study how to accomplish excellence. Result--first class horsewear. . : A} t's Hardware LI RERREERGEEE OO000C Sash, Doors and Mill Work S. ANCLIN & G0. Foot OF WELLINGTON ST. cet An 'Honest Guarantee We guarantees OUR milk to be AB- BOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized _ bottles. Ii is the best. Try i. for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING ere Cards and Letter haads Besides all classes of Printing frown a curd to a volume. Letter THE WHIG, Kingston PULLEYS! Press We have just received a carlond of Dodge colebrated Solit Falleyvs Hangers, Shafting, All sizes in stock, 'Marine Gasoline Engine," trom 14 to 20 forse Vower. Gasoline Engine supplies. Dry Batteries, Spark, Plug and Coils always on hand, Gasolive supplied from tank on our hari, « w Call and seo our chasing elsewhers. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED Kingston Foundry. tS - Cs 2 Auction' Sales Book your sale of Furniture at onco and got choice of date. I conduct ull the important sales and Fealize the highest prices. "Phone, 665, JOHN H. MILLS . The Leading Auction ee Engine before pur. No shimping a fow pounds to thir ton is allowed in our deliver ios of coal to. your homé or plage of hwsiness--full weight goes with each shipment. Tt's hardly oces: Sury to tell «ld residents that the auality is of the first rank. New- | Comers are invited lo ask their nuighbors. We want part or all of J heaviest los LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISKED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits reesived and interest; allowed §. C. McGill, Managing Director. (Canadian (Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an ali round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on #hortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. Phone 655, A Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. 'Sale of Horses Every Saturday NW ss Restaurant 83 Princess Strect Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a m The best place - to get an all d unch in the city. Meals or oh inde ou | oh notice. lish and Chinese dishes a specialty, | Money to Loan! MCINTYRE & McINTYRE Barristers % King Street Kingston HHA AAAI LR J FREE, CONTRACTOR Estimates given for all kindy of Mason Work Plastering and # Cement Work of all dese riptions, 94 vtvision St. "Phone 402 AEACICIOIRIIIINK NK F FERRER Try Myers' "Home-Made" Head Chess. HUNTED MAN ENDS LIF E. Shoots Himself When Surrounded in Woods. : Paris, - April 5. An man hunt with a tragic result js reported from Soiscons exciting A young man named | Brancourt began to amuse Biniseli by discharging an gun at some furm work ers nea? Villancel. He wounded a | young woman named Henti as she was taking a child to school, and several other persons were hit. It was dh cided to arrest Brancourt, and til the gendarmes arrived a man hunt was organized. Brancourt was foreed into a wold. Realizing that he wonld ultimately be captured he blew out his brains. He had fired cighteen cartridges hefore taking his life. Spring Importation Of 1906. Prevost, Brock street, has received two cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and Vieunas. His 815 suiting made to order beats anything of pro- vious years. The wear and fitting is guaranteed, ' Gadshill, Ont, had 4 narrow escape from being wipea out by fire. Build itige aggregating in value £15,000 were destroyed, John E. Ratz is the His gristmill, saw-mill and office were destroyed. : Two deaths' have already ocenvred from lack of food in the inundated lowland district of Alabama. Tr Se ---------------------------- THE WORST KIND iles have existed for a long and | passed through different atargh is a blood or constitutional dis aching, throbhine ty form, filled to bursting with Symptons indi other troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile-sirk nerson. Fhis id when Raid. the only bring® the results fame, - fter Dr. Leoihardt's Hers absolute Pile \ ire, that has made its a he, It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded guarantee to that effect goes with each package. d 1% to be had for $1.00 at Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston. | Ho does not aavertise in the right | (ness of the city generally, and it con | such talk they will be much mistaken. THE WHRIG <73rd YEAR DAILY: BRITISH WHIG, published "evening at 206.810 King street, a Oitaric, at, per year Edi- KX o . Ek Cr Shiri Wiio, 13, pages over, pub , In parts on Thursda at $1 a year. - Attached Woe the best Job Print- ing offices in Canada , sty! EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. THE