Umbrella Sale oun' ll d U a thes day for awhile 0 pc ath you wi one, or what ; 1s Just | und your old one looking Cow be seen ¥ You n't answer, ! If you need sw, or are liable to need one this ou'll be wise to take advantage of cial to-morrow. 4 not Eo them over-- we could h more for them as regular stock if --but you're to have your choice full lot. and therefore of ples. workmanship, | y ho 3 umbrellas would willingly pay ~ manner from 1350 wo orrow after 9 o' o clack, " eh only... a new one 98 ples, in new ae ofy verings, equal in ev- the best make regu- | rom 1.50 to 2.00, ef 98 Petit i low Showing and Buy Has Come ter 9 lock yo a Suk vou) DEAW & SON. 9.50, 10.75 and 11.50, up-to itation to choose vours to-mor- LAW & SON. for Shopping To- Hosiery for .19 to offer more inducement than orrow, but just to make it a han- tock the boy with tough saving :-- manufacturer's bal n good large sizes i) ribbed in different | ] oO [ eo rent qualities which m., | strong sell at from 25 to Tow after 9.30 y pair, only Materials Now-- Scarce Later te materials has been so great great scarcity everywhere. Par- archase of White India Linen and w. Our present stock is quite long when the demand becomes 'WHITE PERSIAN LAWY, sheer make and very even t which guarantees that it split when washed, yard, 20, 25 and 30 &; and ana Rt A SA, est Style March Sale A FEW SPECIALS IN BRASS BEDS Tegular $45 Brass Bed, for $35. Regular $60 Bruss Bads, for $50. 1 Solid Mahogany Dressing Case, regular $0, for 840 1 Solid Oak Dresser 840, for $385. I Laree Quk Bed-room Set, $95, Robt." J. Reid for 222 Princess Street Two Doors Above the Opera House Everybody is Starting House Cleaning That Kitchen Bath-roam or Hall wants & Httle freshing coat of "paint in we it wonderfully. We the latest shades and the best . Ask for ' RAMSAY S PAINT! the best MITCHELL HARDWARE. Demonstration --Of-- Cocoa and Icings All This Week (March 26th to 31st Inclusive) LA a pat invitation is extended to all 4 our store. any. day this week. and ha u cup of Cowan's Perfection Cocoa It is made in nothing better Their new ICING POWDERS will also ated Jas: Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. THE BEST LEATHER IN THE WORLD IS "FRENCH CALF" IT IS THE STANDARD LEATHER USED IN OUR SHOES. Wear '"Allen's"' Military 'Bootmakers 84 Brock St, Sign of Golden Boot. MILLINERY M. and E. Jackson THERCHOW SPRING MILLINERY In all the Latest Styles on THURSDAY, March 29th | And Following Days Also Veilings and a nice line of Fancy Collars At 118 Brock St. Crests and EMBOSSING sine Headings for Paper and An ENGRAVING $3. Letter heads classes of Letter 'n & card to a volume. THE WHIG, Kingston ns. Canada and there is be demonstr Besides all Pres: Hinting fr id For the Best lusurance In all its branches goto SWIFT'S meanmsrars § INSURANCE AGENOY tens coi ap Te REMOVED! All condensed advertising : en removed to page three, where it will hereafter ound. Turn over the Page and read it. + It will in- ¥ terest you, One Dollar. ; Buy + Bes + nobby new hat af Campbell he pop lay hat store, niin Math. : tp camphor: halls, "fresh and 8 Al Gibson's. Red Cross dig DAILY MEMORANDA, Take 'The hint Buy vour new Hat at Campbell Bros. The introducers of new styles. Want Advts, page 8. Wrestling Mateh, Grand Opera 8.15 p.m. House, The sun rises Friday at 5.47 an. and sets at 6.24 nm Read the Whir's condensed advts.-- Wants, For Sales, etc.. on page three, This day in history :--British North American Act passed, 1867; Delagoa Bav award, 1900, Balibition of gymnasiam work, 1y Y. Clas: 10¢ OLD : MASON PLATES See the beautiful assortment we are showing in these quaint odd designs :=-- Plates A. Junior C, A. 'Bickets. toenight in Y. Jugs Roast Sets Chop Sets Platters, etc. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. You Need Not Worry) About your FURS if stored with us. We insure them against damage or loss at merely nominal charges. FURS called for and delivered. McKay Fur Housel VEGETABLE CROWERS A MEETING WILL BE ELD AT he Iroquois Hotel, 2 p.m SAU DAY. 31 inst. to organize a branch of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' As- sociation A director of the Provincial Board will be present to address the meeting Kvery vegetable orower welcome, A BANKER MISSING. Union Bank, Smith's Falls, Minus Its Head. Rideau Record. On Monday Kas caus sed, was mornir a sensation Smith's Falls, when it that F. A. Bethune, Union bank, could not bank rumored of the The accounts in all right, but it is said that In Billings, when on his rounds, weeks ago, found fault with items of disobedience to instrue- from he rad office. Mr. Bethune been in (Quebec, interviewing head some de and has not since he supposedly. left for He, It is said it was pro posed to 1 him to the Carleton Pla branch, the move including a reduction of £500 in salary. manager be Found. the are spector some some tions wad office, been seen Smith's Fe s ago, nove OTHER MEN'S FORTUNES. Newspaper Editors May Claim That They Are Entitled to More Than They Get. Should a newspaper the profi f its own publicity beyond » which it asks for its adver- share in Without the merits of the Slater shoe having been made known through the press, the company who makes the Slater shoe for men and women would not have a trademark which is rated i¢ worth a round million. Fortunes are being made by articles meritorious in themselves altogether through the manufacturer being able to tell of such merit to a million readers every day. Some wlitors think they are en titled to the unearned increment which comes in a case instanced such as that of the Slater shoe. «The genuine Dr. Williams™ Pink Pills are =ofd at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230. : John Wesley Millikin, an aged gen- tloman who came to Carleton Place to reside about four ydars apo, died on Thursday, after a brief illness, from pneumonia. The deceased was born in the township of Sherbrooke, sixty-six years ago. How's This ? Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case Cate that cannot, be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the, undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the jas 15 aats. and he Heve him tly homo! a usi- ness ori ped and ncially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesals Drugeists Tolado, lv acting directly mucous surfaces of monials sent. free. ge 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drugeists, ; Take Hall's Family Pills for consti. } hotie 230, E'S A DRONE This Is What Patterson Calls Carnegie. THE SOCIAL APOSTLE WANTS TO MAKE: SKIBO'S LAIRD A POOR MAN: Suggests to Socialists That They, Go_Ahead and Confiscate An- , drew's Talk. . Wealth--A Very Hot JOSEPH MEDILL PATTERSON, A young Chicago millionaire, and son of, Bur We - Datbarsin, of the Lhieapo Pri bune, has openly Weclared himself a socialist of the J. Phelps Stokes brand KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, and proposcs to live if nothing should hapven. to interfere with it. He was one of the young men who attended the recent socialistic con- ference at Noroton, which adjourned up to his theories; without having reached anv result Chicago, March 20. Joseph. Medill Patterson is now a full fledged "com rade '--member--of the" socialist party of Chicago, and is making addresses to all the listeners he can corral. "You ought to confiscate the pro perty of such drones as this man Uar- negie, and if you want to go ahead and do it, I am, with you. 1 am not afraid of such a move." Of gourse this action would Carn to his grave wn But Patterson didn't seem to think his argument was a playing into wily An drew's hands, and went on furiously : "Every who 'works for J. © Armour helps to contribute to a purse Oof"%5,000,000 a vear for him, Sup Ppose nobody for him. Hi send a poor man, one would work could not do a thing." That the pay didn't occur. to J. He went on "It would not be bombs to séparate Carn SR000,000 a vear pension workmen of this country in nese bf their hearts consent to see re mitted him in faraway Scotland What ild do is to hurl bal lots, would Medill Patterson. envelopes stop to throw from the Jhat the the Kind- necessary rie vou sho not bombs." WHITE SLAVE HOLDER Prison Years. March 29.