AR [BH a] haly TUE | On The Rock Or On The Sand? How are you building our fortune? We can ake it substantial by g Real Estate--the ins that will {well "recited. } | Emmett, O'Brien and FI F tive Irish displayed much ahility tionist; her encore and ance "Ireland's Glories" ax a soloist, was no Stranger to audieners. "O'Donnell Aboo," an Irish Mine Host Wardrobe Entertains war song. bad in it a sullicient vim Hockeyists. jand ¢ news to. bring out to the After the hbockey match, Monday jfalt Mr. Harvex's powerful Voice. Miss eveging, Mine Host Wardrobe gave a jor. Louise Larke's two selections, sumptuous supper, in the pretty little { "Irish Lullaby." and "Sprine Tide," dining-room of the Randolph hotel i delightfully Sune. not only Miss 14g, the membres of the Randolph and {larke's beautifully clear, sweet con Wholesale teams and their friends |tealto captivating her hearers, but The spirit of sport strife was quite » Wer graciousness of manner. Rob- | forgotten in the delicious feast of ten jert Harvey was an efficient accompan- | courses served. (Wer the coffee cups Fim. short speeches were made. William i It remained for pretty seven year-old | Beatance acting very rapably as an {Miss Irene' Harris, daughter of Mr. | impromptu chairman Manager Trot {and Mrs. Willian Marris, 10 carry off | ter, of the Wholesalers, warmly thank {the laurels with ber captivatine song {ed Mr. Wardrobe for .his exceeding jand dance. The child a voice, | Kindness in Lic splendid treat to the Pwhich, proses taken cgre of ob sald thoys. Amang the many sh speech at some future day make a name for | ex made, several expressed the opin ber. Mes. BH. P. Smith and Mise Maude | ion that this winter's city league had Walsh played o piano cuet in pleasing | brooght ont many hockevists who {and ackomplished manner. A very wel] | wonkd in all probebility, shine forth {put on tableaux "King Malachi and | in the Junior OHA. next winter. A his court," concluded the evening's en- | Wardrobe replied for the host and tertaimment losing tram in a neat little speech Interspersing parts one and tw [MP for Wright county, pleasure at bein, ey their successful concert. He EE a Kin. feeling histor: Emerald sl. the sixth to witst E; iv, {able to repeal the union. To ( { Fitagerald, the Irish owe much, {ISH to 1879, the voice { Butte rang out in the {ment. At the election in 1586, the {for home rule stood, 1,238 842 {1L3M227 aguminst A grow into big, rosy, sturdy children on Nestlé's Food. It agrees with baby's deli- cate stomach -- nourishes baby's fragile system---pro- tects baby against colic and cholera infantum --and brings baby safely through the dreaded *' second sum- Nestle's Food is a perfect substitute for mother's milk. 3 Write for a FREE SAM- PLE enough for 8 meals. THe Miles Co; & wom. by * and in the sweetly plain- ,* Miss Francis Keating as an elocy- second appear were equally of his entrance on was evident from his {warm reception that Charles Harvey, In opening, ¥r. Devlin expressed his ing before and congratulated the A.O.H. said a minenew in Was a form of iment Ireland and in speak of it, he was not actuated by any England. He referred 10 data'Jor Ireland's past. The bad better government in eighth century, when her teenth century, the Irish were strang- signed a form of emancipation | Daniel O'Connor, but even he was un- iratton, Lord Fdward of Joseph British parlia- form of home ' 2of The St. Paksik's i Soier the James J. Lackie, president: D-. @, A i. Acie Red forward | Morrison, chairman: ~W. J. MeNeill hh tion and held in the secretary, and Thomas Ronan master Grand Opers House Monday y Wa OF gervmanies unique success, and te the AL. REID, With the London Bioscope Con be Grand. on Wednesday local 0 of the Wine, un very fine address | 2nd mandolin by Dr. Hanley and Mr. (Was delivered 08 "The Future anc | Routley, solos by Aoseph Lovell and | Sucorss of Ireland," by KE. B. Devlin, | ftamaphone selections helped to on At .one o'clock, this mormng, the hearty singing of "For He Jolly Good Fellow." and the Na Anthem & very merry gathering ston their ---------- REV. D. M. SOLANDT. Study Club, Make Gift to and Mrs. Scolandt. The meeting the First * were dotted with schools, insti: [of a very pleasant and happy nature {tutions aitended by six thousand, but | The opening hour was spent most en- in 140 soldiers of Henry H. invaded { Joyably, playing games and having a Ireland, and England's king got the | 10)l¥, social time. Then om behalf of sovereignty. From then until the vigh- the club, un address was read to the retiring pastor, Rev, I. N. ex