: Every day bri ngs forth SO) } good results of our con ne stant igi lance and seeking to gi lucky to us in that we special would be hard to find this lot of pure Silk Talfeta 'bon for to-morrow, } thing more. we want to Zz of our extra endeavor fully serve all who come. think you may advantage of our hours--9 and 9.30. ot large--for ug, that is vards in black, white and only, and in 4 and 5-inch The regular value you'll preciate when you handle > as being 13¢. or over, per "MOTTOW morning at 9 rp, Have your choice, and wu wish, per yard only La sample lot of different) | styles, some trimmed | insertion, others tucked roidery. Regular values rom 1.00 to 1.25, but to notning at sharp 9 | ch only "....... Sdady LAIDLAW & ¢ of Gre $8 GOO arpose and de world is for minating, the the situation rily a clear combination, ey holds the ere are some 69. N, in 1906. s 5 8 . wea Cloths liennes rey Yoiles opular shades ply abound in , which is of Ir prices are 7. Will you gh lo obligation to buy ualess you wish, LAIDLAW & SON, ---- Jnmatchable s Are Here If necessary, we could describe all Perrin's the extreme care that are used by in the selection Only the freshest and skins are taken and gloves have been tr they still retain finish as when new, carries a full guarant other surety recommendation f your } You'll find thém here in al! spring. shades of grey, faw: and white. Two prices, 1.00 and ar ro As yet - we have them i re "and white and t ] it shades of tan 1 ar brown. While this Int r- lasts, only " CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES, in . the popular shades of tan and * brown. Extra SP 1 now, per pair, onl : n Sapaeess srssaaes : o MEN'S ENGLISH KID GLOVES e in tans only, in wi ve offer | 0 two qualities and clai ta i comparison with regular a 1.00 and 1.25 gloves elsewlher - will ' prove oufs of - greater value. Per i} pair 5c. and aid B of Gents' Burtt & Packard's Pa- tent Colt Shoes. There is some satisfac tion to the purchasers when they know that the Shoes they paid $5.00 for a= not . going to crack in two he. or if they do they get a new pair. T SHOE STORE : ve thrifty ungston women some extraord;. dinary values; Yesteday was c received shipment of Special Ribbo, . Skirts. Probably a more phe than Rib. And one assure yoy to success. , Come We a anly take otter to-morrg Better come a little before the --- 10 bon Connie Ufion, 1 Machel St. fore We guarantee every p f Ey. March Sale AFEW SPECIALS IN BRASS BEDS Regular $45 Brass Bed. for $35. Regular $60 Brass Beds, for $50. d Mahogany Dressing Case, regular ), for h d Oak Dresser $40, for $35. Hed-room Set, $5, s Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess Street Two Doors Above the Opera House This Week April 2ud to Tth 'We introduce to Kingston a NEW TEA. Melagama Everybody is cordially invited to call at our store and have a cup. Jas: Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. lands in Alberta » for quick sale--9,860 acres mid- e Oak for way between BatUleford and Fdmontoy, Liy atadian Northern Railway at Lloy tor i 50 per A Price, $8.50 per Acre £2.75 per acre when land is selected. to suit purchasers divi to 1€0 acre plots and up | J. 0. Hutton, Lands Ap- Pearsall's Millinery Our store presents a very Jmsy scene st now, likewise our work room. where the most artistic work to he oy vwhere is done. HATS that ye n put right on, and, not only loqk beautiful under, but feel perfect ly at ea CALL IN EARLY AND SEE THEM Pearsall's Millinery 228 PRINCESS STREET. Luella A Knapp, A.T.C.M. (Pupil of Mr. A. S. Vogt) Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Toronto onservatory Examinations. For terms apply to 333 Johu- ston Street. Choidest Materials Excellent Workmanship Neal Appearance Features to be had in our Shoes. Wear '""Allen's" Sign of Golden Boot. Vocal Students' Club ANNUAL G00D FRIDAY RECITAL April 13th at 3.30 p.m, In Chalmers Church "GOUNOD'S MESSE SOLENNELLE" Preceded by a short. miscellaneous Programme. Tickets, 15e. : : at R Uglow's TENDERS WANTED. NEA iva "ED TEXDERS WILL BE RE- oul WY the undersigned up until 7 ag ock bmg 25th of April, 1908, for Cop ustruction of a <Stone, Steel or eres. @ bridge, . said bridge to be Vu ' the Corporation of the - of Bath: For further particulars bn + sham, Reeve. The lowest it necessarily accepted MAX ROBINSON, ' Clerk For the Best Insurance In all its branches go to SWIFT'S REAL BTATE AND Dany To-morrow is Palm Sunday Chalmers Church Anniversary to-morrow. The syn Services rises Sunday at 5.31 a.m and sets at 6.34 pay Wrestling Match, Bllepbeck vs. 0'Con- nell, Grand Opera House, 8.15 pm This day in history :--Hon. D'Arcy McGee assassinated, 1868 . Wordswurth born, 1770 ' Tickets, for the | Organ Sydenham St. 