-- ce Any Jury That Psyching it Lead to Consumption e who have used Psychine are od news that they have at last or all those diseases that are Ion---a sure preventive of coy. an be given here, but it is, em carefully, GRIPPE hen she was in Ottawa. She got using it fot a few days she was qui. it, and am getting all rig 1 ne. g g all right. --R, \ a ATS AND CHILLS ls, and was subject to night le cough. Friends thought |' yehine a sure and permanent cur. turned to Bronchitis, and my a cough all summer. Psychine d I now know it is a sure curc LL, Ravenswood, Ont. - tar proy un down with Pneumonia. Two r three months almost like 5 Psyching. The effect was wonder) ve. Our boy was soon strong rewmarket, Ont. and NERAL HEALTH in a state of convalescenve, 1 deem in scarch of robust health. In cases it or Lung Trouble has left the pa- 2 spirits, (Peychine has the marked uring and bringing joy and pleasure t, The Rectory, Cornwallis, N.S. sychine cures throat and lung he general health. Asa tonic, ealth, nothing ever given to ience can compete with 'HINE ced Si.Keen) chine cures Consump- work is the cure of those Consumption. Psychine La Grippe, Pneumonia iruggists, at 50c. and $1 mach happy by eating CUIT | at Toast, MADE IN CANADA vheat--takes the place of white ind ten times more nourishing-- onstipation and all stomach it toasted with butter. estion Cook Book," postpaid. EAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. lice, 3% Church St. "WRINGE y & Birch, ck St., Kingston. ra a Back Number ou do not use a Type- , The visible [writing IRE will please' you and trade. y one for a month. re ------ . 171 Wellington St. Eh a_i 3 ago and had 90 BUY, A A Bi cipal feafure' ing this Me PH il ve Navy Blue double and single ted wah. any!hing better, y al or wiore + stylish. return. We ordered ours them all special care to a at particular dresser. You pecd one and if will appeal to your good taste, Our prices are $10, $12, $1350 and $15 | 1 2. Jenkins Clothing Co. iE BEST LEATHER IN THE WORLD "FRENCH CALF IT IS THE STANDARD THER USED SHOKS. Wear "Allen's"' : Military Booimakers 84 Brock Se. Sign of Golden WANTED. L000K. APPLY MRS. R, B. KENT, 85 King street -- AT ONCE, A LADY CLERK, WITH jence, for grocery. Apply Jno. Miller, Lanark, Ont. A GOOD SMART BOY TO LBARN the paper box making trade. Good i weges. Apply Kingston Hosiery Co., ., King street. --- . dition. Andy to J. A. Gould 'Gor King and Queen streets. om 4 to, 6 o'cl Tl Heth enta-out: ening at 201 University Ave. MAID TO ASSIST WITH GEN housework. any evening except Mrs. ' street. NEN AND BOYS, TO ing, Bricklaying, Plastering t pus $5 a day. Coyne Bros. ew York, Chicago, St. ALESMEN, FOR = AUTO-SPRAY. 149-153 Brock Street t compressed-air hand Sprayer wade. Liberal terms. Sample Kingston - - - + machine free to approved agents. Cavers Bros.,. Galt, Ont. C--O --_------------ -- A GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR TO-LET--FURNISHED o Wits pressed and cleaned carefully by hand ; also bring your cloth and have Remember Meeting d street Methodist. church this evening. " wh + The New Stirling Brand of Paint, sold We hail meet the needs of vou da ours SECOND-HAND GLAD- | ~ stone. The gear must be in good con- teem eres 4 YOUNG GIRL TO COME IN THE Apply belore 4 p.m., Or Wednesday, F. G. Lockett, 109 Wellington LEARN PLUMB- Louis. Free City Council} 8 pun. Skating at the Roval Rink to-might. Love and pain are more or less chummy. ' Civie Salaries' Committ RT ommittee meets, 4 egress from spoiling by eati thes while fresh. ¥ orton Summers Stock Compan G Opera House, 843; pany. rand The sun rises Tuesday and sets at 6.02 p.m. A big policeman can bluff t p- Yody~except his wife. b almost any The darkest hour is just when your chickens are disappearing. Fortune-tellers are seldom able to pick out fortunes for themselves. 