Parest, aon © IN CANAD; of ShoiswtO Ontariq " on Cook Book," postpaid. - CO, Limited, Niagara Falle, Ont. 32 Church St. PODER FOOMO0D Sameaea® sero! ARLY that you select your Spring tterns are always found at vhen stocks are unbroken. eek you'll see men wearing be a case of resurrect. or coming out in a Spring d handsome. We have an [choice Cheviots, Sirges, RPIECES OF SUIT. will' stop in for a moment's will be impressed with the as well as with the excel it will pay you to buy from BIBBY CO. RR, Ch Offering Goods nyer Should Miss rrow $1.25 Crepe Redona, with a rich gl k finish, and will not take Comes in all the most wy for spring. This cloth is to b only at 'this store. Ver yard Ne. ee eee eee eed 98¢c. Per Yard For all-wool Plain and Fancy Lm broidered Voilyg, strictly all pure wool, and 41 inches wide Beautiful black. If youn loth to buy this morrow you save 27c. ER SUIT nOW hnston Store isa very of the latest pro- e, and is a he quality speaks for oundsy, and at the door shops he canw ited by the~magnifticent f the worknuwn,, who was ging e plied his hammer on the or "What jx that min's n M. Gailhard of the propr : wing told, he Jd to M. Rous wliere privately to a stand \ ORY aske The result us ha we' undertook rhinar huca ion, and M arger income n France. ---- Sunlight Soap is. better oaps, but it is best when © unlight wav. Buy Sunhc wud follow directions. to "puri mode ad manner of ih OF the 'nervous haste of every . and ving. | to accomplish just so much eac! pi it is said that there is not one oman in twenty-five but that suffers hs some derangement of the female organism, and Jha is the secret of so ¢ unhappy homes. oN po can be amiable, light- hearted and happy, a jo to her husband and children, and perform . the "duties incumbent upon her, when she is suffer- ing with backache, headache, nervous- pes, sleeplessness, fing down pains, is ments; spinal w ess or disea- Irrit lity and snappy retorts take the place of pleasantness, and all sun- ¢hine is driven out of the home, and lives are wrecked by woman's great ¢hemy-- female trouble, Read this letter : : Pear Mrs. Pinkham i= I suffered for four years with what 'he alled inflammation of the fallopian h is a most distressing female s, undermining the constitution and z the life forces, If you had seen me when I had begun taking Lydia 's Vegetable Compound, and the sunken eyes, sallow com- 1 general emaciated condition, d that person with me as I am hearty and well, you would 14eel thankful to you and ful medicine which restored me and health 'in five months, My Il rearvel at the change it has made but none can appreciate it better ¥ Miss Irene Hapgood, i . Windsor, Ont. At the first indication af lt "realth, peinful or irregular periods, pain in the adache, backache, Dbearing-down ervousness, or the " blues,' secure e a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's le Compound and begin its use. FAITH CURIST HELD, doctors ¢ tubes, wi Child Dies of Typhoid Without attention. Philadel! April * I. Wesley An ns, } i Faith Tabernacle, was, the Horoner in $2,000 hail for grand jury by an accessory | re the leath of Grace Bates, a of typhoid fever. Bate dW medical attention, it nts being followers a "Faith Curist." as stricken she h of the child about a Ankins disappeared, but few days ago. -. Niagara's Retreat. Four Frock News The obly reliable data for specula tion as to the progress of Niagara Lak the is found by in 1842 Ontario, surveys made Falls from comparing and 1856. The first was a trigomome- trical survey by Dr. John H nes tor York State ( gical Sur uments were en at * poi which the angles were taken m or that = some later survevor » 1 be a to find with ae A he ext he changes. The cont rev w made in 15386 hy RR. So Wa and, of the United States Glvlog S v. The result sur pr Ihe Falls had mov 1842! The rate at hal been, therefore, five fi ! Woodward proved 1 remendons area of five acres heen precipitated from Fall in the hali cen t st a-------- i Everett Hale Is 84. « DC April 3 I'he Rev, Hale, chaplain of the senate is eelebrating his eghty-f birthday to-day, t \otwithstanding his age tll in ent health anc great oteres m iu he vigor