5 OFFER | existing low prices prevail. e talk of all careful, shrewd ts or doubt the veracity of cn permit us to show you ope e. Then, if you hesitate 14 icated at the prices, why, of t for them. Princess St. rcantile Co. 1Y DAY NSTON'S Quality the first claim of (his For Saturday «ec emphasiz as Be two réasons work har harmaonio f this store--hut on Saturd day ling Quality that lies Economie ds, in French -Armeries; Feeich Mi: Eoliennes, ete. All new goods, «iv il Gowns. T3¢., %5¢. and Values for vd 6, lking Skirts Navy, made with pleated sid e Price . lose, 10c. id toes, yhnston Store Your Attention ine of INTS! uses, -Carriages and Boats. y look well but wear well. d Furniture Stains and Var- of all kinds. Is, Glass, Putty and everything the painter may be had at the RDWARE STORE. & BIRCH- rock Street. to a Boil 1s the usual quantity of ocoa is ready for the each cup, as you do to enc Subs Soy, -- ents, SUCHARD' nd readily ass COCOA gled Ly on having Suctard's. GENTS - re ---------- am sna rier Pure Malt cest barley y are very Labatt's and agree 1. AND, 41 King St., su do not use a Type : r one for a month. @ pS SPP speeded The visible writing RE will please you and . 171 Wellington 3 8 a Back Number g rade. $OPETEES $4 "I tell you, Sir, 1 know 'Bu=Ju' will cure you." #1 have seen hundreds of cases treated by 'Bu-Ju' and CURED=after all other treatment had been a complete failure. I know of acute attacks of Bright's Disease, successfully overcome by 'Bu-Ju'--and the diseased kidneys completely cured. Ian Rheumatism and suffered agony with the pain. --_------ \ are well and happy--thanks to 'Bu-Ju.' acquainted with men, who were all crippled up with To-day, they I know of women-whose kidneys were weakened by childbirth--who regained their former robust health with no other medicine than * Bu-Ju.' I know that 'Buju' will do you goodwill make you feel petter--and will cure you of Kidney and Bladder Trouble-- and Rheumatism. If vour hands and feet are swollen--if there is a constant desire to urinate--if there is pain in the back and through the hips--if the bowels are constipated--stomach upset--I tell you right now to take ' Bu-Ju.' They are guaranteed to cure you. get your money back. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., Limited. - " If they don't, you can WINDSOR, Ont. Kehr, remedies have failed. remedy can and will cure you fo sf ples, varicocele, pain in the-bacl disappear completely in the w to two week's treatment. Correspondence treated treatment seat free witha the sol epdritality. Write for sampie {_ii. securely scaled in plain wrapper. FREE HELP FOR MEN :: cienc which will positively cure lost manhood inn the marvellous German Remedy discovered by Dr, Jules r. Itis controlled in this count Medicine Company, a concern whid standing in the medical world. This 'reatment has cu thousands of men, younz and old, when th= best known If you are sufferin; of the generative organs such iis lost man! St cases in The by the Dr. onlte .oht has the highe; ing drains, nervous debility, the results of al FI n book of rules for health, det and advice. Our greatest successes have been those who have failed with other treatments. This remedy is Iegulaly used in the French and German i from diseases hood, exhaust Lhis headache, piru. We make the honest offer of a cure or return your money. Thousands of testimonials, ® d 3 1 armies, and ers in these countries are modeis of strength Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L.2341, Montres™- You ill-fitting shoes ! : Every young lady who sees our SPRING SHOES falls in love with them on sight COMFORTABLE, fitting the foot rightly, STYLISH, having every late kink of fashion in them, SATISFACTORY, because they wear so well. The Young Miss who once buys a pair of shoes here never thinks of going elsewhere in fu ture. Every good leather, every correct toe and heel, Where Would Expect To find prettier feet than the feet of the young lady in her teens ? But, Oh ! how often her feet are injured by wearing every width and size, every price just right, too. Come, see. J.H, Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING. 20% Discount on all -- Wall Papers Willi SPRING 1906 Now is the time to buy your Wall Papers. We are offering from Monday, March 26th, to Saturday, March 31st. x Call and see our samples--they are all of the latest designs and colorings. i SHEET. LEAD The Canada Metal Co. m Street, Toronto. 78 William Street. W. N. Lemmon GET OUR PRICES 'Phone Main 1729 HE WAS A TRAITOR CZAR REWARDS A TRAITOR. "RED." ns Inkstand to Man Who Plotted Grandfather's Death-- Pardoned on Peaching. 