ti. E AND STREN CHINE. »'S women everywhere hroat, ches ig 2 new lease of Jife o' omen who have not kn a Listen to why really well, ho N.W.T. wv) Sth settled on my, lungs and geaqd. cpuld mot sleep, was subject 1, 0 diseased my. doctor considered haffy, of Port Elgin, Ont., Preshy- Phychine, sul 1 started to | t sweats and cough ceased. | | lth. Peychine bas been a go use it, od lg, Ont. ing into a decline. I could hard! Ny father got me to use Pevehi) nark my improvement. I am now hs ago I could not struggle to home. Psychine did it." ar ue, Ont. y of Psychine. 1 was feeling ner. m, and had a bad cough. Psychine ig I ever tried, and I give it all the vd whole system weak. After steadily worse on other treat found 'a 'complete cure." ¥ J x Ont. - ailong time, had no appetite, 'Was unable to work or enjoy life. constitution was breaking up, but oved this false. I am now well, and r six years." w of the many, only a small of proof' that' Psychine is the and germ killer of the age. It r the women of Canada. ' It I those conditions that lead to £ i 50¢, per Bottle. 2;per bottle, at all druggists. - ne : wi 4 The ons ( h remeay : known | will positive] t manhood is' RESTORES ively cure man is "BE arvellous Ge nT discovered by Dr. Les : It is controlled in this Soutity by the Dr. Kobe pany, a concern which has the highcd in them 1 world. This 'reatnient has cu: ands of men, young and old, when the best known ied have failed, aresnffering from diseases generative organs sich as lost mauhood, exhaust: an asus Sebillen the Fauite of Sbuse, this stag cored. The headache, Sn an oi in hp cure and failing She, pi pear completely in the worst cases in from one » week's treatment, We make the honest offer of or return your money. Thousands of testimonials, Shlidence treated strictly confidential, . FIVE day's nefit sent free with a book of rules for health, diet device. Our greatestsuccesses have been those who falled' with' other treatments, This remedy is irly used in the French and German armies, and sldiers in these countries are models of strength y' Sealed in plain wrapper. a "0,, P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal, E EVERY MAN IN TOWN e figuring on buying a New , let us figure with you. showing all the new styles that te for either sloppy weather af in the best position to fit you fever you want. ot confine ourselves to any one ufacture. it a point always to have on od Kind of Shoes y Desire to your tasfes or your foot, ou other styles that will. § the balance of Men's Odd and 5, at $3.80. o Shoes, at $2.76. f $4.00 Shoes at $3.00. SEE THEM! srland & Bro. Goad Shoe making. A METAL CO. Traps, Brass & 7 0 CANADA ATH tells of the splendid T'S the' time to take 3 Cas- t A hen your tongues coated, --When you have Heartburn, b cid Risings in throat, pg A begin to peep out, {When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns, That's the time to check coming Con- siipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. "One single Candy Cascaret will do It if ken at the right minute, just when you frst feel the need of it. i "A "Cascaret in time is worth nine later on. * ® Cascarets don't Purge, nor Weaken, sor waste Digestive Juices in flooding out the Bowels, like Salts, Castor Oil, "Physics." ty act like Exercise on the Muscles that shrink and expand the In= festines, thus pushing the Food on Natur- ally to its Finish. When the Bowel Muscles grow flabby weak, or lazy from want of Exercisg, the "When You have a Food foes not tickle them enough to | The Tidings From Various Points make them act, ' That's Constipation! 'Castor Oil, or "Physic will help to slide out one load of trouble, but they can't help the Cause. * » - Muscles more than ever by slackening they need Exercise, to strengthen them --not a sling to support them, them--not *'Physic" to pamper them. Then carry the little ten-cent "Vest Pocket' box' constantly with you, and take a Cascaret. whenever you suspect you need it. One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue, thus proving clearly its ready, steady, sure, but mild and effective action. * - * A thousand dollars a year spent in amusements could not buy for you half so much hearty Happiness, solid Comfort, Cheerful Temper and Health Insurance as that little ten-cent **Vest Pocket" Box 'of Cascarets will bring you. All Druggists sell them--over fen mil lion boxes a year, for six years past. Ez very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped CCC." A sample and the famous booket, "Curse of Constipation," Free for the ask= ing. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 702 -- AVELLD®G, TIER L LE: RAILWAY {INCONNECTION WITH GOING WEST Second-class one-way ticket at . PECIAL REDUCED RATES on sale Fob. 15 to April 7. Vaocouver, Victoria 3 Seattle, Tacoma, ie . Porland and coast points Nelson, Rosslond, Robson Trail and . British Columbis points FROM KINGSTON ji PMportionately low rates to other Tl particulars at K. & P. and C..P. Sk Ticket Office, Ontario Street. fF CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, 2] Gen. Pass, Agent. Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Dweronto, and all local points; Trains lave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. DONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kingstou. --------------e ea ------ RAILWAY Ley TRUN ERA WILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS 4 thie kidney's warning of trouble, and every ong es day you let the warninggo it brings you disorders, From Feb. 156th, to April 7th, in- du , at the following reduced rates ) fom Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Portland ..... ...... cesses Rossland, Nelson, Trail, Rob- B00, SPOKANG .fyiiereee srens Sans Anaconda, Butte, Helena, Salt dake ........ este Colorado ~~ Spri Springs, Pueblo ......... a Billings, Mont .. Vancouver, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 Low rates to many other points: For Tourist Car Accommodation Tickets, and all other Ny to J. P. Hanley, Ra ALLAN LINE Revgjiag, TO LIVERPOOL - From St. John From Halifax Mar. 10. Mon., Mar. 12, 7 on., Mar. 19. Tonisian, Sat. Sicilian, Sut.' Mar. 17. M fetorian, Sat Mar BOSTON "1 ogi 0 GLASGOW, Sarmation For Rates of *rply to I: HANLBY, Agent Grand Trunk - P. GILDERSLEEVE, Agent Cahadion Pacide Ry., Kingston. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE fe lusurance Company, Available fests $61,147,215, in addition to ~Sir Richard Cartwright hich ti meenty le bolicy holders have for "City and Farm Pro The wscine unlimited liability of ail | Money SeRet 08 "CY "C0unty" Deven. Perty insured at' lowest possible | Lures. MOTRRRE ot a Depute new huciore renewing old or giving received end in t aflame "Direct Sioess get rates from Strange | 8, OC. MeOill; Managing az, range, Agents. » OMgs. '07°Clarencs Strest. Xingstos. R PoLic Wilding o -- MEDICALS, 30 80 43.30 | kidney trouble there is. I would not be 30 38 30 mormon, | ENTER NOW Tot Agent, Cor. rolnston and Ontarip streets, Kingston Ont. , rs ' 3 24. Mon., Mar. 26. Parisian, 'Sat. Mar. 31, Mon., April, 2. NALIF A > - Thurs., Mar. 8. BOLTS cnet AFAX TO LONDON VIA HAVRE. Sat., Mar. 24, passage, tickets, ete., ce Emporium, Mark- | wa, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF & fice, A 5 n od' DR, MCCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY | & and Bo fl OTe on Cook's Cotton Root The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can in two degrees of 'or ordinary %at cases, S1perbox: No. 3, 10 de. substitate. fhe Cook Medicine Co... A RIGHT WAY and A WRONG WAY Many people have many ways to bring about the same result. Most of them are mistaken ways, but this is not known until the test of time points plainly to the error. Practically there are but two ways to ac- complish "anything; & zight way and & Wing way. Take, for instance, a man bof sacioga. inde some: with. sichet i with sticl and twitghes, others with cricks and | twinges; then there's the dull, heavy con: tinuous kind Shas Insts all day aii oat sleep at night." 'They're all enough, they're all hard ou gh to ge rid of. Soms people rub the back wit Nutamont, othe rib. with plasters, eit or both n io relief, but the pain comes back--it's the wrong way to cure the trouble. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have a way to cure backache, a way that's all their own--the right way. They're made for the kidneys only. When the kidneys fail in their work of filtering the blood the back achés because they are situ- ated in the small of the back; backache is Windser, Ontario nearer to urinary Bright's Disease, etc. 's Kidney Pills cure rary form of kiddey ills and that's why they bring such nick relief from bachache. Mr. Fi ray, Good Corner, N.B., writes: rips greatly troubled with pain across my bick. procured & box of Doan's Kiduey Pills, Diabetes, and received so"much benefit from them that I consider them the best remedy for without them in my house." Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Dosa Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Brosaassasescnnsesmecel For a lsusiness, Shorthand or €ivil Service Course Kagston Businss Colge "Head of Queen Street Kingston = = = Spacious apartments, complete Squipment, excellent results, uates in demand. Thorough Fraividust | jitruction yy Sams experien eachers in bs t. Open through- out the Whole year. Catalogue free. . J.B. McKAY, H.¥. METCALFE Presidents Principals 'aa seassessssssssssessel A ARCHITECTS. oor over Manood's Drug store, corner Princes s . Bagot streets, Entrance om Bagot street. Telephone, 608. } HUR | BLLI ROHITEOT, OF- of Ne ori) Hall, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal streéts.. R_WiLii, : %, ARCHITECT, MER- Surrea *M, GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, | POWER & SON, ARCEITINC Hoek Strgeon. Ky, late ellington streets. 'Phone, 313. 2 King street, teal. "Phone, 4 Babies yp, bathed in coll water. . Kingst, ust and Office. on General H A of Moos % Beak re boing cured ~ = de living on the: roof Th Ytian hospital in New York | Vienna, a 'man musi be able to swim, ¢, and send a telegraphic message. | s ARCHITECT, Market Square. Before hetoming a policeman in INEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | en HE ---- TER, g - opis 1. 1. hae retursed after Spending the past lumbermen are left with their product | « In fact, they weaken the Bowel still in the woods on account of lack which they should do for themselves. yet When your Arm-Muscles grow flabby | around here wok a trip to New. On- ENTS TELL US. In Eastern Ontario -- What }! -- Gannot Get It Out. Clyde Mills,» March 6.--Many of the Messrs, R. Davis, James Elliott, John accompanied home by a bride. A wee girl came to stay at George Warner's recently, ' Wagerville Wafts. Wagarville, March 7 Jackson spent Monday in Kingston. A large crowd attended the Free Methodist meeting on Sunday last, held by Rev. M. Babcock, in one of the vacant houses of this vicinity. Frank Wagar is happy = over the arrival of a hoy! E. Vanvolkenburg has been hauling slabs from the mill yara. He is doing a rushing business, 8.' Jackson has peen loading cars at Parham station, for the past week. A little visitor has come to stay at William McCumber's, George - Raymond has._gone to Enter prise on a business trip. Florida Facts, Florida, March 6.--There has heen no service here 'for the past few weeks owing' to the series, of meetings being held at Wilton. Mr, Shillington and family and Miss Pearl Thompson, spent Thursday and Friday at Par ham. Mr. and Mrs, J, E. Stormes at- tended a large party at R. N. La- pum's, Wilton, on Wednesday even- ing. We are pleased to see Samuel Martyn, who has been ill for some time, out and around again. The gramaphone concert, waich was held at this place by N. H. Walker, was a decided success. F. Ailen, Verona, spent a few days with Myles Martyn, last week. J. E. Peters and wile, spent a Tew days at Verona this week, Stuart Simmons spent Satarday with Roy Walker. A number from here at- tended A. Babeock's sale to-aay, at Westhrook. 8, Ashford and Lillian Trusdale spent their evening at H. Walker's, His Floot Injured. Jvy Lea, March 6.--One day last week as Robert , McNeil was hauling manure from the yard to the fields, he missed his footing and fell under the hind bob of the sleigh, the runner coming across the ankle and instep of his right foot, severely bruising the sleigh, estimat at_ahout two tons limb, as there was a load on the weight, The young man has 'heen go- ing on crutches, but is improving. P. M. Wood has been hauling home a carload of cedar from Lansdowne to be used for fencing, He leaves part of the load in the vard of CC. M. Quinn, implement dealer," for other distribution. The impoverished sleigh- ing necessitates the use of waggons, to haul saw logs in this place. J. B. Kirker, who has the contract for mak- ing cheese in the Selton cheese factory for this vear, is bringing in his sup ply. of wood from away back. The Maple Leaf Fencing company is get- ting ready for carly work. Bongard's Jottings. Bongard's, March 5.--~T. R. Briscoe has moved with his family to Glenora, and taken possession of . the Glenn House. Mr. Briscoe will shortly leave for the old country to settle up the estate of his mother, whose death oc curred recently. Levi Pierce, of the Sawyer, Massey company, Hamilton, has been home for a few days. Miss L. David visited over Sunday with friends in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. R, Harrisowr and Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Wil- liams attended a dinner party at A, Nerve Irritability Causes Morbid Thoughts, Sleep- lessness, Often Ends in Hyster- ia and Nervous Collapse. The nervous system, that' wonderful one of the most delicately balanced organism in the realm of nature, To say a man is strong implies that his perves are strong. 