of Men--The Influence pman Cannot Be Over. c- | =o grateful that I am gl; ri you of my Ha glad a write ol i e ne healtin new life and vitality." ust r,| What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetal, s, | Compound did for Mrs, elegy le ¢fdo for othe women who are in poor «, | health and ailing, oot o- | Its'benefits begin when its use begins. o|It gives strength and vigor from the c start, and surely makes sick women wel] b ant robust, > member Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. = {table Compound holds the ey h | the greatest number of actual cures of r| woman's ills. This fact is attested to «| by the thousands of letters from grate. ful women which are on file in the a | Pinkham laboratory. } Women should remember that a h | for "all female diseases and that cure is Lydia E. getable Compound, el If you have symptoms you don't un: \ derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, i Mase Jor special advice. The present x Mrs. nkham 8 the daughter-in-law of -| Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant befor her decease, and for twenty-five -|#ince her advice has been freely given | to sick women. . apound Succeeds Where Others Fail, NR Rh, , § The H. D, Bibby Co, OATS! ys uncertain--cool to-day, shine the next day. tis a burden two-thirds of "ure actually exists, Pinkham's Ve. e years own a e Worsted ain or. shine Overgarment. ainproof Worsted Coats in S. s not injure the fabric or its andsome Overgarments in the rain. ange from $8.50 to $18. Our : Brand Suits Or young men. Hats, Gloves r Spring % 3 BIBBY CO. WR ag gh IVE CHARACTER .. AL WiFg SSS ros LoTTic {lf QR HOLLINGSWORTH. "lef in sight. 7 & JMADAN SOCIETY GIRL _ BY PE-RU-NA. Cold Produced Catarrh of | Throat--Attack Was Severe, Miss Lottie Hollingsworth, Prescott, Ont., Can, writes: 5 «After suffering for weeks with a cold, it left me with catarrh of the x. My voice was so hoarse that 1 thought | would lose it entirely, my peck was swollen, and altogether my was very serious. & "[ bought some Peruna atte T Hud used other remedies without relief, In afew days my voice was clearer, it did not tire énaily and I began to see re- «| really was surprised to find that J] was cured so soon. I took only four. bottles 01 Peruna, and it is certainly well worthy of cadorsement."" Expectant Mothers should take *Bf-Ju™ during' this trying time. The extra strain, weight and undue pres. sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby in jeopardy. Bu-Jdu keeps the Kidneys stromg and vigorous--acts as a mild tomic on all the female organs, and prevents constipation. A "BuJu" pill at bedtime is the best protection against Kid- ney Trouble during pregnancy. At all druggists, or direct on receipt of price, s0c per box. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. &F i --------_ StopsHeadache Zutoo, tite Japanese headache cure, is afriend in need, : Don't without a trial, condemn it as somet that will hurt you, # Ta 1 when you suspect a headache twil ward it off, - Taken later it will cure the headache in twenty minutes. In every ca eave you fzeling good, as the soda which is one of But don't confound h wi the drug cures and condemn it thou a trial. That isn't fair to Zutoo PULLEYS! od ist received a carload of Res ater Wood Sulit Pulleys steer Dhaiting, ete. All sizes © in ck cd Gasoline 3) e, {rom 1} to 20 Gasol : Fuge lies aly Yu hh Plug and Coiis Gasol "Hy "hart, phlied from' tank on our Cy \ chasing! ¥¢ our' Engine before pur- SELBY .& Yi CLE JOULDER, LIMITED Phrenology AND Palmistry . PROF, J. DUFTY Consulted daily at the Wind- sonal Sor hotel and press endorse " jals. g i TE moderate. and diplomas, Y. W. C. A. FRIDAY AT 7.45 Cooking Demonstration Soups, Mock Bisque, Bean Puree, Soup Stocks a ¥, father of Rev. 8. Sel church, Byer Wall Street Methodist ville, is dead, aged eigh- Waewy v THE: GRAND LODGE J Guelph, 15 Charles J, J ol guilty . in CONEERS DEGREES ON 300 NEW. DELEGATES, Wife Wants Husband Declared a Lunatic--Banwell's Trial Post. poned--Father Paradis' Action i" Dismissed -- Much Married Cook. Torontd, March 21.