areas wasn svnieseriresers $0, irvassisrnaies Treinen 38 30 : g Stsumors- VICTOR AN I Sw in ngines--Ng Hen ¥rom Ha! i fu CA IN NORTH EAD REGULATIONS [| ---- may, oh apoli- he interior, Act, ds vicinity of the land 3 person 4s 'a home. iremouts of this Act as to to obtainiug patent may such person resi with or mother, [f the settler has his permanent whom farming land owned by nity of bia nomestead, the this ACL as' to residence by residence upon the CATION FOR PATENT should 3 end of three years, he. Avent, Sub-Agent oF the Or, ication Jor Datent ve 8iX months' ce 3 to the Commassioner of bor minfon Lands at Ottawa, of his intenti OF - CANADIAN NORTH MINING REGULATIONS, t In ) an individual, 0 $100 per annum ing to capital. , haviner discovered mineral & clad 1,500x1, w ohtain two leases to of five niiles each fora af! wable a of the Miniater Of the Interior, shall have a dreds in oper. none season from the date of les. $10 ng and t al "White * Consumption. Stony a life rhe 5B read dilferant if, on the first rance of & cough, iv had begn remediof with f ; Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This wonderful cough and cold medicine contains all those very pine principles which make the pine woods so valuable in the treatment of lung affections. Combined with this are Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing, Benling and ex- srant ot pectoral or ugh Dold, Bronchitis, Pain in he Chast, Rat Croup, Whooping (Cough, Hoarsenoss or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. You will find a sure eure in De. Wood's Norway Pine Sap. Mrs. 0. N. Loomer, rah 8. writes : "1 havo used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for couglis and colds, and have always found it to give instant reliof. 1 also recommended it to one of my neigh- vors and she was more that pleased with the results." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 25 ots. per bottle at all dyalera. Pat up in yellow wrapper, and thres pine trees the trade gal Spt efile Bondi of and that one is ono Norway Pine Syru; Dr. Woods. F re relieve all tho troubles inch dont to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Naunoa, Drowsi Distress after eating, Pain fn the lie or While their most baw shown in curing Pilly ate vemarkable Buccs Posdacho, yot Carter's Little Liver equally valuablein Constipation, curing and proe venting thisannoy ing complatut, while they also eurreciall disorders of Lhostomach stimulate the Breer and regulate the bowels, Even If they only cured 'Hohe they wonld baaimost priceless to those who #uter from this distressing complaint: but fort Bately their goodness docs noteud hore and thoss whoonoetry them will find these little in samany ways tbat they will not be wil todo without them. But after allsick head ACHE Bthe bane of so many lives that 'here ia where We make our great bosat, Our plilacure it while jo not, Carter's Litile Liver Pills are very small and eany to take, One or two pilla akos dec. y are strictly vegotablo and do not gripe og puns but by their gentle action please all wha them. In vialaat23conts: five for $1. Sold by Graggints everywhere, or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, fall Zl Smal Doss Small Pron mn Shoe Polish Black, Tan and White "2in1" is o secret sclenti - flop for leather only. HE tion result of aver fifty experionce in shoe further RRs REREA Grand Union Hotel ' Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up other in Wood- en Cage and Hor Alive | in Farmyard--People Greatly Yio March 30.-A § . Vienna, Austria, March 30.--A farm- or Ignatz Dobolos of Com' fiorn County, Hungary, bas beem ar: rested on a charge of cruelty to his mother, an aged woman of eighty. Do- bolos. imprisoned the woman in a wooden cage and buried her for six weeks in his farm-yard, leavi only fa narrow aperture through which she' could breathe, and through which he occasionally passed her crusts and water. At times he prodded her witha hay fork while she was thus at his he authorities finally learned of the circumstances and when the police officers dug the woman up she was entirely naked, and there were twenty wounds on her body made by the hay fork. The old woman was barely alive and died the day after being rescued. Pobolos' neighbors tried to lynch him, as he was being taken to prison. NEWBURGH NOTES. Special Church Services Are Being ; Held, : Newburgh, March 29.--Lenten ser- vices are being held in St. 