DUR ANTI.SQUEEK, ied Tn all ronoling, is working per- All classes of Letter Press from a card to « volume, Coal vosts money =1ia use denying SSeosts us money charre you. Bat coal brings ort. a% to bodily a8 to cooking meals to LY hodlly appetite. It you can Fetter coal elsewhere than we Or tpon betior terms of | contain no calomel, cascara, senna or other bowel irritants. They are concentrated fruit juices, combined and made more acti *Frui F 6 boxes for $2.50-by { Or more pleasant to use than BABYS OWN SAP SE ------ Ideal for toilet, nursery and bath, ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED MrRs., MONTREAL. $106 Shoe Polish Black, Ten and White Shining your own shoes with 2 in | ie both a luxury 2inl Black Polish is known as "Black Light. ning." Your shoes are and an economy. ve medicinally by process of uniting them. t-a-tives"' are a liver tonic. They tone up and stimu- late the liver--and cause the liver to secrete more bile. This : Megs a healthy bowel action f permanent cure for Fier Coustipation. Billotisness and ~ J he issues at stake. a daily I i have receipt of price--soc. a box Jdown aa 1 know I'm a gone coon." Attorney Oil people on accomit of its trust ar: 4 | Mr. Hadley was to get evidence of a 'vertain kind and he called Mr. Rogers ed to answer, + or servers have searched for him unsuc: in hiding. The story . that he sail any one who is closed in as tight as power, pomp and importance. He is surrounded by all the luxuries he can desire, and still he is reported to be a8 miserable as one can be and to envy the poorest man in the liberty he enjoys. world, Mr. worried Mr. Rogeds, through his attorneys, at the last meeting of the court, an: swered Mr. Hadley's question aud practically admitted the existence of a trust in Missouri. Ahe world | Rockafeller used to give his experience for the good. of ais fel low men, but they had reference to his early service and methods of saving money, Now that he can give evidence at to how he extracts his millions from the people, by a toll the most exasperating, he hides himself. : Jalirey's appointment as a decided ac! quisition to the senate. So say we all. cleaning. The' work, let us hope, will be thoroughly. done, but without in v concerned. ment compared with the present emer gency the anthracite will be closed; if the strike proceeds, and this will mean the enforced idleness of half a million men, and the want, poverty and suf- fering of all their dependents, Tt will mean more than this--the suspension, sooner or later, of industries for lack of fuel, and the resting of some three million men. There will thus be the rwination of busipess, 'the ' non-com- pletion of contracts, the loss of large revinues by employers and employees, and the depression and famine of com- mercial collapse, : All these contingencies are being duly considered. The men who are en: gaged in conference, and sweating blood as they seek a solution of the problem, .are carrying an intense strain. They desiré a settlement of same kind, and they have so far fail ed to get it. Jn Indianapolis a thou- sand men, ropresenting the great army of miners, are standing on guard while their leaders wrestle with expense of $5,000 while the conference continues. Better that than a loss of $5,000,000 a day by the break, which is the last resort. At this time of writing there is not much promise of an agreement. The coal barons are uniteds and firm. If there is not a back down of the union there will he a strike. The Coon Comes Down. David Crockett's experience has been recalled by that of the Standard Oil magnates, Crockett was a fine shot as well as politician in * y amd he told the story that ng once treed a coon it recognized him and called out, "Don't shoot, colonel, I'll come General Hadley, of Mis- souri has been after the Standard rangement in the state, The aim of vice-president of the Standard, as a witness, Mr. Hadley asked if the stock of the Republic Oil company, the Waters-Pierce company, and the Standard Oil company, of Indiana, was not held in trust by the Standard Oil of New Jersey ? Mr. Rogers refus The attorney-general was not going to 'be "blufied" in that way. He was bound 0 prove the existence of a' trust by members of it, and failing to get what he wanted from Mr. Rog: ers went in' pursuit of John D. Rocka- feller. The old man realized what was conting and disappeared. The process cessfully for weeks. He seems to be ed for Europe is not believed. He is rather believed to be in retreat, and he is wusi consider himself a prisoner, The czar of Russia represents great the realm Similarly the richest men in