'St. Petersburg," March 30.--Emperor Nicholas has presented a silver ink- stand to Leo Tikhamitoff, who has just published a book in defense of the autocracy, ' Tikhamiroli formerly "was the idol of the revolutionists and a member of the executive committee of "The Peo- ple's Will," which plotted the assass- ination of Emperor Alexander II., grandiather of the present czar. His successful escapes from the Russian secret police form a thrilling chapter in the revolutionary history of the terrorist period. In 1887, Tikhamirofi renounced revo- lutionism and betrayed his former comrades, in return for which he was pardoned. In recent years he has heen a writer for the reactionary press. AT MYER'S CAVE. Telephone Line From the Cave to Harlowe. Myer's C'ave, March" 28. ~The oyster supper and concert given by 'he 1.0. G.T. lodge, of Harlowe, on the 20th, was a decided success, The programme consisted of vocal and instrumental music, readings and recitations local talent. A handsome sum was re alized at the door. E. Dellyea has gone to work in the Big Dipper mine. F, Perry, Centreville, visited friends at the Cave last week. Bernard Vanal- stine, a former resident of this place, but now of Traverse City, is renewing acquaintances in our neighborhood ai- ter an absence of twenty vears, Mr. Critchley has several men en gaged laving down the wires for the telephone, which, is to be extended from Myer's Cave to Harlowe, as soon as the ground is fit to put up the poles. The wood bee at John Vanal- Stine's on Wednesday last was fairly well attended in spite of the snow- storm. W. Pipe is doing a rushing business with his saw mill, judging from the number of lumber piles around the mill yard. He intends starting to cut shingles in a few days. Martin Neale has returned home from Nairn Centre, where he has been em- ployed for the winter _in the lumber woods. Mr. and Mrs. Jerdme Bott and family of Harlowe, leit for Oxbow, Assiniboia, N.W.T., on the 19th inst. Previous to their departure a recep tion was given them -by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bott will he greatly missed. T. D. Perry, of Myer's Cave, received the sad news of the death of his sister," Mrs. Peter .Cars- calle; "Tamworth. Mr. and Mrs, J, Rombough, with Miss Sadie Scott, all of Harlowe, spent Saturday even- ing at the Cave, the guests of Mrs. C. McGregor. J. A. Jamieson, man- ager of the Big Dipper mine, made a business trip to Kingston last week. Mrs. E. W. Wood, of Harlowe, is vis- ising her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. D. Perry, at the cave, this week. Miss Fdna Mitchell visited friends at Har- lowe last week. Mrs. Isaac Dellyea is very ill at present sufiering from a severe attack of neuralgia. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray visited the latter's par- entsy Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, on Sunday last. Mrs, J, C, Mitchell was the guest of her daughter's, Mrs. D. Gray, the greater part of last week. by To-Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Druggiste refund money if it fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature i "each box, 25c. usluy bs It is reported that J. Walsh will be appointed superintending engineer of the Trent Valley canal in place of Mr. Rogers. ¥ EASY TO LET A COLD RUN ON Until it Develops Into Pneumonia or ' Consumption--Easy to Cure a Cold if You Use DR. CHASE'S §** LINSEED AND TURPENTINE pg i It is easy to let a cold run on, You may say with others that you always let a cold take care of itsetf, There is a danger of following this plan once too often, At this season of the year the lungs seem to be upusually suscep tible to disease, and before you sus- pect it, pneumonia or consumption has seated itself in your system. It is pos- sible you have tried the cough ix. tures which druggists offer to their customers. These may do well enough for slight colds, or tickling in the throat, but they are powerless in the presence of serious disease, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is far more than a cough remedy. It cures RE cold as well as loosening and easing the cough, It takes the pains out of the bones, and reaches the very seat of disease when there is. pain and tightness in the chest. It would not be too much to say that Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has saved thousands THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 30. ------ -- I XL Rye Whisky Established 1859 The Best od %, Eg Half a Century Later 1906 S1ill the Best GARIBALDI'S FRIEND. The End An Life. Florence, March 30.