kind ; all ves NOT invest i ' ioe dee iti class and produc fi Kingston Head Cheese. ~-- The Cold © Let warmth reign _ Itrcosts us money Must echaree you. Rut comlort as to hodiy FE eomtort as 10 cooking sutisiy bodily, appetite. "offer, oe. upon better | price or delivery 'Sou. ought te Loy: hore. Head Office, Waterloo, Canada that's supreme ! lL Coal costs money=no use donying therefore we coal brings warmth, meals to 1 you can L bay betler Copl elsewhere than we Aerms of where otherwise 8S. ROUGHTON : Distrist Agont, Kingston Money to Loan NoINTYRE & MoINTYRE % King Street Try Mysrs' "Home: Made" R. CRAWFORD, ! _ _ FOOTOF QUEENST. {are against this 'grab' by an almost | and 'Bttention of the house, but he! The Grab Is Unpopular. The Montreal Star has it that the jmembers of the House of Commons the indemnity act, on the ground that they gave their conscnt and do no want to cat crow. = : | The electors. are not sitting any in- digestible dish before them but have a distinct recollection of what hap [pened after. the last season, and when two of the constituencies in Ontario were opened, J Mr. Aylesworth, the postmaster-gen- eral, in North York, and Mr. Pardes, in West Lambion, expressed what was regarded as the mind of the people generally when they said they would not indorse the indemnity and pension act ax it stood, and that they would wapport a hill for their revision. "The people," says the Star, "have wade it abundantly clear that they unanimous 'vote' No mémber can hovestly pretend that he thinks that the people of Canada want it. Every indication points the other way, and there is not a shred of evidonee quote in rebuttal. I the manbers dream that the people are willing to pay this money let them hold a plely iscite on it. Let a few of them resign their seats and fight a miniature gen- eral election on it. But the position of the people is beyond reasonable dis pute, Mumbers can only plead _ their clandestine agreement of last session as a reason for delyirg public opinion now on the theory that such an ag- recent justifies 5 member of parlia- ment in voting contrary to the kflown will of his constituents." Were the postmaster-gencral ang Mr. Pardee speaking under inspiration 7 Tio) has been generally thought so. The Polish Of A Leader. It was said of a ertain member of the United States senate that when he was elected he took up the study of constitutional law, He was not yuick in reaching a status by reason of which he could command the ear to reached it eventually. : The process of development was somewhat painful. He had the ability to*discuss great questions, but he had not the tact or supreme control of himself which. the circumstances war- ranted. Trying situations were arising. He able to an realized his ever was impetuous and irrit extreme degree. But he weakness and sot about the eure of his defects, A correspon: dent of one of the papers, referving to E DAILY WHIG. generally, are not disposed to amend' manufacturers Power company's current, as J rs from 10c. to 15c. per kilo-walt for. "Opiter 'Orbem Dicor." power, while Toronto, which gene: a wr ems | rates the electricity' from steam, char- ges from Se. to Ie. per kilo-watt: The Canadian Niagara Power compan- ies are 'three in number, but they are out in action, and Mr. Beck sees no' hope of power being sold as reason ably as it ought to be for the en- couragement of trade and commerce. The cure for the difficulty is the transmission of power hy the govern- ment to the municipalities with the agreement with the firms acted upon. This permits of the aequirement "of power at the rate of $12 per horse: power per year, and with the cost of transmission added it could be sold in Guelph, in Galt, in London, and' clse- whire at from $15 to $18 per kilo- watt hour, That scheme, if practi- cable, will be generally endorsed. But the people who are not infatuated with roseate statements, will not ad- vocate government competition with the companies at Niagara with the result that there will he over-produc tion and loss all around. The western cities which appointed their own electrical commission at an outlay of $15,000, and the govern- ment with its commission, at a prob; ahly greater expense, are to be com-| mended. They have collected a great deal of valuable jnformation, and they will collect a reat deal more of it before definite ults can be at- tained. The power question is a very big one-big in its aims and pos sible achievements--and it may be as well to hasten slowly respecting it. < « Looking For Light. Two or three years ago the govern. ment desired the opinion of the sup- reme court judges upon a bill ere it was passed by parliament and became law, The experience will never be forgot- ten. The judges had their humor for the while and they askea as many questions as they answered, and for a purpose, This was that the court was not a kind of sieve through