'Meth A 61 I Just Opened A very pretty lot of dainty china in odd pieces Mayonaisse Dishes Sugars and Creams Chocolate Jugs Cracker Jars ROBERTSON BROS. You Should Know That more Furs are damaged or ruined' by moths each year than through actual wear. This fact has been demonstrated thousands and thousands of times, but still there are many who, through haps. false economy, neglect to properly care for their Furs, through the dangerous summer months. A Fur Garment of quality with proper care will last EE ---------------- IKAISER'S ~~ SCHEME ITS SN \ SINCE THE SETTLEMENT OF MOROCCO TROUBLES. Encouraged by Outcome of Confer- ence He is Said to Have Turned His Attention to Siam Where He Plans to Make Ger- man Power Supreme. Berlin, April 7.-Now that Moroccan question has been the settled CRISIS IS OVER. A New 'Preniier is. to Ee Ap- . pointed. the peace of the world is likelv to be menaced in Siam. The kaiser, en couraged by the outcome of the Mo- AX PREMIER FEJEVARY = rocco conference, is determined to 3 EX-PREM Pr. EYARY, share in the spoils in Siam and is Vienna, April 7. Rive > i shaping his course to do so. months of controversy, etween the The Pan-German weekly review, Der | throne and the coalition parties, the Hungarian crisis finally ha tled. Both sideé express with the result obtained pears to be in the nature Deutsche, publishes an article entitled "After Morocco Comes Siam," which seems fo give the cue to the German programe s been set satisfaction which ap of a eom The Review argues that Germany | promise. Premier Fejov has resign. cannot recognjze the existing agree ed and Alexander Wekerle has been ment between England and France, de- | appointed premier wit mandate to fiming the spheres of influence in Siam, | form a conciliatory cabinet for Hun ahd points out that Germany's com- | gary. mercial interests there are vary im portant and in fact greater than PITH OF THE NEWS. those of England or France, since the ------ North German Lloyd steamship line | rhe Very Latest Culled From All bought up two British steamer lines Over The World. trading with Hong Kong, Singapore . aa \ and Bangkok, the capital of Siam, in Earl Grey left Washington last 1900, and Germans are superintending | night for New York. : the construction of railways and | Jobn Alexander Dowie claims that public works there. he will return to Zion city In conclusion the article sas' "We Anglo Saxon amity was the theme express: the urgent desire that the | at the Pilgrim's dinner in London, government will defend German inter, | Unie of the Ieaders of the Sokoto re ests in Siam more vigorously' and | bels was exeeuted at Lokoja, Nigeria, with less tendency "to oc i The Brazilian government has orders than-it did in Morocco." ed three first-class 10,000-ton cruisers Sensational developments are ex- | in England. : pected soon. § Wyke Balis, president of the Royal Society of British Artists since CHINESE ARE UGLY. | INSN, is dead. ------ | Leading. British papers see in the Still Angry Over Supposed Murder | £oVernment's attitude on the cattle | embargo gemeasure bi protection. of Magistrate. Independht soft coal operators will Pékin, April 7. -Native Papers in gon the 'scale, and Ontario users, as North China, are still printing Ma result, are reasonably sure of their flammatory articles, about the Nan supply chang! massacre, insisting that . the | G0 oo gla big dry French missionaries killed the Chinese goods store of Sebast Robert '& magistrate, Co., Mexico City, caus loss of In many plaece the Catholic converts | £700,000. and the | othee Chinese are living on near the me ed near the missions hy the wovern ment the slightest would result in massacre Vah'*Fiver. orders, friction | "The St. Clair river WILL BE A FIGHT. U days. . The dee axtends { Huron to the flats, from took place to-day' and was won has become blocked with ice within the past two Port h> dominion financial statement for | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1906. SAID TO BE SNUB ? Japan has announeed that foreign jhe Rais of armed n AACA. Debi may "entre the "Manchurian "port hong ot por The Prosenée of Ch roobs station: | of Tatung kao, with of the | and | quarrel between father and son by a long time, can easily be altered | Bambaata is Marching on Grey- | the lust nine months shows ree ipts to the latest style and made to | town. : of 85 5502, and a surplus over all : i , 5 - a. | expenditure of $6,103,225 look like new, but if moth-eaten, | Greytown, Natal, April T.