Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1906, p. 3

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'w- sili * --~ Fine Furs - We Pay Cash for - All Kinds'of ~ RAW! FURS W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exc! Fur Store. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Cen Now Fone Sution BAGGAGE::= FREE " . Cook's Cotion Root Compouae, Thednly safe effectual monty ™m 116 on which women n ol. Suid in tw degrees of th No. 1, for ordinary pe oF: No. 2, ih sironge for © Caves, $8 per box. Sold by druggists. Ask for Cook's tor ton Root Compound {take ny sbstitute, fhe Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor. Ontarin de A Beautiful Line of Cut Glass Wo show such picees a are sure to be useful and to please a particular recipient The quality is ing--and «dene, the signs are as dainty Cat Glass Artist produce Our prices are in you favor Smith Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses 'Phone 666. TO-NIGHT | BIG SALE OF Nhite nbroidered jollar Tops Three Lots at BOUT HALF-PRIGE 5c. each, 2 for 15¢c. and 2 )T 25C. 10 Only ilk Blouse Vaists amples In (Navy and Brown aly. Were $3.75 $450 1d $4 95 each. To-night ke your choice for : $2.00 EWMAN & SHAW Millinery Display. Fuesday, March 20th, and follown ve, the Somerville company 1 u to pass vonr good judgment vir exhibit of fashionable pat! ts 'and bonnets. lo vou remember when you | for beef, iron and wine. Gibson 1 Cross Beef, Tron and Wine nmended by physicians," sell "Phone 220. Prompt delivery Vhen a lad whe grows np in husury ms out a credit to himself and [i me, the world says that mirack I take place. = ae = ts " What Sulphur Doggla'sotessessssssseocsse Jone in the for the Human Body in Health and Disease. ---- tion of sulphur will recall to Tin ei the early days when our |=" 7 . thers and grandmothers gave us our | Ms, C, W. Dickson gave a pleasant Sly dose of sulphur and molasses | little party, last night, for Miss Dick ery spring and fall. : son, who has been her guest for some nay the universal spring and fall | time. Cards were played, and all en "plood purifier," tonic and cure-all, .joyed the evening very much. Among mind you, this old-fashioned rem- those present were Mrs, Hugh Nickle, ody Was not without merit. Miss Mabel and Miss Muriel King, The idea was good, but the remedy | Miss Mona Knight, Miss Eleanor Mac: was crude and unpalatable, and a" donnell, Mr. Fatchett, Mr. McPhail, large quantity had to be taken tO get) }y, Ernest Gilderslecve, Mr. George ect. : Grover, and Mr, Bruce Strachan. any wadeys we get all the beneficial Toa » . . i afects of sulphur in a palatable, con} yi pel Rade followed up her centrated form, so that a single grain little party of Thursday by a very is fr. more effective than a tablespoon: small tea on Friday, about a dozen {u} of the crude sulphur. . | girdle being present. Tea was served in in recent years, research and ih the drawing-room at guartette tables, ment have proven that the best sul 0p Sf Which was adorned with hya- hur for medicinal use is that ubaited cinths and daffodils, carnations and ed Calcium (Calcium Su ide) and hyacinths being upon the dining-table. sold in drug storcs under. foe name o rs. George Mahood helped her sister, Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are - a small chocolate conted pellets and con tain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly concentrated, of Mrs. Henry, Boak gave a very pleas apy tea on Thursday for about fifty p! of her friends. Miss Helen Fraser, Miss fotos Jom, are aware of the valu Rumaond, ny Miss Rx rguson, Miss of this form of sulphur in restoring { / lice. King, and Miss Marion Lesslic and maintaining bodily vigor and [assisted in the tearoom, where the health; sulphur acts directly on the floral decorations were extremely pret- liver, and excretory organs and puri ftv. fis and enriches the blood by the - . . . . : prompt