, first viola, Mas: ter Hionle played second, and Miss Sadie Davis accompanied on the piano. There was a very sad drown- ing accident on Thursday afternoon. when the fourteen.year-old som of Thomas Bush, Simcoe Island, was doming across the Batteau chamdl to the island, when he dropped throngh the ee. He was seen by James Ken- hey and |G, Suds, but before they could reach him, he had sank under. They got the body within an hour. His funeral takes place on Saturday to the village. On of the foot of the jsland ol4 gentlemen passed away, Thursday morning, in the person of George Woodman, at the rine old age of soventy-eight years; His funeral takes place on Saturday at two o'clock to St. Lawrence. Miss Lalonde, of the city, has been visiting Mrs. W. RB. Card this past week. Those who left last Tuesday, for Ottawa, to 'attend the. hockey match, were: C. Cum- mins, PF. Keegan, Harry Card, BD. Cosgrove, G. * Whitmarsh, James Wright gave a farewell party to his friends last 'Tuesday night, before he left for the United States. phon A VIOLENT STORM.* Wrecks a Norwegian = Fishing Fleet Norway, March 3.<Bsveral steamers have been despatched 16 Giacel ana' In gerna | islands, Tronjdem, to the as: sistance of the fishing flect, which met with disaster in a violent storm which reget over the island. ly sixty, of three hundred hoats Which recently went out fishing, have returned. Vessels which arrived at Tronjdem report that large numbers of fleet have been seen floating kel up- wards. The crew of the hoats compos ing the fleet, number - from L200 to --- ------------ A SWEEPING ENQUIRY. -------- All the Military Sdhiools to . Be i Investigated. Ottawa, March 3.The degiartine- tal: commission' to hivestigate te the affmire of 'the permanent foree will not only sit at Kingston, abont which 'the ehief conplaints were made, but: will extend ite mvestigations to the 'éavalry schools mt Toronto awd Winnipeg, the 'artillery school at Quebec, infantry schools at London. Toronts, St. John, Que., Quebec, and Halifax. © © . A ------------------_-- Invited To Clinton Pastorate. (Petarboro, Ont., March 3.--Rev, W, J Jollifie, of Charlotte strvet church. president of the Bay of Quinte con: ference, has received an invitation to become pastor of Wesley church, Clin- ton. Rev. H. -M. "Manning, €linton, has. heen asked by. Charlotte street church to, succeed My. Jolliffe. ---------------- ' Details Eot To Hand. New Orleans, La, March ®.-A spe cial from Matidan, astimatod thedoss of life eyclone and fire at ohe hund- red with abot 200 injured. Much oonfusion prevails there, and detailed lists of the catastrophe are still um. available. . A ---------- Sis, For rlovmueinm, and sciatica, take preseription: 4,000, She. only at Dr. Chown's* ng store, he |= explorer under the bureau of minek, Grey in 1902. Pur- . Ga want- | report Plc vy male" Nr, Whitney thought it a person with stronger his powers than he him- to be do so, but an en- made. p , replying to Hon. Mr, Ross, belioved the report' of tiie * eommission a. it only way, but the greater portion had been 'concluded and pied fogs. CE : Pensey in the absence of Mr. Me- , wat informed by Hon. Mr. that 'LL. Loughtin had been 'ehist fife 'rafigér 'in Temagami Park, He Was 'engaged by the season, his | emplovim#ht not being in any sehse 'permanent, He was not employed last "year. "There 'tind no investiga- tion, a¥ there was nothing to investi- gate. H.W. Evans was appointed for last season, bit at present no per- son is filling the position as the ap- intents ~ dre not made until the | fire-rangi season commences. My, i served on the fireringiig | stafl 'under Mi: Loughrin; hall servéd {and was a capable cahoeman' and Mr. Penke;" in 'the abséiice of Mr. Me Dougall, "'vits alto told by" Hon. Mr. Cochrane that tio timber license had bee " granted 'to = Finlay Watts, of North Renfrew, but some pine timber 'oni "the old town plot of Rolph was sold to Hi. Tt was estimated hy two government rangers at 250,000 feet board measure, and the price to' be paid was $3.95 per M feet for' what- over quantity might be cut. This was done authority of order in council, dated December 20th, 1905. There had been ne tenders called: SATURDAY "MARKET. Small' Durniout; Fowl Dear $ Bufter and Eggs Advance. The disagreeable, wet morning put a damper on the market on Saturday and the attendance as not Very large. Prices were more steady than for the past week and butter took a slight rise im price, selling at 23c. to 