TT -- NLIGHT | WAY Sunlight Soa 1, P is better than other soaps. but is ali used i in t way (Follows Hard rubbin and boifins > | things of the past in ha where funlight pis used as i Sunlight Soap will not injure even the fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be bed ; White, weolens soft The reason for thisis be Sunlight Soap is absolutely eo contains nd injurious, chem cals -- indeed, od, noting but the active, Zleansing, d iit-removing proper. ties of soap that is nothing byt soap. Y Buy it and folio 5c. Sirectisns y . . YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from wh buy Sunlight Soap if Fey fd any cause for complaint, 1 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO are D ou xpect find prettier feet than the feet the young lady in her teens ? r feet are iujared by wearing sees our SPRING SHOES sight COMFORTABLE, 'YLISH, having every late SATISFACTORY because oung Miss who once buys a ks of going elsewhere in fu- Every correct toe and heel, price just right, too. land & Bro, OD SHOE MAKING. Zon our Attention e'of INTSI 1ses, Carriages and Boats look well but wear well. Furniture Stains and Var- f all kinds. 5, Glass, Putty and everything e painter may be had at the DWARE STORE. " & BIRCH- ock Street. 000 & \g Styles HE-- e" For Men ste variety. They sur- 9 99 ¢ retofore shown. Many 9 in Metal Calf, Velour g @ pair Shoe Store DOOO® ©8009 rt ------------ ' CANAL. 1. Lowerend UE ALIMENTARY CO conveys the food toad trom et te seach =. Candia ead of stomachs end of stomach; 4 36 6.6 Smal oe 7 Coun: pa; g Asenag mob) flexure: '= The aod he is The small intestine 'em Eine or colon at direc! ch the comtents ae Deven ne din, on tough the alimentary canal. a a U have thirty feet of Intestines!' What makes food travel through them? A set of Muscles that line the walls of these Intestines or Bowels. When a piece of Food rubs the walls of the Intestings these Muscles tighten behind it, and thus it starts a Muscle-wave which drives it through the whole length of the Bowels. It should také about 12 hours to do this properly, so that nutritious parts of the food may have time to be digested and shsorbed. But,--if it takes twice or three times that period the food spoils in passing, and pecomes as poisonous as if it had decayed before being eaten. "Now, the cause of delay (Constipation) ~ Your Thirty Feet of 'Bowels - is simply Weakness, or Laziness of the ~ Want of Exercise, Indoor Employment, weakens these Bowel-Muscles, just as it weakens Arm and Leg Muscles. Castor Oil, or Glycerine, will grease the passages for one load of Food at a time, but these lubricants can't help the Cause of Delay. * » * 'Physic like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, sim- ply flush-out the Bowels for the one occa: sion only. Moreover, they waste so much of the precious Digestive Fluids, in the flushing process, that it takes a | bigger d dose every succeeding time to move the Bowel load. But it is different with Cascarets. Cascarets act ~n the Muscles "of the Bowels and Intestines. They act just as Cold Water, or Exercise act on a Lazy man. They act like exercise. A Cascaret produces the same sort of Natural result that a Six Mile walk in the country would produce. * * * The Vest Pocket Box is sold by al Druggists, at Ten Cents. It should be carried constantly, be- cause a Cascaret should be eaten when you first suspect you need one. = Be very carefulto get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Co., and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "cce." A sample'and the famous booklet "Curse of Constipation" Free for the asking. Ad- dress Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, 04 "we It you want the very latest styles--that are absolutely correct } keep in touch with Every day, we novelties in Suits and Top Coats that were not here the Fit-Reform. L P. Jenkins, HE birth of a style is of almost daily occurrence here. Advanced models are being modified -- new coming out--later patternsare - ideas are just arriving. show some day before. o£ = THE ONTARIO. MINES NOTHING SENSATIONAL, BUT LOTS OF GOOD WORK. Mica, Iron Pyrites for the Making of Sulphuric Acid, Corundum, Sodalite and Copper Ore Among the Ore That Pay Well. Toronto Globe. 