in their own land. Under the com. | B-D.. by Miss Bessie Homer, a a imonwealth much of the land was con. | handsome chony, gold-he the al | fiscated, and ducing the reign of [resented ta him, by Miss Ethel at ¢ | Queen Elizabeth and King William, het a ee. ad & -- 2 y | more was taken, In 1899, Kin~ George { POUght of ane uster Spencer Hen to {al bouquets of pink roses, -- Western Oil On Move Vancouver Work > Wd In {he Western Oil & Coal company of this city recently ordered 4 carload of casing and tools for their operations Vote with {i the machinery a request was | to the Canadian Pacific railway agent FE [rule passod the British house of com bore "Me Greer io hee the "car sent EA non nm Jsaa, but war killed in the forward with as little delay as possi f {house of lor .. ble. The car left the factory on the { In emphasizing his claim that it was {2st of February, and yesterday the right that Ireland should have home company "received word that it had rule, the speaker pointed to the fact of | oqched Pinchor Creek the day before the United States being divided in less than two weeks after shipment. 10 4 States, each self-governing, but {1 G0. the casing and tools are on with a head at Washington. He ® road from. Pincher to the oil thought Canada bad become more loy camp. This is regarded as a pretty al since 1537, when she got her own good record, In consequence of the an government. When Canada and Aus ticipated en resumption of work tralia decided in favor of home rule, the W. 0. & C. Co's shares have ad they were actuated by their own pros | caneed from 13 ots to 2 1-3 cents perity. In every constitutional oovern per share since Monday--9% cents in ment the leaders must be in accord three days is getting along pretty with the people. He said when the Ir fast. ish criticize the treatment of Ireland, -------------- they are considered prejudiced hut he Died At Brockville considered the government of Ireland Mr J Mari 1 x . enni arian Baillie, relict of (hy England to be the worst in the the Inte Rev. T. A. Nelson, died af world. . : Brockville, of pneumonia, on Wednes In conclusion, Mr. Devlin had only day, and was buried at Avimer Que on Saturday. Her third son was drowned at Toronto harbor, on An gust Mth laet. Her husband was drowned at Avlmer on November 20th last She leaves three sons, a brother. Rev. J. Baillie, B.D. Ham burg. Nob, and a sister, the wife of the Rev. NS. MM. MeClelland. Winnipeg Tiny Babies and a sister, Mrs. John Hall, Ganan ore Tuesday Police Court. Drunks were the specialty of morning's police court, "Guilty," replied . David Bvron, the charge of being drunk "Three dollars and costs or month." quoth the cotirt to the time offender, "Can't I have time to pay *" condition, at midnight Monday, handed over to the battery. Ttching, blind, il Druggists are au money cure in 6 to 14 days, 50e. moved a vote of thanks SUPPER AT RANDOLPH. lestrumental selections on the guitar liven the evening along a musical line of the Suudy Cluly, of Congregational church, in the school room, Munday evening, was Solandt, fAerson made her the gift of a beauti- in Alberta. As they were in urgent need tioned Byron, but for answer came a wave of the hand towards the cooler. A batteryman. arrested in a booed A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. bleeding, rotruding, AL pe if Pazo Ointment fails to ved to MEY at with 2's a tional broke Him sent this to one' old ues was SLEIGH ROBES. in "all sorts and siges,"" and are | a perfect ing of the season age of our FUR SALE offering them at cost price during | the sale. THE VARIOUS WRITERS THEIR 'CONTRIBUTIONS. History of Hymns We Sing--Dlu- strations by Choir and Solo- ists--J. M. Sherlock, of To- ronto, Rendered a Number of Selections, There was a lodge sudionve in St. Andrew's ¢hurch, Sel eening. despite the storm, to hear the rendering of a number of Bymins. and brid addresses upon their authors. After several or gan voluntaries by Miss Shaw, who also was the capable accompanist for the choir and soloists, Rev. Dr. Mac kie spoke on the hymn writer, Sarah 'F. Adams, the author of "Nearer My God to Thee," a hymn that will live forever. He pointed cut that it as the middle of the eightenth century before hymnology was enriched by the contributions of women. In the Presbyterian hymnal there are 10} hymns written by sixty women. In il Justration of Sarah F Adams hymns, J. M, Sherlock, of Toronto, who was the chief soloist, sang with great febling and fine interpretation "Nearer My God to Thee." The choir rendered another of the a nanikd writer s hymns, "Part