25¢.; gE." too; were nome too plentiful and sold briskly at a slight advance over 'the week's prices, 93, and 236. a ,dozen. Fowl was very searce and ' remains. dear. Outside prices 'wert "materially the same as for some tite. * No change in the tone at whith 'meat is selling, i Where Canada Leads. Oswego, N.Y. Times. An utiplensant contrast between Canadian and American methods is afforded by Alaska and the adjacent Yukon territory. The contrast is not in favor of the United States. In the first place, the laws govern- ing Alaska are declared to be ineffi- cient. Large sections of land, pre sumably. rich im minerals. have been tied 'up by men who have not at tempted to develop 'them. An émi nent mining engineer, who has just returned from a visit to the torritory, dedlares that there is whounded evi dence of graft and administrative dis honesty, Property and life ave declared to be safer in Yukon than ih Alaska and the 'general" administration of law cleaner and 'more effective, Much of the advantage 'in favor of the Yukon territory is due to that unique and efficient organization, the North-West Mounted Police, + Revival Mpeting. The all-day prayer meeting in Broek stteet church, made a good "start at 10 'a.m., continued 'with increasing numbits, under different leaders for cach hour, with growing interest until after 10 p.m. The 3 pom. meeting way largely attended, 'the interest in the Bible study becoming more intifise. The evening Was somewhat | affect by the townter 'attractions, "hit Wis still large 'nd impressive. Rev. Mr. Mac. Kenwie gave a ketn and penétrating addrés®' to the prayer meeting in the parlors' after the Service Socted by Mr. Rosell. The aim of the workers is depth before extension. Sunday the netetings contin "in Brock stroet church, in Bethel church, and an ov. afigelistic rally 'is ealled for in the Grand Opera Howse after 'the regular service in 'the cohurchies; ns « ------------ The Prize Winners. The names of the prize winners in the Swift Veranton coal word com- pétition are : 1.--Miss "Ethel Neilsbn, 199 Univer sity aventie, 1,040 words. 2.-Mrs, Richardson, 47 Bagot street, 3.437 words, J. Miss Hattie Samwell, 133 Union street, 2,785 words. The answers wero. namerous, ranging from sixty words upwards. de Alerts Licked. The Wolves. Alorts H defeated the Wolves Ii by 4 to I, in an exciting hockey thateh. Tae teams were + hi Alerts--H. Smith, goal; 8: Priver, point: V. Gilbert cover-point; H. Nicholson, rover; M. Lichorman, ceh- tre: KE. by 'and Li Meek, o Wolves Reid, goals 'BIN& 'point: Sharp, ecover-point; McCartney, rover: James, contre: Shepherd and Me. Ewen, wings. A eee. Ve The «ity engincer had all the men he could get, at work this afternoon Sanding the slippery walks. There were many calls from citizens for relief. The walks were never in such a dangerous condition this winter. The mild weather prowsissd for to. morrow will afford veligl the must sointifie Sye-tosting, at 4 polling "stock. * A dumber train ran nto a freight at' lot of James E. Bloor was killed by a street 'eof at' the corner of Front and dy streets, Toronto. "A wolal' who committed suicide in New York is Helitved' 16 be Mrs. Wil: Yin, rly of Toronto. hfor the Tish farmer if the em. argo on Canadian cattle is removed bh Jredicted hy the Freemans Journal, iblin. ¥ John A. Edwards, Fredericion, has been pamed postmaster at Frederic ton, N.B., in the room of F. S. Hill yard, deceased. Sir Willian Mae or, in opening the Newfoundland legislature, announe- ed the colony's condition to be one of uncxanmipled prosperity. Stanley Boyd, wanted for burglary in Chatham, Tilbury and Glencoe, was arredtad on his release from prison at Nashville, "Tenn. 'He will fight extra: dition. 1 Commereial travellere asked the pov- erpiient 16 amend 'the loeal option law so. 8 to cbifpél municipalities where it 'is in' force to supply ade quate hotel gecommodation. The Alan steamer Siberian, for Bos. ton, gailed from Glasgow, on March 3rd, with 157 second and M5 third ¢ passengers for Halifax and 23 sccond and 163 third class passengers for Boston. Hon. Mr. Brodeur is contemplating the adoption of some plan oi cold storage on railways, which 'will: per mit the food fishes caught off the ses coasts 'of Canhda to be placed on the inland warkets of the 'dominion 'at a reasonable rate. Sehdtor "Frye of 'Maine has annoine odin the United" Rtates senate that Alberta "and" Saskatchewan are devel oping more rapidly than mny other distriet