-The twenty- vighth anvval session of thefGrand i A.0.UW., met this mofning, in the Temple building. these grand officers hing, in their places : Joseph Gibson, Ingersoll, PJ Wa CB, Cameron, froyuois, GF; M, D. Car- der, Toronto, G.R.; R. Ingraham, Ot- tava, "g¥and guide; Hurry Harris, W. W. Burgess, Mimico, G.ONs A Gs FF. lawrence, grand solicitors Ge ton , Cotton, gram wedieal examiner, and F. G. Inwood, grand Arensurir. The grand lodge de- groo was. conferred on upwards of 300 new delegates. A motion was made, on behalf of Murgaret Tuckett, of Myrtle. Hull, Hamilton, wife of Charles: Paul Tuckett, to have her loshin declared a lunatic, and a conumittes appointed to manage the estate. Phe couple were married in 1398, aid, have one child. Mrs. Tue- kett claims that her husband is ad- dicted #0 drink, and has various de- lusions, Dr. "Wallace, of Hamilton, in an affidavit, states that Tuckett be- lieves he 3s a prominent member of the secret' service, and a servant in the household. Martha Ashburn de clares that one of Tuckett's acts is to bring' a deuvken friend home, lock him in a room, and ask the rest of the household to come and see the Bar- ton 'murderces Tackett, on the 26th of this 'month; will be thirty years of oge, and will come into an income of $6,000 a vear. He has already had an annuity of $2,000; and rentals of £1,081 "a Vear. Many hwidreds of people crowded te the sessions, this morning, to listen to the trial of Edwin St. George Ban- well and his wife." They were disap- pointed, however, as the trial was postponed till this afternoon: The action of Rev. Father Charles A. M. Paradis, . of Verner, Nipissing district, against the National Trust company, as the executors of the late E. A. Bremner. of Sturgeon Falls, for £1,000, in eonnecfion with the sale of the charter of the Temagami railway, was dismivsed in the non-assizes: to- day. this morning, Hendrick, a eook the police court, this morning, to having married three women within the last seven months, all of Whom are He was re- mantkxl for "sentence. GE A edmiis---- Sunbury Notes. Sunbury, March 21.--The snow tov "on Monday has again brought sleighs in use on our driving road. plead- attended. The pastors of the different denominations preached effective and cloquent sermons. William McNee- ly still remains under a physician's care, Ensign Crego and wife will farewpel]l fggin ghig corps in a few days and it 1s reported will take an eastern station, Robert Smith. left an Monddy for Saskatoon, Sask., and intends lo- cating there. Farmers are cutting their season's wood this week. Factorymen are preparing for operations in a short time and some are awaiting a milk supply, and can start anytime, Some farmers ure hauling logs this week to Jackson's mill. Some of lagrippe arc still in our midst. Our public schobl attendance is still large, cases and with the teacher having the es- teem of all. "The circulation of the Whig is fast increasing. Butchers are now almost' daily. callers. With them calves ave In Hemand. Flowers Stolen. Tuesday afternoon, between two and three o'clock, two' young ladies * were seen to enter the greenhouse of George Eloyd, while Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd were absent. The door of the greenhouse was locked, but it i= said the girls pulled the staple from the door and entered later i each hold ing a parcel resembling a bouguet, An atlemptl 'was made to drive the staple back Jute pla A neighbor witnessed the air told Mrs. Lloyd and when an investigation was made, it was found that some roses and blies were missing. The police have notified and the offenders will be pumished ii found. toming out, who been 12 Hour Cold Cure. A 'remedy?! like' Wade's Cold Cure Tablets" (Laxative), simply assists na- ture, to do quickly that, unaided, she would require a week to do. It stimu- lates the vital organs to activity, ex- vels poisonous waste matter and re- licves any eopgestion that may exist. It is these properties that alse make the remedy ceffective for la grippe, headache, constipation, ete. In boxes, 5c. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. A Quiet Wedding. On March quict event Sadie, to Arthur Fraser, of The young couple received many con- grptuldtiohs. The young bride is held in the highest esteem. '"'Chaucer" Elliott Home. "Chaucer" Flhott is home after spending "the winter as referee in the International Professional ~~ Hockey League, in the west. He says he has not signed with any baseball club as vet, und does not know whether he will play this coming season or not. Unaccountable Mistake. Kingston, March 20-~(To the Edi tor) : John Smith's hymnal is right, and 1 was wrong. I perceived the un- acesungale Teistake as soon as 1 had hiiahed ie [a Yours, J. MACKIE. Thowlad' Albefry, Brockville. is dead in Brockville, hospital, aged seventy- ars Teaving threa danghters and oy Church, services were on Sunday well | tions, pers were out strong, but trade Npe asked LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ---- Prices Paid at Various Points. . Montreal, March 19.--About 700 head of butchers' cattle, thirty-five wmileh cows, 300 calves, 10 sheep and 100 fat bogs wero offered for sale at the cast end abbattoir to-day, "Fhe butch- was: rather slow, as higher prices were be for nearly all' sorts of cattle. Prime beeves sold at 4)e. to Sie. per Ib. pretty good cattle, 3c. to dic, and the common stock, 2}e. to 3ic. per Ib. There were a number. of superior cows brought from Torom- to, and from 855 to X70 was asked for them, but the buyers did not ap- pear willing to pay so mach; the other cows sold at 830 to $30 ench. A pair of large calves were sold for $30; the ethers were young veals, which sold at $2 to $1 each. Sheep sold at about $C each, or dic. to 6le. per lb. Good lots of fat hogs sold at Tie. to Td. per Th, The "Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March ' 19. Cattlo--Re- ccipts, 31,000; best steady; others 10c. lower; beeves, " £3.90 to £6.35; cows and heifers, £1.60 to £5.10; stockers and feeders, £1.70 to $1.75; Texans, £175 to $1.50, Hogs-- Receipts, 45,000; 3c. to l0e. lower; mixed and butchers', 86.10 to $6.10; good heavy; £6. rough heavy, 86.10 to 20; 26.05 to £6.35; pigs, 35.90 'to 26.20; bulk of sales, R6. Sheep--Receipts, 25, sheep, £3.75 to 8; lambs; £6.90, lower; £1.60 to East Buffalo Live Stock. East Bufialo, March 19.---Cattle--Re- ceipts, 3,125 head; heavy, slow; others active and 'strong to 10c, higher; prime steers, $5.50 to $5.85; shipping, $1.55 to 85.40; butchers', $1.50 to heifers, $3.50 to $5.10; cows, 83 5; bulls, 8205 to 4.65; stock: ers and feeders, 3,25 hy ifers, $2 springer to 852, Veals--Reccipts, 1,400 head; active, £5.50 10 89, a few £9.95, 75 to ¥1.50; fresh cows and to $3 lower; 216 Hogs-- Receipts, 11,100 head: active: "irs 10. higher; others 5& to 10c. lower; heav mixed, and Yorkers, "6.80; pig: 73 to 86.80; roughs, 25.90 to 26.15; stags, $4.25 to 81.75. Sheep and . lambs--Receipts, 18,000 bead; sheep active; lambs, - slow; lambs, $6.26 to $7.40; vearlings, $6 1, $6.50; wethers, to $0.25; ewes, 85 5 mixed, 83 to 85 85.175; Crumley's Millinery Opening. Of 'all the displays of spring mijllin- ery seen in the city, yesterday and to- day, none was more beautiful nor in better waste than that on view at Crumley Bros, and no milliners were kept busier than Mrs. Adams and her willing assistants, in pointing out the different features of the different crea- to those who thronged the large, bright, showrcoms, It is really wonderful the number of hats sold al- ready, notwithstanding the wintry weather which greeted the opening. But women have been planning their \spring costumes for some time back, and were just waiting for the openings