-Pamba Kin: it Bis 1 Jo. Lod, 'd it will either be completely ruin- | 213, the leader of the Zulu rebels, is Ha ny Aisard hue o duinal t a believed to he within sevin miles of | | FIN0ess 1a Battenberg he fa ed, or at best the expense to re- Greytown, He has only 200 followers, | 1 Hieen f Spain, shail henceofrih | pair the damage will greatly ex- || |, impossible. for infantry to pene re or 4 x Sal highness . ceed' our charges for storage. | (rate the bush in pursuit of the rebels te heal oi " an ily hich 2 : } y - line lace is | ro e \ eli ank ol Profit by the experience of others, | but overlooking their hiding place is | Moscow, of $437,500 last month. has : : an eminence on which artillery is ke- | : ' > and avoid the risk. pared. Not 1 are prepared | been arvestedain Zurich," Switzerland Ing PAL ALVES 80 are preps Hon. Mr. Whitney stated, in the leg kite Rami 8 A » fashion |< oe} 3 le cKa Fur House to tackle Bab a in native fash | Tlnture, that the I Ly. rb fog M y in the bush. ard to the running of electric rail 48 Raa array : vals, on Sunday, would remain Telephone 489. Starting On Maiden Trip. han ol . YY nan un Rotterdam, April 7 The New Am-l, pov: H. Rouse, tector of. the sterdam, the latest addition to the | 5. 0 Epis church, St. Paul fleet . of the . Holland-America Lite Min, committed suicide by shooting started from here to-day on its maid { himself in the head. Ilhealth is giver | NE "OF -- en trip to New. York. In honor of the | uo the cause event the ships in the harbor display-| The Russian government bas revived ed flags and' when the great lin 1 an old court, which has held no ses THERE WILL BE SOLD AT THE | passed out of the harbor the whistles § for seventy years, for the trial Auction jtoowms of John H, Mills, on and sirens of the craft in the harbor | of 'high dignitaries accused of malfeas | gave a pasting salute. The liner car-| ance in officer MONDAY APRIL 16 ried a full cargo of passengers and While say ing requiem mass at the | 9 freight for New Yurk and expeets to | funeral services f one of his parish At 12 o'clock noon, the following pro- | yaturn from New York to Rotterdam | iopers, Rev. Jolm Dempsey, resident | Borties om on April | priest of the St Bernard Catholi cel 1,--That: Lie brick out The New Amsterdam is not an ocean | church at (ry ww fordsville, Ind. fell ». 32 3 a presen 3 Spied by MES. Rees. "UP fiver. Its speed does not exceed six | dead ws Parcel 2.--That substaitial stone resi | teen knots, which is father slow for| Samuel, McGarvah, Windsor, Ont arcel 2.--That substantial stone resi- , } i : ti Tint donee, No. 204 King St. at present | an Atlantic liner. It is built more for | one of the best kne wn bridge con occupied by Mr. Joseph Anderson safety and comfort than for speed, | Iraciore in Ontario, is dead He was Parcel 8 Cottage adjoining No I rm ir Se tland in yes amd came to'| 204. being 202 King St Fight For Control Of Mutual. bo T R en a hoy, ¢ was with ite the residence. of "he "Tate PF. | New York, April 7.--The outcome af | "eq (tO t, Chicago. gen yosite the reside » he la X ' it 1 2 6, Chicago, gr § Ie the annual meeting of the Sutual Lite I #al agent tor 4) Shor Arhull con The properties will be offered seperate | Insurance company is BEaRa WIth 8 nany for Wisconsin, pleaded guilty in ly. 'Phone, 665. great deal of in li ¥ | Green Bay, Wis to the charg of | For terms and conditions, apply to men and the Policy AO oy ot tin giving £2600 hribe money and wa . -company in particular wo meeting. | £171 000 and S100 costs 2 ara 3a | fin . , : JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. Which will he held this afternoon i | The Japanesié government has ap oe the greatest importance winted a commission fo investig . y finite sottle the question, whether Po y a It conRiat, nm {Con ' he dnb Rone 5 8 of Gen the present nfgnagement 4s ake | Baron Kodama. Lieut. Gen. lshimoto | ce e Iv ' in control of the affairs 'of the com- | the vico-ministers of war Eo pany or not. The management of | muoications, forvign affairs and fin WILLIAM DRURY. the company has been extremely | 00 Price List from April, 1st, until furta- | active during the last fow weeks | At the cxtreorinary: ape of 123 or notice. 