1f* a woman's nerves are weak, then her whole phys- ical condition is weak, and she easily becomes a prey to the hundred and one ailments that make life a heavs burden. Disturb the stability of the nerves, and the result is mental de- pression, hypochondria, hysteria, ner- vous prostration. Surely the best of care should be given to the nerves, Nothing is so beneficial as Ferrozone, a trae nerve tonic that exerts a marvelous influ- ence for good wherever used. Acting as Ferrozone does directly upon the nervous system, restoration to health follows very quickly. Abundance of nutriment is supplied to the exhausted nerve cells, strengthening qualities are instilled into the blood, reserve of en- ergy and staying power is impafted to the whole system. Because Ferrozone gives instant of- fect and steadily builds up pew flesh it is used by thousands in poor health. It makes you feel better at ones, like Mrs. Charles Benny, of Cloyne, Ont. HER STATEMENT, "1 was sick. "1 was broken down, strength, conld not eat. "f tried Ferrozone, "It gave me new energy, force, vim. It brought me comfort, strength-it made me well." After taking Ferrozone you'll feel the impelling power of new nerve force, of robust health that owtlasts old age. Don't fail to use Ferrodone, which is had no Harrisons, Picton, fast week. J. B. Bongard . bas heen appointed to. a position as teacher, ol the business colleg®y Picton. Mrs. John 8 s y nd wile spent Sunday in People Are Doing And What |hongard ewe 8 MeCamock on. They Are Saying. : tertained on' Thursday «vening. condition of the roads. Many = are of snow. The weather still continues | getting out their 'wood. _R. Hormbeek mild and many ave sick with colds. | is ling his jochouse this week. Auc- them, and by doing work for them } yjo S. Shanks, seriously ill; is not | tion sales ave v recovering. A number from | ple ar getting the western fever, Mise Patterson, Inverary, spent Sunday at tario recently, among them being | F.' O'Connor's, 1. Ryan is doing a rushing business sawing wood for C. Alcorn, William Miller 'and William | O'Connor. Klgin Lawrence is pressing When your Bowel-Muscles grow flab= | 3 iih)" Our vicinity was recently | hay. Mrs, C. gge by they need Exercise to strengthelr |brightened when Philip Cameron was | and Miss Minnie Taggort were visiting y at Harrowsmith last week, Mere. W. C.F. O'Connor, J. A. Kelly and instrument of ten' thousand strings, is |. vol telegraphy in teriaified 'company recent i, of Conway, is mov- m y purchased irom 2. be MeComock hree months in Belleville. 'Thomas 1 -------- Auction Sales Plentiful. Forest, March 8.--The slight flurry Jf snow. and sleet has improved the ul just now: peo- , Mrs. Taggart, Harper t the week in Kingston. E. Kelly attended the Odessa ball, last Monday, and report a good time, Mrs. John Ofierd, Sydenham, is visit ing at Mrs. ws. W. E. Hom- heck, Three MW v, N.Y. at Mrs B. Hornheok's. ¥en Kelly was in Glendower last "Week. F. Nefey is able to be out #gRih. James Kelly is visiting friends | Fermoy. - Gertie Finn and Gerth ne, Frinsville, are visiting friends Siere.- M. Kelly, Wil ton, spent Sund at T. Fitzgerald's. , Seeley' Bay Notes. Seeley's Bay, 6.- A. 8. Hazel wood, manage of" the Crown Bank branch, has heen transferred to Scot that place. Frank Lidon, Toronto, the new manager, has arnved ana taken up his Quis," Nr. Dillon is a son of vohgeillon, Brewer's Mills, A meeting of TH shiiPehbivers of - tik kdge cheese 1 "was held ast week when 0 's business was wound up ang factory put up for sale, U, i. M eon becoming the purchaser, the GONE paid being ¥2, 0, 'The annliglfayster supper given by Gilt Edge ae factory will be held on Mare h. "dhe sale of stock, etc., held gf residence of Charles Met utche ast Thursday, was well attended and everything sold brought good prices. Kobert Coleman has re- aurnett home from Toronto. George C. Moore is much improved. Manly Moore, Montreal, is visiting his pa rents and friends for a few days here and vicinity. Edward Johnson, a former resident of this place, who has heen residing in Unclg, Sam's domains the past four years wémewed old ac: quaintances here last | Week. bn pn. Leaving For The North-West. Plevon, March 5.