8; to pie at 6.17 am, Revival Brock by Lemmon & Sons, navular, This day in history --William Mackenzie bora, 1795; Si St. Gregory the Great died 1604 ; Steyn flees from Bloemfontein, 1900 : James 11 landed in Ireland, 1689 : General Gordon attacked Khartoum, 1884. oLh MASON PLATES See the beautiful assortment we are showing in these quaint odd designs :-- Plates Jugs Roast Sets Chop Sets Platters, etc. ..ROBERTSON BROS. -* is becoming very Lyon spring Suits, There more four wade may * Is IN Boot. & Co., This fact 'bears' on the pocket-book of the fur buyer, . uk - No matter how low a price you pay for a Jacket or Coat, here you get good nuality. and <l ot ERAL lo No matter how much get your money's worth. you pay you Just now we have extra good values in Natural Raccoon Coats. McKay - Fur = House rades ; Co.. "ROW ANS"-Spacious brick THR ! residence, Univn St. West, for the sum- mer months, pending sale. Every con- Bh Wptodete uit made. Gallo venience. Select garden, s, rock, street. : : 4 Stree TO.LET--Brick dwelling, opposite Sir TO-LET: John A Macdonald's Monument, King St. El SWIFT'S BEA! RSORANGE AaENCY LARGE WELL FURNISHED FRONT a rooms, at 160 King St., Cor. Union, Sass STORAGE FOR FURNITURE i ew, Mores and FURNITY ce PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE- . rock street. RO. #7 BROCK ST. improvements, concrete Water heatine. Apply 240 Brock St. | bles, Chairs, Kitchen Stove, Carpets, BRIO . Wy Curtains; etc. Apply between 9 a.m, R PHO AND RESIDENCE. NO. | and:1 p.m. to: B. G. TWITCRELL, 80 ossession immediately, Apply "to | Wellington street. sa Steacy & Steacy. Et ------ cen eaneisri---- AT 855 ALFRED con ences ; rent moderate. Apply So Mrs, RICK HOUSE, Street, 12 rooms. modern __Mharaton, 79 Colborne street. FROM MAY 1ST. HOUSE ON COR- and Farl Street; containing nine rooms; moder University avenue conveniences; Daisy ace, FROM MAY 18T 18 Db BRICK HOUSE NO. | JDENVILLA , FARM, SITUATED IN hoe w ter JOR Street. twelve rooms; the Township of Kingston, near Tarn ter heating: extension dining Lemoine's Point, Front Road, con- kitchen. Apply to Fred- taining 100 acres, well watered erick W ALL MODERN cellar, hot water furn- Arly at 163 Union street. » 17% Division street. HOLD GOODS hot] Piano, Book 'Case, Bedroom Sets, Ta- I mean business. If you 'will change this spring in the line of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, etc., let me know. For trading, buying or selling, no better man than Turk, The Second-Hand Dealer 398 Princess Street. FARM FOR SALE. mn with fine brick house: Fine situation on the Lake Shore. Apply MHI. FIRE op -- to 175 2 FIRST-CLASS DWELLING Clergy St. Kingston, or to the Sow occupied by Dr. G. F. Horsey, |* owner on the premises. street. Modern fences. nd Conny 1st. Apply to Mills BUSINESS CHANCES. wn unningham, 70 Clarence street, . _----tC COBALT MILLIONARES ARE BE- plentiful ; Cobalt is the richest and safest mining camp in FOR SALE. the world, HyvetpIent Fustentes en J N + upeérvision, failures unknown. Ma » HOUSE AND LOT. IN TAMWORTH: pry kiot free. Wills & Co. v Mrs Mary Stinson, Tam- Toronto. wor mh, Ont. 0 SEPARATE FRAME HOUSES, monthly payments for what they Tent for. Annly Dr. OC. L. Curtis. quiry regardine companies and claims | ciro. They werd members of the crew ONE LARGE BNG in "this wonderful section. Address | oi the scaling schooner Enterprise, Glass Mirror LIE ley Thats Box II, Cobalt. Ont from Halifax, N.S.. which was; burn- Baath Has Stand, three ~ dozen' NOTICE : od recently while lying in the harbor &! 1 9 7 Bu oi i Se © WP | pownprivs. MARINE | ras totmlydesteoved. together : L SLLY'S ARINE 3 r THREE uy . Lecture has ostponed | from. this | coop of 500 seal: ski T LDING 8 N ° ES EVENING with a cargo of & seal skin he Runt 10, on firs. Nos. 13. evening to TUE! DAY EVENING. seamen were sent from Rio de Jahgirg eet, i itish eae» Terma ---- Po dh Street Railway. GOURT by the British comsul. Solicitor. 38 Clarence street. . UNDESIRABLES AT URT. Wim po i Tt ---------- ---- ow vernor Alaska. . LOST. : Yankee Bluffers Fa i Sareyr to Washington, March 12. --President APEARL rio See King Edward. - Roosevelt announces - that he has de . FLEUR AS { GNI 5 0 : oh + 3 far, Barrie ners PIN, oN London, March 12.--Certain dowag- | cided to appoint Silited Rk Hogatt to enue. Rewar on varsity ve killed the goose that | be governor of aska. Mr. Hogeatt Av rd at 267 University | ers hero ha Rove ny y is a resident of Juncan. He was a for- PAR oF £rkcTRIC 8 attached t g Turn to Whie offen ¥ Avenue A YELL ow bad HAN Fin office, or 199 ®t this aft 2d 1 taining ermoon. Satchel con.