4 | secure proxies for their trusted agents, | voars, Mrs. Philo' Rogers, a. tiegro WeeklV "+ Rates Ibs. daily, 335c i | George F. daker, resiclent. of the | "oma dia at Chitage, Mrs. Rog " iy ay es ibs. daily { First Natiopnl I bridge i ers was horn in Missouri, and reared 50 bs. daily, {| Gerrd and John W. Auchineloss, 1a-darge family long hefore.the first Monthly Ra Ibe. daily, $1.25 | mujterings of the antislavery senti: 50 he Saily, & d--30 to 100 lbs « To Get The Golden Rose. | ment agitated New England: 100 Ibs. and over 1dc. per Paris, April .7.--A despatch from Fire in a four-storey tenement house iv : the Echo DeParis, says that | in Lynn. Mass. threw the lodgers in "or months of Ju Wl August only. | Rome, to Aris, Sa) 3 tha y 22 on, Point % i Reg din : the Pope this year, will pressnt the | to great « tfusive, Spas Jumpin S k - : tee to Princess Ena of Batf | from the windows, and others were Hozge Golden R us | | from dows. and others wer Tce Sold at Tos; tenburg, King. Alfonso's fiance, - [eorrind down. by firemen, Mrs. Mer Small quantities, 13¢. per ent, ; > 2} rill, wife of the landlord, fainted in 200 to 500 lbs. 124c. per. ewt: rr re tie ae re pn | Over 500 ibs. $1.90 per. tom. Hawed Gen. Mistchenko, the Cossack lead | the = Hot nt oe as rescued just Tweiah os . of 5 i Tate on atowed jar. who crushed the revolutionary | 4% the hung Tcl an, - cry heh 0 T be ecollecte® monthly. | movement here, at Harbin, and along | Up Te wn Of 374 Princess street. | the railroad, has left for St. Peters | Cambridge Won. "Phone, 497 : | burg. : Sale | London, April 7.-The annual boat Down Town Office, 285 Wellington St. | Buy sweet pea seed at Gibsons Red race between Oxford and Cambridge 'Phone, 443 | Cross Drue Store. All fresh seeds there. | | THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. | ESTARLIRWFD 1963. . President--Sir Richard Cartwright | y loaned on City and Farm Pro- | Money loan nd Fa es. Municipal and Deben- { Jerties Mértrages pirchased. Deposits | received and interest allowed } S. C. McGill, Managing Director. | Office, 97 Clarepce street, Kingston. "Phone 230 { Cambridge by fi lengths, Be sure of and get your sweet pea seed at Chown's drug store Some men think that they are weary | HUOCeSE Campbell Bros. in well-doing because their jaws ache Lhe only Sten n Kine Touk's famous linen collars 13e., or Sol wi buy Scott's high 2 for 25c. J. P. Forrest," King street. | hat are plentiful in the') ar Sweet "peas, gli olor Even the man who isn't square may | reliable seed as we be cornered. " ' Chownn's drug store. ston whe grade The =ame have always sold, i i | { ver and far-reaching than is generally | anticipated RUSSIAN 10AN Cannot Be Recommended To Germans. SITUATION DEPICTED IN ALARMING MANNER. . It is Said That Germany is Up- " setting. Political = Artange- "ments and There is Danger of a Decided Type -- A Big Cruiser Has Been Found Un- seaworthy. April 7.-A German official *ement, that the government is 0 recommend a Russian loan to the German market, is exciting at- tention in all the European capitals, There is a widespread opinion, despite an official intimation, that no politi- cal consideration is involved, that Germany's refusal is intended as a snub in return for Russia's failure to support Germany at the Algeciras con- ference, os The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Telegraph depicts the situation, of which the German refusal is an in dieation, in quite ap alarming man ner. Germany, he save, resolved Ao make herself « and Sit by all 'nations, js deliberately upsetting Europe's political arrangements with results which may become much gra- London, anno unubte conside Every power which con tributed to isolate Germany at Alge ciras has been or is being" punished more or less condignly. The Daily Express says that the new armoured cruiser, Duke of Edinburgh, commissioned three weeks. ago to join the first cruiser squadron, has been found unseaworthy, owing to her ex- cessive top hamper, and has been dockidd + at Portdmouth. During her am trials in the channel the vessel dled so badly that four of her dita del guns started © and threatened' to break adrift. PROPOSE CHANGES.- Acquirement of Oniario Veterin- ary College. ¥ Toronto, April 7.