which legal language might be poured to the end that only some words or phrases of certain meaning might be caught and turned to account, AE After the diversion the judges, in woleinn 'mien, decided to give an op- inion of considerable weight. It was to the effect that the court could only interpret the law as they found it, and give judgment upon concrete cases. The conclusion was eminently wise, and the wonder grows that our sedate and sagacious members of the senate did not accept it at and be guided by it, its true worth, him recently, said he was now a sale and sagacious leer of men, having not only the necessary knowledge and experience but the mastery of his sub. ject, his feelings, and emotions, The premier of Ontario should, without delay, become the understudy of this:brilliant man, Mr. hitney was | 50 long in the cold shades of opposi- | tion, and in such ill-luck- being ham: mered 80 much in debate and given so, many wounds in political that there was combat some excuse for his occasional exhibitions 'of bad temper. But he should remember, that he is now in the sunshine, and he ! should be always genial. The comfor in! of office should suggest if he cun,! the urbanity which no contretemps can disturb. Theso 'remarks are suggested by re cent proceedings in the house when | Mr. Whithey has been indiscreet, not 10 say unparliamentary, in his Jan 1 guage. No one should be called upon to apologize for the first gentleman of the house. Others heads or senses, be ever may lose their but he is expected to | calm, considerate sand eour- teous. The newness of office should be worn off him and he ought to be an adopt in all the graces of a leader, A Great Big Question. The Whig has been sent the resolu tion which was recently adopted by the council and board of trade of Guelph, with the request that it give its support to the movement in favour of olleap power. The resolution points out that coal is expmsive in Ontario; | that water power is "a great natural and national asset," which would be worthless if comtrolled by private capital, and that the government pro- cond at once to take over the avail able power of the companies enjoying franchises at Niagara and distribute it among the municipalities, or estab lish a plant and proceed to generate energy, From the of Hon. Adam Beek, who has given himself up to a study of the situation, it is learned that the. tendency of private capital is towards monopoly and higher prices. The experience of Mon Baffelo, and Hamilton is instructive, "Bey effort in Montreal to cheapen power speech is bulked. The current which is . ing they are designed to express, If , Standing in with any party in power, On the contrary, it is proposed by the venerables that the supreme court, by enactment, be constituted a sort of question box all Kinds of queries shall be dropped according to the whims or fancies of the members. The proceeding is a direct reflection, cording to the fay idea, upon the law department of Canada. It ought to be capable of constructing the bills that 20 before parliament into which in such a way that they will convey the mean the senate has any doubts upon this point it should express the fact in a diceet way, | Noral Vision Blurred, The arrest of G. W tically with his accentuate aid Perkins, prac consent, is meant to the act of giving financial great corporations to the political parties, from There has long been an understand- ing; and common enough whatever be the reasonableness or unreasonable ness of it, that the great corpora- tions have felt the importance of There have been rumours that these corporations have been giving aid to the campaigners and for a very obvi OUs cause, . y Nr. Roosevelt perceived it when in the last national campaign his com- mittee was profiting by the favours of the very interests ho was supposed to antagonize. Mr. Borden saw the pont and warned all manner of men' or syndicates not to subseribe to the funds of his party, expecting a quid pro mao, And yet the great corporations have been Tooking on this thing with . a Feeling of indiffcrence. Ome insurance company. which gave $50,000 to the republican party, was inBuenced by the feel'ng that the success of Bryan and the silver men would mean the demoralization of the honey market and cause loss to the company, The i covery of other subscriptions, with out explanation, and the prevalence of graft where it was not expected gives a distinet phase to the ques ton. ~ » going back to the use of steam, Ham ion, on the line &f the Cataract { pmunicipal committee. Kingston's idea, JIMMY'S TREAT FAILED. . es W". Theatrs Manager's St t he had not the remotest idea gs Street Ant, an was doing Wrong. Bis comtossion] New York; Murch 30.4 mite of a vision of thel),. "with neatly-patched knickerbock: individual may be perverted by trans fo and a pioched look that Somme actions of 3 romi want of nourishing food, p uck- The cha hoy grand: larceny against | 0d at the sleeve of George Kingsbufy, bo ge of, grand : _| manager of the Hippodrome, yester: the republican. es. nnd money day afternoon. "Say, mister, are vou holders may not suced. Mr. Jer: x ome's iden is that it cannot be sus tained. But it will couse some men to bok at an awkward, case in the pro- per light, will arouse their consciences, ond perhaps prevent a repetition of the scandals. 