> We Repair Jand Remo] ¢ 1 Your old -Furs g (recommend that ths done now, as we cap devot more time to each garment and also do so at Jess a "Ipense than in the _-- . | season. : ) |W. F. GO0URDIER > 78-80 Brock Street . | Kingston's Only Exclusive . Fur Store, || Pow] PURE AND WHOLESOME, |] OME POUND can 2s, S (JEW. GILLETT gonram r TORONTO, ONT. A | Is the Symbol and : Pledge of True Friendship It is unfading and i F rdases in value as tim gots on. Our settings and «is are varie. © The prices range in single ston os from $25 as high a: vou wish to go, with pci value at $80 We positively cua wu 3 tee the quality and val ue. of eash stone, Smith' Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Were You At the Ready-to-Wear Exposition To-day? If not, be sure and attend To-morrow, as you will be simply delighted with the brilliant display. How About a Raincoat ? Particularly handy spring showers, and pot out of place when the sun is shin- ing. We show some gems at $3.95 to $12.50 each, The latter is the same as other stores ask you $15 for. A Silk Special ior Thursday 200 yards Peau de Soie Silk, being an extra good line we got hold of, full 20 inches wide, rich lustrous Black, fine soft finish, will not cut. Equal to any 6gc. line in the trade. Thursday morning pega at for 49c. a yard NEWMAN & SHAW William and Morton Nas ing a memorial window in Publin Methodist church in menorys their father, the late Samuel ath A ad and we 1 f n ortho EDICAL i pmineat Physicians _ he Endorse Pe-ru-nd. LLEWELLYN JORDAN, Medi- 3 Da Examinér of the U. 8. Treasury P periments graduate of Columbia Col- E and who served three years at West || 3 9 Bas the following to say of _ perudd -- ress my grati- ; to exp. | iMarou for the benefit derived 3 r wonderful rei ye oe |i Youth has bron a i sage and | BOW my= ] ol man after months of FL k + 'sufferers, Peruna will : are you. "=~ Liewellya pee Tustlie wr endorse & Doctors have ed, Jemedy have puzzled the A EXAMINE United States Treasury Soo an Pesrusna. because eatarrh fd i VERY LITTLE SLEEP HERMIT MONARCH PASSES SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Daily Life in Practical Exile--He Abhors Socisty--Quarrels With the Grand Dukes Frequent Fea- tures of His Dreary Routime. St. Petersburg, March 28.--An inter esting light is thrown on the czar's fite at his palace of Tsarkoe Selo in a private letter from an officer of the imperial bodyguard, who has been at- {tached to the czars catourage fur the past two years. \ "Hver since 'Red Sunday,'"" he writes, "the @ar's existence has been one unending series of anxieties, Which have told 'very heavily upon him. 'Oly amongst his family does he ap- Sorendly forget the menace of the re volution, threatening mews of which reaches him with the merciless regular ity of the ticking of the clock. These wre indeed, his only moments of hap- 4 commends = pis hal diseases y nity for many decades. ; medical {ESC y endorsements that | if sa fol received at tiie. hands of the pavaihatesd a great many dor- ie ry the remaly, 0 = | 3 Foe pom ertiha edt . or. BD ry 214 Guter street; Iu- is, 1Hd., Writes ? a shysicians do Hot, 'as 'a it, patent medicines. 1 powever, found tu my practice that Peruna is a notable exception and sotat all like any other medicine gens ms 'patent icine. i win examinmg it I 3d thal it is a jeall ared medicine, com- nelly Bt of 'high medi- | SE ssn cinal value. Catarrh is a systemic disease curable ult is specific for catarrh of the | ny by systemic treatment. A remedy pead, lungs or stomach, &" fine remedy |, i (ores ontarrh must atm directly at for female toute, and invalusble $0 | 4, geniessed 'nerve centers. This is ra and children. " P a does. i Bt fevers or other protracted u- Ax Rrmedistely invigorates the ness, itisone of the best tonics I know of | nerve centers which give vitality to the forestore the system to normal condition | yrugsous mentbranes. Then eatarrh dis- | and 1 recommend it to convalesoents. | gyppears. Then catarah is permanently "It is & high class family remedy, | cured. for young and old."--A. Morgan, Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. Peruna occupies & unique position in| ong reason Why Peruns has found per- medical science, Itis the only internal ppent use in so many homes is that it systemic catarrh remedy known to the |. n¢aing fio narcotic of any kind. Pe- medical profession to-day. runa is perfectly harmless. 