|gt the British court. A much closer bottls at honey and basket, surveillance of the hist of pycsentations malt house. of the © oss, $30,000, SEAL] GAUNT- D SATCHEL, AND eward for its amianY, aku, was burn: BUSINESS OPPOR! COBALT BUREAU OF will answer fuse of TUNITIES. IMFORMATION charge any in- laid their golden egg. It was their de- Ii colonials into royal monetary consideration. tralians were especially functions for r kindly Univer- society at home Althorpe is in charge. anadian ALL JOKES ASIDE] t to usher Wvell-to-do Americans and. a Wealthy. Aus- good picking. Thus sle. debarred from the best ot have been recognized has therefore been inaugurated. Lord™ 1,200 Instantly Killed By Fire Damp Explosion. WHOLE VILLAGES HAVE NOT A SINGLE MAN LEFT THEM. Rescuers Save Twelve -- Sight Horrible -- Mass of Beams, Rubbish, Corpses, Dead Horses and Cinders--All the Dead Car- bonized--Two Rescuers Perish. Paris, March 12.--~The explosion of fire damp, which occurred in a colliery at Courriers, near Calais, on Satur day morning, resulted in one of the most appalling mining catastrophes in history. 3 Eighteen hundred men were at work in the mine at the time, and of these 1,200 have almost instantly perished by fire or asphyxiation. Shortly before two o'clock, on Sat- urday morning, there was a terrible explosion. in pits 2, 3, and 5. It was so violent that the cages in the shalts were blown out, wrecking the 'structures at the mouths of the pits. At the same moment ap explosion oceurred in shaft 3, the man in charge of the windlass at shaft 4, 1,500 yards away beibg blown by the rush of gas against a stairway, and killed. Simultaneous- ly, at shaft 2, a mile away frop, shaft 8, the roof was blown filly feet into the air. This may give some idea of the awful suddenness and. magnitude of the disaster. The details of the disaster follow the lines of all colliery explosions only it was on a larger scale. Chief Engineer Leon, who headed the first rescue par- ty, in shaft 11, which was the least damaged, says it was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that it was possible to get down as far as the first gallery. The sight was awful. There was a confused mass of beams, rubbish, corpses, dead horses and cinders. The rescuers heard feeble groans, and dashed at the obstruc- tions with axes. They released twelve men who were at the last grasp. They then were obliged to return to the surface. Another . gang of rescuers soon descended and returned with twelve corpses, All the dead were completely car- bonized. One was headless, while an ann. was torn offi another, There may have been others still alive, quite near the shaft, but the rescuers could not reach them, as the air was so bad. No one could venture more than a few yards from the shaft. At eight o'clock, on Saturday night, the minister of commerce, the minister of public works, and Col. Kerandran, representing President Fallieres, were at shaft 3. An engineer wis let down, but he found it impossible to breathe when a little more than half way down. He reported that not a sound could be heard from below. % Between midnight and yesterday af- ternoon only two men were brought | up alive, and by the strange irany of fate, esactly the same number of rescuers lost their lives in the same pit, 'victimes of poisonous gases. The distress in the district must, of necessity, be lamentable, unless it speedily relieved. In some villages not a single man is left. Salaumines alone lost 500 men. President Fallieres was the first to send a subscription of 5,000 francs to aid the sufferers. The minister of the \nterior has placed 10,000 francs at the disposal of the local authorities for pressing necessities. Exactly how the explosion was caused is not yet known, but it ic knowp that the outbreak of fire in one pit was observed on Wednesday. This is a common occurrence, and the us- ual precautions were taken to isolate it. It is thought possible, however, that owing to insufficient isolation, or through a fall in the strata, a pocket Lol gas may have come into contact with the fire, "resulting in a terrific explosion, the ignition of suspended coal dust, the collapse here and there of walls and sides of galleries, thus spreading the scope of explosion, and finally the transformation of the mine into a vast reservoir of smoke and asphyxiating gases. The coal fields of Pas De Calais, in® the centre of which is Courrieres, ex- tend over an area of 190 square miles, the annual output is 5,000,000 tons. about one-sixth the entire product of the country.' 