DAILY WHIG. "'Opifer per Orbem Dicer." The Press And Trade. A business man of the eity, who is a kevin observer, Tells the Whig that much of the hn wo that was former- ly done in the towns and villages in the cast is ta Toronto. Why ? The big houses NOW - going have developed mail and money order connection a A of the largest kina. The people like it. They see something advertised which they want, at certain price, and they write for it, amd enclose a postal nate, or post-office order in payment of the same. "There is nothing exclusive about the (practice. There is no patent on this of drape" can way cultivating trade. Any live create' a run upon his goods if he advertises it and puts a quotation on it which is alluring. The Toronto man offers a certain article at a certain figure, hut he does it in such 4 manner that the bargain side of the case becomes apparent. The Kingston man has the same article, or a8 good, and he can sell it as cheap. | Why does he not challenge attention? way: "Oh," but it may be said, ha Whig ix saying this because it is interested in the result" To some extent it It is interested, however, in Lhe busi- is. tends' that any storeman, 'with the right goods for sale gt the right pric: es, can make a sale at any time- by advertising. Moreover, no mefchant, in Montreal or Toronto, has monopoly of the patronage by mail. The people of the day are u reading people, and they are a buying people, and the motive of their action and the result are con- nected by the part the press plays i their enlightenment. n of Game Of Bluff. The knowing ones, all conservatives of course, and imitators of the pre micr in his mysterious airs, are sure Mr. Matheson or My spmething his some of these days . Hamma has some- sleeve, and that of they up thd' members the opposition spoke. will be sorry IH anyone supposes that the liberals in the legislature will scare before Mr. Whitney leads in the insinuations by asking, of the What suspect loan arrangement; is the consideration ? he he Does any wrong-doing ?* Dare express it ¥ The talk that there are bigger scan- dals in reserve, and that they will be sprung some of these days, will not deter any legislator from the perform ance of his duty. Generally, savs, the Toronto News, the gossip is false, and malicious, and the government is in large business when it threatens to make exposure if the liberals do not Keop very quiet, The News takes no stock in the "blu." It has had an example of its worth in the case of the license in spectors respecting whom, it wag alleged, there were things the pub icity of which would ercate a furore, Our contemporary adds "1 there are scandals 'to be exposed in the legislature which affect impor tant public interests, lot the ministers ive thy facts to the province without delay. Tf not, let us have done with the that if Mrs Harcourt and other ex-ministers will be indulgent the facts of liberal which exist suggestion misgovernment in the departments will not be discovered to the peop Well spoken. Timely adviee, It makes. one tired to hear supposedly 'great men talk in veiled language, condescendingly, and with the mim of those who are thdmselves while they keep some secrets, hurting A Cabinet Of Wonders. The government has made its an nouncement respecting the Gillies lim it, which has been eyed enviously by and the for which in October, when the timber will prospectors clamour be removed, was expected to be very great. The limit lies south of Cobalt, and the half of silver and cobalt of incalculable value. The extent of the wealth is not ap preciable, but it is expected to yield a very handsome revenue to the govern met, podsibly from one to two mil lions a year and for several years, In addition large results are anticipated for the mining of the right of way of the Co- halt, is about a hundred feet wide and three and a hali miles long. The government will expect tend eis for the privilege of mining this, but it has set a minimum condition of 20.600 in ning from ing to, the taken out, arca of three and a wiles is believed to hold veins Temiscaming railway near This strip cash, and a royalty run- H to 50 per cent, 'accord value of the ore which is T r some time there haye been agitation respecting the possession of the min: ing lands, and all sorts Of conjectures as to the munner ip which the ernment would divide or distribute them. The decision to mine in bebalf of the provinee, by a commission, is not such a Surprise, It has been talk- ed of for days, and as the only safe course. which the government .dare pursue in order to be saved "from the