--~The death of White Mario has reviv ed the memories. of her remarkable ca reer as a staunch ally of Giuseppe Ganbaldi, with whom she wen®{o the various campaigns in which op ig As a young girl named Jessie White, she lett her home at Cowes while still in her teens, to.study art in France. In Italy she made the acquaintance of tne Garibaldi family, and acted as a in the Garibaldi of Interesting pSignora Jessie of governess household, : In 1857, Miss White was engaged in journalistic work, and contributed to English newspapers, articles dealing with the political situation in Italy sort About that time she married Major Alberto Mario, one of Garibaldi's of ficers. She threw herself with ardour into the struggle for Italian unity, and was imprisoned with her husband for a month or two, being banished in the end. After a stay in Agwerica Sig nor and Signora Mario rejoined Gan baldi"s camp and tSignora Mario sumed her journalistic work, With Garibaldi's "red shirts' nora Mario went through the Italian campaign of IN and 1860, She had on to escape from dangerous sitnations in disguise and frequently risked her life by taking the place of others who were being pursued and in imminent peril of cap- ture, Garibaldi spoke of her as the bravest woman of modern times and Mazzini, Victor Emmanuel, and other Italian leaders were warm in admire tion of her. She refused all rewards for re ze several occasions of people from pneumonia end con- sumption. There is not a village or hamlet in Canada where this famous family treatment is not recognized a most unusually effective cure croup, bronchitis, asthma, coughs and colds, / Mrs. R. D. Turner, Broadview, N. W T., writes: "We have seven children, and have used Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for every one of them and with good results, We get four bottles at a time, and find it a good remedy to break up cold on the lungs" - Don't take anything said to be "just as good." There ix no throat and lung medicine just as good as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- time, kemember this when huying, and intist on having Dr, Chase's: 25¢. bottle. All dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, her with the exception of medals, which were struck in her honor by some of the wounded whom she had attended in her office as Inspectress of Ambulances, a post con ferred upon her ong battlefield by { Garibaldi. Of the memenioes services, two gold of her adventurous career which she cherished most wore two photographs of himself which Garibaldi presented to her. One was mecribed to herself ac "To My Dearest Sister," and bore the dates of the four campaigns in which she had heen engaged. The other was addressed to her husband. whom Garibaldi address od ax "My dearest friend and brother: in-arms." Wade's Compound Syrup of Tar and | team this season. SPORTING NOTES. et Interesting Items on Sporting Matters. A professional jockey eannot com- Pete as an amateur swimmer, accord- ing to the English Amateur Swim ming _ Association. which has just made a specific ruling on that point. More than 190,000 games are play in a year on the public bowling greens of Edinburgh. Bowls can be rented for a'penny a game and the revenue from this source is sifficient to meet the upkeep of the greens. Varsity will have one of the strong- est lacrosse teams this season that has ever been sent out to represent the university. There are some seven- teen players now in training for, the trip across the line, where games will be played with a majority of the larger American colleges. S All. Smith and Harry Westwick have done everything but sign their names to declarations that they will tern out on the lacrosse field this summer, The reappearance of these two stars will tend to rim Ottawa's Minto cup chances up many pegs. It has been two years since either Westwick or Smith have donned lacrosse togs. The Canadian national game of la crosse is steadily gaining a foothold in New York. The Crescent Athletic Club, of Brooklyn, has long been the premier club of the United States and its success has inspired other clubs to take it up. There ave now two other clubs in the city and there is a strong probability of a new club entering this coming season. Galt champions mous English will play the ia Corinthian football A representative is in that town arranging preliminaries. Hoppe, the boy wonder, is undouht edly the greatest master of the bil hard cue in the world. 