4 Halifax Schooner Burns. New York, March 12. --Fourteen de- stitute seamen. were brought here by the steamer Titian from Rio de Jan- is mer naval officer. Recount In Kinistino Regina, Marchi 12.:-The recount in Kinistino, applied for by D. R. Shadd (conservative), has been complated, but the result is unchanged. Sander- son's majority is 562. The outlook for a peaceful settle: Was: Bipnarck's Opponent in the EUGENE RICHTER DEAD. e------ Reichstag. & RICHTER. BUGEN 12. Eugene Richter, Berlin, March; radical leader inthe reichstag since its foundation, Bismarck's old oppon- ent, and a long time editor of the Fre sinnige Zeitung, died on Saturday morning. Herr Richter, who was cnfeebled by an illness of two years and who had been blind for a year, died of heart failure. He was the last notable par liamentary journalistic figure of the formative period of the empire. As the leader of one of the free-minded or radical partied, he once npmbered Profs. Vurchow and Mowmimsen among hisJieuténants. But owing to the drift of public opinion and the growth of socialisin the party senk from a mil lion votes and Sixty-seven seats in the reichstag in 1880 to twenty-one seats. 3 It was always a surprise to his ad- mirers that Herr Richter's immense falents as an organizer, parligmentary tactician, popular agitator, debater and inexorable analyst of public ques- tions had not 'raised him to grepter influence in the éountry. Those Who opposed Herr Richter said he was a man of chimeras and negations, seek- ing to attain for Germany the British responsible 'ministerial system while attacking every constructive meas ure, He was Prince Bismarck's passion ate opponent. The great chancellor felt so sensitively Herr Richter's at tacks on him in the reichstag that he wanted to fight a duel with his tor- mentor,and : finally the chancellor al- ways loft the house when Richter rose to speak. His opposition to the naval bill of 1803 caused Prof. Mommsen, Herr Barth, editor of the Nation, and about a third of the others of the party to secede from the .moderate radical group. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All BOGUSDOCTOR He Is Again In Limbo At Denver. DR. GEORGE ELLIOTT MASGQUERADED AS LEAMING: TON, ONT., PHYSICIAN, Now Held in Denver on a Charge of Fraudulent Use of the Mails--He is Also Alleged to be a Bigamist. Denver, March 12 --Thief, forger, murderer and bigamist, comprise the record of Dr. George Elliott, said to be known in Detroit, Mich,, who has again been placed behind the bars, af ter having spent but four aays of lib- erty, out of the Canon City penitenti- ary, wheré he had just concluded a three-and-a-hali-year sentence for the murder of Sarah Vance, in Denver, December 19th, 1902, Ellioty is now in the county jail at the instigation of the postoffice inspec: tors for the fraudulent use of the mails, In conneetion with the murder of Sarah Vance, in Elliott's effort to cov: or-up his deed, he frightened the girl's fiance into suicide and tried to secure interment of the body by signing the burial certificate as one of death re sulting from hemorrhage. : When Elliott opened a dootor's office in Denver he had what purported to be . an M.'s. diploma from the Unj- versity of Toronto, issued in 1896. It was found to belong rightfully to a Dr. Elliott, of Leamington, Ont. How" Elliott, whose real name is Albert Ed- ward Pyetzel obtained the diploma, is not known, Elliott, or Pyetzel, operated in Kan. gas City, where he is said to have married a nurse named Adele Cornely- Cachoud, He deserted her for Mary Et- ta Inman, whom he is also said to have married, after the nurse had been induced to go to Switzerland. It is fe- ported that Pyeizel, who came from Chicago originally; was married to a Mary Kaurin, of that city, in Febru- ary, 1902. ALL UNION MEN TO BE SMITHS Adopts Novel Plan on Chicago Directory. Chicago, March 12.