elimination of waste material. | Major and Mrs. Norman' Stuart Our grandmothers knew this whe Leslie will entertain at dinner next they dosed us with sulphur and mo. week, for Lord Aylmer, who is coming lasses every spring and fall, but the wit to inspect, crudity and impurity of ordinary flow- * * . . as of -surphur were often worse than Hise Pearl Fade gave a jolly Jittls the disease, and cannot compare with heart party on Thursday, for three the modern concentrated preparations tables full of girls, in other words, of surphur, of which Stuart's Calcium | twelve of them, Miss Ada Birch car Wafers is undoubtedly the best and | ried off the pri , and then everybody most widely used. adjourned to the dining-room for tea made the They are the natural antidote fot | (yrnations and . hyacinths liver and kidney troubles and cure : constipation and purify the blood in a way that often surprises patient and physician alike. : i Vr. R. M. Wilkins while experiment- ing with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was su perior to any other form. lle says: "For liver, kidney and blood troubles especially when resulting from consti pation or malaria, T have been" sur- prised at the results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients mfiering from boils and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, 1 have re peatedly 'seen them dry up and disup- pear in four or five days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a proprie tary article, and sold by druggists, and for that reason tabooed by many physicians, yet 1 know of nothing so safe and reliable for constipation, liv- er and kidney troubles and especially in all forms of skin discase as this remedy." At any rate people who are tired of pills, cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers," will find in Stuart's Cal dom Wafers a far safer, more palat sble and effective nreparation house look very pretty, MRS. JULIAN P, THOMAS, A prominent society woman Sof New York is one of the greatest enthusias among the members of the 'rré Club and is planning for i numer i aseons sions during the presont season will accompany the aeronout Levee on some of his balloon ascensions this month. = ee tee * Mrs. J. M. Machar ed a few peo plec to dinper to meet Bishop Stringer, this week. Miss Bessie Smythe gave a pleasant iittle tea on Thursday for some of the Pe a The Rich, Fragrant girls in town. . Creamy Lather of Yan a > BAEY'S OWN SOAP five sho mai os a Miss Vera Mundell went, up on Thursday, to Toronto, to spend a few leaves the skin so white, avs smooth and sweet, that every time it is used it gives renewed delight. ALBERT SOAFS, LIMITED MrPRS., MONTREAL. 1-106 Mr. John MeIntyre has taken apart ments at Miss Clogg's, Johnston street Miss Bessie Moutray and Miss Mata Moutray returned, vesterday, Aniherst Tsland Migs Lenore Dennis, who intended going home vesterday, was prevented doing so hy a slight 'injury to her foot ES Ie Te r---- RR Baby Will Become a Joy | Evivbody has been glad to se InThe Home If Fed On Mrs. Voigt out and about again, af ter her illness. - Mrs. William Thomson has taken a ACTAT ED FOOD house on Sandy Hill, Ottawa, and eo | will move down there in May. There «) : : Miss Mary Temple is the guest of fears, 3 W na ult Wl ni Canon amd Mrs, Grout, if vou ar sheut baby. § Me. Elsdale Robertson is in town wisdom St, Perienced mth Mrs, W. _ 8. Hughes gave a little 8 sick] bridge party on Tuesday evening Souris} ; Joseph Power entertained, this 3 00 whieh, + n wk, for her Visitors, Miss Grace ombians all the ve wi , lor er rs, : fefties of healthy breast milk Pro I Worrell, and Miss Lenore. Dennis. ¥ 4st Food now so umiversally . .. . . Wel, is a pirdect substitute for Miss Roberts, of Abergelly, Wales, Ro her's il It is predigested: it who has been visiting Mrs. Henry does q } N 4 A Preps 4 irritation as other | Skinner at Maitland House," left, to a 10; it never fails