~When the house assembled yesterday the report of the royal commission of the University of Toronto was laid on the fable, It re- commends that administration of the university be placed in the hands of a n Tha he supervise the peademie that a faculty be created y the retained to works also TO ERECT FLAG POLE Fin, In Honor of Vietory of Brad- street, "The British Rag was raised by Bradsteeet ' when "he captured = Fort Frontenac and destroyed the naval supremacy of the French, on Lake On- tario, August 27th, 175%. Bradstréet brought 2500 men from Oswego. He threw up earth batteries from the wa- ter's edge: on which the K. & P. sta tion now stands, to the site of St, Paul's church. To commemorate this historic event of interest to all On- tario, the sailors of Kingston are uniting to erect a flag pole. The as- soctations of Masters and Mates and Engingers and the Lake Seamen and Marine Firemen's unions have agreed to offer this for the Frontenae Histori- cal society. The flag pole will not. be erected until the sailors return to port in order that they may all be present when the first flag is raised. The offer of the sailors is notewdr- thy for several reasons. The suggestion came from th@® lake seamen and the marine firemen took the first steps to, realize it, but inshoth wnione i wae a voluntary offering. The masters and mates and the engineers would not he left. out in the cold, and when ap: proached readily consented to unite with the unions that the flag pole might be the gift of all the men con- nected with the shipping interests, The Frontenac - Historical Saciety is delighted. It takes this unexpected gift as an omen that it will succeed in its endeavor to mark and restore thé various places of interest ond give Kingston its rightful fame as one of the most interesting historical places in Upper Canada. It hopes when the flag pole is erected that the dominion flag will float from it on all davs of national significance, ahd that it may be "the beginning of a growth of en thusiasm, for one flag and the prinei- ples for which it stands, This proffered gift is also significant of the growth in public estimation of our sailors, The public sehools, the in- croased intelligence demanded in their calling, "the hotter wages, making po, sible a higher stancard of living. have all tended to improve the status of the sailor and today seme of our mast intelligent as well as honest men follow the calling of the lakes, Sail- ors have always boen noted for their rough and ready virtues, their cour- age, presence of mind, in the face f danger, penerosily, but democracy in future, will award its plandits tn the men, who throngh dancer and hard ship' make possible our commerce and home comforts, - The Frontenas Historical Society renders, the sailors most hearty thanks for their offer to erect the flag pole. and hoves its: erection mav be as full of significance to the sailors as to the city and province. and - HE mW "wd | Received for law Society and the office of the president he in Benchers vested with very largely increased "mn A. powers. ' Toronto, April 7. These legal gon: Since it finds that $163.000.000 are tlemen have received the highest vote, invested in Ontario in live stock the | MP 10 00h today, In Fin tintasio commission advises that a degree in hs ot Hoga Sh og 181. veterinary science he established, and MN : at AY 178 Fo H. ae 175. inorder to avoid having a vival in- : halsn, Jo a. Ryley stitution, that arrangements should x. j. Jhischie i A Rn. athe, 171; be made to take over from the owners ) hs : D. wort "16%: RD, He, the 'Ontario Veterinary College, the | 1% DD. Guthrie, 169; R. M. Dennis: college to be conducted like the OA. ti, NOT POSITIVE That Bradley Was the With Child, April 7.-Eugenie Leduo Lapierre, the two little Man Seen Montreal, Beatrice rls who saw the murderer of five vear-old May Ahern, loitering about the church, at Cote St. Paul, were this worning, brought into the pre- sence of the man Bradley, who is de I on suspicion of havin~ commit- ed the crime, When they were brought face with him. Beatrice La h the younger of the two, so overcome by emotion, that she fainted dead away. When she ame. to, however, she said that she thought he reserobled the man she saw a great deal, still she could not itive to estimony given who also declared that thought it was the-man not take her oath to that as his icentity, he pe was by panion, she id FATHER WAS STABBED, The Son Says He Did It in Seli- Defence. Belleville, Ont., April 7.