senat He jeceived hun letters and telegfams of con and some of his more in at his house to frends called th i masgsne turns out 1,500,000 ee itriariis What People You Know Say About Gin Pills THE GREAT KIDNEY CURE ToroNTO, June 6th, 1908. =~ take great satisfaction in writing to You and telling you of the splendid condition of health that I am now in, "hich was brought about entirely by taking your Gin Pills. For years my kidneys have been my weak spot and kept me unhealthy, and although 1 knew the cause, I could not Bet relief. Six weeks ago I heard that Gin Pills were being widely sold in Ontario, and I concluded to try them, "though I did not believe that'they could entirely cure me, but they have,and I , Im now sure that my kidney trouble has disappeared. I will always have some of the pills 8 hand,.and will recommend them to ny friends who are troubled with ail- mets due 10 the defective work of their : dacys, Yours respectively, F. BE. BASKERVILLRE. ggists, 50c a box, or 6 boxes We send sample free if you is paper. THE BOLE dAYG co, Sold b for $2.50, Mention thi * WINNIPEG Wan 'managed admirably Hon, been in the | from a tacit : Gold in the Buwilight! : SREeEe OO YOO ODOOOOOO0 eX oS A very rove and at 'the same. time exceedingly biteresting dinner party was given te a fow friends, on Thurs- day cevésing, by the Japanese consul- general, Hon. Tatszgoro Nosse. The dinfer and 'its appointments were car ried out in true Japanese to the chopsticks which the guests for the first time, also thoroughly ouests hongred with style even All the edibles were Japanese and the invitations wen Dr. James Fletcher, Dr. Saunders, Mr. G. F. Halloran, deputy ninister of agriculture, Mr; T. O'Hara, siiperintendent of com- mercial agencies and Mr. W. J. Lynch, - 5 we On Saturday from five to nine thirty o'clock the home of Mrs. Cockburn, Queers street, was a place of merri ment, some thirty boys and s hav- ing ahswored to the invitation of Mas ter William. UAt six o'clock tea was sorter! in the dining-room, to which their atuntion' was directed, and it became a humming! bee hive, © while they enjoyed the good thinrs provid ol. After, 'tétarning to the parlor, games were played, for which prizes were given to the must skilled. Some of the young people entertained the company with music and' singing, which was very much enjoyed. A 1 leasunt evening was brought to a close hy singing "Gud Ning; when all © return hour, homes ata seasonable . . A dinner. mas given by the Right Sir Richard Cartwrigur at the Cluby 'on Wednesday evening following members of parlia- Hon. William Harty, Mr. G. D. Mr. High Gudwie Nr Thera Mr. Leighton McCarthy, Mr McColl, Mr. €, A. MeCool. Mr. G. H. Melntyre, Mv. I'. H. Mackenzip, Mr. A. A. Wright, Mr. R. J. Mr. NF, Wilsem; Mr. Mel W. P. Teliord, Mr. George Smith, Mr. N. F. Wilson and Mr. J. I, Schell. . . . » . Mrs. Dagiel orden will wive an © Howe," to the gradua: ing class vehieine, "Jt en's] on Fridad ing, - . - - The minstrel Military and a Rideau to the ment Grant, Martin, J.B Watson, Robert Stewart, Mr. M.S. Schell, At m even show the on for people at Royal ht, from town College is to-nig ood will go over. The assemble Was held in the Hall and was postponed, off on the Wednesday This will be a the Easter niiny which City to have hefore Lanit conn will pow in Easter week, opening for gay festivities. - - - » of the are giving tea to visitors at the exhibition on the noons of this week. John Strange was in-charge. and tor lay, Mrs. Henry Boak will dispense the cup thet cheers Phe assistants ard the young lady members he society Miss Kdith Massie, Mi wval Mac donald, the Misses King, Miss Ethel and Miss Lorraine Minnes, Miss Car rive Bajus, and Miss Muriel Shortt, - . . The Association, meanbers Woman's Art their after Yesterday, Mrs Mrs, Joseph Swift will until the "first not re Wednesday eive after . - . . Y.U.8" =a April 17} Chalmers Mrs » Remember Home," at Uglow's, . . aud Mrs. Grant town for and Major stay any rate, } decided year, at King have to in another are I for - » - . Mrs. Drury, Miss Edith Drury, is Drummond Halifax, accompanied by Drury and Miss Helen spending a month a i. Montreal . . »- * Mrs. F. W. Allra Hamilton, Bermuda, ex pect to start for reaching here, hy casy f to wards the end of 1 May sire Mr. and have who been at home soon some ting th "ni nth, or earl » . . McCann will probably ix on Thursday had such =a pleasant visit Miawa friends been so loth to let her go, that has stayed to the limit of railway ti . Mr. Knox Walken went down to Montreal, on Sunday . » . . Page left vester Miss Je home sie She very have she her utmost Mrs. W. Pemberton day, for Toronto, Mrs. F. M. Col will remain with Mrs S. Turner, or about a fortnight Miss Kathleen Harty Miss Lor etta Swift, down,. yesterday,' to Ottawa, to spend: the week with Maj Mrs. Panet. They will return Hon. 'William Harty, Sat longer and went or and with the wrday . . . . Mr. William Har from the west on Mr. and Mrs. have gone down spend a fow days Miss Pearl a visit Jr., came back rday Broel 1 returned Buf s Oldrieve has in Cleveland and falo. «ew. and Mrs, D. A. Cay of the to Tor visit Mr went the a few days' Mus. J). Fortescue Montreal, to-day. Captain and Mrs. up first week, onto, for returned, from Hector Reid from Toronto, and Captain Kemis Beity from Halifax, are bounli at 1 Johnson street Mrs. H. W. Wilson may be home at the end of this wdek, from her visit in Son Antonio and Houston, Texas. v . - - - 'Mr. John T. Mott, of Oswego, Spent the week enid in town Miss Macaulay will return to town tonight, from Rowmanville, Mrs. James Higgins' many friends have been very glad indeed to hear that * she is getting better after her short but severe illness Mrs. Herbert Robinson Miss Marion Mair have been lately in San ta Barbara, California, Miss Mair has now gone on to Chicago, and Is. and inson will come home by way of coast. Miss Mary Temple, who has been staying with Canon and Mrs. Grout, is. now spending a few days with Mrs. John R. Black, Mack street. Miss May, Miss Minna, Miss Bessie Murray, who have been spending sev- eral vears with their aunt, Mrs. Por- ewval, at Kilmore Hill, county Water ford, Ireland, will sail from Liverpool, by the Virginian, for their own coun- try, on April 26th. They will go to Boston, to visit their brother, Mr. Per coval Murray, and later in the sum- mer, will come to Kingston, . . . . Canon and Mrs. Grout will go down Mr. George Elis was in town for the week end. * - - . Invitations are out for » state ball to be given in special honor of Prince Arthur of Connanght at Governmerit House on April 19th, and mince's visit there will be several other brilliant functions at Rideau Hall, including two large dinners, . . The engagement is announced of : Misx Morna Williams, of Port Hope, + of Sir Sandford Fleming, to Laurence - Fennings Taylor, will ke place at Ottawa, shortly, after Eustor 15 amnoungal that the marriage of Charles KE. $0 herson, of Winnipeg, general pafenger agent of the Rest ern division of the Canadian Pacific railway. and 'Miss Josie I'roop. daugh tor of Howard D. Troop, of St. John: N.B. will take place at St. John on April 11th. The Quéen's Humanity. A cable despatch to the New York Evening Post says: "The queen's let ter to the Duchess of Portland pro testing against the wearing of egret plumes taken with such eruelty osprey maintains her noble repu tation for humanity. It is well known that her majesty hag for years refused to attends pigeon-shooting matches but the reason' for this is not so well LHknown, Some twelve or fifteen years ago at gq gun club match at Hurling- ham her majesty was present when go hali-killed bird fluttered into her lap. Since that day she has frowned Yipon these once fashionable events." Oldest Ruins The oldest architectural ruins in the world are believed to he the rock -eut temples at Ipsanmbool, on the Lift bank of the Nile, in Nubia. The lar st of these ancient temples contains fourteen apartments, -hewn ont of solid stome. The ruins are supposed to he 1,000 years old Ancient House Gone. Northern California has lost dts principal antique. The oldest hous in that part of the state, built by Mavor T. B. Reading in the remot period of ISH, and known, ther fore, as a historical structure," has been destroyed by wind and flood Costly