'He is only twenty vears of age. His opponent, Ge rn Slosson, © aged fifty-two, has heen in the public eve for over thirty vears as a billiard champion At New York, Peter Maher, the erstwhile champion of Ireland, met defeat at the hands of Sailor Burke, at the Morrisania A. to knock out rounds, Maher agreed the sailor within three but had to taste his own me dicine, as the sailor put the old-timer to sleep in the round. Maher was in no condition. He was hog fat, and every time Burke landed a blow he wanld try to clinch or drop to the floor. Burke had no trouble in getting to him during the two rounds. second Portland Tidings. Portland, March 28. The snow story of last week was a good thing for the farmers and saw mills. There never were as many logs hauled in such a short time before. Mrs, W. Kerfoot, of Smith's Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Gallagher. Mr, and Mrs. R. Cameron, of Newhoro, were in the village on Monday. E. Dono van, of Athens, paid the village a call this week. Born to Mr, and Mrs R, Rose, a daughter, W, Howe intends leaving soon for the west where he has secured a ition. Mrs, OC. Donevan, who has been on the sick list, is able to he around again. A young daugh- ter has come to stay at the home of W. Dowsett. Mr. Kelsey, of Flgin, is the guest of Miss Ella Sly. Mrs, W, J. Moran. of Phillipsville, was the guest of her father, Frank Healey, last week. Miss Muriel Toffey spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Newhoro, W. Myers intends moving into the Austin house next week, Migs Mima Henly returned home after spending the past. two weeks with her sister, Mrs, M. Garvin, "of Kitlev, ~ Notes From Athens. Athens, March 29.--A highly eloen- tionary concert took place, last even ing, in St, Paul's Preshvterian church, under the auspices of the = W.C.T.U, Miss Fry, Soperton, got the medal. Miss Gainford, was a very close sec ond.: There is a very extenswvegmove to the west this spring. R. M. Arnold, who went out a year ago and prepar ed 175 acres for the seed has taken his family with him this vear. Charles Gray has rented his farm to A. P, Arnold and gone ! west. 1. T. Bullis and family expect to go next week, Mra. H. C. Smith, Plum Hollow, is with her daughter, Mrs, Lee, for a few ays. Rev. W. Rilance, who has charge of Frankville and Toledo since the death of Rev. R. I. Oliver, has been sick. with a cold but is better, The "Earl Lights'! js very popular in these parts, Good Appetite. Awaits you in every tin of Clark's Ready Lunch Vedl Loaf. More tasty, wholesome and digestable than plain veal. Get a tin from vour dealer, ------ Dr. W. N of Grace Godirey, one of the stafi hospital, was on Tuesday presented with the medal of the Royal Canadian Humane Society for conspi cupus bravery displayed in the rescue from drowning of Gladys McKibbon, in Toronto harbor. Dr son of Mr. Godfrey. for years G. 1 agent at Mallorytown Mrs. Allore, wife of Louis Cannifton, died, Wednesday, after a brief illness. The deceased was' for merly a Mise Callaghan, Hungerford, and was twenty-two years of age, Godirey is a R. Allore, Wild Cherry for coughs. Big bottles 20c. at Wade's drug store, = | Various X Sample sent on application. Cooking Choco- late try Beasdorp's (Blue Wrapper). ROYAL DUTCH solves the problem of economy. One pound will equal two pounds of other makes, | - therefore it actually costs much less. Thousands have proved it, so can you. Ask for the Cocoa with Yellow Wrapper. EE -- ~ 5 A GREAT FLICTION. Cheerfully Borne and Made the Best of. Cornwall, March 27. (To the Edi tor) : The long expected spring weath er has at last set in, though the tire: winter had been unusually mild, yet the farmers and others generally are pleased it is over. Many are now preparing for sugar-making, with a fair prospect of having a good run. There is a strong desire to have the mail accommodation along the line of the Ottawa dnd New York railway between the capital and Cornwall im proved hy having two mails a day each way carried - on the line in question, instead of once a day as at present. Petitions are being numer ously rignedy@in and around the dwsi- ness centres, asking the Hon. Mr. Avlesworth, postmaster general, to vield this favor. Besides the petitions the Cornwall Board of Trade is vigor- ously taking the matter up, and the desire is to bring influence to bear in furtherance of the prospect. It is hop ed that Mr. Aylesworth will acede to the request, en Doubtless, many of your readers can yet recall the horrifying 'and dinboli- enl afliction, wantonly, perpetuated