claim staker 'or the grafter." The "electrifying , announcement' very gratifying, of course, especially thet concerning the Tomizcaming rail- way the whole cost of which, it fis os timated, will he" covored bythe pro- duct of the mines, Remembering that the railway was the projection of the liberals, that it was opposed by the opposition, that it led to the mineral discoveries; "the richest un the face of the carth," the marvel is that the government of could sell gov- is "statesmen" provincial bonds at a discount and seck the public applause. ---- Edjtorial Notes. Oh, no, Mr. Borden, The federal government is not going to le of confidence resplutiony the house. There is : for them, t want in disguise pass only one -- The legislature has been emphasizing one great, plain truth people's pockets are affected hy any mynicipal legislation the people must be consulted, that when the ---- Mr. Boyrassa and Mr. Vervelle are the only geavine independents' in the commons, and neither has spoken voted yet against the demmity of $2,500, sessional in- -- Hon. Mr. Hanna, discussing the " 1j cense question, referred to some offi cials whose retention of place depend wl whether they behaved 'them Now isn't that bumprious talk ! on selves, very -- London, on duly Ist, 1906, will low - er the cost. of gas fiom £1 per 1,060 feet to 98c. At the end of five years there will be" another drop of Se, per 1000 feet. What kind of machinery is the company using ? -- Miawa is in somewhat of a muddle over its electric plant. It is not quite declan as to how it should be man- aged--by a éommitice sion. It will try 'the one, and if it does not work will seek the other, s Or a commnis- Mr. Carscallen; MPP, a lawyer, has a bill in_hand which prevents any- one doing conveyancing except mem hers of the legal pibfession. The lay members of the legislature should he equal to the slaughtering of that mea- Bure, -- R.A. Ross, desired as an expert on our gas and electric plants, is cor tainly a good man. In the arbitra tion respecting these plants. he was refeered to as "the, saviour of the city." May he prove true to this reputation.--4- -- Mr. McNaught, MPP, resign] as as a license commissioner in Toronto, he wissal of the inspectors, to because disapproved of the Now he that the govern dis is understood ay ment made a mistake in not dismiss ing the officials before. What changed his mind? -- bituminous The will soon be over, coal men's strike The fact that some of the larger colliers are now paying, the higher wage will presently compel a gineral surrender of all, racite The anth men are up against it. the great lesson--that the fuel fields must wet belong do the people, They, are teaching ----em SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Sweeping Reform. Toronto News One of the first regoisi for beautifying the city for the shaving of all side whiskers, 8 mm a plan 18 to provide men wearing Matheson A Jonah. Toronse Globe, Is Col. Matheson to be the Jonah of the provincial administration ? The whale that took him in out of the wet wears al-broad gmile. A Good Suggestion. Toronto Star In return for that picture of Ben Franklin, it would be a graceful act fag: the American government to im prove the map of Canada & by restor- ing what we Jott by the Ashburton treaty. A Good Thing. London Advertiser The new British government 'comes into office with a rising revenue, Per- haps' Campbell: Bannerman will have n ran of what Laurier"s opponents cull Laurier's luck, Too Much Grafting. Montreal Gazette, Buffalo's municipal investigation dis closes erookedness and graft at every point, Jt is not an argument in favor of turning over the opdration of public utilities to the aldermen to nanage. e-------- It Matters Not. How large or how small your head may be. There is not a head we can- not fit with one of our nobby new hats. Campbell Bros., the style contre for men's hats. -------------------- Senator Depew who left. Washington a month ago ob the advice of his the dru store, or from The Wilson. Company, Limited, Niagara Falls, 24 The Mail annfunges thi declaration of public ownership aud bounty as "Gne physician, 'will not, in all probability, splendid stioke of statesinanship." Fol Ee -------- LOST FOR YEARS, A CHILD IS RESTORED TO HER MOTHER. 'Revived by Visit to Scenes of Her Babyhood--The Mystery Solved, 5 Belfast, Ireland, April 5.--A nige year-old mystery has lwen partially solved at County Down, Ireland, in a somewhat dramatic manner. Nine years: ago a little girl named Susan Kerr, .abdut four years of age, disappeared from her parents home at Ballynahinch. 