05 ; ---------- Editorial Notes. There is only one Tarte. Hence the call to him "from his countrymen in Nicolet, "Come over and represent uw "No, son," replied the busy man- ager. "What do you want?" a for Granny down where de big mugs sit, an one for meself up in de peanut gallery, but de y in de cage won't sell 'cm--says 'm toutin' for de sprees on de walk. Oh, ve got d¢ mazuma all right," he 'added, diving into a pocket and i ott a handful of coppers; nickles and dimes, Mr. Kingsbury was interested. and drawing the lad out, found that his name was Jimmy King, and that he lived in Harlem when he wasa't sell- ing papers on Broadway. "You see, it's dis way,'V he ex- plained, "Granny, she's old an' sick and takes care o' me, and 1 thought it would cheer her up to see the ele- phants an' tigers an' Marceline an' things at the Hip, an' sg 1 saves me spare cash since New Year's. Here it i=~%£250 for Granny's seat an' fifty cents for me own.. But de gny in de -- Famine prices for fuel are not yet suggelbed, but if 'the strike continues they will come soon enough. In New York rates have jumpal fifty cents per ton already, ---- Mr. Tarte is mentions! us a-proba- ble independent liberal candidate in Nicolet, He ig 100 active 4 man to re main out of political life when he is so much in demand. The United Staths is going to build a bigger warship than the naught. The British will something 'meantime, "Ec's not a blow-ard, but han inventor, you know." ---- Some of the judges are holding on to odd jobs which supplement their comes. The cage Nr. Dundy had come out from his office and heard the unvarnished tale "Give the boy a lege box," he told Mr. Kingsbury, "and tell him to take his money and buy his granny some- thing she needs." be doing It didn't dawn on Jimmy all at once, but finally he was made to un derstand, and with the hox coupons tightly elutched in his fist, he choked, muttered. incoherent thanks and disap- peared. Every scat and every box in the great audiforium whe occupied last night--except Jimmy's Mr Dundy noted the fact. Dread- in- minister of justice holds that their salaries now are high en- ough to command all their time and loge. . "Foolad again," he sighed Service, Fifteen minutes later .a newshoy : EE ---- % handed to an usher a crumpled note IH the council wants the technical addressed + to Mr, Dundy. On it was scrawled in pencil : "We can't night." "Don't sell that box for this formance," Mr. Dundy ordered. reports of the light, heat and power department audited or verified it had better appoint a technical expert. Why should an official assime this respon- peibility and expense ? -- come; Granny died to- per -------------- SOMEWHAT UNFAIR. Yellow Press The press generally is dissastisfied with the ruling of Judge Clute, that government reports or documents are not privileged when used by the pa- pers at theivediseretion. Well, for the time being, and until there is an ap- peal, the judge's opinion holds. a-- of Canada Gets a Rebuke, Montreal Witness The yellow press of Canada has be- gun a similar &&mpaign to that which jwas pursued by the yellow press of the United States all through the course of the insurance investigation { there. Everything done by the insur (ante companies, no matter how The New York insurance companies cannot elect directors before Novem in- nocent, ordinary or necessary, was . S p> p 1s! . p ¥ ay ' » oe -3 4 ber. So the state legislature has de distorted and misrepresented as ex- cided. And all proxies signed and col- ! lected. before next September, will be null and void. A throw many degree, sure, traordinary and evil by the United | States yellow journals, especially in their headings and editorially, and a few of the Canadian newspapers are Aollowing their example. The normal 1 fact that, an insurance company esti- mated its securities as of different |valucs at different times, "wrote them of," "wrote them. up," and. "wrote of giving the aldermen a proference 'them down," is placarded all over when. they. heal: the poll, by = sort of iow Pubes us if it wore a monsteous 3 & ! e very oXtreme of wick: rotating process, will probably be re- {cdness; Cie) every bang, every yo jected. a ancial and commercial institution, is eT doing the same thing all the time. AN The Ontario" commission calculates investments in bonds and stocks have to generate | power at the falls for $3 'a liquid quality, and rise and fall ac down for | -- The two-year term for