3 Te ky Ss or vee yok, aa, A 'to the a v loMees in Canada Fapid: SLY; ee improved' wrinting preswes. | Dritish Whig Publishing Co., Limited. Edw. J. B. Ponse, BN onan Director. "Opifer per Orbem Dicer." -- Semen . Option Law Attacked. The Commercial Travellers' Club, of London, is pressing fur _an amendment to the option law the effect hotel bar is closed, by popular ote, the municipality shall provide for the comfort of the travelliog men. The point is that under the license g! hotel a benefit or bonus, Woull ; that be legal? Would it be popular? | The fssue is presentixt with a force and dircotness that is certainly new. It will make the option movement some- what more striking thun it has heen heretolore. After The Ideal Act. The country should have presently a good election law, werkable generally and effective in the suppression of all wrongdoing, 'where both the govern went and the opposition unite in an effort to produce an ideal article, There are certain conspicuous de- foots at present, aml they are con: fussed by both sides or parties. These are saw-offs, delays in bye-cleetions, | errors of crosses in the preparation of voters' lists, and corruption which it is hard to avoid or evade through the presence of a vemal vote. The minor forces can be met and oblitera. ted, by an amended statute, but there are some things it will be hard to vorrect. There has been a clamour for the appointment of a public prosceutor, one who will tackle any case and cleanse the 'constituency or state of every impurity, Mr. Borden doubts the power of parliament to appoint such an official, Mr, Fitzpatrick, minister of justice, does not seo any real bar 10 the office and operation J of such a one. The floater and the bloater, the res peater and the telegrapher, will prob. ably find in the vew - measure some- thing that deeply concerns them. The desire of all hands is to put them out | of business, and the opinion has been expressed that this can be accomplish- eds All bail the finished work of this iqee committee, that, with the blessing of both sides in parlinment, has begun its labours. There is a general turning away from the im- purity of elections, and a striving for the machinery that will warrant the choice of members of parliament with- out the reproaches that have been ac corded in the past. Now is the winter of our discontent. The weather in February would have doh best--it's the cheapest. ] 'll give you a ton of coal, 's all coal, and looking for the birds, the bulbs and | the grasses, it iv most unwelcome. THe DAILY WHIG. | speaker snd he looks fatigued the government § been seemly but in March, when one is | out and he will be left to address the emipty seats, What a pity it is. thet the average speaker or lecturer--outside of the men who travel as public educators | ; and are trained in voice culture--does not understand the importance of lift- ing his voice in a. large room or: church and letting himself be heard. One cannot, as in parliament, shout "Louder," when he fails to hear the worried, and the man who sees the lifelessness of the audience should not fail to comprehend its meaning. All 'public speakers--the men who are constantly - before the people; in pur suance of their profession or call: Cing--should know how to use their voices and their hands, in graceful ex- 1 pression 'and gesture. Editorial Notes. The cigarette bill is about to receive wits annual airing or fumigating -i 1 pactigment, Will it pass ? It ought to, but it will not. At least that is the outlook . HAS Why should the leader of the oppo- sition in the senate not havo a salary ax well as the leader of the opposition if the conimons ? Is this a reason, think you, for the difficulty of filling the place ? There is nothing more wearisome than tg listen 18 a man's talk for hall an hour and hear only a few discon eeted words occasionally. There id neither information nor interest in the alice, "The Brantford Expositor, whose edi- tor is a member of the legislature, ydoes not think that Kingston will get J what it wants in the way of afi- am- endient to its election methods, Well never ask, never get, -------- The Mail "tells us that there is no) geafting in the deal of the province with the Bank of Montreal for the sale of the Temiscaming railway lands. No one suggested it, but the Mail. What provoked. the thought ty * Astor, publisher of the Pall Mall Ga- zotte, may call Winston Churchill bad names, but the young man will have his say all the same, He may be a trifle fresh, for one of his age, but he has more brains than any one of the Astor family, ---- The attorney-general (Hon. C. Wil- son), has left the McBride governnint in British Columbia. He was deegived in a land deal by his colleagues, and resented it by resigning. The young statesman that leads the government is walking on very thin ice, Premier McBride came all the way from British Columbia, to give the people. of Ontario advice prior to the lust provincial election. Premier Whit- ney ought to return the compliment, and go west and give the prople "at the doast the benefit of his opinion, A crisis is on, ---- Spring Importation 0f 1906. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of -imported goods for his order elothin t, consisting of Scotch t cheviots and Vicunas. His 815 suiting made to order heats ata an thing of vious years. The y and. Siting 3s guaranteed. Hard or soft com# cured with three applications of Peck's Corn salve, Guaranteed. Money back if not satis- factory. In boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug store. name of Charles '8. Francis, Troy, N.Y. former, American minister to Greece will be tent to the United wiadh auate a8 aiibasson to. Aus- r nga © succeed amy Stor- iF Prasicis * father was former a to Austria: THE WORST KIND Alter Tilen have existed time Caturrh ha aching fi ] i ; ending it in a whisper, will soon wake to the fact that he has lost the at.' J ten days : CLveland ) t expect to get out within forty-eight x ord. fhe | sisters, Mother St. il nd the | lakes indieato that of -- and Mot wenth- month, the opening. any, earlier than the middle of in & Goderich, and other on: shore of Lake the heavy north-east winds © stared bri Ids of very heavy do tt the St. Re and Blosk it again. m in the 1% river, near Nari City. is very heavy, ox from the bottom of the river ne foet out of the wo steamers of the De- toit- A 8 line, which started out and were caught in , are still there; they hours. : LOOK FOR SPRING HUMORS. They Croup Out Constantly Show- 'ing the System Needs Purifying. Since time immemorial it has been pe gp 10 take "spring medicine" wh; "Ri winter your: clothes have been heavy, you may mot Have bathed so frequently, and you've eaten a lot of strong heavy food. Consequently the of the skin have not eliminated fast, the liver is sluggish and the whole system with impurities. wring days bring poisons to the re and an, they will break ory in roshes, humors and pimples; Before sickness arrives, you should cleanse and purify the system with Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. At once you'll feel their mighty in- fluence building up weak spots," clear- ing out . disease, and putting you in on your feet. Pp vetabic pills change your tired worn-out condition to one of health and vigor, because they sup- ply the body with nourishing blood that builds up and enlivens the entire system, John Whitley, of Stanwood, P.0., Ont., knows the "merit of Dr. Hamil. ton's Fills and says: "I wouldn't be alive to-day it thot" been for Dr. pHamios's 8. Last winter I was si wi grippe . when - spring ieamo 1 'was weak, ious and rheu- matic. I used' enough medicine to cure twenty 'times, but [ didn't get any hel till 1 tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They purified my blood, took the vellow color ont of my face, putting tone in my 8 and increased my appetite, The ious apks aid and rheu- il an Dr. ie lls made a fieraried man of me, 1 proved Wt nate merit and pro- claim them a medicine for all men.' If better health and prompt recover, are important, , get Dr, fy 8 Pills of Mandrake & Butternut to- day. At all dealers, 25c. per box or five boxes for $1. By mail from N. C, Polson & Co., Hartford,» Conn., U.S» A., and Kingston, Ont. -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Why Should It? | Winnipeg Telegram. "he increase in the Manitoba bounty for 'the killing of wolves makes the money-sharks sit up and do some hard thinking. -- A Wise Choice. Hamilton HeraM It is not, strange that Sir Wilirid Laurier preferred to be autocrat of Canada rather than a nonenity in the British House of Lords, In Great Luck, Toronto World One of the Hamilton jury trying the plunabers held out for six hours against a conviction, Chances are he never had bis water pipes burst, A Wonderful Invention. Toronto Star. The Japs have invented a wireless telephone, the great advantage of which is that it is calculated to fool omtral's aggravating habit of reply. ing. "Line's busy." Tough On The Plumbers. Windsor Record. Judge Mabee, trying the Hamilton plumbers charged with feand, refused to allow a defendant