the Rockafeller, must have in his confinement, and so What an object lesson this is to Editoriat Notes. J. Castell Hopkins regards Nr, Canada is' now * engaged in house justice to any one or interest, ---- of the difficulty, wo far as they are on In the last great crisis there was distress enough and loss ~. { enongh, amounting to many millions of dollars, but it' 'was of small mo- The bituminous wines as well as numbefed ballot in the Kingston hye- conceded the demands of the miners more. The miners do not say that, and the consumers do not want to be lieve it, i a The Christian 'Guardian does not see why the temperance people do not have good hotels in the option dis, that they are' not 'getting the accom: | ® modation, : SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Imaginative Literature. Windsor Record. £ The fact that the insurance blue he a work of suspicion on thé w Drop The Bonus. Hamilton Times. . bh will $end to draw library. all to geo immigrants 7 We are in no feverish haste to reach the time when we shall have to put up the bars. Toronto Star.' An Ottawa residence has been robbed of $4,000 worth of jewelry, as ntturally do not know whom to sus- pect. -- A Wonderful Treat. Hamilton Herald, have succeeded in tographing the soul of a rat. Now let him photograph the soul of a money-lender, who ex: a still more wonderful feat. -- A The Main Pusher. Globe. mission is, to prove a success or ndt will depend very largely on the per- sonal qualifications and idi asies need be no doubt, about the usefulness and popularity of the hoard under his regime. EAST ONTARIO ORANGEMEN. Those Who Will Serve During the Coming Year. At the annual convention of the Grand Orange lodge gf Ontario Fast, which closed "at 'Likdéay on Friday the following officers = were Master--Lient.-Col. J, E morning, elected : Grand Belleville; T. B. Collins, Millbrook; John H. Delamere, Minden; Maj.- T. A. Kidds, Burrett's ids; Albert Joc Bradley, Deputy Grand Master--George Boyce, Merrivale. Kingston. law, Omemee. > Grand Treasurer--Robert Gordon, Tweed. \ Grand Seerctary--F, MM. Clarke, Belleville. Grand § Lecturer James White, Ma- {4 doc. a Grand Diréetor of Ceremonies--F. W, Forde, Ottawa, puty Grand Chaplaius--Rev. F. H. Steacy, Bell's Corners; Rev. 8. A] Duprau, Roseneath; Rev. R. H. B.A, Wales. : _Deputy Grand Secretary--T. C. Mec: Connell, Springbrook delegates to the Imperial Triennial Toronto in July of this year: Lieut. Col. J. Johnston, past grand master; Tm Collins, - past grand ~mmster; Lieut. Col, John H he Su ¥ deputy \ ol i ev. J. M. Whitelaw, grand cha; "fall about 1,700 families, have once 'more heen. | tion b¢-San Marino th .. § assembly of heads of families, the so- called arringo, and of a grand coun- cil of sixty, elected for life, and . it- self electing members to fill any vacancies caused hy death, was prac- tically absdlute. This was the state leg: tl of things when Addison visited San : al game, {the Marino vo Sp tirjes ago, nd this : cA g : has been the condition until the pre- election) nd wim 8 the object off jan, day. During the last few vears, it?" asked "the ilton o Times. | however, there wan so rong 3 n- Som Hi w. ? | lar agitation against' his oligarchic . one, kp Ls ia Nil be Weak no state, that, to Ee a revolution, ODOERtOrN they | the arringo has ben gevived. It is The eng} OPPRtors. aay thant if Mey now in session and x is peace and bapniness coal would be selling for $1.20 per ton public. The Year's Record Was Highly annual meeting of the Bank of British North America, in London, on March tricts. The commercial travellers do J 6th, may not be accused of taking too not see why . sither, but they know | roseate a view of the Canadian situ- cognizing the two great evils attend ant upon the irvush of settlers-into the North-West, the increasing num- ber of business failures with heavy liabilities, and the artificial inflation 'of the value----of land. Both are fea- tures accompanying the rapid develop t y' pr. T Ry pe book is itted by ite compilers 10 Hen) of AS untrY The year's re sidered satisfactory by the proprietors for they not only passed thé usual vote of thanks to Mr. Stikeman and his fellow officers, but failed to accept invitation of th ai ta as Why should: Canada pap bonuses af the_invita an ahiian. a ask promptly availed of where all is mot considered satisfactory. The earnings for the year were almost ted per HEA UARTERS FOR ME ' on ®rs. sont. enabling the payment of S vidend, the serve fund of $97,333, the reduction of the bank premises' account by $48. th torts 200 cent, from Bellevi i = elleville, recently and Ai Sti