Ricamg. tism Cupg seldom i va - relieve S Tain L. -- amg, » back, : : iff or n > Joints in a few hours, Positively cures ir ~ > r It does wot put the digrase to seep, oe dar, : = + but drivey Your old Furs! » |done now, as we ca n devote . | more time Yo each garment | and also do so at less ex. . | pense than in the winter season. |W \W. F. GOURDIER i, 78-80 Brock Street Fur Store. E n Uh es The Diamond e ; Is the Symbol and Pledge of True . Friendship It is uniading a reases in valk . goes on. - Our settings are and T'h sgl from $25 as high a t with to go, with value at 840, We positively oiarn tee the quality and val ue of each ston Smith Bros. Jewelers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses ! varied i range in EASY NONEY AT FONE A More profitable than chickens. All indos | Youllget $2.50 to $5.00 each for young sinkers £ sperienre Saeco RU Sos JOU interested ' | COTTAM BIRD BOOK (thuusands sold at 35° ) and two abet BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, , | and "CANARY vs. CHICKENS." showing how to make th canaries. all for rsc. stamps of colt, Address | money wi '| COTTAM BIRD SEED, 4, 81. toss, tat y we send MEN AND WOMER, Use Big @ for nnnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes, Painless, and not astrins or went in plain wrrppes,' by express, prepaid, fof 81.00, or 3 bottles $2.75, Olrcular wot ou request 542PER CENT Is the actual increase i ness for first quarter of | i pared with sam¢ quar Newest goods at x Nn bound to win out. Thi reas son why our store is rapi to the front in popular dies who want the very Goods or Ready-to-Wear No room for old stock, TUESDAY You Can Buy Brass Extension Curtain Poles up to Made to fit any window ihches wide, neatly finished with gilt or silver ends and brass brackets regular 25¢. line, for 15¢c. Complete Newman & Shaw's . .|\We Repair -|and Remode| ; band we recommend that this he "4 Kingston's Only Exclusive ston& Pr MBROKE EVRY oh W LI © gecond-class one-way ticket at gPECIAL REDUCED RATES on 'sale Feb. 15 to April 7, $46.30 £55" - $43.80 EFES FROM KINGSTON proportionately low rates ta other poluts. Full lars at K. & P: and O, P. | 1 Wl 28 Othoe, Ontario Street. , CONWAY, Gen. Supt. Gen, P Bay of Quinte Railway short line for Tweed, Napanee, J geeronto, and all local points; Trains ave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. JWONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry. Kingston. F. A. FOLGER, JR, Agent. Bi "WILL ISSUE SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS Going West From Feb: 15th, to April 7th, in- Jusive, at the following reduced rates om Kingston to Seattle, Victoria, Portland rrsaen maar a. 46. Rossland, Nelson, Trail, Rob- som, Spokane we wes .. $3.80 Vancouver, Amaconda, Butte, Helena, Salt Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo . ... 43.30 Billings, Mont . 38 30 San Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 Low rates' to many other points. For Tourist Car Accommodation, Nckets,' and all' other information, ap- ta J, P. Hanley, Agent, Cor. phoston and Ontarig streets, Kingston, ot -------------------------------- ALLAN LINE Royaimau TO LIVERPOOL Triple Screw Steamers-- VICTORIAN and VIRGINIAN--Turbine Engines--No Vebration. The Finest and Fastest on the Canadian Route From St. Jolin From H.!'¢ Parisian, Sat., Mar. 81. Mon. Virginian, Sat., April 7. Tunisian, Sat., April 14. Moi Victorian, Sat., April 21. + For Rates, etc.. anply ship Agent, or to The Tqropto. to local Steam: Allan Line, 77 Yonge street, APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to we A TOV! SPINA NETS: Siok ror a aot Rolie that, beginning with the 1007, the aldermen who obtain the highest number of votes in each wa i» the City of Kingston at the Muni- cima] Elections shall hold office for three years and that the - aldermen Who obtain the next highest number of votes fn each ward shall hold office for two years, izand that the aldermen who ovtain ihe third highest number of votes iftMeach ward shall hold office for one year, and that thereafter ome Ald- erman be elected for each Ward annual ly to hold office for three years: and r other purposes. DONALD M. MCINTYRE, Solicitor for the Applicants, Kingston, February 14th. 19086. A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so much interested in as Coal at this time of the year. It miay sound queer to speak of coal huying and selling as a science, but that's What we've made it. Two important discoveries Wwe have made are that complete satisfaction to ur customers pays best, and that the ~ Way to win business is to-deserve It. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. PULLEYS! have just received a carload of Dodge celebrated Wood Split T'ulleys Hauer, Shafting) etc. All sizes in Marine Gasoline Engine, from 1} to 20 Horse Power Gasoline Engine supplies Dry Batteri Spark. Plug and Coils alWays on hand. Gasoline supplied from tank on our Whar Call and see our 'Engine before pur- chasing elsewhere. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED REWARD will $5.000 be paid to.any erson who proves tha Sunlight Soap contains any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. * Sunlight Soap is a perfectcleaner ghd will fiot injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps, destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of Wosdwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the dainticst linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safcly washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions), Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint. 5c. 5c. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto Buy it and foliow directions ROW JAWS OF DEATH | Sh 4 the mine was wrecked by an explosion ' THIRTEEN MINERS WERE | RESCUED FROM MINE. {| Entombed For Twenty Days--° |" Survivors Tell Thrilling | | Stories of Their Awful Ex- periences in Bowels of the i Earth. | Lena, France, March 30. Thirteen {men were brought up alive from the { Courrieres mine to-day. They had been (entombed for twenty days, ever since {of gas which cost the lives, of nore {than 1,200 of their fellow workers, | They kept themselves alive on food ! that had been left by their dead com- |rades, and on oats which they found {in the stables of the colliers' horses. | From another ch of mine | were brought to the surface to-day, | several dead bodies. They were so shrunken as to resemble mummies, hut | physicians who examihed them declar- {ed that life had been extinct for not more than twenty-four hours. This news created intense excitement, ac- centuating the feeling that things had been badly Ag at the mines. | The thirteen who were rescued in | clude Victor Martin, a boy of four teen. A strange feature of the boy's |case is that his mother went to the motith of the pit - on three different | occasions, within a few days after the disaster, expectihg to find that he had been rescued. She declared that she {had dreamed that her son was alive. The woman scemed so confident of her suas wllmate tosctic, thet hgadanders {to whom she told her story concluded that she had lost her reason. When young Martin stepped out of the cage on Being brought to the sur- face to-day, he was met by his father. "How's mother !" was the boy's | first question. | "There you are,"' said his father. "Your mother knew you were alive." The survivors have been sent by the | authorities to an hospital, where they will be kept on a milk diet for. a while, Although they are not really ill, it is feared that immediate eating | of home food would be dangerous to them, The survivors say that they ate t! oats and corm which were stored in tha mite for. the. Blaesd-and drank. the water kept for the same purpose. They also rummaged in the pockets of the dead miners for scraps of food. The water gavé out," and then they suffered fearfully from thirst. Their worst trouble, though, they say, was the stench in the mine. All the party found their own way to the foot of the shaft from which they were taken out. There a stable helping in the work of repairing the | mine, first saw them. Pruvost, one of the men, said to Goubet : "We saved oursdves, but we h some trouble in doihg it." The men say they occasionally found a lamp but rarely were able to get any light. They were half blinded Vey on emerging into the daylight. THAT STAB-LIKE PAIN IN THE SMALL OF THE BACK GOMES FROM THE KIDNEYS AND CAN BE CURED BY DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS small of the back. --warnings of kidney trouble: or suppressed urine, when urinating, specks floatin der, you must kee urinary organs or / Help them to worl our kidneys well. oy , and hel body's waste and impurities. Doan's Kidney Pil purest roots and herbs, and have 8 remark able healing and tanig