to make a state ment unless he swore to it. Truly, the way of the plumber is waxing bard, but he can always find sweet solace and comp wsation in his bill, Using Large Language. Ottawa Free Press. ive hundred million dollars is quite a mouthiul of words with which tp express the volume of Canada's Feommerce with the outside world dur- ing the rurrent fisenl year. Cana- dians, however, are vapidly learning the lamruage of the capitalists and should be able to master sen- tence, > EE -------- vears, youngest daghter of the late Tubward Byrne, formerly of Pittsburg, na away. Mowday night, at her home, 362 Johnston street. Though Miss Byrne hind always lived 'a very quiet life, she had many, friends in the city, whe will regret her Joss. Those who survive are two brothers. James, in the the city, with whom she lived, and Thomas. Sault Ste. Marie, and tires Jane, Con- de Notre Dame, Montreal: Aingston, | Toronto N y be The ethesteil vg of navigation: setback. Reports he shore, These will he driven, : Interesting Point in in Taterpretation of Will. late H Hiram J. Manhard, Eliza- Sg Te wi neat is rag : Jnsuifure to his widow, and Prov that she be given a coni- fortable home on the Tru "> ong as shé remains o Mrs. Manhard and a $i6r-davehter are vow having a dispute as to what a comfortable home ineans. Fhe dangles, Mrs. Stur- gron, suggests that a couple of rooms is sufficient; the widow demands the entire house. Chancellor Boyd suggested a compro: mise. "MH this is not effected," said he, "all the property will be spent in fee ing the lawyers to find out what 'com- fort' means. They will not find much cowlort in that." WARREN WwW, Who recently resigned PAY, his position as in Kingsbury the Government in 1858 and for carried mail in West and North- will become his rural letter carrier founty, S. D., entered service as mail carrier nearly forty years various parts of the west, His son, Victor, successor, S A IIITAVY SNOWFALL. That Came Most Undesirably at This Late Period. It is not usual for a snow storm of the extent of that of Monday night to do business here at this fate date in March, though once in a while a ood snow. fall has bon witnessed ou March 31st. However, it is some vears since a winter, which should have dome its duty two months ago got busy at the springtime opening. Snow began 'to fall lightly Monday afternoon and continued pretty well through the night. In the morning, the depth was cight inches, on the level, the largest fall of the winter, which has seen so little snow. At this late date, the snow was not re quired. It will leave the hitherto dry streets in a pretty mess as soon as the thaw begins. The fall was too light to affect the street railway serviee. The sweepers were out early, and the tracks were d | quickly cleared. This is thé" first time during the winter that a force of corporation men have heen required to clear the crossings and walks along city pro perty. With The Curlers. Those poor tall, thin creatures were completely overcome by those little fat men in the Lightweights vs. Heavy- weights curling match, 'Monday night Lightweights--R. J. Hooper, G. E. Hague, Prof. Gill, J. Gibson (skip)-S. Heavyweights--T, M. Asselstine, Dr. Etherington, Licut.-Col.. Young, W. Lesslie (skip) Two junior rinks go to Napaner, to- day, for a match, to-night, with the curlers of thai tewn. It has been agreed that trustees of the New York Life, cognizant of the political contributions in 1896, 1900 and 1904, should reimburse the com- pany S14%,000, To Loosen the Cough Bring About a Thorough Cure of Colds, Use Dr. Chase's in" Linseed and And Turpentine It is sometimes dangerous to stop a cough. The aim should be to loosen the cough, relieve the tightness and pain in the chest, and aid expectoration, so that the obstructing and irritating mass may be passed out of the air passages, his is exactly what is accomplished by the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, It is not a mere cough mixture, and not intended to stop the congh, but rather to cure the cold. If you have tickling in the throat, pains and tightness in the chest, sen sations of irritation, of oppression or suffocation this great family medicine will afford almost instant relief, and thoroughly overcome the cold which gives mse to these symptoms, Not only is Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine a positive cape for eroup, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma and severe chest colds, but is also a preventive of all diseases of the lungs. It has time and again proven its right to a place in every home, and is the standby in thousands of families, Miss Ada O "Brien, Cape Cove, Gaspe County, Que, writes: "Eight onths ago-l was tnkin With a severe couch, which lasted three months, and, though 1 had tied all sorts of medicines, thev failed to do me avy good. A friend ad- vised the use of Dr. Chase's Svrup of linseed und Turpentine, and 1 was completely cured by tno bottles, I can recommend it as a splendid madicine," Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, 25¢. a bottle, at 'all doal- ers, or Edmavson, Bates & Company, Toronto. To protect vou against imi- tations, he portrait and signature of DreoAW. 