Newspaper. Manhattan, Nevada's latest g mining camp which i virhit miles from Tonopah, now has a n S paper, the Mail." WW. F. Bond paid $40 for the first copy off the press _ Bananas By The Carload. We buy direct, and in larbe lots, that's why we can sell cheap, All this week we make the price 10e.. 15¢. and 0c, per dozen, none high er at Carnov- sky's, ' Furniture Cream' fills in and cover ip scratches and Inger marks, Le.. at Chown It is a ruk in Australia that speeches in parliament must be re ported verbatim. The printed record of the session concluded last Christ mas rg to iwenty-six volumes, or about six million words During the past month the deaths in Winnipeg. exececdidd the births In tuen tyv-five, the figures being, births deaths 258 A man with chron rheumatism is big town Household ammonia at Chown's, A Two-For-One Shot. "Celery King," remady to Ozone. The purest form of Ozone is "Solu- which is a companion tion of Ozone (the coupon kind)" Each bottle contains about twice much for your money as other brands, besides.which each bottle con- tains a coupon entitling vou th a package of "Celery King" free. This 18 a great advantage as you save money on the Ozone and also get the "Celery King," which you would Latherwise have to buy. No other brand of Ozone contains these coupons "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kine} is fifty cents and one dollar at your drug. store, in- cluding the coupon for the package of | "Celery King." Tdke no other kind, and if your druggist does not carry | it, write to the Public brug Co. Dridgeburg, Ont. to Ottawa, for Easter, and Mrs. Grout | will stay on for some little time with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grout. Master J, and Master Eric Almon are home for the Faster vac. Mrs. Henry will up to the Walland; St. Catharines, to-mor row, On her way she will spend a day | n Toronto, with Judge and Mrs. Ma- | Jee, Mrs. William Nickle, Sr., will leave tomorrow, for Atlantic City, during the | to Mr. Harold G. Burnham,.ot Fd monton. The wedding will take jlace carly in July Miss Nery Inez Goodwin, eld-st Jug h ui Ms. George Asomiwin, 312 Laurier avenue, east, to Senator Henry J. Clovan, of Montreal Miss Minnie Hawthorne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly, of Brockville, tg Mr. . Andrew Norton | Buell, son of Mr, C. H. Buell, of the same place. The marringe will take place carly in May. * . * Invitations have been issued hy the Dean" of Montreal for the marriage of his dunghtér, Miss Muriél Mave Evans te Mr. A. C. Hudspith, to take pls at St. Stephen's church, Were Park, on Faster Monday. The marriage of Miss Elsie Smith. not eligible to membership mag "don't worry clul A= a rule the biggest man in a lit tle town would be a small potato ina When you use Ozone - use "Celery King' with it. Whatever kind of Ozone you buy you will need to use |' as? TARE TO SETTLE THE PROSPECTS ARE NOW QUITE BRIGHT. A Possible Basis Has Been Arrived at--The Clergymen Working Hard to Bring About Terms Between Parties. Winnipeg, April 3. Prospects are bright for air carly setthment of the street railway strike. Thy wy toe from the Ministerial Assoe ao J met 'vesterday afternoon, \/ and i the men, discussed the issue. The clergymen then met the company and remained in conference until midnight. The ex fact results could not be learned, bot {it is known that a possible basis of settlement was arrived at. As on sult of the conference the clergymen's committee have been authorized to | present a number of propositions * 10 the men. The committee is hopeful | that these propositions may produce | a friendly settlement of the question | in dispute. At a mecting of the,eity council) last night. the strike was the chief topic imder discussion, and the council decided to wait on the com pany in a body. and yre them to ar bitrate OUR WOMEN'S HANDICRAFT, Most Clever Specimens Are Ex- hibited Here. Kingston may well he' prad of artistic ability and handicraft many of her women, and grateful to the local branch of the Woman's Art Association for exhibiting specimens, along with paintings and handicrafts se Rickpatriek s art jrom other plas | gallery is full of