aldermen has been disapproved by the legislative per horsepower per year. The current jcorcing to their condition and the can bo cawied to Toronto and Sold at State of the market. and must be set . . down as of different present market #5 per horsepower more. Can it be valic almost every time a balance delivered in Kingston, and at what ' ¢heet is. made out. Every bank has price ? among its collateral many securitics of | nee rtain value with which it does not Col. Matheson found a "secret" do- encumber its books, until their value cument in the treasury department in 8 established, and when any shade of on' the loan question, It was the re |"Deertainty attaches to any it is, if the bank ean afford it. removed from i the active list. No public bank or pri t j vate business should be brought under this {popular condemnation hy such licens i od detraction as this. This is done un dir pretence of defending the public's interest at the verv time are Leing wiliully injured. cora of Mr. Harcourt's experience in seeking to sell the railway bounds a par. Had Col. find sooner the province would have been saved in a lot of money. Matheson made when these SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. A Hard Proposition. DOWN WITH THEM. Rochester Post Express. Ii Andrew Carnegie has his way how would he print the books of such cminent spelling reformers as Josh | The municipal committee of the leg Billings, Artemus Ward and Petroleuw , lature has passed an amendment, piv V. Nashy ? | the councils of cities, towns and Councils Given Power Eye-Sores, to Remove villages powers to regulate signs and other advertisi or vacant lo the right blank wa Don't Worry About It. Toronto Mail Why the Ottawa government should pay 310,000 for u "'rain-maker" in the sing devices on buildings If the councils have spirit the ugly signs on Is. boards and fences, which Yukon when Sir Wilfeid Laurier can make business places shabby and make nations for half the woney is cheap, will come down forthwith, es one of these things ng fellow can find pecially where there exists associa out, tions = designed to make Slab City --- | beautiful. The projecting sign can be Promise Not Kept. removed, if not sightly, and all signs iawmilton Heraid. can_be ordered down if considered un- t matters not how that Kingston 6] Councils do not, exeept in rdre ballot was numbered. The Whitney caves, do ungeneronz acts in executing government was pledged 40 abolish the such a law: they err far too generally numbered ballot, and the use of any on the side of "tolerance. y sort of numbered ballot is a violation can the law he exercised with - better of that pledge. , effect than in Kingston. The blank - wall advertiser has made it far too Puffing Both Sides. cheap and magpied. Ottawa Journal There are indications that Ontario | ¢ p whith has a first class government has In no plac . Cairns, son of Rev. H. Cairns, 88 ' S made a flying visit 1g Napanee. He also a good opposition. The opposi- ill return to Saskatoon. Sask., ina tion is talking a lot, which is what day or two. Rev: My. Cairns, Napa it is there for and what it ought to nee, leaves for the North-West next do, Tuesday. Er ---------- Montreal Gazette, ie oe The Best Is Cheapest. Hamilton hus an asphalt repairing { "Solut'on of Ozone (the coupon plant, and the experience of one year's | kind)," iy the purest and est form in operation is figured out as an expen- | Which Ozone is put up. Each bottle of diture of $10,000 above what. the work | it contains a coupon entitling you to should havo cost. The easiest way of | 8 package of "Celery King," the well- saving a contractor's profit, is, as | known tonic laxative, which should al- mumicipal experience has generally | Ways be used with Ozone. pointed out, to pay it. By buyimg "Solution of Ozone (the > coupon kind)" you get Ozone in its most efficient form, and A Poor Investment. Three Since Gallagher. you gat ab- + GR (out twice as much of it for your wa Filme tepsery Rive, Janox) {money as of other brands. You also that L. L. Gallagher had been di | =F the package of "Celery King" ab- . ro J {eolutely without charge for it. missed from the position of postmast- | NS, FESS of zone ofiers this er at Wilton, Ont,, on Febroary 1st, advantage because no other firm ca 1903, Three other men had been ap- give you the "Celery King," That pointed in the interval, the first hav: {po way to procure the full value The feeling is that corporations sub. scribe their money fo the political reasons, and custom parties for Ywho 3 I (the coupon Pd ' on March 2rd, kind)," }s fifty cents and one i Inst, being at present the ocenpant of at your ruggists, and if he hasn't it 4 J {the Public Drug Company, Rridgeburg, seemingly sanctioned the proceeding. | the position, ing died, the second having moved | of yous Ozone purchase, away, and the Shir, Guy Simmons, | "Salukjon or ee was . Mr. Dundy ?" he inquired, hesitatingly.. 