'he Fastern Ontario mining dis- trict is at present producing profits ably a greater variety of minerals than any other territory of equal area in the world, and Hastings county is its richest part. "There is one little bit of land, than an acre in the division, the Smith & Lacey mica mine, near Sydenham, which has produced more than any other equal area in Canada ~Cobal included. Its product has exceeded $2,000,000, and it is still be ing operated successfully, as the prices of mica are high just now." Such were the. startling stateménts made to your correspondent by a ge ntleman who is engaged in mining in the district, who has had a long and intimate practical acquaintance with the mining industry in this see tion, and whose scientific knowledge of the subject is bevond question, Such expressions from a less authori tative source would . not have been deemed worthy "of notice. The same gentleman also stated that during the past winter there had been more men employed in the mines of North Hastings than ever before, and that the i was likely to show great de velopment. One of the most important develop ments will be the erection of a smel ter at the El Dorado copper mine, This has been -detebmineh upon by the the Mwdina Gold com pany, after a thorough test of the ore, two cars of which assaved better than ten per .cent., and a careful examina tion of the vein, 'on which sinking has less namely, eRNOeR, been done to the depth of 160 feet. Ihe vein was somewhat elusive at first, but its course was ascertained by drifting, and it now has a clearly defined width of over sixteen feet. The eficet of the mstallation of the smelt ing p ant in this mine will be to re n der/it passible to profitably work a aigher olsmall copper deposits near hyawhich have. lain. idle for lack of such facilities. The one will be reduc od te lag; in whith form it will be sent to the United States and there refiped. The discovery of this deposit, unfler similar conditions to those which obtain in Colorado, namely, be- neath hematite iron ore, leads to the belief that further important finds will be made, as there are many hematite deposits in that vicinity. Another important branch of indus try in North Hastings is the mining of iron pyrites, which material is for- warded (0 Buffalo and there manufac tured into sulphuric acid of a quality much superior to that obtained from the volcanic sulphur of Stromboli, It- aly, and elsewhere. A company who are operating at Capelton, Quebec, are mining extensively at Boggrt, in Hun- gerford township, and at Bannock- burn, in the township of Madoc, and talk of erecting extensive works at Tweed. A mine near Queensboro' is also being worked. There ought tobe money in this business, as it is stated that sulphuric acid, which is laid down in Belleville at $42 per ton, ought not to cost more than £25 per ton, It is reported that a German company with latge capital and ample experience will establish works at or near El Dorado this season. Some two or three of the gold mines are being worked, hut not, so far a can be learned, on a large scale, The sodalite mine, near Bancroft, promises great things. A car of the mineral was some months ago shipped to England, and netted $30,000, Ma chinery for polishing the product of the mine will be introduced as soon as possible, The corundum industry. is booming. Ibe Canada Corundum company are employing about 100 men, and the output of their mill is fourteen tons per day. The Burgess mine, in Caglow township, is alsé making a fine show ing. The Ashland Emery & Corundum company, who are the owners, have built a large mill, in which they will shortly place £20,000 worth of new and the whole body. From all dealers. ad future pa; of thou 18a carly age, at the Some Fo) ie Ea adh Tada? 2 dome 74 - RAE UI and renponag Bal © be cured Wy rent reliable MATHIEU'S SY REP of Tar x Cod Liver Oil A curative food tonic of unexampled merit for the lungs, chest throat It kills a cold more quickly and more easily than anything else. Take it and be free from coughs ever after. 35 cts. a bottle, TRE J, L. MATHIEU CO., Props. - SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH 1 S, WEAK, DISEASED M HE RESULT of anotance and fol} folly in youth, orerexertion of of rind and body y and exposure SHR TL t fice, pit, t Ei FE {tow hed Tronimen or Bo Ts re al a Iron, nk security. Coen wa wt re No names used without written consent. §'3 ps] 2 Belgie Di Disease. Kenna ak BN ike a ma 1 creme me up, men Lh plyeicatiy and pe sera, ie asacily, ga why patrosise Quacks and Fakirs w when you OR WO PAY. a tions of the Throat and Chest leaving your system strengthened. SHERBROOKE, P.Q. 19-1208 [A 0a and married. When youog I Jod a yay and aL rote became affected and | failed till I teok sverythin Foe 