t, day, for Toronto, to pay a short vis a fammation of the stomach Jit to Mrs. Millichamp, before sailing on ny : and is always retained [for England. cB Ther. §. Crest stomach, Miss Dickson who has been visiting wer hci) ; r : : noth a itely no trouble, dear | her sister-in-law, Mrs. C. W. Dickson, Lactate 1 COUT baby is fod on | for some time, left, to-day, for To 3 tent] Mat becomes happy, eon. | rdnto. Food g ry Dright. Give Tactated | Mrs, W,. H. Brown, Markdale, is the no ath, i al: ot used, you will have | guest: of Her ester, Mrs. E. J. Mar drugyiste sell it, shall, "Albert street, -- ibis: -- Popular ize 6 oz. can ire § Ih. 8 oz. can Royal A A, ron 1 Regular size 1 1b. 16 oz. can 150. Baking Powder able to quote the same prices to our customers as consumers in New York, London, San Francisco, and markets of the world where staple goods ares sold lowest, our patrons will 'appreciate it. are now We r mality 1, i ] ] . the eo always. give perfect satisfaction, 'ani ia mast cconomical in ommend Royal Baking Powder beeanse it is of the highest 51 heen spending the past tw onths '0 Iruguists by 1 from the x ren sping the past vo month ot | sour dmeisis or by nil ton ve | Qugr Great Showing of Veilings last Tuesday Miss Jessie Cunning- | Ont., at 25¢. a box. wr ram rd a wy « THE DAILY ,WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 17. ol as v "ia rm Miss Reid, of Gananogue, is the : J : . guest of Miss Grace Oildrieve: REV HILL gr yr p= AT M Je og SP pT £ : Miss Sproule, of Toronto, who has been visiting Mrs. Agnew in Montreal, and Miss 'Tylee, Ste. Rose, was ex- PRESIDENT OF ' ALLIANCE pected in, town, to-day, to visit Mrs. John Strange. - MAKES CHARGES." Warn friends have been very sorry gy, retfer Replying to Deputation La Jo hear that Mrs. R. E. Kent has Setting Forth Jewish Conten- : een laid up this week. pe Mrs. Arthur Vankoughnet, who is | tions Against Bill Now Before the guest of her cousin, Colonel. Vie- | Parliapnent--Jew is An An- tor Williams, at "Sunnyside," will re- achronism: yr main fn tuten Wl Monday. vente. | Mombrguls March 13.Rov. Dr. J THE NEW MILLINERY : 3 i ident of the: Lepd's day from Ottawa. Edgar Hill, president the: Lod Pay Alliance of Montreal, whe "has | INITIAL EXHIBIT Congratulations are being given Mr. -- tive 'mm Commection with the a George Taylor, who begins his work ra of the bill Bon Pefert Ma AND GRAND OPENING ues ay an n ay, are an : 8 ke as junjor clerk in the Bank of Mon- i 00 nt, secking for more stringent en . . . treal, on® Monday. It is not often that any ono sg youthful gets behind this forsement 'of Sunday' observance, Jus The new hats are ready. Ready by truest expressions to disclose the hat modes for bank's counters, $0 tentions: of the Mdonieation visi vis the spring of 1906. Ready to unfold their sub. i ) 'a, on irsday, tor the pur . . a idl . Dr. and Mrs, Goodwin will entertain Br "ating forth the ETE tle charms and surprise and delight all with their the practical science eraduates, A of the Jewish popilation of Montreal graceful and becoming beauty, dinner this evening, overs wi i spect to their objections to heing 5 beau ies--mas i laid for thirty-four. . | forse to oberve two dave of rest, ever Ast These Biss wre pk ol ho .. "The Fill in question," savs Dr, ANA > Major Norman Stuart Leslic and Mr. gi. Ae the bill by Christian on will Jou. hats no prettier And why should John Bell Carruthers have taken the pment, in a Christian land. No 2 : 3 * ate ¥. rink for to-night, and there will, apology needs to be made to the hey > Their styles are of Parisian origin, and dosh less, be 8 large turnewt for an- Jews for that fast. just heeause a ours are likewise, But in New York you'll pay oghe re x 6, i £ 8 en conk i i ey [oe twice our prices at least. " GANANOQUE NEWS, that regard." He adds : In one civi When you come you will see how diverse cxperichee we do not find the Jews to 1 1 vedi | protest ot the