effect on the kid neys. Mrs Barling, 26 Locomotive Street, Hamilton, Ont., : writes: making them strong again." Price 50 cents per box, Co., Toronto, Ont. Tt is not the back that is aching, but the kidneys which are situated beneath the Therefore, dull pain in the back, or sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys Plasters and liniments will not cure a bail back, for they cannot reach the kidneys which cause it, Doan's Kidney Pills reach the kidneys. That is what they are for and that only, | So, if you would be free from backache, | swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent inful sensation before the eyos, frequent thirst, brick-dust deposit in the urine, or anything wrong with the them to flush off all the are made from the "1 had been troubled considerably with my kidneys, using many remedies, but finding no relief. | I tried Doan's Kidney Pills and found | them to act directly on the kindeys, and three boxes for | $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Others Still Alive. At first there were twenty of "them together after thé explosion, but in wandering about they became separ- ated, fifteen remained under the lead- ership of a man named Neny, and five others with Pruvost. Five members of the one, group and two of the others "disappeared, and it Is pot known what became of them. The two groups met again yesterday. The survivors declare that there are others still in the ine alive. They say they heard their cries yesterday from behind a fall of rock and were unable to remove the obstruction. When M. Lavaure, director of the Courrieres mines, was told . of the | rescue, he said to the informant: "You are mad. They arg all dead." Engineer Leon, was equally incre dulous. When the men were rescued they still had their pockets filled with oats. Pruvost had some decayed horse flesh, The men are unable to say what paths they followed during their twenty days of gloomy wanderings. Every. effort is now being made to rescue the others. § {| A fireman declares that the authori- tics never orderéd the West Phalian ife-saving corps to enter any gallery, pt thosg leading to the fire, the extinguishment of which seemed Ro them to be more a matter of impdrt ance than the possibility of saving many lives. \ When Mme. Neny, .the wife of one - | of the survivors, came to the bed + | where her husband was lying, he look » { ed at her for a long time and then. pointing at the black she was wearing, asked for whom she was in mourning. The widow of one of the victims of the disaster named Castel, whose son Louis, was one of the survivors, threw herself into her son's arms, crying: "Louis, where is your brother ?"" Louis understanding, looked around vaguely Kingston Foundry. tr hed i pl | ES ive omens to be removed. 1 : for the cure of diseases of the kid e. Pruvost, soting he a | meys. ok wri: . A. E. HEROD et a ove ava |" Khong the carly indications of kid SAN . . curiois fact that although the sur- "3 disease may be mentioned : IN THE REPAIR OF ALL vivors had plenty of matches, not one ackache. Boots and ticular to maintain their or- iginal shape. OUR ANTI-SQUEEK, used in Shoes we are par- all resoling, is working per- fectly, 354 PRINCESS STREET. essere a. Ar BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER SAD SAE EW.GILLETT £7 TORONTO.ONT. © A. R." Macdonne puty for twenty-five vears. 230, Prompt delivery, postmaster at Lancaster. He was de- Buy vour 'spring blood medicines at | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "hone | in fifty of them would strike. Dr. Leurties reports that a diet of wood, oats and putrid meat has pro duced a considerable quantity ptomaines in the stomachs of the sur vivors and predicted that reaction in their condition would sot in. He add- al, "as precaution, 1 am giving them a Fuh utes." set up a roar of striking laughter. Another co of the cold. ! in the hospital. Twelve seemed ready | ing me go home," adding, laughin | away." All the i black hmbs. They are ghastly ob as been made | jects. Their faces, all except Neny's | bear marks of their intense sufferings. Tales Of Survivors. fe | hid of the name of Goubet, who was | of ul of milk every twenty min- ' When the survivors were brought up they looked like corpses. One of them lugubrious, horror: lained Several were shivering | with cold when they were put to bed | to collapse. They stood around star- with