2 the famous , receipt The H. D. Bibby Co. the time. x To meet all conditions. 0 different weights and fabrics. usefulness for sunshine. $10, $12.50, $13, $15 fo See Our New THE H. D. c---- -- --_ a. The H. D. Bibby Co, © From Ceylon': OATS! | mL Spring weather i is "always uncertain--cool to-¢ ay, raining to-morrow and sunshine the next day, Your Winter Overcoat is a burden two-thirds of wn a Cravenette Worsted An ideal and' stylish rain or shine Overgarment, We've genuine English Rainproof Worsted Coats jp The waterproofing does not injure the fabric or its a Our Raincoats are handsome Overgaim:nts jp sunshine and a necessity in the rain. All sizes with a price range from $8.50 to $18. See Our New Fashion Brand Suits r young men. Hats. Gloves and Shirts for Spring 9% 9 BIBBY CO. Bt lB lng Cu ne, ---- Flattering compliments are being paid tho.e who are wearing The New High Bust Straight Front D. & A. Corset No Corset Suits present styles as well It is packed in se fine flavor and ar 40c., 50¢. and 6 aniSNES GHES MADE IN CA Send for the CANADIAN SHRE] 25¢., 30¢., 20000060 DOOOONOE POE ------------------ Beaver Flo Makes More Bry -------- because it is made of the Wheat, Manitoba Hard and © Beaver Flour has "str ~takes up water readily--a dough ** stands up " in the o Beaver Flour has" F Tiyery good Bread, Pie and maker kuows just what that Doaver Floar BETTER Bread, and yields Dread, Cake and Pastry to the Your first baking proves tl No bleaching processes use "TORONTO NE The Advertiser's Opportunity Is In Ontarfo. Throu medium of *' The N Toronto. Nowhere i ada can you reach : profitabls field as C and in no paper ca get as large results fo money. Do you want to pr "The News" will w 300 vards Genuine Scotch Tweeds, 52 Ladies' Eton Suits and Skirts. We they were regular, they would cost quick selling of these, on Thursday of them for .. 50 Dark Colored C day at ... price is very low. We had 600 pairs give you one me w A few odd sizes in these They're worth 2.50, i that we will Don't miss these, 300 short ends--the "3 about one-hali yard 3 tings of the Se. 'and lie. --- / --OF T Are here in pass anything we Have styles in Patent" Calf and Vici Kid. we give you a chance We have about fifty Park Colored Skirts that have been going ver the ie ces Tange from $3 to 85---take your choice of You can got any Grey Cottons. You can get them here at ............co..... plete variety. They sur- B,C, D and E widths. $5 a pair Silver Grey Tweed Thursday 69c to 54 inches wide, very desirable fo bought a clearing line you 9, 81 a to 64) loth Skirts, $1.89 those on Ladies' Black Hose, 10c. Pair It's really astonishing how much of a line of goods you ean of these Hose on Satucday--we | re chance at them Thursdaes 10c. pai Ladies' Black Cloth Skirts, $1.25 cliar out on Thursday at 21.25 Grey Cotton Remnants, 8c. longest about 8 yards, length you want. ' Thursday morning not The James Johnston Store 180 WELLINGTON STREET. LT -- The Spring Styles HE-- "Royal Shoe" For Men retofore shown. Many 8 a Oss s0s8e00 ss [McDermott's hook awtbor, are on very bottle, 2 Shoe Store ® 0 0900000 20000 0000088 of these. If yard, To make at your choice if the nye ® s ® . Colt, Gun Metal Calf, Velour g 9 ® your trial. The flat) "The News" enabl to run advertising . lowest possible rate, { It does not pay, youc continue at any time flat rate is 4 cents pe " 56 cents per inch. This advertisem a ITE ht Companies at Lowes 5 Money to Loan on Real I 21 Wellingtone Auction S o Furnit "JOHN H. MII She Leading A Noi BORN, KbEN At Dessronto ! i t \ and Mrs, supe. a ightor, in ton, on 3 ELLiorr =} vou A to My fie " dan Bis ---------- MARRIED, PTAN At Nag 1th, Alfred; Haney \ to Katheri fer burgh. IN t Napai ter Douglas Pau So th of ( WALKED Ae Nay Min Fmite Young th of B ath ------ Ly-1y In Nor, : N apanee, Sight y. Aig o ug Tess 7 : Be now ol station tel at t Strashi : a: hry, so m Central Europe, gether ahout £92 000,