Wauaerere Was Hot | Bo ote ee te are the spring styles, how the little hats, medium Allowed. ing inoffensive community whi h Rab! " sized hats an big hats are arranged side by side, "5 Me Scla claims they desire to be." He and vie with each other in beauty and style. then goes on: to mumerate that hak- Th h ors izar dealers and newspaper ven \e at modes have surely taken a pleasant dors of the, Joaish pursurion are the turn this year. You do not have to pin yourself a prs minst (Md eRe . - . principal offenders ag i down to a small hat--or to any given size in fact--but can select a wee dainty, jaunty affair or a beautiful large picture hat and still satisfy the style demands perfectly --and what is better satisfy yourself. b But a visit here is the best way to learn these things, and we cordially invite you and your friends to visit our millinery Tu y-- opening day. We ought not mention pfices-- > in our opening announcement--but we must just George Cowan, of Kingston Road, Taw sud Justice, oh ie ee fist ¢ - state they are remarkably low. is visiting with Mr. and Mre. William a a i Hit ort Mian, Charlie street. Lambton. Web: | 0 5pm Frances wih the [afore of WHAT WILL SHE WEAR ? ster, of Brockville, is visiting friends | 100 YA a i kt \ v . s ox . and' rilatives in town. Robert Me. | The ough (ht last teak What the weather is or will be doesn't matter--Spring is here--the. store' says'so! The. first Luba, of_Ushawa. was in town 20 08 SEH Home on this -- con | complete display of all Spring's New Things for womankind to wear will be seen here-on TUESDAY during the past weok. Miss Eva Lye, | '¢ ' of Lyndhurst, who has been' spending tinent, AND WEDNESDAY NE 1 a short time with friends and rela- tives here, has returned home, Mother And Baby. Come and See Buy When You Feel Like It The Citizens' band have moved back Every mother who has used Baby's Gananogue, March 17. The final hockey match to settle the tie between Star Bachelors and Wandeters for the cup, was played, at the Maple edt rink, on Wednesday evening, before the largest crowd ever gathered at the '8%% \ ith the Jo raat rink. The game was fast and furious. The trou 1 il din, Ae ny William Knight and J. Williams, of "here," adds Dean, In MOON ae Kingston, refereed the game satisfac- will as in Montreal, i= i w get » torily to all. Score at finish, Star a" anachronism J ig oe min i } « Bachelors, 6; Wanderers, 5. A protest Further oni his R Wg Ri heli a was entered to the executive of the "The Jewish Sahih a om league, by the Wanderers, which, after different day ne ou. vom W investigation, was not allowed. Ch:istian Sunday, mas EL Or (fin i¥ At last, the Gananoque aggregation 'OF the Jews, But on the i High) ! ed of hockey players has succeeded in 201 MANY Priviieges » ih i wresting a game from the Lansdowne | them clsewhiife, inl most of them Ramblers. Seore, Gananoque, 9; Ram. probably prefer life in Canada, with blers, 4 ' 2 the security of protection of the British io eames -------------------------------------------------pm-- 4 into the hall previously occupied. hy J Own Tablets will tell 'sou that thes Pe world's newest things in DRESS The very daintiest, desirable kinds of WASH them, on Belfie's rrocery. The are the best muodicine in he world Q : 3 fem, oer Bolles" gram. "Tew [ave she ook mucin, ln the "omit | FABRICS FABRICS, : late I he productic I "Cupid iu | sour stomach, indigestion, diarrhoea, tis . . . . : Topsy Moon in Ropar -- sleeplessness, teething troubles, and The choice of the fashion world in RIBBONS, "OLD BLEACH LINENS : for Dresses, been changed from March 17th until | other ailments wl children. You can LACES and NECKWEAR. ¢ vith Waists eto. Ty Easter week. give, these Tablets to a new born . ; . - 3 Dr. A. H. Mabe is having his launch | baby with aksclite "safety they al The pick of the best on earth in GLOVES." . i te nicely refitted. Mr. and Mrs. Alln| ways do good; they cannot possibly : ee x $f DRESS TRIMMINGS in eadless variety. a Earl, of Sweet's Corners, who have do hgrm. holt use ments health Fon Exclusive styles in imported SUITS, COATS, - been the! guests of Mr. and Mrs. Free- | the child and conifort for the mother. | - . \ A as i Cian man Moore,' of Berges street, for the Hes, Cl & Ker Elgin, as new SKIRTS and WAISTS, v 5 ard very hi hat sty lish. hi a past few days, have returned home. | "Baby's Own Tablets are the best . 