many interesting things. On the right hand wall are. water colors and some oils by Kingston lad Among these, two almost little girls, Miss Kathleen Cgisp and Miss Muriel' Shortt. arc exhibitors The former has a water color, "A Having Field," of exceptional merit hoth in drawing and execution the latter shows' a pen and ink sketch of her little sister which shows much life. in. the drawing. Mrs, Joseph Power has a charming water color, "The Willows and Miss trude Power's trial at the same is very gol. Mm. Joli s pretti "Road in Ontario is perhaps the List of six g onl exhibits. Miss. Muchor's "Netley AbYiey in exceedingly pretty, ait] | Miss M. King's "Path Through . the | Wools," has a bit of sunset which evervhody admires Miss Drommand has, . two Taronto bits of masoney, in her collection, the ivv-coverml library of the parliament buildings, and a bit of St. Paul's church, Rloor street, in which th stone and the green blend delightful tly. Arthur Martin, the only masculine member of the society here, has characteristivally e¢levie shetehes, and Miss Norval Macdonald has done some specimens of her heantiful lettering Fhe handicrafts include Lookbinding, by Miss Drummond! Hickey, and jothers--all exceptionally well done; word-earving mest attretive work it is, by Miss Marion Lisslic; oq sample | of Miss Gildersleeve's heautiful weay ling and Honiton luc done by Mrs Compton, one of the lace makers of coloring twa the village of Honiton, England. | China painting hs Jo its artistic | exponents, Mrs, W, . Barber, Mrs id Laidlaw, Mrs. at Macpher son, and Miss Brophy, Miss Ella Fraser has for the' choi est of her work, a water color, with tintings and lights very perfectly worked out, of 'a corridor leading to Grant hall, and the head of a well known newshoy. The best thing to do, however, is to visit the exhibition this week, either in the niorning, when vou can look { quietly, or in the afternoon, when o cup of tea will compensate for num bers aud less quiet ---------------- Portland Council. March 19 Members all present; Audi tors presented report showing a bal ance of Ibe report having heen the-couneil, wad ydopted av=itors voted 26 cach. J. G given the re-audited by and the Clark ww: third cones use of part of the sion till required, The tax of William Walker and J.C. Wood were remitted. Moved by Me, Walker, and seconded by Mr, Wallace,t that as the government has granted 8300 to repair the Sydenham road, this coun cil grant BI to assist in the work, | which was carried. John Curran asked to have Mrs. Husband placed upon the township as a pauper: no action Fhe clerk was instructed to find out { the terms of placing paupers in the Kingston House of Industry Voud <3 1. Trousdale, goods for poor; E. Holland, rebate taxes Tavgert,; part salary a RSEKSOT; to 1. Curran, Keeping a pauper o FE. Hughes, work: 82.70 to K. W. Mek, ipplies: K2.87 10 | | Dueet, rebate 220 to W. CC, Mein [ald poor: 84 to J. Crawford, charita 14.25 to M. Revell, peor; 81 fo J [ Mills and wife, charity. Adjourned to | et in Verona, April 16th at] pa { Similes In n Rhyme \ a bun 1A d as a st A As Poor uso vat IA . . 1 As a moh As White as a lily black as coul As plain as a pikestali--as rough a u boar As tight as a d A% hea { Carriers Saw Ministers. April 3.-A on deputation of the this morning, Ottawa, letter and carriers waited premier postmaster general, and asked that 2500 bo fixed as the winimum salary, und that provision | be made for paving salaries during | sick leave | the eivil | consideration | presentative of the | Canada. and holidays the as service, They were promised The deputation was re carriers throughout saw Furniture Cream is thy yet furniture, Me! at best, owns Chinese | for your 'NEWBORO AFFAIRS. Farmer's Institute Meeting--A : Dwelling Saved. v Newboro, April 2.