1% can be used any léngth of time withous acquir- ing & drug habit, Peruna does fot pro- duce temporary results. Itis permanent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re- inoving the cause of catarrh. There sre a multitude of homes where Peruns has been used off and on for twenty years. r HE ys Robert R. Robérts, M. ., Washing: ton, D. C., writes: ol «Through my own experience as well as that of many of my friends and acquaintances who hgve been cured or relieved of catarrh by the use ¢f Hartman's Péruna, 1 can confidently recommend it to those suffering from such disorders, and} | oo 4 "oy ing could not be possible if dimnied with the mists of sorrow." have no hesitation in brescribing if Peruns contained any drugs of a nar rm tomy patients." -Robert R. R cotic nature, - , jStarER WIDELY DISCUSSED. mn ee His Attitude on the Tariff HOLD ALOOF ! i Don't stay away any longer, while crowds , upon owds flock to see the Great Bargain Feast and reap the great harvest. To-day your wants .are here, at such low prices, To-morrow those articles may be gone. Can You Save Money Any Easier ? Just imagine a whole Suit; coat, pants and vest, of good durable material, well put together, as goad ap- pearing suit as any you ordinarily pay $7.50 or $8 for, Only. $2.98! Can You Beat That? Well I dare say if you can don't trouble, still no harm to give us a call anyway. We will be pleated to see you and show you what we claim actual bargains. Joseph Silver, 102 Princess Street Inthe hands of the Canadian Mercantile Co -- Rest and Comfort For the Kidneys. If your kidneys are all inflam- med--if there re sharp, shoot ing pains in the of the back and dull ache through the hips--if there is a constant desire to urinate--if the urine is hot and scalding--if the NO ULTIMATUM Been Sent By Britain to Turkey. London, March 28.-~In the House of Commons; yesterday, in answer to a question, Sit 'Edward Grey, secretary of state for foreign afiairs, stated that no ultimatum had been sent to Turkey; nor had any question been raised as to the ownership of Akaba, Has head aces 500 apsei Boat which was Turkish. On the contrary, imagi PF Tabah had long been recognized as for She ro elie] 'there Ld Egvptian territory. Tabah and one or two other ports in the province of Sinai-had been oceu- pied 'by Turkich troops, 'and it was obvious that this aggression could ast he allowed to continue. Negotiations were in progress, Sir Edward said. u-Ju THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE Oldest Ruler Is Now 85. These wonderful little pills | Munich, Bavaria, March 28.--Prince | her of years I was sickly in the spring- Soothe and heal kidneys and | Leopold, regent of Bavaria, succeeds | time. T felt tired, nervous and had ladder--take away all pain-- | the late King Christian of Denmark, | headuches. Ny blood was weak and clear the one to | as the senior active ruler among Euro- | damp days brought on rheumatism. £0 through the t without | pe: marche, He' was eighty-five | k y t ted 3 ! pean mo he, © was el Y-ive | My hervous system. was unstrung and arising -- and nd every | years old on the 12th of this month, | T felt utterly worn" out. Petrosont re. trace of : : 3 o your kidney tronble. and has eeignd over Buvaria testy vived me in a short time. In two Cures houma vears, lacking a fow weeks. The dict | days my appetite increased and 1 Ta tam Too. has expressed a desire that he shoul | could feel a niiding ip process going Cuarum CHEMICAL CO. LimiTen, | permit it to take the kingship away | gn. This great tomic ade 8 new per- Wuoaon, Owe, * «NEw Yomx from Mad Otto and ascend the throne | gon of me and 1 don't think a more rene | himisel], but he has persistently refus- | strengthening medicine for the spring t Fall I edi to do 80. can found!" st MT A And rm 1; Carin Hc 3 A Woukint tt be just foe 18 gel bunk | Your new spring h, ny : 08 « AOU PBuncan C. Fraser, justice of the su- | your old time spirits aud vigor ? Eas- ' a art of Nova Scotia, has been | ily doit 'with "Fefrozone™; cotanivhite 'N si -------------- preme court of cotia, a be od Byall 0 : . inted lisutenant- r of that | to-day. Sof i "ie per on often think "they love the sin: appointed fieut man Ro o - Box or sic" boxes for $250. By mail 3 province. Hy {he are too dary. to pro-| "William Swhla plano tuner. Pines and relaxation from the worries rare exception of a walk or a ride in the park, which, however, has become a very rare occurrence of late. most the entire day: and bight in his with his councillors, whom he summons to his presence at any hour of the night in vice, or