Tr ts St pn. mr _ S-- Aid" to the Bowels Then he works them {thro nerves) till they get 30 sire [any more help to do their duty, But Dr, Cascaretwants to be i right the Spot, in your Pocket or P 2 where he can regulate these B Muscles all the time, in health out of health, Because, even the Muscles may be overworked, Heavy dinners, jate suppers, whi vine, or beer drinking, nervous e nent, sudden exposure to cold or ind a dozen other every day likelihoods tire he Bowel Muscles. In such cases a little Cascaret. in tims s worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment ater on, to say nothing of the sufferin Energy, and liscomfort, loss of Business oss of Social Sunshine it saves. * - - Old Dr. Cascaret catried constan our Vest Pocket, or in "My Lag 'urse is the cheapest kind of Hea urance, and Happiness - Promotion ver happened. tittle thin enamel Cascaret Box. 1 s thick as your watch, round-corr mooth-edged, and shaped so you otice its presence. Contains six Candy tablets-- Price Ten ents a Box at any Druggist's. Be sure you get the genuine, made only y the Sterling Remedy Company, ever sold in bulk, Every tablet st ccc." . - Big box of tablets (to re-fill pocket.' ox) at 50 cents. Carry Cascarets constantly in ocket, or Purse. 4 A sample and the famous booklet.' Constipation," Free for the asking ress Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago r New York. nd see the advance Spring fashions. tS -- Spring Top ng Rain Coats-- endless variety. rm not only shows models--but every very garment "is faultless to the ail. ne the style you , and we ou every: Fashion n patterns y Tit- - Kingston. mm ILITY CURED ind indiscretions are the cause of more (fering than all other diseases combined. ctims of vicious habits on every hand; mpled face, dark circled eyes, stoopi d development, bashful," melanclo and timid bearing proclaim to all t y and tend to blight his existence. tively cures all weak men by evercomin the effects of former indiscretions and stopsraill losses and drains and quickly tient to what nature intended--a healthy n with physical, mental and nerve pov- 15 years Drs. K. & K. have treated with Access all diseases of mea and wome e any secret disease that is a wo y and our health consult old established phys ot have to experiment on you. utes to cure Nervous Debility, Bleod icture, Varicocele, Kidney and Bladder nsultation Free. If unable to call, write Blank for Home Treatment. AN 148 Shelby Street, y Detroit, Mich. There is a lot of things needed ma itchen that you never think oi ss you keep house or a tin st We have been supplying people 1 ese things for so many years oc can tell pretty near what ant, All the different shapes and styles in Ket os, ots and Pans, Bread Boyes, ance Pans, and the dozens of thi at should be in a well appolt tehen are here, at prices, very low BROS . 'Phone 35. ugh the ng fron that Exercist that they doy ace strongest Bowel. ° "CHOCOLATE XCilew OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST EAD REGULATIONS ed section of Domine in Manitoba or the , excepting 8 and 26, net may be homesteaded upon by of 160 acres more or les: be made persoaally (at the for tho district in which ter of the Interior, the local agept for Curse granted an entry for a home- to perferm the con- comiected therewith under one of months residence 'upon cultivation of the land in each year (or mother, if the is deceased) ol any,.person whois father in reqttirements of this Act, as To i person residing with te satisfied f =F I: Aim in the ts of this Act as to residence PLICATION FOR PATENT made at the end of 'three years, making anvlications for patent EJ mttler must give $ix months' Eh writing to the Commissioner pinion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention *CANADIAN NORTH- ful --~Coal lands may be purchased at per acre for 80ft coal more than 330 acres can individual or com. , Boyalty at the rate of t ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected hm $50 to $100 per annum for a com- (MY aecording to capital. E 4 free miner, havine discovered mineral The ®e for recording a claim is $5. $100 must be expended on the Ih year or paid to the mining re- % fmplying With other ri ides for the pavment of obtain two leases to five miles each fora » renewable at the r of the Interior. ave a dredge in oper- in one * season from the date of for each five niles. Rental, $10 sang for each niile rit exceeds $10,000, Ww ¥ of the Minister of the Interior. publication of this t will not be paid for. han's Hardware THERE 1S & TIME OW, while prices are time to fill bin with 'best ANTON COAL HP: Walsh E 'BARRACK Tard EP ---- WARM SUBJECT TR In the world we're so in as Coal at this time Way sound queer to ing and selling as a 8 What we've made. it. Complete satisfaction to . best, and that the 98 /Is to deserve it. oth & Co, SWISS MILK, hunter who carries a ration of PETER'S wisS MILK GHOCOLATE, can have a meal in