--George Camercn, 4 young farmer, of Carlow township, ix under _ arrest, charged with stabbing his father, There wasa over property, and the son claims that the old man struck him with his fist. Thereupon he - stabbed the old man three times in one arm and once in the other, severing an "artery in the left arm, from which wound the old man pearly bled to death. The wound. ed nan, 0 Cameron, is nearly eventy vears of age. The Spelling Cranks. alo Commercial, : Be oe a htt belated Tun out' of the "simplified! spelling' erusade, as ali the daily newspapers have done. "Shull we do it *" it asks, "Shall we oblige the committee and make sunpli fied spelling fashionable ? We ought to probably. We understand that Mr, Sprag, (Charles E. Sprague is a mem- has excised from letters that for- ber of committee) his name the silent merly give it a stylish appearance and had they; set in a ring which he has given to Mr, Carnegie as the first fruits of benevolence. Dr. Melvil Dewey, x member of the board, long ago Iropped the two silent letters of his first name. These gentlemen mean biz ness. Spelling rhyme "rime" is a little ike shaving one's mustache to go to a fancy ball, but we can do it if it is right, pnd the hoard intends to make toun, 128; W, B. Northrup, 125; F. W. Harcourt, 117; J. J. Bicknell, 116: E. *. B. Johnston, 76; FE. A. Duvernet, H. M. Mowat, 47, In the new incorporations. announc- od this week, it is stated that the MacLaren imperial cheese is authoriz ed to sell its entire assets to a com pany to carry on a similar business, 1. N. Poulon, Limited, Ottawa. isin corporated with a capital of $25.000, to carry on general drygoods busi . The Model Incubator company of Tor onto, a branch of the bir United States Cyphers company. is incorpor ated with a capital of $40,000, To Have A Big Field Day. Montreal, April 7.--At a meeting the: commanding officers of all military corps, in the city, last ing, at the Military Institute, Col. Buchan's plans for a field day, on Victoria day, May 24th, -were approv- ed. Instead of "the customary inspec tion, the plans for this year are much more extensive than in the past, and widl include some elgborate field manoeuvres. The city council will be asked to assist in bearing the expense of the day. Young Man Hurt. Harry Turier was driving from Barricfield, Friday evening, and when on King street his horse became frightened, The sudden bolt threw the young man out of the buggy and he was badly hurt. The doctor was called and he was removed to "Hotel Dien, Dr. De Forest claims to have sent messages across the Atlantic in good shape by his system of 'wireless tele graphy. Buy tooth brushes at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230, prompt delivery there, MARTEAU The World's Greatest Violinist, Will Visit Kingston FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH Subscription List at Uglow's. Plan Opens Thursday, April 12th. ALL P OWING 'STATUTE Labor FTL: Monday, April 9th, to appear will be summoned before the Police Magistrate. and 'save costs, : 3 0. V. BARTELS, o Pay up us see that it is right," - i Tax Collector. + AREAS RE . Here are the Raincoats. Justin time for the spring showers. Natty they are and supremely comfortable. Seems a shame to wear themy out in the wet. Yet they'll shed water like g ducks back, and on suany days they are just as useful, ; Lk They certainly are the all around good garment. 3 They are made from Modish Fabrics treated by the Cravenette process, and priced very low. Your size. is here and there'll hardly ® a better time to buy one. gk We have them in colors, Grey," Fawn and Castor, Every gar- ment is stylish and well tailored. bettef prices tam to $15. Be sure and see them at STEACY'S {Look for Big Announcement on Page 7, Saturday's Paper BELWA .--~In Barriefield, - on April 6th, 1908, Charles Belwa, arn Othe three years. 3 ¥ Funeral from his late residence, M morning at 10 o'clock. Friends acquaintances respectfully invited to attend SMITH. Entered into rest at Ganln Island, April 7th, 1908, Jans, be loved wife of Thomes ©. Smith, aged seventy vears. A Funeral notice later. L - 80d : BUSSELL EULERBECK, Gleava'e, Ont. Good relin SA n fe, wii wei outa 0% HR Phosa--230. 85e., 50c. \ Seats now on sale. Monday, April 9th The Play that Made Him Famous. The Original and Only One. HOYT'S A BUNCH. OF KEYS (OR THE L ) ! ol: Presented 330 Times fn New York ity. The" Fhervescent d Fartical Comedy, ative Ni Catchy § Novelties. ~ 1 Thursday. April 12th 'The Nison § 'imme: Opera Com- | nay 'RA the Li 4 Manica Crimeny Bounties THE OFF) With a Big Hila rious Boy