--The Chicago Federation of Labor sent out letters calling on each of the 200,000 union men in the city to hand his name to the agents of the Chicago Directory company as «John Smith; occupa tion, promoter.' . This is done in an effort to make the 1906 directory worthless as a work of reference, because it is printed by Over The World. York senate. The Allan steamer Tunisian, from Liverpool, arrived at Halifax on 11th of March, Drouin, who escaped from St. Vin cent de Paul a yéar ago, has been re captured, e Sorrien has been chosen prime min ister of France, and is reconstructing the cabinet. Toronto nurses have gone to Fort Wiliam to take charge of typhoid fever cases, The government has decided to vise the rules of the House of Com mons by a commission, in a wreck, Sunday night, on ti Baltimore and Ohio, at Bloomdale, Pa. Harry Orchard, who confessed participating in a series of terrible crimes, in Idaho, is probably a native of Canada. At Owen Sound assizes, Mr. Lud low, the Portland Cement company's The Nova Scotia supreme court sus- tained the preliminary 'objection the election petition against the re- turn of E. M. Macdonald, M.P. Picton, and dismissed the petition. Present prospects are that there will be 100,000,000 bushels of grain or one hundred cargoes in store at the head of the lakes at the opening of naviga- tion, and mote ii the opening is late, The new post: office at Alexandria, just, completed, last fall, by the gov- ernment, was burned early Monday morning. The building was completely Phurnet!l out, the brick wall alone standing. The cause of the fire is un known. The reported strenuous between Donald Sutherland, M.1.V. for South Oxford, and R..E. Butler, Woodstock, the unsuccessful conserva: tive candidate for the morthern riding, to land the patronage of 'the hursar- ship of the new epileptic that town, is gradually focusing the provincial secretary's office. The Hamilton to in has lost another minister, Rev. T. Webster Kelly, Lynden, died Saturday morning; after an illness of about years of age and leaves a widow and two children. He was a brother was son of Kelly. a Chicago In The Lead. Chicago, March 12.~During January and February there were 540 burglar- jes, 216 holdups and' 22 murders in this city, according to statistics collected by Mayor Dunno. New York had 100 burglaries, 20 holdups and IR murders in the same period. Seeding Begun. Mcleod, N.W.T., March 12.--A set tler on Willow Creek, one mile from here, steded sixteon acres of wheat on 'ment at the Algeciras conference FoR Rest's Short Stop cures all coughs : i grows brighter cach day. the Vth instant, The eighty cent gas bill passes New. | Two were killed and fifteen injured | to | chemist, obtained a wvegdict for £500 against the Durham 'hronicle for | libel. for | tug-of-war | asylum in | Methodist conference | three weeks. Deceased was forty-four | ol Rev. Judeon Kelly, of Beamsville, and | the late Rev. Ward | the ®y HH, Donnelly and Sons com- pany/ who employ non union men, R. 11. Dounelly, of that firm, said : "What do we care for the names of a lot of labor skates? No one ever wants to look them up, except con- stables, and we don't care whether their names are in onr directory or not. They cannot: meke our book | worthless." HEADLIGHT SAVES TRAIN. | Attempt to Wreck Express Avert | ed by Watchfulhess. Utica, N.Y., March 12--An attempt wreck the Chicago .ex- on, tHe main line Western rajlroad, | was made to | press, northbound of the Ontario and on Saturday morning, 8s. the train | was running into the yard limit at | Sidney. The engineer, by means of the powerful electric headlight with | which the engine was equipped, de- tected something suspicious on the rails ahcad of him, and; preferring to take no chances, pulled up his train. A moment later he saw that the oh- struction consisted of a number of railroad ties which! had been placed ko Huron Township. ! Ripley, Ont., March 12.