a oment. Nutritious, sustaining, prevents fatigue. | Lamont, Corliss & Co., 27 Common Street, Montreal. Poor Package Dyes Make Women Miserable and Cross DIAMOND DYES Have Made Millions of Wives, Mothers and Danghters Happy and Contented. mp Women who buy and use any of the adulterated, weak and worthless pack- age dyes put up in imitation of the reliable and never-failing DIAMOND DYES, must expect to meet with sad trials and disappointments in the home. Crude package dyes with only fancy names to recommend them, and sold by some dealers for the sake of large profits, are the direct cause of much of the feminine bad temper and irritablenéss manifested in many homes. If our.womgn and girls would avoid troubles oss jof goods and hard cash, they must » Insist upon getting the DIAMGN]) PYES whenever home dye- ine work 4 oD done. Ome ten-cent package off the timé-tried DIAMOND DYES «ill 'always color more goods than will two packages of other dyes, and give brighter, fuller, more bril- liant and more lasting™shades. Ounce used, DIAMOND DYES become the chosen dyes for all well-regulated homes. Send your ndme and address to Wells & Richardson Co., limited, Mon- treal, P.Q., and you will receive free of cost new Dve Book, Card of Dyed Cloth Samples and Booklet in verse, entitled "The Lohgiohns' Trip to the Klondyke."" The Oelebrated EFPE'S An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. This' excellent Uocoa main- tains the system in robust heultlty ani enables it to ter's extreme COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. Made in Bugland, ot g c ENTER NOW For a leusiness, Shorthand or Civil Service Course: Kingston Business - College Head of Queen Street Kingston - « « Canada Spacious 'apartments, complete Fafa Seal pitriie hv 0] SHE tat Dori Detant una exverienged teachers in every department. Open a out Abe whole year. Oatatonve J.B. MoKAY, H.F. METCALFE ' Presidents Principal, EMBOSSING Seine for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING &.. Besides all classes of Letter Pross Printing from a card to a volume. THE WHIG, Kingston A. E. HEROD IN THE REPAIR OF ALL Boots and Shoes we are par- ticular to maintain their or- iginal "khape. OUR ANTI-SQUEEK, used in all} resdling, id working per- fectly. 358 PRINCESS STREET. @ THE DAILY wio, saTumDAY. NARGH 1. THINGS THEATRICAL: CENTENARY IN AMERICAN STAGE HISTORY. Margaret Anglin to Star on Pacific Coast--Forbes Robert- son to Come to America Next October--Notes on Plays and Players. Margaret Anglin, in "Zira," will be the first anti-syndicate star to tour the Pacific coast. Sarah Bernhardt played "Camille" before 6,000 Kansas citizens, the re- ceipts being $10,000, It cost Ada Reeve £75 not to ful- fill. a twelve-night engagement at Broughton, England. "Brigadier Gerard," with Lewis Waller in the title role, has been well received in London. Francis Wilson began the New York engagement of "The Mountain 'Climb- er," on Tuesday night. Robert Mantell and Ben Greet are champions of two kinds of Shake- spearean plays in Chicago. x The Herald Square theatre will he a . vaudeville theatre for the next three vears, with seats at two - dol- lars down. George Grossmith, Jr, and Ivan Caryl are collaborating on a musical comedy in two acts. It will probably be of a military character. Miss Maude Adams' is now in - the fifth month of her remumerative en- gagement in Mr. Barry's "Peter Pan," at the Empire theatre, New York. She will remain there-till summer. Miss Marguerite Clark has been chosen by the Messrs. Shubert as the star. for the English comic opera "Veronique," when it is presented over the independent circuit next sea- son. Miss Maud Hoffman has been chosen to play. Isabella in "Measure for Measure,' at the performances by the Oxford University Dramatic Society. This is rather an "improper" play, not. often seen. Miss Margaret Anglin will be the first one 'of the independent stars to invade the west: Miss Anglin will ap- pear in Chicago in her New' York sug- cess, "'Zira," for a threo weeks' * en- gagement, heginning Monday, March 26th. Forbes Robertson and hie wife, Miss Gertrude Elliott. will begin a tour of tlic United States next October in a repertoire of plave to include "Ham: let," "Othello," "The Merchant of Venice," "Bomeo and Juliet," and "Richelieu." Frederick Harrison announces that J. M. Barrie has written a new play for the Haymarket, London, and that it will be the next production at that theatre whenever "The Indevision of Mr. Kingsbury" may reguire a 'sue cessor." The cast of Mr. Barrie's play which is to be a very strong one, inclade = Charles Hawtrey, as "The Man From Mars." Miss Edoa Mav sailed last week for London, where she will soon appear in 'a new musical play, under the London,"" said she, "and am in for weeks hence in "The Belle 'of May- fair." iss Ellis has been enthusiastically r ed in New York and Chicago, in Fascinating Mr. Vanderveldt," a new comedy by Alfred