ii the world, and that Ameri can @itizens predominate there now, 131,000 having come th in the last ten months, LIVING AT ROME. It Was Only a Scare For a Moment. Envairiés mathe af "Rome, N.Y. re sultdl in the following reply : "Jeremiah" O'Connor antl Sarah Sebestian, who were married in King- ston. Canatla, in' "October, are living together ih this itv" . det Rosy-Cheeked Babies. Nothing in the world is such a comfort and joy 'as 4 healthy, hearty, rosy-cheecked, happy baby. But the price of baby's health &nd happiness is constant vigilence on the mother's part. The Hitle ills of babyhood come suddenly, and the wise mother will always be in a position to treat them at onee. In promptly relieving and curing the ills of babvhood and childhood no dther medicine tan efual Baby's Own Table and they 'are guaranteed abeolutely: free from opi ates and harmiul drags. Mrs. Wal lain Sipcldir, Hebron, NB. says: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best me- dicine 1 know of for curing the ills of voung~ children. 1 always keep the tablets in the house, and do not know hoy I' could get along without them." Sta by all' miadibine dealers of hy mail at 25 cents a hox, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Prock- ville, Ont. J 3 and iii A' Mine Re-Opening. 'Rossland Miner.i* February 25th hite Béar--J. J. Warreh, the man- aging director of the White Bear, was here during the week from Toronto, aml ordered 'work resumed, and jt his beén dome, the power 'comtections having made hy the West Kootenay Power and Light company, on Friday. The White Bear has born shat down since June lst, 1905, with the exception of a féw men engaged in. development work. It is under- stood that considerable development work will he done before the ship ments on a large scale will be resum od. hern Gravelles vs. Rockwood. The' hockey' niateh, 'at Portsmouth, on Friday right, ' between Rockwood and "thé Gratelle Brothers, resilted in vietory for the latter by the big score of 19 to 2.7 The icé was in first class condition. P. Dowsley refereed the match, A return game will be played on Tuesday nighit. rv ------ « Aecdpts The Challenge. Rissell "Ellérberk * sends the Whig wortl 'from' Watertown, NX. "that ke is prepared to accept the wrestling chinflenge Sesuad by John MeBride and désired the latter to make a £23 déposit at this office. Ellerbeck will Le here in & few days to caver it. H yon want the best in rubber goods, buy the "Albert, Guaranteed Quality." Only sold dt Pr. : Chown's drug =tbre. 'Barly Rose or Lily White potatoes. Coawlogdigs 5 ? 5 Bo a a ae } : Si Incentive to Work "The persoh "who conmmences he week' with the knowledge that the past Week's salary is ie, ahd with a mortgage on coming one, has little in- tentive Yo work and, as a rule, does mot give valne received to his employer. © On the other hand, the man who has a snug savin] pt with - this Bank, and is ding to it con stantly, it isfa safe statement to make' thal he finds enjoy ment in his work and is a val ued employee. The plan is plain, Opéa 'a savings account, In: ; terest paid on amounts of one AGllaE and upwards... Dr, Chown's drag store, enough. Of 'course, old winter * still this part of the world pretty well in hand, but the sun is getting high, Soon the snow and' frost disappear from the ground, birds will sing, and all the buds break forth in the great glorious beauty of the grand spring of 1 Time is getting very short the choosing of the materials you'll wish to wear at Easter time. The proper way (and the way which last year perhaps you wish \ po you had followed) is to give your # dromshoyd) possible time to e dre ready now, ready with an assortment of the stylish and nobby new materials, which cannot fil to please you in every way. Come on Monday and view the collection in all if ried and extensive elegance. No obligation to buy unles wish. Here aré details of two very popular price :-- TAFFETA CLOTH, an all-wool plain material, = heavier, and very much more durable than a voile, "in light, dark and silver gray, green, brown, navy and black. A large quantity should speedily be sold, as the price, even with the mma- | terial full 42 inches 9 wide, is, per yard C : y Per ) , 4 . only "Has A Nt will the for assure yourself satisfuction. most harm and 18 va. $s you popular cloths at one most INGLISH COSTUME CLO H very fine all-wool materia surface of which is very clever manner check visible only wii ¢ n terial is held up in the