in wo sures of reform He writes hours at a stretch. at his door hear him pacing restlessly up and down the room till the early hours of the xiously for reports from his represent atives in the provinces, he will despatch a niessage, and then Orders ; received at McAuley's Book Store. cares of state, with perhaps the "His majesty invariably spends al- wrivate cabinet, ¢ither on consultation often rder to ask their ad- upon projected mea- often for At. other times the 'sentries placed morning, waiting an- At intervals suddenly throwing open the windows gaze out on the guietness of the night through which his millions of - sub jects slumber, while their unfortunate ruler is still at work. "His majesty." the letter continues, "was never a lover of social functions but now he appears to abhor society nore than ever. "The czar himseli- seems to be the only person at court who actually realizes the dangers of the present situation, and it is to this fact that the misunderstandings between his ma- joaty and the .grend dukes owe their causa. The czar alone recognizes that a genuine revolution is agitating Rus- sia, and the more closely he notes the symptoms and compares them . with those of the Fremch revolution; the move his anxiety appears to increase and the more often are his noble eves Question Explained. A rival manufacturer expressed ine dignation the dther day in Montreal hecanse of the publicity: which had been given to Cherles E, Slater and the Slater shoe by the press and 'bv the government on Mr. Slater's atti tudi aghinst increasing the price of shoes by inercasing" thle tariff. 'The Slater shoe and its system and spee- inlized factory were discussed editors ially in every newspaper of any prom- incnee in the Dominion of Canada and by many American newspapers. The Montreal Gazette,:a strong pro: hibitive tariff paper, thought it had discovered the seerot of President Slater's attitude when it informed its readers that Mr. Slater was the only shpe manufacturer in Canada who had snipped his factory and so specialized it as to be in a position of splendid isolation. ! Winnipeg Legal Rumors. Winnipeg, March 28.-<It is stated in legal circles that H. M. Howell, K.C. will 'be appointed chief justico of ap- peal for Manitoba, and that Isaac Pitblado will be appointed a judge of the king's bench, The name of C. P. Wilson also has cropped up as a judge of the appeal court, The appointments are necessary ow- ing to the act passed at the last ses | sion of the local house respecting a court of appeal for Manitoba. Boarding houses, hotels, restaurants, private houses, all use Burich's horse raddish, guaranteed pure and fresh Ask vour grocer for it. Righteousness is never better taking a rest. Terror of Spring Is Sickness What Are You Doing to Protect Your Weak Body Against Spring Fevers ? for A delay gives the germs and woak- ness a better chance to take hold. Don't wait, think of your small re sisting powers, and begin building up to-day ! For weakness, overwork and de bility the doctors prescribe Ferro- zone; let it help you now. Vitality and power are instilled in: te the blood; this méans new strength for all weak organs. ; Phe fire of youth will dance in your ving, and new found energy will in: crepse your desire to work. Ferrozone supplies the nourishment and tissne-building material your systém lacks. Isn't this "a reason why 7 From Combermére, Ont., Mrs. John Oram writes as follows : "For a num- the Govarhment Stan- dard CONDENSED ADVERTISIN RATES 'ferry "AND First insertion, l¢. mn Word. Fach cone Advt: 4 lines or under a week, $1. rorsr. Eg FARM PROPER | en WELL FU) an Our plan. No Sale. N : JYRNISHED rtmene "Do 308 Wellin ay rooms, at 100 Ki oi FRUNT is sccative insertion thereaiter $6. a word. Advt. 4 lines or under a month, $2. 8 TWO SEPARATE PRAME HOUSES, on monthl rent for. TEAM YACHT, 30x74 REAM SPRED 74 mi 11_bs sol D. bert Sager, Box 414, Nap. | payments for what poly Dr, C. L. 8. APTN : ALL "MobBR Everybody in Kinasto a Reads the WHIG on Aa hour, wi . : LL bE Si -- = ance, Ont. Apply 240 Brook St. WANTED. OHOICE GROCERIES, AT THE RESIDENCE, So. a : ry prices. 'Telephone, os ate : WOODWORKER. 'APPLY TO HARI: 1h i a ' 3 OE aon, Furniture Co. : 2; 4 Fobkinuon . Torey Market lately, 4, to pe Els Ro 18569---CORBY'S I XL RYE WHISKY 1906--CORBY'S 1XL RYE WHIBKY the Public : Standard KIDNEY DISEASE AND ITS DANGERS CAN BE . QUICKLY CURED BY of trou There may have been backaches, ance of at etaary op ti 4 bck d t in urine, higly bien urine, bladder pains, t = 2 stone in bladder, ete. _- Perhaps you did not know that these a aa ori kept growing until Neu. Drogey, ur oF ot /e Divers hare taken hold of be tahon at My dle SWong. T! : ETERS PENCE IS LOW, Popé's Income Decreasing Very Substantially. Rome, March 28.