Sutro, the English playwright. Miss Jeffreys came to America first as a star last season, wider the direction of Liebler & Co, nnd scored successes in New York in "The Prince Consort and in "Lon- don Assurance." Jefirevs, the Enclish act The London theatres are striving to overcome the depression of Lent by Doyle, not content with the success of "The Legend of Waterloo' immortal izod by Sir Henry Irving, has given Lewis Waller a strong part in "Brig- adier Gerard." Mr. Frohman has en abled. Miss Tempest and Gerard du Maurier to display individuality snd comic spirit in Ernest Deny's farcical comedy. A most distinctively literary event is-the production of Maurice Hewlett's pastoral play. "Pan and the Young Shepherd," at the Court thea tre. March 9th marked a centenary of note in American stage history, being wo less than the 100th birthday of RR a UU A Yi --k The, great curative powers of this remarkable remedy is attracting much attention and everywhere it has been introduced it is win- Tuck'sBone ning its way among ol the people. It is a powerful, penetrating oil which we believe has a larger percentage of cures of rheumatism to its credit than any other remedy ever offered for this dread «disease. It acts directly on the bone--the lodging place of rheuma- tism--dispels the poisonous acid from the joints to be carried out of the system in the natural way and by its splendid work has' proved that 'the surest and quickest method of getting relief from the torturing pains rhedmatism, as well 'as the commor sonse way, is by a direct attack om the afiected part. For the small ills of life it is invaluable. Mrs. W. H. Thomas, of Lombardy, writes as follows: I was subject to stiff neck. Suffered for years and have beon as long as two weeks at a time not able to turn my head without tuming my whole body. I doctored and got relief only to have the trou- ble return again. In August last I had a sévere attack and T tried Tuck's Rheumatic Bone Oil having been read- ing in the papers about how good it was for rheumatism, ete. . Three ap- slications completely cured me and lave had no return of the trouble since. TI recommend * Tuck's Oi! to everyone. "MRS. W. H. THOMAS, Lombardy, Ont. For, rheumatism, lame back, meur- algia, sprains, eoughs, colds, quinsy, or bronchitis, in short for any and kinds of inflammation there is hothing to sia) Tuck's Bone Oil. 'A bottle should be on the shelf i every home. £ srindenkie 50e. or sen Tuck Bone 0il Co., Limited, Smith's other Shakespearean plays and management of Charles Frohman. Be- fore embarking she denied that she was going over to get married, as rumored. "FT am going direct to hard work. I expect to appear three various novelties. Sir Arthur Conan] Wi lh Foe Forrest, the great American agedian, belonged to the great day of local stock' compunies and of stars who Were bom, not made for revenue only. Every com- pany was 'them a school for acting, with the great Payers in successive appearances as of the faculty. In place of such training as this the Young actor of to-day gets a drilling a stage manager. Forrest's active ret continued through the late sixties, His last New York appear: once 'was. in February, 1871, Metro: A girl of seventdon eure n, Chicage is the possessor of a autiful voice and roat musical talop® Mu. Calve. the rench prima donuat. who had an oppor- tunity to bear her. ia taken so much inte in Mi ® t intends of applanded ngs, 'orge Boniface, William "LeMoyne, Mrs. w and others acted with For- rest. Yet the hun as batk to the "day $y actor's birth' convey scarcely "poof wide: al sense of his separatioff from the stage conditions, enstoms and people" of to-day. In his Inter veark he had outlived the great measure of his powers and popularity, In his prime and in roles calling for the qualify of expression markedly virile he was without a rival. Critics, biographers and writers of reminis- cence havé dwelt alike upon the gual- ity of Forrest's voice. It scems that to epeak of hie organ tones was 10 use no mere figticative term. An old story tells of his bringing tears to the eyes of 'a chance gathering by the simple recital of 'the Lord's prayer. His physique matched his voice, and &is Spartacus, * Virginius and Othello ~he first played the Moor when only came with his ripe years, and on iy hoe ance declared, "but 1 am Lear !" ROYAL STATURE. Three. would say that King Edward's sta Connaught is considerably taller, be ing five foot ten and one-half igches Sweden, who stands exactly six foot latter she disapproves of, justly es teeming that her altitude is sufficient lv great without seeking to increase it by artificial means, Who Was The Loser ? Kansas City Journal. banker going home for his dinner saw a ten dolidr bill on the eurbstone. He picked it up and took the mumber down in order to find the owner. While at home his wife remarked that the butcher had sent a hill amounting to 810. The only #oney he had