--Robert H the negra recently convicted tion in detaining white wo their will in a resort fre Gees to For Twenty New Spriggs, of abd men against quenited only by negroes, was sentenc ed to serve twenty vears in state pn Sallie Bennett, who assisted Spriggs in conthucting the resort, and milty to abduction after n convicted, s in state York, son, who pleaded Spriggs had hee tenced to ten ye was sen prison. In pronouncing sentence on Spriggs, Judge Cowing said "You are a living example of the lowest kind of depravity. You lured submitted cannot be girls to your dens and there them to indig that wentio ned in open court. "If you lived in some states as well obshrved as it is vou would not have had ities where aw in this state, is not the benefit of a trial. a warning to others, if there aro any such in your business in this city, 1 am going to give you the maxinuy, penalty for your conviction. If there are any others following wp your class of business who are to come before this ' tribunal they can expect no mercy whatever." $18 PREDICTED. Sharp Advance Looked For by Packing Houses. Syracuse, N.Y., March 2.--A repre sentative of one of the western pack- ing houses, in this city yesterday, said that frequent advanees in the price of pork and pork producis could proba- bly be Toki for, as thefe is an ap- parent scarcity of the west, On the Chicago board of trade May option pork is selling in the neighbor hood of $16.25 a barrel. The represen: tative of the western packers said he would not Le surprised to see May op- tion pork selling soon at 818, live hogs in Direct Importations. Four tnore cases of hats and caps were passed through the customs yes: terday for the wholesale department of Ueorge Mills & Co. R. E. Hall, who has been in charge of the C.P.R. stores, Carleton Plave, for some time past; has been trans- ferred to Farnham, Que, to a more reapinsile' position Prescription 20.000 cures rhetma tiem and lumbage, 50c., at Chown's, done {| man_of the house committee pa OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. It is said Maxim Gorky, the Rus stan agitator novelist, will soon come to America. Free silver worth £5,000 a ton has been found near Latchford, in the Cobalt district. Cobourg "jury decided that a news: paper is not. liable when publishing state documents. The United States dry dock has striek baa weather in the Mediterrane- an, and is making poor time. Secretary Root will provide fn United States consuls in Canada, ne cently legislated. out of service. Prince Arthur of Connaught will re main in Toronto until April 26th, as to attend the horse shows on two days, The Birmingham Post says that the Harding system of cheddar cheese-mak- ing is being largely superseded by Canadian methods Members of the fongtegation of St Barnabas' church, St. Catharines, will demand the resignation of Rev, W, Barrington Nevitt. It is said Countess do Miranda (Christine Nilsson, the "Swedish nightingale") has lost $200,000 at Monte Carlo this season \ Jeam Baptiste Millet, Brother of Jean Francois Millet, the famous French painter, is dead. He was an ar- tist of considerable ability. F. Laurence, M.P., Colchester, has been mentioned as a. successor to Hon. D. C. Fraser on 'the supreme court bench of Nova Scotia. The Allan steamer Virginian, Liverpool, repokted, Ly off Cable Island, at 10 to arrive at Halifax at Séveral Carlists were Barcelona, when a secret meeting surprised by the police. 'A quantity of rifles and ammunition was taken. The first division in the Ontario legislature, Wednesday night, resulted in a government majority of thirty. vight. There were a number of pairs. Hon. J. V. Elis appointed chairman of the senate printing com mittee, and Charles Parmalee chair on print from Marconigram, 3, She is due 7 pm, arrested at was was ing. Lord Elgin, secretary of the 'colonies, will be the principal guest at an im- portant dinper of the Canadian club on May 2nd, at which Lord Strath- cona will preside. Hon. H. R. Emerson introduced the commons, on Wednesday, a bill, the feature of which is the placing of telephone rates winder control of the railway commission Saskatoon is applying for a charter. The executive of the will be three commissioners, ing of the mayor and P= Phat the" "ahiqure A Ton and distribute electrical power, was the effect of a 'resolution passed at a meeting, in Toronto, of the munici- palities interested in forwarding the renort of the municipal mission, in city council consist "two others power com ASSEMBLY FOR IRELAND Possibility, When Government Gets to Question. London, March 29. It ed that the belie is not cabinet: will announce ins plans on the Irish question for some time, probably not until the next ses sion. The ministers are seceretly working out their policy, and it is believed