-The Messagpeto anndunces that the pope will cease to poy salaries to the vatican ghards, who are drawn from the noble elass, L deconnt of financial straits. : Vatican does not publish any heditutne as to the revenue from Peter's pence, But people ah now assert that the income wo has A COOK. APPLY IN THE EVENING, 12 ---- ee -------- A GOOD SMART BOY, AT ONCE. BRIG * YOUNG MAN FOR 0 Mrs. Clements, 250 King street. Apply to A. C. Waggoner, Welling- A BROOD MARE, SIXTEEN WANDS, work single or double, good to lough ; also a Sw waggon 0 pi 'and sleigh. Apply 186 Nelson stroet. ton strect. ONE LARGE ENGLISH PLATE Se ---- > Glass Mirror Nickle - Plated A_YOUNG MAN AS ASSISTANT IN branch Hat Stand, thres dozen Grocery and Liquor Store, Apply smaller stands. Apply to Mrs. Hox rh Whig office. Adams, 386 Alfred street. PEOPLE TO TELEPHONE THEIR a iN IMT | TN | OMfommabLE. (EN, AOCMTN Grocery, Market Square. best. part of city. Meters onveni- onces. t water heating. ar AN EXPERIENCED Teaving ety. APDlY | Hox We HOUSEMAID. Apply in the evening to Mrs. H. A. Calvin, 181 King street. ree rete ee tn: A GOAD - PLAIN COOK. APPLY IN the evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock, to Mrs. J. A. Foges, 158 Karl St. HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU ations vacant, domestics, hotel and factories. Department ""B." 208 Wellington street. ™HY EE BUILDING Whig office, LOTH, NOS. 18, King street, and Street Terma ensy. Apply to J. Bi Solicitor, 38 Clarence street, A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT for family of five. where another young wirl is kent to assist. Good Wages. Avviv 8305 Alfred street. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER, FOR ground betweén Kingston and Mont- enl. Apoly to J. A. Gould & Co, room Manufacturers, 400-412 King street. SALESMEN, FOR = AUTO-SPRAY. comprossed-air mple agents. TO MEN Suits pressed and clean: ; also bring your clo! an uptoda suit ma ways, ot Broa street, refully by and have de. Gallo- CITY ust be rapid stanographit and of good addr a on werk will also be regiire him. Apply in own _hahdwriting, with references, to Box 99, Whig office. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing, Bricklaying, Plastering trades : . day, Speci $205 OWNER ~ GOING WEST, SEVEN room. frame dwelling, 93 Vietoria St. Splendid cellar, good well small barn, large lot. Genuine SAD. 000, Department 'D." a 1, h Wellington street. at low prices. 1 on promi Cor: "Patrick and Raglan SPECIAL BARGAIN. ROUGH OAT Taree Arh, ahd oreo hes ots, ¥* Small condensed advts. "in the WHIG bring re- sults. Have you tried it yet ? ¥ [raperty fronts on three streets. A wx LOST. A ------------------------. . - 2 A BRICK HOUS AT 855 ALFRED BETTE Tae IRST CLASS THAT IF YOU PLACE the Whig, over 20, Wind the. Hk 0 000 read'it FROM MAY 1ST, 1008. ¥ : suburhan 3 as EL Inv, it nie on Union lest at, ul 2 ed le Oe BR % Cunmp~ham & 79 Clarence oe Xe atreet, LP pg on : "FATRVIEW," situation in village, pulation ; only one other store ; farming country. ' Noh 104, Harr CRION IN THE window of 3 building a few NT same read it each y. If vou put it D "prople NACK lor, secap ter vestibule, room, win A NELMET BADGE BELT PIN, ON Saturday morning, on Wellington or Princess ad Bagot Bagot street. wtore, corner streets, Eatrance on 'Phone, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARS TECOT, OF- ite of New 1 11, near cor : as ot Queen and Moutreal' streets. yu $85 a Princess stroet. Reward for its re ts $61,187,91 (Rain Sinead | Lin to I Gn: ph $a New. York, Chicago, St. Louis. LADY'S PURSE, A Gur, ON the. stockh: rm and hy r+ syndy, es, oo, Bh, GO | Tat Mion redtn sh OG v ie 9 ARCHITECTS. Cathiral, Pinder will be thathet | C8 cam vor oaths. fran' Stranes the Whig office. & Strange, i #2 3 y WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT, OF- fice, secontl floar over Mahood's Drug MEDICALS. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ee DR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY oecn by Dr, an, M trea da RH. WILLIAM 3 ete. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER: chant's Bank Baildine, rner B nd Wellington one, 212. reets FASHION'S FORM, Coat For the Small Maid. Summer model for the a splendid washable cont of henvy linen or pique Here is which wyery small girl's wardrobe should include. They are far dressier than the garment of some light-weight woolen material, more adapted to the needs of summer-time, and it might be said, improve with cach visit to the weekly wash. The Russian blouse pat- tern iy followed ip this example, deep single box pleats set wither side of the centre front and back, the double. breasted front closing made with meditm-sized pear! buttons. The alecp capedike collar, reaching almost to the waist-line in front, is sealloped about with linén thread, the deep tarnback cuffs of the bishop sleeve and the little rotind turn-over collar finished in the same mannér, The broad stitched belt is worn over the pleats instead of wn- dor, it being etitchéd to the coat at the centre back. Western Wheat Crop Last Year. Ottawa, March 28.--The wheat erop of Canada, west of Lake Superior last, year amounted to. 58,418,000. Of this, 147,571,570 bushels have been inspected and sent east dnd 25353250 are still to be marketed, Fourteen and three quarter millions of this is in country elevators, and ten millions in the hands of the farm. ers in addition to the amount being held for seed, which is estimated at eight and a hall millions, The figures have been comniled by the chief ware- house commissioners. "Thrés Swallows." over a centory, Of highest - trom N. on & Cor, s { Conn. SE ama Kingsiond Dates | 3 decréased sWbstantially during late yotrs. 4 : x wg LR Bwallows" Irish y. famous for standard of writy. Distillers to Tis Majesty the i King. '| from urgeon, ~ Kingst eneral ee--282 King street, opposi "of Montreal. "Phone, 43. building cond and SS Bll, alin Godwin's Ti um FARM HELP, AND } kinds of supplied. 208 Wellington str HAT BETRAYS GANG. Recognizes Stolen Headgear and Causes Arrests. Berlin, Murch 28.<A band of thieves has just been run to earth through a hat. Within a short period the band had committed thirty-two burglaries. Among the shops broken into was that of a milliner, who lost, - among other things, a model hat. The mil- liner, while walking on the street, saw her hat on the head of a woman and lind the latter arrested, The woman declared that she had received the hat her husband. She lived apart from 'him, bat. frequently saw him. The police, after an investigation, sue. coedled in finding the thieves' lair and arrested the whole gang, Gave Up His Fortune, London, March 28 --Lieut. Schmidt, shot at Otchakoff, on March 19th, for his leadership of the mutiny in the Black Sen fleet at Sebastopol, trans. ferred, just before his execution, his whole fortune amounting to $150,000 to revolutionaries, Floods of a more or less serious np---- character are reported from Port Hope, Brantford and London, bi baked and "The Perfect Food" = Steamed, cooked, mixed, packed in absolute MAXIM'S MAXIM, : Modest Claims Often Carry More @ Conviction Than Loud Boasts. When Maxim, the famous inventor, placed his gun before a judges, ho stated its carrying power = © to be considerably below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish, The result of the trial was, theréfore, a triumph of surprise instead of disap, 5 sintment as it might have been if e had overestimated his gun's effici- ency. Our claim regarding Newbro's Herpi- cide is based on actual scientific facts, 11 a living germ is oa our hair' to fall ot; t's "the st, senaible thing to kill that germ, i» Newhro's Herpicide does this quick. ly and effectually. Destroy the cause you romove the effect. Sold by leading druggists, Sond 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special ggent. a -------------- Morris Buck, who shot and killed «¥ Mr. Canfieldy the wife of the oil mil lionaire, was sentenced at Los An- geles, to he hanged June Ist. Mrs. Jaffray, wile of Seantor R. Jaffray, Toronto, died on Tuesday, Sir John Powe: & Son'y "Thyes|' cleanliness, Malta-Vita comes to you the most healthful, the most delicious food in the world, rich in all the nutrition of the best white wheat and malt extract, every flake baked brown and crisp. Don't let the verdict you have ofl some other flaked food 'You from trying Malta-Vita." It isn't at all like the ess . Old folks and young folks and little children, all have found that there's nothing quite so goo ' fof breakfast, or at any other meal, ada bowiful of Malta! ® with ream or fruit. And Malta-Vita is always ready toeat--, £9 cooking, no inconvenience, tio delay. -All grocers, now 10¢, ¥ & Tara T 3 Sk '