--Willigm Martin has sold his ww and also the stage route] v ovna and (ler endon, to John Ww, Gull Creek, who will take possession about April Ist. Mr. Martin intends leaving short- ly for Medicine Hat, N.W.T. R. Stew- art has sold out the cheese factory here to Charles Martin, «Farnleigh. Mr, Stewart intends goi into farming, and has bought api of land near tath. Joshua Godkin'gnd wife, Wat ertown, N.¥., are visiting at his parents, - Mr! and Mr} James Godkin, Miss M. Kelso, King#on, is visiting at William Marti's. Mrs. Eva Beck- with, Flinton, is home on a visit to her pareits, Mr. and Mrs, James Guthrie. "Allie ' Stalker; Malloty Hill, left on Tygsday for Mannetville, New Ontario. Joshua Brouse leaves Tues day for Kingstoll, where he has secur ed a good position, .J." Lepard, repre- senting the firm of Northrop and Ly man, Toronto, spent Sunday in the village. The - weekly services held in Holy Trinity church during Lent, are heing well attended. A number in the village are laid up with a slight at tack of la grippe. Miss Maggie Lara by, Watertown, N.Y. is spending a few weeks' vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Laraby. Roused The Ramblers. Lansdowne, March 6.--Last Satur. day evening, a picked team of Ganan oque hockeyists came down here, look. ing for satisfaction for the defeat of the previous week. When the teams lin ed up, it looked as if they would have an easy time of it as the visitors were much larger and heavier than the locals. The first goal went to the visitors in less than a minute, Then the Ramblers woke up,iand put up a game that Would have been a creait to a professional team, They owiskat- od and outmanomivred the visitors at rery point, and rolled up a score of venteon to three. 3 shonld have heen seventeen to one, ag two of Gan anoque's goals were plainly offside; however, they were allowed, For a voung team the Ramblers are certain Iv a wonder, and feel elated over their victory, against such an experience] team as the visitors ought to be. Supper was served at dhe Stewart House afterwards. A. C, Cornett and son, Milton. leave next week for Ed monton, NW.T. Mrs. Emily Montfort entertained about forty 'of her friends last. Thursday evening, All had a pleasant time, Sergt--Mai. W. W, Frew of the 50th Regiment, Lisgar Rifles, has returned from taking a conrse at Stanley barracks, Toronto, He has resumed - his work with Kine and Haig. Darling Bros. have recently plae- od in their office window a fine gold Youd sign the work of 8, C, G, Dixon. WH. S. Werrill is rushing work on his new mill and store. : nnn, Holleford Happenings. Holleford, March 6.-- Business is dall owing to the bad condition of the roads, Mise Ethel" Babeock has re- turned from Kingston General Hos- pital quite improved in health. 0. Freeman is seriously ill. Miss Gracia Smith acted as organist on Sunday in the absence of Mrs, ' Freeman. R. Babeoek purchased a fine colt last week from DD, Waller. James Walker has been engaged by Mr. Garrett, Hartington cheese factory, to draw the milk from here the coming season, A. Redmend has purchased a new cream separator. Mrs. J, Miller, Lon: dom, Fg. is the guest-of Mrs. Rob ert Babee. k. "Ne. and Mrs. G. Smith entertained 'a few friends Jast evening, Tow, wepared in the form of a chocolate Foted tablet; SOc, per box, DNESDAY, MARCH 7. lund, tmt. He Ieft Inst friday for} Misg Grace MeKnight, Sydenham High | SUNLIGHT orm of adulteration, is equally good with hard or soft water. Ifyou use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil por rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may: be washed without the slightest injury. EWARD will paul to any Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto A 'our money refunded by on at J. W. Redmond's. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Walroth, Revnoldston. and Miss Walroth, - Desert Lake, at FE, Smith's: William Quinn, Picton, at ND. Walker's; Messrs. A. Robinson, Manitaba, and J. Genge, Reynoldston, at James Walker's; Mr. and Mre. A Redmond at J. Medeof's: M. Ulow, Kingston, at D. Freeman's: Mr. and Mrs. T. Clow, Inverary, at A. Col ling'; Mrs. 8. Davey and 8S. Thomp- son, Sydenham: Miss Nellie Nedeof at A. Redmond's: Misses Della Ewing, Alma, Walker and Stella Trousdale and Masters James and Willie Medeof, of Sydenham High School, spent Sun- day at their respective homes, Presentation At South Bay. South Bay, Mareh-8.Solomon Col locality. Philip McCrimmon had rather an exciting time Friday last. While coming down Starks hill his horse ran away, breaking the neck