7 SWISS MiLk, CHOCOLATE ; CHILDREN between meals, at school, recess anywhere and anywhen, find nutrition and sustenance in PETER'S SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE oe AN Irre. sistible delicious. Wholesome as bread and butter, Does not create thirst. Lamont, Corliss & Co., 27 Common Street, Montreal. OR WR, WR Wh, WR, wh, wn o The H. D. Bibby Co. The H. D. Bibby Co, THEY'RE SWELL! We have. never before shown such an attractive line of MEN'S GLOVES. We've Glovés for street, for driving, for church, for dress and for any purpose a gentleman needs Gloves, We sell only Gloves with an ESTABLISHED REPUTATION In our Glove stock will be found the productions of such makers as Fownes', Dent's, Perrin's, Alexandria etc. Take a Look at Our ${ Street Glove It's the best Glove on earth for the money. Come See Our New Hats BARRINGTON AND CHRISTY"S ENGLISH HATS THE H. D. BIBBY CO. OWI WR, WR WR, WR Rw. wh § Saturday Night at Johnston's Sale of Corsets, Gloves and Ribbons CORSETS 27 pairs Corsets, good quality, French Coutil bias gored, as carefully 1 and as perfectly fitting as any corset at Xl a pair. Saturday evening vou buy them for : KID GLOVES Peony's Celebrated Kid Gloves; in black and tan, size 6 to 7 ! guaranteed and ean be exchanged for new pair throug of manufacture; these are sold everywhere at $1.25. On Sat ing sale NEW FRILLINGS We just received, to-day, some very dainty things in \ ) ¥ "hind nh Frillings, in great variety of different styles; these will on Saturday evening at the length for the neck at FOUR INCH WIDE SILK RIBBON In all the best selling shades, and sold everywhere at 25 you come to the Ribbon Counter here to-night, you per yard, only san eke f FOR YOU, SIR ! Gents" 4ply ' Linen Collars, regular 15. klnd. Saturday ui nw : SILK TIES Gents" Four-in-Hand Neckties, the regular 50c. kind, pur terns, your choice .... a The James Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street og EVANGELINE ! Art Boxes of G. B. Chocolates, 1,2and 3 Ibs, The finest in the city. 60c. per paund, A. J. Rees'. 166 Princess St. AGRE GFR -- _ EN sisaioms ur » i ER Ve i ANTI-AMERICAN BOYCOTT. |i application ol ---- y trine ordeutsche 1 Organizing Countries to Oppose Jet ght He AS De « '4 ) Uncle Sam. man methods | and Hy Berlin, March 31.<The 'wockly ree | Loiders it particularly vir rdentsche says that it has wve- able to achieve this hen ceive ormation that Chili is' tak- smi i-- ing steps to organize the South Ame- t Campbell Bros.. For the correct styles od ue e. Chown's Buttermilk rican cbuntries to oppose the pre- tensions of the United States to ex- ercise predominant influence on the South American continent. Chili intends to take the lead in the To-Nigh anti American movement to' prevent ? w BES in Siokiass Coun ess Tm hen Little Ones the Mother Wb » » 8 hai s to be sick. Whe! a athy is deeper t any othe member of the fa The mothers look forward to the torrid heat of samme 'of their children and the ma: igo disease that are before th Spring and summer are st |silments, especially amon i Bs not take a mother 'discover that Peruna is the ighe has in times of illness 'children. The doctors may come a their different theories a change of remedies. The doctor of years ago g 'different remedies than he ¢ Each year finds some ch prescriptions and in the dru upon. : A Multitude of Mo Have discovered that Pe: stand-by, and that in all t of spring and summer to children are subjected, Pe remedy that will most quic Whether it is spring feve: derangement, whether it is or bowel disease, a catarrha of the mucous surfaces is th + Peruna quickly relieves ti of the mucous membranes, tion is prompt, the children like to take the medicine, it terious effects in any part © It simple removes the ¢ disagreeable symptoms and health. Perunais not a physie, P a nervine nor a narcotic. not produce any drug hab Jong it may be taken. Peru stimulant. Peruna is a specific ren catarrhal atlments of win t mer, acute or chronié, The mothers all over the U are the best friends that Pe The Mothers Hold Pe-ru- Esteem, Not only because it has cu their various ailments, bu always rescues the childre throes and grasp of catarrt 'We have in our files bush monials from mothers wh have been cured by Peruna the large majority of mothe Peruna, we never hear from But we do hear from a gr of mothers who are so © some special good' they ha from Peruna that they can their enthusiasm, They ar share these benefits with otl FE HHI HHO HS BE oe HCIIOICINCIICIICIORMIOICIOIOR MO IR BA Fa The op Brings wi We are | and children ne Millinery | derwear, corset MES REID, . . 2 LAND FOR THE SE' Time fo, the Railways Their Selections Oy March 21 --A | th entiery or polis re ler, the cons -- f Commons, ua arm 'debate yes irgquet te, move tion, which w more or les fealings of the Land compan: the Canadian Lind grant "r%, in:luding