eves far sunk in the sockets. | Neny chatted unceasingly with Diree- | tor Lavaure, who be, him to stop. | "Why," he said, "not at all. Téon't fot] very ill. 1 hope you will soon ht g: | have been quiet while 1 have been men have swollen be and heard voices. He n direction, and met his Hows. aT t at first he was the leader a rescuing party, and almost desper ate on learning that he was himsell a victim. He confronted them, saying: "There is hope still, Lét us try to escape." They stayed eight days at that spot. "] had the exact count," said Neny, "daily winding my watch. Wig our aMed, . we © groped along, chewing wood, and ai¥thing we coal find, and the oats we got in the stable. On the tenth day we found the carcase of a horse. It was putrid, but we 'cut off parts of it and ate it. Last night we felt fresh air" Neny was the first to reach the shaft, ery ing, "I am bringing twelve with me." Neny appears Lo be a man of remark. able character. He said: "I never IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS OR AN dost my head. I Kept count of the {A © APPLY IN THE EVENING, article for sale, 20.000-.pasple will {4 BRICK HOUSE, AT 385 ALFRED days. This is Friday, March 30th." to Mry. Uiements. 200 Ring street. Whi. The expense is small: the ences | rent moderate. Apply $6 Mess Leon Boursier, another of the sur | Foro Te SETS rota is quick; the effect sure. Thorton tg" Dlerate. Annis. : vivors, listened to Neny's story, add: i he" y Eawin Chow - " en } learn the trade, Apply Bawa Chgwy | 70 A EN YOMT'D " - ------ ing: "'Neny forgets the carrots we & Son. . COMFORTABLE PEN lly OOM D | FROM MAY 1ST, BRICK HOUSE NO. | found in the manger. It was the best - SERS - ne A Re ota oH 331 Division street; t ; food we had." It is stated that the YouRG LADY BOORKBEPLR, Tok ences. Hot water heating, OW®ner hot watel Heating; a i. survivors' condition is as satisfactory Sy Na PPIy "Hox ia leaving city. Apply Box "W. erick wee. To Pply ro as possible. Mg Whig office. street. Ome feature of the rescue outshines | A HOUSEMAID. ONE WHO CAN |" -- = all others, namely, Nemy's horoism. sew, juiddie aged woman preferred. | OWNER GOING WEST, SEVEN Throughout the prolonged and agon Apply Orphans' Home. toom, frame dwelling, a Victoria : i St. n , " izing trial he remained calm, cool and xX PERIEN CED ISEMAID small barn, large lot. Genuine Smap jolly, keeping up the spirits of the AN. EXPERIEXCED HOU n at £1,000, Department "'D." 208 others, whom he brought, amid mid night gloom, through intricate and dangerous ways, from pit No. 3 to pit No. 2, to which all the resources of France failed to Send recone. Thas Neny"s cool head and bare hanus aid od his companions, of whom two were boys, and t to shame all vaunted scientific appliances, all the skill of engineers, and the endless resources at the company's disposal. Tt is hoped that the Cross of the Legion of Honor will be given to the hero. It was not until to-day, twenty days after the ac- : FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERER, cident, that the first attempt at the highest wages paid, with steady em- rescue of possible survivors in the plovment. Stewart & Co., Julie seam of the mine was made. ' tated : The women of the district are furious at the thought that many of the men have been slowly dying underground. They curse everybody connected with the mine--director, managers and offi "You cers. Ong of them cried to-day : should _haye given and Sm wo 5 our. husbands and sons." » authorities are taking the se- vorest nmmsures to maintain order, Buried Under Flour Bags. Cornwall, "Mareh-31 -- Thursday Jos: eph Hughes, son of Mrs. J). L. Hughes, Winchester, was assisting Andrew Summers to store flour in a ware house, when the weight became "too great for the floor and one of the beams pave way. Before Hughes conld get out of the way a pile of bagged flour tumbled over upon him, pinning him underneath. © When ex: tracted it was found that his nose was brokin end his face otherwise bruised, j but the serious part is a hemorrhage of the stowa h, "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, f for over a century. Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the ing. Henry Cunninj ham, - tuner from Chigkerings, at McAuley's book store. All fresh garden and flower sceds at Gibson's Red Cross Drug "Phone 230. The lord mayor and sherifis of Lon don will visit Milan, Italy, carly in Jume, and attend" the hig exposition which is soon to be opened there The Kidneys and Uric Acid The All-Important Work of These Filters of the Blood and How They May Be Kept Healthy By Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills ie % Store. When the whole vital process of di gestion and assimilation of food is completed there still remains the work | of removing from the blood the uric acid, salts and water, and this can be accomplished only by the kidneys The failure of the kidneys to perform this work reacts on the whole diges tive and filtering svetems, chokes up the liver, and hy means of the circu lation of the blood, sends the poison ous waste matter through the entire body, give rise to pains, derange ments and discase, Because of their direct action on the kidneys and their enlivening infhience on the liver and bowels, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are the most thor- Fickle appetite. Deposits in the urine. Frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, Rheumatism and sciatic pains, con stipation and diarthocs alternating. Dropsieal swelling. Secanty, dark-colored urine. . Persistent lose of flesh and weight. Prompt relief is obtained by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidpes-Liver Pills, and by porsistent treatmiont the Kidneys are restored to health and activity No medicine which acts on the kid- neys alone can tive, because in the great majority of | cases the liver and bowels are also de ranged. Beoause Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills have a diréet and combined action on the liver, kidneys and bow- els they bring about satisfactory re- gults in the most complicated cases. By using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, one pill a dose at bedtime, often as is necessary to kesp the bow- ols in regular healthful action. you sure yourself aghinst kidney disease and the subsequent suffering from Bright's disease, dropsy, apoplexy or ther aqually dreaded ailments. Dr. CONDENSED ADVERTISING Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG TT A GENERAL SERVANT, A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL possibly prove efice- | OPLE'S FOR SALE. Advt. 4 lines or upder a month $3. > WANTED. : ONE, JARGE ENGLISH © PLATE \ > , : : Glass irror one cl nted x oT BRS, PENDS, dv branch Hat Stand, three dozen R . smaller stands. Apply to Mrs. APPLY AT v Lolvotae street. Apply in the evening to Mrs. Hiram Calvin, 1831 Kihg street. teeta -------- wo family of two. Apply to Mrs. KR. C. Carter, 57 West street. PERSON TO rere eh A BROOD MARE, SIXTEEN HANDS, good to Eh sil He CITY AND FARM PROPERTIES. : -- RATES Our 'plan. No. Sale. Ne pay. De | * ROUSE: ON FRONTENAC STREET First insertion, lc. a word. Bach con partment "D.." 203 Wellington St. " ¥ at-this Office. secutive imsertion ft i. a - mem. -------- I ini charge for one in: | 'TEAM YACHT, 80x74 BEAM SPEED | BARGE oh I, EnoNT sertion, 20ey 74 miles ah hour, wall Re. SOM Chup. rooms, ] . & : Atbly Herbert Sager, 414, Nap | eee Advi. 4 lines or under a week, $1. ante, Ont. 3 work single or double, plough ; also a slini sleigh. Apply 170 Nelson street. Adams, 336 Alfred street, & STORAGE : 15 | mori ec --------------s wagwon and | No. 24¢ BROOK ' ST. ALL MODERN pice. sta "ana Feelings, He: fmproveme: Water Tune: Theta i ---------- BRICK 1 5 Shop AND RESIDENCE, i: Rr iy sity . Wellington . street. --------------------=t IF XOU . PLACE A SIGN IN THE SPECIAL BARGAIN, ROUGH CAST window of that vacant building ouly Cot , eight rooms, cellar, a few hund same large barn and w , three lots, read it each day. If. you- put it in property fronts on three streets. the Whig, over 20,000 people read it Qplendid pardon Will sell cottage each day. 3 ' Hideau St. Ottawa. GOOR RELIABLE LADY orders for our tailor-made and skirty. Write quickly Garment Co., Guelph, Ont. TO TAKE costumes Dominion BOARD AND ROOMS FOR FIGHT OR ten students, next fall, commencing ARON RE NTE Ir, Apply Box "C.."" Whig office, Any kind ? Any time ? If so, place a Wanted advt. in the WHIG, and the large number of replies will astonish you. The people read the. WHIG. ; AUTO-SPRAY. fr hand Sprayer Liberal terms. Sample chi: to. approved ageots. Cavers Bros., Galt, Oat. GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR suits pressed und cleaned carefully by hand ; also bring your cloth and have up-to-date suit made. Gallo- 's, 131 Brock street, * SALESMEN, FOR Best. vOmprossed-a made. an way BRIGHT YOUNG MAN FOR CITY business office. Must be rapid stenographer and of good address, as outside work will also be required of him. Apply in own _ handwriting, with etentes, to Box 99, Whig office. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing. Britklaying, Plastering trades : pays $5 a day. Special offer $25 two wonths course. Short time only. Union card guaranteed. Coyne Bros., Co., New York, Chicago, St. Louis. Free Catalogue. LOST. A SMALL BLACK PURSE ing one five dollar bill, morning. Reward for this Oftice. CONTAIN on Saturday its return to FOX TERRIER DOG. A WEEK AGO with white and tan spots on back aud head. Any information will be gladiy received at this Office. Person harboring same after this shall be prosecuted notice GANANOQUE NEWS. Police Assistant Suspended~Trip of a Launch. April 2.--Jobn Thomp son, police assistant, was suspended Friday last, by Mayor Wilson, pendding an investigation before the council next Tuesday evining. He is charged with a serions misdemea- nor. In the meantime Theodore Par- menter is filling the position. Rev. Mr. Calvert, of Pittsburg, fill el the pulpit of Grace Methodist church, Sunday morning and evening, for the pastor, Rev. Mr. Timberlake, who made his first appearance in church in the moming since his late severe illness The steam launch, owned by Messrs, Mitchell and Wilson, made a trip to Clayton to-day, the first of the sea son, and brought back the horses of Charles McDonald, who is expected to return here about the 9th of May. Miss Annie Latimer, Stone street north, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Minnie Grant, of Brockville, Mr. Keele, of Colborne, the new mo dern language master for Gananoque High School, has arrived in town ard will enter on his duties, Monday morning. The Young Men's Bible clasé held a tea-meoting for children on Friday evening and a large number availed themselves of the opportunity for a good feed and a general good time, Following the musical tornado at the Salvation Army on Friday even ing, a terrific wind storm visited the town amd blew down the smoke stack of the Canada Cabinet company. Several drumks were noticeable on the streets on Saturday: evening, a couple of them getting into a mix-up at Shields' hotel, corner. The batch before the J. P. during the past week seems not to have had muh effect. Herbert Moore, who has been work. ing for some weeks past in Kingston, spent Sunday at bis home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. JJ. Wilson, of Dese- ronto, spent Sunday in town the guests of Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. homas Meggs, Stone street, Miss McCallum, who has been spend: ing the past two weeks with her aunt, Miss Margarct Kane, Garden street, has gone to Kingston for a week or two. : Mr. Gallop, of Toronto, presided at the organ in St. Andrew's church, at morning and evening services, giving general satisfaction. It is understood that he has nade application for a permanent appointment as organist and choir master here. Gananotue, on town Provincial hotel, were in Brockville hase's Kidney-Livet Pills, 25 cents a Neny describes how, on the day of box, at all dealers of Fdmansong Bates & Co., Toronto, ° \ Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCarney, of the 'FOR SALE OR TO-LET. ASSIST IN CARE OF separate at low price, Avpiy on pe imvalid lady. One willing to make premises, Cor. Patrick and aglan | BRIC DWELLING, NINE ROOMS, herself generaily useful. Apply 18% road. . furnished, hot water heating, modern Johnston street. Tmprovements, central locality. IE YEA RE A ml mil i HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU- | gyn CIEIISIIIGISIIIE ply o John A. a Tr, atiogs vacant, domestics, hotel and | SHGHINGIIIG Wellington strect. : tactdbies. Department Wo 208 | ¥ »* Seligit steve + ¢ DO YOU WANT HELP? |Fhox av. ust, isos pixm suburban DOWD as °* fawn," situate on Union street now occupied by Major Grant. ot water heating, good out bul garden and spacious grounds. Apply te Cuppinvham & Lyon, 79 Clarence street, Kingston, Ont. ARCHITECTS. ERS SRE WM. NEWLAN ARCHITECT, fice, second, over Mahood's rue tore, corn rincess and Ba Fin tran Bagot Entr: ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, O +. fice site of New. Drill Hall, near ner of Queen and Montreal