to secure' the finishing touch--a dainty, becoming head-dress. And certainly Crumley's is the place to buy hats this spring. They have hats to suit all faces and pocketbooks, from the elaborate Paris or New «York creation down to the ducky little model made by skilled artists here in Kingston. One heautiiul mod] pointed out was made of a becoming shade of old rose tulle, tilted slightly over the face and fill«l in at the back with the same shade of tulle. From the centre of the front, and caught with a handsome buckle, 'was a long, shaded, plume, which, contrary to the usual custom ran across the right side of the hat instead of the left. Anotheg very smart hat is made from. a long cone-shaped foundation which is crushed down wm til it les in soft folds all over the top, and is trimmed with violet color ed ribbon antl wings, and bye-the-bye, large quantities of ribbon avpear on all the hats, Dresden and plain rib: bon, all mixing in beautifully with the flowers and ferns, with which the hats are trimmed this season, Flow ribbon, feathers and wings seem all to be popular and the new shades are, mullberry, raspberry, violet. blue and pale pink. But to thoroughly ap preciate it all, must view the showing for oneself, as only a mere one outline can be given in print, The Cigarette Habit. Yarker, March = 20.--We have sleigh- ing again and many are availing them- selves of the clifance for another sleigh ride. R. oh shipping hogs from here again. The Ladies' Aid will give a tea in the Methodist church here at Eagter. Borglars at New- burgh; where next. All hands get out vour shooting irons. Mrs, E. Vanluven is improving the front of her residence here. J. Watt will build an addition to his hotel The kitchen and dining- son is 15th, 'a very pretty, but | purposes. We took place at Mrs. John | Peterboro are intending to enforce the Perpyman'g, Markland street, at the | law, as regards the sale to minors of marritige of her youngest daughter, | cigarettes. It seems that parties gslon, by the Rev, Stearne Tighe. | six. He leaves five sons and two daughters. ; "a and Hauyler's high-class | candy. Iv in sealed packages. Sole ageney at the Red Crosse Drug Store. ' Hat, room will be enlarged. It is intended to erect a new building here for bank notice. Norwood and n this section are breaking the law or ignorant of it} for young men under eighteen are often seen cigaretles. Services are being held in the English church here during present week. Herbert Garrison in the parsonage by Rev. Mr. Farns- worth, Wednesday night. Vanluven, and will build a butcher stall there. H. Barclay, Mrs, 1,. Mrs. M. Warner, are on the sick Nst. William Woodhouse has gone to ronto to attend grand lodge, AOU. Langevin Appeals. Winnipeg, March Langevin ed in the new provinees. for incorporation 25 to $4.50; stock using these the and Miss May Huffman were married hece James Warner has purchased a lot from P. Carl, To- 21.-- Archbishop has appealed to the clergy and laity to protect the doetrines of separate schools, as they are protect I-------- Three Alberta towns will apply at { the present session' of the legislature ps cities, namely, y 3 CANADIAN FRUIT] WILL BE SHOWN IN ENGLAND NEXT YEAR. New Fruit Marking to Be Adopted . . ~Stock Transactions of Insur. ance Companies Honest -- One Company. Over Stated' Re- ¢ ,ceipts." Ottawa, March 21.