fo) gray, fawn, brown, Y and still . other shades, : also 42 inches wide, and, per vard, 4 9¢ only .. . On Monday We Again Offer Torchon Laces ; Hundreds were at the special lace counter all Thursday last, and many indeed were the excl sure at the immense value offered there. Were you unable to attend ? more lace of any description, on Mondayrat sharp 9.30 o'clock. when the balance (such an enormous quantity. it was impossible to sell in one day) will he In detail, as follows :-- FINE TORCHON LACE, about pieces, each picts different in design from the rest, all choice effects ladies' "and children's trimming; narrow widths usu selling at 3c 4 Te. and Se. a vard; after 9.30 a Monday, 'per yard, only... | offered at the same low prices. | | Monday will be 'an excel display. May we expect you pr » £ i . xo. eo for summer-wear | ally ¥ 3e., r., and Se. a vard, ® and wide witlths usuglly selling 8 White Wear Attracting Great Attention amations of amazement and plea- If you were, or you wish it will save you money to come 110 m., That our display would le above the ordinary we always hoped, and now our great plea sure is in "watching the extent to which it impresses every thought: ful and fastidious who views it. High quality of cotton was made a regular "hobby" with us when choosing the garments and Wwe can assure you each and ev ery one possesses the fullest degree of excellence in this regard --and with no lessening of the great artistic values. . New styles and dainty effects arrive daily, which we earnestly wish you to see whether vou pur- chase or "not: woman lent day to come and examine the then ? f These May Strike You If you do not need them now, buy them anyway; they are cheap. Women's Felt Gaiter Boots, worth $1, for . 80: Youths' rst Quality Rubbers, sizes 11 and 12 .... 3% Ladies" Patent Colt Blutcher Lace, sizes 4 20d 45 worth Sausage. co 0 Ladies' Patent for... Oxferds $2.00 , sizes - 21 Also a few pairs of Ladies' Empress, leather lined Jac ed, left at ARE ARER RELL A RARER teaser saan haart MEL THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ¢ Julius Muller ; BY eople are so accustom the name *'L1dyd's" daily paper, that they do not what Lloyd's is, Yet nc hundred could say anyth finite than that it is sob ce CONCCIm. : ee hnically, this Britis] which hears the si "Lloyd's," with not ano its title, is #n associa marine underwriters (sh insurance concerns) in th don. Actually, Tloyd's is, in the most powerful organi world. The cause of its creat necessity of mutual actiol ine underwriters to munky vessel and freight. Lloyd farther and farther over ing the last two centur mie over the mercantile world is greater in ma that of - national gover empire, kingdom or rep tin every 'seaport Hovde has. Lloyd's con telegraph, mail and sigy munication so vast, tha vessel makes a port too ordinary map to shov knows that the ship has Wherever a ship ma) goes to watch for dange sea' that may afiect the insurance hazard. Lloy the shipyards, goes into into the cargo holds an engine rooms: Lloyd's mn many tens of 'thousan steain the mighty anche White Blot Commonly Called Very Prevalent A Women. It is always guor . and sensitiveness the mucous gums, lips and waxy looking, and colorless. The rapid and feeble; there appetite and enfeebled pitation of the heart, and tendency to fair cases there is complete of the menstrual flow swelling of the limbs. Treatment consists i rad corpuscles of the b ing up the general hea know of no remedy so sults as Ferrozone, wh the clements lacking blood. Ferrozone not the pr t quality of actually forms more red kind that nourishe organs that require a It is impossible for suffer from * white ble uses Ferrozone, This ed by the following st asso surfaces, and eyelids the "About a year ago,' G. Stanhope, of daughter complained She was very pale an kept losing strength 1 attend school. The d different medicines, In getting worse instead "We read of a simi Miss Descent, of Stirl cured by Ferrozone, us to get it for Elain boxes of Ferrozone to cided improvement, bn 8 were used my dav ginning to be her ol didn't take much lon complein cure, and that there is no be than Ferrozone, It h girl of Flaine. She pounds in weight ai ture of perfect health er and. enjoys the bes eridit of her recover) to Ferrozone." : Every growing gir) Men can make her healthy with Ferroz S00n hecomes rosy, Etrength, tiredness ane is sold hy all - per box, of six L

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