sireets. BRICK PWELLING, FOUR BLOCKS from Post Office ; ten rooms, hot water heating. modern improvements, POWER & SON. ARCHITECT, MER- chant"s Bank Buildine, corner Bro and Welllugton streets: - tirst class stable in rear. F May 1st, 1908. Apply to John A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington street. et eet ---- FURNISHED | FOR THE SUMMER, Kirkleatham," in village of Ports mouth. Stone house, Stables, out- buildings and barn, #0 acres of land garden, ovfhard ; good water supply fron vells and cistern. Apply to Mrs Strauhenzee, Portsmouth MEDICALS. EET ES TE DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. - Ryan, coraer Mon: treal and Drock streets. R. WILLIAM GIBSON. PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, ete. Late Resident House Surgeon, Kingston General Hospital Office--282 Kine street, opposite Bank of Montreal. 'Phone, 48. BUSINESS CHANCES. COBALT, THE GREATEST MINING- camp in the world. Fortunes made daily Shares purchased now will produce great returns. New strikes made daily. Our weckly letter tells all about it. Wills & Co.. Cobalt, Ont. ee for mam¥ years a prominent contrac | tor of that town. Miss Grace Kennedy, of Perth, who, for some time past has been visiting her sister, Mrs Arthur Jackson, First street, returned home on Friday last, accompanied by Mrs, Jackson, who will spen® a few weeks in her old home David R. Johnston, of Lansdowne, has been appointed a license commis for this district to fill the va sioner cancy caused by the resignation of George Dean. The commission now consists of J. T. Green, M, Johnston and D. R. Johnston. Tenders have been asked for repaics on St. Andrew's Presbyterian church for re-shingling the roof, painting the and painting and frescoing interior. rior Marine Band To Go Abroad. Washington, D.C., April 2.-The Un- ited States Marine Band will probably fill foreign engagements this summer. According to schedule, June, July, August, and part of September will be used in touring Great Britain and the continent, As vet there has been no announcement in official circles of the proposed tour, HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square, 'Phone, 845, _-- -- A MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL: LoNDaN AND GLOBE < | DE vailable ~ L367 ai i 0 po Hi i i! ou I perty insured at lowest rates. Before old rates from new business sot. & Strange, Agents Y Ai TE Pgicy building a ni 3 oY offers. Examine them Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et MISCELLANEOUS. ¥ARM HELP, AND ALL OTHER supplied. Pepartment kinds of help "RB." 208 Wellington strect. FOUND A GENTS' WATCH, Owner may have same 3 Division street. ON UNION ST. by applying JUSTIFIES A MURDER. Act Was Not Ime Believes That proper. Montreal, April 2.~In his evidéncs given at the trial of Bernard Rean- conet for the murder of Jonnny Rain. ville, Rev. Father Hudon, parish priest of St, Prospere, was asked to give his opinion of the man who had been killed. "Johnny Rainville," he replied, "bud the reputation of 'being an infamous corruptionist, a blasphemer and a drunkard," "Reverend sir," asked the lawyer, «ording to religion, Reauconet was fied in Killing Rainville ?" "Under the ciccumstances and in. Reauconet's state of mind at the time I consider' that he was justified in do- ing what he did." Serious Plague Riot. St. Petersburg, April 2A despatch from Teheran describes a serious plague riot at Seiztan, The European plague hospital there was demolished ant the mob attacked the British con- sulate and beat the consul and a Brit ish doctor with sticks. The rioting was stopped bv Cossacks. A man seldom fails because he is too honest to succeed. Moseow tirrests for political aggregate from 1 during the past wesk, atteniling the funeral of the late David S. Booth, dUITH TVA WZ BaD] J x = . L 4 i i New Scale Williams Piano" IS An Excellent Investment not only because it has those qualities of tone and touch that satisfy the most exacting critic--but also because of its permanent Its substantial workmanship and strength retain its exquisite tone purity and evenness. Conservatory, and for voice." -- Helene How, directress Brampton Conservatory of Music. Write Williams Piano Co. Ltd., Oshawa, for copies of illustrated booklets ou the history andl construction of a Piano, or call at the local warerooms. H. P. Bull, 230 Pridcess Street, Kingston mechanical