on a young man at the age of twen ty-three, in the county of Renfrew, in March, IS77, by a fiend in human form, resulting in the destruction of both the eves of the poor fellow, to- tally blinding him for the remainder of life, for which the heartless wretch, causing it, was tried at the fall as sizes, the same year, al Pembroke, found guilty, and sentenced to serve a term in the penitentiary, in partial atonement for hig awful crime, The unfortunate victim of this blood: curdling outrage, R. A. McDonald, the son of a school teacher, the late Alex ander RB. McDonald, who faithfully pursued his calling for the lengthened period of over forty years. The blind son referred to is here at present, vis- iting relatives and friends whom he had not seen for a number of vears. It may, perhaps, be interesting to say a word as te the manner in which this sightless and inoffensive gentleman had been occupying his time since overtaken with his awful affliction of twenty-nine years ago Happily for him and the sympathis ing public will doubtless be pleased to know, that on finding himself inca pacitated from pursuing his former occupation, in consequence of his blindness, he turned his attention to music, and under the tuition received from- leading professors, including the late lamented Robinson Lyons, well known in his day thronghont the Ot tawa and other districts of Ontario as a performer on the violin of advanced and rare acquirements in the art, whom Mr. McDonald can vow imitate as closely as anyone to-day in Can ada. An amusing incident took place when young McDonald went first Mr. Lyons for instruction. Before a note was yet struck, Mr. Lyons res marked, "Young man, the tune [I first learned onght to be good for yon to commence on, the name of which ix "The Girl 1 Left Behind Me." Within the short space of one hour, his pupil had the tune, which was the only les son received from him until the expir ation of three years, when they met again and played together, Mr."Lyons expressing astonishment at the mark ed progress Mr. McDonald had made in the meantime, highly compliment ing him upon it. Although Mr. Me- Donald has scarcely a peer to-day as a violinist, vet, he is modest enough to say, in juktice to the deceased Mr. to If the plans are approved by the stadium for athletic games on la nd reclained from the Hudson Riv er. It is to cost Lyons, that he ean never hope to at- tain the plane of perfection reached by For al kinds of Family Baking BEAVER FLOUR has no equal. It is the only flour blended especially for household use and this blend." ing "Cotas mul ivaens. enables the housewife to get the best TESUNS, gual het Wives Saver The best costs no more than the next best. Your grocer should have it for you. A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much Interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying sed selling as a science, but that's what we've made it. 'wo fmportant discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to ur customers pays best; and that the way to win business is to deserve iL. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Fhone 133. > APPLICATION TO OTICE 18 HE N Ii REBY GIVEN that application will be ma to legislative Assembly the Province of In of Kingaton at einnl Elections shall years and that the aldermen who obtain the next highest number of votes in each ward shall hold office for two years, and that the aldermen who obtain the third hest ni hig! umher votes in each ward shall hold office for one year, and that the 1d- ¢rman be elected for each Ward annual- lv to hold office for three years; and r other RAPS, DONALD M. McINTYRE, Solicitor for tha Aonblicantas Kingston, February 14th, 1906. TIF -------- him (Mr. Lyons) in his own Lowland Scotch airs, though as to Highland Scotch wusic it would be otherwise, Besides mastering many of the leading airs, Mr. McDonald plays the old Highland Scotch notes with such life and perfection as to arouse and ex- cite to ecstacy even the drooping spir- its of those of this nationality, Under those circumstances it is scarcely necessary to sayt that My, McDonald is a welcome guest ever, - where, especially among the lovers of music, who are reluctant to part with him after once enjoying his fascinat- ing strains, 'He is well preserved, alwava cheerful in manner, and, well for him, submits to his afiction without a murmur.~ J. P. MACMILLAN. High-born Siamese walk with elbow joint turned inward thumbs out. the and the New will greatly increasé the educatio nal value of the University, PARLIAMENT | '