voke, whiffletree and an axle of his waggon, Fdward Smith, Cherry Val lov, while passing through here, hroke the axle of hie buggy: the roads are very rough. G. L. Collier entertained a number of guests, Wednesday oven ing. On the same evening a number met at H, Whattam's. A number from this way attended the horse races at Point Milford, There wax quite an exciting time. A. Church took fourth place. Councillors report that the accommodation at Milford is not as it used to be and had to change their hoarding place. Thomas Rose is at Picton wer doe- tor's treatment. D.C. Hicks is at his son's, J. H. Hicks, Greenbush, un: der the doctor's care. James What tam sold a team of three-year-old colts. to Allen Young for 300. Mrs, James Melntosh entertained a num. ber of friends Friday evening. "The fishermen are rather anxious over the report that no license will be jssued for whitefish. Frank Ackerman lost a very valuable cow on Friday last, Miss Nettie Turnbull and My, Rellis have heen visiting friends in Cherry Valley. © Clair and. Beulah Thompson are visiting their grand parents, Mr and Mrs. 1. Thompson, Picton. A very pleasant event oceurred on Thursday evening in the form of a surprise party at the home of Nr, and Mrs. Albert Ostrander, Royal street. Abont ninety-four persons as sombled. Seldom has a more enjoy- able evening heen spent, Mp. Ostran der was presented with a heantiful oak rocker and an address. EE I The Ontario Sunday school associa: tion is appealing on behalf of the fam ine stricken in Japan. ERNE ITCHING SCALP HUMOUR Badly Affected With Sores and Crusts -- Extended Down Behind the Ears -- Some Years Later Painful and Itching Pustules Broke Out on Lower Part of Body -- Son Also Affected. efi A TRIPLE CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES recaps "About ten years ago my scalp be- came badly affected with sore and itching humors, crusts, etc., and extend- ing down behind the ears. My hair came out in places also, 1 was greatly troubled; understood it was eczema. Tried various remedies, so called, with- out effect. Saw your Cuticurs adver- tisement, and got them at once, Ap- plied them as to directions, ete., and after two weeks, I think, of use, wus clear as a whistle. "1 have to state also that late last fall, October and November, 1904, 1 was suddenly afflicted with a bad erup- tion, painful and itching pustules over the lower part of the body. 1 suffered dreadfully. In two months, under the skilful treatment of my doctor, kon- joined with Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Silitment, 1 found myself sured. "Six, years ago my son was laid up with a Lain! , a hard cough, and finally painful eruption all over the body. I procured the Cuticura Remedies as soon as possible, and after his faith- ful use of same was as well as ever in two weeks, as well as I can recall. He has never had a return of the illness, as far as I know, "1 have always leased to com- mend the Cuticura Remedies, and testify as to their efficacy. 1 am a veteran of the late Civil War, '61-'65, between seventy and eighty Pears of age. Yours truly, H. M. F. 'Weiss, m Christian Co., TIL, Aug. 31, 1905. Complete F: and Internal for Humour, from to to of Cuticurs Soap, {i EE SELL LB lier, Picton, is visiting friends in this?) vitality, 1 took the N et Ho Meme 3 00.0 1] Drs. Kennedy & : wear out. L i mes a Ee aA Consultation Free, Books Free. Write for Question 00O® 000000 10008E® © Here's 4 Waterp It is made of Storm Calf, a heavy oi leather, made in the way that makes our $5 Shoes outwear any others. It is a solid, substan. tial shoe, yet comfortable and good looking. * Just the shoe for early spring wear. It simply won't 000000 00s EO Your Lamp Will Give. Better Light If You Use Our Best Coal Oil IT! McKelvey & Birch 62 and 71 Brock Street. TicDermott's S| 00 PEON EO 0CO0® PEOO® are Nature's Best Tonics: healthful and aid digestion. with the most delicate stomach. 'Phone 274. . w lve Potter Drug & Chem i a A oe Shin, Sealy, unde, aud Hale: - Re y--aa..pP The roof "of 'the ow rome house, ut School, spent Saturilay, and unday " mon and injuring Pachlo, Col, collapsed, killing one wi LABATTS | Ale and Porter Pure Malt products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. They are very are very palatable beverages and agree pe ° JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, "339 and 341 King St} = Always Reliable ::$ GANONG'S G. B CHOCOLATES, se: cond to none, bulk or in packages. Come taste and see what you buy, Only §0c. nO GOR (=)