will have performed honors, 'from Trinity for Nurses, Milwaukee, Wis. vear contract with the Allan Steam- Whether the Ontario railway com- | *hip. com #ervice, which has been held in abey ance for some time. { the commissioners, If a chairman i : like Mr, Killam con be found there To Rebuild When it is Weak and Wasted by Dr. Chase's of millions of tiny cells, are being Hazeldean; R. H. Holland, | away by the process of life and es- Port Hope; Duncan Monroe, Cornwall. | pecially by overwork and disease. tissues there are necessary such ele Junior Grand Master--James Berry, | ments as iron, sulphur, magnesia, pot- ash, etc., and when these are not sup- Grand Chaplain--Rev, J. W. White- | plied in food we eat it is necessary to aid na- ture by the use of certain restorative preparations. foods are unusually artificial and as result the spring limds the body iy | 2% inch Coloretl Chambray, in all the now arly efiective under such circumstances because it is ferent to the medicines that are usunal- Th follor mgbrool os the 3} uted for nervous diseases, for while \ ! " exertion or by narcotic influence sooth Council of the World, which meets in and deaden them, Dr. Chase's Nero n duly of [Pood revitati wsied nerve | | | J Dror: Halinellel grand mister: Logi,' amd wo nccompiiaher: Tastoemr, he James ohnston Store H. Delamere, past xrand: mastery Wn. beneficial results. position and preparation, Dr. Chase's Sllicicntly long to prove in thousands INVIC ; Us SHOE FOR $4 Nerve Food has been on the market Brockville was selected as the next § and 'reconstructive power. lace of Meeting. For men who are suffering from B ng headaches, indigestion and sleeplecs: s ness, for women | Pr t symptoms suffer from 'wesknesses and Maring, the frontier, except 10 stamp collectors, has just re-entered upon a democratic regime. The arringe, as the orivinal Tepighed tative body of the republic is called, has ones more met and - the citizens of San Murine, numbering in restored to their civic rights. Under the original constitu- e government of the republic, consisted of a. genéral eil of sixty, composed of twenty nobles, twenty ' citizens and twenty landowners. Gradually, however, the re} ic became more and more of an throughoyt the re-horn re- . ------ BANK OF B. N. A. Satisfactory. Mr. Brodie, who presided at the tion, He is not alone, however in re- was evidently con- invitation nsually usual Six per cent. di- addition to the re Miss Margaret - St. Charles, second uated, with ospital School he government ny for the Atlantic mail The Body Overwork or Disease You Can Use Nerve Food "Our bodies," The tissues of the body, composed mstantly broken down and wasted In order to reconstruct these wasted suflicient quantities in the Especially during the winter season weak and run-down conaition. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is particul- composed of the very This great food cure is radically dif v stimulate tired nerves to over. While modern and scientific in com. cases its extraordinary restorative Erralaritios oF moe lian foot without, a wrinkle, A shoe that organism, for children who are pale, and puny, there a=. we believe, | shape. no aration extant whi i i oF Hy satiety Re bring Hate shoes 34 INVICTUS use of Dr, Chase's Nowve Food, S0e. a | 1 INVICTUS SHOES are box, 6 boxes $2.50, at all dealers or Edmanson tes & Co., Toronto. | San Marino, March h 26 The smiall ; } Apennine republic of - +f oldest and smallest in v J searecly known outside of its narrow CANADI different from the chea 15 inch Whité Lawn, nice 69. Imported Silk Finish ements of nature which go to form | Sheer Lawn Waists, 3 . new, rich blood, creat rye : Leitch, Maxville; Rev, €. 0, Carson, },.q rebuild wasted Pain nerve cells 72 inch Unbleached Table Damask, fits snugly and easily, and retains its all the latest 1906 styles, of the hest selected leather, - Some made of Vel be aetna. Grand Union Hotel our and Box Calf; others in Viei Kid, Boome From $1,00 Per Day Up with light or "heavy soles, $4. The Sawyer ID rubbers give yoy Sh satisfaction last season ) If not, they couldn't have been $ Canadian" Rubbers. Be sure of "the mark of quality" when buying; ;, only on the genuine, 'y eve RUBBERS The Raincoats we sell are made from all wool parliament is now in session the police 666, and the usual provision for the fabrics; proofed by the Cravenette officers funds of the institution. That the bank possesses the confidence of |, 3 he people in a marked degree is in- ng from inferior sorts. dicated by thé fact that its principal ] a - ain in deposits is, as was in the case A Washington scientist claims to fe year, in the savings bank branch, COME AND LOOK AT THE NEW SPRING STYLES abe Trai $8.00, 10, 12.50, 15, 16.50 to 18 Nobby, swagger materials, with full sunny ddy style has signed a five. |i @ddition-to rainy day service Rubber Coats Mclntoshs, etc, $2.50, 3 00 to 10.00. Umbrellas We carry a fine selected stock of Men's Um- brellas from' soc. up to $2.00, 2 50, 3 50, etc. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. says Huxley, "may © uh m CL, in, a cu 1 2. | be likened to an eddy in the river, : Tm Halliwell, Stirling. which retains. its shape for a while, Past- Grand Masters--'Fhe Hon. Sir though every instant each particle of Mackenzie Bowell, William Johnston, | Water is changing. Thursday Specials White Lawn \ fine oven thread, sold regularly for 20c. varn Thursday, Per yard... 8 scan 124 FBPE wovieiat ati diianis Semis vires tosbvmnss toa : . Are Colored Mohairs " Fin Brilliantine, in all the new shades, most: desirable for spring, full 45 inches wide, Thursday, special ....... 49 ) . Coiored Chambrays shades, such as Pink, Ligh Blue, Green, Fawn, Just the thing for children's wear, good valu a 124c. per yard, Special for Thursday: ................ 10 Lawn Waists , ) front hand embroidered and trimmed, with tucks and Insertion, regularly $2 value. Special for Thursday . 1.49 Table Damask | all pure linen, sold elsewhere at 9c. the Tieton. Swe 2 43 yard. Special for Thursday Nothing looks as' meat as a well made, well-fitting shoe, wha besides these | follows every line and ewrve of your. A shoe that A stylish, handsome up-to- SHOE, made in oak tanned / AN| ! process. They are Pp Raincoats, as is our other cloth. = my way, ac he has BE most cordial' and courteons a » todo all in his power to facil _-- Sv E guist FOR A FAMOUS | Tells How She T Be tans Vogelable Comp in Time. a---- oT. C. Willadeen, of on writes to Mrs. Pinkham ° Mrs. Pinkham i= en fruly say that you have Jife, snd I cannot express my gi you in words. wfefore I wrote to you, telling 3 felt, 1 had doctored for over two ye and spent lots of money on medicin pat itall failed to help me. My m riods had ¢ sed an I sufferad n with fainting spells, headache, bac pearing-down pains, and I was 1 could hardly keep around, Asal decided to write you and try Lydi ham's Vegetable Compound, and thankful that 1 did, for after follo i which you sent me | , 1 re regular and th, Had it not been for you | »aay > trust that this Joktel cer flering woman in the ¢ 7A you for help as I did." . When women dre troubled w ular or painful periods, weakne, cement or ulceration of an or pearing-down feeling, infla backache, flatulence, general indigestion or nervous prostrat should remember there is one true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhs etable Compound at once rem troubles. No other female medicine in f has received guch widespread as lified endorsement. Refuseall su For twenty-five years Mrs. ] "danghter-in-law of Lydia BE.) Jigs under her direction, and decease, been advising slek wo of charge. Address; Lynas; Ma ALD, GIVENS' COURT Much Appreciated by Hi Ladies. Kingston, March 28 --(To tor) : The Frontenac History ely i$ mot having a fit of over the delay of the park e to report. "The commitice rece gation mc rdially, th io red, and ws 10 the other committees, anticipate consulting as soor have all the requisite materia i quately present our plans, We far of Ald. Givens obstructid show plans -- Yours incerely, ( PONDING SECRETARY, A Loss From Fjre. Parham, March 22. ~The re was made use of by the i s and hauling w Methodist parsonage narrowl being burned. Mr. Conklin, the heaviest loser. (3. Ray the proud father of a daugh liam Barr has returned aft ing the winter in New Onta G. Howes, Wagarville, spent at W. Black's, Sr. 'Sickness prevalent at present. Fo HD for some time, is improving is laidup with appendicitis Walker is improving after a of prenonin. IY. Goodfellow very Jow. Miss W, Walker friends here, has returned home: "H. Godirey has retur alter Spending a couple of w relatives hore. Miss L. Bla ting friends at Godfrey, Trotter, for nine 4 \cadia Universi i has tendered his Hon, which he asks shall be RHEUMATI d Price 250. Lo Joints in a few hours. Positively cures is It does not pur the digmmge alee; from the vyriem e Ph, ia Mbox Of Zatoo Tablets © pocket or purse, or the pfiice or home, and use Wired, will ward of a hb cold--and do it every tis Take two of the tal 0083s you feel a headacl on, or feel you have tb ™ ito a cold, ine cases in ft come in twenty ---- Sass exceptional take tw They are purely v an try Zutoo for 'es are free for the as ou Y Samp