'John's church this wees, Harry Lochead, who is travelling for dental supplies, spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs, Lochead. Juklge Madden, Napanee, spent "Tues day at Mrs, A. Madden's, Master kr pie' Finn is seriously ill with cercbro- meningitis. Born o aturday to Mr, and Mrs. John R, arpe, a daugh- ter, the book cébmmitice of the public library selected the books to be purche used, this week, and the pew volumes will soon be¢ placed on the library's shelves. It is hoped our citizens will rally to the support of this institu- tion, C, H. Finkle shipped a cushion- ed-tire runabout to br. H-E, Paul, Fort William, last weck, Harold Fair- bairn is taking an engineering course in Montreal. Peter Fairbairn was in lvronto, last week, attending the grand lodge of the A.O.U.W. Simon Aitamaefie is laid up with a sprained ankle. Miss Ella Chant is visiting her aunt, Mrs. D, E. Rose, Tamworth. T. Yeomans was in Enterprise and Tamworth on Wednesday of last week, W. B. Dunn and Henry Connor, spent Sunday in Chippewa. M. Ryan shipped his safe to Galt this week, to have a new door put on. Mrs. Shorey spent a few days last week with her son, J. E. Shorey, Cannifton. Rev, J. F. Mears is conducting spe- cial services at Strathcona. Miss An- na Sutton and Miss Marion Sutton spent Tuesday with Mrs. D. A. Val lean, Napanee. A cement floor is being placed in the 'cheese factory. Mr. Rob- inson, employed in Finkle's carriage works, received the sad intelligence on Wednesday of the death of his sister, Mes. John Walker in Cannifton, W. F, Hall, Napanee, was in town on Wed- i} : | FASHION'S FORM. Pretty Use of All-Over and Flouncings. I'he vogue of embroideries which has created such a furore in woman's wear for the coming summer time is equally strong in children's wear, Two widths of eyelet embroidery flouncing are em ployed in the little skirt of the dress illustrated, to which is attached the blousy waist of fine French batiste. The little yoke and front picees are of an all-over eyelet embroidery on a fine batiste, and around the yoke and cas- ecading down either side of the plas tron 1s the broderic Anglaise, while the ting puff &leeve of the batiste banded with the all-over and finished with tiny embroidered frills. This is an excellent model, one becoming to most any child, and may be carried out in any sort of pretty material, whether a soft woolen a dainty wash fabric. is or Unable To Give Alarm. New York, March 30. The home of Frank Witherbes, at No. 4 Fiith avenue, was entered by a burglar and jewels and old family - plate of the value of several thousands -of dollars were taken. Mr. Witherbeo is out of the city, but Mrs. 'Witherbee and her danghter saw the burglar at work, fearing to make an outcry. When he had gone they tried to give the alarm by telephone, but the wires hed heen cut, Gives $2,000,000 More. Pittsburg, March 30.--It is announe- ed that Andrew. Carnegie had given two million dollars in addition to pre- vious gifts for the maintenace of "the Carnegic Technical schools. Mr. Car negie expressed a desive that the Mar: garet Morrison Camegie School for Women be completed as soon as pos- Jsible, It is expected that the technical schools will cost about $5,000,000 when completed. 4 ---------- C -- book from Edward Steinkopff, Former Pro- prietor Succumbs: London Standard, The death is announced of Edward Steinkopff, She founder of the great Apolinaris business, the sometime proprietor eo Sh Gagetsg. Mr, 8 died. at hid residenct, Lyndhurst, Hayward's Heath, on Tues- day night, in his sixty-ninth year. His carver was ape of ihe romances of industry. Born in Mecklenburg, and married in Frankfort, he jomed a Ger- man house in Glasgow seventies, and then opened husiness.ap his own account. He sufiered a severe reverse in the catastrophe of the City. of Glasgow Bank, but, being a busi ness man to the, fis Alps, ha deft Jus losses to mopen; {or sel v8 and Tad once looked out for commercial venture, In conjunction with the Tate George Smith of Smith, Elder ~ & Co., he found. the = Apolinaris businéss in 1874. He took the chief charge of the company, and under his bold and pru- dent management it - grew until, © in 1897, the business was sold 'to the late Frederick Gordon for nearly £2,000, 000, Mr. Steinkopfi took share of the purchase money about a million sterling, in hard cash, He bought the charming estate of Lynd: hurst, and spent the rest of his life in retirement there, with occasional bie periods of Stik nee Py dt; Berkeley Squni Ei al ond" was the abode of Premier Pitt. Mr. Steinkopfi's associations with journalism were int ting. He hought the St, James' Gazette from Hucks Gibbs cight years after its foundation. Although nomi in retirement, he took a keen interest in the management of the paper." "Ghe most minute points of newspaper pro duction interested him, nnd he was of an inquiring turh of mind: Up to the last 'twa. or thres yard he gave one the impredd#6B" of being a dtrong man in commerce, Mr." Stoinkopfl sold - the St. James" Gazotfe in 1903, and twas soon afterward amalgamated with the Eveding Standard. , Mr, Steinkopff belonged to the Carl ton land the Conservative clubs. His wife, the daughter of a Frankfort mer: chant, died a few months age... His only child is the wife of Col. Stéwart Mackenzie of Seaforth, brother of Lady St, Helier and the Marchioness of Tweeddale, wife of Sir Evans Gor- don. Mr. Steinkopf