'A diligent search prov- ed Truitless. Her father died; and her mother marrying again, removed to Belfast. The other day a girl of fourteen went to Ballynahunch to obtain "some hem stitching for her employer, a farmer in the neighborhood. After making her purchase she walked through the town. Certain places appear to have stirred her memory, for, after takine back her purchases to the shop, the girl went to several houses endeavoring to. in duce the occupants to take her in: Eventually she was successful, and in telling the story of her parentage she called to recollection the disap pearance of Susdan Kerr. Mrs. Kerr was communicated and she proceeded to S} so difficniy lost daughter, took home with her, The girl has little recollection of what befell her before she was employ ed with the farmer in the neighbor hood of Ballynahinch, though it is be with, Ballynahinch. mn recognizing whom she er long lieved that she vesided in Belfast and Downpatrick. e--ienn-------- +A Sudden Death. Dundas, Ont., April 5.~John Bert ram, the veteran manufacturer," and head of the great Bertram works in Bundas, dis fyddenly on Wednesday, aged seventy-seven, 'He was going to his offied, 'afd after getting ready went upstairs, His daughter, Mes. (Dr) Stirling thought she heard him fall. She ran up and found him dead. Mr. Bertram was a native of Eddlestone, Peebleshire, Scotland. He was a mem ber of the Dundas Presbyterian church. He leaves a family which consists of Henry Bertram, now president of the company, Lien. Col, Alexander Berte ram, "Dr. Thomas Bertram, sand James B. Bertram, also in the In s, and one daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Stirling. A Different Liniment. It is well worth while to learn the merits of a liniment that does more than all ordinary liniments can--and does it quicker. } ch a remedy is Smith's White Liniment. It cures when common liniment, will not even lieve. Use it whenever pain, aches or soreness exists, Extra large bottles, ents "at Wade's. Money back if not satisfactory, As Consul To Birmingham. Washington, April Albert stead, formerly of Cincinnati, 0. many vears a Washington newspaper correspondent, has been nominated to be consid at Birmingham, England. He succetds his brother, Marshall, who relinquishes his post voluntary to go into business in the United States. The Halsteads are the sons -of Muret Halstead, the well known author journalist, . Hal tor and Sixth Time--Weds First Wife. Owingsville, Ky., April 5--William Tell Tolson, Campton, has just mar ried for the sixth time, his latest bride being the wife he 'first married more than twenty vears ago. It is his wife's fourth marriage. Five of Tol son's wives are living he having div orced them all Think There Is Enough. Tokio, April The empress dow ager has sent 150,000 ven (875,000) for the famine sufferers of Japan. The best informed persons consider further con tributions The total foreign contribution received is than $250,000, HR unnecessary. of more -------------- Red drug wants special bieyele: Telephone Drug Prompt 230, Gibson's Cross Store © for your delivery by Messenger, STOP THAT HEADACHE. Foolish to Suffer When a Simple Remedy Will Prevent and j Cure. Ever stop to think what caused your headaches ? Probably not. hen look showels and stomach' and you'll plenty of cause. to the find Chances are you'll find constipation, liver is sluggish, stomach overburdened with hali- digested food. No wonder you are dull and tired, restless day and night. You need the cleansing influence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills which cure your condition in short order, Being composed of natural veget- able remedies, Dr. Hamilton's ills possess great power, yet they are harmless. They aid all organs con- nected with the stomach, liver and bowels, In consequence food is proper- ly digested, the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists discase. Headaches never known to those who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and this fact3gdsvonched for by the sistant miglnag-r cess Magazine, gr IAS of the Poultry % of Springfield, 0., .J, H. Callandar, who writes: "No het ter medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Fills. We use them regularly and know of marvellous that resisted everything else. They cleanse the whole systeft, act as a tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, help the stomach and make you feel strong and well. For headaches, indigestion and stom ach disorders 1 am confident that the one prescription Dr. Hamiltan's Pills." : You can rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills with' dmplicit confidence: their wonderful. As cures is effect is general family 'regu- lation' they are unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. Price 25¢. per hox, .. five resume his seat in the senate during the preseut session, Lolson & Co, boxes for $1, or bx. mail from N. (, Recollections of 14-Year-Old Girl | Adulteration gr Coloring Matter N < Impurities of Any Kind in SALADA" CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA Put up in Sealed lead packets to many excellent qualities. 