--The proceedings. at the insurance investigation com- mission, this horning, were rather tedious, Mr. Blackader s examination | being continued by Mr. Shepley, Sun | Life directors were on hand, and filed | statements in ly to what appeared | to be reflections on their business methods, as given in evidence yester- day. | pen stock transaction were shown to be all right so far as honesty was concerned, and the com- pany neither gained norelost by them, It was stated by Mr. Blackader that the Ind dont Order of Foresters, in 1805, paid $50,000 to organizers, and 37.000 additional for expenses, This amount has been increased since. y. receipts In R, were overstated $20,000, At the Dominion conference of fruit growers, this morning, it was decided to do away with the system of mark- jing fruit by X's, such as XXX; XX, ete. Similar warkings were adopted, pamely faney No. 2, and No. 3. It was factugbrs of preserves, jams, jellies, be compelled to print formulas of their productions on their labels, In a re solution thanking the minister of agriculture for his support, it wax suggested that Canadian fruig be ex- hibited at the next fall show of the Roval Agrienltural Society, England, The steamer. Sovereign burned at Lachine, and sunk there, will be rais- ol by the Donnelly Wrecking com: pany. Capt. Donnelly is in the eapital to attend the annual weeting of the Do minion Marine Association and stated this to-day. The hull of the vessel is of steel, and it is thought it can be saved. Wreckers will start work at once. IL. L. Henderson and other King- stonians are here to attend the an- pual meeting of the Canadian Marine Association, awd Uapl. Gaskim™ and | Francis King are expected: tonight. -- | GOOD HOCKEY { at | Was Played on Saturday Lansdowne. ! Lansdowne, March '1v.~The best hoe: | key of the season was played, here, on Saturday evening, between a Guna- noque team and the Kamblers. 'the! visiting team included the four best! players in the factory town. 'Lhey were lly equipped for the game while the locals played in ordinary dress. Be! sidles this the Kamblers had not prac- | ticed for two weeks, not expecting an- | other game. In spite of these disad- | vaftages they put up a splendid fight | the visitors winning by thirteen | points: 10 ten, and one of their goals | was kicked in by a spectator. The! pluy was rougher than the past games| have bern, most 'of + the boys being pretty well bruised, Wright y Gangno- que, had his cheek cut opm, by dash: ing in on a lft with his head down. Tobinson, the Ramblers' goal minder for a young player, is a wonder, and with more experience will be equal to] the best. The visitors were by far the! suggested in a resolution that manu- |» . and durable, A perfect breakfast is im-' | . . . voy Ly ] .. possible without it ana- it's just as good three times a day. It gn you real nourishment and renewed vitality. For Malta-Vita ig rich' in nutrition--every white wheat and finest barley , mixed with the flaked wlhicat, converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or 'tialt sugar, makes it easy for even the weakest stomach to digest: - ..yand adds n pleasing taste which cannot be found in grain foods "sweetened with sugar, glucose or syrups.:- x Malta-Vita with cream or. fruit. . All grocers, now 10C. GO-CARTS we AN De CARRIAGES Something new and pretty, strong 1906 designs, Pullman, Reclining Back Carriages. Parasols, Lace Covers, can be had separate. nutritive element of the malt extract. in Also old carriages repainted and up- holstered. Have ydur repairing and pholster- ing attended to 'at 'once, JAMES REID, THE LEADING UN SPRING Call and see our samples--they are all of the / "The Perfect Food" The malt also 284 and 2656 Princess Street. 20% Discount on all - Wall Papers ---- latest designs and colorings. W.N.Lemmon's 78 Willlam Street. It . we or gives ¥ DERTAKER | EO Now is the time to buy your Wall Papers, We are offering from Monday, March to Saturday, March 24th, x " 19th, oH best players that haye éome here vet | and the Ramblers have no cause for, regret, except their lack of practice, | which undoubtedly lost them the | game, i The telephone industry is booming here. The Bell people are deing their best 10 feeeze out the loeal line. Car londs of poles are arriving for both | companics, and work has already started. Although the Bell is cutting | rates, it will not be likely to affect | the local line, 'as in the latter each | subscriber is a stockholder, and they | arc adding-to the number rapidly. | Our frucuist