9) machinery Trom England. There are about forty men employed at present, and this force will be largely added to shortly. Quarries of granite line quality Bancroft The Hollondia lead mine has been steadily worked, with good results, and the tale mine at Moira Lake, will be operated when milder weather gots in. An important discovery of silver in Belmont township, near Havelock, is reported, but particulars cannot be learned. The discovery is pot unex pected, as it has long been believed that silver existed in that vieinity. <All in all, the mining industry in this district has never been more pros- perous than it now is, nor has it for many years looked more A gold mine on the farm of John Rhodes, in the fourth concession of Elzevir, is being operated by parties from Buffalo and is of great promise. The shaft is seventy feet deep and the vein, which is twenty feet wide, im proves as they go down. An assay of and marble of arg being . opened near promising. the ore made at the provincial assay affice in go Belleville, shows the pleasing re $130.80 per ton. A large shipment is being made from the Guadoce tale mine, The Stanley smelting works of nockburn shipped Ban a carload of lead to * | Toronto, last week, The product is pure and commands the best price going, which is now $98 per ton. The great increase in the price of ar senie, which is now R180 per ton, | against half that amount a vear ago, has caused the owners of the Deloro mine to commence preparations, it is reported for reopening their mine, Oth- er owners of mispickle deposits whieh are not being worked may be expect od to take similar action. The success of the electric smelting experiments at Sault Ste. Marie will have a highly beneficial effect in ren dering available the somewhat refrac tory iron ores of this region, many of which carry too high a percentage of sulphur for sneeessinl smelling Ww the SF il IN WORST FORM Black Splotches 'All Over Face--! Produced Severe Itching -- Year's Treatment by Physicians Did No "Good and Became Despondent-- |; Affected Parts Now Clear as Ever -- Alabama Lady's CURE BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "About 0 1 was afflicted tp oo cpes a over. my face and a few covering my body, "which produced a severe itching irrits ation, and which caused me a great deal of annoy- ance and suffering, tosuch an extent that 1 was forced to eull iti two of the leading physicians of my town. After a thor- h examination of the dreaded com- plaint. they announced it to be skin eczema in its worst form. They treated me for the same for the Je ngth of one but . treatment did me no good. Yo Final cane despondent and decided A dE their services. Shortly after wards, my husband in read- ing a copy of a weekly New York paper saw an advertisement of the Cuti- cura Remedies. He purchased the en- tire outfit, and after using the contents of the first bottle of Cuticura Resolvent in connection with the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, the breaking out entirely stopped I continued the use of the Cuticura Remedies for six months, and after that every splotch was entirely gone and the affected parts were lef as clear as ever. 1 have not felt a symp- tom of the eczema singe, which was three years ago. : "The Cutieyra Remedies not only cured me of that dreadful disease, eczema, but other complicated troubles as well sand 1 have been the means of others being cured of the same disease by the Cuticura Remedies, and I don't hesitate in saying that the Resolvent is the best blood medicine that the world has ever-known."" -- Ljazie E. Sledge 540 Jones Ave., Oct. 28, 1005. Selma, Ala. Pot on. Mass. U8, © Sol » , ed Bree, Th co Cutlewrs skin Book," "and Low to Cure Disticus ONLY A Common Cold BUT IT BECOMES A SERIOUS MATTER IF NEGLECTED. PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH or CON- SUMPTION IS THE RESULT. Get rid of it at.onos by taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Obastinate coughs yield to its gratelu! soothing action, and in the racking, per- sistent cough, often present in C ve cases, it gives prompt and sure relief. In Asthma and Bronchitis it is a successful remedy, rendering breathing easy and natural, enabling the sufferer to enjoy re- freshing sleep, and often effecting a per- manent cure. We do not claim that it will care Con- sumption in the advanced stages, but if taken in time it will Jrevens it Fosbiug that sf and will give test reliel to ge safferer pheesiy es terrible malady. Be careful when hasing