25c¢., 30c., 40c., 50c. and 60c. per Ib. » At all Grocers, HIGHEST AWARD, S?. LOUIS, 1904 preserve jig A whole army of boys are making all the money they want/\ selling EVENING POST a few hours a week after school. ll ME': It isn't luck; it isn't that they are any brighter than you; it isn't that they have any better chances than you. - 3 3 They just took hold of the work , heartily, and found that making [#2 money came lots easier than F they expected. "Most every. body who sees THE POST wants it. And what we want * you to do is to show THE POST to the people in your town, to get them to let you deliver it every week. In a few weeks you'll have a regular list of cus. tomers and be making money stead You don't need .a cent to start in send ten copies of THE POST free Sell = these at 5c. the copy and that furnishes all the money you need to buy further supplies. Sit down now and write us a'letter that you want to get "in line to make 'money 'and we'll send you everything / you need to start. An education at any business college in the country freé to boys who sell a tertain number of copies $250 in Extra Cash Prizes Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY ¢ 1728 Arch St., Philadeiphia WR, wh wh § The H. D. Bibby Co, <P 6 hg, gl, yg, The H. D. Bibby Co. Our Young Men's Suits We take special pains in providing * Just the Right Kind Of clothes for the young man of 18 years or up- wards. Our Suits have the desired amount of style in cut and mike up, while the fabrics are the most appropriate. We think we know exactly what the young fellows want to wear, and we have made ready for them. We have both Single and Double-breasted Cuts. This is an interesting store for young men fond of wearing smart styles in clothes. SUITS $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12 T0 THE H. D. BIBBY CO: © wm wm eh nw ww ---- A New Idea in Chocolates A J REES' latest attraction is a very elaborate and dainty window display of the Evangeline Art Boxes of G. B. Chocolates Ina variety of sizes. The EVANGELINE is the latest pro- duction of the G. B. Chocolate people, and 1s a dainty, neat anl artistic package. . The quality of the Chocolates is G, B., and that speaks for itself. A.J. REES, 166 Princess Street Kingston, Ont, « and Hartford, Conn., U.S.A, . Ew ABSOLUTELY SOLD IN PACKAGES A Same Price as the adulterated kil E.W.GILLETT : « TORONTO, Berrrrrasssasen _AENTER } or a lsusiness, Sh Civil Service Course; Kingston Business Head of Queen § Kingston Spacious apartments, equipiuent, excellent graduates in demand. {ndividual instruction petent and experienced every department. Open out the whole year. free. J.B. McKAY, H. FF, M] President, ceTTRBRE ATTEND THE Ambitious young men and pre conte lating a Comm tion in Shorthand, Typew Keeping, etc., of & CIvil Sc will find the JTONenaC AUS Kingston, Onta: The best equipped, - and - date business training in Eastern ( rio. Students may entér at ar all graduates are assisted t tne si ions, Write for ies, "Phone 680 W. H. Shaw, T.N.S President. . Headquar For Real Estate and I Ar: 96 Clarence St., Opp. P Geo. Cliff, Spe WAS BALD SIX YE Three Months of the N tific Treatment Res Hair, Baldr aused hy dan s catised by a germ, Kill th 1 or tha g fol has n ally dist . Nels Peters 3 M \ "I" haa had trieQ a i oany b I d Herpicid SN 1 began ous ree mont g red my dru rst ! cat have H le i Nend Hk | Herpicid G. W. Mahy nutention ( of Reader: A tl | as W wt a1 t : ne An hy the existing 1? Then whe » the numbey no need of to either 1 additional proper ord h fad? H ' * And \ of more . t general 10 to pre d needed for al » ing the case 8 hr such» | this grou A cecomplish th wh. a 3, the grow x i her desirable, ------ * A Fair Market To-] : x ing's marl . ne, th fing . fair npmber REL 0 The veretable Wi rou Maple od} v mers at L Ql ) I were am Mh M0zen and | butte > ie - 1 1h Meat with Tittle ye ------ee Reb * A Big Su ' 4 ¥, April 5- Pari, pL eiminary negoti $300 ria re foreign 5 o I desires nn hen Neate with w is composed : Ush caepitalis Dut re 4 pans on all cael Boon © Of this week