they are strongly contemplating the establishment of an Irish gssembly, to sit at Dublin. Prémier Campbell-Ban nerman and his associates are anxious 10 dispose of the education and labor legislation this session They recog nize the difficulties ahead of these pro blems and are determined to keep the Irish questipn tegnporarily' in the background in order ditional complication political situation ad general to escape an in the Will Get Divpree. Roswell, N.M,, March 20. There is little doubt that Mrs. Nora Wiggins Harle, of this city, merly a reign ing belle of El Paso, Tex., will obtain a decree of divorce against her hus band, Dr. Charles 8. Harle. The cas is to come up this afternoon and, a the defendant in the snit will not make his appearance, being unavoid ably detained in Mexico, a decree in default will probably be gran Dr. Harle, and twd ather Ameri Mason and Richardson, under sentence of death in jail at Mexico, having been con having murdered two me for insurance money. It that Mason and Richardson gaged by a California life cans, named are Chihuahua, victed of is alleged were en msurancee ing in the capacity of eXamining phy which their life msurance was collect wd. Strong efforts are being made to have the death sentence in the case of Dr. Harle commuted to life im prisonment. Limit Of Human Agony. Is often reached with corns. Foolish, because Putnam's Corn Extractor cures in twenty-four hours. Don't put it off --get *P! utnam's" today--fifty vears in use--painless and sure. A Time For All Things. Just now for a new hat. You'll find no trouble in making a selection from our large assortment of it's time nobby new styles. Campbell Bros), the style contre for men's hats, - 1 \ Herbert W. Branscombe, is dead. in Bloomfield, from pneumonia, aged for tyithree. He a member of the EQ. F. Chloride of lime in Se., 10c. and 15c, patkages at Gibson's Red Cros» drug store, "Phone 230. Prompt delivery. Picton's town clerk will get S800 in was future, iustead of #650 per annum, MARCH 29, 1906. company to solicit business, It was shown in the trial that they insured | the lives of two fen, Dr. Harle act icin. Some time later the two wen! were decoyed across the river into Mexico and there murdered, upon UNION FUNDS Trades Dispute Bill Agita- tes House Of Commons. PEACEFUL PICKETS DECLARED ESSENTIAL PART OF RIGHT TO STRIKE, Government's Measure Not Liking of Laborites~Trouble Feared in Somaliland Owing to Death pf' Ras Makonnen. London, fenreh 20. Trades' dispute bill, a direct outcome of the Tafl Vale decision; which held trades union funds ave liable for the illegal acts of individual members of 4 union; was introduced, in the house of commons, yesterday, by the attorney-general, Sir J. Lawson Walton. 'It provides that no act of a trades union shall be held to be unlawful if such act is law- ful when committed by an individual, and sets forth, in express terms, the right of peaceful picketing, which the attorney-general declared was an es: sential part of the right to strike, and defines the law of agency as ap- plied to trades unions, making it im- postible to claim redress from union funds for any act, unless the act was authorized by the governing body ol the union. The government's measuro was not to the liking of labor members, who declared their opposition to anything short of complete immunity for union funds, They 'are supported by the Irish and many ministerial members, the former of whom, on its second reading, will ask to have the bill ex- terided to include. . Irish farmers 'qnd others. who are open. to unfair test ment, . rs. Somali Tribes Troubling. London, Maren 29.--The situation in Somaliland, near the Abyssinian fron tier, is causing anxiety, wn view of the recent death of Ras Makonnen, gov- ermmor of Harrar, who had powerful pro-British influmce over the turbu- lent tribes, During the last two months Abyssinian tribes, on three occasions, have raided the frontier tribes under British protection, and it is expected that Great Britain will be forced to take action in order to pro- tect her subjects. Ras Baboon attempted to disarm the Ayssinian frontier tribesmen, but Tailed. With a Tess friendly "Fovernor, the tribes will probably become more aggressive, ARE ON STRIKE. The Winnipeg Railway Men Go Out. Winnipeg, Man., March 29. --After an all-night sitting the