ii : yikesl Fil it Feet PE il , and Bers fox 'the coming iatle: | 3 : te | season, id the ansagtion if general Dope ha oak LC. shea, ict ean, Fires | street, patentecs tev, research Yo Som Srauted » t on their to give tion in , but refused pat- whieia ent in a it fringes on. a Mogul {patent already there, There PS Mae Watt has remted' the wrk as re of C. B. EE 5 Ii Fi Egs HH § | : lightning. Temple the lake, a long earthquake, but that the image the waters of is ERE ii London, - March 20.~The enormous dividend of 145 per cent. was declared by the Mysore Gold Mining company at the annual meeting, held in Lon- don, the other day. The profit for the year was stated to be £450,556 ($2,- The mills had crushed 195,650 tons of quartz, vielding 184,057 ounces of bar id. As far as the cousistency in Sividends is , "the My%om gold mine is probably the richest mn thy world, and yet there hangs in the London office of the company a fram- ol certificate of the transfer of 1,000 £1" (5) shares at the price of 9d. (15¢.) cach. Such shares would be worth £14 ($70) cach to-day. For the last ten years the dividends id have ranged between one hun red and fifty per cent. per amnum. Since 1886 the lowest dividend for one yoar has been ten per cent. The original capital was £135,000 (675,000), and in twenty-five years the mine have received divi- heads amounting to no less than £4 - 406,542 (S22092.710), while the pre ciotis metal yielded in the same period has amounted to value to £%306,014 {11 L070). story of the rise and progress of the mine is almost like a fairy tale, There was a time, twenty-four vears ago, when illsuccess had reduced the company's capital to two or three thousand pounds, and a winding-up was only narrowly averted. A direc tors' meeting was Bel to consider the position, and it was proposed to wind-up forthwith. way, spent the v's last few on going ttle with the result that vearly t and a half willion pounds | 000) worth of precious metal bas bon got Out of a goldield whose existence would Sieewine were have been ir-| ther setting in again, the people have ing. Some on Saturday, A 5 od before | Philip Heaslip, J.P., on the charge of phaing Srunk ang' disorderly. He was For the small man who has out- grown his baby dresses of soft lingerie materials, and if yet too small for knickerbockers, those Russian blouse suits are still holding first place. The metropolitan lilliputian bazaars are displaying these in the new season's white and ¢ream mobairs, in plain and figured weaves. The dark leather belt of past seasons is now being replaced by a belt of the suit material, and the white mother of pear] buckle is mark ly little suit is of a plain chiffon weight mohair, in cream, all the edges stitch- ed with a heavy white silk, the clos ing at the left side made invisibly, the narrow bands on fastened with a single pearl button. It Cared Their Rheumatism. A remedy must of course be judged by what it does and we shail be glad to have Dr. cure put to this test. The remedy has been used in this locality for Years. It has been employed in all sorts of acute and chronic cases, It has cured when other remedies have failed--when no other remedy would cven relieve. It deserves a thorough test by any one who has rheumatism or neuralgia in any form. Its action is thorough. It can't harm. It will cure. Price 50c. Sold only at Wade's drug store. This is the preparation that eured Mrs. A. R. Gamble, Womyss, Ont. ---------- At Pleasant V. . Pleasant Valley, March "17-1¢ was thought spring had set in ten days ago, and some had tapped their trees, but the winter wea- to wait yet for sugar making, of the Jasers are fencifiy and "repair ing t lanes and ¥ fi tim Nr. og or what improved in health, . Brad- ford, Sr, js quite poorly, Others who Were on sok list are ' t. a ---- - How's This ? ® offer One Hundred Dollars Reward eR F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. | oe ve known F. J. Sony hm perfectly Bone inenit on all of these. The | the bishop sleeves | Hall's Rheumatic | , | tains a coupon entitling you 1. 'f] 11.004 Us ( Strike nity in this town clean again andno damage done. Illustrated, 50 cts per year. sending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co.Ltd. St.John', P Q. hile the One dollar will do the work of three Come that this is the greatest, grandest and broadest sale ever held in Everything Must Be Sold. JOSEPH SILVER, 102 Princess St, By the Canadian Mencantile Company. ---- ee ---- i : 1] Home Needlework is a magazine ! that every lady should take. Issued 4 times a year, 96 pages beautifully 'Write jor sample r (1)° at least six Iron Is Hot Buy Clothing, Furnishings and Furs while this wonderful Doomed Sale is on and save one-half the price you would be ob- liged to pay your regular dealer. Far beyond our expectations was the crowds of ) X eager buyers that packed our store to its utmost.cap icity, and why not ? Never was there such an opportu- and be convinced Kingston YOUR HAT Makes Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "in style," but the modern hat or wen hat lots to answer for. | Baldheads are growing more n ner- J | ous every day. Hats make excellent | breeding places for the parasitic germs { which sap the [life from the roots of { the hair. i When your hair begins to fall out { and your scalp is full of dandruff it is { ya { @ sure sign that these countless germs are busily at work, | There is but one wav to overcome | the trouble and kill the germs--that {way is to apply Newhro's Herpicide | to the scalp--it will kill the germs and { healthy hair is sure to result Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. { in stamps for sample to the Herpicide { Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W, Mahood special agent. | --r-- TT May Be a Stylish One, But It LABA S are Nature's Best Tonics. products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. healthful and aid digestion are very palatable beverages and agree with the mo:t delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, e and Porter Pure Mal They are very Labatt s 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. Mountain urove Items. Mountain Grove, March 17.