<In the ar rest of George Fletcher, near this vil: lage, on March 2nd, Inspector ~Johm Murray is convinced that he has run to earth a man who has been the head and front of a systematic scheme of wholesale robbery, the traces of which have been covered by imecen- diarism. The event which led to Fletcher's-ar- rest was the burning of three stores in the village on the night of Febru- ary lst last. Valuable articles which had "been in the buildings were: sub- sequently' found in Fletcher's room at the residence of his father, a farmer residing in the township of Huron, about six miles from here. In the opinion of Inspector Murray this case furnishes the solution to a number of robberies and fires extending back to 1905, which have gucurred in the town. ships of Huron and Ashley, adjoining. n------------ A DISASTROUS FIRE, Wolseley, N.W.T. is Very Badly Damaged. Wolseley, N.W.T., March 12,--A dis- astrous fire visited Wolseley, yesterday, doing damage to the extent of about $10,000. It started in the basement of Morrison's general store, and com- pletely destroyed that building, the Windsor Hotel, the store formerly ocoypied BY A. G. Thom , and sone drame buildings owned by 8. V. Bray. The cause of fire is unknown. Winnipeg Fire Loss. Winnipeg, March 12.~The new plant of the Canada Malting company, was damaged by fire to extent of $30, 000, on Saturday night. The building was not yet out of the contractor's hands, and wes fully insured, The cause of the fire is unknown. A YOUNG GALICIAN Stabbed to Death in Lot. Winnipeg, March 12:--Thomas Ker czynski, a young Galician, was stab: bed to death, in a vacant lot on Mag- nus avenue, on Saturday, by Fred. Hiyk, a fellow-countryman and ex: convict Hryk rented ao room 'in his house to Kerczynski, who brought some friends howe=with him' on Sat urday night, and these were drinking and rather noisy when Hryk, who al- so had been drinking, interfered, and told: them to keep still. Hryk was told to mind his own business. Shout ly aifer, when Kerezynski went out- side, Hryk followed. The quarrel was renewed, and Herczynski was stabbed four times, and died within a few a Vacant wort ly and' cold to-day and on perature below bn Toronto, Ont.. March 12.--(10 te B westerly winds. y. Tema zero at nights in many The largest Ladies' Tai _ loring and Dress-makirg Establishment in the city. Three things that have made our custom order department so widely known :-- Finest Materials Superbly worked up Styles Absolutely Origin- al and Brclusive ~~ Perfect Satisfaction In gvery case ' We will add a fourth feature to the above mark- ed characteristics Moderate Prices «We particularly urge you minutes, Hryk was arrested shortly alter. TENDERS OPENED By Railway Commission for Two G.T.P. Sections. ' Ottawa, March I2.--Tenders were opened at noon, to-day; by the Na- tional Transéontinental railway com- mission, for two sections of the Grand Trunk Pacific. Twelve offers have been put in, and the amount of the con: tract is expected to be between twelve and fourteen million dollars. A large number of contractors are in the city, and keen interest is manifested in the award. As the tenders will have to he gone over by the engineers of the commission, and figured out, an 'an: nouncement as to the award is not looked for at least before to-night, FRUZEN TO DEATH. Lost His Way and Fell Out of Sleigh. X Ninga, Man., March 12.~Charles Thompson, of this place, was found frozen to death, about two miles south of town on Saturday. He must have lost his way, and apparently fell out when his horses stopped at a hay-stack, as he was found just in front of his sleigh, where the horses remained all night, WILL NOT GRANT | across the rails. "le @ | A Single Demand pf the Coal { Sudden Death In Cobourg. Miners. | Cobourg, March 12.~The sudden Shamokin, Pa., March 12.--News | death has occurred of one of Co here that the anthracite coal com- bourg's most respected citizen, John panies: will not grant a single de- D. Roddick. On Tuesday Mr. Roddick | complained of a severe headache, and | purchased some headache powders. Up- | on taking the remedy he was suddenly seized with violent symptoms of pois oning, and, although every medical aid was obtained, he expired in great | agony Thursday morning. Coroner Elliott has ordered an inquest. Windsor's Engineer Resigns. Windsor, Ont., March 12.