with him was the bill he had found, which he gave to her and she paid the butcher. Thé butcher Tad it to a farmer for a calf, and the farmer paid it to a merchant, who in tum paid it to a wash-woman, and she, owing the banker a note of $10 went to the bank' and paid the note. The banker recognized the bill as the one he had found, and which, up to that time had paid 850 of debt. On darefnl in- vestigation he discovered that the bill was counterfeit, Now, will some of our friends tell us what has been lost in this transaction, and by whom ? Overwork And Underwork; Hartford, Conn., Times Rev. Dr. Minot JJ. Savage is another New York clergyman who has suc cumbed torwver-work and gome off for a rést to let his nerves get over their mutiny. His case following so closely at the heels of that of Dr. Rainsford, the big, robust rector of St. George's who compressed years into days and whose life was a succession of crowd: ed hours, attracts attention. Dr. Rainsford is down and out. These twin instances of nervous breakdown are striking, but hardly disturbing. Where overwork kills ite tens under work with the vices that frequently actompany it, slays its thousands. The victims of the strenuous file are only a numerical fraction of the vie tims of indolent life. Tf sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it ? Peaple who have used them speak frankly of their Wath, They are small and easy to take. Long life appears to be hereditary in one fahily in Tiflis, in the Cau. casus, It consists of five members, whisé combined age is 390 years, The Falls, Ont. x + ho five years of age. twenty years oll--won their impres- give strength . largely through these physical - gifts. His greatness as Lear rests much of hig fame. "I play Hamlet, Richa, Shylock, Virginius," Hamlet Macbeth, and, in general, roles of sentiment were not for him. -- Queen of Denmark is Six Feet In reply to a letter which reaches me from a reader at St. Louis, 1 ture is five foot seven inches in _ the stocking feet, or five foot eight inches in his boots. The Prince of Wales is not quite so tall, while the Dnke of The Prince Consort, father of King Edward, "was a 'relatively big man, standing mearly six foot. But the late Queen Victoria was exceedingly short, being, indeed, hut a little over five foot two inches. a fact which was lost sight off, owing to the wonderful dignity and even majesty of her car- riage. - The tallest queen of Europe is, of course, the new Queen of Denmark, only daughter of the late King of three inches in her hosiery--that is to say, without French heels, The TIES NEVER HEARD OF. Waves of International Trouble Never 'Sweep Their Peaceful Breasts--Standing Army of 126--One Country Keeps Gun and Forty Cartridges. Some of the full-fledged 'countries of the world are rarely heard of. So small are they that seldom do waves of international trouble roll across, their peaceful breasts, The smallest principality is Monaco. It has an army of 126, and there is no conscription and no taxes. The whole available ground is built over, so there is no' cultivation, \ This principality includes Monte Car lo, the gambler's paradise, 1t is on ac count of the immense sums left i by visitors to the casino that Monaco is not harrassed by taxation, Prince Albert I. has not a very res ponsible position as ruler over six square miles. He is devoted to science, and is well-known among scientific men for his réscarches in marine bilo. gv. He derives an immense income from the gaming-house, and the pe sults largely benefit his people. Liechtenstein, a principality on the Upper Rhine, has an arba of 'only ninety-nine squared miles. John 11. is its' ruler, and though it practically forms part of Austria, it is not incor- porated with the empire by any treaty, This delightful little' country called out 7,000 men to fight for Austria againdt Prussia, in 1866, but the war was over before they took the field. Normally they are stil at war with Prussia, for no peace was made with them, i On the hills near Rimini, and 8,000 fect above the surrqunding. plains, is the little republic of San Marino, with an arca of thirty-three miles. It was founded by St. Marinus, 'a pious mas- on of Dalmatia, in the fourth, century. The villagé of San Marino is a quaint little place with steen and nar- row streets. It has an old castle where King Berengar of Lombardy took rg- fuge in 950. By a treaty of 1873, A republi¢ plated itself under the protec tion of Italy. The army of San Marino numbers about a hundred, There are no print. ing presses in = the republic, so that they are not troubled with copyright laws, It is governed by a council of sixty, two of whom are clected regents for six months. Thereafter they are in- eligible for office for six years, For fifteen centuries 'Libertas' has been the motto of the republic. The last words of its founder were: "1 leave you free of all mankind.' Another tiny republic is that of An