was ofic' of the most generous and appreciative pat- rons of art, and his house in Berkeley Square is full of famous victures, He was also a éonndisetnr of arfistie fur: niture, and had a large collection of fine old Fnelish silper. Jn his latter vears. and when his' health beoan to fail, he devoted himself to, eardening, and his place fw Bisse was famous for the extraordinary variety of coni- ferous trees. He was a man of great natural ahility and wnbounding energy and nothine gave him greater pleas nre than the exercise of a cenerous hospitality to his many friends} HONORABLE PR, ROY. Teg so Only Six, Months A . Rel ity, C. 5 Hon. Pi Roy's the yepn @ new lie of Montmagny, he went through a.course of study at "'Le College Ste. Anne de Lapoceatiere." and afterwards studied at L'Universite of Laval of Quebec, where he obtained his degrée as doctor of medicine, After a long stay in Par is, where he improved himself and ceived the title of specialist for eye diseases, he came back to Canada im 1898, and settled at Edmonton, where he is still résiding. In 1900 -he married Miss Helen Young, daughter of Harri son Young, inspector of fisheries at Edmonton, and grand-daughter of the Hon. John Young, ex-minister of pub lic works, under the Mackenzie govern ment. Hon. P. Roy took a great part in gil the political campaigns' of the province, he 'made himself éminent by his uprightness, his integrity, his good judgment, and his perfect know ledge of public affairs, He also took a great part in the campaign of 1905, and by establiching "Le Couriér de I'Ouest," he contributed in a large share to the complete and definite vie tory of the liberal party in Alberta. He was therefore the candidate to sas- tain with a great dignity the right and prerogatives of the French-speak ing Canadians. In calling Mr. Rov to the Sir Wilfrid Laurier has confirmed the choier made by the creat number of French-Canadians in North Alberta. Spring Importation Of 19086. Prevost, Brock street, has reoeived two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and Vicunas. His 815 suiting made to order beats anything of pre vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed. : re senate, in the early? his own | bis hove Bu v ie ber pver called fo thes ate, * Speaker Power, who 8! son] Sis months over the legal § fe of th 2 five, when he was es Mie sense: in 1872. It is worthy of note = that both these gentlenren were Appointhd under liberal. governments, 3 ** Born in 1863 at St. Francois. de uyers. If you this statement. American In- About the i dian's Healthy Hair. Facts The American Indian accustomed from time immemorial to go bharchead- od in all kinds of weather is never troubled with falling hair or Baldness. The close atmosphere caused hy our "civilized" head-gear is conducive to the breeding of infinitesimal germs which dig into the scalp and thrive on the sap of the hair-root. This true cause of baldness is of re gent discovery and explains the non- success of all hair-vigors which treat ed baldness as a functional disorder: Newbro's Herpicide is a direct exter- minator of the germ. "It destroys the cause and permits the hair to grow as nature intended. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. | in stamps for sample_to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special agent. vt GANANOQUE NEWS, Fire--Employee Had Elbow Injured. "€lananoque; March 30. Flames sere discovefed issuing from the roof of the small outbuilding adjacent to the works of the Skinner Manufacturing 'company, limited, about ten o'clock yesterday morning. The building was used as a covering for the dust-fan system. Cause spontaneous cembus- tion, The shop men with pails . sue- ceeded in extinguishing the flames be- fore much damage was done. Frank Amo, an employee of the Skinner Manufacturing company, limit- od, where hie is engaged as an iron polisher, had: his elbow considerably ground on a large: emerystone yester- day. Hugh Wilson & Son have purchased the store formerly occupied by Tay: Jor Green as a dryigoods store, J. T. reén takes over the warerooms and residence of Mr. Wilson, comer Gardner and Charles streets, and also property. on the. corner of Brock and Stone streets, Mr. Wilson will use the lower, flat for show rooms and office, the two upper flats for showrooms and storage. Mrs. Cook, wife of E. "G. Cook, King street, who has been ill for some time past, is rapidly improving. Mrs. W. H. Jackson, Lindsay, who has been visiting with Mrs. H.- Wilson, Charles street, has returned home. Frank Hicks hag sold out his cart ing 'business to Mae Coton, and has pirchased the busihess aad good will of D. Dodds, next door 15 the Ameri can: hotel, King street, A Small Mise Nell Greenizen, »f Kingston, who has been spending 1 few days with Mrs, Henry Forest Home, Leeds township, has returned home, Died Deserted :And Alone. New York, N.Y.; March 30.»