street railway | men unanimously decided to go on | strike this morning, Two hundred and | thirty seven men are affected, At four | o'clock the men the follow- | ing tatement "The fight | | gave oul a strike is declar Nothing left to us but this tep, or else to xenounce all the prin | ciples that constitute manhood, We | wall conduct the strike in a legitimate, law-abiding and honorable manner Whether we win or lose, it i be | done ty." hour is on, ed Was hones At the od that run as usual, | ficient same the company stat- in any event the cars would the company having suf- men on hand for the purpose. | An extra guard was kept at the bams throughout the night, but the city po | lice were not called into requisition, | I'he company have a few cars running regularly this morning. Street railway wen are crowded at principal corners along Main gtrect, They are attempt ing no violenee other than hooting the men in charge of cars and encouraging draymen to drive along the tracks. FATALLY INJURED, The Natives Would Not Aid in Rescue. Paris, Murch 20.--~Comt De Sonis, while autorpobiling, in Algiers, ' was fatally injured by the overturming of the car. He and his mechanic lay wider. the overturned machine for three hours, vainly ealling for help, Many natives passed, but paid no | heed to their ener. Some derided the {men Chance brought a European along, who obtained help and released the men. The mechanic received se vere: injuries. Favor The Bill. March 20.---Rev, J, GG. secretary of the Lord's Day hae received the first batch from the railway brother regarding the government's Sunday observance hill, which are fa- vorable to the legislation dn question. The letters from several of the lead- ing American railways show that the companies thimselves recognize that on pureiy economical grounds it is worth while, as far as possible to giye the Sunday rest to their em ployens. 2 (Ottawa, | Shearer Alliance, of replies hoods To Visit In Paris. | Paris, March 20.-.It is stated that King: Alfonso, on his way to England to sec his fiancee, Princess Ena, will stop ge to visit, President Falliores and ex-Uresident Lonbet, and that he will invite the latter to attend his wedding as a personal friend. i Killed In Coal Mine. Tokio, March 20.-By an explosion in the Takashima coal mine, near Nagasaki, yesterday, 250 mipers were Killed. | t Pericet Otting glasses, the result of ia perfect test, at Chown's drug store, Man Who Committed Returning Officer Loses Comumission. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, March WThe commission of T, B, Agnew, JP, who on Monday committed James Sinclair, returning officer for Prince Albert district, for trial on a charge of conspiracy, was revoked yes. terday by the attorney-general | of Saskatohewan. The commission of J. Sinclair, who fined the three deputies of Mushroom poll, was cut off a week O. . Agnew has been magistrate here for years and was highly respected. He has no idea what the charge against him can be, and has demand- ol an immediate investigation. Tn addition to this the most important witness for the efown prosecution has mysteriously disappeared and foul play is hinted at. NOTHING WAS FOUND. Things Picked Up by the Belleville Police. Belleville, Ont., March 29--FEarly this momming, a man's overcoat, light coat, vest and cap, were found in a lane in rear of the Masonic build- ing, in this city. In the vest was an open-faced silver watch, which was still running. The police are mystified as: to whom the clothes belong. Not a scrap of paper or anything else was found on the clothes. SKIPPED HIS BAIL. He is Wanted on a Charge of & Fraud. Montreal, March 20.--New York de tectives are here looking for Alfred R. Goslin, or Gosselin, who is wanted an a charge of fraud and who skipped his bail. As Goslin formerly resided in Montreal and is Canadian born it was thought that he would make for" the border. The detectives so far have beerr unable to discover his where- abouts. Bequests To Four Wurses, Toronto, March 29.