dorra, in the Pyrenees, This little country of 175 square miles has been the cause of some heart-burning to her two powerful neighbors, France and Spain. It is der the joint suzer- ainty of France and the Spanish Bish. op of Urgel. They éach send wn viguier to assist the syndic in = the manage. ment of the country, but the two vi- guiers do not always agree, There is no standing army. Eagh head of. a Tamily is bound to keep a gun and forty cartridges. Every adult male must be ready when called upon to defend or maintain order in the re- public. One of the most Inerative oe- cupations of the inhabitants is smug. gling, The empire of Germany contains a large number of "pocket" states un- der 500 square miles in extent. One notable example is that of Lippe, which has lately sprung into fame ow- ing to the succession dispute. : Prince George of Schaumburg-Lippe and Prines Leopold of Lippe-Biester- feld both claimed the vacant throne. Though Prince George had all the weight of the kaiser's influence to sup- port him, Prince Leopold has won his case. His new subjects ate delighted, for they bitterly resented the kaiser's interference Stet Life And Sleep. yundee Advertiser Dd 'the newest fads of the medi- cal world is the sleep gure, According to the physician who has sought to introduce his ideas among the Paris jans, one sleepy entirely too little. It is "his argument that one lives a cor- tain length of time, "and that this time (sickness not considered) is ex tend over a long or short period, according to the temperament of the person. He cites in support of his theory the longevity of the negroes, and declares that they attain a Tipe old age because they sleep when work iz not absolutely essential. His treat- ment consists of sending his patient to bed and making him sleep. Eight hours a day one may leave his bed and mingle with the world as he pleases, but not only must the' other sixteen be spent in. bed, but the pa-| tient must actually be asleep. Rr, WHO HAS ASTHMA ? Let Them Know of the One Per: mianent Cure, Doctors advance different theories as to the cause of Asthma. The cause isn't material--it's the cure yon want, Internal remedies are uscless~no ood. But use the ozonated air cure, "Ca. tarrhozone,"" and asthma won't hang! round very long. No room for doubt--Catarrhozono isn't an experiment. Thousands have been cured perman- ently and quickly, like Edward J. 0'Comnor, of Sault Bte. Marie, Ont., who writes : "From my boyhood I had been a constant sufferer from asthma and ca- | tarrth. My nose and throat were al- ways sto up with mucous and I had droppings in the throat. / "When asthmatic attacks came on I thought I couldn't live through the night. ! would sit up and gasp for breath &nd endure great distress, "Catarrhozons was a God-send to me. It has made me enti well and I speak of it just ae 1 found it." Your draggist" soll Catarchiosons: two months' treatment costs $1; trial size 28¢. By mail from N. ©. Polson father is 105, and the mother ninoty- p& Co. Hartford, Conn, USA, and Kingston, Ont. ~ * x Toward cleansing is as fece rd bathing. | bowels free and regular is~of even greater importance il the skin-pores from becomi ve! free the bowels of BEECHAM'S PIL atest boon ever offered to those who suffer from the ily ollow constipation. For over fifty Pil famous as a Stomach corrective, a They never gripe nor are dangerous. Avoid them. lief without doing violence to any organ. The mony with physical laws. Take them regularly and 1 hey are a natural a Jositive cure for Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. | In boxes 25 cents. MELCHER'S RED -##% CROSS CANADIAN GIN The only Gin MATURED FOR YEARS in Bonded Warehouses, and bottled under Government Supervision. BOIVIN, WILSON @. CO., Montreal THE HARDY LUMBERMAN A man sannot work to the best advantags in the lumber woods + or about the fam in the severe Canadien winters unless his feet - His Rubber Shoas must be able to five great saad provide sure footing. te Merchants Moose Brand Shoes provide all thess qualities. They are made from pure Para rubber gum, seientifi. eally and thoroughly impregusted into strong, twisted and cotton duck fibre. They are hand made workman, under careful supervision and {inspection and vuloanized with exacting care. 1 your Shoeman dossn t sell them let us Rubbers George E. Boulter, Charles A. Davies. Northern and 'Central Ontario Ag- ents. Prompt attention given to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders. BOULTER, DAVIES & COMPANY. Specialty jobbers in all classes of High- Grade Boots and Shoes. Telephones, Main 5708, Main 117; 24 Front St. W., Toronto, Ont The Paint -:- Won't Come Of Sterling Paint! It's soldat Lemmon & Son's, King Street, And carries with it an absolute gurantee. It's cheaper than other paints, too. Try a gallon. Al : THE CANADA METAL CO. 'Manufacture Lead Pipe, Traps, Brass ~ Thimbles, Sheet Lead. William Street. Phone Main 1729.