In . Rev. Prof. Macnaughton the. life and hymn writin Watts, D.D., who was an Independent English clergyman of the Puritan sect The speaker said that. ne owe a great debt of gratitnd®™ ho' those compar atively ohscurg who "voiced for us our religions, ings in hymns There is no "Single, hymn writer 10 We owe more. than to Watts. Prof. Mactiaughton said that the chief fea tures of a hymn shold be absolute sincerity and simplicity Three of Watts' Bywmine were sung "Jov to the. World." by choir and congregation; "There is Land of Pure Delight,' by Me. Sherlock, and "When | Survey the Wandr Cross," by. the choir. John Melntyre, K.0".. life and whose dealt with the writings of doseph Addizorn, great hymn *The Spacious Firmament .on High," was sung by choir and congregation. Following this Mr. Sherfock sang the hymn "When I Can Read My Title Clear" with grand effect. Prof. Callander' address was upon Cardinal Newman, the Oxford "move m Newinan s "Lead Kindly Light" fectively sung by Miss Perley. in solo setting. The choir rendered the Holiest In Ths Heights Prof. Macphail Spolle on the contri grewt hvmn which was of Praise to butions of Chaples + dey to hymn ology, and three 4 Weaker x best hymns were sung; #hoir rendering "Depth of * Mere oi, Mr. Sherlock, "Jesus Lover of Soul." and choir and congrega th ©. "Roldiers of Christ Arise." The vel . profi table' ening of high class sacred song, eolicluded with 5 feeling rendering of "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," by Mr. Sherlock, the doxology, and the benediction by Rev. Dr. Mackie. ------ WATERWORKS' COMMITTEE | SR ---- Decides to Call for Tenders 1,200 Tons of Coal. At the water works committee ves terday afternoon were Alds. Abbott, (chairman), Cooke, Nickle, Flliott and Sands. Geirge Adsit, caretaker of the grounds, appealed against paving ter tax, holding that the taker had should ale for fair wa former care got free water and that he » get it. The communication should have gone to the city property committee, which engaged the care taker. The water works committee knew of no agreement whereby free water was to be given, ' There was some discussion as to the advisability of buving somey coal, in view of the anticipated coal strike, Superintendent Hewitt said the water works had enough' coal to last till August, offered 10 sup Booth & Co, ply 100 tons at 83.50 4 ton. The wa terworks paid $238 5 ton last sum mer for 1.200 tons. Ald. Eliott ad vised that tenders he called for at once for the water works : annual coal supply. This the committee decided to do, the 1,200 ¢ tons. to be delivered not later than August }et, Ald. FHlliott brought tion of the committee Engineer Cullen's quarters were not in fit condition, and he thought that he should be given better accommoda- tion, Tt was agreed that the commit tee should. meet at five o'clock Thurs day and to the atten- spect the whole water works premises, ---------- Two or three entries put through at the same time by as many competent | bookkeepers, ii required. G. A. Bate | man, customs broker, opposite the ¢ tom house, Perfect fitting us glasses, the result of | Chown's drag store. test Real Winter Is here and also the best sleigh. Take advant- BIG And lay in your supply of | We have them ! ; Boos A EVENING ee AND | the fact that | Display of Spring « Millinery. : A Visit to Spence's opening reveals a bewildering variety of ar, : both regards shapes, shades and | EB Ihe new hats are decid: | ! trimypedngs. tealy small | and "chic" iu stile, with an emphutic upward 13it in the back tor slightly to one side. The mater ials to Be mved in the construction of the hats seems to be altogether of a {soft and "erushable'" chapscter, such {as erinolines and mohair braids, with 'aw great deal t the early season. Leghorn, chip and a will also be much in evidence. Very varied is the display of flowers mostly in the smaller varieties, such as lilacs, forget menots, lilies of the valley, heliotrope, hyacinthes, { thorme and apple blossoms, bhydran gras, ete, and im roses, which are | specially popular, anything from the tiny French and moss rose to the me < i rose. There is a to combine clusters of a variety of different flowers! in various | shades on some of the hats, which are | veritable flower gardens. Ribbons, too, will be much used as trimming | in Dresden and all the prevailing shades. There is a new soft-corded ribbon which is a very effective garni ture in either taficta or satin. Decidedly the prevailing shades of the season are old rose, the new rasp berry and mulberry tints, the Bur gundy wine shades, the ciel blue, and in the most artistic models what are knowre as "twilight shades." an inde scribable blepding of hazy lavender, amethyst, dull pink. and those name less, smoky tints which are noticeabls in word and sky at the twilight hour The result of the latter combinations when artistically biended is extremely beautiful. Ostrich plumes are very much used, and the soft and lacey ap pearance of the hats is still further enhanced by the foliage which is largely of a mossy fern like character The maiden-hair fern is very muh in favor. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL INSTITUTE. -- Helpful Addresses Given to Teachers. The first session of the Sunday ! School Institute, was held in ihe First | Baptist church, Monday afternoon There was a large number of ~unday | school. workers present Ih ichairman. T, Yellowlees conducted conference on "Wars Sunday school, pointers were a i profitable of Working when many brought out gave much helpful information, and answered many questions ln 'House to-House Visitation," which is con- templated for our city in the near ture, E. A. Hardy, secretary for the Ontario Sunday School Association, gave most help ful and inspiring addresses on the pr paration of the lesson by the scholar. and the preparation of the lesson by the teacher. . Being himself o trained high school teacher of considerable ex perience, he was at home in both sub cts. He gave many helpful sugges tions how to secure the study of the {lesson by the scholar. As for the teacher, he must make intellectual pre- paration, spiritual preparation, and be master of his subject so that he can | make practical application of the truth 'to the everyday hfe of his pu pils. Both these men are experts in their own department, and the session was felt io be a very profitable one. The evening session was held in Svd enham Street Methodist Sunday | school hall, 'when a still larger num ber were present. Rev. Mr. Manning occupied the chair. After conducting a brief conference on the home depart ment, Jr. Yollowlees gave an inspir ing address on "The Forward Move- ment." The object of this movement is | helpfulness. It helps to secure bette adapted buildings, better equipment for Sunday school teachers, and mor definite results from the work being done. Most encouraging progress has | been made. Mr. Hardy spoke of the ver importance" of teacher-training. great Th greatness and importance of the work | demand the best possible preparation of those who are engaged in it. A large number of these training classes have been organzied. throughout onr province, with very beneficial results Those who braved the storm to be pre sent felt that they well for their effort. were repaid Mrs. Williton Speaks. From her home at 29 Gilmour ave- nue, Toronto Junction, Mrs. J. Willi ton tells of her new found cure for neuralgia and musenlar pain. "1 have been troubled with nenralg and Nerviline has been my only relief. When rubbed on -it seems to sink right to the core of the and gives jnstant egse recommend Nerviline ache--it's a sure cur Can't help curing long pain, I can honestly for any pain or "» - of chiffon and tulle in | haw- | pastor, | y Rev. Douglas Laing, acted the part of | He also | B.A. teacher-training | . | Kingston at | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS ) GENERAL. {Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Ezief Items of i Interest Easily Read and | Remembered. hago f Dr. Chown's for perf Gtting truss -- B. Coates, Preséott, is in the City { on business. | See the piano bargain at Kirkpat- riek's art store, Albert Root, Napanee, spent yester- { day in town. Souvenir cards of Kingston, = new Capt. Donnelly has been elected THE DAYS EPISODES Cash IN | views, in colors, at Wade's, William Swain, piano tener. Orders | received at McAuley's Book Store, a Cure ed ott the Hit wan't a cue cure, not be made. Can anything be faier > ¥ you have a Cold, ; & of he Thee, Long or i Fire SHILOH Ze. per bole. All desless gsc FineFurs WelPay this ofr {fellow of the Royal Astronomical So- |p mt ete CaS Yor J daivh, vie fommitiee on salaries = All Kinds of to meet this wvenin lo prepare its RAW report, hat church do you go to? is the | enquiry #mong the locomotive works employees. i Prescription 24,000 cures rheumatism and lumbago. Only at br Shown s ! Addison A. Pegg. reprefentiddy the | Nordheimer Piano Co., is iti the city on business, Br. R.T. Walkem, Kf 'is' very low, to-day. His condition has taken | a serious turn. Pr. C. K. Clarke will bein town ear Ivy next week, to lecture to Dr Kuight's class at Queen's: Pp to date business methods with despatch is what you get at G A Bateman's, customs broker. . FURS 'W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street Kingston's Only Exclusive Fur Store. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up rnin: possi, | | | | | George Hayeock, who has been con Opposite Grund Centra) Station finea to his pd for the past week, | Now threatened with typhoid fever, is some AGE>=FRER what better, BAGG. Station } Aletander Ferguson, a first year medical student was called 10 his oo = home at Willismstonn on ascount 'his --mather's death; William G. Kyle, a tonian, but now of { ling representative former Kings Montreal, travel for Lownevs, is in town for a couple of davs with | friends J. E. Milloy, tuning representative of the Nordheime {in the city. Ore rick's art rooms | attention John Millar, B.A, who did at Cal gary, on. Sunday was favorably known iin Kingston. He was Piano company, is ldt at Kirkpat i pPromp a ¢lever gradu ested in mind reading while here Mrs. D. Herbert Camplpll andi Jiwle daughter, Ancona, North Ray are vic iting friends in the city. Mr. Camp { bell has secured a very luerative posi tion with the Canadian Northern Rail f way company, Toronto, where he reside in future. | will ---------------- | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | i i Why Attack Signé ? Kingston, March 20. +To the Edi tor) © Some | ago, 1 was fortunate enough to reside {in Kingston, and if your readers still remember, through the medium of your | worthy paper, I laid a complaint that some evenings, while walking about jon business, a few boys of sooe fij of ate of Queen's and wax greatly inter- three and a half vears stronger for Speciak, $3 per box. Sold by « ists. Ask for Cook's fot oot Compound ; take nv substitute, ' The Cook Medicine Co., Windsor. Ontario et dr A Beautiful Line of Cut Glass We sh are sure to be usef wow such leas: recipient Ih q ialit and «l s are as dain Glass Artists Smith Bros. | en or sixteen years of age, were fi practising their shooting powers, and Jewelers--Opticians made a target of me by throwing Issuers of Marriage tones. On second consideration, I re Licenses *tted my action of laying complaint + Bot to be conceited, F adit that | there is nothing in my feathres | boast about; and in order 10 avoid be Ing an evesore in the city, 1 leit | Kingston at the first opportunity As fate has it | happened to visit resent; am staying with a friend, Joseph - Silver, 102 Princess | street, who is conducting a special re | ffion sale. Now, one would think j¢ | natural enough for any of his competi tors to throw hot coals in his face, and lay stumbling blocks, by pro | claiming, well, all sorts of talk which would more equally divide the crowds | that such to feast "nltrance But what benefit | of Queen's nightly the bargain could a couple students derive by com ng to my driend's store and tear ing down his window signs, which Were part attraction to advertise the sale ¥ To 'all appearances, those signe | looked well enough. No expense was Spare to make them attractive Rkil | »d workmen wronght them out. Sup | pose the sions did not suit their 1ik- ing. 1 am sure it is not Mr Silver's | fault, for he paid pire: (y dearly for {them. Itc the painters the student should be after. But why rin a aan 's prospects when he was safisfind with {tha results the sions were bringing ? Yours truly, A. RATREY ------ Eastertide Excursion to New York Via New York Central lines. it s 50 strong and | day, April 12th, 1906, Exceptionally peneirating. Sinks right to the core of {low rates. Ten days return limit the pain, and prevents it returning. | Through day coaches and Pullman Don't forget the name "Polson's Ner- | viline,"'--and refuse any substitute | Preparing The Budget. | The civic finance committee had a | meeting last evening to discuss the budget preliminaries. They will com- | plete the budget on Friday "Vening Taking mto account the extra de mands by the Board of Education, ete, the amount of controllable expen | diture at the disposal of the city council will be.about the same as a year ago. i Te m---------- i Left . or Northwest. J. A. Todd and family, York street. | formerly of Joveeville, left Tuesday i morning, for his future home in Sas katoon, Sask. Mr. Todd was well known as the freight checker in W J. Crothers' biscuit factory snd was | very popular ahont the city. he being | a member of Cataragui Lodge, 1.0.0 F. J. Walters accompanies the party ------ All disorders caused by a bilious | state of the svstem can be enred by | using Carter's Little griping or discomfort use. Try them. Nordbeimer pianos are instruments of the highest grade. Cataloowes and | full information at Ki~kpatrick's art rooms. 