--William McKnight left this week for the west, | where he iniends to live. The people | seem well pleased with the new organ | placed in the Methodist church; tone is sweet and the case js artistic Mixs Minnie Barry of this place, anu Charles Barker, of Arden, were mar- ried hy Mr. Smart, at the bride's home, recently. In spite of little snow the mill here has 4 logs on hano to Keep the boys sawing till the Jime roses bloom Mrs. "New maple syrup" up in the town st but out hers where res for some tine, it is made, + w haven't seen any vet. Strange, Laogh at little troubles and save your strength for the big ones. A Two-For-One Shot. When you use Ozone use "Celery King" with it. Whatever kind Ozone You buy you will need to use King," which i i Tr . C8 18 a companion purest form of Ozone is "Solu tion of Ozone (the coupon kind.)" Each bottle contains about twice as for your money ther brands, bosides hottie which each bottle ton- of "Celery King" free. Ths Ozone contains a otion of = LY'. is fifty cents gnd drug Sh <8 J.B. , isn't it ---- Is T's the quality, not the length of | SI IFIEI the prayer, that tells for vood. Le «ELLIOT Pots and Pans, Brea Sauce Pans, and the d that should be in kitchen are here, at prices 77 Princess Street, Phone 35. writer. EMPIRE will please you draw trade. Price, $60, = Try one for a month. All the different shapes a a well Kitchen Needs ! There is a lot of things needed Kitchen that you never think less you keep house or a tin store. We have been supplying people with these things for so many years we can tell preity what they want. nd styles in very low, T BROS . PIP PLLLOPOD SEP DIPS SOI POLO You're a Back Number . It you do not use a Type- The visible writing < and YY PPS C. DOBBS & 00.. 171 Wellington St. oe \ "OF CANADIAN KORTE F MOMESTEAD REGULATIC mbered section of A eo 2 Mamtoba ot tne, vi xcepting a w Frovitas. pe homesteaded u aon Who is the sole hea ag male over 18 y § uoilf, 9 Mixtet of one-quarte ye 50 acres more or less. a pd pe made personally dice for tho dis esl land OE en is situated, « she a der desires, he may, oF pametiey the Minister of He i tog Sommissioner of per beh Com Sian & tol, Siete in which the lund i de de authority for some ® make entry or DUTIES TA sett HOMES ted an entry for ond is on ired to perform t Sous connected therewith under wlans : i we follor et x tnonthe resident jvation of the land in ea and Be term of three years. we the father ¢ is deceased) of any perso hibel to make a homestead e eieitle. 1 ovisions of this Act, A a farm in the visinity ih tered yy such person for bY ements of this Ac stead. the btaining pat : sor to obta hal al by such person. reds ther or inother. oo the settler has pis ve dence upon farming land © residert he vicinity of bia nonveste him ments of tims Act as to1 Te satistied bv residence u wi sid land. ON FOR PATENT APPLICATION "Pf thres ve t the he mde Scar Agent, Sub-Agen hr estead 1 ctor. \ tos ma annlications Befgre, give six months je to the Uonmumssioner a. Ids at Ottawa, of his i o do so. UNOPSIS OF CANADJAN MINING REGULATI ands may be pure WE: i soft coal and t- more than 320 a individual id by One » a Re at the rate of per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be oss output . free miner's certif otapted upon payment in adv $5 per annum for an individy from $50 to $100 per annum for pany according to capital. A free miner, havine discovered fn place, may, locaté a claim 500 feet Rd for recording a claim At least $100 must be expende lain each yoar or puid to the mi corder in lieu thereof. When § been expended or paid, the loca won having a survey made, ap complying With other requiremer chase the land at %1 an acre. The patent provides for the pay foyaity per cent on the sa! R mining claims gener square ; entry fee $5, n PLAC] 100 feet A free miner mov obtain two | dredge for gold of five miles ea Bb V P) wabl terin of twenty Vears, rene discretion of the Minister of the The lessee shall have a dredge ation within one seaspn from the the lease for each five miles, Re ver annum for cach mile of rive te of 24 per cen ut after it excceds Ww. W. COl Deputy of the Minister of the N.B.--Unauthorized publication advertisement will not be paid EMBOSSING 5 for Paper and En ENGRAVING» Lette: Besides all classes of Lett Printing from a card to a voly THE WHIG, Ki minigames minimap are-- "THERE IS & TIMI FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while price: {low, is the time tc ! your coal bin with quality SCRANTON 4 from {Py Walsh's Y: ' BARRACK STREET. mire rn i { | ' ! At Strachan's Har ------ ee | ENTER N¢ or a L Civ Servicusiness, Shorth Ce Course; Kingston Business © - Limited Head of Queen Stre Kingston . . . Co ous Apartments, ec ' excell fraduates In ese) Tr instruction by experienced teat + Open tl year. Ca 9.B, McKAY, H. ¥, MET . President, Pri Kingston Milk I