-The special meet ing of the Leeds Farmers' Institute were 'held in Victoria hall on Wednes- day and; were the most successful meetings in years. The . aftemoon | was $ attended by a large num, n who came to learn, were-not- disappointed, - The speakers showed themselves masters of their subjects. Mr, Zufelt, cheese instructor, of Chesterville, gave an in-1 teresting hddress on the - duties of cheese-makers and answered a number of questions asked by dairymen pre and they sent. John Fieter, farm superinten dent of thie experimental farm, Ot tawa, spoke for nearly two hours on the value of clover as plant food, and Kindred subjects, and © the farmers learned" much of importance. The evening meeting was attendad hy a Addresses were addiv Gilbert, poultry superin- who poke on the Mr. Ficter" again audience ered by Prof tendent, Ottawa, production of eggs. large President Bass occupied the chair and | showed the farmers present the impor. | tance of the institute and received | many new members. Mr, Britton, | publisher of the Gananogue Reporter, and Samuel Fowler, of the Brockville Times seats on the f 3 stall, occupied platform at the evening meeting. Dr. Preston and Holmes Eyres, Chantry, moved the vote of thanks to the speakers pod orcheet Visitors: Dr. Lillie, Westport, and Roy Lillie, Brockville, at E. Chamber lain's: Miss M. Tofiey, Portland, at Miss Knapp's; John Nolan and daugh ters, Phillipsville, at James Nolan's; R. Stewart, Brockville, and James | Thompson, Mapleton. Mr. 'and Mrs, | E. Halladay were the guests of friends here on Monday. i Miss Annie Green, one of the niost popular young ladies this vicinity, died Ut shor home about three miles from here on Fuesday, after a linger ing illness of many weeks, aga thie ty-two years. The funeral, which took place to Westport, on Thursday, was largely attended by who showed th svmpathy for the bereaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs, A Hull have moved on to a farm near Sherbrooke Lronard -- Hiehadey ix moving to his. cheese factory at Black Crovk, where he will make for the sea: son. William Welsh and family mov ed to Forfar, he has Been en gaged to make chevse for the: seaso, Sugar-making has commenced, but | very little syrap has wen made and the cupply will likely he Svrup i selling at 81 a gallon Misenes Halladay were on Wednesday to attend the funeral of i andmother, Mr. Judd. Mrs Jo Bell is om the sick lst at present dwelling of Mrs. Catharine Allen only escaped destruction hy five Saturday The fire started on the roof and had male con siderable headway before discovers A votuiter bucket brigade Was quick Iv organized and after + the blaze was quenched; hters deserve the for their skill as the which was blowing their task diflie has moved into Mrs house on Drummond street, Perth, was the Pierce we where scarce, Lhe called to Elgin on afternoon, a short, high north wind, the time, made George at James Knellars' Miss Liz zie dames, guest of Mrs. John last Deaths At Elgin. My Fairbairn, vel Wedne Spencerville, day Dies Almost At Doorstep. Peterboro, Ont, April 3.--Richard Dwyer, seventy-six years of age, was found dead in a ficld near his howe in | Do mira township, a miles from here, He had left his sme on Thurs dav to visit .a neighbor for a few days, and: as hes did not return on Saturday a search was made, and his dead body discovered a few rods from | his own door where it laid since Thursday. The cause of his death is attributed to heart failure rr ------------------------------------------------------ fae ot spoke on the clover growth and. also on bee culture. Mr, Zufelt gave a most instructive address on the care of milk for cheese-making. The Flom- ing orchestea delighted musie lovers in a way which only they can, and | were highly complimented hy Prof Gilbert at thé close of the meeting, numerous friends; | sharp | The , highest praise | Bishop | Elgin, April 2.-The funcral of the | late Mrs. Eliza MeMachin was held on Monday last, tg the Methodist church, Elgin, where inany friends and rela tives paid the last tribute of respect | to her whom they had known so long! and well, Deceased was in her ninety third year, and had 'been a constant resident of the neighborhood for over 1xty years. Shoe leaves to mourn her! loss four sons and two daughters Mr Holmes audd died at. the hom of her soncin-law, Fdgar Halladay, on hursday morning, aged vighty-twe aS ere a paralytic, strok on Sunday mo from which «he never ralli 4 ciently 10 speak. The funeral was held on Friday. Rev, Gibbs | Tavlor, Wi hele officiated, pesiste by Rev. Mr. Cran Elgin Mrs. Smith's ale yesterday, wu will attended and prices for. mostly - evervthing ruled hh. The proceads amounted to over | ar evening, to be pre o ent at her grandmother's funeral. The { mill 1s kept bu sawing by day and | crinding hy ght. Sap is running at last a now those with bushes may, NL it Little rest, Miss Isa and Miss Agnes Halladay, Newboro, af their i F. Halladay's; Mr art ) Falls, at her broth HH. S. Davison's; Miss Lillie Me- | Comish, Westport, at hed si ter's, | Mrs, H. Howard' > | | CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA once and | you will never return to the adulterated teas of Japan. Lead Packets Oaly. 25c¢., 30c., 40c., HIGHEST AWARD, ERIE IIE SEIN + NE and 60c. per Ib. By all Grocer ". LOUIS, 1904. Women' s Spring Coats Skirts and Suits ings and effects. i SPENCE'S Mx lll x AAA AHASASISEEASSIEOE fly front, tight-fitting "back, trimmed with. tai strapping, well-finished, only careien FAWN BROADCLOTH JACKEIS a) iting back tailored strap trimming on front, an unusual value at .. Also new 'Pon, 7,7.60,8, 8.60, 9 NEW LIGHT TWEED SKIRTS for women to 6.00. NEW LIGHT TWEED SKIRTS, for girls and misses, sizes 32 to 36: : New Belews, Pony and Eton Suits in latest oolor- NEW FAWN COVERT CLOTH lls 00 45.00 eaves migerane and tight-fitting coats at 6.80, from .... 3.00 - and Mantle Store "Wow is the time to have your Parlor 'Sets and Couches and Fancy Odd Chairs Recovered. i As we have a nice . line of Eng- lish and French imported Cover ing to select from. : We have also increased our staff of Upholsterers, which are at your service. 'JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 147.; THE CELEBRATED "STROUSKY" Agateware We have a nice assortment of this, ware in Double " Bollers, Preserving Kettles, Covered auce Pans, Strainers, Tea and Coffee Pots This is the best Agateware manufactured. all ot which is guaranteed for one year. It does not rust, nor absorb grease, does not discolor and is not affected by acid in fruits or vegetables, last for years. It you have no other. ELLIOTT BROS It will once used this you would AAAI AAR FINANCE AND INSURANCE Oliver, SRR HORE + The business will be carried on in his office, (9 Clarence street. - CUSTOMS BROKER - of the late Cy G, If You Want a' Home Or Insurance, have a talk with 3 ' The Ozonated Air Cure. x G. A. BATEMAN fo Physicians ana patients alike are} @ Who for the last five years has Brock Street. pleased with the prompt action of | * been associated with Mr, Oliver, 'Catarrhogon: which destroys Ca | & wel tarrh by the action of ozonated air. | $ Fam For Sale No living x raquined: no Gio oh % GEORGE CLIFF dosing, or cocaine sniffing | Makes inlty of city pro- acres, 7 miles from Kings y Inhale the sootEing vapor of | ¥ y. You o will "it to your wey beautifully situated om & ( if | § him if you | leading road ; buildings first class zen y and cure is sure and | 3 wi to buy or City Heat noi, good and in good state of quick. J. A. Hammill of Grorhnithivited P } Also fol . Lawl. cultivation ; ences well PEL, experienced instant relief from | @ Y« n chuying ated ; So J 2irabls homes 1c i ¥ he, , pa . a . . Catarihozone and writes "No one £8 3 4 urchase, His office is 95 | Real: Estate . Agents Wellings could have worse eatarrh than I it 3 Clarence street ton street, Kingston, T caused partial deafness, bad taste, up SATAN ot my stomach, made me sick all | AAACKACRACIIICICICIASANIACIIICE AOI over. Catgrrhomne clmred my nos. " EE ------ trils, stopped the cough, and gave me : and seeds after the juice was pressed a clear feeling®M my breathing. or Made Of Wine Prass Eeluge, ane. pans. I am absolutely cured." London, April 3.--Philanthropie peo- You can be cured aleo. Ope dollar | ple are sending funds te Turkish Ae- Fev ! Jan nontha' treaty 3 Sumpis menia, where famide conditions seom Boarding houses, hotels, air antes sian se. All dealers or by mail | 10 be even worse than at first ro- | private a all Er Eharteh from Polson & Co. Tartford, { ported. Hundreds of people are liv- raddigh, Conn. USA : "1 ing on bread made from grape skine Ask your for low | ~ . UPHOLSTERING . © Ha