3 wi esire is 1 ificen! a \ X H. Mabe, J. A. Black and H. A. | mediédine I ever used. for stomach and RAINCOATS for women in many styles. m magal i array, and np. JJarker, local dentists, returned, on | bowel troubles, and destroying worms matter how elaborate the goods, the price upon every Thtadal. from tee dental conventions | No moter doubt Be withouisi pu of BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES. thing will bear out the store's idea of fairness. in Toronto. D. .J. Gordon, who has] tablets in the house." Get them at { ham, Brock street, who has been and Veils spending the past three weeks with Toledo News. 4 bee Su BH bo Ne and Ne 5-1 Toledo, March 15. Miss Mami: Brig Is one of the great features of this exhibit. All the prettiest uttall, of South Lake, returned hom: fyiishaw, student" of the Athens High daintiest kinds, both from the Old World and New York t be § h « orld an ew York, are to on Wednesday School, Spent Saturday and Sunday Gayanoque council, No. 244. RS. {ai her home hore. MY. and Mes. Rob. |seen in our Millinery Parlors, and they are well worth seeing. of T.; enjoyed an evening of social| ort Lewis. Smith's Falls, were the 1Dasure and games, followed by al guests of Mr. and Mire Tihn Sey lizht repast, Thursday. evening mour on 8S Tha ¥ ; 3 3 ot Tats Motamone otter of] mot Su Sutunia¥ Tose. Witton Hel) We Cordially Invite You to Our Great Mr. and 3, Stave Nel sumer, Broek residence in Toledo, Weber Purn left . . street, whe or the pastogonth has | on Taosde fo! Sask war er inal" ithe Past uonth. hav [on Tucwlay for _ Saskutchewas, oi Opening Next Tuesday and Following N.Y. has accepted the position of | lorne Marshal® 'Bs séfously ill. A . cashior for a firm in that eity. number of the Toledo young xo D 5 The social last evening, under the | were pleasantly ET i Td HB ays 4 auspices of Harmony Lodge Daughters] home of Nelson Parker on the evinin : 3 of Rebeccah, was no great success. An fof the 13th inct. M.© Rape. Phillips ' admirable programme was rendered, | ville, was in the vilhagd on Tnesdav ; * consisting of instrumental musie, solos | Miss Anna Rape visited frionds ia * ! hy Messrs. Ralph Britton and William | Portland on Sanday last, Mes PNitam |B 8 En oo Allan and Miss Grace Henderson. al Nichols, why 'has Teen ill. is now quartette, and addresses. Refresh. [convalescent © Molise" MoDona _ D ments were served and everybody had } Portland, was a guest in the villa FASHION'S FORM, 4 a good time. for a couple of days last week. Mrs ---------------- Smith spent Inst week in Brockville, | The Tailored Waist Grow ; r. 7 LAwEENCE nt of nde there, Nant [1 Cl The New : wW ---- Mes." W. Murphy, Flin. visited on Revere: € € | { May Be Lieutenant-Governor of | Satvirday and Sunday the latter's i Nova Scotia. mother, Mrs, MeGuire. Thomas Mur Ottawa, March 17.--Several names vhy will again conduct the meat mar ! A a ket in the stand lately oecupicd In is made in every style ! Faton Bros. W. H. Boccher was in The New High or low Bust, Brockville on the 14th inst. Long or Short Waist. There is a model for 3 D & A every figure. Get yourseltf er J fitted and 'note the number ii} ory. In. case of sickness on Sumlay the : . only drug stor with an all-dav Sun inside the corset and you London, March 17.