-Mrs, Blanche Turner Dennis, widow of Maj Hugh C.. Dennis, formerly. an officer of the Canadian volunteers, and at qne time one of the finest salaried life in surance agents in America, od himself to death after he was con nected with a get-rich-quick scandal that resulted in the indictment and conviction of United States Senator who griev Burton, of Kansas, lies déad, in a bleak room in rear of an undertaking establishment at 954 Amsterdam ave nie. Mrs. Dennis suffered from drugs and an operation of a criminal nature, admitted she herself, she haa administered to Stop Having Colds. Colds and the results of colds ore unnecessary. Take in time Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxative) prevent colds. Taken after a cold gets started the remedy cures in twelve hours, Just as effective for la grippe, headache and constipation. A harmless, ientific remedy that can't fail. la boxes . Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not s#tisfactory, 0009 ® { fake counters. We sell . ones sold elsewhere. OVER CLOVE ® VBOESE : Any Good Shoemaker § i In the town will tell you that he can easily @ spot Children's Shoes that come from McDERMOTT'S By the absence of pastetoird insoles and @ Our good shoes cost no more than the poor » @® © = ® only all solid gocds. ® @ | Mc Seses Dermott's Shoe Store . ® | 8 . 0080R2€0 30000 0000000 EXTRAORDINARY GENEROUS OFFER It'san undisputed plain fact that our wonderful existing low prices prevail. ing at our EXTENTION DOOMED SALE--it is the talk are in any mood for disputing the facts or doubt the veraci 'ECON Six days in the week we emphasize Quality store to great features, Economy all Week. gether as the motion and attraction of this store--bhut on 8 the precedence to Economy in the bargain, An assortment of Black I &oeds, in French Armeories hairs; Silk and Wool €repe de Thine ish effects for Separate Waists and Full Gowns. £1. Sat Of F Reguluyl Extr of all careful, shrewd ty of p3y wip Just Listen If you can but spare a few moments with us, of oui Suits for $3.85, or Overcoat "about the same price. Then, if you hesitate io decide, and especially get proof that same can be duplicated at the course, take them along with you, without paying a cent for them. JOSEPH SILVER, 102 Princess St. In the hands of the Canadian Mercantile Co. permit us to show you one prices, why, of OMY DAY AT JOHNSTON'S as the first claim of congideration and patronage. For Saturday =o emphasiz These two reasons work h; ature Telling Quality that lics behing ' Dress Goods Economie ods, French Me pu) Boliennes, ote. All new poode 1 Values for 73¢., nd urday Bargain"... t 6 Women's Walking Skirts 'nizlish Chevios, an Blagk 'and Navy, made with pleated sid ly $3.50 and #4. Saturday Sale Price Ladies' Hose, 10c. n fine quality, spliced heels and toes, The James Johnston Store Let Us Call Your Attention To our line of #7 PAINTS! For Houses, Carriages and Boats They not only look well but wear well. * Flos: and Furniture Stains and Var- dishes, Brushes of all kinds. Paift Oils, Glass, Putty and everything required by the painter may be had at the BiG BLUE HARDWARE STORE. ° -McKELVEY & BIRCH- 69 and 71 Brock Street. SUCHARD'S COCOA Bring the Water to a Boil --add just }; a other cocoas--s tea ang coffee. | FRANK L. BENEDICT &X CO. (Pronounced SU-SHAR) --Z ie < ["~ uch SUCITARD'S as the usual quantity of nd your. breakfast cocoa is ready for the Then edd' milk and sugar to each cup, as youdoto | and especially comyalescents, SUCHA 1 food--sustaining, invigorating and readily ass kest systeri. The flavor wins your fever. Insist on having Sucha: lenipd ol soLfoL go SOLE AGENTS MCNTREAL \L are Nature's Best Tonics. products, made from the choicest barley and best selected hops. healthful and aid digestion. are very palatable beverages and agree with the most delicate stomach. JAS. McPARLAND, » LABATT'S Ale and Porter Pure Malt They are very Labatt's 339 and 341 King St., hone 274. ¢ If you do not use a Type- riter. The visible wnting » EMPIRE will please you and draw trade. Price, $60. Try one for a month. RB. C; DOBBS & ©0.. 171 Wellington St. x / +1 have seen hur CURED=after all othe I know of acute ; overcome by 'Bu-Ju'. cured. - I cquainted w Rheumatism and suffer are well and happy--th I know of wome childbirth--who regain other medicine than * B I know that 'Bus]i petter--and will cure ) and Rheumatism. If your hands and desire to urinate--if the hips--if the bowels are right now to take ' Bu- They are guarante get your money back." THE CLAFLIN CHEMI eed vitality. Address DR. KOHR MED Write for sampye {df But, Oh ! how oft ill-fitting shoes ! Every young lad: falls in love with tt fitting the foot right kink of fashion in t ; they wear so well. pair of shoes here nex ture. Every good le every width and size, Come, see. J.H, Sutl THE HOUSE ( Now is the tim We are offering to Saturday, M 20% Dis -- Wal Call and see ou latest designs a W. N. 78 W The Ca William Street, Tor