--Four young Canadian nurses, who are in training, and who attended the late Senator Fulford, of Brockville, prior to his death, in Newton, Hospital, Newton, Mass., on October 15th last, from in juries received while he was motoring down a hill leading into Boston, are heirs to $100 each by a bequest of the late senator. They are prohibited from accepting the legacy, however, bv the regulations governing Newton Hospital, and the money remains in the hands of the Toronto General Trust Corporation, whi, act as exécu- tors of Senator Fulford's will. le, New" ogi from Los Ar uotes President Underwood, of the Erie railway, as saving of the coal situation : most certainly do not think the miners are justified in ordering a strike, and 1 refer to the fact that the miners are to-day better paid, better housed, and have shorter working hours than they ever had or than the American public understands to be the case. he lieve, however, the whiners will surely go out on strike and a hard and long struggle will follow." Probably Fatally Hurt. London, March 29.-Charles HH. Green, of Toronto, a traveller for Henry K. Wampole & Co., of Perth, Ont., fell fourteen feet over a stair case, last night, at the Tecumseh house, and sustained injuries that may be serious. 'It is thought that Mr. Green was overcome by a fainting spell, as he was not feeling well be fore the accident. Six Men Butchered. Minneapolis, March 20.---In a little two-storey ramshackle frame building on Tenth avenue, six Grovk or Syrian laborers were horribly butchered some time Tuesday night. The dead are: Nicolo Demtri, Kiele Demtri, Agne Karofil, Kerestan Yovke, Bankon Ka panni und Unkab Naudabum. Threatened With Destruction. Berlin, March 20 ~The village of Muclheim, vear Coblentz, is threaten- ed with destruction, by a hill, which has been gradually slipping into the valley for several days. Up to this time 150 houses have heen damaged and 500 persons rendered homeless. Emigrant Rush To Canada. London, March 29.-The Salvation Army has been unable to secure sufi cient accommodation for the émi- grants desiring to go to Canada, Al ready 2,600 have been sent to the dominion, and passages for 2,000 more are hooked 1 sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it? People . who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Houso cleaning needs H. & H. soap, apa soap, ammonia, Magic clean ,7 ete, au Rest SHEETS hE Market Square Brown Gelding. 5 years old : work horse, oy. and her, articles, Sale at 11 o'clock. Terms cas WwW. MU RUAY, Auctioneer. DIRECT FROM TURE I will pay eood prices for useful Furniture, rpots, Stoves and all other goods. For trading, buving or selling Ho hetter place than Turk's Second-Hand Store 398 Princess Street. Y.W.C. A. Exhibition of gymnasium work, by Miss Peardon's Junior Class in the YMCA, gymnasium, THURSDAY, 20th, at 8 o'clock. Admission, 10c. Fine oad a, 2010 rst strong An immense purchase oh beautiful : Suitable for summer costuming and shirt waists have just argived and ure ready for your consideration. The fine qualities, the new weaves, the choice colorings must be persgnally inspected to be appreciated, An exhibition so ! one should miss. FRENCH PRINTED FOULARDS CHECK AND FANCY TAFFETAS PLAIN AND FANCY JAP. SILKS SHOT CAMELON TAFFETAS INGLISH TAMALINE BROCHE BROCHE CHIFFON TAFFETA DRESDEN LOUISIENNE ETC, ETC. It's offer you. a Any Kind vou Hesire is here. The weaves, the qualities: and the prices are right. - Sec our special $1 Peau de Sole, STEACY'S GILBERT.--On March 28rd, at Gilbert's Mills, 'wife of 8, Morden Gilbert of & daughter, -------------- Ru RERY ~At his residence, 401 Kin St. coast, March 28th, 1906, Patri Rubery. Funeral will leave the house, on Friday, March 30th, at 9, sharp, for St, Mary's Duthedral, where a solemn re quie mass will be sung for the res pose of hiy soul Bondi und des quaintances are pectiully Tequests to utdept this anion. -- ROBT. J. REID. Tio Leading Undertaker. ; 'Phose 877. 223 Princess St. (GRAND Y OPERA" HOUSE) TO-NIGHT WRESTLING MATCH JORN nails Niagara Ful vale For a LB oe Good preliminaries. Ap "A man will wrestle 'a match with a Baio ian and there will pe a three Round ° Boxing Bout. : Prices--15¢., 26¢., 85c. and 50c. Seats now on hie. Saturday, March 31 t Matinee 2.40, as a In a Farewell Tour of JULIA GREY "Her Only Sin As Presented by Them for Over 1,000 Biss 15-25-85-50 50 NETHEC datines oy Prices -- Children, Ahecd Kbpril 37d, Under Southern Skies Wednesday, April The nesday, RARE Miss From The Her London Worthing, in the' T MR VAN Ny Alfred Searo, Walls of Jericho," ete. Prices--28c., b0c.. Tbe, Seats Mondu JOB. Waddd, branch of the Union Carleton has