--In the House of Commons, sitting as' committee ol fay seep ionji rT} Boil Cross drug Whils Corset Gan Secufe the. same shape ' y ; store, "Phpne 2200 § $07 54 the lingerie waist grows mor have been mentioned in connection with the varaney of the licutenant governorship of Nova Scotia, but the one most prominently spoken of is i Frederick A. Lawrence, M.P., for Col Don't Burn Your Flesh. chester, N.S. Mr. Lawrence was at] Corn salves poison and Rorn; he one time speaker of the Nova Scotia sides they never cure the corn. Put legislature, and would make an ¢x- | Mams Corn Extractor has heen curing cellent appointment. corns for fifty vears, .Painloss, eur. Sif Wilfrid Laurier, in the commons and guarantead to act in twenty four hours. Use only "Putnam's on Friday, explained the recent cabi- net changes, and Hon. John Haggart and Mr. Logan and others continued The Very Best the debate on the Intercolonial rail- Scott's high grade 814 hats are sold way. A few estimates were dealt with. | by the best hat store in ovary city In Kingston these popular hats ar NO REDUCTION OF ARMY. sold only at Campbell Bros, the sty] a] centre for men's hate, Motion Defeated by Very Large supply 'on army estimates, Major See-1 "You hear "He was ohe of the best } elaborate the tailored model grows it anytime. ri fey, liberal, moved a reduttion of the | men that ever lived" oftener than "He | plainer and more severely tailored, and army hy 10,000 men The motion was | is one of the best mien that ever liv- consequently smarter. The pleated mo rejected 206 to 56, after an appeal by | del has ever heen a favorite with those IT 7 n Se Pre mier Campbell Bannerman to have who affect the tailored waist and this patience and allow Secretary of War Haldane to examine the whole prob. Somnaria Stopped season shows somo few changes in the | SEERA : . iat A size of pleats and tucks. The double | 4 lem. The division revealed the first re ! His Drinking centre box pleat, this fastened invisi. | # FINANCE AND INSURANCE volt of the labor members against the' - bly, gives a vest offoct to this model, z - ------ i government, the majority of the fifty | A Lendon Lady cures her husband | und the inch tucks closet, the arm | 5 i six votes in the negative being com- hole im Gibson fashion give added ¥ \ -i 4 posed of radicals and laborites, i ge. breadth to the shoulders, A matching % CUSTOMS BROKER } If You Want a Home "How glad 1 am tha . {box pleat rung from neck to waistline | # The business of the late C. GQ. Or Insurance, have a 17c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, 17c. a a Ye in the back. The collar is high, the 3 Oliver, will he carried on in his talk with xe . For Saturday night only fresh eggs, writing fora Pree |. tiiched band through the centre has |B ofes, (9 Clarence street. 17e. Crawford. evelets in the rounded ends through | & G. A. BATEMAN | George Zeigler, "38078. ------------------------ which to- slip the four-in-hand tie. . Camptell Bros. To-Night. ¥ Who for the last five years has 67 Brock Street. Far the nobbiest 82 derhys, 4 A Fair Test. 3 been associated with Mr. Oliver, f-- ty ; : Philaduiphin Record, > * 3 ; FOR SALE Many stores talk prompt delivery A burnt child dreads the. fir ¥ eat clas mill property 1 g ys : y/ ¥ 1 ren s 0 TOO mey i * io and it ends there Gibeon's Rid Cross | Nerchunt id pit good Pin s into z For eal Estate i chet. village drug store has a special messenger, | an advertising medium anc ail to0|® $2, two dwellings. who is at the servies of "its customors read adequate ceturne on the invest x ¢ saw, oF or Insurance | EFELTR" Cons t h to quick | anit ih Sh, GLUT tus oy Hae, Nal all the time. "Phone 230 for drug ment do not make a second venture wants. | tet atviugfon in that particular publication. "The simple life might prove a more | ree Package pe When an advertiser addresses the popular experiment if subjected to a] nd price sent in plain seated envelope, Cor- | public day in and day out through the little eritieimn, IE or a sacred) a re ord same newspaper the conclusion is in SET 4

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