159 Princess street. ! ir. Chown's cherry cough eure cures | coughs and colds, 25. I Pills. No pain, | attending their | sleeping cars. Apply to nearest New York Central ticket agent. A slight! v used Nordbeimer pia: a bargain now 0 at on view at Kirkpat rick's art rooms, 139 Prinesss street How to beautify Kingston ? To have a dozen tall chimnevs along the luke and riger front, and a hundred rows of cottlges in the upper part of the aty, the homes of workingmen. oe ---------------------- Prudent People The prudent and far-seving man lave the foundation of a fortune much as a mason builds a brick walla hrick at' a time. The man who will not lay the first brick because it falls short of a completed wall, will not make much progress in acquiring a Fompetency Many people live up to their in- comes and decline to save be cause the amount available to start with appears too small The greatest financiers are not above caring for the pennies and this Bank will gladly aid You in saving yours, One dollar opens an account. Standard Bank of Canada to Thurs- | "Phone 6686. ER a. dP A Big Snap in Hosiery! | ! 20 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Cashmere Hos full $a: spliced heels and toes 9, 91. This is a barg larly 33¢. a pair $ will sell thew Wednesday we 25c¢ a pair Embroidery Are you needing Embiroiden kind ? Hf so come dire "st variety of newest ns marked at the very lowest priees NEWMAN & SHAW Corner Princess and. Bagot Streets LEADERS IN NEW IDEAS. on sal Vaoconver, | coast points obson British Colun to iopately low rates proportion at K. & P. and LY Apeits en. class One-Way ticket a gpi6iAL REDUGED RA o Feb. 15-te April 7. $46.30 otis, Bo Nelson, Rossl 80 iii $43. points FROM KINCSTON pons: lars . & PT an, ON as. Bay of Quinte Rail line for Tweed, Na oid rg all local points. ' ve City Hall Depot at 4 p. ONWAY, Agent B.Q. R WILL ISSUE SECOND CLA! COLONIST TICKETS Going We to "April 7 y 5th, Da hig A ir reduced om Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Portland omnes babagegesses Rossland, Nelson, Trail, Rob son, Spokane ....iieee sees Anaconda, Butte, Helena, "Salt LORE seenrrres veormmienes araasie Colorado ~ Springs, Denver, Pueblo Billings, Mont isco, San Francisco, ng! Low rates to many other point For Tourist Car Accommae Yckets,' and all other Informati to J. I. lanley, Ageat ohnston and Ontario streets, Ki ot en ERROR Quebec Steamship Compa BERMUL 48 hours from Ne eiched 18 Twin Screw Stu "Bermudian," 5,500 tons. Sailin ten days up to 17th arch. sailings therealter WESI INDIA CRU FROM NEW YORK For St. Thomas, St Antigua, Guadeloupe, que, St. Lucia, Barbados, mira. Sailings every ten davs. For beauty of scenery and pe of dimate this trip is unsurpuss flstrated pamphlets giving 1 and all mrormation, aj A OUTERBRIDGE & €0., fr Quebec Steamship Compan oe New York ; Al HERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canads et Agents, J. I'. HANLE 4, P, GILDERSLEEVE, Kingst Los Angeles ALLAN LINE Rovaim TO LIVERPOOL St. John From | 24. Mon. 31. Mon., A at., ril 7. Mon Tunisian, Sat., April 14. Mon. BOSTUN 170 GLASGOW Siberian Thurs., HALIFAX TO LONDON VIA I Sarmatian Sat., } For Rates of passage, ticke apply t J P ', Agent Gran VERS LERY iB, Ry. ingston. MEDICALS. 1¥, OFFICE Owcupied by Lr. Ryan, eal and Brock streets, -- L cornu R. WILLIAM GIBSON, PHYS Surgeon, etc. Late Residen Surgeon, Kinsston General k Office--2282 King oppos g streut, of Mobtreal, 'Vhione, 43 ARCHITEGTS, et -- Wi, NEWLAN)S. fios, second floor ov er Manoos Ag) Princes sand + Ghirance on Bago Telephone; 608, . a ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITE( site of New Drill Hall, » of Queen and Montreal si OWER & son ARCHITE & SON, CHITECT ants Bank Building, ARCRHI SU k corne ellington streets, 'Pho HENRY Pp, Syir RC ie « SMITH, ARCH Age Phos or Building, Market MONEY AND BUSINES HVERPOOL, LONDON AND 'o Insurance Company, aamsty $61,187,215. In 'add . Which the policy holders Hurity the unlimited liabilit Stockholders, Farm"and « PeRY insured Tates. at lowest h Ore renewin : BW bug; ® old o & 8 ness get rates from trange, Agen BOL 'IES COVER Mo) bac. BE and contents than a; Godan, offers. Examine t) " a Insurance Emporia AE HER 4 IN mag REPAIR OF |, ; ts and Shoes we are cular © 'maintain their iginal op OUR AN I-SQUEEK all resoling, feetly, » USE cis working 384 PRINCESS STREE THE FRONTENAC & INvesTmENT Sop) BUS