to see that ou get the ae Dr Wood's Norway Pie Syrup. Put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, Mr. Wm, O. Jenkins, Spring Lake, Alta., writes: "I had a very bad cold settled on my lungs. I bought two bottles of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup but it only required one to cure me. I have never met with any other medicine as good." Price 23 cts., at all dealers, CURE and relieve all the troubles incl Bek tn Headache snd stato of the system, such as Drowsl: treas or ot gRMn tn Ihe Side, Sa ile their most Pewmackablo > shown in cusing __SicK Job Carter's | s Little Liver . Baadacin, 'valuable in Cons! palm Steg an Yoatiog th thisannoying complaint, while they also bn the Hyer het regulate the "HEAD Sehether w would bosimost priceless to those who from this distrossing complatat; butforts A r goodness docs Shoe whooncetry them will ind these te do wmnlar samany Jaetbat Shay Sil Sik fd be not x wil ACHE athe of lives that hers is where Semon cra bo Our pills cure it while Outer' Thine Liver Pills ave very etay to take. One or two AR he by o " 4 vialant 5 conts ; five for $1. by druggists overywhere, or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, SA bd de fl Ba can Irom Ore company, and owners of iron ore looking for a boon. The Pearce com pany of Marmora, who sent a car of for ore last fall to. the Sault works i ae Dares Not Shoot for Fear | of New York, properties are A "FEROCIOUS. LION ATTACKS 'A "BRITISH NOBLE- MAN IN AFRICAN JUNGLE. of Wounding Marquis and Gun Bearers Are Severely Mauled When They Go to Rescue. so uiobi, British Fast Africa, March The Marguis of Waterford, who he been on a hunting expedition in British Fast Africa, had an extraor | dinary escape a few days ago from being mauled to death by a hon, 4 While the marquis was trekking along in the open a lion suddenly bounded from the bush and landed on his shoulders, Beyond a severe bruis- ing the marquis did not sufier any in- fury, as before the ferocious boast could attack him again two gun bears ers came ¥O the rescue. The lion then turned his attention to the gun 'bearers, and before they could 1 dispatch the brute they were severely wanled. They were eventually brought back to Nairobi and are now lying in a precarious condition. Lady Water ford witnessed the terrifying scene frog, a short distance away, but dared not fire for fear of hitting her hus- band or the gun bearers, Lions are proving themselves very troublesome all round Nuirobia, Major Ringer, who owns a farm, having the misfortune to lose a favorite donkey last week, which fell a vietim to two of these animals. The same beast re turned a few nights after and endea vored to carry off a chestnut mare, but a watch was being kept, and the | lions were frightened away by natives | with torches. A baby rhinoceros has lately heen | caught and is being shown at all the | social functions at Nairobi. At a chil. | dren's party the other day the quaint | pet plaved till he was tived, drank the | milk of three coms, and then went to sleep, 'He is five months old. and weighs 126 pounds. According to the Globe Trotter, the local newspaper, he is shortly to be sint to London. | $10,000 Fire. Carleton Place, Ont., March 28. Fire caused about $10,000 damage yes- terday to the machine shops of "the John Gillies, estate, limited. Ignition of some gasoline was the cause. The large four sforey workshop is dam- aged to the extent of about three thousand dollars, and the plant and stock of gasoline and motor launches built and in course of construction, suffered serious dewmage. There iy no insurance, To Wed Baron. Rome, March 28 American society here is much interested just now in the announced Engagement of Miss Marguerite Louisa" Magee, daughter of Mrs. James Neale, of Pittsburg, te Baron Reidl de Ridenau. The bride- elect expects to leave Rome soon for Pittsburg, where the marriage will take place in June. Miss Magee has a large fortune in her own right. Large Lynx Shot In Hastings. Belleville, March 28. was shot near Fuller, in this country, recently. The animal had been howl ing a Pot at night, and had fright encd many women and children, B, F. McCumber, who was out hunting with his dog, shot the lynx when it was fighting with his canine, A large lyny ENTER a Lusiness, civir Service Course: Kingston Business College Head of Queen Street NOW Shorthand or Kingston = = « cious apartments, ment, excellent nates demand. ividual instruction potent and experienced every department, Open out the