was summoned recently | for iffraction of the liquor law, but | the case' could not be proven againet | him. Miss Jessie Cranker has opened | a dressmaking establishment in Mrs, Robert Cornett's shop. A quict wedding was celebrated at the manse recently, the contracting | parties being Miss" Amélia La an. | daughter of Charles Laopan, Sand | Bay, and David Graham. Both vouno | people "are well known 'and highly e< | teemed, and many are the good wishes for their future happiness, H. 8. Mer | rill, has installed a fifteen horse-vower gasoline engine in his mill, and busy grinding. Erinsville Tidings. Erinsville. March 21.-"The weather has been very wifavorable for the fw mers. Richard Mahoney, who has been | on the sick list, with an attack of the| grippe, is able to be around again. A number of our neighbors are leaving this week for Michigan. Samuel Dunn John Cowe and Thomas Cowe, W CR UML Millinery Opening On Tuesday Our attractive will be en fete. and New York styles, Such a picture crywhere, in ceives no difference, seen, often; horsehair or the pew hats en, shapes are key note of this and the Empire give following days. day in the village. Miss Mary: Hunt | spent a week with * her cousin, Miss Nellie Killoran. We are rejoiced ov our new neighbors, Me, and Mrs, Me-| Adams. Miss Florence Neville spent | Sunday at Thomas Killoran's. Mrs Thomas Gaffney has returned Fenton, 'Stoecq. Our voungsters are in hopes of more | deighing." W. I'. Rush spent Sunday on the Perry road. father, Joseph ARRAN Royal Rink Hockey. came "of hotkey was played at Royal rink, last night, be tweens the Rovals and Barriefield, the Royals being victorious by the score of three to nothing. The jee was in first-class condition which enabled the players to get in their usual burst of sped. The fivwe-up = Rovals--Goal, W. Kennedy; point, R. Nicholson: cover, I. Anderson; contre, 1), McKenzie; rover, E. Hip som: wings, H. Ainslee, ¥. Muckler. Barriefield--Goal, J. Mellroy; point, A. Davie: eover, W. Knapp; centre, J. | ¢ Stanton: rover, W. Murray; wings, ¥. Knapp, J. Murray. Referco--T. Fegy. An exciting Wetaskiwin, Lethbridge and Medicine "Mrs. Jane Whitiord, Glen Buell, - js dead, aged "vighty-three, leaving a large grown-upefampily, > Hanley and D. Hunt, Read, spent Sun. | gm-- 2 after spending a few days with her | William Street. ET ANTIMONY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Prices on Application +. THEE CANADA METAL _ CO. Phone Main 1729. FFFAFAAEEHAAEARRK Rw FINANCE AND INSURANCE Millinery showroom Never in the histor of this store have we had such a full and representative showing of French of room Will be on Tuesday--flowers ev- baskets, cases, on the tables, on the hats. Na- V\ tural bloom and artificial flowers are "all the same this year, The eye per- artificial or unnatural shades to OSes ure roses, pyroxiline forms the in wuny ecases--horse- hair beautifully braided or interwov- either The middle note does not strike the season, ors, Violet, Raspberry, Empire Green, Blue, Pink, Champagne, Please accept our cordial invitation to view the openiig on Tuesday and spring «us our in the show are be moss' roses very its imitation, foundation of No longer small or big. Louis XVI the period. Col- Toronto J) The business Oliver, Who for the - CUSTOMS BROKER - will be carried om in his office, (9 Claronte street. G.A. BATEMAN been associated with Mr, Oliver. { For Real Estate or Insurance Consult with GRO. CLIFF before baying | 308, 8465 Clarence Stat. , of the late C, GO, talk with last five years has If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a George Zeigler, "*3'1 504 Rx 57 Brook Street. e 'Low rates'to many other For... Tourist: Gar Yekets, and ail othe ih A to J. P. 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to The best place to get an Lunch in the citys Mealy of oll kinds on shortest notice. English and; Chinese dishes « specialty. Phone. 668, - i £3 EY BROS. =x