-City En- gineer Newman, has resigned office, | having secured a large contract in Regina. He may remain pirmanently in the North-West. Newman will be succeeded by George S. Hanes, his as- sistant, who is a graduate of Toronto School of Practical Science. _------------------ Society Women Confess Crime. Herkimer, N.Y., March 12.--~Trou- bled by conscience, Mrs. Fannie Gates { and Mrs, Nellie Perry, sisters-in-law, | have just confessed that three weeks | ago they robbed and burned the home of a widow while the owner was ab- sent. Both have hitherto been Wigh- ly respected society women. They are in jail. | l | Gives Up Coin In Trance. Syracuse, N.Y., March 12. Mrs, | Carrie Merriam, a wealthy widow, | says a hypnotist: hypnotized her the { other day and made her go Yo a bank, | draw 24,000 and give it to him, after { which he had business in parts un: | known. | | Rev. W. B. Neviit of St. Barnabas' mand of the United Workers is receiv- ed with surprise and disappointment. Many of the miners declared that they will quit work Afiril 1st, unless they, receive concessions. Ontario Man Victor. Guelph, Ont., March 12.-To G. G. White, Perth, belongs the honor of be- ing the first Ontario man to win the Creelman class prize for oratory at the 0.A.C. during the five years it has been offered in competition. The an- nual oratorical contest took place on Saturday night. e-------- You cannot buy Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup at any other store. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store Market Square, opposite Whig office. 'Phone 230, Prompt delivery. VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION A MEETING OF THOSE INTER: ested in holding a . Celebration On Victoria Day Will be held in. the Couneil Chamber, City Buildings, On WEDNESDAY March 14th EVENING At 8) o'clock: : J. McDONALD MOWAT, Mayor. ---------------------- YWC.A Free--Pirst Lecture Tuesday Evening at 7 o'clock. Learn how to relisve meedless | church, St. Catharines, has withdrawn {his statements regarding the ladies of | his choir, and all is peace, | suffering by taking First Aid Lectures, givén by Dr. Bogart. to leave an early order and avoid the great rush of work that will surely come at the height gf the season. DISCOUNT STAMPS With Cash Sale; STEAGY - & STEAGY Fu tg » SHAW.~In Camden, Nu, Shaw, Kingston. Funeral notice later, DAWSON --At South Lake, March 9th, Margaret BE. Thompson, widow of tho late Frank Dawson, McCREADY .~In ingston, Sunday morning, March 11th, 1908, William McCready, aged sixty-nine years and ten months. Funeral from his late residence, 877 Jarl St., Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, Frionds and acquaintances respect fully invited to attend. DUFFE,~In Barriefield, on March 12th, 1906, Samuel Duffe, aged seventy- eight residence of his son- "ueral in-law, Tuesday, at 2.80 p.m. acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. WALKER. --In Kingston, ou March 11th, 19068, Herbert Earnest, (Bertie) Walker, aged fourteen years and ten Samuel months. Funeral from his late residence, 245 Bagot: St., to h at 2.80 p.m, Jame church, and thence to Cat- araqul Cemetery. : k ROBT. J. REID, 'Phone 577, 222 Princess St, ALL THIS WEEK Summers Stock Co. With GEO H. SUMMERS And MISS BELLE STEVENSON To-night, " MASTER AND MAR" Tuesday, ** Why Wonién Divorce *' ' High Class Specialties A Between Acts. ; SRECIAL 10-15-25 HOGHER" For Monday night only, une ticket te dmit a lady miven fres with every 23c. . ticket purchased before 7 oa orY ¢ Seats now on sale. etait tee Se ---- THREE PROFITS Ordinary Coffee passés through three men's hands. They each must have their profit; We roast our - Java and Mocha Blend Ourhelyes, | The middle profits are" saved." That "4s 'the 'we ate able to give such exceptional value. The price of our Java and Mocha blend is : wiv: 140¢c. the Pound. Antwaan OE Kad Redden & Jas: Re \ 2