whole year. Canada complete 8 equ N free. J.B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE President, Principal, APPLICATION 1 TO PARLIAMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY that application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its pext Session for an act to provide that, beginning with + the he ant 1007, the aldermen Who ob highest number of votes In log ward i» the City of Kingston at the Muni- cinal "Elections shall hold office for three years and that the ardermen who obtain the next highest number of votes in each ward shall hold office for two yoars, and that the aldermen who obtain the third highest number of votes in each ward shall hold offies for one year, and that thereafter one Ald- erman be elected for each Ward annual. Iv to hold office for three years: and for olBber pur DOA DS SM. MCINTYRE, Solicitor for the Applicants, Kingston, February 14th, 1906. Sika SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED t- the undersigned. and endorsed "Te; der for Post Office, Alexendria Ont will be received at this office until Fri why w April 6, 1908, inclusively, for the work above wentioned, according to plans and » ications to be seen on avnlication ria. Ont, and at the Public Works, Ottawa Tenders will not he considered unless made on the printed form supphied, and signed with the actual signatures of ten- deters. An the Postmaster, Alexand- Lepurtinent of accoptled payahle cheque on a chartered to the order of the Hane ourable, the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 pe.) of the amount of the tender must accomy cach tender. The cheque will he for ed if the party tendering decline the tract or fail to complete the work con tracted for, and will be returned in case bank, Had Grip) form or other. It hangs on and undermines the constitution long after you are up and at work again. It keeps you waek 'and run down, and an easy victim for other forms of disease, It is preparing victims for consumption every day. That s why a real cure should be a tonic as well. That's wly °° ' Psychine i is the greatest of all Grippe up the general health at the same time, In that way chine clears out all diseases of throat, chest and lungs and tite, tones up the stomach and blood-making organs, It puts .the life-making organs in good running, order. ; Medicines ? Simply because it clears out all the dregs and germs of Colds, Coughs, Grippe, Brorchitis, Paeumo- nia and Consumption, in addition to doing all that is claimed {for other spring medicines. If you have you are still feeling the effects f itin some cd es, ge a Psychine kills the Grippe germ sand builds it both cures Grippe and ensures against after ¢ffects. Psy- eaves them strong and healthy. Psychine helps the appe- 'Why is psychine the greatest of all Epring The tonic and germ killer of the age is PSYCHI (Pronounced Si-Keen) 50c. Per Bottle At all Druggists Largersizes 81 and $2. vr the in these countries are and vitality, Write for sampic __i.. securely sealed in plain wrapper. A Ti Address or. KOHR MEDICINE 00x P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montresl: -------------------------------- EE SPRING 1906 Now is the time to buy your Wall Papers. We are offering from Monday, March 26th, to Saturday, March 3st. . i 5 : 20% Discount on all -- Wall Papers Call and see our samples--they are all of the latest designs and colorings. z " = W. N. Lemmon 78 William Street. You're a Back Number If you do not use a Type- writer. The visible ls : EMPIRE will please you oo draw trade. Price, $60. Try one for a month. J.R.C. DOBBS & CO., 171 Wellington St, 0544 PEEP PEPPPPHP 2244 LABATT'S Ale and Porter / of non-acceptance of tender. The Depurtivent does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order. FRED. GELINAS, Secretary Department of Public Works, MEawa, March 27, 1900 Newspapers inserting this advertise ment Without authority from the De partment, will not be paid for it. Siapdard fomady lor Gent, smelting by electricity, ore inary process. Already: the Ameri produced from their consignment, have received a splendid sample of pig iron, which was 48 HOURY, Cures My and Blaies Troubles. wet Troubles. - © are Nature's Best Tonics. Pure Malt 3 products, made from the choicest barley 'and best selected hops. They are very '(healthful and aid digestion. Labatt's lare very palatable beverages and agree | | with the most delicate stomach. |JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, +,339 and 341 King St. Phone 274. "4